• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Surprise! We're going Retro!

Kanto. Celadon City. Day.

A rich, rainbow coloured city where people and Pokémon gather. This city is also known as the City of Rainbow Dreams, located in Central Kanto and is the most populous city in Kanto and the eighth-most populous in the Pokemon World. Certainly a juggernaut of a city.

"Retro...the good old days." A man over at Celadon sat on a bench, sighing. He looked at the environment before him, seeing how advanced everything was. Unfortunately for him, at his age, he couldn't adapt to the advanced technology that came with modern times, much to his chagrin. "Back when everything was simpler." He sighed. "Wish I could experience those days again..."

And that was when appearing from the skies and responding to his desire was a Desire. Made by Sienna. It had found a new target. At incredible speeds, the Desire made itself a part of the old man.

Once his Desire had entered, he immediately passed out on the bench. The Desire could work its magic now. A gigantic purple pulse emanated from his body, showing the manifestation of his Desire in the form of a humanoid outline. AKA him.

This Desire not only had his appearance but also what seemed to be a clock. After emerging, the Desire had raised its arm, sending a vibrant flash across the area. Not just the area and Celadon. But the world. Plus, the other world as well. It happened in a split second. But it did what it needed to do.

Everything modern was suddenly being transformed by this flash. Modern-day cars had been turned to the ones that could be found during the 1940s or less. Buildings retained their look from 94 years ago.

Calculators over at a nearby school and every school in the world had been turned into Abacus. The originator of the modern-day calculator. People using phones were suddenly shocked when their Rotomphones or Xtransceivers were turned into telephones. The time when they were first invented.

Naturally, confusion came from this as people and even Pokemon were wondering what was going on. Officer Jenny looked around, seeing that she was wearing the old police uniforms from the past.

"What is happening right now?" She wondered.

"Grandpa!" A child related to the old man said, walking up to him. She noticed that her grandpa had passed out on the bench unexpectedly. "Grandpa? Oh, Grandpa!"

Ponyville. Day.

"So. Look at this." Ash sat down with some of his friends, holding a flier. "There's gonna be a Tag Battle Tournament coming to Equestria for the first time. Even some Trainers from my world are gonna show up. And it's gonna be happening at Canterlot too. First-ever Equestria Tag Battle. How awesome does that sound?"


"Tag Battle?" Pinkie Pie repeated. "So like... Double Battles?"

"Yeah, like that. I remember when I had mine over at Hearthome." Ash nodded. "

"Sounds fun, lemme see!" Rainbow Dash took the flier, gazing at it. Her eyes shot up with excitement. "Oh. This I like. We only do double battles when we're going up against a big threat. Would be cool to do one in a contest. Right?"

"Hmm...Yeah. It would." Twilight nodded. "We work better in Pokemon Battles as a team after all."

"Sounds great. But I think I'll pass." Starlight waved her hoof. "Plus, Hatterene's kinda my only Pokemon."

"It's gonna be a blast when we get to do it. Plus, it'd be neat to see which one of you's stronger than who." Ash stood up.

"Don't need to wonder." Rainbow Dash flew over. "I battle the most so I know I'm the toughest out of my friends."

"I wouldn't say so, Rainbow Dash." Rarity intervened, smirking. "You never know. I could be the one who has the most to give in a battle, hm?"

"Same here." Twilight raised her hoof. "I mean, I doubt I'm that much better but..."

"I know I'm tough." Spike grinned, leaning on a chair.

"That's what's gonna make it so fun!" Ash was getting excited. "I'm getting psyched here!"


"Where's Applejack? Wonder if she wants to try?" Ash looked around.

"Cold Colt wanted to show Applejack...mainly Apple Bloom, some neat Rift tricks. She'll be occupied." Twilight said before going for a drink. But as she went for the drink, very soon, her body pulsated purple. As did everypony else.

In that instance, they had been affected by this double planetary flash. And with that, their appearances were made retro. At least, retro in their own right and ways that they would not expect.

"Hm?" Ash noticed that something was off as he gazed over at Twilight. "Oh! Twilight!"

"Yeah?" Twilight looked over after her drink before noticing alterations with Ash and Pikachu. "Ash? When did you have time to change? And Pikachu why are you more round than usual now?"

"Huh? What the?" Ash noticed he was wearing his Kanto clothes from years ago. It's like he never grew out of them.

"Pika?" Pikachu looked at himself, noticing and feeling his extra rotundness.

"More than that...you look different!" Ash pointed at Twilight. "Like your mom!"

"Of course I look like my mom. It's genetic and-" Twilight turned around to face her friends before noticing their appearance changes too. "Huh?! Girls!? What happened?!"

"That's what I'm wondering! Why do you look like your mother?!" Rarity pointed her hoof at Twilight before looking at her own. "And why am I pink!?"

"I've got wings!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she suddenly took the skies. "Woohoo!"

"Wait! Where are my wings?!" Rainbow Dash gasped, looking at her wings and how she no longer had them. She was now an earth pony. "Aaaaaah!"

"I still have mine. But this is so odd...W-What happened?" Fluttershy stammered, flapping her wings. "And Twilight. You're back to being a unicorn."

"I am..." Twilight gaped. "I can't feel my wings anymore! Why is this happening?! How is this happening?!"

"Oh, Spike. You don't look too different. You just look kinda look lighter than usual. Plus your ear fins are replaced. Pinkie observed.

"Oh. I do?" Spike looked at himself, seeing the lighter colouring and new ears. "I dig it."

"Not just us. Look." Fluttershy used her wing as a finger, pointed ahead. Everyone had soon seen changes across Ponyville and its residents.

Not at all of them, but some of them had been transformed into different ponies that still managed to look like their original selves. Those that weren't changed gasped in awe and shock.

The buildings hadn't changed too much except for how they were given earlier looks. As if they had just been built. Ponies were feeling confused and lost while some, much like Pinkie and Spike, were finding interest in this. Every other Pokemon seemed to be unaffected, except for Pikachu, who had undertaken a slight alteration.

The objects remained unchanged. Except for a few. For starters, Ash saw a flash in his bag, taking out the Pokedex. The Pokedex had been reverted to the earlier model. The one he had back in Kanto. "And my Kanto dex too?!"


"Oh!" Ash then put the pieces together. "Something must've made everything uh...retro!"

"Retro?" They repeated.

"Yeah. Like old-school. Seeing Pikachu like thIS, me wearing this and holding this kind of Pokedex definitely screams it. I don't know what happened, but something must've turned us all into this. But I don't know what's up with you guys. You don't even look like how you would as foals."

"I don't either." Twilight shook her head. "I look way more like my mom than I usually do!"

"Do you think Discord did this?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"Axew. Xew-Axe." Axew interrupted, shaking his head.

"Axew said that it wasn't Discord because he felt some Rift Energy being used." Fluttershy translated. They recalled how those with Rift magic, even a tiny bit inside of them could sense when Rift Magic is being utilized. And Axew certainly sensed it. "Which means someone with Rift magic did this?"

"Ooh. Maybe Cold's really gotten good if he can do this!" Pinkie Pie squeed before realizing something. "Wait! What do you think Applejack looks like?!"

Curious to see what Applejack would look like, they rushed off to Sweet Apple Acres. And as they went there, they saw how everything had a retro-feel to it. Especially Twilight's lab. Its modern look had been swapped for something akin to Professor Oak's lab when Ash first went there.

Her castle remained the same. Castles are retro in their own way after all. If anything, Ponyville was already sort of a retro-like world. Nothing too advanced about it.

The ponies that had been changed also switched tribes. Some had shifted from pegasi to unicorns, unicorns to pegasi, earth ponies to pegasi and more. Their Cutie Marks had changed as well.

And so far, despite how bizarre this was, no one was in danger at all. It all seemed harmless. Just confusion, excitement and wonder was filling it. Ash and the others got behind it, even if a few of them were still shocked.

Ponies just kept living their normal lives even with this radical change. Some even started having fun with it with however which ways they could.

After arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, they were ecstatic to see what Applejack looked like. But when they got there, they found out that Applejack remained the same. Unchanged.

"Howdy ya'll. H-" Applejack paused as she and Cold gazed at the new appearance of their friends. "W-What in tarnation happened to ya'll?!" She gasped.

"Applejack! How come you aren't different?!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Oh yeah." Cold stepped forward. "I think it's because I was using Rift Magic on her as well when I sensed some other Rift Energy coming through. Guess it shielded her. Totally on accident, but cool, right?" He grinned.

"Ooh...Bummer. I wanted to know what you'd look like." Pinkie puffed her cheeks.

"So Cold. You didn't do this?" Twilight went up to her student.

"Nope. I was trying to show Applejack new tricks. And I didn't plan for this. Someone else must've done this. Uh...Emerald wouldn't, I know that. Maybe Lucien and Sienna did it. I did sense that it came from the other side. Not Equestria but the Pokemon World."

"They don't sound like the types to do something good like this." Rainbow shook her head.

"We'll have to go searching for them there, won't we?" Twilight sighed. "That might take a while. Or maybe they came here. Or not. I don't know."

"Yeah. Won't know unless we see!" Ash quickly rushed off with Pikachu to head over to Pallet Town. Everyone else promptly followed after that.


Pallet Town. Day.

Pallet Town looked the same. Nothing had changed at all once they got there. However, even if the buildings remained, the people living here were affected. Their clothes came from a different time from the effects. Delia gasped, seeing how Ash was instantly in his Kanto clothes while passing by.

"Ash. This is nostalgic." Delia stepped out of the home. "What made you choose to wear those again? And Pikachu, you look like you've gone back in time as well?"

"Oh, mom. About this! We've got a problem. Someone's turned everything us and others retro!" Ash explained. "We're trying to find them and see who else has been hit.


"Retro, you say?" Delia nodded before looking at the others. "You all certainly have alternated appearances. Except for you Applejack. You look the same."

"Sure do." Applejack tipped her hat.

"That would explain a few things. The TV in the living room had suddenly changed." Delia looked at the TV and how it was an early model. The one with the dial of course. "Actually...a few of my furniture changed to.

"Mime-Mime." Mr Mime nodded.

"Well. Guess we know it reached here too," said Spike.

"Wonder why they'd wanna make everything older?" Ash wondered.


"Cold, dear. Please tell me you've improved to the point where you can track them down?" Rarity asked.

"Sorry." Cold shrugged. "I don't really know how to do that now! Oh! But we can always ask Emerald!" Cold immediately chose to have Emerald Aura help.

And, being a Rift Pony, he could mimic the Telepathy Spell made in Equestria. He used it to contact Emerald from a far distance. All the way in the fields at the western part of Equestria.

Emerald's horn flashed as she received a telepathic link to Cold from Pallet Town. Emerald stopped what she was doing to listen to her fellow Rift Pony.

"What is it, squirt?" Emerald asked.

"Hey, Emerald. Uh, could you try and see who used Rift Magic? Sienna or Lucien? And if you know-"

"It wasn't them." Emerald interrupted. "I sensed it. The Rift Magic that went through wasn't natural. It came from something else. Someone who hasn't used Rift Magic before. You can tell who used Rift Magic, squirt. But us more experienced and mature Rift Ponies and Humans can tell what kind of Rift Magic is used. Neat right?"

"T-That is pretty neat. So who was it?"

"That would be a Desire. That thing that Sienna made. Looks like someone desired something a lot and that made your problem come up."

"Oh. Could you help turn everything back then? I mean, this doesn't look like it's harming anyone."

"I would but..." Emerald looked up, seeing that Rift had appeared the moment she was about to finish her sentence. The Rift wanted enjoyment and it was clearly enjoying this. "The Rift's starting to enjoy this. You're on your own for now."

The link ended a Cold sighed. "Turns out it wasn't any of them. "It's someone who's never used Rift Magic before except for now. And they made a Desire."

"Oh, so all of this is from a Desire." Ash looked at his old school before seeing older cars pass by. Cars that he had not seen before in Pallet Town. Carriages were even spotted. Even though the buildings of Pallet barely changed, parts of it did.

"Well, they have fairly good taste." Rarity said before flipping her mane. "I could get used to this colour scheme. But...everything at its normal state is better."

"Princess Celestia and Passion know how to deal with this." Twilight turned around. "Let's hurry back for help. Before I get too into this!"

"Oh come on? Not even a little bit?" Pinkie Pie replied.

"I kinda wanna fly again, ya know." Rainbow Dash grumbled. "But at least I kept my original colours, huh?"

"Come on!" Delia shouted as she went out into the streets of Pallet Town. At the moment, an old school radio could be seen as retro music was also playing. Music that Delia enjoyed. "Don't you all want to dance? This was my favourite song back in the day. Crazy Monferno!"

"Sorry, mom! But we have to turn everything back! But you have as much fun as you want, okay?!" Ash cried out.


"Fair enough! Just don't take too long!" Delia giggled as she kept dancing with the group. Ash's Pokemon could also be seen joining in on the fun nearby. Still within the range of Professor Oak's lab though.

Equestria. Canterlot. Afternoon.

Canterlot was just as energetic. 50% of the buildings were given a retro look while some ponies remained the same while others changed appearance. However, as Ash and the others arrived, they noticed a mixture of eras.

Some of them had clothing that would be worn in Unova's 1800 years. Some had equipment that would come from the 1900s. Even having some older designs of the Poke Ball. Miraculously, the Pokemon were still inside despite the design change.

"How am I supposed to work with this?" Sunrise Sprint's game device had been altered. It had a more retro look to it as well. It had a bulkier appearance than before with a green screen.

"That's not so bad." Daylight said. "You can still work with it."

"Mmmrgh..." Sunrise grumbled before pressing on the buttons, trying to figure this one out.

Meanwhile, Celestia and Passion had already arrived outside. Celestia took notice of this shift in appearance the moment she saw the buildings outside change right before her eyes. It took her a while since there wasn't much retro about Canterlot.

"Something is wrong here. Well...not bad wrong just odd wrong." Celestia looked around. "Either an advanced time spell had been used. Or..." She then turned to Passion as the Embrace Pokemon nodded. "It's a Desire, isn't it? You felt it, Passion."

"Gardevoir." She replied.

"But what kind of Desire is this?" Celestia wondered before seeing a nearby pony wearing clothes from the '70s. "Excuse me."

"Yes, princess?" The pony stopped.

"Mind if I have Passion look at you for a moment?"

"Go ahead." She raised her '70s shades, fitting perfectly in them. "I feel in a good mood with this look, ya know."

"Voir." Passion kneeled to face the pony, holding her face. After making contact, Passion started digging deep into the mind of the pony. Afterwards, she was instantly able to find the Desire lurking within.

Passion's vision zoomed through a slew of purple particles before seeing the reason for the Desire. Passion saw the view of a house. A house from the past. Around 1928. 3 years after the first Poke Ball had been made. And within that house, a young boy could be seen.

This young boy was the old man in the current day. The child could be seen running around his home with high energy and excitement. As kids naturally do at a young age. The child seemed happy with his family and what he had. But, that wasn't the answer to the problem so far as Passion dug deeper.

She managed to move ahead in time, seeing what else it had to offer. The boy had grown up, reaching the age that Ash had during his first Pokemon journey. He then saw how when growing up, everything around him grew too. He was able to adapt to it due to his youth, no problem. He still looked happy.

That wasn't the source of the problem either. Passion kept looking, searching for something. She searched, moving through the timelines and eras this one person went through. Eventually finding a wife and then settled down in Celadon City. But as she went further, Passion had been interrupted. A first for her Desire searches.

The Desire had noticed her. Not only that but the old man too in his adult years. He turned around to face Passion as if he was looking through a TV screen.

"Garde?!" Passion gasped, pulling back after that shock. She didn't expect an interaction such as that as her heart was beating.

"Oh. Did I do something?" The pony looked around, confused.

"Passion! What happened?!" Celestia asked as the Embrace Pokemon breathed in and out repeatedly after that scare. No Desire has ever been able to interact with her when looking through someone. If this was a first, then it could be a major sign for things to come.

Good or bad.

Kanto. Celadon City hospital.

The child had reported to Officer Jenny about her grandfather suddenly passing out. He was immediately brought to the hospital for safety as the child waited.

"Your grandfather had just passed out suddenly. The doctors say." Officer Jenny said. "Not sure when he'll awake, honestly."

"Oh. Okay." The child moped.

"Where are your parents? Are they nearby?" Jenny kneeled to face the child.

"Grandpa was taking care of me for the weekend. I was staying over while mommy and daddy were busy at Alola."

"Alola? That's not too far at all. Okay. We'll contact them and have them see you. Is your grandfather's home close?"

"Mhm." She nodded. "It's just me, him and Phanphy at home."

"Alright. Come on. Stay here. I'll go over and call them. But what's your name, little one?" Jenny asked her name so that she could get in contact with her parents' family name. While answering, the the child looked back, hoping that her grandfather would be alright.

But as she looked back, the Desire acted once more, looking upon the world it created. Surprisingly, although it had managed to affect every region in the world, even the other world too, nothing had been thrown into chaos.

Everything was peaceful. As if everyone immediately got used to this lifestyle of time-shifting. This was certainly based on a time where the old man was the happiest. But, even the Desire knew one thing that the old man knew.

Things like these do not last long.

As if the old man and the Desire shared a conscious, the Desire snapped its fingers, creating another purple flash that surfaced across both universes in an instant. And this time, it had a different purpose s the body of the old man started twitching, even while unconscious.

Everyone playing in the streets and getting used to this lifestyle suddenly froze. Their faces of happiness and joy soon turned to one of sadness and despair. They started falling to the ground, sitting or kneeling as a different kind of emotion overtook them. One that was all too common for scenarios like this.

Pallet Town.

Delia and everyone's dancing came to an end as they sat and kneeled, feeling dismayed as they collectively sighed. And at that moment, Delia said one word.

"Things were better back then..."

And soon everyone else said the same thing. "Things were better back then..." As if they were all linked to the same thought and emotion. And thanks to the Desire, they were. A Desire for the past was something to not be underestimated.

Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, every other region had been struck by this until the entire world all said; "Things were better back then..."


Over at Equestria, the same was happening. As Ash and the others were making their way towards Canterlot, they suddenly froze too. Just like everyone over at the Pokemon World, they gained the same emotions.

"Things were better back then..." They said.

"When I still had Butterfree and Pidgeot..." Ash said.

"Pikachu..." Pikachu was reminiscing on how he missed Kangaskhan and the baby she had.

"I wish grandma and grandpa were still here..." Twilight also spoke.

"When my parents were still around." Applejack sulked as everyone had their reasons for being hit with the Desires potent ability.

"Things were better back then..." They said again, repeating the same sentence.

Even Celestia and Passion, the ones who could look into the Desire and the few individuals aside from Ash and Lucario who could stop Desires had been hit along with everyone in this world.

"All of my friends from long ago are gone..." Celestia sighed before sitting on a bench. "I've seen them all pass away...And I'm just getting older without any end. Living almost forever at this rate. Things were better back then...


Even at the New Changeling Hive over at the Faye Mountains had Chrysalis and the others sigh, thinking about the past. Which was not that far in their eyes considering how long it's been since they've gained these new forms.

"The way we used to devour love..." Chrysalis sat on her throne, holding Anthophilia. "Our old forms...It was enjoyable causing that much anarchy honestly..."

And eve Emerald Aura and Cold Colt, Rift Ponies were hit by it. Lucien and Sienna as well, wherever they may be including Obsidian. All of them said something that related to a past event somewhere. And they said it in unison as if they were connected.

"I wish I never became the Rift..." The Rift creations said. "I wish I would go back and start over and live a normal life. Make everything right..."

As the feeling of nostalgia overwhelmed everyone, their ability to think started degrading. But not only that, some of them noticed something off. Their bodies were starting to fade.

Most notably, the younger ponies. They were a new generation, so they would be younger than those from the old generation. Their bodies were starting to fade out of existence. But, they were so dismayed to even notice.

Very soon, every young individual would cease to exist. But it could further than that. After they are gone, soon, the old generation will fizzle out too.

Until everything in the universe is wiped out of the history books. But there won't be any history books to record an event like this. Ever.

"Back then..." Ash said before thinking for a moment. His Aura started rising as he recalled everything that had happened to him. He remembered his father. Someone that had been absent for years now as Ash saw him leave for his Pokemon Journey. Even though he loves his father, he still wishes he could see him again soon.

But then, Ash recalled the many life lessons his father taught him. Lessons that skyrocketed him to the path he was on and what Ash stood by for years now. Especially the one word his father said to him.

Whenever Ash would tell other kids about his goal to become a Pokemon Master, they just laughed at him. But his father said this that made Ash have a Never Give Up attitude for all eternity.

"Ash. Don't listen to them. The map to your goal is inside yourself. If you give up, your dreams' never gonna come true."

"Back then..." Ash said again. "Everything was..." Ash then took what his father said to him, sticking by it. Those words that the older Ketchum left behind had impacted Ash's life.

So much so that he remembered each time it had come up in his journeys. Even though he released Butterfree and Pidgeot, he made new friends along the way with brand new Pokemon. Even if he lost his first Pokemon League, he never stopped trying. Even when he didn't know where to go after he completed Kanto and Johto, seeing Ho-oh again gave him the strength to press on.

If anything, his father, Ho-oh and his friends are what kept propelling him forward. And because of this, Ash had made some amazing memories. Met a plethora of colourful and unique people and Pokemon. Seen so many places that existed for years, even going back in time. Became the King of the Sea and more.

The bad memories were soon drowned out by what Ash had truly experienced. What his memories had to offer. After realizing this, he stood up tall, shaking his head.

"Yeah...Everything was just as great then as it is now!" He roared. "And it's going to keep getting better, even when I become a Pokemon Master!"

"Pika...Pi?" Pikachu blinked before remembering every memory he had with Ash. While yes, as a Pichu, he was alone with no one to be close to him and he ended up leaving Kangaskhan, despite the hardships, he's made the same memories Ash has made. "Pikachu!" Pikachu then stood up, jumping on Ash's shoulder.

"Yeah..." Twilight nodded as her memories of her straying away from her previous friends with all that studying and isolation were overlapped by memories of her new friends. Even her old friends, reuniting with her were coming into fruition as they overpowered the Desire. "You're right!"

"Guys!" Ash went up to the others, sending Lucario out. "Snap out of it!" He knew that Aura was the way to break parts of the Desire. And so he did so.

"Lucario!" With Lucario out, he placed his hands on Fluttershy, picking her up. Ash then focused all of his Aura onto the pegasus, making sure not to break any focus. And with his positive energy and potent Aura, Ash managed to break the Desire within Fluttershy.

"Oh!" Fluttershy gasped before blinking. "Ash!"

"Nice! Lucario!"

"Lu!" Lucario nodded before putting his arms out. He sent a stream of Aura that had wrapped around all of his friends. Soon, they were all snapped out of the Desire's hold.

"Woooo!" Pinkie Pie jittered with her tail and mane trembling. "Aw, you did it before I could snap out of it." She pouted.

"Yeesh. That was something." Applejack shook her head. That Desire's crazy strong, ain't it?"

"I'll say." Rainbow Dash groaned. "Can't believe I was thinking Pokemon Battles weren't any good."

"I can't believe I remembered being an egg." Spike held head his head. "How does that work?"

"Okay!" Ash stood up tall. "Let's find Celestia and this Desire as soon as we can!"



Upon arriving at Canterlot, they saw how the foals were starting to fade, slowly flickering as their existence was on the line. Thankfully, no one had been fully wiped out yet. But if something wasn't done soon, that could be the case.

Ash and Lucario went up to Celestia and Passion, breaking them out of their current state via Aura interaction. Celestia and Passion gasped afterwards.

"Oh! Oh, that was ominous!" Celestia exclaimed. "How far gone were we?"

"Not too much. But look." Ash pointed over at the fading youth.

"Eugh!" Celestia grimaced. "We need to move fast...Passion. Can you still find the source anywhere?"

"Gardevoir!" Passion nodded as she would try again. Hopefully with no surprise. She went to the nearest pony, putting her hands on them.

She immediately looked through, getting a good view of the purple particles. Once more, she was greeted with the sight of the old man as a boy. But Passion fast-forwarded, continuing her she left off. In the man's adult years.

Then, she looked for what could be off. Nothing so far. So, Passion accelerated, moving through and reaching the old years of the man. She ended up at an age where he was around 70 years old. By this age, he slowly started to look like his current self.

And at that instance, he watched as his world started changing. His children had grown up, going their separate ways and living their lives. And that made him happy. Despite how everything was developing with greater advancements, the old man just sat there happy.

But that was when the Desire reappeared, looking at Passion. Passion was less surprised this time after the previous encounter. However, as the Desire appeared in front of her vision, she started groaning. Her hold on the pony was starting to weaken. She tried maintaining her hold as the Desire was trying to force her out of it.

"G-Garde...!" Passion groaned. But thankfully, she wasn't alone. Ash and Lucario put their hands on her back, sharing their Aura with her. With the combination of Passion's amazing Psychic abilities and the shared Aura of Ash and Lucario, they could handle this. "Voir?"

"Good luck, Passion." Ash gave a thumbs-up.


"Voir." Passion nodded before exuding more of her energy. "Gardevoir!" The Desire was struggling to force Passion away thanks to the interference of Ash and Lucario. Because of this, Passion could then fast forward to the present day, seeing where the old man was.

Celadon City hospital.

"Gardevoir!" Passion had found the location. But as soon as she did, the Desire then put its hand together. It had eventually forced Passion away from the hold with a pulse. But Passion had already seen what she needed to.

"Celadon is where we need to be!" Celestia translated. "The nearest one is Kanto's gateway and Pallet Town. I remember that location so I can teleport us all there. We won't know what to expect. Desires can be unpredictable."

"Bah. We've dealt with unpredictable stuff before." Rainbow Dash scoffed. "And we're still A-OK."

"In any case, let's hurry. Before everyone fades away." Celestia said as everyone gathered around her. She would cast one large teleportation spell to send the group off to Pallet Town.

Kanto. Pallet Town.

But once they got there, the Desire took notice of the group, chasing after them. Or, more accurately, it had possessed the nearest person in Pallet Town. And that was Delia, who was still upset.

Delia's body started trembling as the group had arrived at Pallet Town to see this. Especially Ash and Pikachu, witnessing Delia's body giving off a purple light of Rift Energy.



Erupting from the light in the form of a pillar was pure Rift Energy. They all looked up as Delia had wobbled, falling to the ground unconscious.

And out of the light came the cause for all of this. The Desire. Still having the outline of the old man. Albeit larger than the original host.

"The Desire!" Ash cried out.


Everyone stayed cautious around this Desire, not sure what to expect and what attacks it might use. Considering what it had just done, the obvious answer would be something relating to time. And it definitely had time on its side. The Desire went forward its arms out. Multiple lights flared within it, indicating that each of them was a moment in time for the old man.

"If it wants to be retro...then we'll be retro too!" Ash smirked. "Charizard! If you can hear me, use Flamethrower! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

"Charizard!" He could. The distance wasn't far at all. Showing up to the scene was Charizard, using Flamethrower to get the first hit in. The Flame Pokemon then appeared before the others. Charizard had recalled the precious memories that he had with Ash. He wouldn't let the Desire diminish them and the new memories made.

"PIka...Chuu!" After the initial Flamethrower, Pikachu sent 100,000 volts that shocked the Desire. The Desire moved back, shaking its arm.

The same went for Bulbasaur, Kingler and Muk. They had seen the Desire from the distance, knowing that it was behind this. So, as a sneak attack, they had used Sludge Bomb and Bubble to hit its back. So far, the Desire had not pulled off an attack yet.

All of Ash's Pokemon came to him to see if their trainer was alright. Along the way, Snorlax ended up crashing through the Desire by accident due to his large size and bulk. So did the Tauros as they came rushing over like a stampede.

"Thanks, guys," Ash said to his Pokemon. Now they had considerable numbers to deal with the Desire. However, the Desire then hovered there, gazing at the group.

It then spoke suddenly, asking a question. "All of you. How do you feel about the present?" The voice of the old man said as they all gasped. "Are you happy?"

They all nodded in response. They were already happy with how things were right now. It's how they managed to snap out of it after all. The old man within the Desire was happy too. Despite his words, he allowed time to move on. But his Desire said otherwise, conflicting with him.

"Then. Why is it that my original self can move on, but I can't?"

"I-Is it saying that it's separate from its original user?" Twilight whispered to Celestia. "I didn't know it could do that."

"Neither did I." Twilight shook her head.

"Don't sweat it," said Ash. "I've had my doubts too, ya know. Everyone does. Sometimes, I'm worried if I'm really okay with a few things even though I say I am. But after a while, I know how I feel."


"I get living in the past brings you and everyone back to some nostalgic times. And you can't let the past die, can you? But it's okay. You can let the young, like us, go on a great adventure, have fun and create new memories."

"And I? Of my time?"

"Well..." Celestia intervened. "My parents told me to let all the elders share the stories of their glories and the wisdom they all share."

"It'd be fun to live in the past, but that's all gone now," said Pinkie.

"And there's a lot we wished we could do again." Fluttershy chimed in. "But it can't happen forever."

"Yeah. Bummer." Rainbow Dash sighed. "But that's cool anyway."

"Moving on's pretty great, ya know. I should know. It ain't easy, but it's what you gotta do. I mean, Twilight also knows."

"I do?" Twilight looked over. "I guess so. Besides, this whole Jirachi thing is one big example of that, isn't it?"

"Mhm." Rarity nodded. "That's one part of time we wouldn't give up. The time spent here and there with all of our friends. Which is why we're so determined to find Jirachi and keep these memories."

"But we can still make some new ones either way." Ash spread his arms out. "I know I did with all my friends. Right guys?"

"Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu and the rest of Ash's Pokemon agreed.

The Desire had heard what they had to say. It paused for a moment before concluding. "Then...promise me you won't allow anything like this to happen again. Never again for a desire to rewind everything."

"We promise. We'll keep it all memorable but move on from it." Ash nodded, keeping to that promise. The Desire then accepted it, trusting in their promise.

"Thank you. Goodbye then." The Desire then faded away into a beautiful array of purple Rift Sparkles. The conflict between the old man and Desire had ended. And with that, everything reverted.

Their original appearances were brought back. Ash returned to his modern clothes while Twilight and the others regained their original appearances. Buildings, objects and more were brought back to normal.

"It was fun while it lasted. I do miss that colour palette." Rarity sighed.

"Well, I'm just glad to have wings back!" Rainbow Dash ascended. "Can't think of a day or year without them!"

"I must say...that Desire was tamer than the rest." Celestia thought for a moment. "The others are fairly aggressive. I wonder what this could mean?"

"I know what I mean right now. I'm starved." Ash's stomach growled. "Hey, mom! Can we eat?!"

"Uh..." Delia groaned before sitting up. "S-Sure, Ash. Just need to collect myself for a bit. Has the music stopped?"

"Bulbasaur." Bulbasaur helped Delia off the ground with his vines. Delia and everyone felt a bit dazed from that, but they would manage as all was normal once more.

Celadon City Hospital.

Meanwhile, over at Celadon, Officer Jenny had called the parents while the child stayed to watch her grandpa. And at the same time, the old man awakened. He looked around himself to see that he was in a hospital.

"Oh my..." The old man groaned. "What did I do this time?"

"Grandpa!" Wasting no time, she rushed into the room, tackling her grandpa with a potent hug.

"Ooof!" The grandpa's eyes widened after the initial tackle. He was dropped back on the bed afterwards. "H-Hey! What's all this about?"

"You're okay! You passed out and-and-and-"

"Passed out? Hm...I don't usually pass out that soon. Usually, it's only 7 years apart when that happens." He pondered. "Odd."

"Oh?" Entering the area was Officer Jenny after she had just finished calling the parents. She saw how the grandfather was up and okay while the kid was crying in her grandfather's shirt, making it wet. The old man patted her on the head, comforting her. "Hm."

Jenny smiled as she would have to make another call, cancelling the trip for the parents. This was one Desire that managed to come to an understanding. Perhaps, even solve itself if things were different. The old man, apart from his Desire, could accept that he couldn't return to the past and he would keep things that way with what he has now. And what he can cherish.

Apart from Celebi and Dialga.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 564 End.

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