• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,677 Views, 7,938 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Pokemon Black Market

Author's Note:

Quick thing. The Magic Siphoning Jar, which is a key object in this story has an appearance. Here it is.

Unova Region. Near Lentimas Town. The Pokemon Black Market. Hidden beneath the ground. Afternoon.

Lentimas Town. A town that boasts of porcelain and pottery made from volcanic clay. It is also known as where the rough mountain trails lead. This town was located in the eastern part of Unova. Just east of Reversal Mountain. But that town wasn't the main focus. It was what's underneath and hidden away in it.

Hidden away somewhere in Unova was the Pokemon Black Market. The worst place to be in the Pokemon World. Full of people who trade an assortment of objects that are hard to get or just banned and illegal. Not only that, but illegal Pokemon Battles take place. Instead of the Pokemon fainting, the outcome is sometimes unfortunate for the losing Pokemon and their own life.

And of course, this was where Pokemon Hunter J was.

She had something to trade here in the Black Market. That being Sweetie Belle and Embers Gible. Poor Sweetie Belle would be a victim of the Pokemon Black Market as J placed the two statues down.

"What's this now, J?" A hunched back worker at the Pokemon Black Market said.

"Well obviously, I have a Gible with me this time. Rare Pokemon to even find. But even better. I've got a pony with me. One of those unicorns."

"Ooh. Excellent." The worker rubbed his hands together. "Ponies go for high prices now. And a unicorn nonetheless. They say they can potentially make good pets nowadays. Especially the ones that have both wings and horns."

"Yeah. Just make sure to get the poison out of her first. Someone's gonna complain if their pet pony isn't in the land of the living anymore."

"Right, right." To get the poison out of Sweetie Belle, the worker took out a special antidote needle for poison and other ailments. The needle was strong enough to pierce through the stone material as it was stabbed right in Sweetie Belle's neck. The poison had then been pulled in, curing Sweetie Belle. "So, what will it be, J? Anything that grabs your fancy?"

"Two things. First, I want a new crew. Can't go solo forever. If I'm going to be at my best, I need to leave off of when I was at my best. Before that Future Sight incident."

"Oh, we can do that. We've got some workers who are looking forward to something like this. You'll have a great team of hunters by your side. Fairly experienced Pokemon Hunters but just enough for you to lead them."

"Good. Secondly, I'd like...that." J pointed at the first item her eyes locked onto. A specialized glove. More like a gauntlet than a glove really.

"Oh, the Protean Gauntlet. Good choice. You'll have to win that one at the auction though. I'm sure your unicorn will be a sure-fire deal for the gauntlet, no doubt about it."

"Either I get that gauntlet for the trade immediately, or I'll keep this little pony as one of my trophies, making this place miss out on a major trade. How's that?"

"Oh, J. You may have been gone for years but the rules are still the same. Newly rare items need to be put on auction." The man shrugged. "But that Gible isn't new, though it is rare. You can trade this for your new team."

"Tch. Fine. Anyway, next, I think I'll go for those Equestrian Pokemon." J looked at her hand, already having a plethora of malicious ideas. "New forms of Pokemon always work well here."

"This afternoon's auction starts in just 1 hour. Got anything else you want to trade?"

"I've got some more Pokemon in the van. Think I'll stop by one of the routes for some spares as well." J left the Pokemon Black Market, heading off to bring some of the Pokemon she stole while also planning on capturing some more.

Sweetie Belle was immobile in this state. She could see but was immune to doing anything. The man took the little filly and Gible, ready to put them up for an auction.

Equestria. Frenzy Forest. Delphox's Hut. Afternoon.

Over at Delphox's hut, Ember, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and their Pokemon were all currently laying on beds made by Delphox. Delphox herself was treating them since they had been previously poisoned by Pokemon Hunter J.

Thankfully, Delphox dealt with that. She had the assistance of some Fairy-Type Pokemon from the Fairy section and the Pokemon from the Grass section that just managed to escape from the poison smoke. They had used all of the healing moves they knew with Delphox adding some Psychic power in there. With the combination of Grass and Fairy's healing properties and Delphox's Psychic advantage of Poison, they were able to remove the poison within.

"Ugh..." Scootaloo groaned as her eyes were opening. Her body was aching a bit but nothing she couldn't power through. She then sat up with all of her friends waking up as well. "What happened...?"

"Delphox." Delphox went over to them.

"Delphox?" Scootaloo grumbled, trying to process everything. She then realized where she was. She was still in Frenzy Forest with her friends. Almost all of her friends that is. "Ah! Sweetie Belle!"

"Gible!" Ember cried out as well. She recovered quicker than everyone else as she was starting to enter a state of panic. And for a good reason. Her partner was missing. "Gible! Where are you?!"

"Delphox!" Delphox tried to calm Ember down as she started breathing pink fire from her mouth. She was entering a bit of a frenzy now. Scootaloo and the others backed away as Ember kept breathing flames. Delphox then held the Dragon Lord, preventing her from damaging the rest of her hut and potentially anyone else. "Del!"

"Hoh..." Ember breathed in and out with pink smoke coming out of her. Delphox knew exactly how to calm someone down. Pokemon, human, pony, dragon or anyone really. With deep breaths, Ember had calmed down before remembering what happened to Gible. "That's right...That Pokemon Hunter."

"J." Apple Bloom pouted. "She took Sweetie Belle..." After hearing that, everyone felt like crying. And why wouldn't they?

"Darn her...We're gonna get my Gible and your friend back!" Ember got off the bed, already raring to try and find Hunter J. She snorted out smoke to showcase her fury.

"But how? We don't even know where she is?" Silver Spoon asked. "She could be far from here."

"I...I don't know." Ember sighed, lowering her head and arms. She was thinking about her Gible right now, not wanting to imagine what could be happening to him. She had no idea what the Pokemon Black Market was and the result of her partner.

"Wait!" But then, Silver Spoon had an idea. "We can call Ash and the others! They can help! Oh, where is it?!" She dug into her saddlebag, searching for her Xtransceiver.

"But we still don't know where they all are," said Diamond Tiara.

"But we can find 'em easily." Apple Bloom. "Pinkie Pie's Slurpuffs got a pretty good nose and Rarity's Pheromosa can go really fast too!"

"Oh yeah...w-what do we tell Rarity?" Scootaloo stuttered. Everyone froze as they knew they would have to break the news to Rarity eventually. If anything, Rarity loves her sister as much as she loves her friends. Possibly even more.

If she finds out about what happened to Sweetie Belle, well, the reaction can go two ways. Everyone held their breath as they were ready for the response. Silver Spoon rang for Ash, and in the span of 7 seconds, he answered.

"Oh, hey Silver Spoon." Ash greeted them. he was currently with Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie and Spike. The rest weren't with them. "Are you guys getting some good practice out there?"

"H-Hi Ash." Silver Spoon said sheepishly. "Um, we were having a pretty good time until..."

"What happened?" Ash could see this sheepish emotion and worried expression. "Are you guys okay?"

"N-No. You see Ash..."

"It's Hunter J. She took Sweetie Belle and Ember's Gible." Apple Bloom revealed the truth as she showed her face on the screen.

"WHAT?!" Raritys' voice boomed through the Xtransceiver, blowing everyone back, including Delphox as it could be heard from outside the hut. The unicorn appeared in front of the Xtransceiver screen with furious eyes that could intimidate some of the fiercest Pokemon. "SHE TOOK SWEETIE BELLE?!"

"SHE POISONED YOU?!" And Applejack was just as loud, showing herself as well as she was furious at the thought of Apple Bloom being poisoned.

"W-We're fine now!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "But Sweetie Belle's still gone..."

"We're sorry, Rarity. Applejack. We messed-"

"Forget that! That isn't your fault! Where are you all now?!"

"We're still at Frenzy Fo-" Silver Spoon was about to speak the full name but Rarity didn't have to hear it. She knew where they were as she immediately sent out Pheromosa.


"Let's get going now! To Frenzy Forest! We'll see you there!" Rarity was then picked up by Pheromosa along with Applejack. They weren't wasting any time. When it comes to family, they don't slow down.

"Oh! Hold on, Rarity! We'll get Twilight. Her Ninetales knows Hidden Power." Ash informed.

"Alright. Please hurry, Ash." Silver Spoon said. Ash gave a nod as the sound of Pheromosa bolting away like a rocket could be heard.

"Got it."


And just like that, the call ended. Silver Spoon and the others sighed, feeling the pressure being put on them. With both Sweetie Belle and Gible gone, they felt responsible for letting something like this happen. Delphox could sense their guilt of having their friend being taken away. The Fox Pokemon also felt a bit guilty for being too late to stop this.

Delphox went up to the four fillies, sitting down with them. She then chose to comfort them all, making them feel less horrible about themselves. Delphox had a motherly nature in her. And it definitely shows.


"Thanks, Delphox," said Scootaloo. "But we still feel pretty bad. Sweetie Belle and Gible are gonna be put on the Pokemon Black Market now. What if we don't make it in time?"

"Del. Delphox." With a pat on the back, Delphox reassured them that they would make it in time. She had high hopes for their friends.

Ember was just thinking about Gible, hoping that her Pokemon was alright. The same goes for Piplup. He greatly missed Sweetie Belle as he couldn't help but sulk, hoping for Sweetie Belle's safety.

18 minutes later.

With her amazing speed, Pheromosa had arrived here in Frenzy Forest at great speeds. Entering the hut was Ash, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Spike. It was just them this time.

"Sis!" Apple Bloom jumped off the bed after witnessing the arrival of her big sister.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack ran over to her little sister, immediately picking her up with a potent hug. "Oooh! That poisons still not around is it?!"

"N-No...but your hugging might do me in...!" Apple Blooms' eyes felt like popping out from Applejack's mighty hug.

"Ember. What about you?" Spike looked to his fellow dragon. Ember was still sat on the bed, thinking about her partner only. But she wasn't completely mute

"I'm fine. But not sure about Gible." Ember sighed. "Hunter J..."

"Just give me 5 minutes with that jezebel in a room!" Rarity growled, putting her hooves together as she personally wanted to see Hunter J. Her teeth were moving against each other as she held out one of Sweetie Belle's contest ribbons. "Slurpuff. Smell. Now."

"You heard the lady. Go for it, buddy." Pinkie Pie said as she already had one Slurpuff out.

"Slurpuff." Slurpuff got to work. She immediately used her powerful smell on the ribbon to try and track the young unicorn down. And with that one scent, she was able to sense everything in Frenzy Forest. The entire area. "Slurpuff!"

"Looks like she's figured it out already," Ash said.

"Good. Let's move." Rarity ordered as she didn't want to stand around dawdling. "As for you little ones. You all are going home immediately."

"No way! Sweetie Belle's our friend!" Scootaloo sat up.

"We can't leave her!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed.

"Ain't no way ya'll are going anywhere near J." Applejack shook her head. "She tried to poison yall and that ain't happening again."

"But we can help!" Apple Bloom replied. "Besides, Empress Twilight was way more dangerous than J!"

"I don't want you getting hurt anymore, sugar cube." Applejack went over to her little sister with her tone changing. "I know you wanna help your friend but if I end up losing you to some hunter, I don't know what I'd do.

"But..." Apple Bloom pouted, obviously wanting to help her friend more than anything. Even if it endangered her own wellbeing.

"You can take her home and keep her safe if you want, Applejack." Rarity suddenly spoke while being held by Pheromosa. The Lissome Pokemon was also holding Slurpuff and Pinkie Pie. "I'm heading for my little sister."

"Even if you won't take them with you, I'm coming for my Gible." Ember walked over to the towering figure of UB-02 Beauty.

"Please, Applejack." Apple Bloom started tearing up as the other fillies gave their own pleading expressions. And these faces weren't just used for reconsideration. They were also sincere. A close friend to them is something that they can't ignore.

Applejack looked at their faces, seeing their determination. In truth, they're not that horrible with danger. They managed to make their trip to Ninja Village while going against the Unown and have certainly grown. Not just as trainers but with how capable they were.

"Ugh...I'm gonna regret this." Applejack lowered her hat. "Fine! By stay us, ya hear?"

"Yeah! We will!" Apple Bloom and the others nodded. They promised to keep themselves away from trouble by always staying by their superiors.

"Ninetales. Get ready to use HIdden Power Dragon when we find Sweetie Belle, alright?" Twilight spoke to Ninetales inside of the Poke Ball. In response, the Poke Ball shook, showing signs that Ninetales was listening.

"Delphox." Delphox suddenly spoke as she stepped forward, approaching the group. The Fox Pokemon had also made up her mind. She wanted to assist as well. "Del."

"You too? Well, more help is good." Pinkie Pie nodded.

"Okay. Let's get going. Just wait for us, Sweetie Belle. Gible." said a determined Ash as they were all heading for Sweetie Belle's location thanks to the brilliance of Slurpuff's scent.


Unova Region. Out in the peaks of Unova near Lentimas Town and Reversal Mountain. Afternoon.

Near Lentimas were Ash and the others. After Slurpuff had sniffed the surrounding area of Frenzy Forest, she managed to track down the direction that Sweetie Belle had went.

Pheromosa blazed through the lands, moving at great speeds. She managed to go from Frenzy Forest to these plains in just 20 minutes. Truly, her speed was something behold and it would only get faster thanks to her ability Beast Boost.

For everyone else to follow, Pheromosa couldn't hold them all despite her long size. So, as usual, Sceptile used his vines to latch onto the Lissome Pokemon, allowing others to grab onto him. And for extra support, Mew transformed himself into a Tangrowth, also using his vines to let others hold on.

With that team effort, they were all along for the ride. As Pheromosa ran through the land, Slurpuffs hyper-sensitive nose was reaching critical mass.


"Oh! Stop!" Pinkie cried out, causing the Lissome Pokemon to come to a screeching halt. She slid on the ground, kicking up some large smoke from her speed alone.


"Slurpuff senses them both. And something else. Three scents!" Pinkie explained.

"Three scents? Wait, does that mean the third scent is..." Scootaloo paused her sentence, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah. It's J." Pinkie Pie nodded. "Looks like she still had her hands on them both. "She's close here."

"Is she now?" Rarity narrowed her eyes. While she wanted to rescue her sister badly, she also wanted to personally get her hooves on J with not so pleasant results. But, she put her sister as priority number one. However, if Rarity came across J, then a quick side-tracking event would have to occur.

"Slur. Slurpuff."

"Looks like they're really at Lentimas Town." Pinkie spoke for Slurpuff. "We should be super sneaky about this. J could spot us."

"Good idea." Ash got off Mew's back as a Tangrowth. They would have to draw less attention. Unfortunately, Pheromosa's ludicrous speed was definitely something that couldn't be ignored.

The Lissome Pokemon placed everyone down as they would all be moving on foot individually. Minus Mew and Ember, who just float and levitate constantly. Their main stop would be Lentimas Town. Slurpuff was ahead of the group since her nose was the ace in the hole for this.

If they encounter Hunter J, then things could change drastically.

Up ahead, they could spot Lentimas Town. It was a fairly small town. Only four were there. Just three and no more. Three of them seemed to be homes and the fourth was a Pokemon Center.

As the group got closer to the town, they could spot those three buildings, finding it odd that was the limit. No town in the Pokemon World or other world is this barren and empty.

"I don't like this..." Diamond Tiara shuddered as she held on to Ash's leg. Once more, she showcased how she has the innate ability to sense something ominous and off-putting. It's how she sensed J during the second Pokemon Festival.

"I've heard of Lentimas but...I didn't think it'd be this small." This was also Ash's first time arriving here. This is one part of Unova he had never explored before. Among a few others.


But as they were advancing towards Lentimas Town, Slurpuff's nose picked up on J's scent again. And once she did, she realized that J was actually approaching in this direction, much to their dismay.

"Puff! Slurpuff!" Slurpuff waved her arms around, warning everyone of J's arrival.

"Oh! She's coming this way!" Pinkie Pie gasped as everyone was put on high alert. They immediately swivelled to face where Slurpuff was looking. And the nose of a Slurpuff never lies.

Just up ahead, the van of Pokemon Hunter J could be seen. She was blitzing through the peaks, heading back to Lentimas Town. And this time, she wasn't alone. As she was promised, for trading in Gible, she received a team of her own.

A total of 20 members so far. They weren't as dangerous as J but they were certainly hazards. And the moment J's van came into view, she spotted Ash and the others.

"Tch. Should've known. "Can't stay out of my business, can he?" J kissed her teeth. As she hissed at Ash and the others, she spotted two things that caught her interest. "Mew? A regional Axew? And an Ultra Beast?!" Now that's a catch!" After spotting Mew and Pheromosa, J found a new opportunity.

"There she is...!" Rarity growled with her vengeful eyes locking onto J's van. You lot. Get out there and deal with them. Make sure they don't find the Black Market at all." She then opened the hatch with 15 of those members jumping out. Turns out, they can perfectly exit a moving vehicle without worrying about injures.

As for J, she was planning on changing directions. However, she knew that one of them had a Slurpuff with them, so they could find the Black Market eventually. All of J's hunters stood before Ash and the other's preventing them from getting to the Pokemon Black Market.

"Where's my Gible?!" Ember bellowed.

"Like we'd tell you. Go!" A member spoke as they all sent out their Pokemon. Their Pokemon consisted of Poison, Ghost, Ice and Dark-Types. Types that are perfect for capturing Pokemon.

"I don't have time for any of you!" Rarity could do without dealing with these hunters. She wanted her little sister back. "I need my sister back! Pheromosa, get going!"

"Mosa!" Pheromosa picked up her trainer. Ember wanted her Gible back so she grabbed onto Pheromosa's back, taking a ride. And in a spurt of speed, Pheromosa took off like a rocket, leaving behind a large smoke cloud.

"Rarity, Ember, wait!" Pinkie Pie cried out. "You still need Slurpuff!"

"Twilight, Pikachu, Eve and I. You can take things from here, right guys?" Ash said.

"Oh, we sure can. Just watch." Spike crossed his arms with confidence as his Axew and Deino were already prepared. Mainly Axew, Deino was just here for the experience. She was still young and oblivious after.

"Good luck!" Ash and Twilight immediately ran after Pheromosa who was heading straight for Lentimas Town. Applejack, Spike and Pinkie Pie would handle everything else here.

"Glalie! Ice Beam!"

"Toxapex, use Sludge Bomb!"

"Honchkrow, Wing Attack!"

"Dusclops, Fire Punch!" Many of the hunters ordered their Pokemon to attack Applejack and the others. All 15 of them. An overwhelming number to come across. But nothing new for Applejack, Spike and Pinkie considering how they took part in an invasion. But certainly a lot of the foals.

"Axew, transform and use Close Combat! Deino, Head Smash!"

"Sceptile, Acrobatics!"

"Mew, do something about them! Psyshock!" Pinkie flailed her hoof around.

"Sceptile!" Sceptile went ahead while Axew transformed himself into Haxorus immediately. The Forest Pokemon ended up moving through the air nimbly with Acrobatics, meeting his leg with Honchkrow's wing.

"Haxorus!" Haxorus had emerged, moving to the side as he avoided Glalie's, Ice Beam. The Axe Jaw Pokemon then approached Glalie but was stepped by Dusclops.

"Dusclops!" Dusclops had Fire Punch ready, throwing it at the Equestrian Haxorus. Haxorus growled as he grabbed Dusclop's Fire Punch. "Dus!" Dusclops then continued throwing Fire Punch at Haxorus, trying to properly land a hit on him. However, Haxorus blocking and grabbing each punch thrown at him.

"Deino!" Thankfully, with some assistance, Deino came charging in with Head Smash. Her body became surrounded by a whitish-blue aura, making Deino look black and white. Deino then shot herself at the opponent, smashing into Dusclops at full force.

"D-Dus! Dusclops!" Dusclops certainly felt that as it had been launched afar, taking major damage from that. However, Deino received recoil damage from Head Smash. The Irate Pokemon fell on her belly afterwards, but Haxorus picked her back up, placing his fellow Dragon-Type on his shoulder.

"Xorus!" After thanking Deino for pushing Dusclops away, the Axe Jaw Pokemon lunged into the air, appearing before Glaile with impressive speeds.

"Glalie! The Face Pokemon was ready to blast another Ice Beam at the Equestrian Haxorus, aiming to freeze him in the air.

"Deino!" Deino then jumped off Haxorus' shoulder, heading for Glalie with another reckless Head Smash. Before Glalie could fire the beam, the Irate Pokemon smashed her head onto the Face Pokemon, staggering it a bit with some super-effective damage.


"Haxo!" Thanks to Deino's delay, Haxorus could finally land Close Combat. With one mighty strike, he smashed his fist onto Glalie. Glalie staggered once more as Haxorus then stomped on its head, forcing it to the ground.

"Tile!" Sceptile slid back away from Honchkrow after a Dark Pulse came his way. Honchkrow pursued Sceptile along with a few other Poison-Type Pokemon.

"Sceptile, Dragon Pulse!"

"Scep!" Sceptile opened his mouth while jumping back. He unleashed a dragon-shaped blast from his mouth, clashing with Honchkrow's Dark Pulse.

"Mew!" Mew dealt with the incoming Poison-Types. He used Psyshock, sending in multiple thick masses of energy. The Poison-Type Pokemon had been blown away by these thick masses with some of them fainting.

However, the hunters had more Pokemon in store. After some of them had their Pokemon faint, they just sent in more of them, showing that this could definitely take a while. Scootaloo and the others wanted to help in this. To show their support and assistance, they sent out their Pokemon as well. Scootaloo's own Gible was still out along with Diamond Tiara's Purrloin.

Piplup wasn't actually present here. He had gone with Pheromosa, Ash and the others to retrieve Sweetie Belle back. He couldn't miss out on a chance to rescue his Trainer after all.

The Pokemon Black Market. Auction Room. Afternoon.

The auction was about to begin. Many shady people from across the Pokemon World had gathered here for the chance to buy the rarest things they could get their grubby little hands on.

Noticeably, some of these people were from Team Rocket. They were the ones that stood out the most. All of them were either Pokemon poachers, hunters and various other cruel occupations. They all had something to trade.

The list of items were placed around a table. And poor Sweetie Belle would soon be traded for some of them. Gible had already been traded for the hunters as he was being kept outside the auction room for display. As for Sweetie Belle was about to be put up for an auction, potentially being taken away by someone she didn't know. Other things were there that were valuable, but none more than Sweetie Belle.

As for Hunter J, her little detour managed to get her away from Rarity and the others. Her van wasn't fast enough to keep up with a Pheromosa, but it certainly had the speed to outpace her for a bit. Rarity and the others had no idea where J went. She went out of sight the moment they started chasing her.

After making her escape, J brought in some new Pokemon for the chance to win that Protean Gauntlet. She entered the auction room with the others, here to trade.

"And so ladies and gentlemen, we move to this afternoon's auction." A crooked woman spoke to them all. "We have a lot to pick from here. Let's start with the biggest one. The Protean Gauntlet."

The auction had begun with many people already standing up, showing what they wanted to trade. Some had the traditional way of trading in an auction. Money. Others had different ways. Rare items and Pokemon were their answers.

The auctioneer started speaking out every item that she saw, seeing which one would work the most for the Protean Gauntlet. But, J was saving Sweetie Belle for the big one.

"A black-tailed Pikachu. Those are hard to come by." The auctioneer said, looking across the room. "I see a bid of a Dratini. A Togepi egg. A bid of a Skull Fossil." She kept reading out the objects as the stakes were getting higher.

And at the right moment, J then took the chance to strike by standing up, showing what she wanted to trade. In her hands was a petrified Sweetie Belle as she showed it to the entire auction.

"Oh! A pony! And a unicorn nonetheless! Does anyone want to try beating that?" She asked the people, expecting to see something greater than Sweetie Belle. But after a total of 10 seconds, no one had something that could surpass that. "No? Then Sold!" The auctioneer slammed a gavel, declaring the bidding over.

J smiled as she had already won the first bidding. She wouldn't have to do any more. She got what she needed. Sweetie Belle had been taken away, ready to be put up for yet another trade.

She was only traded for the gauntlet. Next, she would be traded for keeping in another bidding, potentially becoming the pet of someone. And there was nothing she could do about it.

Outside. Lentimas Town.

Ash and the others had stopped by Lentimas Town. It was as barren as it seemed. Very few people lived here. A population of just 12 people.

Twilight immediately started asking people around if they know anything about a Pokemon Black Market. But unfortunately, no one genuinely knew about this place. They've heard of it, but the whereabouts are a mystery to them.

"No luck. No one here's ever seen the Black Market." Twilight sighed. "How do we find them now?"

"No need to worry. Lucario's already on it." Ash spoke, pointing his thumb over at Lucario. He had sent Lucario out for one reason. Aura. The Aura Pokemon put his paw on his chest, closing his eyes as he was starting to read the aura of this area. He opened his eye as it was now glowing blue.

Lucario's vision moved through the area until he decided to go underground. He figured that something as shady as a Pokemon Black Market could be found deep below the surface. And his search was correct. The moment he went underground, he could already sense thousands of Aura signals all at once.

"Lu!" Lucario gasped as he turned to Ash. He sent an Aura Pulse, communicating with him. "Luca! Lucario!"

"So it's underground, huh?" Ash translated.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Immediately, after Rarity heard that, she made the first action. "Pheromosa, breakthrough!"

"Mosa!" Without wasting any time, the Lissome Pokemon smashed her foot right onto the ground. Everyone jumped up from Pheromosa's hard stomp as a large hole had immediately been made from her sheer power. Rarity is terrifying when she's enraged, that's for sure.

Then again, who wouldn't be?

The people in Lentimas were certainly afraid. After that massive hole had been made, pipes were revealed. Pipes connecting to the Black Market. Not only that but deep ahead, some stairs could also be seen. They found their catch.

"Yeah. That works. Let's go." Ash nodded as he was the first to jump into the hole with Pikachu. Next was Lucario, followed by Rarity, Pheromosa, Twilight, Espeon, Ember and Piplup. They went straight for the stairs. They were going to crash this Black Market at full force.

The Pokemon Black Market.

Speaking of the Black Market, Sweetie Belle had been placed on the shelf for future bidding. As for J, she got what she wanted. The Protean Gauntlet. She immediately put it on, feeling its metallic yet smooth texture. She was comfortable as her fingers were a perfect fit.

It was almost as if it was made for her. Now she had an arm cannon and a powerful gauntlet to go with it along with other gadgets. She's certainly improving herself.

"Hm. Not bad." J moved her fingers around.

"A fair trade, eh, J?" The hunched back worker said.

"Fair indeed. If I can get this with just a unicorn, I wonder how much an alicorn would give me. Or even better, an Equestrian Pokemon."

"Well, we'll be waiting for when you come with those items. You are our best customer and trader after all. How would you like to see how this thing works?"

"With pleasure. "J was eager to test the power of this gauntlet. She aimed it at the first thing she saw. A Totodile being carried in a cage. With one use, she managed to shoot out a beam of electricity that acted more like a whip. This electric whip had struck Totodile, giving him the same amount of damage and pain he would receive from an Electric-Type attack.

"T-Toto!" The Big Jaw Pokemon cried out after being whipped and shocked. J then pulled the whip back, retracting the electricity into the gauntlet.

"Just as I hoped for. All 18 Types are inside of this gauntlet for me to use. No Pokemon will resist this."

"There's rumoured to be 19 Types and more. Very soon, that gauntlet might come out of style and use."

"Whatever. I'll use it while I can before the next gauntlet comes along. Now, h-" Before J could continue her sentence, a sudden tremor could be felt inside of the Black Market, startling everyone.

"W-What was that?!" The worker said as everyone started chatting, wondering what that tremor was. They believed it might be a Ground-Type Pokemon causing a ruckus. But J knew exactly what this was.

"They're here...Those brats..." J growled, tightening both her arms. And her assumption was right on who had just arrived.

Ash and the others were here in the Pokemon Black Market.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 503 End.

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