• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Check out my Chariot

The Crystal Empire. Day

"...What?" A dumbfounded Princess Cadence and Shining Armor said with faces of confusion. Currently, they were reading a letter from Celestia. It was about Sombra. Not only had he returned as a spirit, but he was also currently a part of Ash. This threw them off guard.

"How did this happen?!" Cadence leaned forward. "How did we let it happen?!"

"Princess Celestia did mention how Ash Ketchum is keeping a good eye on him." said a guard. "So..."

"Hmm...This is a bit troublesome though." Shining Armor grumbled. "I don't know about this. But if she says that Ash is handling it then I'm not too afraid."

"Y-You've got a point. It's not time to panic yet. I'm just more worried for Ash at this point. We'll just keep this letter in mind just in case something comes up." Cadence quickly brought over a sleeve, placing the letter inside of it. "Anyway. There's something equally as important coming up so let's forget about that for now and leave it to Ash. Today is-"

"The PopChariot Show!" Bursting through the door with a booming sound was the older Flurry Heart from Universe 6, startling her parents. "I'm ready!"

"Oh, Flurry Heart." Cadence sighed. "Scared us there. Are you ready for the PopChariot Show today?"

"Yeah, I just said I was." Flurry Heart nodded before appearing in a new fashion. Her mane was altered, having a poofy appearance that almost matched an afro. The young alicorn wore a dress with bright colours as she looked like she was going to the disco. Even the glasses matched. "I even look the part."

"I'm surprised you know about the fashion style from 52 years considering how your world was like." Cadence walked over.

"I was pretty sheltered but that didn't stop me from reading a bunch." She grinned as she even made her teeth extra-white, causing them to shine across the crystal interior. "I'm so excited about this! We'll have the best chariot at that show when we get there!"

"About that. Shining. Is the chariot ready?" Cadence turned to Shining Armor.

"It should be. It'll look extra fancy. More than any chariot. But I hear it'll be a tough competition since Princess Celestia's been itching to join in as well. Maybe."

"What about you, mom and dad? Are you gonna dress up for the show?"

"We have to get in the spirit, obviously. Sylveon~" Cadence whistled for her partner.

"Sylveon!" Rushing through the doors was Sylveon, using her large ribbons to hold a casual dress that wasn't anything too special but fit the fashion years ago plus some oval glasses. She quickly tossed them to Cadence as the Princess of Love stood completely still, allowing the clothes to fully fit on her.

"I'm just as ready as you." Cadence nodded, adjusting her glasses. "But, you need someone to lead that chariot to the main show over at Manehattan. How do you want it? Traditionally or how it was done back then?"

"Back then! Back then, please! But I was also kinda thinking of driving it myself. I'm old enough to do so, aren't I?"

"Yes. You are." Cadence chuckled. "But you don't know how so that's out of the question."

"Aw... " Flurry Heart pouted.

"But if it helps, the guards can dress up to look with the right fashion as well. They might not be too enthusiastic about it though." Cadence shook her head. "Considering they've all been sealed away for about thousands of years after all."

"Well, Flash wasn't sealed up for a long time. How about him?"

"That...works too." Cadence could agree on that. "Plus, you and Flash Sentry are good friends as well. It's a perfect union if I do say so myself."

"Sweet! I'll go get him fit for the occasion!" Bolting off in a flash, she went to approach Flash Sentry immediately.

"Are you sure you don't want to wear anything?" Cadence turned to Shining Armor. "You'd look great with slicked-back hair and all."

"Nah..." Shining Armor had his preference. And this certainly wasn't it. Though, he could appreciate the funky and somewhat streamlined style about this and certainly the style of the chariots that were about to be shown at the PopChariot Show.


"What are you guys wearing?" Ash, who had just shown up, witnessed some of his friends wearing the fashion of those 52 years ago. He chuckled a bit as currently alongside him was not just Pikachu but now the spirit of King Sombra.

"You all look ridiculous. What is all of this?" Sombra squinted his eyes.

"You wouldn't know since you were sealed for thousands of years, Daddy-O." Keeping in line with the style, the slang used back then had also been used, currently said by Pinkie Pie. "This is for the PopChariot Show. Where everypony gather up to show off their best chariots."

"You all have chariots?" Ash scratched his hair. "I didn't know."

"Pssh. Of course we don't silly. We get temporary chariots when we sign up for the contest and then we go crazy and make it look as great as we want it to be!" Pinkie Pie appeared next to Ash.

"We're in it to win it. I mean me mostly." Rainbow Dash zoomed in. "Get a look at this!" She then showed her chariot which was, of course, rainbow-themed with a dash of stylish pegasus wings on the side. It even had a sleek appearance with Castform and Mienfoo sitting in the back. "Eh? Eh? What do you guys think? I even got the getup too."

Indeed she did. Wearing a bomber jacket that went well with her pilot goggles that held the Mega Stone for Altaria. Even some glasses to add to it that were completely black as she posed next to it.

"What is that abomination?!" Sombra had his opinion on it. And it was one of utter confusion and disgust as Rainbow Dash glared at him. "It is so tacky and unkempt? Chariots should not look like that!"

"Tacky?!" Rainbow Dash growled, dashing over to Sombra and getting up in his face. "Pssh! What do you know?!"

"A lot, actually." The former King of the Crystal Empire smirked. "The chariot in my time had a far more adorned and monarchial appearance to it. One that didn't have an unhealthy amount of colours with eye-piercing saturation. So I would say my knowledge on stylish chariots is fairly immaculate, thank you very much."

"It's not eye pier-" Rainbow Dash looked over at her chariot, seeing how some of the colours while having a pastel look to them, did have a bit of saturation that could harm the eyes. "Ugh...Whatever! It's all about the flair! My chariot's gonna win because of that."

"Mienfoo!" Mienfoo bellowed at Sombra along with Castform.

"Cast! Castform!"

"I think not, Rainbow Dash." But interjecting her was another one of her friends. Rarity. She showed up with four of her Leavanny carrying the chariot this way. They then revealed it as it was a chariot with a traditional look but with a spice of Rarity. She ended up designing it after her Pokemon.

It had the stripes of Ampharos and fitting the pattern of the black stripes was the green of her 12 Leavanny. And on the side, as a counter to Rainbow Dash's wings, Pheromosa's Antennae plus Milotic's fins could be found.

"Hm. That is a step up. At least it's less tacky than that one." Sombra criticized.

"Ah! Rude!" Rarity scoffed. "I don't want to hear any criticism from you anyway! Ash, have you found a way to get rid of him yet?"

"Ehehehe...No..." Ash shrugged, making a nervous laugh as well. "If it helps, your chariots look good too, ya know. Any one of 'em looks like they could win."

"I know right? But...Might need some tweaking." Rainbow Dash went underneath the chariot. "But I don't know how to work these things out so..."

"But I can." Sombra floated ahead. "My knowledge on chariot also extends to practical experience. If you think about it, guaranteeing your victory means absolute tinkering of other chariots."

"Huh? You mean you're gonna try and sabotage the rest?! No way!" Rainbow Dash shielded her chariot, placing her hooves all over it. "Besides, I ain't' trusting you with my chariot! Or anypony's!"

"Hoh? Would be intimidated if something like this happened?!" Just then, Sombra's eyes turned into his signature green colouring with the purple aura flaring out. He glared at Rainbow Dash as he could still use some of his magic to an extent. Sombra was about to show Rainbow Dash some until Ash pulled away, dragging Sombra away from Rainbow Dash's line of sight. "Hm?!"

"Alright, that's enough, Sombra," said Ash. "Keeping an eye on you means I gotta make sure you don't do anything to my friends either."


"Hmph. I was just going to show her the potential fear that she was worried about. If I'm being honest, I can truly tinker with those chariots for your benefit. During my rule, I had only the most efficient chariot there was. Of course, it was mainly pulled by others but with a hint of magic, it could even teleport."

"...Seriously?" Rainbow Dash sounded impressed by that as her curiosity had been grabbed. "A teleporting chariot?"

"Oh yes. It had both power, speed and simple teleportation. Unfortunately, no thanks to those two sisters, the moment they sealed me up, my chariot was been lost in the harsh snow, never reemerging. Curse them both...!" Sombra growled, showing utter disdain to Celestia and Luna.

"Well, you still can't fool me, even if you've got a pretty convincing offer. Plus you talk too much." Rainbow Dash laid n her chariot, crossing her hooves.

"Get to your meaningless contest already. Perhaps I can lay out some harsh criticism to whatever abominations the rest of them bring along."

"Well, I've got one!" Pinkie Pie raised her hoof. "I stayed up all night working on this with Jade always being awake and it's my masterpiece! Call this an abomination then!" Pinkie Pie whistled as Mew, who had currently transformed into a Machamp, brought the chariot over.

Ash, Sombra, Pikachu, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and their Pokemon looked up to see a comically large chariot approaching, casting a massive shadow over them. Actually, it didn't look like a chariot that much. It mostly resembled a massive that just so happens to have the leash of a chariot. It was all pink, Everything was pink. It was a simple design yet extravagant at the same time.

"How's this?!" Pinkie Pie flailed her hooves around the chariot as Mew had dropped it, returning to his normal form. "Now this is one nopony's gonna resist, right?!"

"...I take it back. The rest of your chariots are at least tolerable." Sombra decided that Pinkie Pie was the worst by a margin.

"What are we waiting for?!" Pinkie Pie hopped into the tank-chariot hybrid, ready to go. Rarity and Rainbow Dash did the same as they chose to head to Manehattan in the chariots. And pulling them would be their trusty partners. Braviary, Altaria and Pheromosa. Two of them were fast enough to get the job done.

"You might find this fun, Sombra." Ash said to Sombra. "I'm already getting excited."

"Ugh. Sounds like an absolute bore. You should all feel lucky that I am just a spirit. If I were free, I guarantee you that-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Rainbow Dash cut him off. "You're stuck with us now. Mostly Ash. Now hop in, and let's get rolling!"

"Okay!" Ash cheered, jumping into Rainbow Dash's chariot was Sombra chose to re-enter Ash, not showing his spirit form to anyone else. Once inside, Rainbow Dash and everyone were ready to go.

It wasn't just them. A few other residents from Ponyville chose to head to Manehattan with their custom chariots, showing them off along the way. They even started racing each other to Manehattan with Pheromosa already being ahead of the competition.

Showing up with a chariot of their own was the Apple Family. They kept it minimalistic in size but abundant in apples. Next to Rarity's their had a more simple design. "Get a good look at this, ya'll!" Applejack whistled with Apple Bloom's head coming into view. Pulling the chariot was Big Mac's Machamp. "Haha!"

"Are those real apples?" Ash leaned in, pointed at some apples that were on the side. They were all in baskets, ripe and fresh to eat.

"Sure are. Want one?" Granny Smith suggested, holding an apple up. Ash and Pikachu nodded in agreement as the old earth pony tossed it in their direction. They both caught the apples, getting ready to have a small snack.

"You guys are all on land but we're flying high right here!" Rainbow Dash laughed, looking down on everyone.

"But you're not the one ahead, are you?" Rarity whistled with Pheromosa blitzing past Rainbow Dash's chariot. They all had left Ponyville with their chariots. Along the way, they got to sightsee some Pokemon while also seeing other ponies from near and far locations within their own chariots, making their way towards Manehattan.

Some chariots acted as short takeaway stores. They involved food with their chariots, trying to make some currency while touring towards the big city. Some chariots slowed down to grab some food, filling their stomachs.

"Pelipper!" A flock of Pelipper came swooping in for the food, snatching some of them in an instant to feed themselves. They were caught off guard by this greatly as even the Apple family's chariot was targeted due to the real apples they had on the side.

On the other side, there was Flurry Heart's chariot, currently being pulled by Flash Sentry and another guard. Just like she said, Flurry had gotten Flash to dress for the occasion. His hair was already slicked back but with some grease on it. He even wore a snazzy black jacket. His appearance matched more of his human world's counterpart due to this slight appearance change.

"Full speed ahead you two!" Flurry Heart cheered, trying to give them a boost in speed as Cadence was just laying back on the chariot.

"Did I really have to dress like this, your majesty?" Flash asked.

"Flurry Heart was the one who suggested it. Not me." Cadence shook her head. "Besides, she also thought you'd look dashing in it and she was right."

"Mom!" Flurry Heart nudged her mother with her face turning red.

"Oops!" Cadence put her hooves over her mouth. "Did I say that out loud?"

"What?" Flash then turned to them, taking some time to process it.

"Nevermind that! Have a look at that though!" Flurry Heart quickly changed the subject, aiming her hoof at something else in the distance. They could see a Wailord jumping out of the sea with its extravagant size. That was always a sight to behold no matter what.

While also spotting the Wailord jumping out of the sea, they came across other chariots that greeted them along the way. Some were in a hurry to get there. Within the chariot of the royal family, there was a vanity visor that Flurry Heart had just discovered. "Ooh!"

"Snorlax!" A Snorlax could also be seen moving along. But it was mostly asleep, lying on a board that had wheels on it. Flurry Heart giggled, watching the Normal-Type move along without knowing about its current predicament.

Once many of the chariots got far, most of them gathered around the same spot. Pinkie Pie's chariot, which looked more like a turret started acting like her partner cannon, shooting constant confetti left and right. "Woohoohoo!" She cheered while shooting it.

"Cruising with our friends is pretty neat like this!" Ash grinned as Rainbow Dash had given him and Pikachu some smooth glasses. The same that she was wearing. They adjusted the glasses with a cheesy grin, allowing the sun to beam and shine off of them. "Hey, guys!" He then waved at the Royal Family.

"Hiya! Sweet ride!" Flurry Heart waved back before going over a hill with her voice fading into the background. The Snorlax from before had also shown up before passing by again.


"Mienfoo..." Mienfoo started dozing off, waiting for the ride to end. While dozing, she was already dreaming about breaking some metal one by one. The equivalent of counting Mareep to her.

"There's the big city!" Ash pointed ahead, spotting Manehattan in the distance as many chariots had already gathered around. During this trip, Sombra decided to appear one more time as a shadow but with some stealth added in. He saw all the other chariots and all the hard work put into them.

He was about to put his tinkering skills to the test. The shadow of Sombra had then moved parts of his shadow-like body, reaching for the other chariots nearby. But as he was about to do that, he spotted Cadence and the chariot they were on. He quickly stopped what he was doing to see this.

He also noticed how the chariot they were currently using was his long lost chariot, completely revamp. Keeping in them with the Crystal Empire, it had a crystalline appearance but with the union of Cadence and Shining Armor's colours. The shield of Aegislash could be seen on the side and back as well. It was far past his original design.

"W-What have they done to my chariot?!" He cried out, alerting Ash and Pikachu.

"Oh, Sombra. That's your chariot?" Ash spoke. "Nice."

"Not nice, boy!" Sombra moved to Ash. "It looks nothing like what it used to back in the day!"

"R-Really? Looks pretty fancy to me. Hehe."

"Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu and Ash laughed as Sombra had visible veins showing up on his head. He didn't even have a clever retort this time. Sombra just gave up and went back into hiding in Ash as the chariots continued on their way towards the PopChariot Show.

Manehattan. Afternoon.

They had shown up in Manehattan. All of the contestants. It wasn't the biggest competition in the world with a fairly small crowd but not too small. This competition was a niche to many, making it unique in its own right.

"Have a look at that one!" There were already judges present as any chariot could come through, show off their style and leave immediately. There had already been chariots that had shown up here earlier as the new ones had arrived. They were currently looking at Pinkie Pie's chariot. "Is that a weapon?!"

"If you mean weapons-grade fun then sure!" Pinkie Pie patted her hoof on the chariot as it even made the metal sound that a turret would normally make. Absolute echoes. "This baby's got a lot of fun surprises in store! Like this! Spinda, now!"

"Spinda!" Within the chariot, Spinda had pulled a lever, causing something to shoot out of the chariot. Out of it came cakes that immediately landed perfectly in front of the judges' table without making a mess.

"Hm. Neat." The judges were impressed as they would also have something to eat as well, earning Pinkie Pie's chariot some recognition.

"Not the only one with food!" Appearing alongside Pinkie Pie's chariot was the Apple Family's chariot, throwing apples over at the judges' table while showing off their chariot design. "How's this, ya'll?" Applejack asked.

"I coloured in the apples!" Apple Bloom raised her hoof. "And Sceptile too."


"Did this turn to a food contest all of a sudden?" A judge whispered.

"Pssh. If so I don't mind. I woke up early today anyway." Another whispered. "But aside from that, simple but simple is best I suppose. Even if that height is intimidating. Oh, but what say that one from above?" They then turned their attention to Rainbow Dash's chariot that was flying high with the strength of Braviary and Altaria pulling it.

"Only Princess Celestia's got a chariot that always flies!" Rainbow Dash cackled. "Not any more!"

"That's some saturation.." A judge said, squinting her eyes. "But sleek design either way!"

"Ha! See?" Rainbow Dash turned to Ash when she was really speaking to Sombra. Sombra's head could be slightly poking out as he hadn't fully revealed himself to everyone. "Say, where's Rarity by the way?"

"She already came through with her design." A judge spoke, petting his Meowth. "We rated it high with how fancy and traditional she kept it. It helped that it worked well with Manehattan's setting. And speaking of fancy and traditional!" Their attention was soon drawn towards the chariot of the Crystal Empire.

"Look at that!" One of the judges sat up, almost devouring the cake in front of them. "That crystalline's nothing I've ever seen before!"

"Nopony rarely gets to see the crystalline chariot. So this is a rare opportunity, don't you think?" Cadence commented before leaning in on Flash Sentry and the other guard. "You two can take a break now."

"Nice." Flash sighed, removing the reins off of him. "Oh, my neck...Not used to pulling a chariot."

"I think you'll get used to it." Flurry Heart walked up. "Mane looks even nice up close with all that grease."

"Hm. Thanks. But...it makes my mane itch so I don't know if I like it. Plus this jacket's too gith." Flash groaned, clearly in a somewhat uncomfortable situation as Flurry Heart giggled.

"By the way...Wasn't Princess Celestia said to show up to this?" Cadence said.

"She's just gonna be using the same chariot she always has, right? I mean, it's pretty neat even without any new looks. Rainbow Dash shrugged." The moment she said so, everything had been currently put to a halt with silence filling the area. That silence soon erupted into noise as everypony's attention was drawn to something far larger than what Pinkie Pie had.

Once they swivelled around, their jaws dropped with their mouth expanding. The ground trembled as a gargantuan shadow had been cast over them. And the shadow belonged to a massive chariot. A chariot with the symbol of the Sun in the front and side.

And pulling the chariot was the Legendary Pokemon of Truth, Reshiram. That was certainly a stunning surprise. Another surprise was that this chariot was not the one that everypony expected Celestia to use. They already knew what her chariot was like and it was certainly not this size. Showing up to the scene was Princess Celestia herself, overshadowing everybody with her gleaming colours of white and gold. Scintillating wheels that looked to be made out of gold and with the magnificent visage of Reshiram in the front, shooting a beam of fire into the air with a mighty roar.

"Hello." Celestia waved. "I hope I'm not too late." She sat there with a smirk on her face. Everyone was stunned by Celestia's entry. And she knew it, making her all the more proud that she brought it along.

Even Sombra had to show himself for this. He nodded in approval. That was a chariot that was worthy of his respect without a doubt. And as there was some silence for a bit, it was quickly broken up by the passing Snorlax on the board, still asleep, but it managed to sniff out some of the cake and apples on the table.

"Ooh." Celestia's attention was also drawn to the cake. "She was about to hop out until Snorlax subconsciously hopped off the board, opening its mouth and snagging the cake. The judges sat there in shock as Snorlax flew over them while also perfectly landing back on the board, continuing on its wake.


"Uh...W-Well...I think we can grant a winner since these are the last entries." A judge stuttered. "Rewards please!" The other judges then brought over three trophies and some ribbons for the chariots. "For the best chariot, that goes to...Rarity!"

Applauds ran through as Rarity won the best chariot design, taking the trophy. She squeed with excitement as Pheromosa hugged her partner. "We did it Pheromosa!"

"Mosa! Mosa!" The Lissome Pokemon spun around with Rarity.

"Nonsense. For once, I was on Celestia's side..." Sombra groaned before going back into hiding.

"For second place, it goes to Princess Celestia's chariot. And for most spontaneous, these two ribbons will go to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie." A trophy was given to Celestia and two ribbons to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie's chariots.

"Second place again?!" Adagio could also be seen within the chariot, popping her head out. This is the second time she's gotten second place in a contest. At least the third considering the Dazzlings were runner ups in the Battle of the Bands.

"Cheer up, Adagio. That just means we know what to do next time." Celestia chuckled. "Plus, you deserve this trophy too. It was you that encouraged me to join and even came up with the new chariot design."

"R-Really?" Adagio was given the trophy.

"Really. It's a one of a kind chariot for a one of a kind pony hybrid."

"W-Well...I-It was nothing!" Adagio crossed her hooves, feeling less bitter after receiving Celestia's praise. She let out a small chuckle even as did Reshiram.

Third place went to the Apple Family's chariot while the royal family received a ribbon just for the chariot's glow alone and how it complimented the sun. Didn't win but we'll take it. Same time next month or so?" Flurry Heat commented.

"Well, if it means I don't have to wear this again then sure," Flash replied. "B-But if it's your order, princess, then I'll continue to wear it!"

"It's fine. I think you look great without the getup." Flurry Heart complimented Flash Sentry before having her face turn red once more. This small competition came to an end, but there was always next month. Everyone's designs were certainly over the top but unique nonetheless.

Sombra heard them all chatter the afternoon away, residing with Ash. All of this was just dreary to him. But unfortunately for him, there was a lot more like this to expect all the time as the journey continues.

Chapter 661 End.

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