• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Symbol Pokemon

Kalos Region. Late Afternoon. Kalos Power Plant.

An environmentally responsible power plant that generates solar power from space.

After walking through the dry and hot Lumiose Badlands, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had come across Kalos Power Plant. Before, this facility used to be under the control of Team Flare and ransacked by Team Rocket once. But not anymore due to specific events. Now the place is officially under proper control with the right workers behind it.

"Okay." Silver Spoon looked at the map. "So, right near the Kalos Power Plant, up ahead on both directions would be Lumiose City. That's close to home. But, there's also Laverre City but we'll need to...Geez, this map is more confusing than I thought."

"I thought you had it down pat with no issues." Apple Bloom said to Silver Spoon.

"I thought so, but there's a lot more to it. Maybe I got an old version of the map?" Silver Spoon pouted.

"Bah, it doesn't matter." Scootaloo shook her head. "We'll just have to wing it and see how it goes. Then we'll get to where we wanna get."

"Pretty sure that ain't a good idea either..." Sweetie Belle lowered her eyes. "So, are we gonna enter that power plant? Shouldn't we focus on just going to the next town first?"

"Yeah, but we gotta enjoy the journey the whole way through, right?" Scootaloo grinned as she shoved her hoof on the door, opening the entrance to the power plant. Usually, a Power Plant Pass is needed to access the facility, but someone can just open it by free will alone.

"Being a place like this seems a bit uh...risky, don't you think?" Diamond Tiara knew that being in a power plant of all places could result in less than favourable situations.

After all, these are children at the end of the day. And their curiosity tends to be the most overpowering force next to hyperactivity. Immediately, they came across the entrance hall of the facility where the first thing that was within their point of view was some Steel and Electric-Type Pokemon. Fitting.

"Mag! Magnemite!"

"Beldum." The Magnemite and Beldum took notice of the newcomers, flying off instantly. It was hard to tell if they were greeting them at all. However, judging by their tone of voice, despite how artificial and robotic it may sound, there was some emotional volume behind it as they bellowed from the sight of the five foals.

"What's that all about?" Silver Spoon asked as everyone shrugged. Afterwards, they continued on their way. All they wanted to do was view this place out for themselves. There's even a chance they could catch some more Pokemon of their own.

Sweetie Belle was especially searching for a new Pokemon to add to her team for Pokemon Contests. And to an extent Scootaloo since she's aiming to be number one in the Equestria League. She already has five Pokemon with Gible being obtained today. Might as well have a sixth member along for the ride.

As they went past the entrance hall, just around the corner, they could spot multiple sparks of electricity flying about. Probably from the Magnemite. But, they seemed to be fairly destructive as the sound of a Pokemon could be heard in the distance. A Luxray.


"A Luxray?!" Scootaloo said as she and her friends sped up their walking to see what was going on. Perhaps a Pokemon Battle was taking place within the Power Plant. And once they got close enough, they saw Luxray tumble on the floor, hitting the walls of the power plant.


"Oh!" Scootaloo and the others stopped once Luxray came rolling over, crashing onto hard metal. The Gleam Eyes Pokemon got right back up afterwards, growling as some footsteps could be heard along with a voice.

"Luxray! Are you okay?!" Appearing from the side of the next part of this facility was the trainer of Luxray. The Lumiose City Gym Leader. The inventor lighting up the world. And a man of science and high creativity.


Clemont came over, kneeling and putting his hands over Luxray. The Electric-Type was fine but from all the scratches on him, he was certainly struggling against something. After showing up and holding Luxray, Clemont and Luxray's eyes quickly turned to the side where they noticed five fillies standing before them.

"Big brother!" Another voice came running over towards Clemont. A younger voice. Obviously from that shout, it was the sister of Clemont. Bonnie. "They're gone aga-"

And just like Clemont and Luxray, Bonnie stopped, looking at the ponies that stood before her, her brother and Luxray each. "Ponies?" Clemont spoke.

"Uh...S-Sorry if we're interrupting something." Diamond Tiara squeed.

"You...Aren't you those ponies from Ponyville?" Clemont actually recognized Apple Bloom and the others. Most likely from the wedding between Cranky and Matilda.

"You knows us?" Silver Spoon pointed her hoof at herself.

"Oh yeah! They do look familiar!" Bonnie nodded whilst holding Clemont's Dedenne.


"W-What's going on?" Scootaloo looked around. "Are you having a battle? Can we see?!"

"Not really a friendly Pokemon battle right now." Clemont stood up. "Are they still here?"

"No, they left." Bonnie shook her head. "But I think they're still in here somewhere."

"Who?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Sorry. But, there's a bit of an issue here at the Kalos Power Plant. Many of the workers and Pokemon here are in a bit of trouble and need our help against a lot of Pokemon." Clemont said.

"Which Pokemon?" Apple Bloom asked.

"The Unown," Clemont answered.

"Unown...?" The five fillies tilted their heads after hearing that name. This was their first time hearing of such a Pokemon. And one with a bizarre name too. More bizarre than usual.

"Right. It's this." Clemont held his Pokedex out, scrolling down to the newest Pokemon that his dex had discovered just recently as it read the entry out.

"Unown. The Symbol Pokemon. This Pokémon is shaped like ancient writing. It is a mystery as to which came first, the ancient writings or the various Unown. Research into this topic is ongoing but nothing is known. Because different types of Unown exist, it is said that they must have a variety of abilities. When alone, nothing happens. However, if there are two or more, an odd power is said to emerge."

"That's them?" Scootaloo uttered under her breath.

"They suddenly attacked the Kalos Power Plant just two days ago. And each day, they seem to come back continuously." Clemont explained. "This time, they might be sticking around instead of leaving for tomorrow."

"It's getting pretty tiring coming back here though..." Bonnie sighed. "They look so cute but they're so mean."

"Why do they keep attacking?" A curious Silver Spoon wanted more questions.

"Well, it could be because of this." Just then, from his many pockets, Clemont pulled out something unexpected. It was in the shape of a test tube. And traditionally, it had a liquid in it. But more importantly, not just any liquid.

Fusion Magic liquid.

"Oh! That's Fusion Magic!" Sweetie Belle and her friends collectively gasped and bellowed before locking their eyes onto the tube filled with Pokemon and Equestrian magic collectively. Clemont hid the tube back in his pocket just 2 seconds later.

"This is what they're after. And they've been pretty aggressive about it too. I have to hide it from them constantly but sometimes it doesn't work."

"Why are they after it?" Scootaloo asked.

"Not sure. Once we discovered some Fusion Magic and collected some, the Unown started attacking anyone who had them. You see that large pool of water in the oasis over there?" Clemont pointed outside, right at the pool located at the Lumiose Badlands.

"Yeah?" The five fillies each said.

"That used to have some of that Fusion Magic liquid a part of it. We found out just 5 days ago. And later on, the Unown ended up destroying the Fusion Magic around it. Now it's just an ordinary lake again."

"Destroyed it? They're strong enough to do that?" Apple Bloom uttered.

"We don't know why they hate it so much?" Bonnie shook her head. "Maybe it smells and tastes funny to them?"

"Maybe. It could be that because it throws the natural balance off. It's said that Unown are a part of Arceus. They're all Arceus' 1000 arms that were used to create the universe. So maybe something messes with the universe is deemed a threat in their eyes.

"But that can't be right." Diamond Tiara scratched her mane. "Arceus doesn't seem to care and he's like their boss, right?"

"You've met Arceus too?" Clemont and Bonnie leaned in.

"Yeah, but doesn't Arceus sleep a lot?" Silver Spoon responded. "I don't think he notices a thing. And it's just here?"

"Not just here. Just yesterday, we also found out that they've been attacking other locations with Fusion Magic across Kalos. They must be targeting anything related to it. This is the most we've seen of any Unown."

"Wait... then that means..." Sweetie Belle began processing things a bit. If the Unown are going about, attacking anything that is even remotely related to the Fusion Magic, mainly the Rift energy that resides in it, then that means that it won't just go through Kalos. And then it hit the little unicorn. "The giant cauldron with all of the Rift energy inside!"

"Oh yeah!" Scootaloo nodded. "They could find out about that one too! And don't Togekiss and Axew have some inside of them? It's all in-"

"Don't say anything!" Clemont covered Scootaloo's mouth. "The Unown can hear you. If you tell them where some of it is, they'll find it. That's how they found the first few Fusion Magic spots."

"Mmm..." Scootaloo responded with a muffled mouth. "We should warn Rainbow Dash and the others. But maybe not here."

"How many Unown are there right now?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Inside of this facility, about 60 of them. A pretty big bunch. We're just aiming to defeat them and hopefully prevent them from coming back here again. If that's possible." Clemont sighed.

"Well...We can help." Scootaloo said.

"We can?" The four other fillies spoke, looking at the pegasus.

"Yeah. Yeah! We totally can! See girls? This is our chance to do something big. We didn't really do much during the invasion but this could be it."

"Uh...No!" Diamond Tiara shook her head. "A Gible and bunch of Dugtrio and Trapinch are one thing. But this sounds a bit too risky! I mean, aren't these Unown a part of Arceus? That's like...a really big red flag!"

"Yeah and that dex entry doesn't make things better!" Silver Spoon shook her head rapidly along with Sweetie Belle.

"They're strong. But they're not unbeatable." Clemont answered, debunking the potential unstoppable nature of the Unown. "We've managed to take out a few before."

"See? If they can do it, so can we!" Scootaloo raised her hoof. "No need to worry...uhh..."

"Clemont. And this is my little sister, Bonnie." Clemont introduced himself and his sister.




"Okay! No need to worry, Clemont and Bonnie. Just let the Cutie Mark Crusaders help you out and we'll deal with your little Unown problem in a jiffy!"

"Wait...are you including us?" Diamond Tiara gulped as Scootaloo nodded without facing her. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sighed but they eventually were onboard with this. The thrill of the adventure eventually catches up to anyone near or far.

"Thank you." Clemont nodded in approval. The workers here are doing their best too and-" Just as he was about to finish his sentence, the sound of the Unown could be heard across the facility. "They might be coming back for more very soon. LEt's get moving!"

Equestria. Canterlot Castle.

"Pegalysium? Is that what that could've been?" Celestia asked her mother about matters regarding what the pegasus had spotted within the sky.

"Maybe." Sunlight shrugged. "It's been brushed off as a foals tale or a myth at best. We haven't even seen it in Equestria when in the Ambrosial Plane."

"Which is odd. f that pegasus could see it for a slight moment, why couldn't we?" Eventide pondered.

"Well, we're not always watching over every passing second so we may have just missed it." Sunlight shrugged innocently.

"So it's still a major mystery..." Celestia sighed. "Alright. If by chance this Pegalysim place exists, I should probably take note of that. In the stories, is it deemed dangerous?"

"Well, since they separated themselves from Equestria, many deemed the pegasi of Pegalysim to be enemies. That might not be the case now if they're real."

"Well, in any case, it's still worth investigating. I'll have surveys across the skies and see if we can spot this door in the sky. If it really is Pegalysium."

"It is interesting to think about, isn't it?" Eventide smiled. "I wonder what their civilization is like? I mean, having one in the sky is something. The closest place I can think of that has a similar premise is...Seaquestria."

"I want to visit it myself actually." Sunlight giggled. "What about you, Adagio?"

"I mean, it sounds interesting." Adagio scoffed, not thinking it was a big deal. "I don't know, maybe I'd like experiencing it. Then again, I don't think I could trust it from the get-go. If they didn't want to be a part of Equestria, then shouldn't they be a threat?"

"Well..." Eventide scratched his mane. "Eh..."

"In any case, that's all I can give you and what I know. Good luck in finding Pegalysium. We'd love to see if it's real and not just some fable of foal story. Bye-Bye!" Sunlight wrapped her hoof around Eventide before having a pillar of golden and silver light beam down on them.

And just like that, they were gone. Back to the Ambrosial Plane.

"So...are we gonna continue our magic lesson or..." Adagio tapped her hoof.

"Oh, right. Let's finish our lesson. First, I'll just inform some of the guards for a moment. If it exists, they must only survey and spectate over it. Not approach it. Not sure what the pegasi in a civilization such as that may possess."

"Do they even know about the Pokemon?"

"Well...They might know about Rayquaza at least? Anyway, just give me a moment, Adagio." Celestia went off to start an overwatch of the skies, aiming to discover a place that would be considered mythical and make-belief.

Then again, it's only mythical until someone proves it real.

Kalos Power Plant. Afternoon.

The Unown lurked within the facility, searching for any trace of Fusion Magic at almost every corner. Right now, Clemont and the others had arrived at the generator hall where the rest of the workers were. Not only that but there was a huge holographic screen that showed a view of Lumiose City.

"Hey. Isn't that Lumiose City?" Sweetie Belle noticed.

"Right. The Power Plant can watch over Lumiose and other parts of Kalos. Take a look." Clemont pointed towards the screen, showing them the sight of other Unown.

The Unown were moving around, some of them in secrecy. They were searching for any trace of Fusion Magic as many of the citizens of Lumiose City were a bit worried, watching as the Symbol Pokemon swarmed the city. They hadn't attacked anyone yet, they were just searching for Fusion Magic.

Normally, because of their very timid and careful character, The Unown choose not to go out to the external world. But they can make an exception with this.

"The same can be said for everywhere else." Clemont went up to the module, changing the screen to show Ambrette Town. And over at Ambrette Town, the Unown was more definitely attacking, meaning that they've found some Fusion Magic. But, the Officer Jenny of this town wouldn't just let that happen as she could be seen arriving to stop this sudden attack.

"They're seriously going everywhere?!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed.

"As long as there aren't any traces of Fusion Magic, anyone nearby should be safe." Clemont switched the screen back to Lumiose City. "But anyone who does have it, not so much."

"We've yet to drive away the Unown that have shown up here." A worker spoke. "We managed to get out some of the Fusion Magic that was found inside of the facility and send it off somewhere else. It wasn't easy with all those Unown following us."

And speaking of the Unown, appearing right above Clemont and everyone were most of the Symbol Pokemon. At least 25 of them as they phased into existence using their bizarre and potent Psychic powers.

"They're here!" Bonnie looked up. The Unown let out their own cries which were difficult to explain. They acted like Legendary Pokemon in which they don't actually call out their names. Most of them anyway, the Regis are an exception along with a few others.

As they surrounded the group from above in a spiral, each of them collectively used the same move and only move that they can utilize.

Hidden Power.

The 25 Unown shot red energy beams out of their eyes as each of them had a different type behind it despite being Normal of origin. Everyone immediately scattered and bolt off once the Hidden Power came their way.

"Luxray, Electric Terrain!" Clemont ordered.

"Ray!" Luxray released multiple bolts of yellow electricity from his body, causing his body and the surrounding area to glow yellow, powering up all Electric-type moves. The Unown went for yet another Hidden Power since that was all they could do.

"Now's our chance! Come out, Cyndaquill!" Scootaloo threw out her own Pokemon as Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sent out their own Pokemon. Sweetie Belle had Piplup out already due to the heat.

Out came Scootaloo's Cyndaquil, Apple Bloom's Emolga, Diamond Tiara's Purrloin and Silver Spoon's Glameow.

"They're Psychic so this should be easy. Purrloin, use Night Slash!" Diamond Tiara ordered.

"Purr!" The Devious Pokemon held her claws out as they became cloaked in a scarlet darkness. Afterwards, Purrloin lunged off the floor with the jumping strength of a cat as she slashed her claws twice, hitting two Unown in the process. The two Unown had been knocked back afterwards as they spiralled around.

Unown are strong when together but they are still fragile Pokemon at the end of the day.

"Alright, Luxray, use Thunder Fang!"

"Cyndaquil, use Flame Wheel!"

"Piplup, Bubble Beam!"

"Glameow, Feint Attack!"

"Emolga use Acrobatics!"

"Cynda!" Cyndaquil and the others went on the offensive. Cyndaquil curled into a ball as a spiralling aura of fire covered his body afterwards, matching a wheel. He then rapidly spun around on the floor, leaving a burn mark before charging at some of the Unown.

Luxray's fangs glowed yellow as sparks of yellow electricity surround them. By lunging into the air, it attempted to bite down on some of the Symbol Pokemon. Emolga and Glameow also moved in. Piplup just aggressively shot out a barrage of bubbles from his mouth.

The Unown, in their bizarre ways, frantically moved across the room, evading the moves that came after them. In some cases, they used Hidden Power against the Pokemon. 5 Unown had blasted Piplup's Bubble Beam with Hidden Power Electric, overpowering the beam of bubbles and striking Piplup instead.

"Lup!" The Penguin Pokemon cried out as it took damage equivalent to how he would if hit by an Electric-Type attack.

Some of the Unown had been hit by Emolga's rapid moving Acrobatics but had sacrificed themselves to allow the other Unown to attack from behind. Three red beams shot Emolga from behind, having the power equivalent to Rock-Type.


"Ray!" Luxray bit into one Unown, knocking it out due to the help of Electric Terrain. The Gleam Eyes Pokemon then tossed the Unown aside before lunging at the next Unown.

"Now use Wild Charge, Luxray!" Luxray was without a doubt the fastest Pokemon here as he started bolting his way towards the Unown, covering his body in lightning as he crashed right into ten of them, knocking the Unown out.

"Cyndaquil!" Cyndaquil moved past Luxray, smashing his flaming body onto some Unown whilst rolling around at almost the speed of the sound. Cyndaquil then made a drift, avoiding the incoming red beams from the Unown.



The two cats had some great synergy together considering who their trainers were and their own friendship. With swift and crafty movements, Purrloin and Glameon were able to slash and cut away at the Symbol Pokemon with the power of Dark by their side. The Unown in front of them fainted in one fell swoop from their slashes, however, the two cats were quickly surrounded by other Unown that had each used Hidden Power.

Purrloin and Glameonw had been hit by Hidden Power Fighting as the surrounding beams blew up around them, causing them both to cry out.

"Piplup! Aerial Ace!"

"Emolga, Thunder Shock!"

"Pip!" The Penguin Pokemon lit his wings up as he moved at great speeds that confounded some of the Unown. Afterwards, Piplup slashed his wings onto some Unown whilst Emolga ascended into the air, shooting out electrical shocks that scattered in multiple directions.

These multiple bolts of lightning gave many of the Unown a sudden smite, shocking them all around as the bolts spread out, causing a chain reaction. Practically almost every Unown had been hit by Thunder Shock, and as a bonus, thanks to Electric Terrain, it was stronger than ever.

The Unown had all dropped to the floor like flies after Emolga's Thunder Shock. That one attack seemed to be what was needed to end this as the Electric-Flying-Type descended to the floor.


"Phew. That could've gone worse." Apple Bloom sighed. "Are they down?"

"Not all. Look!" Clemont pointed as some of the Unown had gotten back up. But they had taken serious damage from all those attacks. They started spinning around, using electromagnetic waves to communicate with each other.

"Are they gonna leave again?" Bonnie asked whilst everyone looked up at them.


The Unown weren't leaving here yet. Neither were they retreating. Instead, they were up to something else. Coming for an assist were the rest of the Unown as they made their entrance into the generator hall. Now most of them were in here as they all flocked to their fellow Symbol Pokemon. The workers had left the room already by this point. The Unown each got into a formation, replicating the shape of a globe of all things. Everyone stood firm, not knowing what was coming next.

But the Unown certainly did.

All at once, they unified their power as one without having to use Hidden Power. Their eyes emanated a golden glow, similar to the one Arceus possess. Everyone witnessed this golden glow emerge as their bodies had suddenly frozen in place, vibrating. They all then collectively gasped.

"W-What is this?!" Scootaloo noticed how she couldn't move as golden lights were pulsating after that.

"T-They didn't do this before! It must be because there's more of them now!" Clemont strained.

"W-What does that mean?!" Diamond Tiara groaned before remembering the dex entry of Unown. When alone, nothing happens. However, if there are two or more, an odd power is said to emerge. And at this point, there were more than two as they were unleashing amazing power.

And this power went as followed. After the light finally flashed at its brightest, everyone closed their eyes. And before they knew it, their bodies, in the blink of an eye, had been warped out of the generator hall and seemingly existence whilst spiralling around. The last that had been heard was their echoing cries.

Afterwards, the Unown had all flown out of the generator room, still searching for any trace of Fusion Magic. They knew that some Fusion Magic was here for certain. They have a somewhat sixth sense.

But aside from that, the disappearance of Clemont and the others was something that had been unseen. But only seen by the Unown.

It seemed like they were warped away somewhere else. In a sense, they were.

"Mm..." The first to grumble and slowly awake was Apple Bloom. She immediately felt herself lying on something. Something grassy and fairly soft. And once both her eyes opened, they were met with the sight of a grassy field. Gasping as loud as she could, Apple Bloom sat up. "Where are we?!"

Quickly crying out and breathing and out, she felt a rush within her. Being warped from one place to another can be fairly perplexing to the heart. However, once she took a moment to simmer down, she looked at her surroundings, noticing what else was right here.

Clemont and everyone else was with her, thankfully as they were also getting back up. They had slight headaches after that warp, groaning, moaning and straining in the process. Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief, glad that her friends were okay. However, as she looked up, she noticed something off with the sky.

It was pink.

Not just that, but there seemed to be large mounds of apples, ribbons and trophies scattered across the area. They were replacing mountains and hills as there was more to be seen in the far distance.

"What...?" A dazed Apple Bloom uttered as soon, everyone else noticed the surrounding.

"W-When did we get here? Is this Equestria?" Sweetie Belle spoke.

"No..." Clemont shook his head as he stood up tall. "I've heard about this. This an illusion made by Unown."

"An illusion?" The young children each said as they looked to the horizon of a vibrant and calming pinky sky.

Certainly, this wasn't the first thing Apple Bloom and the others were expecting when setting out on a journey. Coming across the mysterious Unown and their pursuit to destroy anything related to Fusion Magic out there, seemingly unaware of Equestria at the moment.

The journey to Ninja Village would obviously have some instances that would delay the arrival there. But then again, that's what makes it an adventure as the journey continues.

Chapter 473 End.

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