• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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We'll all join the league! Enter Goh!

Pallet Town..Morning had come. Dodrio's were crying out for a new day.

Ash is currently asleep in his room along with Pikachu. The alarm clock went off, the same alarm clock from when Ash first started his journey. Pikachu had actually woken up from this, holding a Substitute doll. His foot stepped on his trainer's face as he dropped the doll, yawning. Pikachu went over to the Pokeball shaped alarm clock, trying to turn it off, however Ash who was dreaming of grabbing a Pokeball, accidently placed his hands on Pikachu's head. He then grabbed the alarm clock, acting like a Pokemon was in there.

"Alright.. I choose you.." He said in his sleep, tossing the alarm clock at the wall as it broke. Again. The kid from Kanto fell asleep once more as his partner went up to him trying to wake him up. First he pushed on his cheeks. Then he slapped his face, but that was no good either. So it was down to the one method that always worked.

Electrocution. One zap on Ash that covered his whole body had woken him up.

"GYAAAAGHAA!" He screamed from the shock. However he ws only awake for a few seconds until he went back to sleep. Pikachu sighed. So much for the method that always works. That is until Delia walked inside his room.

"Ash Ketchum! Are you still asleep? You'll be late getting to Professor Oak's lab." She climbed up his bunk bed, holding her sons face.

"No problem mom.. Professor Oak's lab." He said in his sleep as he had finally realised that he had to be there. Once he woke up he fumbled about in his bed.

"Mom! Why didn't you wake me up?!"

"Because you insisted you could get up on your own." Ash was getting dressed out of his pajamas as fast as he could and into the clothing that Rarity made him. He and Pikachu rushed out, zooming off.

"See you later!"


At Professor oak's lab.. outside.

"Professor Oak!" Ash called out.

"Oh its you Ash." The Professor replied.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well its been a few days so I'll remind you. A protoge of mine has just opened up a brand new research facility in Vermillion City." He explained.

"A new research lab?"

"Mhm. And I was hoping to invite you to the opening ceremony. You will come won't you?"

"Sure!" Ash ws on board for this already.


"You'll come too right?" He said to Pikachu but his mom thought he was talking about her as she was also here along with Mimey

"I'd love to!"

"Mime Mime!"


"I came to deliver your lunch but what a great idea! All those delicious sweet shops and big fashion boutiques in Vermillion City." She said lending him his lunch box, heading to the car.

"Hold on. You're not saying you're coming with us..?" Ash said with a worried look on his face.

"Let's get rolling!" Delia raised her hands in the air, wanting to get a move on already.

"Mime Mime Mime!"

Ponyville.. Golden Oaks Library. Twilight was currently learning about Pokemon Types from another book she borrowed from Canalave Library.

"So thats how it works. Some are effective.. some are super effective, some are not very effective and some have no effect at all. How interesting. Dragons can't do anything against Fairies it seems." Twilight said. This grabbed Spike's attention.

"What?!" Spike grabbed the book, looking at the page. "You mean to tell me us dragons lose to cute and colorful pretty girly fairies? Bogus." Spike looked upset over finding out the weakness of the dragon type.

"Look on the bright side Spike. At least Dragon Types are effective against most other types. Anyways. I'm off to help set up a Pokemon home that Fluttershy's planning. You, Owlicious and Minccy take care of the place alright?"

"Yeah yeah we will."


At Fluttershy's cottage, she was focused on building a Pokemon Home for all Pokemon to live in. She has to consider the Pokemon's habitat, favorite food and nature if she wants to get this right. Thats why she had Twilight pitch in to help.

"Alright Fluttershy. I'm here."

"Oh great Twilight. I'm already done thinking of what it will look like. What can you tell me?"

"Well for starters.. I think we should also take into consideration, which Pokemon types go where."


"Yes. See, some Pokemon types don't mix well with each other. Fire and Water obviously don't go well together and neither does Flying or Ground. So we have to consider a perfect spot for each Pokemon based on their typings."

"That is true. I don't want any fights to break out. How about this! We make a tower like structure for the flying types.. some sort of underground area for the ground types and we'll figure out what to do with the other types."

"That's a tall order Fluttershy. Are you sure we'll be able to make something like this? It might even take a long time."

"No worries. I've already gotten some backup that'll be here to help soon. BigTime Ben insisted that he'd send some Pokemon to help out."

Back with Ash.. they were currently headed to Vermillion City still in the car.

"It seems your love of Pokemon hasn't changed young man. Tell me Ash. A Pokemon Master. Is that still your goal?" Oak asked him

"There's no doubt about it! Me and my buddy Pikachu are gonna make this dream happen!" Ash Ketchum replied.

They had finally arrived at Vermillion City. Truly a gigantic city in Kanto.

"We're here. I'll go park the car. You go on ahead." Oak requested.

"Right." Ash replied, heading towards the stairs ahead. There was the facility. As he and Pikachu moved up the stairs, they noticed a Pokemon they had never seen before. "Who's that?"

Small in size but looking a bit fierce was the Puppy Pokemon Yamper, who was currently barking at Ash.

"Wow! A Pokemon I've never seen before!" Ash was amazed by this new Pokemon. "Aren't you just a cutie." He suddenly began to crawl towards Yamper, getting too excited over it as Yamper backed away. Ash had picked up the puppy pokemon, giving it a nice warm hug. However this was followed by a spark of electricy that went sent through him.

Second time Ash has been shocked today. Ash fell on the stairs as Yamper went on to greet Pikachu by licking him.

The girl who had owned the Yamper had returned after a day at school, greeting her Pokemon.

"Hello Yamper I'm home-" She took a moment to realise there was someone electrocuted and on the stairs. She moved to the left and just walked past like nothing happened and no one was there. Oak arrived, looking down at the shocked kid.

"Ash. If you don't get a move on you'll miss the opening ceremony." Ash got up realising he had to be there.



Inside said facility, people have already gathered to see the presentation. Mostly grown ups. Ash was trying to see it but due to his height and the amount of people there.. that was an issue. The man in charge of this stepped up to start the presentation.

"Thank you for coming. I am Professor Cerise. Owner of the Cerise Research Labratory. I especially thank those who travelled a great distance to be here today Thank you all. Now. Let's move on to the subject of Pokemon." He snapped his fingers as there was a holographic prism that showed projections.

"As you're already aware. Our planet plays host to these mysterious lifeforms. In forests, in the skies, and under the seas. Not too long ago, our world ahs also been fused with another. A world mostly consisting of Ponies from what we've discovered. With three identified species of them. The Earth Ponies, The Pegasi, and the Unicorns. As Pokemon, Humans and Ponies live together in our world, they bond together in many ways. Whether it be here or on the other world. We here at the Cerise Labratory are dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of Pokemon in every region. And to understand the other world to see what we can learn from there.

Investigating, analyzing, digging deep and expanding our knowledge. Because to know Pokemon.. is to know the world. And that is the key to making a better world for each and every one of us. And also, I have recently gotten an assistant who is a pony. She has taken an interest to Pokemon recently like every other pony. But she seems to be extra dedicated to them. This is the start of us bonding with Ponies as well."

Everyone had applauded as the presentation came to an end.

On the top of Vermillion City's port, there stood a boy up there who felt like he was going to have a fateful encounter. His name was Goh. A boy who has set his goal on catching every Pokemon. Currently he is atop the roof of the port, waiting.

"Just as I predicted. These are the exacty cloud formations needed for its arrival." Goh said, looking at his Rotom Phone. "This'll be a breeze."

All of a sudden, back in the facility.. a notification had appeared. The atmosphere, temperature, humidty, altitude and the skies were all acting up. Once running through it, Cerise had come to a conclusion.

"This may not be the most accurate forecast. But in about 20 minutes.. An extremely rare Pokemon might just appear over Vermillion Port." Everyone heard this and started thinking that it might be a Legendary Pokemon. Ash rushed out to get a head start to see this extremely rare Pokemon. All the people rushed out to see what this Pokemon could be. As Ash and Pikachu were headed to Vermillion Port, they knew they were already ahead of everyone else. Until they were stopped.. by a sleeping Snorlax in the middle of the road of all things.

"Aw come on! A Snorlax of all times?! Give me a break!"


Goh was still waiting on the port as the clock was counting down. He looked at it, anticipating.

"Here it comes. 5...4...3...2...1... GO!" But nothing happened. Nothing showed up in the sky. He did see a Pegasus fly by though. "That's weird. What happened?" He wondered. The only Pokemon there was a Psyduck who had shown up. Goh had thought he got the wrong spot until..

High in the skies, a black cloud began to form like a tornado. Lightning crackling over the ships as wind kicked up, swirling around the ominous cloud. Pegasi who were nearby had flown off, trying to get away from this. Then.. down from the clouds came a ball that began to glow. Out of the ball, burst out the Legendary Pokemon. The Diving Pokemon. Lugia. As it let out a mighty cry. Some trainers had gathered to try and take on Lugia.

"There it is!"

"Its Lugia!"

"It was worth the wait." They all said. They had each sent out their own Pokemon. Wartortle, Jolteon and Gengar.

"Wartortle! Use Ice Beam!"

"Jolteon! Thunder!"

"Gengar! Use NIght Shade!" All three Pokemon did their best to attack Lugia, but really all it did was just fizz out the moment they hit Lugia. Granted, Lugia didn't even feel it. As retaliation, Lugia flapped it wings.. once and blew them all away. After all, Lugia can knock down a house with one flutter of its enormously powerful wings. Thats why it lives in the bottom of the sea, to avoid destroying everything else on the surface. Goh rushed forward, heading towards the Legendary Pokemon as fast as he could.

"Just you wait Lugia!"

Lugia began to move, heading to the next batch of trainers who were ready to challenge it.

"Let's all do this together!"

"Yeah a Raid Battle!"

All the trainers tossed their Pokeballs in the air, sending out their partners. Sudowoodo, Sableye, Bisharp, Garchomp and Corviknight. All ready to go."

"Sableye! Use Dark Pulse!"

"Suduwoodo! Rock Slide!"

"Garchomp! Use Dragon Claw!"

"Bisharp! Use Night Slash!"

"Corviknight! Steel Wing! Let's go!"

All commands from their trainers. Sudowoodo and Sableye focused on ranged while Bisharp and the others got up close and personal. Lugia easily dodged the dark pulse and rock slide as it knocked away Bisharp with its tail, blocking and launching Garchomp away by spinning and using its wings. And butting heads with Corviknight! The Diving Pokemon blew them all away with its signature move. Aeroblast. Lugia had cleared out that group easily. And now he came face to face with the next one. A familiar face too.

"There you are! Alright.. Lugia. Let's have a battle!" Ash shouted.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu's cheeks began charging up. Lugia accepted the challenge from Ash.

"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!" Ash raised his fist in the air. The Electric Mouse jumped up, hitting its own red sacs and then unleashed a mighty thunderbolt that sturck Lugia dead on. This attack dealt some heavy damage to Lugia, pushing it back a bit. But Lugia wasn't going down that easily as it immedietaly returned the favor with Aeroblast, once more. The impact of the blast left a huge shockwave that could be seen from miles as it knocked Pikachu back. Luckily his trainer caught him.

Lugia had then flown off as Ash chased after it. Some Earth Ponies who were in Vermillion City were sightseeing this.

"This is amazing. That huge dragon like creature is pretty impressive." A pony said.

"Yeah.. not to mention pretty fast for its size." Another replied.

Ash and Goh were both chasing Lugia down on different sides as they both jumped onto its back from high heights. Goh hanged on to the tail while Ash on the legs. They both looked at each other for a bit.

"HUH?! What are you doing here?!" They both said to each other as Lugia flew off.

Over at Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash will still feeling pretty great after her victory from last time. Her first gym battle win.

"I feel like a million bits right now. We totally won that with such awesome skills right guys?" She was talking to Rufflet and Whirlipede who were both out of their Pokeballs. "I can't wait to win the others. Its gonna be a blast. Right now. I wanna focus on getting stronger and maybe meet a new Pokemon along the way. All of a sudden, somepony knocked on her door. "Yeah?"

"Hey Rainbow Dash! Is it true you got to be in a Gym Battle!" A pegasus asked. All the pegasi from Cloudsdale had arrived at her home suddenly.

"Uh yeah. I did! And I won! Check out the badge!" She showed everypony her hard earned Verd Badge.

"Wow..Rainbow Dash! You just got more awesome!"

"Hehe. I know I know." She was taking all this praise.

"In fact! We've all decided to enter the Pokemon League as well!"


"Yeah! It'll be a blast! We wanna catch Pokemon of our own as well!"

"And we'll battle and win so many badges!" All of them were inspired by Rainbow Dash's victory which pushed them all to become trainers as well.

"Oh." Rainbow Dash now realised. She has a TON of competition now. It was no longer her being the only pony taking on this league. All the pegasi flew off to get themselves registered for the league. "Wow. I'm gonna have a lot of roadblocks now. But that kind makes it fun actually." This was also happening down in Ponyville. Everypony, especially the younger ones became inspired and wanted to become trainers as well. Especially Scootaloo.

"Isn't this the best girls? Because of this.. I got chance of being a trainer!"

"Thats great but.. you think you can do it? You might be too young if its all grown ups." Sweetie Belle said.

"Of course I can! I'll just get a Pokemon so strong that nopony can stop us!" Scootaloo replied. "I saw a pretty strong Pokemon the other day. Looked like a lion. I might catch that first I see it again!"

Back with Ash and Goh who had just met for the first time. They had safely got on Lugia's back, having a sigh of relief. Ash looked up at Lugia who also looked back at him with a smile.

"Woah.. Awesome. I'm riding on top of Lugia right now." Goh said. He got to see how Lugia's fins moved, felt its surprisngly rough skin as Ash was playing with the fins. Lugia let otu a mighty cry as it soared higher in the sky and flying next to a flock of Fearow's. Lugia then dived down, heading straight for the sea as Ash, Pikachu and Goh started screaming for their lives.

Just then, Lugia let out its Aeroblast once more, this time firing on the water, creating a huge hole in water itself. This caused some small rain to form along with a rainbow. Ash and Pikachu took in this amazing feeling and sight as Goh was taken aback by this. Lugia then rode over the waves, flying forward.

Then all of a sudden. Ash could hear a voice. It sounded like it came from Lugia. Lugia had spoken to Ash, looking back at him. The Diving Pokemon then went through water as the group held their breath. They got a good look at all the water type Pokemon down here as well as some sort of strange combination of a horse and a sea creature. The Legendary Pokemon then rose up from the water, creating a spiral as it came out, flying onwards again.

"Oh man! That was wild! But pretty fun too!" Ash said, catching his breath.

"You know. You're pretty funny. I accept you." Goh said to him.

"Accept me?"

"As my friend."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm Goh from Vermillion City." He introduced himself.

"I'm Ash from Pallet Town. This is my partner Pikachu."


"Nice to meet ya." They both said, shaking each others hands. Lugia without warning took another dive, this time towards the ground. It soared on the grassy plains, flying next to some Rapidash who were galloping. It was time for them to get off. Lugia turned around as it dropped the three of them down. They landed on a Vileplume's flower and on a Gloom.

Lugia then came down a bit, looking at them. It let out another cry, saying that it was leaving now. It flapped its wings, making the petals from the flowers flow about in perfect sync. It was time for Lugia to go. Flying off into the distance, Ash and Goh bid farewell to it.

"See ya Lugia! Take care! And thanks for the ride!" Ash said.

"Pika-Pika!" Ash took a moment to take in this fresh air, as he laid on his back, right on the soft grassy ground with flowers.

"Pokemon are the coolest. I gotta show my friends back in Ponyville more of this world."

"You're friends with Ponies on the other side?"

"Yeah. We've had a lot of adventures from the time our worlds came to be as one. I met some great ponies along the way."

"Like who?"

"There's Rainbow Dash who's a bit of a headstrong pony. She recently started her own Pokemon journey as a trainer. She can be brash but she's really cool. Then there's Pinkie Pie. She knows how to throw a party alright. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so happy and go lucky before. Oh but then there's Rarity. They aren't kidding when they say she's beautiful. And she makes pretty awesome clothing. She even had help making this one for me. Oh but Applejack. I gotta respect her a lot for what she does. She puts in all the maximum effort when it comes to work and is so honest. I don't think I'l lever catch her lying. And Fluttershy was a great early friend. Her kindness and love for both animals and Pokemon is something to admire. She already made great friends with the rest of my other Pokemon. And Twilight. She's a special one ya know. She can overreact a bit if something goes slightly wrong or not on schedule. But when she puts her mind to something, she's really one respectable and admirable Unicorn. They're all great. And Spike's really funny when burps out scrolls." Ash described all his friends.

"I can't wait to go and see them again later. Who knows what else we'll experience?"

Hours passed as Ash and Goh had trouble getting back to Vermillion City considering Lugia flew pretty far. Pikachu and Yamper had met up again with Yamper being excited. The girl from before who owns Yamper, looked out to see the two of them back.

"Come on. You're late."

"Chloe! You'll love this! Its the story of our fateful encounter! You'll never guess! I met Lugia!" Goh said to the girl who's name was Chloe.

"Is that so? But this is more important. Here your homework printouts." She lended him some sheets of homework. They seemed to be a lot.

"Oh man this is a lot.."

"Better get used to it. By the way Dad's in there with Professor Oak and-"

"Professor Oak is here?!" Goh rushed in to see the famous Samuel Oak himself.

"Your dad is Professor Cerise?" Ash said as Yamper had barked at him.

Inside the lab, Cerise was looking at the footage Goh brought him about Lugia. The backfins and the skin. Along with the underwater area.

"Nice footage Goh. Lucky you.. you two met Lugia of all Pokemon."

"It was nice to ride on Lugia again. Even if it may have been a different one." Ash said.

"You've rode on Lugia before?!" Cerise and Goh said in shock.

"Mhm. Good times.."


"Professor Cerise! I'm here!" The newest assistant had arrived. It was a familiar face. Twilight Sparkle.

"Hah? Twilight?"

"Ash? Of course you'd end being here.."

"You're gonna be staying here from now on?"

"Not really. I'm only going to be working her partially from time to time. I still have a lot of work to do in Ponyville."

"Good to know you two already know each other. Twilight here wanted to learn more about the Pokemon World when she came to visit Vermillion City. I couldn't turn down all that determination." Cerise said. "And I have a request for you two. Ash and Goh. Will you do me the honor becoming research fellows at my facility?"

"Of course! I gotta know more about Pokemon myself!" Goh was on board.

"I'd love to. But would it be okay if I could also explore the other world. There's still a lot I want to see." Ash asked.

"Of course. You can come here anytime with any info you can gather."


"Ash, dear are you sure about this? Will you be alright?" Delia said, arriving. "Being a researcher, exploring the pony world and aiming to become a Pokemon Master.. thats a lot to do."

"I'm confident! It'll be tough but that hasn't stopped me before!"

"Pika Pika!"

"I see. Well just in case.. I'll leave Mimey with you. Think you can do that Mimey?"

"Mime Mime!" Mimey said with confidence and assurance.

Outside, Delia was ready to leave along with Professor Oak in the car.

"Good luck Ash. Oh by the way. Make sure you don't forget to eat all your food, even your vegetables. And make sure you brush your teeth every-"

"I know mom.." Ash said, getting embarrased.

"And Goh. Twilight. Take care of my Ash and be a good friend to him."

"You can count on us Mrs Ketchum." Twilight said.

"Aw mom.."

"Well you're in good hands! Bye!" Oak drove off along with Delia, heading back to Pallet Town.

"Oh! There's one final thing I forgot about." Cerise said. Back in his lab, he got out the three main Kanto Starters. Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. "Alright Goh. You're making your trainer debut. So go on ahead, pick one."

"I think I'll choose.. Mew."

"Hah?" They all responded to him mentioning Mew.

"Mew?" Twilight said, as she just remembered that she learned about Mew a few days ago.

"The Mythical Pokemon Mew?!" Cerise shouted.

"That's right. That'll be my first Pokemon catch ever! No doubt about it."

"You're pretty strange Goh!"

"Not as strange as you Ash!"

"Great! Then I win at being stranger!" Ash said, grinning.

"Huh?!" They both started talking rapidly, going back and forth at each other as Twilight and Chole watched over this.

"Wow. The human race sure is something different."

"You'll get used to it." Chloe responded. With Ash now having 3x the goal and everpony participating in the Pokemon League.. things are about to change.

But in Canterlot..

"I hope Cadence and Shining Armor are at the Crystal Empire by now. Its very urgent that they get there and protect.. I fear he may be returning."

Chapter 26 END!

Author's Note:

Now this takes place during the start of Pokemon Journeys and Season 3 as well.

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