• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Form-Changing Axew

The Verdant Planet. 7:00 AM.

Spike and his Salamence had just had an unexpected yet seemingly lucky encounter with a vastly different looking Axew that exists on this small planet among Grass, Water and Flying-Types.


"You're an Axew...but you look totally different..." A starstruck Spike said while pointing at the Tusk Pokemon.

"Axe!" Axew gave his greetings by waving as its mere appearance still perplexed Spike and Salamence. Mostly Spike. Then the baby dragon started to realize something.

Coming across an Axew of a different appearance that did not match a normal Axew on a brand new undiscovered planet where there is seemingly a Special Haxorus also located here, made Spike put the pieces together. Fairly quickly a well.

"Oh! Are you the child of the Special Haxorus here?!"

"Xew?" Axew tilted its head.

"Awesome! Talk about my lucky day!" Spike squeed. "I can get myself a Special Axew and a Special Haxorus! Beat that, Drake!"

"Xew. Axew."

"Sala?" Salamence's eyes widened as he had heard something surprising about the Axew standing in front of him."Mence! Salamence!"

"What is it, Salamence?" Spike turned to his partner.

"Mence!" Salamence seemed like he had something important to tell Spike which would rock his world even further. Spike and Salamence could slightly communicate with each other as fellow Dragons, even if they were of different worlds. They had their own unique ways of going about it. Mainly charades.

"The Axew? What about him?"

"Sala!" Salamence decided to try a charade as he made a face resembling when he used to be a Bagon. Then he popped his face back into his usual Salamanece expression.

Spike narrowed his eyes as we watched Salamence switch from his Bagon face to his Salamence face in a few seconds, trying to figure out what Salamence was talking about.

Spike looked back at the Axew, then back to Salamence's Bagon face and then back to Axew and then back to Salamence's normal face.

By seeing both Dragon Pokemon back and forth, the realization hit Spike like a meteor as his pupils shrunk, his jaw dropped as he let out a prolonged gasped.

"Wait. Are you- Did you..." Spike slowly pointed at the Axew with his arm shaking.

"Axew!" The Tusk Pokemon nodded as he knew what Spike had figured out.

"You De-Evolved?!" Spike gasped.

"Xew!" Axew gave a thumbs up for confirmation.

"That can happen?! Can that happen?!" Spike turned to Salamence.

"Sala...?" Salamence didn't even know that was physically possible. But then again, he went from a Bagon to a Salamence in one day without having to become a Shelgon midway.

"Xew! Xew!" Axew, much like a Haxorus, is a kindhearted Pokemon. He went up to Spike, grabbing him by the claw and giving him a claw-shake greeting. Axew was around the same height as Spike so they were on the same level.

"So you're the Special Haxorus but you somehow de-evolved. Is it the magic in this world that's doing that?"


"Well...it still counts as the Special Haxorus so...This is a total win for me! Say, Axew. How would you like to come with us, huh?"


"I'm training to be a Great Dragon Trainer. And it'd be great if I had another Dragon on my side to help me reach that goal. So will you help out?"

"Xew..." Axew glared at the Poke Ball in Spike's hand. But his attention was quickly averted to something else as his head turned to the left. "Axe!"

"Hm? Is that a yes or a no?"

"Axew...!" Axew growled. He knew something was not right at the moment. The diamond patterns on Axew's body were suddenly emanating a golden light as if to give out signal warnings of some sort.

"Sal? Salamence!" Salamence had spotted what Axew had seen and sensed as well.

By looking over the small hill, the Dragon Pokemon finally noticed the poison caused by Drapion's Cross Poison as it was slowly approaching their direction, infecting the grass and trees in front of it. It showed no signs of stopping as very soon, Spike as well saw the poison approaching as it engulfed the hill.

But it wasn't just the poison approaching. Terrified Pokemon were fleeing from the poison, screaming and wailing. It wasn't just the poison they were running from. The Team Plasma Grunt and his Drapion were capturing Pokemon that already been poisoned. They weren't seen on the hill, but they were somewhere here in the forest.

"Oh! Poison!" Spike gasped as he hopped on Salamence's back, knowing that the poison would seep into him if he stayed on the ground. He looked at Axew, seeing that he couldn't fly either. The poison would surely infect him too if he did not leave the ground. So Spike decided to save Axew from imminent poisoning."Axew! Hop on!"

"Xew!" But Axew didn't listen. Instead, he continued to growl at the approaching poison, which confused Spike since growling at poison was practically useless. It's not like poison can be intimidated.

However, that's when Axew did something that an Axew is not normally capable of doing. The Tusk Pokemon held his claws out, showing the diamonds that were on the palm of his claws.

The two diamonds were shining brighter than the rest of the diamonds on his head and knees as a golden aura engulfed the Special Axew. Spike and Salamence witnessed Axew shine as the grass beneath him were being influenced by the mysterious golden light.

"Axew!" Then, with a mighty cry, Axew released a flash of light that came out of his body as it travelled towards the direction of the poison. The sound the light made sounded similar to the angelic echo the blue wisps back at the Arcane Ocean make.

The light of Axew had come across the poison, pushing the virulent substance back as if the light was fending the poison off from spreading any further. The light seemed to be using a large portion of Axew's energy as his eyes were flashing green from the amount of force he was exerting.

Parts of the poison were being destroyed while the rest were being pushed back instead. Spike and Salamence had gazed upon the light and how it was pushing the poison back, but not fully destroying it, since it seemed that Axew's light wasn't enough. "Woah..."


The poison's progress had been pulled back. The grass and trees were still infected but the ones beyond were safe for the time being. It seemed that this Axew has the amazing power to push back poison itself. Afterwards, the light vanished with tiny golden sparkles flowing into the sky.

"Xew..." The Tusk Pokemon suddenly fell over as he had fainted. Using that one single light attack drained a ton of his energy, enough to knock him out. A second golden light surrounded Axew as his body had reverted to its original Unovan form from an attack that strong.

"Oh! Axew!" Spike went over to the fainted Dragon-Type. He helped Axew up from the ground, putting his arm over the Tusk Pokemon. Thankfully, Axew also weighed the same as Spike, so he was easy to carry.

The Pokemon who were escaping from the poison had stopped as they saw that Axew had prevented it from moving. For the time being. But they didn't know that. They thought it was permanent. They let out resounding cheers targeted towards Axew, who was out cold so he couldn't hear all the praise and cheering.

The Grass-Types went up to Axew who was being carried by Spike, ready to thank him and also heal him after his good deed and saving them from being poisoned.

"Cheru." A Cherubi decided to be the one to heal Axew as it had used Heal Pulse to do so, emitting a pulse of green energy that covered the Tusk Pokemon specifically. But it was wide enough to affect Spike, even if he didn't need the healing.

With a beautiful aura filling him, Axew's body was being healed. But not only that, he gained a second aura around him. Specifically, the same golden light he used against the poison.

Everyone backed up as they saw a ball of light engulf Axew's body while he was being healed and recovered by Heal Pulse. The light around Axew was forming into the shape of a dragon as the brightness was intensifying, prompting everyone to close their eyes.

The dragon-shaped light spiralled for a bit in the air before coming back down and devouring the orb of light it originated from, creating an even brighter flash.

The flash had faded away, causing everyone to open their eyes. When they did open their eyes, everyone, mainly Spike and Salamence were surprised to see that Axew had transformed back into its Equestrian Form because of the flash.

"Xew...?" The Tusk Pokemon woke up, seeing that Spike was carrying him along with many Pokemon surrounding him.

"You can change in and out of that form? Awesome!" Spike exclaimed.

"Axew." He nodded.

"I thought it was temporary after seeing what happened to Milotic and Gengar...Guess that must mean you're extra special, huh?"


The Grass-Types could finally thank Axew now that he was awake. They believed that he had permanently stopped the poison from spreading. Even Spike did as well. While he certainly destroyed bits of it and halted its progress, the poison wasn't anywhere near close to finishing its vile job. After all, it will continue to spread later on.

"Is everyone else okay?" Spike asked the Pokemon around him. They were all healthy and safe thankfully. However, the same could not be said for the Pokemon who had been caught by the poison.

And of course, the one who caused the poison to fill the planet in the first place. The Drapion who belonged to the Team Plasma Grunt. And speaking of the Team Plasma Grunt and Drapion, their catching spree was linear since the poison was spread in one direction with a wide radius.

The grunt was following that direction and caught all the Pokemon who had been poisoned along the way. He was running out of Poke Balls. Only 4 of them were remaining at his disposal.

And his search eventually led him to Spike, Salamence, Axew and the remaining Pokemon who were escaping from him, Drapion and the poison.

"Well." The grunt slammed his foot with a heavy impact. "I see something interesting."

"Huh?" Spike heard the sounds of someone's foot hitting the ground along with a voice travelling through his ears. Him, Salamence and all the Pokemon turned to see the grunt and his Drapion, holding an Oddish in its claws.


The Grass-Types all hid behind Salamence since he was a big and strong Pokemon, so they felt like they would feel safe around him and perhaps even Axew after that light move. They were all terrified of the grunt and Drapion. And for good reason. They were the ones who did this to their forest after all and had captured many of their friends.

"Salamence..." Salamence snarled, knowing that this grunt was not to be trusted.

"W-Who are you?" Spike stuttered.

"Doesn't matter. But what does matter is what you're carrying with you." The grunt pointed at Axew. "That Axew's something special. Never seen anything like it."

"Axew..." Axew himself was also cautious, much like Salamence and the Grass-Type Pokemon behind Salamence. The sight of these two and their menacing grins made it clear that they were trouble at first sight.

"I was hoping to catch a Special Pokemon instead of the standard ones here that have just interacted with the water. That's certainly a Special Pokemon by appearance. Ghetsis, but mostly Colress, would enjoy researching it." The grunt smirked. "I'll have a lot to report back!"

"Ghetsis...?" The name that struck fear into all of Equestria. The most dangerous individual Equestria has ever faced and ever will face had just been mentioned. Hearing that, Spike's heart skipped a beat as he realized who he was talking to right now. "You're...You're Team Plasma!"

"But of course." The grunt put his hat on as he removed his trench coat, revealing his full Team Plasma outfit. "Now move aside. Unless you wish to be pummeled by my Drapion."

"Drapion!" Drapion intimidated Spike by clapping its claws together.

"No way!" Spike refused as he gulped. He knew he was stepping into hot water with this interaction with a Team Plasma grunt.

"Hoh?" The grunt raised an eyebrow.

"Like I'd let someone like you catch Axew...I won't let you have him or any of the Pokemon here! Isn't that right, Salamence?"

"Salamence!" Salamence stepped forward, standing next to his trainer.

"You've got guts for a creature the same size as that Axew...but do you think it would be smart to battle me now? The poison will start moving again soon."

"Then I'll just beat you before that happens! Salamence! Let's go! Use Hyper Beam!"

"Sala...!" Salamence opened his mouth as an orange ball, appeared in front of his mouth.

"Split it with Iron Tail, Drapion!"

"Dra!" Drapion turned around as it hardened its tail to match that of Iron.

"Mence!" Salamence then fired a beam of orange energy that tore through the ground, making a loud booming sound as it approached the Ogre Scorp Pokemon.

"Pion!" Drapion swung its Iron Tail in the middle of Hyper Beam which caused the powerful Normal-Type move to split into two directions. The split Hyper Beam obliterated the trees on the side as Drapion's Tail took little to no damage from the attack. An explosion of smoke occurred after the beam was cancelled out.

The Grass-Type Pokemon all shuddered as they backed away from this battle. They didn't want to get caught up in all of this since these were two very powerful Pokemon going against each other. Even Axew ran off with them as they all watched the battle from afar.

"Heh! Drapion! Ice Fang!"

"Dra!" The Ogre Scorp Pokemon moved through the smoke with its fangs lighting up with light blue icy energy. Salamence had to recharge because of Hyper Beam, so he couldn't retaliate.

As such, Drapion then bit down on Salamence's neck with a chilling fang as it caused the Dragon Pokemon to scream in excruciating pain. "Sala!"

"Drapion!" Drapion dug its fangs into Salamence's neck, sending a chill through his body as he wouldn't let go of the Dragon Pokemon.

"Salamence!" Spike gasped. "Quick! Use Dragon Tail!"

"S-Salamence!" Salamence had regained energy as his eyes flashed green. His tail lit up draconic green energy, ready to swing it.

"Toss Salamene away!"

"Drap!" Drapion quickly prevented Salamence from pulling Dragon Tail off as the Poison-Dark-Type loosened its fang grip on Salamence's neck, tossing the Dragon Pokemon aside.

"M-Mence!" Salamence screamed as he tumbled on the ground. The Dragon Pokemon crashed through some trees after being flung by Ice Fang which was already highly painful against a Dragon-Flying-Type such as himself.

"Now! Iron Tail, go!"

"Drap!" Drapion ran over to Salamence, hardening its tail as it was going to beat the Dragon Pokemon while he was down.

"Here he comes..." Spike was preparing for a perfect time to counterattack as Salamence laid on his back, spotting Drapion who was approaching him with an Iron Tail that would most definitely hurt upon contact.

"Pion!" The Ogre Scorp Pokemon then turned around, raising its tail as it was aiming to strike Salamence's vulnerable stomach since he was laying on his back.

"Now, Flamethrower!"

"Sala!" The counterattack had arrived. First, Drapion had slammed Iron Tail onto Salamence's stomach which caused the Dragon Pokemon's eyes to widen as he coughed. But, Salamence could now strike back as the moment he had been hit by Iron Tail, he breathed out a red-orange beam of scorching fire from his mouth, which engulfed the Ogre Scorp Pokemon, who still had its tail on Salamence's stomach.

"D-Drapion!" Drapion was the one screaming as Flamethrower was forcing the Poison-Dark-Type away from Salamence while the flames pour on its body.

"Yes! Pour it all on Drapion!" Spike raised his arms.

"Salamence!" Salamence did exactly that by increased the heat and size of the Flamethrower, not giving Drapion any time to have some free space.

"Kh! Annoying brat...!" The grunt growled. He decided to let Drapion take Flamethrower without bothering to do anything to fight back against it. Instead, he was going straight for Axew as he ran over, passing Drapion and the Flamethrower as well.

"Axe?" Axew looked over to see that the grunt was coming straight for him.

"Gotcha!" He held his arm out, expecting to grab the Tusk Pokemon. But to his surprise, Spike had stopped him by jumping on the grunt's head and using his claws to block his vision.

"No, you don't!" Spike said as he was now on top of the grunts head, blocking his vision.

"Hey!" The grunt exclaimed as he was now walking without clear eyesight, waddling and wobbling around. "Get off!" He tried to grab Spike to get him off. But Spike had a solution to that. He bit the grunt's finger the moment his hand got too close to him, causing the grunt to scream in pain. "Gah! Why you...!"

Aggravated, the grunt decided to find new ways to get Spike off his head. He then thought of something that would give Spike a scare. And that involved the Flamethrower that was still engulfing Drapion who couldn't do anything at the moment.

The grunt decided to run over to the Flamethrower, planning on jumping into the fire with Spike. "Ah!" Naturally, Spike wasn't a fan of that. So he hopped off the grunt's head while the grunt stopped before he could get himself into the fire.

"Heh!" The grunt grinned as he looked back at Spike, holding the finger Spike bit. "Nice try."

"It's not over yet!" Spike got up from the ground. "You still won't get your hands on Axew, no matter what!"

"That should be the least of your problems..." The grunt pointed his finger to the north, showing Spike something that he and the others had forgotten about for a while.

The poison was moving once more. It had already been on the move 3 minutes ago. Right around when Drapion bit into Salamence's neck. It was closing in on them as the Grass-Types immediately started running once more, just to avoid being poisoned.

"Not good...!" Spike winced. "Guess I've got-" Before he could turn around and make a change of plans, the grunt had snuck up from behind while Spike wasn't looking. With his guard down, the Team Plasma grunt grabbed Spike by the head, lifting the baby dragon from the ground. "Ah!"

"You're not going anywhere! A troublesome brat like you shouldn't meddle in my business! Let's see how you like being poisoned!" The grunt was about to toss Spike towards the poison as a means of getting rid of him.

"W-Wait!" Spike gasped, but it was too late. The grunt tossed Spike with all his might sending him through the air as the baby dragon was screaming.

"Sala?!" Salamence stopped using Flamethrower as he saw his partner in imminent danger. Without hesitation, he immediately flew off the ground, dashing forward, just to save his friend as Drapion was free. However, the Ogre Scorp Pokemon had been burnt in the process.

"AA-AH!" Spike closed his eyes as he could see that he was about to fall into the poison. Luckily, he had an amazing partner by his side as Salamence caught Spike on his back.


"Oh! Salamence!" Spike had a wide smile on his back, grateful for his partner coming to save him at the right moment as Salamence avoided the poison by ascending.

However, the grunt was counting on Salamence to save Spike from danger for only one reason. To get Spike far away so that he would have the opportunity to grab the Special Axew.

Drapion snuck from behind, just like how its trainer snuck up on Spike a few seconds ago, using its claws to grab onto Axew, catching the Tusk Pokemon by surprise.

"X-Xew?!" Axew!"

"Drap! Drapion!" Drapion's claw dug into Axew's skin as the Grass-Type Pokemon watched from afar, seeing Axew in Drapion's clutches.

"Excellent!" The grunt held out a Poke Ball, ready to capture Axew.

"Uh oh!" Spike' eye widened as he witnessed Axew's current situation and the Poke Ball in the grunts hand. "Quick, Salamence! Hyper Beam!"

"Sala...!" Salamence was about to fire Hyper Beam once more until Drapion pulled a dirty trick. The Poison-Dark-Type held Axew forward, putting him in front of the Ogre Scorp Pokemon and using him as a shield. "Mence?!" This prompted Salamence to cease his attack as he didn't want to hurt Axew.

"Axe! Axew!" Axew squirmed around.

"Heh. Too easy." The grunt cackled as he casually tossed the Poke Ball towards the Tusk Pokemon. Salamence wanted to fire an attack but he would risk hurting Axew. And Spike himself knew that. So instead, they were going to charge in and grab Axew as Salamence shot downwards like a rocket, causing double shockwaves as he raced towards Drapion and Axew.

But it was too late.

The Poke Ball hit Axew's head, sending the Tusk Pokemon inside as Salamence came to a screeching halt. The ball landed on the ground as it was starting to shake.


"Axe!" Axew broke out of the Poke Ball, surprising the grunt and Drapion as the Poke Ball didn't give them a full guarantee capture.


"Curses!" The grunt stomped his foot.

"Oh sweet!" Spike bellowed.


"Xew...!" Rightfully enraged, Axew targeted all of his anger towards the Team Plasma Grunt and his Drapion for trying to capture him. The happy and cheerful Axew quickly shifted its personality and feelings in a heartbeat as it glared at Drapion and the grunt, dead in the eye.

"Feh. What are you gonna do about it?" The grunt taunted him.

"Ax..." At the spur of a moment, a golden light surrounded Axew's body once more. But this time, he wasn't reverting to his Unovan form. Not at all. This was something different.

And it was definitely showing as the skies were suddenly shifting to a night-time aesthetic all of a sudden which prompted everyone to look up, confused as to why the night was arriving so soon in the morning.

But it wasn't the night.

Instead, they were dark blue clouds forming from the glow of Axew's golden aura. The sound of thunder rumbling could be heard as the ground itself was trembling. Cracks were forming, lightning formed in the clouds. Any form of water on this planet was rising as a wind pressure equal to that of a storm was being generated.

"W-What is this?!" The grunt got on his knees as he couldn't handle the trembling.

It wasn't just him. Everyone on the planet was feeling the tremor. In fact, the planet itself was shaking because of what Axew was doing. The Pokemon themselves were falling over and screaming. Trees were being ripped out of the ground, toppling over, the terrain itself was being transformed.

"What's going on?!" Ash said.

"Where's this tremor coming from?!" Twilight screeched as she looked around.

"Haxorus..." Drake held his hat, knowing what Pokemon was causing this mighty tremor.

Axew kept screaming as his body was suddenly growing in size. His aura was expanding as a massive crater was being formed because of his size increase. And yet, the spot he stood on was untouched by all this rumbling. Even the sky itself was shaking.

The passengers on the Royal Unova as well had been affected by the trembling as the ship was also losing balance. The rumbling even went far enough to reach the space of the Arcane Sea itself.

The streams of water were being risen as the Water-Pokemon inside had almost fallen out of the water and to their potential doom in the seemingly endless abyss of the Arcane Sea. But thankfully, they all managed to keep themselves steady.

The poison itself had been pushed back once more because of this sudden aura increase, halting its progress once more as parts of it were being obliterated by the rising aura.

"Ax! AX! AX...XORUS!" With a mighty bellow through the top of his lungs, Axew's voice changed as his aura erupted, forming a devastating explosion that pushed everything around it back.

"D-Drap?!" Drapion was hit by the eruption of the aura as he was knocked back by its force.

Spike and Salamence were trying to keep their balance in the sky as this storm-like pressure was trying to force them down. Luckily, Salamence was strong enough to keep it together as the light of Axew was fading away. Although, Axew wasn't the same anymore. He didn't revert to his normal form. Instead, he went further beyond.

He had become a Haxorus.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 346 End.

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