• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Desire for Revenge

Somewhere out there in the barren mountains of Equestria, early night.

Nightfall was here. The Pokemon who don't sleep at night came out, ready to hunt for prey or vice-versa. Here in these barren mountains, there was a single cave. And only one cave. No more than that.

In this cave, there were actually no Pokemon inside, which is a first because so many Pokemon make caves their homes. But there was a reason for this.

Someone more dangerous than all the Pokemon here had taken refuge in this cave. Making it their entire base and hideout by tweaking it to their liking.

That, someone, was the infamous and terrifying Pokemon Hunter J. This is where she went after being caught and foiled back at the small village during the Pokemon Festival. And of course, Ash was the one to foil her plans alongside his friends and the changelings too.

This entire cave had been designed in her image as a long table and a plethora of chairs were littered everywhere. J also had items that were necessary for her job. Most of them were received from the Pokemon Black Market across Sinnoh and Unova.

Every single one of them has the potential to capture a Pokemon and then some. But none was more effective than J's arm cannon, which she ended up upgrading for better use and more versatility. However, despite all that, J still felt one burning thing inside of her.

The overwhelming hatred for Ash Ketchum.

"Curse it!" J slammed her fist on the table. "If I hadn't been gone for so long, I would've caught up or even surpassed that kid's strength...!"

Fueled with rage, J knew that with how strong Ash was now compared to his previous level of strength back in Sinnoh, J does not stand a slither of a chance.

Especially since Ash has major connections around Equestria. A majority of Equestria are friends with Ash. From Ponyville, Canterlot, The Crystal Empire and even Saddle Arabia after he and his friends freed it from Ghetsis' control.

It's safe to say that J is now in a world where Ash has so many allies it would be nigh-impossible to even try anything to go against them. Unless she was Ghetsis or Empress Twilight.

Which she wasn't.

As if it couldn't be made worse for J, her presence has been made aware by the many Officer Jenny's from Sinnoh once more. The case of Hunter J was no longer postponed for them.

"How am I going to make it anywhere with him around?" J growled as she held her head, trying to think of a way to overcome her Ash problem. "Curse it all!" She then screamed, letting out an echo through the caves.

J may be able to capture Pokemon and sell them for a profit, however, Ash's mere existence and his influence across Equestria can really get in the way of that.

What she truly desired was a chance to rid Ash of this world. This simple saying would be a desire for revenge.

And speaking of desire, one of the many Desires around the world created by Sienna had responded to J's plea. And this Desire responded to revenge. More importantly, this Desire originally came from a previous Desire that was destroyed. It was the only surviving one as it was in the shape of a small purple ball of cosmic energy.

And that previous Desire was once Twilight Sparkle's Desire.

It had found its way to J from hearing her shout and sending her own desire. At breakneck speeds, the desire entered the cave, immediately possessing Hunter J without wasting any time.

J felt a sudden shock go through her body as her pupils shrunk. She wasn't aware of what had just happened. All the remaining cosmic energy from the 1% Desire had mixed in with J's life force.

"Ugh!" J held her stomach as she felt an unusual feeling go through her. Cosmic energy isn't something that anyone can just withstand. Very few have the proper endurance to take it. Like Legendary Pokemon or strong-willed Pokemon.

But even still, the feeling it gives is otherworldly. Purple lights started flashing out of J's body as her deepest darkest desires were being tapped into by all that cosmic energy.

After every Pokemon here had been affected, the pulse soon transformed into tiny little Desire particles. These particles ended up flying into the sky, scattering across Equestria in random directions.

Her Desire was being unleashed. However, considering that this Desire is only 1% and the 99% had been destroyed by Celestia and the others, it had a slightly different effect on J.

J was no longer experiencing that feeling. But more noticeably, her Desire didn't split from her. Usually, the victims of the Desires separate, creating cosmic manifestations of themselves in the shape of outlines. But J didn't get that treatment. Whether it was from who she was or the tiny amount of energy in that Desire was yet to be known.

But what was known was one thing. J's Desire was now going to influence everything around her as she stood up with her head down.

"Accursed brat...!" J uttered as her body was pulsating whilst being surrounded by purple particles. "I swear I'll make you pay! One way or the other!"

Purple pulses formed from her Desire started emanating across the land, lighting up the mountains in the dark. All the Pokemon here had been hit by the pulses as they were affected by J's Desire.

And it wouldn't stop there. The pulses then spread out even further, soon growing in length and width as they would most likely go beyond the mountainside and possibly towards civilization.

However, what J's Desire will end up doing to the Pokemon and everyone else has to be discovered.

Ponyville, day.

It's another shining day in Ponyville and everything seems fine. It's also fairly early in the morning too. The sun was still giving off an early orange glow as most of the residents weren't awake yet.

But the ones who are most certainly awake are Ash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Speaking of which, they were all gathered at the Pokemon House to view something currently. All of Ash's Pokemon were also out of their Poke Balls as always.

"Is it gonna hatch now?" Ash said while kneeling on the ground. Currently, he and his friends were looking at some Pokemon Eggs. A pretty large group of them.


"Hopefully. This should be the day. I can't wait!" Fluttershy squeed. "Might be some rare Pokemon in them!"

"It'll be their first birthday party ever! Like um...0 years old!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.


As they all waited patiently with their parents who made the eggs forming around their future children, the eggs started to crack suddenly.

That's when their eyes shot up, especially the parents. One by one, the eggs were starting to hatch. Or rather, one egg hatched and then it created a sort of domino effect between the rest of the eggs.

Out of the first egg, an Axew emerged. Then the second one, a Beldum, the third a Larvitar and so on. Many eggs were revealing highly rare Pokemon that would be difficult to find in all honesty. Even Starter Pokemon were making appearances from the eggs.

Weirdly enough, most of the rare Pokemon hatching from the eggs had parents who weren't even the same species of type as them. But the same egg group, they surely shared that similarity.

"Oh!" Ash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie awed. "That's super rare!"

"I've never seen so many rare Pokemon pop up like this before!" Ash gawked.


"Happy birthday!" Pinkie Pie celebrated their birthday's fairly early. Their 0 year birthdays, which are rare kinds of birthdays in their own right. Much like the Pokemon from these eggs. Even some Shiny Pokemon emerged from them, further instilling the rarity of these eggs.

"Charmander!" A shiny Charmander hopped out of its egg along with other newly born Pokemon. Most were rare while some were common. They all walked to their parents since they were able to tell which Pokemon made the egg and birthed them.

"Talk about a great turnout." Ash nodded.

"It was worth the wait!" Fluttershy cheered. "Thanks for watching this with Chikorita, Audino and me."

"No problem." Pinkie slid over, looking at a newly born Inkay that was sliding on the ground while being upside-down on its head. "You think you're gonna get more visitors now that you have even more rare Pokemon?"

"Lots of Pokemon Trainers want to make it to the very top of the league." Fluttershy picked up a Shiny Jangmo-o. "So really rare Pokemon are bound to be very popular. Like Psuedo-Legendaries and Starter Pokemon."

"Those are the best of the best, aren't they?" Pinkie Pie replied.

"Scorbun!" One of the Pokemon that hatched from the egg was a Scorbunny, which instantly attached itself to Fluttershy at the first glance.

"Oh, hello there." Fluttershy looked down at the Rabbit Pokemon. "Which parent is yours?"

"Bunny!" Scorbunny jumped onto Fluttershy's back, already having a fondness for the pegasus.

"Looks like someone's really attached." Ash noticed.

"Hm?" Fluttershy looked back at the attached Scorbunny who didn't even rush to its own parent when hatching. "Looks like it. Oh. Maybe Twilight would want some of these Pokemon for her lab. New trainers always come around there for their Starter Pokemon right?"

"Probably. But maybe coming here to get them could also work." Ash recommended.


"Oh! Speaking of other birthdays, Ash, your birthday's coming up soon, isn't it?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Hope that invasion doesn't ruin it."

"The invasion's in one month so we'll still have my birthday, no problem." Ash stood up as a Chimchar climbed onto his shoulder, greeting Pikachu.


"Pikachu!" The two Pokemon gave each other high-fives.

"I'll be right back. Just gonna grab something for Rarity quickly." Ash was about to make a quick stop at Carousel Boutique as he dashed off. Pikachu stayed behind to hang out with the others.

"Okay! Say, that Scorbunny doesn't think you're its mom, does it?"

"Oh. I don't think so? He's just really fond of me." Fluttershy smiled. "Not sure if his mother is really pleased about that." Her eyes then shifted over at a slightly jealous Tsareena.

"Tsareen...!" The Fruit Pokemon's eyes glared at Fluttershy and Scorbunny. But mostly Fluttershy out of jealousy. It did sting a little bit to have your child attach themselves to another.


Ash had arrived at Ponyville, setting his sights at Carousel Boutique. And at such speeds too. Entering Ponyville, he wasn't expecting much other than just getting what he needed from Rarity and heading back to the Pokemon House.

Simple as that.

However, when Ash arrived at Ponyville's main area, something was off. Something that Ash himself couldn't realize since he set his eyes on Carousel Boutique.

Everypony in Ponyville, at least most of them, were giving Ash odd glares suddenly. Strange glares that can only be described as dislike and antipathy. Which isn't natural since nopony in Ponyville has shown that to Ash, aside from maybe Adagio in some cases. But that was before she came to Ponyville.

There was silent gossiping amongst most of the ponies here. Gossip about Ash while they looked at him. And it wasn't like Ash can ignore this forever. Eventually, his ears picked up on the gossiping.

And after that, some ponies distanced themselves from Ash, heading inside of their homes as they had somewhat devious smirks on their faces while others merely stayed outside, still looking at Ash.

"That's odd," Ash said as he finally approached Carousel Boutique. He then knocked on the door, hoping for Rarity's response. "Rarity! I'm here to pick it up!"

He called for her name, waiting for a response. He would obviously expect a delay considering how big Carousel Boutique was. However, the actual response he received wasn't one he was expecting.

The door had opened up to Ash's response. But he didn't get a friendly greeting, not at all. When the door opened, a power string suddenly shot forward, launching Ash far back from Carousel Boutique and crashing him into the wall of a house.

"Ough!" Ash cried out after being hit on the wall. The long string actually ended up coming from one of Rarity's many Leavanny's. It had just used String Shot as revealed when it walked out of the building. The string then wrapped around Ash, restraining him.


"Excellent work, Leavanny." Rarity said as she walked outside. "Keep him there."

"Rarity? Leavanny? What are you guys doing?!" Ash wondered as he was currently restrained by a thick string from Leavanny's mouth.

"Don't take it personally, Ash. But some well-deserved vindication is deserved." Rarity replied.


"It's another word for revenge, darling." Rarity explained.

"Revenge?" Ash squinted his eyes while writhing around in the string. "On me?"

"But of course." Rarity's eyes flashed purple all of a sudden. "It's all for her after all. Pheromosa. Lopunny."


"Mosa." Pheromosa and Lopunny appeared behind Rarity with their eyes also flashing purple.

"Be dears and use High Jump Kick and Close Combat."



At the same time, both Pokemon rushed towards Ash with Pheromosa moving the fastest at ludicrous speeds as her leg was glowing.

"Oh!" Ash's eyes widened as his Aura was kicking in. He was able to react to Pheromosa's amazing speed thanks to Aura, causing Ash to respond at an equally fast rate.

Not wanting to be struck, Ash's Aura expanded, blowing away the string as he quickly jumped to the side, avoiding Pheromosa's Close Combat.

"Mosa!" Pheromosa missed with her leg smashing through somepony's home. Her eyes then flashed at Ash when she turned her head as Lopunny was approaching by jumping high into the air with a High Jump Kick.


"Uh oh!" Ash then reacted to Lopunny approaching him with her knee glowing. Ash then quickly ran back, managing to avoid High Jump Kick as Lopunny's knee smashed onto the ground, leaving a hole.

"What's gotten into you guys?! And who are you talking about?! Her?" Ash asked.

"Leavanny! String Shot! All of you! Don't let him escape! Rarity commanded as more of her Leavanny's emerged from the building, simultaneously using String Shot to try and catch Ash while Pheromosa and Lopunny continued attacking him.

"Not good!" Ash growled as he didn't expect to encounter a scenario such as this. Not one where his friends would end up trying to hurt him. And Ash could tell that they were not holding back. From the look in their eyes, they were out to destroy him.

Knowing that he couldn't allow himself to get hurt, Ash quickly grabbed all of the strings from Leavanny with both of his hands. As Pheromosa and Lopunny approached him, the Alola Champion then used the strings to his advantage.

When both Pokemon went for a kick, Ash quickly used the strings to trip them both by moving himself to the side while dragging the long white silk from each of the Leavanny.

"Sorry about this! Pheromosa! Lopunny!" Ash apologized.



Lopunny and Pheromosa tripped over the strings while Ash used the rest of it to tie both of their legs up by running around. He managed to rip the rest of the String Shots in half before quickly making a run for it.

"Tch." Rarity scoffed. "Of course he wouldn't make this easy. Run all you want, darling. Her revenge is more present in Ponyville than you expect."

The Pokemon House.

"Pikachu?" Pikachu was currently speaking to Scorbunny and the rest of Ash's Pokemon. They were just having a casual conversation while Fluttershy was feeding the rest of the newborns.


"Ya know. We could have that Landorus guy help with Pyrestar's world." Pinkie Pie ate some of the Pokemon food Fluttershy made.

"Oh, right. Landorus give crops nutrition to the soil." Fluttershy remembered Landorus's dex entry. "I hope he'd be willing to help out if we ever find him again."

"Dino." Audino was sitting down, enjoying the breeze of the calm wind and the shining sunlight. Nothing could bother her at this point.

Except for when something did. Audino's ears immediately picked up on something odd. First, she heard the sound of someone being smashed onto the wall.

And then, she heard Ash and Rarity speaking all of a sudden. The words her feelers were picking up confused Audino. And of course, they were related to what had happened to Ash when visiting Rarity.

Words about revenge and orders to attack Ash came to Audino which made the Hearing Pokemon stand up in shock as she gasped.


"What is it, Audi? What did you hear?" Fluttershy asked.

"Audino..." Audino gulped as she wasn't liking what she was hearing. She never thought the words revenge, attack, Ash and Rarity would be in the same sentence especially when it sounded like something that involved great animosity. "Audino!"

"Rarity's attacking Ash?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Huh?" Pinkie tilted her head. "Are you sure your ears are hearing stuff properly?"

"Dino! Audino!" Audino nodded her head. She was 100% sure she heard what she heard. But she didn't want to believe it.

"Why would Rarity attack Ash? And what's this about revenge?" Fluttershy wondered.

"That is pretty weird. It doesn't sound like something small, does it?" said Pinkie Pie.

"Audino..."Audino shuddered.

"Pikapi?"Pikachu himself was the most curious as to why Rarity was attacking Ash. Worried about his trainer, Pikachu quickly ran off, heading to find Ash without hesitation. "Pi!"


"Oh. Pikachu?" Fluttershy noticed and knew that the Electric Mouse Pokemon was off to find Ash. What Audino was saying sounded dire and dangerous. Nothing to be taken lightly. So, Fluttershy decided to follow along as well as Pinkie Pie. "If Pikachu's in a hurry, then Ash needs help!"

"Hey! Wait up!" Pinkie bounced along while Scorbunny, obviously attached to Fluttershy, followed.

As they left the Pokemon House, they were unaware of the lingering animosity that was filling all of Ponyville and only affecting most of the ponies. Thankfully not all of them.

But there was an obvious reason as to why this was happening. And it all relates to what happened last night in the mountainside. And those purple particles that were scattered across the sky also had something to do with this.

And it was all coming from the person who absolutely despises Ash and wants him gone from this world. Both worlds even.



Pikachu, with his agile speed, ended up spotting his best friend up ahead who was currently running from Pheromosa and Lopunny as well as the group of Leavanny. Each belonging to Rarity. The only one who wasn't chasing after Ash was Ampharos.

"Woah!" Ash with his quick reaction time was still managing to avoid Pheromosa's amazing speed. But of course, he couldn't avoid her forever. Ash then noticed Pikachu as well as both friends connected yes. "Pikachu!"


"Mosa!" Pheromosa found an opening as she jumped in the air, ready for an overhead kick that would surely land on Ash.

"Pika?!" Pikachu spotted this. And wasn't a fan of that.

There's one thing Pikachu puts over anything else. The safety of Ash. He is incredibly loyal to him after all. So loyal that Pikachu will not hold back or hesitate and will do anything in his power to protect Ash.

No matter what.

He will always be ready to keep Ash safe at all costs. And seeing Pheromosa going to attack Ash was not something that boded well with the Electric Mouse Pokemon.

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu used Quick Attack, bolting off the ground at lightning speeds as he smashed his head and body into Pheromosa's stomach.

"M-Mosa?!" Pheromosa's eyes widened as she had been launched back by Pikachu's Quick Attack. Even as a Fighting-Type and being resistant to Normal attacks, she was the Lissome Pokemon for a reason. She's just so frail as she tumbled on the ground after Pikachu's Quick Attack.

"Pikapi!" Successfully protecting Ash, Pikachu then landed on the shoulder of his trainer.

"Pikachu! Thanks!" Ash thanked his partner.


"Ash! Are you alright?!" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm fine. But a little bit stumped right now." Ash replied.

"We heard stuff about revenge! What's going on? And why is Pheromosa attacking you?" Pinkie also had questions.

"I'm not sure but...I think I know why." Ash turned around. "I saw some purple lights in their eyes. Something's definitely messing with them."


"Phero...!" Pheromosa quickly got up from the ground as she growled at Pikachu.

"Can't run forever, Ash." Rarity spoke as she emerged with her Leavanny and Lopunny. "Not with how outnumbered you are."

"Hey, Rarity! Why do you wanna hit Ash so badly?" Pinkie Pie bellowed.

"Pinkie Pie, this doesn't concern you. Only Ash. The sooner we dole out vengeance for her, the better." Rarity then emanated purple pulses with her eyes flaring.

"For her?" Pinkie was confused.

"That pulse...Something's definitely wrong here." Ash observed, looking into the eyes of his friends as they all had that purple glow.

"Pika...!" Pikachu's red sacs sparked up electricity as he was ready to strike to protect Ash. Not only that, but the rest of Ash's Pokemon, who were out of their Poke Balls, were there to protect as well. But, he would need to protect Ash from more than just Rarity and her Pokemon.

Audino's feelers were picking up on something else. Something that was everywhere across Ponyville. She quickly turned around to see that other residents of Ponyville alongside their Pokemon were slowly leaving their houses, creeping up on Ash and the others with that same glow in their eyes.

"A-Audino?!" Audino alerted the others.

"More?" Fluttershy translated as she was the second to find out about the large group of ponies emerging behind them and soon in front of them. "Oh my."

"What's going with today?" Ash wondered as very soon, he and his friends were surrounded in every direction by most of their friends. Some weren't a part of this.

"Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie. Would you please move away from Ash?" Rarity requested.

"Nuh-uh! You're all acting weird today! Is this some sort of prank? Is Rainbow Dash getting payback for the cookies?" Pinkie Pie replied.

"It's nothing petty like cookies this time," said Lyra.

"We just want to quickly deal with Ash and that'll be the end of this, okay?" Carrot Top spoke.

"Why? And what's this about revenge? And who's her?" Ash had so many questions right now.

"I...don't know." Rarity actually didn't know who she was trying to get revenge for. All she knew was that revenge was needed and she and everypony were going to make it happen. "Whatever."

"While Ash and the others were surrounded, those that weren't under the influence of the Desire were currently wondering why this was happening.

Especially Twilight, who was watching from her castle. The Dazzlings were also spectating over this, including Mayor Mare, who came out of Town Hall with her Stoutland.

"What is the meaning of this?" Mayor Mare asked. "Rarity. Why were you attacking Ash earlier?"

There was no other response as Rarity and her Pokemon immediately took action. And so did everypony surrounding Ash and the others as they commanded their Pokemon as well.

"Don't wanna hurt you guys! Gengar! Hold them all with Psychic!" Ash commanded.

"Gen...Gar!" Gengar immediately flew up as its eyes flashed blue and purple. The Shadow Pokemon was able to gain a hold on everypony in a circle with its mind, keeping them in place and preventing them from advancing.

The Ghost-Poison-Type then distanced everyone away by using Psychic to push them back so that Ash and the others could have more space.

"Okay!" Ash and Pikachu returned Lucario and Farfetch'd to their Poke Balls while Gengar held everyone in place. "Let's go!"

"Ash! Wait!" Pinkie Pie bellowed.

"They're just after me. So you'll be fine." Ash gave a thumbs up. "But I gotta get away first and figure out what's wrong." He then started thinking to himself of the one pony who might be able to figure all of this out. "Twilight might know."

"Mm-m!" Pinkie Pie shook her head. She felt like it was a bit too dangerous to leave Ash on his own considering the situation. She and Fluttershy felt the same way as they were going to come with Ash either way.

"Y-You won't escape!" Rarity growled. "Leavanny! Energy Ball!"

"L-Leavan..." One Leavanny started generating a green ball of energy, aiming it Ash as it released the attack from its mouth.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

"Pika...Chu!" Pikachu's body sparked up as he sent a blast of lightning towards the Energy Ball. Both attacks cancelled each other out as Ash used this large smoke cloud as an extra opportunity to mask himself while descended into the shadows, following Ash and Pikachu.

Only Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie and their Pokemon were remaining since they weren't the ones that Rarity and the others were after. But, worried about Ash, they followed after him either way, masking themselves in the smoke.

So once the smoke cleared and everyone was free from Gengar's Psychic hold, they quickly realized that Ash was gone. He sure does run fast since he can keep up with a speedy Pokemon like Pikachu and have a fast reaction time to dodge Pheromosa.

"Gone again!" Rarity stomped her hoof. As no one saw Ash within their sights. And the ones who did weren't affected by the Desires.

Like Mayor Mare, who quietly backed away, secretly following Ash while trying to make herself not look suspicious. Only one thing was running through her head at the moment.

"What exactly is happening? Since when did Ash become Ponyville's most wanted?"

Twilight's castle.

Ash, Pikachu and the others quickly ran into Twilight's castle with Gengar phasing through the door. They were out of hostile sight for now as they quickly closed the door.

"Oh, man!" Ash said while both his hands were on the door. "That could've gone worse. I don't wanna hurt them."


"This isn't like the cookies..." Pinkie breathed in and out as she slumped onto the door.

"Nice work, Gengar."


"Ash!" Twilight quickly ran over to Ash after he entered the castle. "Are you alright?!"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Ash gave a thumbs up. "Not sure about everyone else."

"Everypony's gone crazy for some reason!" Pinkie bellowed. "They wanna hurt Ash all of a sudden! I don't know if I missed something or..."

"They had these purples flashes in their eyes and Rarity was emanating some of that stuff. Twilight. Do you know what that?" Ash asked.

"I do." Twilight nodded. "I saw it outside as well. That energy coming out of them is definitely cosmic. And those are Desires."

"Desires?" Ash repeated.

"Oh right! Those things!" Pinkie Pie remembered when Twilight's Desire revealed itself in Ponyville.

"What are Desires?" Fluttershy asked.

"They're like these manifestations of everyone's wants and needs and all that." Pinkie Pie was explaining it herself. "When they show up, bad things start to happen out of nowhere."

"Well...That's actually spot on." Twilight was surprised by how quickly and simply Pinkie Pie described it. Much shorter than what she was going to say.

"So, Rarity and everypony want revenge on Ash?" Fluttershy was confused.

"I don't think so. They kept referring to someone. A her." Ash shook his head. "And Rarity didn't know herself. So they're obviously not in control of themselves."

"Well, who is this mysterious lady? And why would she have it out for you for revenge?" Twilight wondered. "Is it Jessie?!"

"I don't think so. Jessie doesn't hate me that much." Ash held his hat before remembering the one lady who absolutely despises him. And she had just been brought back recently too. "J."

"J?" Pinkie and Fluttershy both said.

"Oh right!" Twilight remembered the name after Ash had brought her up. "So that must be her Desire! Did it spread out that far?"

"Who's J?" Fluttershy had more questions.

"A Pokemon Hunter. And not someone who's pretty fond of me." Ash explained. "She just recently popped up and started going back to stealing Pokemon.

"Pokemon Hunter?!" Pinkie and Fluttershy gasped.

"With someone as dangerous as her having a Desire unleashed, then everyone it affects will be fueled by her revenge for you. Not sure J herself knows this." Twilight turned around.

"How do we fix this?" Fluttershy flew over to Twilight.

"That's simple. Princess Celestia and Passion can. Passion can tap into the memories of someone, interacting with their Desire. But J...J might not be so friendly." Twilight gulped. "I just hope Celestia can fix this as soon as possible. In the meantime, we should keep you safe here, Ash."

"Better find a good place to hide." Pinkie looked outside to see how there were already ponies searching for Ash while some ponies who weren't affected by the Desire were still so confused.

An unexpected day for Ash. Most of Ponyville is now heavily hostile towards him. And it was all the cause of a Desire from J. Fueled by revenge, her Desire to get Ash out of the way was immense. Ash is now a public enemy of Ponyville. Most of it anyway as the journey continues.

Chapter 393 End.

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