• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A not so fond reunion

The former changeling hideout. Now back to being a normal village. 18:00.

Finally. Nighttime. After so long the sun had set as the moon had risen. A dark blue aura filled the skies of Equestria as the sun's final hours arrive.

The village was silent. But not for the same reasons as before. The ponies who used to live here along with the Pokemon had been restored from their stone statue prison thanks to Meloetta's Hidden Power.

The actual reason involved J. The one who put them into that state in the first place. Ash, who had been given the knowledge that J was back, hatched a plan. That plan was the reason why the residents hadn't returned.

J had returned to the village after her visit to Unova. This time, she didn't have any new stone statues with her. She had only gone to Unova to retrieve necessary items that would get her back on her feet as a Pokemon Hunter.

Those necessary items came from one place that is prominent everywhere in the Pokemon World. The Black Market. Normally, J goes there to sell off the stone statues that she obtains. But this time, she bought items instead of selling them.

"This'll do nicely." She got off the carriage as multiple items resided in her jacket pocket. The items inside of her pockets would not only help her with hunting Pokemon but they would also help her in this new world. "Return." She returned her Drapion and Salamence into their Poke Balls.

She approached the tallest building here. The main place where she resides and her official base. She expected to just head there and call it a day.

However, when she entered the house, she smelled something unusual. Something rather nutritious and delicious. Which definitely caught her off guard. She immediately recognized what this smell was.

"Pollen...?" J said.

Confused about why there would be pollen here, J just ignored it as she turned on the house lights. She could officially call it a day and prepare her next escapade tomorrow morning. This world was still new to her so locations are very scarce. If she had a map, that would make things easier for her.

As J entered the upper floor, she removed her goggles, ready to place them down along with her gloves. But once she got to the upper floor, something caught her attention.

The door to the extra room where she keeps the statues had been opened.

"What?!" J gasped as she noticed how the statues were completely gone. No longer apart of this house at all. Naturally, J was shocked and confused. But mostly frustrated.

She knew that someone broke in and took the statues. They couldn't have just broken free on their own and walked away. Although, someone did break them free and they indeed walk away.

"What freeloader did this...?" J growled. If she ever found out who did this, well naturally, J would do everything in her power to make them pay. No matter what they are. Human, pony or Pokemon.

"Hehe." A small giggle passed through J's ears which immediately prompted her to turn around. And once that head rotated, J saw the silhouette of the person she despised the most. The one person she hoped she'd never see again in her life.

Ash Ketchum.

Alongside his partner Pikachu who also appeared as a silhouette. There were also silhouette's of what looked to be the stone statues J had collected.

"...You." J snarled at the two of them. Her spite had already reached a maximum level. And her first instinct was a very physical one. "Even this world...you still find a way to be nothing but an absolute nuisance!"

Out of rage, J pointed her arm cannon at Ash, ready to blast him. She's been wanting to turn Ash into stone ever since their interactions in Sinnoh. And now, this could be the moment it finally happens and Ash will be out of her hair forever.

But once the beam was fired, they passed right through the silhouette's, phasing and hitting the walls instead. And once that was over, the silhouettes of Ash and Pikachu disappeared into the shadows without a trace.

"Huh?!" J pulled back. That sight was a bit bewildering to her eyes. She at first thought that it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

But then, out of nowhere, the silhouettes of Ash and Pikachu showed up once more. This time, they weren't standing in one place. Instead, they were moving as it was quickly revealed that they were alive and not just shadows.

Once the moon cast a light through the window, the full colours of Ash and Pikachu were revealed. From blue to yellow. The two of them stuck their tongue out before dashing out of the bedroom, leaving J in a befuddled and confused state.

And of course, J's hate for Ash meant that would happen anyway. J ran out of the bedroom to pursue Ash, just to turn him into stone and possibly retrieve the statues that he took.

"You brat!" J now believed that her mind wasn't playing tricks on her as she then pursued Ash and Pikachu out of the bedroom. "Return those statues to-"

However, when she got outside, the silhouette vanished out of thin air. This time it wasn't by J's arm cannon. It was as if the shadows were never here.

"Me...?" J stopped running as she was befuddled by this. "Am I seeing this...?" She held her head, thinking that this was the cause of her massive hate for Ash. She obviously hates Ash to a high degree but she never expected it to give her illusions of him.

But then, she saw another silhouette of Ash and Pikachu appear once more as they were moving in the shadows. But it was more than just that. There were two silhouettes of Ash and Pikachu running next to each other.

This wasn't the moon acting strange. Not at all. Just then, J could see some colour in the silhouettes, giving her the realization that this wasn't just the shadows playing a trick on her. Although, to an extent, it was in a way.

"Two of them?!" J screeched.

Both Ash silhouettes dashed off along with their Pikachu's. Just then, the silhouettes uttered something that threw J off guard. "Bet you can't catch me!"

"Come back here!" An enraged J was now chasing down two Ash's instead of one. The two Ash's jumped off the stairs, entering the lower floor and running out of the house afterwards.

More silhouette's of Ash and Pikachu were showing up around the house, prompting J to look around. She quickly lost track of the shadows that she was chasing down as she stopped to look at the new shadows that popped up out of nowhere. What didn't help was that these shadows were speaking which would be physically impossible unless a Ghost-Type was at play here.

All of the shadows were saying multiple words such as "Over here" or "Too slow" and even more words that were meant to taunt J.

"Shut up! Shut up!" J exclaimed as she already couldn't stand the sound of Ash's voice. She quickly ran outside to try and avoid these sounds.

Once J exited the house, she was met with an even more bizarre sight than just silhouettes. Something far worse that Hunter J hoped to never witness. This time, J was met with the real deal. In full physical form. No shadows. No silhouettes.

Instead, there were Ash Ketchum's and Pikachu's everywhere.

There were Ash's hanging around on the rooftops with another Pikachu by his side as he waved at J whose confusion was only rising even further.

"What the..." J's jaw dropped. "

"Pikachu!" The Pikachu's waved their arms around.

But it didn't stop there.

A fourth one suddenly appeared on another rooftop. Then a fifth. A sixth. Seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and so on with seemingly no end.

Ash on the roof. Ash in the trees. Ash inside of other houses. Ash laying down on the ground. Ash bouncing a Poke Ball up and down. Ash. Ash. Ash everywhere.

Nothing but Ash's and Pikachu's were popping up left and right all over this small and quaint village, surrounding it and J as well. Everywhere she looked, there were Ash and Pikachu's just plastered all over the place. And to make matters worse for J, they all started talking simultaneously with noises filling J's ears.

"I'm over here! The real Ash!"

"No here! I'm Ash!"

"No way, it's me!"

"I'm as real as they look!"

"Is this what it feels like to have hands?"

"This is pretty nice, ya know!"




"What...is...this...?" The three words J uttered from her mouth. The person she hated the most was all that she could see and nothing else. The sight of Ash never escaped her eyes.

And then, all of the Ash's came together to say one single word that would just push Pokemon Hunter J over the top and blow her fuse.

"Long time no see, J!"

"You...You...! YOU BRAT!" Full of boiling rage, J took out her Poke Ball as her anger had been pushed to the limit in such a short amount of time. She tossed the Poke Ball, sending out her Salamence to deal with this issue.


"Salamence! Destroy them all! Hyper Beam!" She raised her voice, pointing at all of the Ash's.

Sala...Mence!" The Dragon Pokemon opened its mouth up, creating an orange ball of hyper energy. Out of that ball, a giant beam of energy burst out of it as it raced towards all of the Ash's and Pikachu's.

"Uh oh. UH OH!" The Ash's all widened their eyes as they witnessed a Hyper Beam large enough to consume them heading towards them.

"Lucario! Aura Sphere!" Suddenly, the voice of another Ash echoed with a command.

"Lucario!" Lucario appeared in front of all of the Ash's as he held his arm out, creating a ball of aura.

The Hyper Beam made contact with Lucario's Aura Sphere as the tiny ball of aura was powerful enough to hold back the devastating beam of energy. The Aura Sphere then cancelled the Hyper Beam out as a wild explosion happened in the middle of Salamence and Lucario.

"A Lucario?!"

"Luca!" Lucario blew the smoke away as he stood firm, defending the multiple Ash's and Pikachu's.

"Gengar! Ice Punch!"

"Gengar!" Gengar emerged from the shadows behind Salamence. The Shadow Pokemon's arms were surrounded by a frosty aura as Gengar smashed Ice Punch onto Salamence's back.

"Mence!" The Dragon Pokemon was sent flying with a super-effective hit occurring. J gasped as she witnessed Salamence tumble on the ground.

"Phew..." All the Ash's let out sighs of relief. Eventually, the real Ash Ketchum had revealed himself by jumping off a roof and landing next to his Lucario and Gengar.

"Nice hit, Gengar." Ash complimented his Pokemon.


"Salamence! Dragon Pulse!" J ordered.

"Salamence!" Salamence got back up, immediately, releasing a dragon-shaped shockwave towards the large group of Ash and Pikachu's.

"Lucario! Stand in front of it!"

"Luca!" Lucario got in front of everyone as he took the Dragon Pulse head-on. Thanks to his Steel-Typing, Dragon Pulse barely did a thing to the Aura Pokemon as an explosion of draconic energy emerged with Lucario still standing without a scratch on him.

"Dragonite! Dragon Claw! Gengar! Ice Punch again!"

"Dra!" Dragonite appeared from above, holding its arms out as green energy claws surrounded its arm while Gengar used Ice Punch once more as both Pokemon approached Salamence.

"Gen...Gar!" Both Gengar and Dragonite struck Salamence with super-effective moves as their attacks hit the Dragon Pokemon in the face.

"S-Sala...Mence!" Salamence was sent launched by Ice Punch and Dragon Claw, flying by J and crashing through an array of trees at high speeds while J witnessed it all.

"Why you..." J turned around with her eyes seething with rage.

"Long time no see, J." This time only one Ash had spoken as he smirked.


"You...! What is going on?!" J growled. "Which one of you is the real one!"

"Right here." The Ash standing in front of everyone pointed at himself. Once he did that, all of the other Ash's quickly revealed themselves.

They weren't Ash's at all.

They were just changelings in the disguise of Ash. Every single one of them revealed their true form like a domino effect with multiple green lights flashing all over the place.

They were only able to transform into Ash because he shared their love with them. Genuine love even. J was flabbergasted as she witnessed these creatures just change form. She had never seen a changeling before. Only ponies.

Her maximum anger was about to break past its limits. But despite how furious J was, she knew how to dial her temper down even when face to face with someone she despises.

"Tch." J scoffed. "You really know how to rile me up, kid. I'll admit. It was clever of you tricking me with these...things." She sneered at the changelings who all hid behind Ash.

"They're called changelings," Ash replied. "And I can't believe you came back. I thought it was someone else..."

"You'd better believe I'm back! I don't know how...but this is a clear sign that I've got a second chance! And I won't let you get in my way again!"

"We'll see about that!"


"But I don't have time for you now. I'm already limited in what I can do at the moment...Salamence!"

"Sala!" Salamence got up as it slammed its head on the ground, creating a small tremor. This tremor then formed into a massive dust cloud that emerged, filling the entire village. Ash and everyone covered their eyes, coughing from the smoke as J hopped on her Salamence.

This was a tactic to get her away from Ash and everyone here since she had been caught and found. Which meant that she would have to find a new base of operations. They were long gone from here in a few seconds.

"Ah!" Twilight's eyes opened up as she and everyone else saw how J had fled. "She's getting away!" Twilight spread her wings as she was about to pursue J down.

"Leave it, Twilight!" Ash put his hand out.

"Mrrgh..." Twilight grumbled as she moved back.

"Is she gone?" A resident from the village popped their head out from the side of a tree.

"Coast is clear." Ash turned around, giving a thumbs up and a clear assurance that their town was now Hunter J Free.

"Oh, finally!" The rest of the residents came out, relieved that their home was now free from harm. Ash's plan was a success despite it being fairly short. But perhaps its short duration was an example of how effective it was.

No longer did they have to hide as they had their home to themselves once more. The ponies and Pokemon who lived here made a wonderful return to their home all thanks to Ash's plan.

The changelings were relieved themselves that they had avoided a potential major threat in the form of J. They had no attachment to this place since they've only been here for a few hours instead of months or even years but they were grateful for their own safety.

"That gift you got for Christmas really came in handy, right Gengar?" Ash said to his partner.

"Gengar!" Gengar agreed as Ash was referring to the item that allowed Gengar to pull off more tricks that it never could in the first place. The silhouettes were all Gengar's doing and the item affected all the changelings here.

"Well. That plan went well." Chrysalis walked up to Ash. "But she is still out there."

"Yeah, I know." Ash nodded. "Now we've got a lot more problems to think about."


"But it's nothing you can't solve. Right?" Chrysalis said to him.

"Right! I've got some experience with J and Pokemon hunters. So there's no need to worry.


"Does this mean the Officer Jenny's will get involved?" Twilight flew over to him.

"The Jenny's from Sinnoh have been chasing down J for a while. And I guess now that J's alive again they're gonna start up that chase."

"Well..." Chrysalis looked up at the sky. "I believe we've overstayed our welcome in this village. It doesn't belong to us anyway. It's best we left to find a Fairy-Type home now"

"Yeah. I guess that's best. But the ponies here are pretty thankful for your help." Ash turned to face the ponies. "You kinda played a big part in helping them get their home back."

"I suppose so. But we'd prefer to be on our own."

"Mmm...Ash!" Anthophila sensed that her departure with Ash was closing in as she wriggled around Chrysalis's back.

"Again?" Chrysalis faced Anthophila. "Seems she just doesn't want to detach herself from you."

"Yeah." Ash kneeled to face the little changeling baby. "Sorry, Anthophila. But you have to get going now. You've got a new home waiting for you. But this won't be the last time we see each other, ya know."


"Mm...Papa!" Anthophila poked Ash's nose.

"Papa?!" Twilight screeched along with Meleotta.


"It seems she's a bit too attached..." Chrysalis's eyes widened.

"Take care, Anthophila. Alright?" Ash patted the baby changeling on the head.

"Gehehe. Papa!" She babbled, flailing her hooves on Ash's face.

"All of you." Ash stood up, looking at the changelings. "Good luck out there."

"Hmm..." Chrysalis looked back at Ash and then back to Anthophila and then she faced the rest of the changelings. She could see how grateful they all were to Ash and how attached Anthophila was. "Well...It wouldn't hurt to stay until tomorrow, would it?"

"You're not leaving yet?" Twilight pondered.

"Perhaps walking through this vast land during the night might not be a wise idea." Chrysalis was making an excuse up for her and the changelings to stay around a while longer. "The best time to leave is the morning, wouldn't you agree?"

"Hm...I guess so." Ash crossed his arms. Meanwhile, Twilight could tell that they were just trying to stay a while longer. "Alright. If that's what you want."


"Papa!" Anthophila teleported behind Ash's back, latching onto him.

"Let's have a blast before the morning, okay?" Ash said to Anthophila.

"Blast!" She mimicked his words.

The changelings could accept staying before morning arrives. They had a lot they wanted to ask Ash and wanted to hang around him a bit longer. But more than that, the residents of this village had decided to chat with the changelings as well. After all, they were grateful to them as well.

The ponies kindly offered them to stay in their homes and rest up till tomorrow. They needed the rest even with Pollen Puff healing them from the inside. Ash's Pokemon decided to interact more with the changelings alongside the ponies. Dragonite grabbed a bunch of them for the sake of giving them all a warm hug which never fails.

Pikachu decided to be a light show to the changelings by sparking his body up with electricity, illuminating the small village as the changelings gawked. Lucario and Farfetch'd being the serious guys that they were decided to stand and lay by a tree. To the changelings, Lucario and Farfetch'd were cool.

Chrysalis watched as her changelings, for the first time ever, were generally having fun. She had never seen them so happy before. Especially considering what happened earlier today. It was a heartwarming feeling that she's never experienced until now.

However, Chrysalis knew that with the events that happened today, her plan against Empress Twilight has gone down the drain. And her ally Adagio is unaware of it. Things would have to change drastically. The plan to siphon Empress Twilight's magic was still in effect since the jar is a massive ace in the hole. But the way the plan will play out would need to be altered.

"Ribom." Ribombee flew over to Chrysalis as she held a pollen ball in her hands, offering it to Chrysalis.

"Thank you." Chrysalis kindly took the pollen ball for a late-night snack as Ribombee flew around her.

"So. Is this what true love actually feels like?" Chrysalis looked at the pollen ball and over at Ash and the changelings. After that, she let out a soft smile. "It truly is a wonderful feeling."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 323 End.

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