• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Rift Princess

Equestria. Canterlot. Late Afternoon.

"Done...I believe the victory is mine, Luna." Celestia breathed in and out as she, Luna, Reshiram and Zekrom had been racing each other for a while now. 50 times across the world to see who was faster. Their speeds were certainly impressive in every way, but they had to know who had the edge.

"I believe I was the one who was ahead of you..." Luna also felt exhausted. Everyone in Canterlot thoroughly enjoyed this race. Both of them. Granted, the excitement of it made some of them fall asleep but it was all worth it as cheers roared through the city.

"My horn had to count. I'm taller than you, Luna. Who won between us, Ben?" Celestia asked.

"Well...looks like Reshiram was spot-on. Not only are he and Zekrom tied for speed but you two as well. It's a complete tie on both sides."

"Oh..." Celestia and Luna both fell to the ground. It was all over. It seemed that these siblings were tied in every way. Though there are some parts where the other could exceed.

"But it was a fun race either way!" Ben chuckled. "We should do this next time with more contestants. I already did so with my Rapidash Rush but it can go above and beyond that."

"That seems to be a recurring theme for us..." Luna muttered while still on the ground with her big sister.

"It does make for inspiring moments though..." Celestia yawned. "And I'm certainly tired. It should be time for you to raise the moon soon, Luna."

"Not before you lower the sun, sister." Luna rolled over.

"Oh right." Celestia laughed along with Luna. They laid there for a moment, deciding to rest. "Normally, resting out here in this position would be seen as unnatural for us. But that's no longer the case, is it?"

"Not at all. I think we can thank Ash for that. Being laid-back such as him is truly a great feeling. We should do it more often."

"Well, we actually end up doing it more often, Luna. Well, in spare times honestly." Celestia smirked as the two sisters decided to keep staying there as everyone else was leaving. Even when laying down, Celestia had lowered the sun with her magic, feeling at peace. Reshiram and Zekrom would also decide to take a break. Mainly here at the Canterlot Gardens. It seemed that Zekrom did find this place to be calming. Only equal to a mountainside full of crashing thunderbolts. The perfect location as he previously stated.

They left the two princesses to rest while Passion and Arcanine sat down next to them. Passion decided to pat Celestia on the face while she was laying down, making the Ruler of Equestria giggle right afterwards. The sun had set with the moon starting to reveal itself. But as they laid there for a bit with everything falling silent with peace, a familiar light had been cast, shooting to the skies. Celestia and Luna's eyes widened, noticing the eruption of light.

Rift Energy.

And it was coming from the south from one location. Celestia and Luna already knew where that was. "Ponyville!" They collectively sat up.

It wasn't just them. When heading back to Ponyville, Rainbow Dash and Rarity had seen it as well. They stopped by the train station, witnessing the eruption of cosmic energy. Everyone did as it was difficult not to miss it.

"What on earth is going on there?!" Rarity dropped her bag. "Is that coming from Ponyville!"

"It is!" Rainbow Dash hovered over the ground. "And that's...Rift Magic!"

Ponyville. Twilight's Castle. Nightfall.

The source of this light came straight from Twilight's Castle as that was where the most Rift Energy within this part of Ponyville could be found. From the cauldron that had been brought over by Zecora, Cold Colt and now Princess Twilight Sparkle herself.

After becoming a vessel for Rift Magic, she naturally wanted to test it out. Although, by doing so, it had unleashed a vibrant flare of Rift Magic to an extreme level. Twilight and none of them expected this abundance of cosmic light.

"What's going on in here?!" Starlight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike had barged into the room, witnessing the light. It was hard to miss and impossible to ignore. "Twilight?!"

"H-How did this happen?! What's happening?!" Fluttershy had a lot of questions for just one thing. It blew them all away.

"Uh, everything's fine!" But Twilight herself, despite being the one generating all of this light, was still in one piece, appearing healthy. "Totally!"

"Twilight! Why are you flashing all of that?!" Spike pointed.

"It seems that becoming a vessel for Rift Energy including your potential as an Alicorn has resulted in this overflow of power." Zero was surprisingly calm about this. "Tell me. Were you always this gifted?"

"Well, I was a student at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns so..." Twilight nervously laughed as that confirmed why this flow of Rift Magic was so overwhelming.

"Can't ya make it stop?! It's so bright!" Applejack squinted as everyone else covered their eyes or just squinted them to avoid the intensity.

"That's the thing! I can't! At least, I'm struggling to turn it off!" Twilight dug deep, attempting to shut off the light. "I'm kind of getting used to this but it's not happening anytime sooner!"

"This kind of magic...your body is not used to it," Zecora uttered. "Not for one bit."

"We could use this at a party though." Pinkie Pie looked at the bright side of all of this. "Every night, of course!"

"How long has it been like this?" Starlight asked.

"For a while now. Almost an hour. When I made myself a vessel for this magic, I wanted to test it out and see what I could do. This is the most far we've gotten to try and understand Rift Magic. Even harnessing it without having any unpredictable happening to us."

"She's right. Such as this." Zero showcased this by holding up the Rift Sphere that he owned. Pinkie and the newcomers were reasonably stunned by this. "Unfortunately, even this sphere isn't enough to restrain all of this magic flowing out of her."

"You can hold it just like that?!" Applejack's hat almost flew off.

"And now so can your friend here." Zero juggled the sphere before looking at Twilight. "But even she's unaffected, she'll need to keep all of that magic under check."

"Not off to a great start with that..." Twilight sighed. "But it's fine. I'm devoting myself to working all of this out. First, I need to figure out how to turn this off..."

"Twilight! Are you alright?!" Equally worried for Twilight as much as Applejack and the others were the bursting arrivals of Celestia and Luna. They weren't alone. Rainbow Dash and Rarity arrived with Pheromosa holding the fashionista. That light alarmed them far too much to avoid it.

They paused for a moment, unsure if Twilight was in any immediate danger. Twilight waved at all of her friends as this would be simple to explain and digest while also being hard to get rid of.

"We have a lot of talking to do, it seems." And Zero knew it all too well as he would inform everyone of this new flash of magic.


Even from within Canterlot Castle, this light could be seen. Pinkie Pie was right. It did work well at the night as it looked like a rave was going on. Noticing this light was the Rift duo of Lucien and Sienna, still trapped within the Aura Prison.

"Look at that..." Lucien commented, gazing into the distance. "Our magic. What could be happening over there?"

"It can't be anything good for us if it's been like that for quite some time." Sienna sighed. "By now, they've probably sorted out Cold Colt's magic. Or something like that. Meanwhile...we're stuck here."

"I don't get it. Why won't the Rift help us?" Lucien groaned, banging his fist on the Aura Prison. "This stupid prison of Aura should be nothing!"

"Just goes to show you how big Ash's Aura is. Honestly, we should've dealt with him from the start." Sienna shrugged. "But, that wouldn't make things fun, would it?"

"We need to do something...I hate getting outside help but we might need that."

"Isn't calling for the Rift outside help though?" Sienna asked.

"Whatever. We need something. Someone. There has to be a way to get us out of this thing for good. And when we get out..."

"We can start by taking revenge on Absol, right?" Sienna stood up. "After all, he's the one who knocked us out, catching us off guard liek that."

"Good point..." Lucien thought about it for a moment. "That little dog...cat...whatever it is should pay. We'll give him a little treat once we're free."

"Allow me to do that," Sienna smirked. "I just so happen to know what Absol's greatest weakness is. He's a tough one so messing with him with other stuff won't do."

"Sure. Whatever you say. But who do we get to help? Overheard anything?" Lucien asked.

"We're stuck in the same spot. Have you heard anything?"


"Hmm...Ah!" Sienna snapped her fingers. "No. Nothing." But she quickly calmed herself down. "We're stuck here so overhearing's a bust. We've got one option we can bank on."

"What's that?"

"Something's going to have to make a mess out of Equestria. And I don't think it'll be Ghetsis and the others. Not yet at least."

"Oh? Then who are you thinking?"

"Ghetsis and Team Plasma have one big alliance with two empires and many others from different worlds. But there's one other character who hasn't shown herself." Finally, Sienna had something that came to mind. Something rather devious and chaotic.

"Shown herself..." Lucien tried thinking about where Sienna was going with this.

"I say we summon another Spirit of Chaos." Sienna chuckled. "Or should I say the Personification of Malice? It's time to bring Cosmos in."

"Oh. I like the way you think sometimes, Sienna. You do think quick on your feet." Lucien loved the sound of that. "So. All we have to do is find a way to grab her attention. Shall we?"

"We can only use our power on the outside but not to much success...We managed to make a source of Rift Power for that crazy alliance but...getting the attention of a Spirit of Chaos? How are we going to do that, Lucien?"

"Good point. Cosmos will only show up if...Uhm..." They had reached another wall that they had yet to overcome. "Does Discord count?"

"Bah, she already knows there's a Discord everywhere. I mean yeah, that might bring her out. But...for now..." Lucien sat down. "All we can do is wait."

"Wait? Aw, but it's sooooo boring!" Sienna grumbled. "I don't think I can take another second being inside of this Aura Sphere! How about this?!" She went to grab Lucien by the arms. "The Cosmos thing is still up. But we need to do something about this. I say...we try and go through with this talking thing."

"You mean let them try and bring our old selves back?!" Lucien gasped.

"It's the only way. At least we should pretend than take it seriously. Otherwise, if we don't, they'll keep us here forever. And I can tell you that Celestia doesn't mess around for a pony who loves cake as much as her sister."

"Fine...But I won't like it."

Ponyville. Twilight's Castle.

"I see. So that's what happened." Celestia, Luna, Rainbow Dash and Rarity had been filled in about everything that had happened. From Zero's reason for being here to Twilight becoming a vessel for Rift Energy. They were all wearing sunglasses made by Cold Colt to protect them from the light.

"That's right. Shame I can't turn this off. I don't want to go through life being a walking disco ball." Twilight sighed.

"I think I can help with that." But Celestia surprisingly had a solution for Twilight's colour predicament.

"You can? Oh, right!" Twilight gasped, remembering that Celestia was the first pony whose magic could interact with Rift Magic. The Boundless Cutie Mark was to thank for that.

"Hold still..." Celestia leaned in, focusing her magic on Twilight. With a golden flash, Twilight's overwhelming purple Rift Lights had been overshadowed by Princess Celestia's superior golden light. And just like that, Celestia managed to diminish Twilight's light, putting an end to the light show. "There. Problem solved."

"Oh, thank you so much, Princess Celestia." Twilight was beyond relieved as everyone took off their sunglasses.

"Now then. You have Rift Magic as your newest form of magic, Twilight. That's a colossal responsibility you've given yourself." Celestia nudged. "But, I don't need to ask if you're ready for it."

"I sure am, Princess. But right now...it's getting a bit late. We've been working for a while but it feels like hours, hasn't it, Zero?"

"Sure has. Let's finish up for tonight." Zero placed the sphere of Rift Energy back into the box he usually keeps it in. "How about tomorrow, you take that magic for a test ride?"

"Yeah! Good idea!" Rainbow Dash flew over. "Now that you've got Rift Magic, Twilight, could you uh...Make me something? Please?"

"I don't think I can make objects now, Rainbow Dash. At least...I don't think I can. I haven't tried."

"You could do a lot, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as everyone started walking out. Everything was fine now so there was no need to worry. "Looking forward to it."

"Just be careful, alright?" Luna warned whilst backing up on the door. "If something is wrong, we will come to your aid, Twilight Sparkle."

"I believe the use of the Rift Cauldron is done here." Zecora had her Zebstrika and Weavile push the cauldron of Rift Magic away from here. "But, if you ever need anything, princess Twilight, I'll always be near."

"So will I." Fluttershy popped up behind Zecora, laughing afterwards before then leaving the room with her and her Pokemon.

"I'll be here next thing tomorrow morning. Earlier than you expect." Zero grabbed the box before bidding his temporary farewell to the Princess of Friendship. "Later, princess."

After that, almost all of them were gone. Some stayed as they lived here after all. They called it a day as Spike had already yawned, ready to fall asleep anywhere. Twilight was ready for tomorrow. When she wakes up by then, she'll essentially be a new pony.

8 hours later.

All was calm during the night. The sounds were serene in every way. Absol, as always, was standing guard during the night. So was Cold Colt along with Jade Skies. The local Noctowl, not owned by anyone still to this day, kept a sharp eye open.

However, that peace was promptly eliminated once a scream travelled through the atmosphere.

"No! No! Nooo!" The screaming of Twilight Sparkle. Absol and Cold recognized that voice anywhere. Absol's eyes flared as he immediately rushed to the rescue of his trainer. Cold Colt and Jade would do so as well. Twilight bellowed with a mighty screech.

"Twilight! What happened?!" Cold teleported indoors as Absol had busted the doors down, already having a Night Slash active for an attack. But the second they reached Twilight's bedroom, they found out that there was nothing wrong. Starlight and Spike rushed to the scene, expecting to see something dangerous.

But there wasn't. Although, to Twilight, this could be considered dangerous as she was currently awake. But what's more was that she didn't look tired for one bit. Her Pokemon had been woken up by the shout, seeing their trainer in one piece, healthy as always. They were confused as to what could possibly be wrong.

"Twilight! We heard screaming! What's going on?"

"I...I...I can't sleep!" Twilight pulled her mane.

"You can't sleep?" They repeated.

"No! I tried and tried for hours now and nothing! I barely feel exhausted at all! This can only mean one thing..." Twilight looked at her hooves, trembling. "It's the Rift Magic inside of me."

"Oooh..." Cold nodded in understanding. "Sweet! You're just like me and Jade now! You can never get tired!"

"Not sweet!" At the speed of sound, Twilight appeared in front of Cold's face, grabbing it. "Not sweet at all! This isn't good news for me!"

"Why not? Practically everyone would love to never get tired, Twilight." Spike spoke. "Since you've got endless energy like a Rift Pony now, you can stay awake as much as you want without any problems. I mean, you get to study all night too so isn't that great?"

"It sounds great, yes. But I don't want that." Twilight backed up. "It sounds cheesy but I love dreaming. Sleeping and getting cosy in my bed is one of the best feelings in the world. And if I can't do that anymore..."

"I'm surprised this is the biggest consequence for gaining Rift Magic. But...sorry, Twilight," said Starlight.

"Well...you're right about me having to study some more, Spike." Twilight lowered her head. "Something like this just means a lot to me. I know it's strange but..."

"I get what you mean, Twilight," Jade replied in her monotone voice, grabbing Twilight's attention. "I want what you and everyone else have always had.

"Jade?" Cold looked to his fellow Rift Pony.

"I've heard a lot about dreams. Pinkie Pie shares some of hers with me. Especially her favourites. And every time I listen to them, I always wish I could sleep and have sweet dreams too. Maybe even nightmares just for variety."

"Thanks, Jade." Those words meant something to Twilight. Unfortunately, the problem was still ever-present. "Guess I might have to deal with having infinite energy forever. On the bright side, at least I can catch rare nightfall events..."

"But...What if we don't have to deal with it forever?" Shifting his attention to a ray of hope was Cold Colt. "Twilight. You have Rift Magic now. You can fix that."

"I can? Oh, wait...I can!" Twilight's ears perked up.

"Right. I mean, I can't make myself tired no matter how hard I try. Not sure Emerald or even Obsidian could. But you still have some of your normal magic within you. And you're the smartest pony I know too. So, maybe, you can fix this."

"You're on to something, Cold. All I need to do is practice with his magic in me and I can find a way." Twilight had been given hope once more. "No time to start panicking here!"

"Great! So um...how are we going to do it?" Spike asked.

"Tomorrow morning. Which is in just 3 hours, I'll head out and find a way. Maybe expending a lot of my Rift Energy could make it work. I'm not a full-blooded Rift Pony after all."

"Why not empty your magic like you did before to become a vessel?" Starlight questioned.

"I um...tried that already. Turns out, Rift Magic, no matter how big or small, is absolutely infinite." Twilight chuckled, revealing that she already tried the best method of making herself exhausted. "But even if it's infinite, my body isn't. Let's shoot for burnout."

A new goal had been decided on this very night. Twilight Sparkle had her benefits and drawbacks to receiving Rift Magic. But she was still all the more eager to understand it, even if it made her incapable of ever sleeping and having sweet dreams like before.

"So, how do we do it?" Starlight immediately wondered what the best way to burn out Twilight's Rift Magic was. "I mean, we have our options, don't we?"

"We do have our options. And who better to help us out than the creatures that have shown us the wildest things possible?" Twilight picked up Espeon who had licked her face, playfully. The Pokemon and the Pokemon World were the best options available.

From the beginning of the worlds crossing over, these Strange and Wonderful Creatures have given the ponies events that they will never forget. For better or for worse.


As the journey continues.

Chapter 771 End.

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