• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Talk to the Master

Kalos. Outside Arche Valley.

An encounter with Galaxy Master had been set. Rainbow Dash and her friends came across this fictional character. After going through two obstacles within Arche Valley, he encountered Rainbow Dash's group here on the outskirts of Arche Valley.

"Wait a sec..." Rainbow Dash took a moment to observe Galaxy Master. His appearance was very familiar to the eyes as the pegasus and Pinkie Pie gasped. You're that guy! The one that Princess Celestia and Luna are looking for!"

"What guy?" Hilbert and Hilda asked.

"Hm-hm! I am that guy! But allow me to introduce myself!" Galaxy Master nodded, feeling the need to make an entrance speech. And of course, this was prime for some poses as Galaxy Master had such an effect on the world that he managed to darken the area.

Everyone looked around to see that this area had been darkened, hiding the clouds. But it was for a reason as Galaxy Master had the power to summon a spotlight on him, making it authentic.

"A flash in the cosmos! A light appears before the world to heed its sorrow and plea! From spacetime itself, I appear!" The spotlight and light that was around him suddenly let off explosions behind the visage that didn't cause an ounce of destruction.

"The Superstar! Galaxy Master!" He finished his entrance by pulling off a pose. Pikachu posed alongside him just to look as cool. Everything fell silent for a moment once the intro finished. Hilda had a confused expression while Hilbert, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie found some amusement in this. Hoopa simply laughed at this.

"That was..." Hilda paused to process what had just happened.

"So cool!" The three of them exclaimed as they were honest about how they saw Galaxy Master's entrance and even his poses. Hilbert even applauded it.

"Thank you. Thank you." Galaxy Master took a bow after receiving applause. Pikachu mimicked him right afterwards.

"Uh, isn't he the enemy, you guys? At most for your world." Hilda snapped them back nto the main reason why they were alerted by Galaxy Master's arrival.

"Oh right! No time to think he's cool! Not when Equestria's enemy is right in front of us!" Rainbow Dash aimed her hoof at the fictional character. "You picked the worst group to bump into, pal. Especially when-"

"Especially when the Number One Trainer in the world is here!" Hilbert stole Rainbow Dash's trash-talking speech for his own, stepping forward and pointing his thumb at himself while Rainbow Dash grumbled. "Talk about bad luck."

"Hm-hm. A hero never worries about who he managed to come across." Galaxy Master shook his head. "Not when I'm here to achieve another goal and that goal is...hmmm...why did I come here again?"

"Pika. Pikachu." Pikachu let Galaxy Master know the main reason why. He already forgot about it since the Rift gave him a quick description instead of letting him take some time in his base to remember it.

"Ah right! I'm here for the one known as Hoopa! I must seal up this mischievous entity's power at once. That power is also conflicting against the Rift, especially with what Hoopa is capable of."

"You're here for Hoopa?" Hoopa pulled back once Galaxy Master pointed at him.

"So that's why you came to Arche Valley." Bertha squinted her eyes. "Hoopa would be a threat to the Rift, wouldn't it?"

"That's right. I've heard about Hoopa's powers. They are something special. So powerful that it can interact with space as much as it likes."

"Hoopa can do all of that!" Hoopa giggled. "But Hoopa won't let Galaxy weirdo seal Hoopa's power away. Hoopa doesn't want that again."

"Again? Ah, so this has happened before. I'm not sure if my own powers are capable of sealing your power away, but I have to try. After this, I have to continue gathering as much Rift Energy as I can."

"You're seriously trying to let the Rift gain its full strength back?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "Just when we were all catching a break from its crazy power. Howcome you wanna bring something like that back to full strength?"

"The Rift told me everything. From start to finish. I already know about how its powers were greatly weakened a few months ago. So to restore its strength, I need to gather as much Rift Energy as I can in any way shape or form. It also told me about how you're all stopping it from putting an end to this."

"Putting an end to what?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"After this, the Rift wishes to place everything back to normal. It only keeps the worlds connected in this way for the sole reason to seek out entertainment as a bored entity, going around worlds and observing what new events can appear."

"I mean...yeah. He's not wrong." Rainbow Dash shrugged. Galaxy Master had been told the truth it seemed. But there was more coming.

"All of this was the result of a universal crossover. That's the word for it. And something like this isn't meant to last. If it does, it could break everything apart. A universal collapse!"

"Say what now?!" Hilbert and Hilda gasped.

"You're saying that it's all gonna come crashing down?"

"Hm. These are two worlds that were never meant to interact with each other. If they were to stay connected for too long, the imbalances will show themselves. This has already happened with multiple worlds in the past. Both their worlds

"That's a lie!" Rainbow Dash shouted out. "I bet the Rift lied to you!"

"Did it?" Galaxy Master replied in a serious tone, not a tone that made it sound like he had to think about it.

"Yeah! D-Did it?" Rainbow Dash asked as from the way Galaxy Master replied to her, that might not be the case, making even Rainbow Dash think for a moment. She was the one thinking about it instead of Galaxy Master.

"Something like this can't be ignored. The Infinity Energy may keep it stable, but eventually, it'll give out. Which is why the RIft must always leave and restore the natural balance of the two worlds so that complete destruction isn't warranted In fact, I'll show you. Starlight Vision!"

Galaxy Master held his hand out, unleashing a flash of light. This flash of light would show them all a projection as Galaxy Master would prove it all to them. Very soon, they were shown a projection of space. More specifically, the two worlds and their respective Earths. They could finally see how the two of them were distant and close to each other and right in the middle of a colossal flow of Rift Energy that was as large as the Cosmic Wall.

"Can that seriously happen?" Hilda asked Bertha as she shook her head. This was far beyond her knowledge.

"Yeah, but we're trying to keep it together. We've made a ton of friends here." Pinkie Pie replied. "You're not going to let us forget about it, are you?"

"The Rift told me that something like this would happen. Connecting the worlds would only add to the problem." Galaxy Master continued. "Even if they merged, it would still cause an erratic reaction. That's because there'll be an anomaly too great to erase. A constant that will always be there. Not even the power of Pokemon can prevent it."

The projection then showed not just the two worlds being destroyed, but also the entire universe as entire stars, galaxies, nebulas etc were being consumed. Both universes were caught in this destructive force, causing everyone to gasp at this sight.

"Even Jirachi?" Pinkie Pie pulled back.

"Even this Wish Pokemon that I've heard about. You understand, don't you? There are forces out there that far transcend what you can comprehend. Forces to go beyond even the greatest galaxies. And this so happens to be one of those forces, caused by the combination of two worlds that are vastly different from each other. Apologies, but I can't afford to let any of you perish. You may forget about everything that happened but it's better than losing everything in a cataclysmic reaction."

"These memories are our everything!" Rainbow Dash roared. "That Rift's caused nothing but trouble to us. Obviously, you're being tricked and I'm gonna knock some sense into you!" She held out her Poke Ball. "Pokemon Trainers communicate at their best when they battle, don't they?"

"There's too much riding at stake here!" Galaxy Master pointed back at her. "Do you think that you can stop what is coming?"

"Yeah, I can. I'm positive there's no anomaly here and the Rift's just making it up, so I'll make you see that. But I'll also take you to Canterlot right after this since you're wanted!"

"Very well then! Prepare yourself, multicoloured-maned mare!"

"My name is Rainbow Dash. Don't you forget it!" Rainbow Dash threw the Poke Ball into the air, summoning her first Pokemon Altaria.


"Rainbow Dash. Alright. Let's begin, pegasus! Pikachu, my loyal friend! Go forth!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu ran ahead, ready to face Altaria. It would now be a battle against Rainbow Dash and Galaxy Master.

"Anomaly this. Destruction that. I bet it's all farce. Just an excuse to get its power back. I'm not gonna let that happen." Rainbow Dash said, instantly calling the words of the Rift a complete and total bluff.

"But still...everything will be destroyed if our worlds stay together?" Pinkie Pie was on Rainbow Dash's side, but there was something terrifying about the fact. The Rift was a vastly knowledgeable force, knowing everything about both worlds and other worlds out there.

Even if lies had been spread, the collapse of both worlds was something that Pinkie Pie was starting to think about. Could such a thing be possible to the point where no Pokemon could stop it?

At the same time, masking itself within the clouds was the Rift itself. It had shown up just to watch this battle. This was the perfect time for it to appear.

"Hoopa. Get going." Bertha said to Hoopa. "You're not safe here."

"Hoopa will go!" Hoopa nodded in response before summoning one of his rings underneath his body. Afterwards, he descended, leaving the outskirts of Arche Valley.

"Let's go, Altaria! Ice Beam!"

"Alt...Aria!" Altaria went first, unleashing a chilling beam of ice from her mouth that raced towards Pikachu.

"The Dragon Avianoid makes the first attack, but Pikachu retaliates right afterwards! Galaxy Master narrated. "Pikachu! Unleash your ferocious electricity!"

"He narrates too?! Sweet!" Hilbert and PInkie Pie said to themselves as Rainbow Dash was fighting the urge to compliment Galaxy Master.

"Pika...Chuuu!" Pikachu retaliated with Thunderbolt, releasing a burst of electricity from his body. The bolt of lightning intercepted Ice Beam, resulting in a powerful clash that ended with both attacks blowing up in front of each other.

"Lightning Speed!"

"Pika!" By that, he meant Quick Attack as Pikachu took off at lightning speeds, approaching Altaria while leaving a white trail.

"You mean Quick Attack?! Altaria! Moonblast!"

"Altaria...!" Altaraia started gathering power from the moon, channelling it into an orb that she was ready to fire. But Pikachu had already crashed into her. "Tari!"

"Now for a quick hit! Smash Altaria with pure iron!"

"Pika! Chu-Pi!" Pikachu had used Iron Tail, unleashing a heavy blow to Altaria after tackling her, turning his tail into Iron. Altaria staggered as she was also sent flying from that impact, hurling through the air.

"Ah! Altaria!" Rainbow Dash gasped as Altaria went further into this forest area of Arche Valley. The Humming Pokemon managed to recover, but not before shaking her head.

However, now that she was elsewhere in the area, the defences of Arche Valley would show themselves. The mystical protection that had been formed by the citizens of Arche Valley kicked in, targeting Altaria. Altaria noticed how there were rumblings around her, causing her to navigate her head.

"Tari?!" Altaria had a sharp instinct for a moment, flying to the side as she narrowly escaped a ferocious boiling hot geyser that erupted from the ground.

"Right! The defences of the valley! They had to show up now..." Rainbow Dash groaned. "Look out, Altaria!"

"Now's our chance to strike, my friend! Manipulate that water!" Galaxy Master yelled, referring to Pikachu's Surf and the unique way he uses it.

"Pika...!" Pikachu held his hand out, manipulating the geyser from afar. His power over Surf was something to behold as no other Pikachu could do this. Once he manipulated the geyser, he multiplied it, causing the extra geysers to crash into Altaria.


"No way!" Rainbow Dash gasped before holding out two more Poke Balls. "Help Altaria out! Luxray! Mienfoo!"



"Force Palm! Ice Fang!"

"Mien...Foo!" Mienfoo and Luxray would assist Altaria by attacking Pikachu. Both of them lunged in with a glowing palm and chilling fangs of ice.

"Lightning Speed!"

"Pika!" Only for Pikachu to use Quick Attack to dash right past them. He managed to avoid both Luxray and Mienfoo's attacks at the same time by becoming a yellow blur. The two of them gasped once their attacks had been evaded so swiftly, quickly turning their heads to face the Mouse Pokemon.

"We seem to be outnumbered a bit. But there's nothing to fear!" Galaxy Master would call in some extra help while he was at it. And of course, this involved him raising his hand to the sky, calling for his allies from before. "Come to my aid, my feathered friends!"

Descending from the skies for a second time were Galaxy Master's Flying-Type allies. Pidgeot, Swellow, Staraptor, Unfeazant and Talonflame. But this time, there was one more member that joined them. A Noctowol. A shiny one to be exact as it flew alongside its fellow Flying-Types.

"No way! He can summon Pokemon?!" Hilda was stunned by this as the only one who could summon Pokemon was Hoopa with his rings. But there was another individual here that could do the same thing.

"So they were right. He can summon Pokemon..." Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up from the sight of these Flying-Types. Even her Pokemon couldn't help but be amazed. Now that she knew that Galaxy Master could indeed summon Pokemon, Rainbow Dash was aware that beating him would be harder than expected.

Already, he outnumbered her entire team and with the knowledge of him having a Charizard, that number was only going up depending on what he does next.

"Don't get shaking up, my protege! So what if he can summon some Pokemon?" Hilbert shouted. "You've got this!"

"I'm not finished yet." Galaxy Master suddenly intensified his voice as he meant business. "I plan to end this battle as quickly as I can." By the tone in his voice, Rainbow Dash sensed an unsettling chill as suddenly, the skies above had summoned a star that could be seen even in the daylight. Seven of them had appeared in a circular pattern.

"Can you feel the sensation of an ardent blaze and tempestuous typhoon rushing through the cosmos?!" His voice suddenly echoed as everyone felt a powerful pressure coming this way, causing their clothes and hair to flow. "Seven stars come together to bring about the ultimate Draconic force! Appear! Right now! The Dragon of the Heavenly Skies! Dragonite!"

Dragonite had been summoned.

Straight from the clouds and appearing in a flash of an azure light went off, showing the darkened silhouette of Dragonite with its eyes glowing. After the light flashed and disappeared, Dragonite had been revealed, letting out a roar that matched that of a typhoon.


"You gotta be kidding me..." Rainbow Dash trembled. "You're going all out so soon?"

"I did say I would end this as soon as I can. But it's also to show you that trying to fight me is pointless when the end result is something that will finish you all off. We can end this battle now. I will only seal up Hoopa's power even further to prevent any way of reaching Jirachi. It's for your own good."

"A-As if...!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, showing a visible sweat drop. "You may have the numbers but that won't stop me."

"You don't have to worry about numbers, my student." Hilbert suddenly stepped forward, holding out his Poke Ball as did Hilda. "We're here, duh."

"Stay out of this. You won't like what comes next." Galaxy Master said to them both.

"You make a good point about how things could turn out if these worlds stick together. But what's stopping them from fixing it?" said Hilda. "We've seen our fair share of wild events and there's nothing that can't be solved. Even something as big as this."

"Perhaps. But there are some things you can't avoid."

"Oh, but there are." Bertha stepped forward, having something to say about that. "You're a hero, right? Aren't heroes the ones who always see that there are opportunities everywhere? Heroes aren't the type to think anything is impossible. So why should you?"

"Hmmm..." Galaxy Master pondered for a bit.

"You can take all of us on!" Hilbert declared. "Then it'll be an all-out Pokemon Battle! How's that sound?"

"We won't let you reach Hoopa either! Not since he just got the chance to see Ash again! It was the Rift who kept them away and you're trying to lock something within Hoopa away again because of the Rift!" Hilda shouted, calling him out.

"Did you say Ash?" The moment Galaxy Master heard those words, he froze on the spot.


"Please!" Just then, Pinkie Pie had something to say. "I get what you're saying but we don't wanna lose our friends, ya know. We made such great memories with them. Some were even so recent as yesterday! Even if everything breaks down, I'd rather go out with my friends than forget they ever existed."

"Mew-Mew!" Mew vouched for that. As did Mewie as she flew out of Pinkie Pie's mane. Galaxy Master heard everything they had to say. This made him think for a moment. He looked at them in their eyes, sensing the determination in their spirits. Young and old.

From what they were saying, these were individuals who would prefer to keep their friends than lose them forever to the point where they never met. They would rather be destroyed with them rather than lose those memories.

"I see." Galaxy Master lowered his head before looking at his hand. "He looked at his hand, thinking deeply after hearing their touching words. The hero was frozen, struggling to say something else." He narrated his own struggle.

"He's even narrating that? He sure is committed." Hilda uttered with a surprised expression.

"I've always strived with one thing. Whether it was doing the right thing or not..." He said to himself. "But is this the right thing to do?"

"You were just created like one week ago though..." Rainbow Dash lowered her eyes.

"So then tell me. Do you believe you have a way to prevent what could happen to your worlds?" Galaxy Master asked.

"We do!" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie exclaimed. They were fully in the belief that there was a way. And they could back it up. From what they've seen and experienced, there was nothing in this world or even their world that was impossible. The impossible was always possible.

"Hmph. How rash was I?" Galaxy Master turned around, looking to the skies. "The bonds between others are more important than anything. If they believe there is a way...then there is a way. A true hero should never doubt the impossible when they can make anything possible."

Judging by his response, smiles were put on their faces. Their words managed to reach Galaxy Master. Despite his imposing voice, he was understanding of them. Though, it was only his voice that was imposing. Everything else was another story.

"Very well." Galaxy Master was about to turn around, only for the Rift to take action. He despised the fact that Galaxy Master was taking their side.

The Rift wanted revenge. Galaxy Master was the best form of revenge he could think of right now against Ash and everything he cherished. And seeing Galaxy Master starting to rethink things made him realize that a semblance of Ash Ketchum would always be somewhere.

"No...I can't have you switching sides...You will do as I say!" The Rift used his recovered power to affect Galaxy Master from a far distance in the skies, still masking himself. The moment Galaxy Master turned around, he received a shock in his heart that made him kneel.

"Gah!" Galaxy Master groaned holding his heart.

"H-Hey?! What's wrong?" Rainbow Dash asked as she and the others, including Galaxy Master's own Pokemon were in shock at this fictional character's sudden descent.

"Pika?! Pikachu?!" Pikachu ran up to his partner. It started off as a sharp pain within his chest, but it soon spread across his entire body, worsening it.

"Quickly! We need to get him some help!" Bertha immediately focused on getting him help. She knew that he was in pain with the way he was holding his chest.

"O-Oh! Got it! Hilbert stuttered as he, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash went to help him up. But something was amiss. Bertha would try and lead the way back to Arche Valley since Hoopa wasn't here right now. That meant they would have to pass through the obstacles.

However, Galaxy Master's pain subsided as he suddenly stood up tall. One of the obstacles of the valley went off, summoning a huge cluster of vines from the trees.

"Huh? Hey!" Hilbert cried out as Galaxy Master broke away from the group. The vines even came between them as the fictional character and his Pokemon all stopped in place. Very soon, Pikachu and the others felt a sense of static, but without the pain in their hearts.

"Uh, something's not right!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as the vision of her Fairy eyes allowed her to see what others couldn't. And right now, there was something radiating from them. A familiar cosmic energy. The Rift's energy. It managed to grab ahold of Galaxy Master and his Pokemon, messing with their heads.

Immediately, the Rift had changed their perception of Pinkie Pie and the others. It also warped the words that they said to Galaxy Master, showing them something entirely different. Galaxy Master could now only recall faint words, but from what he could gather, those words supported the destruction of everything.

"What's up, Pinkie? What's going on?" Rainbow Dash asked as more vines kept coming, blocking their way and separating them even further. Right now, Galaxy Master was back on the Rift's side, but at this moment, his cheery attitude was gone.

"Dragonite. Raging Beam of Destruction!" Galaxy Master suddenly ordered Dragonite to use Hyper Beam.

"Drago...!" Dragonite held its breath in, gathering up destructive energy. Not only that, but the other Pokemon began sharing their Infinity Energy with Dragonite, powering up the Dragon Pokemon.

Rainbow Dash and the others thought that he was about to obliterate all of the vines that were in their way judging by the choice of the attack. But Bertha saw something else. Before she could run over, more large vines had flown in, almost grabbing her.

"Look out!" Bertha shouted.

"Gonite!" Dragonite unleashed Hyper Beam with more power than it usually has thanks to the shared power of Pikachu and the others. A gigantic orange beam came raging out as it did end up obliterating the vines, but it also went for Rainbow Dash and the others.

It was now that they realized they were in danger. The only one to think of something fast enough was Mew, who flew in front of everyone.

"Mew!" To protect them from harm, Mew had summoned a large barrier that caused Hyper Beam to crash into it instead of everyone else.

It was a smart and swift idea by Mew as no one else had the means to think of something to stop this quick enough. The beam crashed into Mew's barrier with tremendous power, resulting in a colossal explosion that blew away all of the large vines in the process. Everyone else had been enveloped in the bright light while Mew closed his eyes.

As for the Rift, it greatly enjoyed what it had seen. Seeing Dragonite unleash such a devastating attack was glorious, especially against this group.

"Forget Arche Valley. I need to move faster thanks to this." He spoke as the light from the explosion was still going on, resulting in a large smoke cloud. "Galaxy Master won't leave my side. I need him to restore me to full power. That anomaly part is true though...because it's me. I'll be the one to destroy these two worlds. Once I get my full strength back, I'll make sure that everyone and everything in these worlds are crushed. But I'll leave Ash all alone in a desolated world."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 858 End.

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