• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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In Rapidash we trust

Falling down to the seemingly endless abyss in the chasm, huge rocks falling down as Ash had held Scootaloo and her Rapidash close to save them. It was up to his Rapidash to catch them all and get back up there. Everypony across Equestria was watching this and was shocked with some fainting.

It's 150 mph had kicked in. By just the flame of its mane, it managed to catch them, using all its strength to carry the combined weight of Ash, Scootaloo and a fellow Rapidash. It slid off the walls, holding on for dear life with its hooves.

"Hold on Rapidash! Launch yourself onto one of the falling rocks!" Ash yelled.

Rapidash used Fire Blast to hit the wall it was sliding on. This launched Rapidash back along with the others. The distance they went was fairly far, however, Scootaloo almost fell off. Ash grabbed a hold of her hoof, making sure he wouldn't let go.

"I got you!"

Rapidash landed on a rock as it kept jumping from rock to rock, aiming to get to higher ground.

Every human and pony watching were biting their nails or even biting each other's manes. Were they going to get out of this? Discord was looking down at this and felt a little bad actually. He had grown a liking to Ash since he and Fluttershy could appreciate him and show him kindness.

Rapidash was nearing the top, however, the number of rock platforms was decreasing.

"This is gonna be close! We're gonna have to go for broke here!" Ash knew this could go either way. Rapidash used every ounce of its hoof strength. Its flames burned as hot as magma as it took off from the last rock platform, causing a shockwave from the leap, destroying it.

Rapidash had managed to get the upper level, getting them all to safety.

Disaster averted. Everypony let out a sigh of relief. So did Discord.

"Phew. That was a close one." Ash, Scootaloo and the other Rapidash got off its back, safe and sound.

"Thank you so much, Ash! You saved me!" Scootaloo thanked him.

"Rapidash also saved us too ya know. Right?"


"Thanks, Rapidash!" Scootaloo gave the Rapidash a hug.

"Come on now. There's a race we have to finish."

At Sealeo Breakwater, Rainbow Dash and the others had managed to get away from the sudden rapid-fire pebbles. The contestants who were at the Breakwater had advanced forward, aiming for their next location. Canterlot.

"I can see Canterlot from this distance! Come on Rapidash!" Rapidash galloped along as 23 others followed suit. With Applejack at Kingdra durance, she was not only ahead of the ones behind, but she also got to take a good look at all Water-Type Pokemon beautifully swimming and jumping out of water. The Kingdra lived so deep in the ocean so seeing one was pretty rare, despite them making this place their main home.

That's when they were all met with the bully of the sea. Sharpedo. And it saw the contestants here and was ready to strike. Like how the Brutal Pokemon always does.

"What in tarnation is that?!" The Sharpedo had used Aqua Jet to fly out the ocean, heading towards the contestants and their Rapidash. Applejack made Rapidash swerve to the side to avoid the Aqua Jet, but the Brutal Pokemon wouldn't let its target get away so easily. It wasn't just one Sharpedo, it was numerous. They were all aiming for the contestants. Constant Aqua-Jets were zooming in.

"What's up with those shark Pokemon?!" Twilight asked.

"Those are Sharpedo's. They're known as the 'Bully of the Sea'. If they see you once, they'll instantly race after you at 75mph." BigTime Ben explained.

The Sharpedo's chased them all down. Now it was both a race to get away from the Sharpedo's while getting to Canterlot.
The Sharpedo's couldn't match Rapidash's 150mph but they had advantage by using Aqua Jet. They were on the other side as well. At Sealeo Breakwater, Sharpedo's were attacking there as well.

"Sharks?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. The Sharpedo's there were more rampant, due to how many Sealeo's were just here. They constantly chase off the Sealeo's by jumping out of the water. The Sealeo's tried escaping but they were all hit by an incoming Aqua Jet. The contestants weren't safe as well obviously. "Get lost!" Rainbow Dash ducked, avoiding an Aqua Jet that was aimed at her head. Both sides had a Sharpedo problem.

But in the middle, Ash and Scootaloo were fine. Escaping Exploud Chasm luckily. Scootaloo had gotten a better hang of her Rapidash but was still a bit behind Ash and his.

"There! I see Canterlot!" Scootaloo called out.

"Nice!" Ash replied. The pathway to Canterlot was made for them, thanks to the terraforming.

The Sharpedo's were relentless. Not stopping once. They don't stop until they get their prey.

"This is getting annoying! Rapidash! Use whatever move you know to deal with these guys!" Rainbow Dash commanded Rapidash to use a known move. The Fire Horse Pokemon had Fire Blast to knock away the Sharpedo. This wasn't very effective but it helped to push them back. Eventually, they had left Sealeo Breakwater, but that didn't mean that Sharpedo would stop chasing them.

On the other side, with Applejack, she had bucked away any incoming Sharpedo's. Turns out her hoof strength was on par with that of a charging Shark that moved at 75mph and beyond with Aqua Jet. No wonder she's so good at her job. Even after seeing all that strength in those hooves, the Sharpedo still deciding to charge in.

"These things are more persistent and stubborn than Rainbow Dash!" She said.

Arriving at Canterlot were Ash, Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash and 8 other contestants. There, Princess Celestia had the flags ready to be taken.

"Congratulations on making it this far, all of you." She said. "And Ash. Well done on helping to save Scootaloo. You seem to risk your life a lot don't you?"

"Well, it happens a lot, ya know."

Celestia handed each of them flags, along with Passion. Applejack and the others had arrived to get their flags.

"Hoo boy. Those Shark Pokemon sure are feisty."

"They're called Sharpedo. They are pretty aggressive Pokemon compared to others." Ash explained. Just then, BigTime Ben's face appeared in the sky, due to Gothitelle changing the projection.

"Alright! Small break you all! Canterlot is also a break area! You'll continue the race in 12 minutes. Bye!" His face vanished from the sky.

A small break was needed. After what just happened back there, they needed it. They sat down with Rapidash waiting, eating some food that was served to them.

"Hey, Ash. I wanna thank you and Rapidash again for saving me back there."

"No problem, Scootaloo."

"You know, you're always doing dangerous yet awesome things like that? Do you ever take a moment to think about what you're about to do?"

"Not really. If someone, whether they're a Pokemon or not is in trouble or danger, I have to help. It's just my gut instinct ya know."

"And that is a wonderful instinct to have." Celestia said walking up to them. "Ash. I know I've said this before, but it does need to be pointed out. Once again, your selfless spirit is something to admire. The bond that you've formed over the years with your Pokemon and friends has shown, even reflecting onto the ponies here in Equestria. If I were to be honest, I think you could teach Twilight about friendship too."

"Me? A teacher? I don't know about that one... but I can lend her some advice." Ash had petted Scootaloo, ruffling her mane as she giggled.

"Well, you have taught me a bit about Passion and how Ralts' can sense feelings. So that's one act of teaching."

"Oh! You can teach me how to be a trainer, Ash! I wanna be apart of the Pokemon League too!" Scootaloo asked.

"Sure thing! I'll show you the ropes in no time."

"Awesome! I want a super cool Pokemon! One that's fast and strong! Or one that can take tons of damage but still keep on going!"

"Sounds like Electric-type and Steel-type Pokemon."

"What YOU need is a team like mine." Rainbow Dash joined in on the conversation. "I've got a heavy hitter like Whirlipede and some great air advantage with Rufflet and Swablu."

"Wow. You've already got 3 Pokemon, Rainbow Dash?"

"Yep. And my team's only gonna get bigger. I'm gonna catch tons of Pokemon and build the dream team!"

"What about you Applejack? Apple Bloom tells me and Sweetie Belle about those Pokemon called Applin. They yours?"

"I wouldn't say that. They kinda just decided to hang around Sweet Apple Acres and the Orchard. I ain't too fond of being a trainer. But I do wanna watch the League."

"I don't get how apples can be a Pokemon though? That seems odd."

"Oh, that's because they're not actually apples." Ash explained to Scootaloo. Even Applejack was confused by this.

"Huh?" They said.

"See, some Pokemon decide to look like everyday things. Mostly food. Applin's just a wyrm inside an apple. And another Pokemon, Vanilluxe are just two Vanillish merged together to resemble an ice cream cone."

"That is weird..." Rainbow Dash said.

"Hah! That's nothing compared to the others out there. There are so many Pokemon that stand out from the crowd. There might be Pokemon I've never seen before! That's what makes them all so special. The possibilities are endless."

"Oh, now I really wanna visit the Pokemon world. Could you take me there someday Ash?"

"Sure thing, Scootaloo."

BigTime Ben's face had returned to the sky to deliver more news.

"Alright then! Times up! Hope you enjoyed your break, racers. Because your next destination is the Crystal Empire. And for this part, contestants will have to race while avoiding the group of Machamp's. They'll do everything to stop you in their tracks to prevent you from reaching the Empire. Along with some air support by Noivern. So better be careful. And don't worry, they won't hurt you. They are my Pokemon after all. Race on!" BigTime Ben's face vanished once more.

"Welp! Time to go!" Ash jumped up, heading to his Rapidash as so did the other contestants, holding their flags. Next stop, Crystal Empire.

"Good luck to you all!" Celestia waved goodbye as did Passion. The race was back on.

Back at Ponyville, Cold Colt and Emerald Aura were underground, in their base that the Rift had granted them. In there were Pokeballs and magic books fit for them. The Rift sent them here for a reason.

"Alright, Cold Colt, listen up. We've got a job to do. The Rift was to make this next event really special and fun, so pay attention."

"I'm paying attention."

"Good. Our main goal is to bring something from the Pokemon world here. Something grand. The Rift gave us a list of pretty big things. They'd overwhelm this world easily."

"Well, what are the options?"

"Let's see. Aha! Team Plasma or Team Galactic"

"Team Galactic? Team Plasma? Weren't they disbanded? And their leaders kinda done for. Cyrus got wiped out and Ghetsis is behind bars."

"Yeah, but The Rift can just negate and change all of that, duh. Were you born yesterday?"

"I WAS created a month ago. Including you."

"Whatever. I say we bring back Ghetsis. Dude's a maniac. He'd definitely make things go wild."

"What about Cyrus? He wanted to reset the universe. Don't you think he's more of a maniac?"

"True... or.. we could bring HIM back?" Emerald's hoof landed on Malamar's name.

"Malamar? That Pokemon?"

"Well yeah! He was a pretty big threat, even if he didn't last long. He almost came close to winning by mind-controlling everypony. Right now he's just stone in the sea. But if he comes back, oh boy. He'll be furious."

"Hmm... I got it! How about we bring them all back?" Cold Colt suggested.

"Are you crazy?! That never ends well! Bad guy teams don't last at all. Besides, I think Ghetsis wouldn't be up for Cyrus's universe resetting shenanigans. And he'd rather do the controlling rather than Malamar." Emerald shook her head.

"Okay. Got any brighter ideas?"

"I'd go for Ghetsis. He's evil but not Universe Ending Evil. Plus his Pokemon are pretty deadly."

"Well if he's gonna come back, he should at least get some upgrades or something. He'd get washed at the state he is right now. That Ash kid has grown over the years."

"I know. That's why I'll ask The Rift to improve him. Now let's get this started!" The two of them tapped into The Rift, due to them being created by it. So they can link up to it. The Rift had granted them their request.

Global Police Department, Unova.

Behind bars were Ghetsis and his Team Plasma grunts. Along with Colress. Their freedom was today as the bars had suddenly vanished into Stardust.

"This is interesting." Ghetsis said.

"Vanished by stardust? A cosmic force is most likely behind this." Colress speculated.

"Hah! Whatever the cause. We're free." Ghetsis suddenly felt a rush of strange energy through his body. "And I feel amazing!" Ghetsis' body was now brimming with the intense heat of... aura. Tons of it. Aura comparable to the Aura Guardians. The guards went over to see Team Plasma being free, ready to stop them.

"Out of the way." By using aura, he created a reflective barrier around him and his goons, granting him protection.

The guards had sent out their Pokemon to stop them.

"Arcanine! Flamethrower!"

"Noctowl! Air Slash!"

"Stoutland! Hyper Beam!"

All 3 attacks did nothing. That barrier was too strong to breakthrough.

"Amazing! This is a sign. A sign that I truly am destined for greatness!" Ghetsis put his arm out, creating a pulse of aura which knocked them all out on the ground. Just then, A gateway to the other world had appeared.

"A gateway? A rift even." Colress said.

"Shall we?" Ghetsis smiled. It was great to be back. And now with aura overflowing in him, he is now 10x the threat he usually was.

Chapter 41 End.

Author's Note:

So Ghetsis is here. The evilest character in Pokemon history so far. What could go wrong?

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