• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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An attached plan

Everfree Forest, outside Zecora's hut at night.

"Gather around you two." Jessie pulled James and Meowth in.

"This idea of yours better be something. We've been out of the story a lot lately." Meowth said.

"And with little time to spare with each word count," James spoke.

"Not this time. I've found a weak spot with these ponies." Jessie grinned.

"Weakspot? We're gonna hit em where it hurts?" Meowth asked.

"Not that. Haven't you two noticed. The ponies in this town are complete novices. Rookies to Pokemon. They're so new to it that the twerp of all people has to teach them."

"That is true. They're not exactly well knowledgeable in Pokemon. Apart from that alicorn twerpette." James put his finger on his chin.

"Exactly! Which is why I've come up with the best possible plan ever! Gatcha come on!" Jessie summoned the Gatcha machine. A Pelipper flew by, sending the huge device down on the ground. Zecora watched from outside, spectating Team Rocket's actions. "Up you go." She and James grabbed Meowth, placing his coin inside the machine.

"Twist and turn!" Both of them said. Instead of two Pokeballs coming out, it was instead one single Pokeball.

"There!" Jessie grabbed the Pokeball, tossing it upwards. "Out you come!" The Pokemon that was a major part of this plan was none other than a Wigglytuff.


"A Wigglytuff? How's that gonna get us anywhere?" Meowth questioned.

"Of course!" James clapped his hands together. "Wiggytuff's fur is so comfortable and good that anyone who touches can't get separated! I heard a long time ago in some folklore that there was a Wigglytuff who managed to get an entire town trapped within its fur. Their only fate was to pass away with the Wigglytuff."

"No way! This thing's a walking glue trap!" Meowth perked up. "How could anyone break free from it!?"

"Well, obviously there's a way to break free from the fur. But the ponies don't have to know that. Now. Let's get to work." Jessie uttered.

"Going somewhere this late at night? Then again, you four seem to be the most active under the moonlight." Zecora walked out of her hut, causing them to jerk up.

"EEK! Zecora?!" They all exclaimed.

"W-We were just...getting some sweet moonlight! They say the moonlight is much better when its winter." Jessie squeed.

"Quite! NO better time to be soothed than a nighttime winter!" James chuckled.

"If you say so. I would recommend you hurry before the aggressive winds start to blow."

"Will do, can do! We'll be back soon." Jessie shook her head. "We just have to...get this Wigglytuff back home." Jessie began walking off with the others.

"Don't want it to suffer out the cold, right?" James walked backwards.


Zecora watched as Team Rocket took their leave. She knew what they were up to. She knew from the very beginning. Each time she walks out of her hut, she either sees Team Rocket being blasted off, inventing some machine or crash landing near her hut. But strangely enough, Zecora had no ill intent towards them. She could see that Team Rocket were good people. They just have an odd tendency to steal Pokemon all for the sake of the boss, Giovanni. Zecora had plans for Team Rocket. This time, she was obviously expecting them to be blasted off all the way back here again, but now when they return, she'll have them take upon a request.

At Ponyville, everypony had gone to sleep. Whether from exhaustion or from the Togepi attack from earlier. The time to strike was now for Team Rocket. Of all things, a Wigglytuff was their option.

"Coast is clear. No equine in sight." James scanned the area.

"Good. Let's start with the small fry." Jessie leaned herself up against the wall of SugarCube Corner. "Wigglytuff. Work your magic."

"Wiggly!" The Balloon Pokemon attempted to bring out the ponies that lived in SugarCube Corner by using Sing. The resounding sound of Wigglytuff's beautiful voice was just enough to reach the ears of Pinkie Pie.

"Mmm...What's that sound?" She woke up, picking up on the sing. Unlike Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff's singing was not only capable of putting others to sleep, but it can also lure them in with a beautiful sound. The pink pony opened up the door to see Wigglytuff standing there with its usual cute smile.


"Ooh! What are you?!" Pinkie likes what she sees.

"Wigglytuff!" The Balloon Pokemon opened her arms up, inviting her fellow pink creature for a hug.

"A hug...? Don't mind if I do!" Pinkie Pie went over to Wigglytuff, giving the Normal-Fairy-Type a huge lovable hug. The moment she made contact, she could already feel the comforting and soft fur of Wigglytuff. "Ooooh...This is amazing...So soft. So sublime. So heavenly. This is paradise..."


"Hook line and sinker. The crazy one's been caught first." Jessie peeked from behind SugarCube Corner.

"Hm. That's odd." Pinkie all of a sudden felt stuck on Wigglytuff. "My hugs won't come off at all." She struggled to pull herself off of the Balloon Pokemon's soft and fluffy fur. No matter how hard she tried, it was impossible to break free. She was, unfortunately, a victim of Wigglytuff's fur. "I'm stuck! Not like this!" Pinkie wailed. "Although, it's not so bad." She looked to the bright side of this.

"Tuff!" The Balloon Pokemon went back to Team Rocket, showing her Pinkie Pie.

"Team Rocket?!" Pinkie gasped.

"The one and only! Feeling comfortable in there?" Jessie went up to Pinkie Pie's face, taunting her. "Hope you don't get too attached!"

"Ha! I get it! But I won't be stuck forever!"

"Hah! We'll see about that." James chuckled. "Alright, Wigglytuff! On to the next!"

"Wait! You can seriously keep me like this?! Hel-" Meowth taped Pinkie Pie's mouth shut.

"You're the last pony we want blurting out words!" Meowth uttered.

As Team Rocket continued their Wigglytuff fur plan, Lucien and Sienna were spectating as always. This plan actually caught their attention. Mostly due to how effective it looked to be.

"Would you look at that... I didn't expect someone to weaponize Wigglytuff's fur." Lucien was impressed.

"Oh...I wish I could hug a Wigglytuff." Sienna dug her face in the clouds. "But I don't want to get stuck."

"Mhm. But uh...that Wigglytuff can't hold everypony. It's not big enough...You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I am." Sienna nodded.

"Then it's settled!" Both Lucien and Sienna pointed at Wigglytuff, shooting the Balloon Pokemon with a tiny beam of cosmic energy. "There. The moment it gets somepony else on its fur, it'll grow in size. It's perfect!"

"Can buildings get caught up in Wigglytuff's fur?" Sienna wondered.

"Don't know. Never seen it." Lucien shrugged. Their work here was done. Now all they had to do was watch the chaos unfold.

Wigglytuff had lured out some ponies by singing near their homes, dragging them out with its beautiful voice. Pinkie tried to yell but that tape was keeping her shut. Each time they set their eyes on Wigglytuff, they felt compelled to hug her. despite the fact that their fellow ponies seemed to be stuck without having any chance of freeing themselves. Wigglytuff was capable of pulling anypony in with its ability, Cute Charm and the move Attract. It doesn't matter if the ponies could see the others stuck on her, both that ability and move essentially made them prime victims and magnets to the Balloon Pokemon.

Plus, she was very inviting. And with every hug, her size grew, giving more room for ponies to be trapped in her fur. So far she's caught over 17 ponies in the span of 8 minutes. And each time she captured them in her fur, her mass increased. Some ponies had their faces buried in Wigglytuff's fur, making them unable to cry out for help. Those that could open their mouths had been taped shut thanks to Meowth, yet again.

"We've got a pretty good chunk of them stuck!" Meowth grinned.

"Now let's snatch those pretty little Pokemon while we have the chance!" Jessie and James both said as they rushed into the homes of the ponies who had been caught by Wigglytuff. The Sing from Wigglytuff was only aimed towards the trainers and not the Pokemon. So the Pokemon were still asleep, giving Team Rocket the opportunity to nab them without any interference.

BonBon squirmed around in Wigglytuff's fur, trying her best to break free.

But it was no use.

Even unicorn magic was useless as Amethyst Star felt powerless.

In the meanwhile, Team Rocket had nabbed their Pokemon via their ingenious inventions as always. This time it was a comfy net that had the same feel as a pillow. So that way, the Pokemon can feel comfortable and still be asleep even though they're being captured. How thoughtful.

"That's odd. Did she get bigger?" James noticed the sudden growth spurt from Wigglytuff.


"The bigger the better." Jessie held a huge sack of Pokemon. "We've got ourselves a hefty amount of Pokemon. The best nab so far!"

"What's all that noise?" A voice came from Town Hall. More specifically from Mayor Mare. Once she came out, she spotted Team Rocket, Wigglytuff and everypony stuck on the Wigglytuff. The mayor took a moment to examine the situation as there was a long pause. Team Rocket slowly turned around to spot the mayor as their eyes locked. And as a bonus, out of the sack came a sleeping Karrablast. "You three!"

"Time to go!" Team Rocket and Wigglytuff made a run for it. And as usual, their getaway speed seems to be unparalleled by many. Before Mayor Mare could chase them down, they were gone, leaving behind a trail of dust. But, they no longer had a clean getaway since somepony spotted them without them being captured in Wiggytuff's fur.

Mayor Mare only got a small glimpse of Wigglytuff's appearance. She was too tired after the whole Togepi thing to deal with it, so she decided to head back to bed. But she's definitely determined to deal with the situation when she wakes up.

"Pinkie?" Jade come out of her room, searching for her enthusiastic friend. She was completely unaware of Pinkie's capture. The Slurpuff were all asleep during that time, but it was impossible for her to sleep due to her being a Rift pony. If only she came out of her room that night. "Must've gone out early."

Outside at Ponyville, many ponies realized that it was a bit quiet today. Unusually even. Normally at this time, the town would be filled with others doing their jobs. But nothing. Absolute silence.

"A bit quiet today, isn't it?" Rarity said to Rainbow Dash.

"Mhm. Usually, Pinkie Pie would just burst out of here."

"Has anypony seen BonBon? She's not home or anywhere." Lyra asked.

"Haven't seen her. A lot of ponies aren't around either. No sign of their Pokemon either." Applejack shook her head. "Bit odd for a lot of em to just up and vanish like that."

"They didn't up and vanish, Applejack." Mayor Mare walked up, responding to her. "They were taken."

"Taken?" The group turned to the mayor.

"By Team Rocket. Along with their Pokemon as well." She explained. "This odd pink thing came along and stuck everypony on its body."

"Team Rocket?" Rainbow groaned "What's with those guys? As if stealing Pokemon wasn't bad enough. Now they've decided to snatch ponies as well?"

"You said 'odd pink thing'? What do you mean by that?" Rarity questioned.

"Well, from its appearance it was clearly a Pokemon. But the name of it, I'm unsure of. What I do know is that it seemed to stick everypony on its fur somehow. As if it was glue. I'll have to look into that."

"Do we know a Pokemon like that?" Rarity turned to Rainbow Dash.

"There's a lot of pink Pokemon. Chansey, Sylveon, Hoppip, Skitty, Audino. But none of them really have sticky fur." Rainbow shook her head, listing some of the pink Pokemon she knows so far.

"Maybe Fluttershy can tell us. She knows a lot about Pokemon." Applejack recommended. A pretty good suggestion. If anypony can tell which Pokemon can do what, its Fluttershy. Hopefully anyways.

Mayor Mare, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash had made their way towards the Pokemon House, asking Fluttershy about a pink Pokemon with sticky fur.

"Pink Pokemon with sticky fur?" Fluttershy tilted her head.

"Yeah. Do you know anything like that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Hm... A lot of them have pink fur but...it's never sticky. It's just soft and fluffy. Right, Audino?" Fluttershy rubbed her Audino's fur.


"There has to be at least one." Applejack went up to her.

"Hmm...What did this Pokemon look like?" Fluttershy wanted some descriptions. Mayor Mare is the only pony here who's seen it.

"What did it look like? How do I describe it... Its body was pink obviously with a white section in the middle. Plus it seemed to be at least as large as SugarCube Corner. It had huge bulbous saucer-like eyes that were blue, its body seemed to be flexible from the way it was built and it had a small little curl on its head. That is the best explanation I can give."

"Hm. Blue saucer-like eyes...flexible body...curl on its head." Fluttershy thought for a moment. She was digging through her memories on all the Pokemon she's seen so far. "From what she can recall, there's only Pokemon that matches that description that she's seen. And it is the middle stage evolution. "You mean Jigglypuff?"

"Is it a Jigglypuff?" Rainbow replied.

"Well...Jigglypuff isn't really big. And it doesn't have any white stuff in the middle. It is close to that description, but I don't think it could've been a Jigglypuff."

"Great. We're making zero progress here." Applejack groaned. "How about we ask Ash instead? Is he here yet?"

"Nope. He hasn't shown up. But I've got a better idea." Rainbow Dash flew up into the air to see if she could spot this unidentified Pokemon. If it was as large as SugarCube Corner, it couldn't be hard to miss. She couldn't spot it when she arrived at Ponyville earlier, but now that she understands the situation, she'll be on the lookout.

"I'll see what I can find. Perhaps the books that BigTime Ben lent me can be of us." Mayor Mare took her leave.

And it didn't take long for her to find it. Wigglytuff was massive at this point. Rainbow Dash spotted the curl of Wigglytuff poking out from the trees of Everfree Forest.

"I see something!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "It's pink alright!"

"You do?" Fluttershy flew up, turning her head to where Rainbow Dash was facing. "Oh, I see the curl! It looks like Jigglypuff's but it's standing upright."

"Then that's where everypony is! I got this!" Rainbow Dash zoomed towards the location of the visible Balloon Pokemon, prepared to find her friends. But she wasn't prepared for what was about to happen next. Team Rocket was anticipating this.

"Wiggly." Wigglytuff turned around, facing Rainbow Dash as everypony glued to her had been revealed.

"There you are!" Rainbow Dash increased her speed. Pinkie shook her head rapidly along with the trapped ponies, trying to tell Rainbow Dash to not come close to it. But they couldn't. Their mouths were taped shut. The Balloon Pokemon had forced itself onto Rainbow Dash by using its flexible body to stretch towards her. "What the?!" Rainbow Dash attempted to slow down, but it was too late. Wigglytuff had caught Rainbow in her fur, growing in size once more.

"Gotcha!" Jessie jumped out of the bush. "Can't believe you fell right for it!"

"You're just as headstrong as the twerp!" James taunted.

"T-Team Rocket!" Rainbow Dash growled, attempting to break free. But like everypony else, it was no use. "Wh-what's with this fur?!"

"We're just gonna take these!" Meowth opened up Rainbow Dash's saddle-bag, rummaging through it as he grabbed the Pokeballs. "Gotcha!"

"Hey! Those are mine!"

"Not anymore! Thanks for the free Pokemon!" Meowth ran off. Team Rocket had succeeded in getting two threats out of the way. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. However, Fluttershy had seen the whole thing play out.

"Oh, my!" She gasped.

"The shy one's eavesdropping!" Meowth looked up at Fluttershy.

"Not for long! Get her!" Jessie commanded Wigglytuff.

"Wiggly!" The Balloon Pokemon puffed its cheeks, bouncing up into the air. Fluttershy yelped as she flew back, avoiding the incoming Pokemon. She almost became one with Wigglytuff at that moment. But Wigglytuff had a way around this as well. Before it fell back down to the ground, the Normal-Fairy-Type had winked at Fluttershy, sending an enlarged Attract her way.

"Look out Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Fluttershy knew it was coming and obviously flew out of the way, but the Attract was so huge that it caught her anyways. Now Fluttershy was unfortunately infatuated by Wigglytuff, compelled to her.

"Wiggly!" Wigglytuff landed on the ground, opening her arms wide for a hug.

"Oh! I'll give you a big hug alright!" Fluttershy took the inviting hug in an instant. Rainbow Dash tried to stop Fluttershy from heading but the comfortable fur had her trapped. She tried headbutting Wigglytuff, but it did nothing. No matter what she tried, she truly was stuck. So there was only one thing left to do.

"Luxio!" Rainbow called for her Pokemon. Suddenly, the Pokeball that Meowth had begun to tremble. A spark of electricity burst out of the Pokeball, causing the Scratch Cat Pokemon to be launched back. Out of the Pokeball came the Spark Pokemon, responding to its trainer's call.


"Luxio! Discharge!" The Spark Pokemon let out a flare of electricity that was set loose across all of Everfree. This Discharge of electricity managed to hit everything within range. Including Team Rocket and especially Wigglytuff. Everypony took the Discharge as well, but it had to be done. Fluttershy was shocked before she was able to stick to Wigglytuff. The Discharge had snapped her out of Attract.

"Hm? What was I doing?" Fluttershy looked around, confused.

"Good job! Use Discharge one more time!"

"Xio!" Luxio let out another surge of lightning that filled the area. Wigglytuff felt it again, but even with Discharge, the ponies couldn't get separated from its fur. The best Discharge did was just puff up its fur.

"No good...still stuck." Rainbow Dash groaned.

"Hah! Nice try! But shocking won't get you free!" Jessie laughed at Rainbow Dash's failure to free everypony.

"Now it's our turn!" Meowth held out a bazooka that shot out a net. Once fired, it caught Luxio from behind, pinning the Spark Pokemon to the ground. Luxio tried to break free by using Discharge, but the net was specifically made for Electric-Type Pokemon. Mostly Ash's Pikachu.

"Lux! Luxio!"

"Fluttershy! Go!" Rainbow Dash yelled at her. Fluttershy's the only free pony at the moment, so it's best to get going before Team Rocket catches her as well.

"O-Okay!" Fluttershy flew off.

"Don't just stand there! After her!" Jessie decided to let Wigglytuff chase after Fluttershy.

"Wigglytuff!" The enlarged Balloon Pokemon got a move on. And with its size being larger than SugarCube corner, now more comparable to Town Hall, when it ran, entire trees were being destroyed along the way. The ground itself was shaking. It was as if a huge monster was chasing Fluttershy down. Albeit one that's pink and cuddly.

The tremors that Wigglytuff was causing could even be felt all the way from Ponyville.

"What's that noise?" Twilight opened up the door from her lab. The entire Pokemon Lab was shaking from these sudden tremors. And at the corner of her eye, she saw something completely unexpected. And so did everypony else.

A giant balloon shaped Pokemon with many of Ponyville's residents on it chasing down a scared Fluttershy was the sight that bestowed their eyes.

"What the..." Twilight's jaw opened.

"There it is! Stoutland!" Mayor Mare called for her Pokemon who ran to her side. Fluttershy managed to outpace Wigglytuff, hiding behind Applejack for safety.

"Wigglytuff!" The Balloon Pokemon bellowed.

"I've had enough of this." Mayor Mare stepped forward. "First that Togepi and now this thing. Nopony or Pokemon threatens the peace of my town. No matter what. Stoutland! Fire Fang!"

"Wait! Mayor Mare! Don't get close to it!" Rainbow Dash warned her.

"Hah! What a sucker!" Jessie grinned.

"Stout!" But it was too late. Stoutland had already rushed in. The Big-Hearted Pokemon lunged at Wigglytuff with its fangs surging with crimson flames. From a viewer's point of view, it looked like an insignificant creature taking on a much larger and mightier creature. And it kind of was in a sense. Everypony who had been stuck on Wigglytuff feared the worst. They feared that Stoutland was to be next.

But to everypony's surprise, that's not what happened. Instead, Stoutland bit on Wigglytuff's head, not only damaging her but also managing to still have free movement.

"Wiggly!" The Balloon Pokemon cried as she tumbled back. The flames from Fire Fang spread across its body, actually causing something unexpected. The fire had freed Pinkie Pie from Wigglytuff's fur, causing her to fall on her back.

"I'm free? I'm free! Freedom!" Pinkie Pie jumped for joy.

"But how...?" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Princess Twilight is not the only one who has knowledge of Pokemon. As mayor, it's my duty to have the necessary and fundamentals of Pokemon as well since they're integrated into our life now. I went through the books and found the Fairy-Type category. And look which Pokemon was apart of it. I figured that Wigglytuff's fur could only be separated by moves. More specifically, Pokemon types that it is horrible against. And Fire is one of those types."

"She's got us stumped!" Meowth held his ears.

"Big whoop! So you figured out the way to separate the fur. But you can't stop Wigglytuff in this size!" Jessie growled.

"Believe me. I can." Mayor Mare smirked. "Since I now know what type Wigglytuff is, I decided to switch up Stoutland's moveset. Stoutland! Iron Head!"

"Land!" Stoutland's head hardened, having a steely texture to it. The Big-Hearted Pokemon ran forward, ready to smash into Wigglytuff.

"Wigglytuff! Attract!" Jessie commanded.

"Wiggly....tuff!" The Balloon Pokemon winked at Stoutland, but Mayor Mare prepared for a situation like this. Ever since the whole Togepi debacle, she came up with a little strategy that would allow her to deal with Attract.

"Stout!" Stoutland had used his fur beard to cover his eyes, blocking him from seeing Attract. That's all that needed to be done. The Big-Hearted Pokemon smashed its head against Wigglytuff's belly, harming BonBon as well. But it had to be done. It was the only way she was to be freed. Wigglytuff was sent flying as BonBon was separated from the Balloon Pokemon's sticky fur.

"Ow!" She fell on the ground, tumbling.

"BonBon!" Lyra ran over to her best friend, hugging her.

"Why you! You want to play rough?! We'll play rough alright! Wigglytuff! Thunder Punch!" Jessie stomped on the ground.

"Stoutland! Bite her over and over again with Fire Fang!"

Both Pokemon charged at each other with the snow being scattered from their movements. Wigglytuff' stubby hands were surrounding by volts of electricity, thrusting them towards the Big-Hearted Pokemon. Stoutland hopped over Wigglytuff's punch, biting her arm. This bite had spread fire once more, freeing more ponies along the way.


"Stout!" Stoutland continued the Fire Fang assault, continuously chomping on Wigglytuff with every single bite. Soon, the flames that spread from Fire Fang had freed every single pony that was trapped within its fur in the first place.

"Just shake it off already!" Jessie pulled her hair.

"It's about time we finished this! Now! Iron Head!"

"Land!" Stoutland ceased Fire Fang, jumping off of Wigglytuff, who was still recovering from all those Fire Fangs. With its head hardening like steel, Stoutland finished it off by smashing its hard metal head onto Wigglytuff's wide belly. The opposing Pokemon was rocketed back from the impact. So far even that it crashed into Team Rocket, getting them stuck within its fur as well.

"My perfect plan! Shambled!" Jessie wept.

"On the bright side...at least it was from someone important and older." James sighed.

"Either way. We got bested by a dog of all things. I've let my fellow Meowth's down..."


"We're blasting off again!"


And that was that. The entire situation had been solved at last.

"Finally." Mayor Mare took a deep breath. Everypony cheered as they were glad it was all over at last. Those that had been trapped could move with freedom once more. Luxio returned to Rainbow Dash with the rest of her Pokeballs in his mouth. The two gave each other a hug, glad that they were both okay. "Amazing job as always, Stoutland." She went over to pet her Pokemon.

"Stoutland!" The Big-Heart Pokemon licked Mayor Mare's face out of compassion.

"I'm still so confused...what just happened? Why was that Wigglytuff so huge?" Twilight scratched her mane, unable to process what just occurred.

"Don't worry about Princess Twilight. It's mayor business." Mayor Mare giggled, laughing at herself.

Team Rocket had been sent all the way back to Everfree. They were now stuck on Wigglytuff's fur unable to do anything.

"Got any ideas on how to break free from this?" Meowth groaned.

"My oh my, this is a new sight. And...did this thing increase in height?" Zecora examined Wigglytuff.

"Zecora...help us out here." James pleaded.

"Hold still." Zecora got out a sickle that had poison on it. "This type of poison leaves a bit of a chill." She scraped the sickle on the fur of Wigglytuff, freeing Team Rocket from its stickiness. They had some time to breathe. "Never before have I seen so many failed attempts. At this rate, the best option for you all is to be exempt."

"Wait...you knew this entire time?" James turned to her.

"Of course I knew. I knew along. Most of the time, your blasting off is what I see all day long."

"We've been busted!" Jessie and Meowth held each other. "She'll gobble us up in a big tasty stew!"

"This is what I feared the most!" James hid behind them.


"Don't be ridiculous. I would never do anything that cruel. But what I will do is ask you four to take a break before you end up in another unfair duel."

"Take a break?" James said

"There is good in you four, I can see. Even if you go on a Pokemon stealing spree. Deep down you try and act evil and horrible. But from what I can tell, in reality, you're actually quite adorable. Especially you James. You seem to be the most pure-hearted, straying away from your friends' gains."

"Hey!" Jessie exclaimed.

"But you two are in the same boat. Deep down there is something that you adore that you continue to quell."

"Hm...She's right. We've been so focused on nabbing Pokemon left and right that we've taken our eyes off the fun." James nodded.

"I'll say. I miss my state of the art boss-bot with pats back at the tower." Meowth dreamed of being petted by a robotic version of Giovanni.

"I haven't done a contest in ages..." Jessie sat down.

"That settles it!" James clapped his hands together. We'll take a break! Clear our minds! And get back to catching Pokemon for the boss!"

"And with ourselves rejuvenated, that Pikachu is surely ours!" Jessie jumped up.

"Here's to a fun break!" Team Rocket high-fived each other.


Zecora could tell that they would still get up to their Pokemon shenanigans either way. But she could rest well knowing that they are good people deep within. The request she's given to them could take place anywhere. Wherever they decided to take a break, there's a high chance Pikachu and Ash will be there as well as the journey continues.

Chapter 188 End!

Author's Note:

No one takes into consideration how crazy Pokedex entries can get. This story is one of those examples.

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