• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Limitless skill and power, Fighting

The Fighting Realm.

Past the Fighting-Type door, Brawly and Bea found themselves in this area. They were joined by the little pegasus Rumble who was able to pass through the door due to having a Riolu. The area they had arrived in was different from the previous two areas. It wasn't some amusement park with volcanoes and fire and it wasn't a haunted mansion.

Instead, they came across an area that still existed in the modern-day and a place that Ash and his friends had definitely been to in the past.

The Lucario Kingdom. A location in Sinnoh where Lucario reside. Brawly and Bea were are of this place's existence as well as they approached the town.

"This is the place where the Lucario and Riolu have been revered as guardians for generations and are said to use their Aura powers to protect the kingdom," said Bea whilst walking with Brawly. "Never got to visit it before. Didn't think it would be in a mind though."

"A Kingdom full of Lucario and Riolu? Awesome." Rumble uttered with an open jaw.

"Hm? Look." Brawly suddenly stopped walking, pointing up ahead. Before they could continue any further, that's when they spotted the Pokemon that resided in this kingdom. The Lucario plus the Riolu.

It made sense for this many Lucario to be here especially since this was the through Fighting-Type door. However, while the area existed in the present day as well, this had an old feeling to it. In fact, the buildings were much older than what the Lucario Kingdom had in the current day.

But they also had the ethereal body that could only be found here. And unlike the previous two, these Lucario were plentiful, all in one spot. They had not yet noticed Bea or Brawly as they were grouped together, standing over what seemed to be some sort of graveyard.

And there laid gravestones with names of them. Below these names, there was one consistent title. Aura Guardian. This was a graveyard for the Aura Guardians that have passed. However, these graves couldn't be seen in the present day, strangely enough.

"Those weren't there before when I visited Sinnoh." Brawly spoke after seeing the scene."That's strange..."

"It could all be an illusion," Bea replied. "We are in a mind after all."

"It looks sad. Is this what happened to everyone that got hit with that Ataxia thing?" Rumble asked Brawly and Bea. Knowing that he was a child, they would at first feel reluctant to admit it. But, Rumble knew about things like this already, so they nodded in approval.

"We should let them be alone," Bea suggested as Brawly agreed. "We can maybe ask them later on how to-" Interrupting her sentence, right behind them and just now being noticed was an Ethereal Lucario that was staring at them. "!"

They instantly moved back with Bea already taking a stance. Rumble promptly hid behind Brawly. Bea was the most eager to enter conflict if necessary. However, Lucario just stood there for a moment, not instigating conflict as opposed to the previous ones.

"Hold on, Bea. It's alright." Brawly stopped her. "We're not in danger right now."

"Oh." Bea stood normally, leaving her stance. "My apologies. That just gave me a startle."

"What does it want?" Rumble asked. "And how long has it been standing there?"

"Rrr." The Ethereal Lucario had sent a pulse of Aura to communicate with them. Since all three of them had Aura, they could understand this pulse. Rumble's was a bit on the iffy side since his Aura was minuscule.

"You've been waiting for us?" Bea translated. "Or rather, you were waiting for someone to find this realm."

"Lu." Lucario nodded in response before sending another pulse. Rumble leaned in, trying to see if he could understand some more. But he would have to rely on Brawly and Bea.

"What did it say this time?" Rumble questioned. "And...did it know we were coming? Or is it someone else?"

"It said that this realm was made by the collective Auras of all Lucario that have existed with their Aura Guardians in the past. The result of Delayed Aura Ataxia is what brought them together. Because of this disease, many of the Lucario involved with it have been trapped here for centuries now. Far past the age of the Aura Guardians." Bea explained.

"For that long?!" Rumble exclaimed, turning around to face the rest of the Lucarios in the distance. "So, they're all ghosts then?"


"Lucario says that because of this, many Lucario haven't found peace yet, still trying to find a way to correct a wrong that they felt guilty of. They felt as though they had failed their Aura Guardians." Bea further explained. "Some have become vengeful forces driven by sadness and anger."

"Lu..." Lucario lowered its head afterwards.

"So they're all behind every other Type Door." Brawlysighed for a moment. "That's gonna be a shocker for everyone when they run into them. Say, Lucario. How come a graveyard's here? In the present day, I never came across one."

"Lu. Lucario."

"Oh. So everything we see here are just things made up from the minds of each Lucario. And they're just placed in random places. Okay, I get it now."

"Well, now that you've shared it with us, it makes it sound like there is a way to help you all." Bea stepped forward. "If you all are not vengeful spirits like the others that you mention, then why are you still here?"

"Yeah. I know that Lucario can live for a long time but..." Brawly pondered. "Is there some sort of unfinished business you have here?"

"Lucario..." Lucario then aimed its paw into the air, pointing to the azure skies. Almost touching the clouds was a gigantic mountain. And on that mountain, another door to the 18 realms could be found. After showing them that door and the mountain, Lucario sent another pulse to them.

"What?!" Brawly and Bea both gasped.

"What?! What happened?!" Rumble needed to know.

"There's a bigger Lucario out there. It's the one driving some of these spirits to be vengeful and trapping them all here as well. That's why it's hard for them to leave." Brawly explained. "Looks like it's their roadblock. But how come one Lucario would do that to the others?"

"A bigger Lucario? How big?"

Just as Rumble said that, his answer had arrived. Booming through the clouds and separating them was the figure of indeed, a bigger Lucario. Keeping the same Ethereal Appearance but one that was sharper than rest. The clouds parted as it almost sounded as if thunder was rumbling.

The giant Lucario appeared before them, standing at a height much grander than the Storm Behemoth, which was originally 500ft but eventually grew in size the more energy it absorbed. This Lucario stood at a height of 1200ft.

"Oh! That's so scary but awesome too!" Rumble was amazed and terrified by this gigantic Lucario that stood larger than anything they had seen before.

"Lu! Lucario!"

"You're saying it knows someone set some of the Lucario free?!" Brawly turned to Lucario. Indeed, one of the Lucario had already left. The Lucario that was behind the Ghost-Type door. While the Fire-Type one found some resolution and decided to grieve for the loss of its Aura Guardian, the Lucario being the Ghost Door moved on from this realm.

And after feeling the departure of another Lucario, the Gigantic Lucario in the sky roared with a horrifying sound, causing everyone to close their ears.

"It must've been from one of the other doors!" Bea exclaimed as the gigantic Lucario had then faded away with the clouds masking the skies. "Did something happen?!"


"So a Lucario's already departed from this realm." Brawly translated. "And it's furious about it. Well, at least we know there's a way out of it."

"And yet it wants them to stay?" Bea followed up.

"Ca. Lucario." Lucario then ran ahead, encouraging Brawly and the others to follow it. They were heading for the kingdom to meet with the other Lucario. Soon, the rest of the Ethereal Lucario had noticed the arrival of Brawly, Bea and Rumble. The Lucario decided that there was no time to waste now that some help had arrived in the form of these three.

Once they entered the kingdom, it was just Lucario and no other humans. After all, this wasn't the real Lucario Kingdom. Just an area within a mind.

Fire-Type door.

Within the Fire-Type section, the Lucario was still spending some time with its Aura Guardian that was long gone. It had accepted the sad truth and was finding peace with itself.

And because of this, Lucario was ready to move on. No longer would it have to stay in this strange zone of Aura that blocked it from leaving. Resolve was seemingly the only way to escape from here.

Similar to the Lucario that was through the Ghost-Type door, Lucario's ethereal body was starting to flow upwards. It was a sign that it was time for it to join its Aura Guardian at long last. However, that's when it appeared.

Booming in the sky, the gigantic Lucario could be seen, this time, appearing as a face. "Lu?!" Lucario gasped, seeing the giant Lucario face with deep red eyes.

It wanted no one to leave. Thus, when appearing as a face, it stared down the average-sized Lucario with its crimson stare. Before Lucario's body could properly leave due to this resolution, the Ethereal Body around it had intensified in vibrancy. It also felt something rush through it.

"C-Cario...!" Lucario growled, getting on its knees. Just like that, the resolve it had gained was rejected. This giant Lucario practically rejected Lucario's closure.

The giant Lucario then cried out once more, flashing the sky before fading away. Meanwhile, the Ethereal Lucario was perplexed by what had just happened. Due to how its departure had been cut off, this was not a good sign of what was to come through the other doors.

The Fighting-Type Door.

Meanwhile, Brawly, Bea and Rumble had met with the rest of the Ethereal. After meeting with them, they gained a further understanding of the situation as a whole. If anything, this was the best place to be. Lucario were Fighting-Types first and foremost so it would stand to reason that this realm, despite being Fighting-Type focused, was the least hostile.

"So that's why your bodies are like that...Ataxia did it you too..." Brawly uttered once they explained things to them. "And that's why you're kinda like spirits."

"Wait. Does this mean that Ash's Lucario could gain this issue as well? Ash has suffered Delayed Aura Ataxia quite a bit from what I was told." Bea asked Brawly.

"Maybe if something bad happens. But I didn't think Aura could get this out of hand. Aura's pretty deep, isn't it?"

"In any case, now that we have this information, we can inform everyone else," Bea said.

"Lu. Lucario." But the Lucario shook their head in response to Bea's suggestion. That was surprising considering everything that had been revealed to them and how they were waiting this long for help.

"What? Why not?" Bea asked, confused by their response. "I thought you wanted to be saved."

"I think it might have something to do with that Giga Lucario, Bea." Brawly pointed to the sky. "From how they're putting it, it sounds like that Giga Lucario's got eyes on every realm. Plus, since it sensed one Lucario leaving, no way it'll lose its focus and let the rest leave."

"Giga Lucario?"

"Just came up with it." Brawly grinned. "Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

"I suppose so. Then how do we get around this?" She then turned to the Lucario. Everyone else started thinking of a solution. They wouldn't want to alert the Lucario upstairs.

That's when both Brawly and Bea had the only answer they could think of. A way to hopefully resist the Giga Lucario and fittingly, it would be from the same force that brought them all here.

"Of course! Training!" They both said, looking at each other with blank stares.

"Nice. Same idea. What training were you thinking about, Bea? Because we can help the Lucario with that. Taking things easy and having nature do everything else. Then again, I don't know if the nature here is real."

"Nature? How so?" Bea crossed her arms, curious about Brawly's approach. "Are you some sort of secret Grass-Type or Water-Type specialist?"

"Nah. You see...I learned to become one with nature when I was training to be a strong Fighting-Type Gym Leader. At first, everyone thought it was kinda weird for a Fighting guy like me to do all of that. But it paid off. The synergy I had with nature was amazing. And it made me love it even more. Plus, I kinda do have one Pokemon that's not a Fighting-Type. Sableye."

"Huh. That's interesting." Bea stood there, pondering about it with her finger on her chin. "I never thought about that. But that does sound like it would help greatly with training. Having a synergy with nature."

"Oh yeah. It's amazing. Low risk and high reward too. I do it with my Pokemon too. What about you, Bea? What makes you focus?"

"Absolute combat." Her answer was swift and to the point. "I'm always training my combat skills with my Pokemon. It's not just them that should improve. I want to reach a point where even I can be at a greater level than I currently am. And maybe even go past it."

"Oh, I gotcha. I sometimes do that with my Pokemon. But it can get pretty excessive and I get hurt sometimes." Brawly chuckled. "I didn't know there were others who did the same."

"You should continue it," Bea suggested. "As a Fighting-Type Trainer, your body must be in peak condition as well. As is mine which is gradually growing."

"I don't know about that..." Brawly shrugged. "I mean, surfing's one way I train my body. The only way, actually. Plus, I don't think I could do it all the time. The way you do it I mean. But I think I'm pretty good with how I am now."

"In that case..." Bea's eyes glimmered for a moment as she suddenly threw a heavy kick in Brawly's direction. Brawly, by the skin of his teeth and literally clenching his teeth, managed to just slightly avoid it by swaying his head to the side, gasping as his hair flowed from the force of the kick. "Hm. Well, you're not slow." Bea pulled her leg back.

"Geez..." Brawly took a deep breath as his heart was beating rapidly. "So sudden?"

"Always be on guard, Brawly," Bea smirked. "You wouldn't want to be befuddled unexpectedly, would you?"

"Guess not." He laughed for a bit, feeling slightly intimidated by Bea.

"But...I suppose being laid-back isn't a bad idea either. Right?" She then winked at him, taking his advice.

"And being always on guard has some benefits." So did Brawly as the two Fighting-Type specialists learned from each other in just a few seconds. "Right. How about we take all of that and teach to all the Lucario?" He held his hand out to her. Bea shook it in kindness. "You guys must be rusty after being here for so long. And maybe...we can beat that Giga Lucario and get you all out of here."

"Beat that giant?!" Rumble gasped.

"Equestria's used to giant things by now, so it's not a big deal, right, Rumble? Heh. Big." Brawly soon realized how he made an accidental pun. "Plus, you and Riolu can learn from us."

"Yeah but I don't do anything about it..." Rumble uttered quietly.

"Lucario." The Lucario agreed to partake in Brawly and Bea's practice. If it meant helping them break free. Now that they knew about this Giga Lucario, it stood to reason that their potential ticket out of this place was linked to it.

Brawly had sent out his Hariyama, Sawk and Machamp while Bea sent out her Machamp, Hawlucha and Grapploct. Rumble only had Riolu on hoof. Once they emerged, the Fighting-Types noticed each other.

And as is tradition, they clashed for a bit. "Machamp!" The Machamp had entered a slight grappling contest to show their strengths off immediately. Hawlucha instantly jumped at Sawk, only for Sawk to catch it.

After their acknowledgement, they started practising. The Lucario all took their advice, trying out their methods. Brawly showed them how to be laid back and calm, allowing for nature to help them along the way whilst Bea helped them improve their skills by letting them follow her movements.

They did for 10 minutes straight as the Giga Lucario was still lurking, keeping its guard up. Rumble was a bit slow to keep up with them but he was trying his best either way.

And while they practised, the Lucario were also having fun. Something they had never experienced in years ever since the departure of their Aura Guardians and their imprisonment in this realm. It was truly a wonderful feeling.

"We still have to warn the others, Brawly. They must know." Bea recommended. "That door could lead to anywhere else. Even if the Giga Lucario is cautious, we can't ignore what has to be done. I suggest we inform everyone else."

"Yeah. I hear ya." Brawly nodded, finally agreeing to Bea's choice. "We'll be right back, Lucario."

They made their way towards the mountain where the door could be found. Despite it being all the way up there, their Pokemon could get the job done. Mainly their Machamp who could run and leap great distances. They were grabbed by their Machamp's four arms before returning the rest of their Pokemon.

"Machamp!" Afterwards, the two Machamp started jetting for the mountain, running at great speeds. But instantly, the Giga Lucario was made aware of this. Its ace flashed in the sky, seeing the rapid movements of the Machamp. Or rather, feeling them with its Aura.

Once it appeared, it snarled with its eyes following the Machamp. Furious, the Giga Lucario opened its mouth, charging up what seemed to be a mouth-based Aura attack.

"It sees us! Quick Machamp!" Brawly exclaimed as the Machamp picked up the pace. The Giga Lucario had then released a beam of Aura from its mouth, aiming to hit them.

"Machamp! Bullet Punch!" Bea commanded.

"Machamp!" Machamp held two of its arms out, facing the Aura Beam. With both its fists lighting up, Machamp smashed them onto the beam, creating a mighty collision. Bea closed her eyes with Machamp holding on tight. Machamp managed to knock the beam elsewhere, causing it to hit another mountain. A devastating explosion happened from that collision.

The Machamp then jumped into the air, leaping towards the mountain. Their arm was to latch onto it and climb as fast as they could. The Giga Lucario then went after them, flowing through the skies. It then flew side-by-side with the group, roaring while also shooting Aura from its eyes.

"Machamp! Dynamic Punch!" Brawly ordered his Machamp.

"Machamp!" The Superpower Power Pokemon held one of its fists out, knocking the beam away. But more were coming their way. A barrage of eye beams started bombarding them, hitting the mountain as well. With constant explosions going on, the Machamp used two arms to shield themselves and their friends while the other two arms were used to knock the beams away.

But it certainly disrupted their climbing, almost causing them to fall off due to how vicious these attacks were. The Giga Lucario then charged forward with the intent of crashing into the group at full force. The atmosphere trembled just from its movements alone.

"Machamp!" The Machamp held out two of their arms together, grabbing Lucario's face to prevent the full-on collision. The mountain trembled, almost shattering just from the contact. But, to the two Machamp's surprise, this Lucario was heavier than they expected. Their climbing had been promptly stopped because of this, delaying their goal.

"I gotta do something...Riolu! Final Gambit!" Rumble decided to help. And the best way was with a move that was very risky but powerful nonetheless.

"Rio!" Riolu jumped out of Machamp's grasp, leaping into the air. It covered itself in a sphere of energy before releasing it at the Giga Lucario. And the power of this move was nothing to scoff at. Risking everything into this attack was worth it as the force of the sphere was strong enough to knock the Giga Lucario back, causing it to roar in pain.

"Nice, kid!" Brawly complimented Rumble and Riolu. Afterwards, the Machamp continued. They did so by jumping on the Giga Lucario's head, rushing for the door with an extra height. And they were close, reaching the peak already. The Giga Lucario let out an earth-shattering roar, furious about this as it was ready to use another Aura Beam.

But this time, the other Lucario helped. They all consecutively used Aura Sphere, shooting it into the air, hitting their fellow Lucario square in the face. The Giga Lucario was interrupted by the combined Aura Sphere as it pushed the giant back.

"Thank you!" Bea then thanked the Lucario for their assistance. After that, the Machamp landed on the peak. They immediately opened the door, not wasting any time. Thanks to the diversion from the Lucario, they could enter with time to spare. They then closed it afterwards, leaving this realm.

The Giga Lucario, fuming that they had left this area, turned its attention to the other Lucario that helped them. The Lucario backed away, getting ready for the worst to happen.

The 18 Realms.

Once they arrived, they saw the doors to the other realms could be found past the Fighting-Type door. They were right back at the start and now they had their options.

"Back here, huh? Now what?" Brawly asked.

"We can't go through the rest of the doors since we only have Fighting-Types." Rumble said. "Well, you've got a Sabeleye, Brawly so you're fine."

"Yes. But we have Dual Types, do we do not? Bea had an idea brewing in her head as her attention turned to the Flying-Type door next. "Perhaps if we keep it open, you can still pass through Rumble. And we can enter with some of our Pokemon that are not just pure Fighting-Types."

"I gotcha." Brawly nodded. "I've got a Heracross, so I'll take the Bug door."

"Then I will take the Flying Door with my Hawlucha. Hurry. There's no time to waste. The Lucario could still be following us."

A shocking revelation. A Giga Lucario that was the cause of the many Lucario being trapped here. This information had to get to their friends instantly. However, the Giga Lucario was now aware of their actions, ready to do what it can to stop them. But why would it want to stop them from doing this? That much remained to be a mystery at the moment as the journey continues.

Chapter 644 End.

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