• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Cobalion and Celestia

Canterlot. Day.

Within the castle, and across all of Equestria, morning had come. Fairly early too. Just around 5:00. Celestia had just raised the sun for another beautiful day. Plus, it's the verge of summer so the sun had a greater reason to be extra dazzling from now on.

One of the ponies that were up early was Flurry Heart who was staying over in this universe for the time being By exiting the guest room, the young alicorn's mane was all a mess as she stumbled while walking.

"Ugh..." She groaned, feeling like a wreck. More than she's ever been. It was most likely the time she spent with the Pokemon and how frantic and lively they can be. Especially the nocturnal ones.

Looking an absolute mess with her regalia off, the young alicorn decided to clear her appearance before she can properly tackle the day. But if anything, there was already someone 100% ready for a special event today.

That, someone, was Celestia who was currently in her room, checking herself in the mirror. Flurry Heart passed by, noticing her alternate universe great auntie in the room as she stopped by.

"Hm..." Celestia observed. "Ah. I'm sure he wouldn't care either way."

"Great auntie?" Flurry Heart knocked on the door before entering. "What's happening? Who wouldn't care?"

"Flurry Heart. Good morning. You look...um...great."

"Mmrrgh...Stayed up mostly all night. "So what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just preparing for my date today, that's all."

"Date?" Flurry squinted her eyes before her tired brain started processing those words. "Oh. You mean with...?"

"Cobalion? Yes. It's been a long time coming. Well...we somewhat had one two months ago at the restaurant, but this one will go exceedingly well! Cobalion and I have chosen to go to a beach. Well, I chose to. A nice place in Alola known as Pokemon Paradise Resort."

"Pokemon Paradise...Resort?"

"Mhm. It's the perfect place to get away from it all. We can hang out at the beach, float in the beautiful clear ocean for a nice swim, dine on some wonderful food during the wonderful sunset. Doesn't it sound romantic?"

"Uh...Y-Yeah." The tired alicorn nodded. "So that's what you're planning?"

"Well, really, that's what you can mostly do there. If anything, Cobalion and I are just going to do whatever we can and want. He's a bit of a hard character to read after all."

"That place sounds fun. Can I come along auntie?"

"Oh, sorry. It's just going to be Cobalion and me today and nopony else."

"Garde?" Passion peered through the door.

"That means you can't come along as well, Passion. Sorry."

"Voir..." Passion sighed as she moved away.

"I'll have to get moving. The Pokemon Paradise Resort is extremely popular. Thus, reservations are hard to obtain. Luna will be out training with her Pokemon for the Equestria League. Will you be fine on your own, Flurry Heart?"

"Oh, sure. I can stay here and check out more of those Pokemon cards with Premium Polish." Flurry Heart nodded. "But uh...when am I gonna get the chance to see the 'me' in this world?"

"The you in this world? Oh, you mean your baby self? Ah...maybe later. Another time. It'd be too sudden and shocking to reveal yourself to Cadence and Shining Armor, wouldn't it?"

"I guess so. But I do wanna see my parents. Even though they're not my parents. But they are. But they aren't. You know what I mean."

"I do. Take care, alright?" Celestia hugged her alternate universe niece before walking out of the room. "Passion! Arcanine! Look after the place and everyone in it, alright? The same goes for Reshiram!"



Alola Region. Pokemon Paradise Resort. Day.

The Pokemon Paradise Resort. Living up to its name truly feels like paradise and a perfect place to kick back, relax, and take a load off. The best area of this place is the Play Area. The Play Area consists of many locations where Pokémon and Trainers can relax and have fun, including a swimming pool, hot springs, two water-slides where Pokémon can go down in a raft, and a water volleyball net.

Aside from that, there was more to experience here. A fairly addicting restaurant could be found in this resort as well. There were already people and Pokemon having the time of their life here under the Alolan sun.

And soon, the same will go for Cobalion and Celestia who arrived here. Cobalion was originally out in the wilderness, protecting others from harm as he usually does. Celestia was the one who found him and brought him here. This would truly be their first time together and no one else.

This would also be the first time Cobalion interacts with many humans considering his status as a Legendary Pokemon. But, over the years, he's gotten used to the public.

"Can you feel that, Cobalion?" Celestia said with sunglasses on and a beaming smile. "That Alolan sun. It's something to behold, isn't it?"

"Certainly." Cobalion nodded.

"Oh! Let's try that Water-Type tank experience!" Celestia looked up at Cobalion, pointing her hoof over at a gigantic water tank that had Water-Type Pokemon dwelling within it.

Celestia ran ahead with Cobalion casually walking. He wasn't in such a hurry like Celestia. When Cobalion got a move on, everyone locked eyes on him. He was a fairly popular Legendary Pokemon and witnessing him here just threw many of the Trainers off guard. If anything, Cobalion was the main attraction. Not the resort.

This giant water tank offered some kind of challenge instead of just viewing the Pokemon inside. Seats were surrounding the tank as it connected to the seas of Alola, allowing everyone to witness what goes on inside.

"Alola!" The two male and female employees assigned to this water tank greeted Celestia and Cobalion. "Welcome to the Water Tank Challenge! Princess Celestia and uh...C-Cobalion?"

"Alola!" Celestia greeted back with an enthusiastic response.

"Alola." Cobalion had a less energetic one.

"Are you here to try the challenge?" The male employee asked.

"Oh, yes. What is it about exactly?" Celestia questioned.

"Find the Golden Water-Type!" The female employee bellowed, pointing at the tank. "All of these Water-Types are vastly different from their original colours. So different, that they're not even their Shiny Colours. Something happened west of Alola that altered their colours."

"Oh?" Cobalion and Celestia both said.

"See that?" The male employee pointed his thumb at a Goldeen that had circular crystal patterns around its body as scales. Its eyes were even sparkling like crystals. "That Goldeen's a bit different than a regular one, isn't it? And there are other Pokemon with colours and appearances you've never seen before. Even the people of Alola haven't seen these kinds of Pokemon. But some normal familiar one can still be found."

"Never before seen...? Oh! Wait!" Celestia quickly recognized what this could be. "These may be Equestrian forms!"

"...Equestrian forms?" The two employees said together.

"You said this happened west of Alola, correct? And that these are essentially new to the region? Fusion magic must've touched them and altered their appearances."

"Is that what that is?" The female shrugged. "Hm. Oh well! That makes it even better!"

"That's why you need to score to find the Diamond Water-Type. One made of pure Diamond on all parts. Can't say which Pokemon it is, but if you can find it, you can score 100,000,000 points! The rest are small scale in comparison!" The male employee explained.

"And if either of you wins...you get some of these rewards, eh?" The female employee showed a plethora of rewards being a curtain. It consisted of the usual things you'd find in challenges. But one of these objects stood out in particular.

Boxes of cakes. Five in total. Each with its own flavour. This kind of reward was tailored towards the hungry types. And it was also most definitely tailored to the Ruler of Equestria as her eyes shot up.

"Cobalion!" Celestia held Cobalion's hoof while looking up at him. "We have to find that golden Water-Type immediately! I have to!"

"Where's this sudden energy coming from...?" Cobalion was a bit intimidated.

"How do we play?!" Celestia asked.

"Well just swim in there, draw in and tag the Water-Type Pokemon with this delicious Pokemon food that comes out of it..." The male employee held out a sort of shooting object that resembled a vacuum "And just score them with the tag. The appearance of the Pokemon matters, but nothing beats the Diamond Water-Type. If you can find it."

"Seems easy enough." Celestia nodded.

"You'll need some diving gear and-" The female employee was ready to give them both equipment.

"No need. We'll just use this." Celestia chose to use the underwater breathing spell on both her and Cobalion. Usually, it'll last for 20 minutes, but for somepony like Celestia, 40 minutes is her maximum.

"Oh. Well then, take these." The female employee then lent the vacuum shaped objects to Cobalion and Celestia. "But uh...they're a bit too big for Cobalion, aren't they?"

"I'll be fine." Cobalion wrapped the object's handle around his neck. "Just one thing I need to make clear. The Pokemon won't be harmed by these weapons, will they?" He said in an imposing tone that made the employees shudder.

"N-N-N-N-No, no! They won't be harmed. It's just food." The male employee laughed nervously.

"Good. Let's go, Princess."


Canterlot, day.

With Celestia gone on a date with Cobalion, it was just Luna, Flurry Heart, Premium Polish, the guards and the Pokemon. Their absolute ruler isn't present at the moment.

But, another group also present here, were the rest of the Swords of Justice. Terrakion, Virizion and Keldeo. Right now, they were speaking to Reshiram in the Canterlot Gardens. Reshiram is an important figure in Unova after all, so it would only make sense that the other important figures of Unova would chat with the Vast White Pokemon. Even if it wasn't their universe's Reshiram. Flurry Heart trotted outside as she had approached the Swords of Justice. and the Vast White Pokemon.

"So you're all heroes, right?"

"We are." Virizion nodded in confirmation. "In two worlds. Not just one."

"We've done some pretty impressive stuff, ya know." Keldeo let out a proud smile. "We saved an entire kingdom, a bunch of cities from Dynamax Pokemon. Pretty large scale events."

"Don't showboat kid." Terrakion nudged Keldeo. "But yeah. They are pretty impressive."

"Just you three? Uh, four technically."

"Not quite. We had some help from others. Trainers to be exact. Especially during the Dynamax Crisis." Virizion explained.

"There are those Elements of Harmony ponies." Terrakion began naming those that assisted them. "Oh, those guards sometimes help out. Though they're not that good at it, sadly. There's that Hollow trainer, his help is appreciated. And there's Ash and Pikachu. Long time friends."

"Oh, I've heard of those two. Auntie' a bit scared of them."

"Scared of them?" Virizion shot up.

"She said that those two were threats that should be taken care of immediately. Along with other powerful Pokemon and Trainers."

"She should be scared. Guys like us and them dealt with an entire kingdom. I bet we can deal with an empire." Keldeo boasted. "M-Maybe. I don't know."

"About Ash...that Delayed Aura Ataxia is proving to be too much of a problem." Virizion turned to Terrakion and Keldeo. "It's always been an issue for Aura users, but Ash is experiencing the worst of it."

"No way to stop it, right?" Keldeo replied.

"I heard a long time ago that the Sir Aaron human found a way past the disorder." Terrakion looked up. "Whatever he did, it worked out well for him. He hasn't passed out ever since back then."

"And you're unaware of what it is?" Virizion asked.

"Mm." Terrakion unfortunately did not know how Sir Aaron got past such an issue. But he had heard it many years ago. Most likely around the time when Sir Aaron was still around. "But I'm sure someone's gonna find out what it is eventually."

"Say, can you teach me more about Pokemon? You've all probably been around for a long time, right? You can come upstairs with me to open Pokemon cards!" Flurry Heart insisted.

"Cards? Sorry kid, but we don't really have time for something like that." Terrakion shrugged.

"I wouldn't say that." Virizion cut in. "Right now, Cobalion's probably having the time of his life with Princess Celestia. Why shouldn't we? Besides, if there's any trouble out there, we'll attend to it like always."

"Hm...I guess so." Terrakion thought about it for a while before agreeing with his fellow Sword of Justice. "It's not fair that Cobalion gets to have all the fun though. What do you think, Keldeo?"

"I got to go on an adventure with Ash and Pikachu once. Yeah, I wanna try opening some cards!" Keldeo bellowed. "...What are cards?"

"What about that Pokemon there? Reshiram?" Flurry Heart pointed her hoof at the Vast White Pokemon.

"Reshiram needs time to properly rest. Which means little interruptions that are highly active. Communication is fine." Virizion explained.

"Oh. Okay! Come on!" Flurry Heart held Virizion's hoof out of excitement. "I've got a lot I want to show you! And I wanna know more about Pokemon! There's this really cute Pokemon I found on the card Minccino and its ears just look soooooo fun!"

She kept rambling on as her words were fading in the background. Much like their leader, the Swords of Justice had something entertaining to do on this shining day.

Alola. Pokemon Paradise Resort, day.

Speaking of Cobalion, he and Celestia were already within the large water tank, ready to start the challenge. This was Cobalion's first time taking part in something like this. He wasn't exactly the kind to involve himself in entertaining and action-thrilled activities. Aside from Pokemon battling.

But Celestia, most definitely.

Celestia wore protective swimming armour gear for safety measures. But Cobalion wore nothing. If anything, his steel body was protective armour in itself.

Outside the water tank, many people and Pokemon had sat down on the seats to watch this little challenge. Mainly because of Cobalion. It's impossible to just ignore a Legendary Pokemon casually moving about in such a public place.

But then again, the Island Guardians like Tapu Koko are frequently seen so it's not too out of the ordinary for Alola. The two male and female employees acted as the announcers for this challenge.

"Alola!" The male one greeted. "Thank you for waiting! This game can finally begin! Uh...P-Pay attention to the fish and not Cobalion, if you can."

"I don't blame you all though!" The female one yelled.

"I didn't expect so many spectators." Cobalion spoke while swimming within the tank while the underwater breathing spell was active.

"Not too used to it, eh? Canterlot barely has this many residents." Celestia responded.

"Not really. Saving everyone from that Dynamax Crisis certainly drew some attention back then. I just prefer places with little popularity. But...this doesn't seem so bad."

"Right? Moments like these are what I really appreciate. Having to be a ruler for so long can take away from that. I'm actually grateful for our worlds crossing over. Then I wouldn't have a different life path and experience than whatever the original had in store."

"Think you could still find enjoyment in the original time then?"

"Maybe...Ah! There!" Celestia spotted her first Water-Type. A brand new Equestrian Sharpedo. It had the natural build of a regular Sharpedo, however, the main difference was that it looked like an actual torpedo, truly living up to its name.

"Sharpedo!" The Brutal Pokemon roared while zooming through the water. It seemed to be faster in this new Equestrian form.

As if it wasn't fast enough already.

"Such speed!" Celestia gasped. "But I can catch it!" With a confident grin, the Sun Princess readied the shooting weapon as all the necessary energy was loaded into it.

By locking her eyes onto the Brutal Pokemon, Celestia fired a giant array of food that appeared in the form of a pink cloud towards Sharpedo.

"Sharp!" But, with its great speed, Sharpedo evaded the pink cloud blast, avoiding the food that came out of it. Sharpedo then used some sort of jet propulsion from its new body, moving at a faster pace.

"Drat! Let's try that again!" Celestia began reloading.

"Hold on." But, Cobalion moved forward, stopping Celestia from taking another aim. The Iron Will Pokemon had a slightly different approach.

Instead of blasting Sharpedo with a ton of food, Cobalion had a gentle approach while still intensively focusing his eyes on Sharpedo. With that gentle approach, the Steel-Fighting-Type was able to track down Sharpedo's ludicrous speed without issue.

Spending time with Virizion and other fast Pokemon has greatly helped him over the years.

And with a simple crank of the vacuum shaped weapon, Cobalion only fired one tiny piece of food instead of a giant blast of it like Celestia did. That tiny food piece moved at great speeds as Sharpedo didn't see it coming, unlike the large pink cloud.

"Shar?" Before it knew it, the piece of food entered the Brutal Pokemon mouth, too small for it to recognize. Once it entered, Sharpedo felt the food within its mouth before a beeping noise went off, indicating that Cobalion had scored. And Sharpedo enjoyed the food, even if it was just one bite. "Sharpedo."

"When dealing with fast Pokemon, you should catch them off guard with the smallest thing. Especially when it can be quickly released." Cobalion instructed the princess. "Anything too big and visible that takes time to build up is just waiting for them to avoid."

"Oh..." Celestia nodded in understanding. "And the slow or medium-paced Pokemon?"

"That should be self-explanatory." Cobalion reloaded the object before he and Celestia set off to tag more Pokemon with some delicious food.

The Water-Types saw Cobalion and Celestia approaching so they quickly scattered. They knew this was just a part of the game. Even if they end up getting caught, they get delicious food either way, so it's a win-win situation.

"Uh...Aren't they supposed to be competing against each other?" The female employee asked the male employee.

"Leave it. It's their first go anyway."

Cobalion and Celestia came across a large school of Equestrian Gorebyss. It had a large seashell as the replacement for its fine while having pearls on the side of its body. The Equestrian Gorebyss also had a giant clam with sharp teeth on the end of its tail.

Celestia saw that their speed was moderate at best, meaning that she could go wild with her firing. By spinning the crank of the weapon and swimming across the water, Celestia unloaded a widespread blast of Pokemon food while swimming along.

The food had struck the school of Gorebyss, connecting with mostly their clams. It seemed like the clam was sentient as it opened its mouth, gnawing on the food. It was similar to how the Shellder on Slowbro and Slowking are actually sentient themselves.

Another beep could be heard. Multiple of them. Celestia had scored multiple points by hitting multiple targets. Right now she seemed to be in the lead.

Cobalion came across an Equestrian Clawitzer that stood before him. This form of Clawitzer, instead of having a giant howitzer on it, Clawitzer's main usage of attack had been replaced for a super soaker. Of all things. It even matched the colours of a playful super soaker. Mainly light blue and green.

"Cla...witzer!" This Pokemon actually fought back. Just like a super soaker, Clawitzer had to pump up the attack it wanted to use, compressing the air within the reservoir. An air valve opened on the super soaker as Clawitzer had used Scald, shooting a stream of boiling water at the Iron Will Pokemon.

"Hoh?" Cobalion smiled as he was interested in this new challenge. The Steel-Fighting-Type responded by summoning his sword from his head. By doing so, Cobalion cut the stream of boiling water in half, splitting Scald.

With Scald defeated, the Iron Will Pokemon then shot a barrage of Pokemon food from the weapon. Clawitzer quickly responded by using Crabhammer to knock away the food, preventing it from entering its mouth. Although, it did want the food inside.

Cobalion then responded by using his sword once more, this time, in a different way. Cobalion used his Sacred Sword while spinning his head around. The sheer movement of his head and the sword was so great that Cobalion was changing the currents themselves.

"C-Claw!" Surprised by the current change, Clawitzer lost balance, floating towards Cobalion. And what that, Cobalion aimed, focusing his eyesight as he shot multiple bits of Pokemon food right into the mouth of the Howitzer Pokemon. "Witzer? Clawitzer!"

"Goldeen!" An ordinary school of Goldeen came this way, shooting Bubble Beam towards Cobalion to try and overwhelm him. This obviously didn't work as Cobalion cut one single bubble which ended up cutting all of them in the blink of an eye.

The school of Goldeen gasped as Celestia had come from the side, shooting food into their mouths. Fittingly, since all of the Goldeen had their mouths open from the gasp after seeing what Cobalion had done, Celestia found the perfect time to shoot.

Row by row, each of the Goldeen were fed some delicious Pokemon food, satisfying their stomachs as they immediately forgot about Cobalion's impressive cut.

The crowd cheered, impressed by what they were seeing. Usually, it's humans swimming about and feeding the Pokemon but seeing an alicorn and a Legendary Pokemon perform this was a treat to experience.

Cobalion and Celesti were each hitting targets left and right in their own ways. If any attacks came their way, Celestia would just use her magic to defend herself or Cobalion would just use his sword. One after the other, no Water-Type stood a chance.

One was energetic and all about unloading all the food while the other was calm and focused on precise sharp timing. A perfect mashup of two different personalities and a great dynamic. But of course, they were shooting for the one goal. The Diamond Water-Type, which has yet to reveal itself.

Until now.

While feeding a school of Remoraid, Cobalion felt a change in the currents. Something large and fast was coming this way. Something that would prove to be a true challenge.

"What is that?" Celestia also felt it as all the Water-Type scattered.

"Seems like the Diamond Pokemon is coming." Cobalion observed as he already noticed a giant shadow looming over him and Celestia. Celestia shuddered from the giant shadow as she could hear a horrifying howl that sounded like thunder.

Everyone watching the challenge also shuddered as their eyes and pupils expanded after witnessing the true appearance of the Diamond Pokemon.

When Cobalion and Celestia turned around, the Diamond Pokemon was revealed to be an Equestrian Gyarados. And it showed. Its scales were diamonds, the moustache it usually has were extended as the end of them were as sharp as diamonds. Its dorsal fins were altered to the point where not only were they hard as diamonds but they were slanted back a bit.

A giant crest laid on its head like usual but of course, it was as hard as diamonds while having a blue glow around it. In fact, the colour of an Equestrian Gyarados shifted from blue to pure silver while the underbelly was gold, similar to how it usually is with an ordinary Gyarados but with more pizazz.


"Oh my." Celestia could only say that as Gyarados roared at the duo. Just like Cobalion, it was capable of changing the currents itself, forcing them both back.

"That should be the main goal of this." Cobalion spoke unphased. "All we need is one shot and this little game is over, right?"

"It's a good thing that Gyarados always has its mouth open, doesn't it?" Celestia chuckled.

"Sure does! But you have to get at least 500 food in its mouth!" The male employee replied, showing that this wouldn't be as simple as it looked.

"Gyarados!" The Atrocious Pokemon moved in, heading straight for both Cobalion and Celestia. Gyarados swung its tail forward, aiming to whip them both away. Celestia gasped, quickly putting up a protective barrier around her and Cobalion.

Gyarados' tail smashed onto the barrier, causing a hard shockwave that launched them both away. The barrier almost shattered from Gyarados' hard diamond tail hitting Celestia's barrier.

The alicorn quickly let the barrier down before charging up the weapon to try and unload more than 100 food bits into Gyarados' mouth. Holding it seems to unload food faster.

Gyarados quickly used an attack to try and befuddle them both. That move was Scale Shot. By using the hard diamond scales on its body, the Atrocious Pokemon shot its own scales at its target.

"Oh!" Celestia gasped as her weapon hadn't finished charging yet. And those diamonds wouldn't be so pleasant to be hit by. It was a moment like this where she was glad she had the recommended armour gear on.

Thankfully, Cobalion was here. By using his sword, the Iron Will Pokemon cut the diamonds in half with just two slashes, separating them to drift along in the water. That save from Cobalion allowed Celestia to finish charging up the weapon as she finally released it.

Out of it, hundreds of Pokemon food came flying out, heading for Gyarados' always open mouth. It was a direct hit for the most part. Around 50 Pokemon food were able to enter the mouth of Gyarados before the Atrocious Pokemon swam away. Celestia now had to recharge it.

Gyarados then used Twister. Within the water itself, the Atrocious Pokemon spun around, whipping up a vicious tornado within the water. Essentially creating a vortex or a whirlpool.

Any nearby Pokemon were immediately drawn in by this vortex as Gyarados kept spinning, making it harder for Cobalion and Celestia to properly aim for the mouth with this constant movement.

"W-Woah!" Celestia, along with the rest of the Pokemon cried out as they were being pulled in. The alicorn princess tried to move away via teleportation magic, but there wasn't enough focus for that to happen. So instead, she grabbed onto an Equestria Sharpedo. Right onto its tail fin.


"If you don't want to be sent in will you swim fast with me?" Celestia asked the Brutal Pokemon.

"Sharp!" Sharpedo agreed. By using the jet propulsion on the end of its body, the Equestrian Sharpedo, with Celestia holding on for dear life, took off like an actual torpedo, leaving a shockwave through the water that wasn't enough to match Gyarados' vortex. But it did get them a bit further away from Gyarados' twister.

But not by much. Gyarados sped up its spinning as the vortex was only growing larger. Even a fast Pokemon like Sharpedo couldn't evade it.


"This is getting a bit out of hand." And like always, Cobalion was not bothered. Mostly because he was prepared for anything. Including this.

By using his sword, just like what he did against the Equestrian Clawitzer, Cobalion swung his sword in the water with sheer power, changing the currents yet again. Cobalion's force was so grand that not only could it match Gyarados' frantic spinning, but it could also overpower it.

"Dos?!" Gyarados noticed that was something was off. The vortex it had made was being pushed back as it had stopped spinning from the current change. The Atrocious Pokemon was befuddled as the vortex had also been cut in half by Cobalion's slice, even though it didn't connect at all.

"Now!" Cobalion cried out.

"Okay!" Celestia aimed her weapon at Gyarados who was a bit perplexed at the moment. To buy Celestia some time, Cobalion personally advanced towards Gyarados while the rest of the Water Pokemon swam away.

"Dos!" Gyarados roared at the Iron Will Pokemon before using Scale Shot once more, shooting its own diamond scales at the Steel-Fighting-Type.

Cobalion kept his sword up, using its sharpness to cut through the scales like they were nothing. Not even the hard scales of an alternate Gyarados were enough to go up against a Sword of Justice. Especially the leader.

Gyarados then tried a different approach. Within the water itself, the Atrocious Pokemon summoned electricity via Thunderbolt. An orb of electricity emerged as Gyarados fired 100,000 volts of electricity towards Cobalion. Within the water, the electricity was already spreading.

Cobalion would have to take this a bit more seriously. The response to Thunderbolt was the move, Metal Burst. Cobalion stood there as the bolt of 100,000 volts struck him, covering his entire body. The Iron Will Pokemon closed his eyes as he barely felt the Thunderbolt through his tough exterior.

Once that was over, Metal Burst could be initiated. Cobalion's body illuminated a metallic aura as he formed a white ball in front of its mouth. Out of his mouth, he retaliated with a giant blast of metallic energy.

Gyarados' eye widened as the favour had been returned with all that metal covering its body. It certainly felt that. It was still the Water-typing after all so the damage resembled that of Thunderbolt due to how Metal Burst works.

Afterwards, Cobalion swam out of the way, allowing Celestia to finally unleash the food. She had been given plenty of time while Gyarados was staggered.

"Here goes! Eat up!" Celestia cried out as more than 10,000 waves of Pokemon food came flying out of the weapon. There was so many with such a powerful release that Celestia launched herself back from it, spiralling through the water.

All of the food entered Gyarados' open mouth, filling up the Atrocious Pokemon and stuffing its cheeks. Before it knew it, Gyarados' mouth was full. Something that seemed impossible due to how it's built. All the food inside of its mouth was overwhelming but nothing it couldn't swallow. With a hard gulp, the Atrocious Pokemon swallowed all of the food given to it by Celestia.

"Gyara!" It was safe to say that Gyarados was satisfied as a loud and rapid beeping could be heard. Celestia was caught by Cobalion as that was the end of that.

"Game set! That's 100,000,000 points right there!" The female employee roared along with the audience. It was truly a treat to watch all of that play out. "Winner! Princess Celestia!"

"Oh. I won?" Celestia flashed her eyes.

"You sure did, princess." Cobalion let out a smile as Celestia noticed she was being held by Cobalion causing her to screech and fly off.

"Aaah!" She breathed in and out rapidly while being flustered. "Not when everypony's watching!"


After winning, Celestia and Cobalion exited the giant water tank as one of them was ready to select a prize of their choice. AKA, Celestia. And she already had one thing in mind.

"Congratulations, princess." The male employee applauded. "Now that you've won the game, which reward will you-"

"Cake!" She bellowed without any hesitation.

"Oh...uh...okay. All five boxes of cake it is." He nodded in confirmation, moving his hands towards the box of cakes along with the female employee. The male employee owned a Grovyle who had brought the cart of rewards over.


"Hehehe..." Celestia was riling herself up with a wide grin staring down the pastry before her. For years, Celestia has tried her best to keep her cake addiction a secret. But when she gets excited, it's nigh-impossible to do so.

Cobalion knew what was coming and he was going to stick around when it happens. This day wasn't over yet after all.

2 hours later.

After Celestia dined of her cake with no remorse with some of the cake getting on Cobalion's face while he watched, the two of them went on to do other things. Mainly under Celestia's decision.

Next, they tried some clothes shopping. More specifically costumes instead of natural clothes like suits or dresses. Something more extravagant was in Celestia's lane.

"I want to look dynamic during this year's Nightmare Night!" Celestia spoke while shuffling through a multitude of costumes. She tossed many of them aside as they each landed on Cobalion's head, obscuring the Iron Will Pokemon's vision. But, like always, Cobalion kept a straight face.

"Hm. I'm not sure you can fit in those, princess."

"Oh, it's fine. Rarity taught me exactly how to remodel human clothes to fit pony statures. Any of these will do." Celestia replied before covering Cobalion's entire face in costumes.

"I see." His voice became muffled through the clothes.

"Oh! I bet I could fit well in a superhero costume! Oh but this red and black scientist costume looks wonderful! So much to choose from!"

As Celestia continued to rummage through the costumes uncontrollably with multiple humans watching this, Cobalion just sat there, sharing Celestia's experience.

That is until his ears heard something interesting. Since he sat near the windows of the shop, his ears were alerted to the noise happening on the outside.

And from the outside, a familiar group of ponies were walking by, currently in search of someone important who is not from this world. By moving some of the costumes away from his face, Cobalion heard the following.

"You're just wasting time at this point, Obsidian. Do you know where Luster Dawn is or not?"

"I know it's taking a long time, but trust me. If I had all my Rift capabilities with me, this would've been over in a second. But, Alola's not exactly the most bombastic region, so they must've put her here in this region."

"Really now?"

"Well...yeah. Alola doesn't have that much crime so there's not that much law enforcement. Putting her in the biggest prisons there is would be too obvious."

"Is that why we couldn't find her throughout the other regions? Hm?"

"Uh..Y-Yeah...Haha! Trust me on this one! And if we don't find her here, then we'll just get lower. Maybe Johto."

From what Cobalion had heard, these were matters involving Empress Twilight and her protege that was recently defeated last week, Luster Dawn.

Obviously, this was of great importance since Obsidian the Rift pony and the soldiers of the Empress' empire were planning on breaking her out if they could find her. The Pokemon World is gigantic with many regions, some that even Ash has yet to discover. so it was not easy searching for Luster Dawn.

And Cobalion needed to attend to this.

"Princess Celestia." Cobalion sat up. "We can continue shopping later."

"Later?" Celestia looked back while wearing what seemed to be a cowl.

"Seems like that Empress' forces are searching for that Luster Dawn pony. Hurry." Cobalion got straight to the point. With those few words, Celestia was put on high alert.

"Oh!" Celestia took the cow off before following Cobalion. This was something they couldn't ignore. Their date had to be postponed.

Akala Island. Lush Jungle. A treasure trove of nature's gifts. This landmark in Alola is a heavily wooded tropical rain forest. It's famous for producing ingredients for delicious meals.

Obsidian and the guards had arrived here, continuing their search for Luster Dawn. This island, like many islands, had a police station with their own Officer Jenny like every other region out there.

They have been searching for Luster Dawn since last week but with zero luck. And ever since they learned of Pyrestar's actions of halting the invasion, the Empire wasn't at its best. Plus, the Empress was a bit frustrated by this point. By having her invasion pushed back and the capture and disappearance of her protege. So, unless they wanted to see tomorrows sunlight, the guards had to find her. Especially Obsidian.

"Geez...If for a moment, I wish I could have my Rift energy back." Obsidian sighed. "Lucien and Sienna are probably having a blast. I don't even know what Cold and Emerald are up to. It's not fair..."

"Quit your babbling. Let's find Luster Dawn and leave this world immediately." One guard said.

"I'm not sure you'll be leaving." Just then, catching up to them, AKA just sneakily following them via Celestia's teleportation, Cobalion and Celestia had arrived.

"Oh!" Obsidian and the guards collectively gasped. And for good reason. This was an alicorn with amazing magic by her side and a Legendary Pokemon who just so happens to be Steel, the most durable Pokemon Type there is.

"Locking you all up here in this world does sound like it would be effective. There would barely be anypony from your world to know where you are." Celestia spoke. "As for you, Obsidian...You know where you're heading back to."

"So much for secrecy..." Obsidian gulped.

"Don't let them stop our task. Subdue them!" One of the guards ordered as they all focused hostility onto Celestia and Cobalion. Of course, they had those long aluminium staffs that shot out electricity at their disposal.

"Apologies if I put our date on hold, princess. My duties seem to come before everything else, unfortunately."

"It's fine. I would've done the same anyway. I suppose I'm doing it now anyway."

"Still. Let me make it up to you. Give me a few seconds with them." Cobalion chose to tackle this scenario by himself as he stepped forward.

The guards galloped towards the Iron Will Pokemon, unaware of what was coming their way. Two of the guards used their electric staffs, swinging it towards the Steel-Fighting-Type.

When the staffs hit, a loud clanking sound could be heard. Most likely coming from Cobalions steel body. Electricity ran through Cobalion but he didn't even look phased by it. He just stood there with a casual stance. Then, with a slight smirk, the Iron Will Pokemon suddenly exuded his muscle mass from his body, causing a shockwave so great that it blew the guards away.

Not just that, their staffs had been shattered along with their aluminium armour. The nearby guards felt the shockwave as their armour had already taken damage, on the verge of breaking.

Intimidated by Cobalion after seeing their fellow guards fly back and faint on the spot from just a mere muscle projection, they used the staffs from afar, firing bolts of electricity.

Unfortunately, that didn't matter either because Cobalion just casually walked through the electricity as if it wasn't even there. The guards were starting to panic. They had never witnessed something so imposing before as they moved back.

When Cobalion got close enough, he used the weight of his hoof, smashing it onto the ground as he caused a slight earthquake to occur. The earthquake alone was capable of shattering their armour in one go while also launching them in the air.

The guards screamed as Cobalion watched them all fall to the ground like flies, landing right before his feet. In just a few seconds, Cobalion had dealt with a large majority of the guards with little effort.

Terrified by what they've seen, the rest of the guards tried to make a getaway. But, Celestia used her magic to hold them all in place. As for Obsidian, with the little amount of Rift magic he had left, he used it to escape from Celestia's vision. Right when Cobalion stomped the ground.

The guards couldn't move as Cobalion went up to them, using his hoof to break their armour. He didn't even put in that much effort with it. All he did was just mildly bash their armour with his hoof and that was the end of that. The ground was littered with aluminium armour from what Cobalion had done.

All of them had been defeated. Then again, there weren't too many.

"There." Cobalion said. "That takes care of that. Where's that other pony?"

"Right there." Celestia used her magic to blast away a rock that Obsidian hid behind, revealing the Rift Pony.

"Ah!" Obsidian gasped as he tried to make another getaway, but was quickly held in place by Celestia's magic. "Oh." Knowing he had lost, Celestia dragged Obsidian over here.

"This will take some time to clean up." Celestia looked at the littered ground. "And getting them under arrest as well. Figures...even during a date, I can barely get away from work, can I?"

"It happens. If you know of a place where you can restrain them, it's best you don't reveal the name." Cobalion suggested.

"Ah. I've got that covered." Celestia decided to make things easier by casting a drowsy spell on Obsidian and the others. This spell would put them to sleep and allow Celestia to find the perfect place to put them in without them knowing the direction.

Of course, she chose the Pokemon World to do so. The best place to hide them from the Empress.

"So. Shall we continue, princess?"


5 hours later.

Time went on. Celestia and Cobalion did everything they could here in Alola. Before, they had turned the guards and Obsidian in for Officer Jenny. And now they did what they could.

From Melemele sea's Mantine Surf Spots, Diglett Tunnel's exploration, Hano Beach's Pyukumuku-chucking activity and so on, they had a swell time. Mainly Celestia who was the most energetic.

But eventually, it had to come to an end.

The sun was setting with an orange glow as Celestia was exhausted from all the fun she had. She seemed to burn out quickly if she pushes herself. She and Cobalion sat at Kala'e Bay, watching the sunset.

"That was...how do the younger ponies say it nowadays...? A blast." Celestia yawned.

"Hm. It certainly was."

"But...I'm out for the day." She rested her head on Cobalion. "I wanted to do more on this date actually..."

"You mean that wasn't enough for you?" Cobalion was shocked by those words. "You certainly are just as lively as the sun itself, aren't you?"

"Hm-hm-hm." Celestia giggled lightly after hearing that with her eyes closing. "Cobalion. Could you carry me home, please?"

"Alright." Cobalion stood up, using his back to support Princess Celestia. "You do have the Travel Sphere on you. Don't you princess?"

"Right here..." Celestia grumbled while holding the Travel Sphere out with her magic. Before she could fully doze off, she thought of where she wanted to go. Of course, back home.

The sphere reacted to her heart and mind, opening a gateway that connected to her world. And within the gateway, Celestia's bedroom could be seen with Arcanine resting within it.

Cobalion walked through with Celestia, leaving Alola as that was officially the end of their first major date. And it was actually fairly successful.

Canterlot. Night.

Afterwards, with Flurry Heart enjoying her time with the swords and Celestia falling asleep, everything was coming to an end. The Swords of Justice walked beside each other while leaving Canterlot.

"So, how'd it go, Cobalion?" Keldeo asked.

"I think I could get used to this dating thing actually." The Iron Will Pokemon replied. "Perhaps a third one wouldn't hurt."

"Lucky you." Terrakion grinned. "Scoring a princess and everything."

"Hmph." Cobalion closed his eyes.

"I wish I could score myself a date!" Keldeo groaned. "I'm way older now anyway. Maybe mine's destiny instead of luck! Like my sword!"

"Ah, let's not reach too far, alright?" Virizion teased with little laughter coming from the swords as they continued to chat along the way, heading off to do what they do best. Protect.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 441 End.

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