• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Tenacious Vivacity

Equestria. Canterlot. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

After an intense struggle, the destruction of Canterlot and multiple locations had been prevented by the efforts of Ash, Twilight, Kyurem, Victini and many others. The Absorption Demon had finally been defeated, returning to the Box of 100 Demons.

Celestia, Kyurem and those that withstood the recoil would place everyone safely on the ground. And of course, the golden stairway was intact thanks to their efforts.

"They did it!" Sweetie Belle cried out, allowing everyone to hear it. It was clear as day, or in this case, clear as the night that the demon was gone. Those that steered away from the conflict would cheer and jump for joy after hearing and witnessing this. At first, it looked like they would all be wiped out and from how much destruction the mere pressure of the incoming planet made, it was almost true.


"Sister! Where were you for those past minutes?" Luna asked Celestial-Gardevoir, the fusion of Celestia and Passion.

"Apologies. One of the 100 Demons showed up at Peglysium, bawling out. It was staying hidden until it heard those cries and I just had to chime in and help the Royal Family." Celestial-Gardevoir said. "But I'm here now. And I made it just in time."

"Sweet timing, Celestia." Approving of this close-call appearance was Ash, giving a thumbs-up to the fusion of Equestria's Ruler and the Embrace Pokemon.

"Thank you, Ash!" Celestial-Gardevoir would grin back at him before suddenly flashing. "Oh. It seems that time's up." Right then and there the fusion ran out, separating Celestia and Gardevoir.

"Thank you all for your help." Hoopa would hold out his ring, returning all the Pokemon who assisted him. They all had to return due to the impact of the recoil damage that they suffered when pushing back the Absorption Demon. Any longer would be harmful to them. Hoopa, refusing to let others get hurt in this debacle, returned each of these airborne Pokemon to their homes.

"So that's what Victini's infinite power really feels like...It's amazing." Cadence was still in awe once Victini temporarily shared his infinite energy. So many of them felt like new beings once Victini gave it to them. "But...my horn's still smoking from all of that."

"Where's Snowdrop? Is she alright?" Worried about Snowdrop, Kyurem would observe the area for the little filly.

"Nightmare Moon should be taking care of her," Luna replied. "She's in good hooves. Essentially my hooves. Now, sister. The Sun and the Moon."

"Right." Now that the Absorption Demon had been defeated the effect that it had on the moon was no more. The two sisters could use this chance to greatly cripple the vampires all across the world. At least where the Sun can rise thanks to timezones.

Luna could finally control the moon without any retaliation from a demon as it would soon lower. Celestia was at the ready, prepared to bring about an earlier sunrise. Naturally, Opal Vivacity, who was up in the clouds, would watch as the moon would leave at last.

Once that Sun comes up, all vampires would be overwhelmed by the Sun's piercing and searing light. And with the Absorption Demon gone, the best way to prevent the vampires from being exposed to sunlight was seemingly erased.

"That demon was supposed to be the one to soften Equestria up the most. And now it's gone..." Naturally, Opal was rather aggravated by this. The Absorption Demon proved to be a formidable foe and of the best demons to ever come out of that box so far. It came so close to damaging most of Equestria.

"Was that your ace in the hole?" Chrysalis taunted, putting on a cocky smirk. "So much for your big attack. Seems you only have the Black Crusade to rely on now."

"Hmph. Don't be ridiculous. Do you think I didn't fear something like this happening?" But Opal scoffed Chrysalis' words away. "I gave that demon a contract just to elevate it to new heights. But it wasn't just that one demon. The rest of them took the contracts I offered. And plus...to become the second-best, just right behind her majesty, I must become a vampire that can ignore the light!"

"Ignore the light?" Rarity repeated.

"That's right! You caught me off guard with that light of yours from before Chrysalis...but not this time! Not with this!" With an uproar of energy, flames would burst out of Opal Vivacity's body. Chrysalis and everyone would flinch from the outburst of flames that would light up some of the nearby clouds.

For a vampire, this would be extremely dangerous due to the intense light that can come from fire. But in this case, Opal Vivacity used it to her advantage. Chrysalis would squint, witnessing the flames take a shape. A shape that would better befit Opal Vivacity's figure. It perfectly matched that of a pony, getting every detail of Opal before wrapping around her.

With the flames then simmering down, Opal Vivacity's devious and smug smile would emerge from them, revealing the vampire in a new coat of paint. Or in this case, a protective new armour.

"Like so," Opal spoke as she now had a Flame Dress. It matched her stunning beauty with how elegantly it appeared. It resembled a gown with blazing purple flowers on the side along with an ember brooch around her neck. And of course, she felt no pain whatsoever. "Well? How do I look?"

"You made a dress of fire?!" Chrysalis gasped.

"And why does it actually look good...?!" Rarity grizzled her teeth, annoyed that Opal Vivacity, despite being her enemy, had a stunning sense of style that she couldn't help but compliment. It irritated her when the enemy could be so fabulous. Rarity even wished she was wearing something similar. But perhaps not the Element of Fire.

"Do I even need to bring up the Parasite Demon for this? You know the gist already." Opal flaunted her massive mane which was also unaffected by the flames despite how long and flashy it was. "This is it. A taste of what the future second-best looks like. My brother surely can't compete now. Not when I'm immune to the light with this dress on!"

"Hoh? Then why haven't you kept it on this entire time?" Chrysalis smirked, making Opal flinch and twitch at that question. Chrysalis was already onto Opal the moment she revealed this dress. "Surely there's a reason for that..."

"Hmph! A reason you won't get to listen to!" Opal scoffed as the Sun was beginning to rise at last once the Moon disappeared. "Bittersweet! You and Melody are getting a taste for a while!"

"Wait...what?" Bittersweet, who was protected by the lightning cage she made from the clouds, wasn't expecting to hear that at all. Opal would involve her and Melody Moon in this Flame Dress fashion but only for a bit. Alas, Bittersweet didn't have a say in this. "G-GH!"

Bittersweet growled as the flames would expand around her body, making her grimace and stagger. She wasn't fully prepared for it at all. The flames would fly through the gaps of the lightning cage, reaching some of the changelings. Bittersweet sounded like she was in genuine pain once the flame dress emerged to give her some style. But the feeling wasn't as pleasant as the appearance.

Melody Moon, who was facing off against Fluttershy would be caught off guard by the emergence of flames around her body too, feeling the same pain as Bittersweet. But to Opal, it would be worth it since they would bypass the radiance of the Sun.

"Are you alright?!" Fluttershy gasped, attempting to get closer, only to be scared off by the violent flames that would transform to fit Melody Moon.

Gone was the night. Now, the dawn had come. A new day was born but it was a day filled with lingering conflict that had yet to be resolved. Opal would smile as she wasn't bothered by the rising of the Sun. What Opal said was true. The light of the Sun could be ignored to the point where her body wouldn't react violently to it. This was thanks to the Dress that she had on.

"No way...she's totally fine..." Applejack couldn't believe her eyes. A vampire that was immune to the light of the Sun was outlandish to her. But of course, this was only because of what Opal managed to gather thanks to the Parasite Demon. "But...you're still on your own, pretty much."

"Keep thinking that. You won't be once I do this!" Using more of the Ghost-Types abilities, Opal Vivacity would then split herself multiple times in front of her opponents. Essentially, she made phantom clones of herself.

These phantom clones only possessed Opal's stature and figure with a spectral purple energy around them. They had no eyes or mouths to go with this build. They were just phantoms that took the skies while the real one would stand elegantly on the clouds. Having a way to even the odds, some of the phantoms would join Opal and Bittersweet up here while the rest would scatter, targeting those that remained.

"Now, where were we?!" Opal aggressively said, using her claws from her mane which were also joined by the approaching phantoms that would charge in as if they were missiles.

"Pheromosa! Smack them away with Triple Axel!"

"Sceptile, Leaf Blade!"

"Sceptile!" When seeing the phantoms approach them, Sceptile and Pheromosa would stand side by side, attacking in unison against these Opal Phantoms. The phantoms would find themselves being cut in half and kicked three consecutive times by Sceptile and Pheromosa, only to then split up once more, creating new phantom clones.

Once those new clones emerged, they would rush Sceptile and Pheromosa, going for a dog pile that would overcrowd them. The same went for Rarity and Applejack, who were targeted by these phantoms.

"Get back! Back!" A startled Rarity would furiously zap at the phantoms with her magic, only to be overwhelmed by their increasing numbers. Pheromosa attempted to reach her trainer, only to be stopped by the swing of Opal's claws.

The claws from her mane would first swing at Chrysalis, who would try and keep her distance from the flames and poison that they carried. However, Opal would then target Sceptile and Pheromosa once Chrysalis was out of the way for a bit. The flames would be super-effective on them both but Sceptile received the worst of it since he was weak to both Fire and Poison.

"T-Tile!" Sceptile would tumble on his roots that he made to stand on before attempting to recover. However, the phantoms would ruthlessly crash themselves into the roots at full force, breaking them apart at violent speeds.

"Let go of me!" Applejack had been carried up by some of the phantoms. Already, they snatched their prey, overwhelming Applejack who tried hitting way with them. However, she failed to do so as her hoof would phase through these phantoms. They were still ghosts after all and Applejack found herself being unable to touch them but they could touch her, unfairly.

"Applejack! Rarity!" Chrysalis yelled before nearly being caught by some of the phantoms. The Changeling Queen unleash a beam that would not only blow away these phantoms but also push her back as recoil.

"What's going up there?!" Twilight noticed the sparks flying in the distance along with the large roots. These roots were joined by spectral figures of Opal Vivacity, which were plentiful and ever-increasing. The conflict wasn't over as multiple Phantom Opal clones would start appearing.

"Opal! She's here?!" Luna gasped before seeing Chrysalis, Applejack and Rarity in the air. While they were all preventing the demon from crashing into Canterlot, they've been dealing with the ringleader of this operation.

"We still need to focus on making the stairway even if she's here! Where are Cold Colt and Jade?" Celestia asked. "Did you bring them with you Hoopa?"

"They're both still here at Canterlot with everyone else who managed to leave the scene. They're fine. I think that's everyone here, Princess Celestia." said Twilight. "Everyone that can make the stairway happen."

"Stopping Opal won't end it. Not when there are other demons out there." Celestia narrowed her eyes, knowing that there were still remaining demons that needed to be dealt with. "But we should put faith in those trying to stop them while we deal with what's bothering us here."

"Can we stop their crying first? I don't think everyone can stop those demons from wailing." Cadence suggested. "Unless they have the Royal Canterlot Voice, it'll be difficult for them to do anything about it."

"I will let Nightmare Moon know. She can let out the Royal Canterlot Voice." Luna added. "And as for the other demons...We have trainers who can be just as noisy as them with the right Pokemon. Music is the answer."

"Music? At this time?" Iris and Spike collectively said.

"I'll help out Chrysalis and the others!" Ash already chose to back up Chrysalis, Applejack and Rarity. Joining him would be Twilight and Celestia. Meanwhile, Luna would focus on that music idea of hers, knowing exactly who to go to. Hoopa attempted to open a ring for Luna only for the Princess of the Night to teleport away.

"Victini. Do not go ahead." Celestia already saw that Victini was planning on joining Ash before being stopped. "We can't let Opal do anything to you. It's far too risky. Your power is needed more than anyone's to boost up the process. So stay away, please."

"T-Tini." While it upset Victini, he understood why it needed to be done. As for Kyurem, he would look up at the array of phantoms in the sky which were already set to target everyone that they would come across. It wouldn't take long before the biggest target would be next. Kyurem was the biggest target, of course.

Ash looked up to see the horde of Opal Phantoms raining down. They couldn't do much except divebomb but it proved to be effective from the impact it left behind. They still had the raw strength of a vampire after all.

"Pikachu Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Pikachu would smack away the incoming phantoms with his hardened tail of iron, knocking them aside as if they were ragdolls. The blunt hits would prompt some of the phantoms to crash into each other thanks to this swift counterattack.

Back with Chrysalis, she managed to blow the phantoms all over her away with a piercing light from her horn. Once free, Chrysalis would then unleash a staggeringly vicious beam that was soon met by a stream of flames from Opal's claws. The beam and the stream would clash against each other, sending different sparks in erratic and inconsistent directions.

The intensity of the flames was nothing for Chrysalis to ignore. Not when they were coming from Opal. Opal's dress would even add to the flames while also sending some poison through to try and surprise Chrysalis. Chrysalis refused to be taken by surprise by these poison drops as her magic would melt away the poison just by increasing the power.

The struggle was fierce but Opal did manage to win only by the power of her mane. Once again, she used the Fte Changing Ability to mess with the outcome, touching the clouds with her extremely long mane. With just a touch, fate changed to the point where a strong gust of wind would fly up, not only blowing the cloud beneath Opal away but even throwing Chrysalis off her game as it felt like she was near a tornado.

"Gotcha!" Opal exclaimed, spreading her vampiric wings while managing to beat out Chrysalis' beam, but only because of her most useful ability. Chrysalis gasped before being struck by the flames.

"Gaaah!" Chrysalis screamed as the flames enveloped her. Not only were these flames perfect for Opal in defending her from the light but they were ironically highly effective against Chrysalis.

"S-Sceptile!" Hearing Chrysalis scream, Sceptile would use Frenzy Plant once more while he was still surrounded by the phantoms. Instead of using the ground, Sceptile ended up using the phantoms as a place to start. By touching one of the Opal Phantoms, Sceptile made it so that the roots would grow out of it instead.

The phantom would stagger as a giant root grew out of it. More roots would appear knocking the other phantom clones away. Soon, midair roots could be seen, flailing around and whacking away at any more incoming phantoms.

"You've had enough fire for one day! Let's switch it up with some poison!" Opal laughed, spreading her hooves out as she then manipulated the remaining clouds. The clouds above her would be filled with poison once Opal used her claws on them.

By inserting poison into the numerous clouds above, the vampire created a new type of rain. Poison Rain. The clouds above would gather, hiding away some of the Sun to then pour the poisonous liquids that also had some fire laced with them. After all, Opal originally took this from her Pokemon Salazzle, making this the hottest poison possible.

The roots would be taken out faster thanks to the Poison Rain, melting away with massive holes being formed in just a second or two. Sceptile gasped as he couldn't catch a break from the super-effective attacks. This time, they appeared as rain.

"Poison Rain?!" Ash looked up before having Dragonite come to a halt. Dragonite stopped right when she saw the poison rain dropping from the clouds. The clouds would then adopt the poison, only spreading it more. While not as pressurizing as the planet-sized demon, this was still an issue.

With the poison rain coming from above, melting damage would follow. The horrific poison that originally came from Salazzle would be used in a way it's never been used before. The humans, ponies and Pokemon couldn't return to the festival thanks to the Poisonous Rain, unfortunately.

But as a slight positive, the stairway was unaffected by the poison rain even when it started pouring aggressively on it. But now, there was another problem that needed to be overcome. The poison rain and the fact that it was only starting to intensify with each passing second, soon matching that of a downpour.

Chrysalis, who managed to recover in the air even after taking those painful flames, would gaze at Opal Vivacity with a jeer. Her pupils would sharpen as if her old self was showing once more. Even after all of that hard work to stop the destruction of Canterlot and multiple places, the Dread League found a way to bring about more trouble.

"Dread League...!" By this point, Chrysalis had enough of them. Mainly Opal, who seemed to bother Chrysalis the most. Because of this, her eyes would flash green before letting out crackles of magic that matched the green lightning in the sky when all the crying went off.

That awoken magic within her was still being prodded. At any moment, it would erupt and Chrysalis could unleash that destructive rage yet again. Alas, not only was she unaware of this overwhelming magic but she had n way to see it coming or even anticipate a moment to prevent it. She was still her normal self but the magic was certainly showing itself in small instances.

And with Opal's vicious actions, that magic within Chrysalis could be unleashed because of her. Or possibly, Opal could ruin everything before that could happen as the journey continues.

Chapter 986 End.

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