• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The visit resumes. A town of villas

Despite everything that happened during the Adagio attack at Castelia City, the visit resumed.

There were still hours left before everypony returns to Equestria after all. Even though Castelia City was half-destroyed, the people there weren't too bothered by it. Wouldn't be the first time their city was apart of mass destruction. For Twilight and her friends, the best option right now is to probably head to another region to resume their visit. Or they could head somewhere else in Unova. Castelia's going to need some time to recover. For now, the next stop for the visit shall be Undella Town. But first, Twilight still wanted to show her friends the necklace stand which thankfully wasn't destroyed in the attack. But tons of resources were obliterated, so a limited amount was left.

"You're in luck. Here you go." The man selling the necklaces revealed to everypony else the newly made custom necklaces he built for their Pokemon. Just like Twilight, they all had their Cutie Mark in the middle of the necklace. Each perfect for their Pokemon. Although, he could only make a limited amount for one Pokemon each, unfortunately.

"You weren't kidding Twilight. These are great!" Rainbow Dash placed her own necklace on her Braviary. Rarity for a single Leavanny, Fluttershy for her Audino and so on and so forth. The only one exempt from this were Jade and Ash since Jade didn't own a Pokemon and Ash just simply passed on it.

"Hold on!" Spike spoke up. "Where's my necklace for my Goomy over here?"

"Oh. That's a tough one. Your Pokemon's body shape is gonna be hard to make a necklace for. And you don't exactly have a mark like your pony friends here."

"Aw..." Spike sulked.

"Don't worry about it. Sometimes, I'm not limited to just necklaces. I think I have one more thing that your Goomy can have." He shuffled through the remaining amount of accessories he had left until he found something that could work. "Aha! This will do!" He gave Spike's Goomy a tiny little gemstone. "Goomy's at times love to eat gemstones. Here you go." He tossed a tiny crystal at Goomy as the Soft Tissue Pokemon devoured it.

"Hm. I guess that works." Spike nodded.

"Well...you all look like you're fine now. I'm out of here," said Spitfire.

"You're leaving now, Spitfire?" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Mhm. I have a job still at the end of the day. But today was...something alright. Didn't get to have my double battle with Ash, but I did get to battle anyways and I saw a pretty neat takedown on that siren lady. So I'm satisfied."

"I promise next time we'll definitely have a double battle together, Spitfire," Ash spoke.


"I can tell you'll keep it. Later!" Spitfire said her goodbyes as she left towards the gateway that led all the way back to Equestria.

"So uh...where to next are we all going?" Derpy asked as she had actually tagged along with the group.

"We're headed to Undella Town remember?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You sure you wanna come along?"

"Oh, yeah. Without a doubt." Derpy nodded her head like a ragdoll. "And maybe I can learn more about battling too."

"You? A battler?" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "No offence Derpy. But you don't really fit the battler role. Especially a Pokemon Trainer."

"I too can be a battler. For sure." Derpy seemed determined. "I can even maybe become one of the best, you know."

"I'm surprised you're interested in it actually." Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

"Oh. My great-great-great-great...uh...lots of greats grandfather was a GREAT warrior way back then. So that warrior's blood is in me...I think that's how it goes."

"Derpy. We're pegasi. We all have warrior blood within us because of our ancestors." Rainbow said.

"Oh. Right." Derpy giggled. "But I can feel tons of it in me, ya know. I've been watching a ton of battles from Ash and the other pegasi in Cloudsdale. It really gets the blood pumping. Somepony said that."

"Speaking of which. Ash. We wanted to ask you for a favour for quite some time now." Twilight turned to him.

"Hm? Yeah, what's up?"

"Everpony...mostly the unicorns and earth ponies, were wondering if you could train us to become better Pokemon battlers."

"You want me to train you to be better battlers?"


"That's right. After the whole behemoth attack, Shadow Triad, and most recently Adagio, we've realized that we've got some of the greatest defenders right in front of us. Pokemon. But we're not really great at battling. At all. I mean Rainbow Dash and the pegasi are all good and learning new tricks by being trainers, but that's natural considering their history."

"What are you talking about? You guys were awesome when you defeated Obsidian! You even managed to take down a Metagross! That's no small feat!"


"Yeah true. But Obsidian's not really a great battler himself. Far from it." Rarity shook her head. "I'd say that we were all on equal skill levels. If he was actually skilled in battle more than us, we would've never been able to defeat him. Even with 6 Pokemon against 1."

"Hm. I guess that's true." Ash put his finger on his chin, thinking. "So. You wanna get stronger and evolve into better trainers so that you're able to protect and fight back against some of the toughest stuff out there, huh? Sounds good to me!"

"You'll do it?!" Twilight leaned in.

"Of course I will! Pikachu and I will do our very best to turn you all into some pretty formidable trainers! Right buddy?"

"Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu pumped his fist in the air.

"And as a bonus, I can teach you all too. I mean...I might be the best pony battler in Equestria due to the gyms I've been through and other stuff." Rainbow Dash bragged.

"Perfect! I'm sure everypony will be able to improve greatly with you as an instructor. RIght girls?" Twilight turned to her friends.

"For sure!" Pinkie nodded.

"Mhm. Besides. I already know what this little guy here evolves into thanks to seeing Ash's Sceptile." Applejack was referring to her Treecko that was inside her hat.


"I mean...I may not be crazy about battling, but I can learn from it. And I have Mega Evolution on my side too." Fluttershy spoke.

"It doesn't hurt a lady to get aggressive and unleash her wrath at dire situations. So it is a guarantee from me." Rarity was in as well.

"I'm already practising to be a Dragon-Trainer. Even if it is taking a while for me to get somewhere." Spike said.

"I think we already know the answer you'll give, Jade." Pinkie went up to her emotionless friend.

"It sounds fun. Might get a smile from it." Jade replied in her usual monotone voice.

"I'm already one step ahead of you all." Scootaloo grinned.

"I'm only involved with Pokemon for the contests...but...it can't hurt to defend yourself as well." Sweetie Belle agreed.

"It's a yes from me." Apple Bloom was the final one to give her answer.

"Then it's a full-on agreement. Come to think of it...does that mean you'll have to train the princesses too, Ash?" Twilight asked.

"Celestia and Luna don't need it actually. They're pretty great battlers from what I've seen. So I think they'll be able to pick up some sweet tricks along the way." Ash responded. "Now. Let's get to Undella Town. It's not too far away from Castelia. All we have to do is keep going east and we should find Reversal Mountain. Then we'll be there."

"Sounds great! Oh, but first. Can we stop by Trottingham for a bit?" Sweetie Belle requested.

"Why's that, Sweetie Belle?" Rarity questioned her sister.

"There's something I need to do first."

The entire group postponed their visit for a meanwhile, having to head to Trottingham. Thankfully, it was short due to them moving through certain gateways which can be seen as shortcuts to various parts of Equestria as long as you know which one leads where.

Why Sweetie Belle requested a quick stop at Trottingham was something that Applejack, Rarity and Applebloom knew. They came across Trottingham via gateway shortcuts and the young unicorn began asking a single question to somepony.

"Excuse me, sir. But do you know where a pony by the name of Velvetwind is?" She asked.

"Velvetwind? Well, they live right across the street over yonder. House is pretty vibrant. Can't miss it." The pony answered.


"What's this for even?" Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom as they were all heading to the location of Velvetwind.

"Oh right. You weren't here when it happened." Apple Bloom uttered. "Something happened when Sweetie Belle's first contest went down. You'll see.

They finally arrived at the vibrant house where Velvetwind's family lives. A knock of the door was made by Sweetie Belle, who knew that she had to be the one to talk to them. The father of Velvetwind opened up the door to see an unexpected group right in front of his doorstep.

"Oh. Afternoon. Can I help you?" He then looked down to see a familiar face. Sweetie Belle was here. "Wait. Aren't you...?"

"Yeah. It's me. From the Lilypad Town contest. I'm just stopping by because...I wanted to apologize to Velvetwind if that's okay."

"You have nothing to apologize for. It wasn't your fault that her Pokemon disobeyed her."

"I know. But I also just want to give something to her that I hope will make her happy. Please?"

"Hmm...being very generous right now. Alright. Wait right here." The father kept the door open for them, heading to his daughter. The group waited patiently for exactly 17 seconds until he managed to finally get Velvetwind here.

The young pony showed herself to them all, not looking happy still. Her eyes were red from all the crying she had been doing ever since the event at the contest, even all the way home. She was still hiccuping constantly, but she couldn't help it.

"Yes?" Velvetwind spoke with a dreary voice.

"Hey, Velvetwind. Sweetie Belle waved at her. "Um. I know you're still pretty sad about what happened back there. And I'm really sorry. Honestly. So, I thought what would cheer you up is this." Sweetie Belle opened up her saddle-bag to reveal to her and everypony else, a custom Pokeball of hers. It had dazzling and shiny blue gemstone patterns on the top meant to represent her big sister's Cutie Mark. It was clear that Rarity had made a custom Pokeball just for Sweetie Belle when she's at a Pokemon Contest. It even had its own different colouring. Instead of red and white, it was purple on the top and blue on the bottom instead. A sort of wild card ball to indicate that the best Pokemon would be revealed next. And it was accurately named the Rarity Ball.

"Sweetie Belle! You're giving up your custom Pokeball?!" Rarity gasped. "But I made that one especially for you!"

"I know. And I really like it. A lot. But I think it would also look great with Velvetwind when she's at a contest too." Sweetie Belle held out the Rarityball, bringing it near Velvetwind.

"Y-You...You're giving this to me?"

"Mhm." Sweetie Belle nodded. "Go on. It's yours now Velvetwind. I can tell it'll look great on whatever Pokemon you decide to show off with at a contest."

"Wow. Thanks, Sweetie Belle." Velvetwind ended up taking the Rarityball. "Thank you so much." Velvetwind looked like she was about to cry again as everypony gasped. Her hiccups were kicking in again. But, she couldn't control them whenever she starts crying, so what can you do? "It's really nice of you to do this for me." But these were tears symbolizing happiness instead of sadness.

"No problem." Sweetie Belle gave off a soft smile. "I hope I can see you again in another contest."

"Alright." Velvet took a napkin from her father, wiping her tears away. "I will. And I'll be a great coordinator too."

"My little girl making friends through tears...I'm so proud as a father!" The father started to tear up as the mother gave him a napkin as well to wipe those tears away.

Velvetwind and her family said their goodbyes to the group and Sweetie Belle, closing the door and closing off this short little meeting that Sweetie Belle formed. The young filly unicorn felt like a huge amount of weight had been taken off her back, giving off a huge sigh of relief and satisfaction.

"Sweetie Belle. That was incredibly generous of you." Rarity walked up to her little sister. "My little sister inheriting some of my talents...I'm so proud as a big sister!" Rarity wiped away a tear from her eyes with her own napkin.

"Thanks, sis. Now. I wanna see that Undella Town everypony's talking about lately!"

A small problem had been dealt with thanks to Sweetie Belle. Now the way to Undella was set. If they're at a peaceful location such as Undella Town, the memories of what happened with Castelia and Adagio will simply fade away. And thanks to a few gateway shortcuts that allow you to get your way around areas a bit quicker to reach your needed destination, they finally arrived at Undella Town.

A town of rippling waves. This town is constantly a perfect summer retreat with a beach full of people who enjoy summer vacations. Outside of summer, the villas here are all empty, but when summer comes around, they're all constantly full. It's certainly a favourite ever season summer comes by.

"Here we are. Undella Town! I missed this feeling." Ash nodded his head, taking in Undella's warm air.

"This is Undella Town? They weren't kidding about its appearance."Rainbow Dash said.

"I can already feel my worries slipping away. Then again they already did a while ago." Pinkie laughed. "What about you Jade?"

"I don't really know what this feeling is...but it feels good."

"Look at all these villas! Maybe one day, if I ever get stressed out, I can come here for a rest." Rarity spoke.

"Big Macintosh might like it here. It can help him relax with his back. Don't you think, Ash? You've been here before after all." Applejack asked.

"Oh, sure. Without a doubt. I mean...I don't have a brother, BUT If I did, I'd let him come here to relax."


"And I'm guessing you might come here to relax as well once you've finally become a Pokemon Master?" Twilight questioned.

"Nah! I'm never gonna retire. I'm still gonna be on my timeless adventure!" Ash replied, giving an answer that only someone who lives forever would say.

"It's good to see that you're still your energetic self as always even after all these years Ash."A voice giggled at his comment. A very familiar voice. The ponies, Spike and their Pokemon all turned around to see possibly the most beautiful human they have ever seen in their entire life. Ash and Pikachu turned around, instantly recognizing a voice like that and even who it was.

The Sinnoh Champion Cynthia.

"Cynthia!" Ash exclaimed.


"Who is that...?" Twilight gawked as all of her friends had the exact same look in their eyes. Their look could only be described as 'Starstruck'.

"She's beautiful..."Rarity sighed.

"No kidding." Rainbow Dash's eyes were wide open, unable to blink for second and not wanting to miss out on seeing Cynthia.

"This is Cynthia. The Champion of Sinnoh."Ash introduced.

"I see you've already befriended ponies from the other world. As expected from you Ash." Cynthia smiled. "It's nice to meet you, my little ponies."

"Hi, Cynthia." They all said in unison, enchanted. It was then that they snapped out of it, realizing how caught up in this they were.

"Wait, champion?!" Rainbow Dash took a moment to process the champion part that was said. "You're a champion?! What's a champion doing here?"

"I come here often to kick back, relax and just generally clear my mind at times, right at my villa as well. What brings you here, Ash?"

"I'm here helping my friends here on a visit. All the ponies are visiting our world for a day or more and I'm being sort of a guide."


"And he's going to help us become better battlers." Scootaloo hopped on Ash's head. "To very best even."

"And you're training them too, I see? You've been busy over the years it seems, Ash."

"Mhm. But, maybe we can train when we get back to Equestria, alright?" Ash held Scootalo, lifting her up.

"Sure!" The young pegasus nodded.

"Oh boy. I can't wait to get better at battling. Especially when I get my first Pokemon." Derpy commented.

"Wait...You don't have a Pokemon?!" Rainbow Dash turned to Derpy.

"Nope." Derpy shook her head in response.

"Everypony in Ponyville owns one. Especially in Cloudsdale. How come you don't? At least not a single Flying-Type." Rainbow Dash asked.

"I haven't been able to catch a Pokemon. Maybe I'm throwing the ball wrong."

"How are you going to become a better battle if you don't even have a Pokemon to start with?" Twilight questioned.

"Don't know. But I bet when I do, it'll become the greatest Pokemon ever." Derpy dreamed of her dream Pokemon and how they're the perfect duo.

"We can help out with that. How about we catch a Pokemon for you today, Derpy?" Ash went up to her.

"Really? That'd be great! Where do we start?"

"Undella Town has a nice selection of Water-Type Pokemon. I suggest we start over there."Cynthia pointed at the crashing waves.

"Do we have to go underwater for this?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Not quite. I'll handle the water part." Cynthia took out a Pokeball, sending one of her many Pokemon out.

A Milotic.


"Oh! What is that?" Rainbow Dash pulled out her dex along with Scootaloo.

"Milotic. The Tender Pokemon. Milotic is said to be the most beautiful of all the Pokémon only rivalled by the Embrace Pokemon Gardevoir. It has the power to becalm such emotions as anger and hostility to quell bitter feuding. When this Pokémon’s body glows a vivid pink, it releases a pulsing wave of energy that brings soothing calm to troubled hearts. Milotic has provided inspiration to many artists. It’s said that a glimpse of a Milotic and its beauty will calm any hostile emotions you’re feeling."

"Wait...is that what my Feebas evolves into?!" Rarity's jaw dropped.

"That's right." Cynthia nodded. "Milotic. Head deep in there and see what Pokemon you can find for this little pony. Make sure to bring it up gently."

"Milotic." The Tender Pokemon replied, making its way into the water by slithering.

"I wonder what it's gonna be?" Derpy pondered.

"I bet it's gonna be an awesome and fierce Pokemon like Gyarados!" Rainbow Dash gave her answer on what she thinks i might be.

"Or maybe something exotic and flashy like a Lumineon!" Pinkie gave her a possibility.

"Whatever it is. I'm sure that you'll build a strong bond with it." Cynthia said to Derpy.

"You think so, Cynthia?"

"I know so." Cynthia petted Derpy on the head. Milotic was seen coming back up as she had a Pokemon with her. They all leaned in to see what Water-Type was about to be Derpy's Pokemon and it was...

A Wooper.

"Wooper!" The Water Fish Pokemon spoke as it was on Milotic's back.

"Oh. It's just a Wooper." Twilight sighed. "Maybe we can try again, Der-"

"I love it!" Derpy suddenly shouted, taking everypony back.

"HUH?!" Twilight and the ponies all said in unison.

"It's the one that I want!" Derpy flew over to Milotic and Wooper. "Hey, Wooper. My name's Derpy. Nice to meet you."

"Wooper!" The Water-Ground-Type responded with a small bounce.

"She's found her first Pokemon that she loves, alright." Ash nodded.

"Pika." Pikachu nodded as well.

"I didn't expect her to go for a Pokemon that's so carefree and aloof." Rarity said.

"It happens. But the appearance of a Pokemon does not dictate the potential it holds and the bond it has with its future trainer." Cynthia responded.

"It doesn't?" Rarity and the others turned to her.

"Not at all. All Pokemon are not judged by how weak or strong they are, especially not by appearance. Pokemon are chosen out of love through and through. It's that same love that allows them to become stronger based on how much of a bond they build with their trainer. And even if they're unable to grow exponentially in strength, the compassion they share with their trainer and friends is enough to keep them going. And I can see that taking place right in front of us." Cynthia answered as they all looked at Derpy and Wooper. The two generally looked happy being together even if she hasn't caught it yet.

"I guess so. I'm so focused on becoming the Equestria Champion that I'm only looking for powerful Pokemon." Rainbow Dash said. "Guess I don't take time to enjoy the simple things and catch Pokemon that I just wanna hang out with."

"Should we tell her what Castform looks like?" Fluttershy whispered to Ash.

"Nah. She'll be good friends with it when she finds it eventually." He whispered back.

"Alright. Here goes." Derpy got out a Pokeball from her bag, putting it in front of Wooper. "Wooper. Do you wanna be my Pokemon?"

"Woo? Wooper!" Wooper suddenly headbutted the Pokeball, showing that it would love to come with Derpy. The ball pulled the Water Fish Pokemon inside as it was an instant capture. The ball didn't even shake once. Similar to how Ash caught Riolu, it was basically a set-in-stone relationship.

"Good job, Derpy!" Ash went over to her.


"Thanks, Ash. Out you come, Wooper." Derpy sent her Wooper out.


"We're gonna be great battlers together, Wooper! I can already tell!"

"Woo!" The Water Fish Pokemon leapt towards Derpy, wanting a hug. And Derpy gave her that exactly as the two embraced.

"So. Who's ready to relax for a bit in Undella?" Pinkie suggested.

"You wanna relax now?" Twilight turned to her.

"Mhm! Even party ponies need some downtime. Don't worry it won't be for too long."

"Pinkie's right. After what happened today, we need a small amount of time to relax, ya know." Applejack agreed with Pinkie Pie.

"Hate to admit it. But yeah." Rainbow nodded.

"Relax all you want, my little ponies. Undella will get you back to full strength in no time." Cynthia walked off towards her villa to have her own downtime.

"Wait! There's a lot I want to ask you, Cynthia!" Rarity chased after her.

The visit carried on but it wasn't without its break. With Derpy having her first Pokemon and the presence of the Sinnoh Champion Cynthia here, the path this visit is taking is unpredictable. As the journey continues.

Chapter 153 End!

Author's Note:

For a better look of the Rarityball, here you go.

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