• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Malamar's focus

Author's Note:

Malamar is the most evil Pokemon to date out of all current 1000+ pokemon. So making him the villain of this current story was fitting.

Malamar facing off against the two sisters in their throne room. With its heightened power thanks to its newfound crown, it was more than confident that it could win.

Malamar made the first move with a straight Psybeam, however, it was promptly countered by a beam of magic from Celestia's horn. Both beams were in a struggle, as Celestia was pushing Malamar's back. Malamar was surprised by how she was winning this.

"Impossible! I have the combined power of various things including magic! How am I losing this?!"

"You can't handle magic, can you? It's all new to you. What you don't understand, you fear!" Celestia overpowered him, knocking Malamar away as he fell to the ground. "What was that about being Overlord? Want us to put you back in the ocean, squid?" That was Celestia's rebuttal to Malamar calling her a barn animal earlier. Malamar was aggravated. He thought he'd easily wipe the floor with her. But it was clear that his newfound power was not as grand as he thought. Or at least, it wasn't yet.

"This is not over yet, Princess. I have more than just this crown." Malamar smirked as he used Topsy-Turvy to swap the angle of the entire throne room. This gave him time to act as he used Psychic to lift the two of them. This didn't last as both Celestia and Luna broke out of the psychic with ease. Malamar was shocked as it then released another Psybeam. Luna pushed it back herself this time, knocking him down again. Malamar was obviously being overpowered. The sisters were on another level compared to him.

"If I were you, I'd just give up now," Celestia said.

"Curse you princesses! In fact.." Malamar flew up, tapping into Darkrai's DNA as it unleashed a dark void towards the two. They both moved away from the void as it sunk through the floor like acid. Celestia and Luna both fired magic rays at Malamar who had then put up a light screen. The rays hit the light screen, reflecting from it as they bounced around the throne room. Malamar then used Darkrai's phasing ability to sink through the floor.

"Where did he go?" Celestia wondered. Malamar had a shadow on the floor as it snuck up behind the two sisters. Malamar rose from the ground, preparing to unleash a night slash, however, Luna noticed this, putting up a shield to stop the night slash.

"How annoying!" Malamar was not making any progress as he flew back a bit. "It is clear that I am outmatched. You two live up to your names as Princesses of Equestria. However.. this won't stop me. All I have to do is get you two out of the way and I have no threats left."

"Funny since you can't even make us budge." Celestia mocked him.

"I don't need to make you budge to win!" Malamar had a mad look in his eyes as he had used the bit of the dragon fang in the crow, unleashing a dragon pulse from his mouth. The devastating pulse of draconic energy hit the floor beneath them, causing a shockwave of draconic energy to emerge as the entire throne room floor was annihilated. Celestia and Luna were both blown out of the castle as Malamar watched them fall out.

"Hm-hm yes! The power of a dragon never fails!" This didn't stop the two of them as the sisters had both recovered flying in the air. "Such persistence. Not many can withstand a dragon pulse in my world. But I suppose this isn't my world."

"Luna. Hold him there." Celestia said to her sister. Luna cast a magic bubble around Malamar, trapping him in it. Malamar attempted to break free by using its sharp-edged fins to hit the bubble. Before Celestia could do anything, Malamar took advantage of the phasing ability moving out of it.

"Thank you, Darkrai for having such a useful ability only ghost types usually have." Malamar had to think. The sisters would not let their guard down and if he was to get a good clean hit in.. he'd need a distraction. How fitting of a pokemon who would do whatever it takes to gain victory. So out of nowhere, Malamar fired a huge dragon pulse downwards onto Cantertown, where the ponies there were still unconscious from the Psywave. Luna and Celestia gasped, rushing down to save them all from getting blown to bits by the dragon pulse. All according to Malamar's plan. Now they were wide open due to their love for the ponies.

"Kind-hearted fools." As the dragon pulse was being released from his mouth, from his fins, he tossed out two dark voids, courtesy of Darkrai's DNA. Celestia and Luna had saved them all by combining their magic beams to push the dragon pulse away, however, the dark voids came from above, hitting them from the back and entrapping them into a deep sleep.

"Haha! Now that the princesses are out of the way and in a deep sleep of an eternal nightmare.. my plans for world domination and role as a leader are still intact." Malamar floated upwards to the now destroyed throne room. As the two sisters were out in a deep sleep, Luna was able to barely move despite being hit by the dark void. Her time fighting nightmares gave her resistance to this.

"Now then. Let us begin by having a change of place. But first. I'll need some minions. And of course, who better than the princesses. Malamar looked down on them. Its hypnosis is mostly useful when it comes to mind control but considering how powerful those two are. He'll need much greater hypnosis than he has now.

With the Mane 6, Ash and Pikachu they were waiting for a train to Canterlot to hope that everything is okay.

"Come on come on. What's taking the train so long?!" Pinkie Pie yelled, losing patience.

"This is wasting too much time! I'd better go on ahead." Rainbow Dash insisted that she fly to Canterlot. But she didn't want to leave her friends behind though.

"You go on ahead Rainbow Dash. We'll catch up to you." Twilight was okay with this as long as somepony could check up on Canterlot. Rainbow Dash nodded in response as she immediately took off. Ash thought for a minute, gaining an idea that would hopefully help.

"I got it.. I'll be back! You guys get there as fast as you can!"

"Ash, darling! Where are you going?!"

"Don't worry! I have a great idea! Pikachu. You stay with them and give them all the help they can get." Ash told his best friend to stay and help the girls.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu nodded, knowing that his buddy would be okay. Ash ran off to set his idea in motion. As the boy ran further, he looked up in the sky where the rift would normally be.

"Rift! Can you hear me?! I wanna talk to you!" This was the first time someone was calling for the rift. Never had it happened to it before? The rift appeared before Ash, obviously curious as to what he wanted to talk about.

"What is it, boy?"

"You already know about the whole Malamar situation that's kinda going on right now, don't you?"

"Of course. Its got me riled up. I wonder how it'll turn out.."

"Well, I need a favour. I want you to send me back home to Pallet Town. Connect it to here if you can." He asked.

"Hmm.. alright. I want to see how this all turns out." The rift granted Ash's request, creating a gateway from Pallet Town to right near the train station.

"Okay. Thanks!" Ash walked through the gateway as the rift had then left, back to its realm where it dwells.

Rainbow Dash was zooming along with the skies, heading towards Canterlot as she could see the castle nearby.

"Awesome! Hold on every pony! Hope I'm not too late!" Rainbow Dash kicked up speed as she was closing in, however in the distance, she could see Celestia and Luna floating there. With their eyes and pupils being hollow. "Princesses! Boy am I gl-" She was promptly stopped as the two of them froze her in place by holding her with magic. Rainbow Dash was confused. She didn't know what was going on.

And that's when Malamar showed up, looking at her.

"Hello there. We have a multicoloured menace here."

"You slimy little.."

"Oh hush now. As you can see your princesses look a bit odd don't they? That is because they and soon everyone else will be under my control. Of course... I only intend to keep these two under my control, since they are the most powerful. The rest are just fodder to me. That includes you. Dump her in the work chambers. Celestia and Luna, under Malamar's orders, had carried Rainbow Dash down to Cantertown where Malamar had set up a work chamber in a few minutes thanks to psychic. Down there, ponies would be forced to work, however, due to them being unconscious at the moment still, they have yet to realise what is about to happen. Rainbow Dash looked at this in disgust.

"Oh my.."

Pallet Town... Day.

Delia was inside her home, relaxing and watching the news on how ponies are now apart of this world. Ash had entered the house, surprised to see him back. Usually, when he's gone off, it takes a long time for him to come back.

"Oh, Ash. You're back. Guess you didn't go missing after all."

"Hey, mom! I gotta talk to Professor Oak quickly!"

"Alright." She didn't mind as it was normal for Ash to be apart of frantic situations even if she didn't know what he was doing, it was not normal that's for sure. Ash had got on his pc, left by his father. Turning it on he got in contact with the great Samuel Oak himself.

"Morning Ash. How have you been?"

"Hey, professor. I've been great! Look, I'm kinda in a hurry so..can I have some of my Pokemon back. I need to help some friends as fast as I can."

"Well sure. Who would you like to bring?"

"I need someone with speed. So I'll take Staraptor! And Sceptile for good measure!"

"Okay then. I'll send them over to you. Oh and Ash. If you wouldn't mind I'd like to see a pony for myself soon. If you know any." Oak wanted to really see the ponies face to face for himself but he was kinda busy with a few things.

"I will! I'll bring my friends over here once everything's done." The pokeballs had come through the pc, landing on Ash's lap. "Thanks, professor!" He picked them up, shutting off the PC and he was ready to help his friends.

"Bye, mom!"

"Bye Ash." She replied as her son rushed out, entering the other side.

"Alright. Staraptor! Come on out!" Ash tossed his Pokeball, sending out Staraptor. Possibly his 3rd fastest pokemon ever.

"Staraptor!" The Predator Pokemon was here.

"Staraptor. I need your help. I'll tell you where to fly to.

"Star!" Staraptor nodded as his partner jumped on his back, flying off to help his new friends.

The train was also on the move. With Twilight pacing back and forth, in a bit of a panic.

"Twilight calm down. We'll make it there." Fluttershy said trying to calm her friend down.

"Calm down?! I can't! Who knows what's happening at Canterlot right now. The worst possible scenario could be going on! And we don't know what Pokemon are capable of since they can do everything from breathing fire, fly, teleport, mind control, release lightning sorts of things! How can I stay calm?!"

"She has a point ya know. These things aren't from our world to remember. Why does little Applins on my farm breathe out some blue fire out of a barrel-like it was nothing." Applejack agreed with her.

"Darling. don't worry. We're all in this together. We've faced dangerous foes before. We can handle this as well." Rarity reassured her fellow unicorn.

"You're right. Thanks, girls." As the train kept moving on Malamar had already done some redecorating. Banners were put up with his face on them. Everything from the colour of the kingdom was changed to his liking. Matching his colour scheme that is. Celestia and Luna standing beside him as well as his right hands.

"Excellent. I want this.. colourful place to look more fetching. And oh... what's this?" Malamar could sense other ponies headed towards Canterlot with his psychic prowess. "It seems that they actually decided to come here and stop me. From that distance as well. Ponies sure are persistent. But like I will let those mares get in my way." Malamar grinned with a devious smile on his face. He knew they were coming. So he had time to prepare.

Staraptor and Ash weren't too far away from Canterlot, only behind the train by 7 minutes. As the train had finally come to a stop, the mane 6, Spike and Pikachu hopped off, ready to head inside Canterlot, until they noticed that something was different. A statue of Malamar could be seen from high up due to how tall it was. His immense psychic power helped him to build that statue in no time.

"What the..? When did THIS happen?" Twilight said, confused.

"Not only that. Look!" Applejack pointed at how the streets of Cantertown were barren. Nopony insight. That's when the sound of Malamar had reached their head, via telepathy even if he was a certain distance away from them.

"Well hello, there my little ponies."

"Malamar! What have you done?! Where is everypony?!"

"Oh fret not Twilight Sparkle. Everypony is currently going under a sort of change as of now. These streets and buildings will be full of all those ponies once more.. obviously underneath my rule. Do not worry. All of you will not be excluded from my empire. Once I reach Ponyville next. And then, I'll conquer every other part of your world."

"You barbarian! You think you're capable of doing all of that?!"

"Oh but I can Rarity. A being of my prominence can. And only me. To give you all some company, the princesses will lead you to the rest of the equines." Celestia and Luna appeared above them still under the might hypnosis.

"Princess Celestia. Princess Luna.." Twilight looked up at the now controlled Princesses' as they had lifted them all from the ground with magic.

"Take them to everypony else. In the meantime, I have more rearranging to do."

"What do we do?! We can't retaliate against the princesses! Its madness!" Pinkie yelled out.

"I don't know! I can't break free from both their magic either!" Twilight replied. Pikachu knew what he had to do. It wasn't going to be pretty and he didn't want to do it but there was no other choice.

"PIka..chuuu!" He let out a jolt of the thunderbolt that had struck both sisters, breaking their magic concentration. They had stopped carrying them all, however, they started to fall. They were screaming as Fluttershy managed to recover, but she wasn't fast enough to chase down after her friends. That is until Rainbow Dash came, swooping in and saving them as fast as she could, sending them all down on the ground.

"Rainbow Dash!" They all said in unison.

"That's me!" She replied.

"Thank goodness. We're so glad you're okay." Fluttershy said.

"It was nothing. I managed to sneak out of that chamber. But you should see what's going on down there. Its messed up."

It wasn't over yet though. Celestia and Luna were still here. Despite Pikachu's thunderbolt dealing a good hit on them to slow the two of them down for a bit, it wasn't enough to put them down.

"Malamar's got the princesses totally under his control. And he's making everypony work in a chamber." Rainbow explained.

"So he kept only the sisters since they're the highest of them all and kept the lower ones underneath the chamber," Twilight said.

"How can he be so cruel?" Fluttershy replied. All of a sudden, a combination of both sisters magic beams were sent towards the group. Pikachu jumped in, using his thunderbolt to push them back.

"We need to go now! Everypony to the chambers!" Twilight commanded as they all took off. Pikachu did the holding back, by repeatedly pushing back beams with his thunderbolts. They chased the group through buildings and such, tearing them down as they would not stop. Celestia had closed in going to strike her horn down on them. Pikachu had countered by using his iron tail to clash with hers.

As Pikachu was holding her back, Luna had zoomed past him, heading for the rest.

"Pika?!" Pikachu turned around and lost focus as Celestia knocked him away with her horn.

"Pikachu!" Fluttershy turned around seeing her fellow yellow buddy getting hurt.

"Fluttershy! We have to keep moving!" Rarity pulled Fluttershy, just in time as Luna almost got a clean hit on her. Pikachu stood up as Celestia looked down on the electric mouse. She was ready to blast him, however, the little guy was nimble enough to run underneath her. She turned around, firing a magic beam that Pikachu barely managed to dodge.

Celestia's head was hurting as it was clear that she was fighting back the hypnosis. It was difficult but a piece of her was still in there trying. Pikachu saw her guard down as she took this opportunity to let an electroweb out, trapping her in it. Pikachu ran ahead as Celestia was trying to break free from the web.

Meanwhile, in the skies, Staraptor and Ash had arrived. They were high enough to see where Malamar was since the throne room hadn't been remade yet and he was out in the open.

"There! Malamar!"

"Oh. Look who it is. A boy who doesn't know any better."

Ash jumped off Staraptor, landing down on the floor of the now destroyed throne room.

"Come to save your friends? Really you should just kneel before me. Like how every being else shall."

"Pssh. You wish. Like I'd knee to some guy like you."

"Hoho. Typically for someone like you to be so stubborn. Once your little pony friends.. every single of them are enslaved.. then you and every other human and pokemon back in our world will be under my control. And perhaps... if I can go further... I can harness the power of the rift.. and conquer other worlds!"

"Is that all you care about? World domination?"

"No Ashy boy. I've come to a realisation... With all this potential power at my side... it shall be universal domination! Even space will not be safe from my reign."

"That's why I'm going to stop you here and now. No one in the world wants someone like you to rule over them! Staraptor! Aerial Ace!" Staraptor came flying down towards Malamar who had used Psychic to send the bird pokemon back.

"Useless. How can you beat someone like me? When I have all the psychic power in the world now!" Malamar lifted both of them, launching them out of the throne room.

"Aaaah!" Ash screamed as his trusty flying pokemon saved him. "Thanks, Staraptor! Get in close! I have an idea!" Staraptor headed towards the overturning pokemon once more as Malamar just smirked all the way through. Ash jumped off Staraptor, lunging himself at Malamar.

"What a little kid." Malamar was prepared to use psychically to catch him once more, however in came Staraptor, using close combat on Malamar with its talons. Pushing him back gave Ash the chance to run past him. "Staraptor! Keep him busy for me!"

"Star!" Staraptor flew around Malamar to make sure he couldn't catch him. All Malamar needed was one good psychic to seal the deal.

With Malamar being distracted, Ash ran around the castle, seeing nopony insight.

"Man, this place is deserted. What happened?" As Ash was running he saw a shadow of pony nearby. He stopped to get a good look to see who it was.

Reunited. His friends had made it up here as they were looking for the chamber.

"Guys!" Ash called out.



"Oh, man. Am I glad to see you? This place was starting to creep me out." Pikachu ran back to Ash hugging his partner.

"It shouldn't creep you out. That jerk Malamar totally changed things up to make himself look cool." Pinkie said.

"And the princesses are under his control. Along with every other pony working underneath a chamber. That's where we're headed. But wait.. how did you get past Malamar?" Twilight asked.

"My other pokemon pal Staraptor has it covered. In the meantime, where is this chamber?"

"Rainbow's trying to lead us there. But she only came out through a hole instead of the main entrance." Fluttershy explained.

"Don't worry. Once we find it, we'll round up every pony and-" Before Applejack could finish her sentence, Staraptor was sent flying, crashing into the walls of the castle as he fell.

"Staraptor!" Ash yelled, seeing his friend hurt. Malamar appeared with purple psychic energy just surrounding him with such destructive and malicious force.

"That settles that with the bird. Now then.." Luna had appeared beside Malamar still under his control along with Celestia who had just broken free from the Electroweb. "Do you still believe you can defeat me?"

Chapter 14 END

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