• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Catch 'em all & Find 'em all

Kanto Region. Professor Oak's lab. Pallet Town.

"Ooooh!" Currently, Professor Oak was gawking at Twilight's newest Pokemon. A Rapidash. An Alpha Rapidash to be exact which added to the excitement.

It was not easy catching this Pokemon despite it only taking one Poke Ball throw and the involvement of Pokemon Hunter J and her men. If anything, this was a safety catch to protect Rapidash from the hunters. "So this is an Alpha Pokemon. The size on this Rapidash is amazing! It dwarfs all other Rapidash as if they were Ponyta! Nice catch, Twilight."

"Thank you, Professor Oak. But after that experience, I've been thinking about something. Mainly about Pokemon Hunter J and the Alpha Pokemon."

"And what's that, Twilight?" Oak asked his apprentice while admiring the sheer scale of Alpha Rapidash. Rapidash just stood there, unimpressed. It seemed that after being caught, she was calmer and less aggressive than before.

"Well, last night and before that even, I thought about how Hunter J knew about Alpha Pokemon returning. Since Rapidash came from that Time Leak, it's not too out there to imagine more Alpha Pokemon showing up to the present day. And with how strong they are, J might already be focused on not just selling them, but maybe catching them to add to her team."

"Hm-hm. You raise a good point there, Twilight." Oak agreed, placing his hands behind his back. "I know a bit about Alpha Pokemon myself. In which that there's an Alpha Pokemon of every species."

"Every species?!" Ash gasped.


"Right, right. There are some exceptions but for the most part, a lot of the Pokemon that you've met have Alpha variations. No telling how many of them have passed or will pass through that Time Leak. All the more reason to keep a good eye n it, don't you think?"

"That got me thinking, Professor Oak. I didn't know what I wanted to do at first but...I think Id like to catch as many Alpha Pokemon that I can." Twilight revealed her newest goal. "Battling's not for me. Neither are Pokemon Contests even though they're cute. I'd like to catch as many Alpha Pokemon as I can. Before J can."

"Oooh...So that's your goal and motivation, hm? Very nice, Twilight." Oak nodded in approval. "It's fitting as well. Back then, Ash aimed to catch all Pokemon in the past. Every last one."

"He did?" She turned to Ash.

"Yep. I thought I could catch 'em all but some stuff happened and I changed my mind. Now I'm shooting higher than catching every Pokemon that'll get me closer to becoming a Pokemon Master."

"Catching every Alpha Pokemon sounds just as difficult as catching every Pokemon. Alpha Pokemon are seemingly stronger than their average species in every way and show a higher level of aggression. Are you sure you'll be safe, Twilight?" Professor Oak asked.

"It's risky but...I've been taking my fair share of risks lately. I have this guy to thank, right?" Twilight playfully nudged Ash as they both laughed. "I'll start small and try and catch as many as I can. At least until this Time Leak problem can be solved."

"I felt a strong sense of magic connect..." Just then, right after the nudge, the now spirit of King Sombra who had been reduced to a tagalong shadow to Ash Ketchum had revealed himself to Twilight and Oak at last.

"Ah!" Twilight gasped, jumping back as she held Zorua close to her. Spike already started growling at the shadow, having a bad feeling about him. "W-W-What is that?!"

"Ah, right, right. You guys didn't know about this." Ash was casual about this. Oak, while surprised, was intrigued by this bizarre union. "Yeah...I kinda got this guy named Sombra attached to me right now. It's kinda permanent until someone can find a way to fix it."

"I sensed the magic from you, girl. I had no incentive of showing myself yesterday. Even with that Pokemon Hunter you encountered. But your magic has my attention. There's something deliciously malicious about it..." Sombra chuckled, flowing in Twilight's direction, intimidating her. "No wonder you are the counterpart to your Equestria-self."

"H-How did you know I had magic in me? And are you talking about that time I turned into a magical being?" She shuddered.

"Precisely. If I could have that magic for myself and-"

"Fascinating!" Interrupting Sombra with absolute intrigue was Professor Oak. He ran up to Sombra, grabbing him by the face. "Ash, why didn't you show me this earlier?! A spirit of a pony is just within you!"

"Gh! U-Unhand me you fossil!" Sombra groaned as Oak kept observing him by pulling on his face and touching his horn. Sombra was currently powerless to do anything. "Grrrggh...! This is the worst! I am a king...!"

"You're full of surprises, aren't you, Ash?" Oak chuckled as Sombra sighed at this humiliation.

"That's kinda creepy..." Twilight scratched her face, giving off a nervous chuckle as opposed to Oak's cheerful one. "W-Well, anyway. I'll do my best in catching all those Alpha Pokemon. And you'll help with it, right Rapidash?" She then turned to Fire Horse Pokemon.

But Rapidash did not respond. Instead, she just turned away, ignoring Twilight. The Fire Horse Pokemon then yawned before delivering a slight neigh afterwards. "Rapidash..."

"Um, Rapidash?" Twilight went up to her. "Is that a yes or a no?"

Yet again, Rapidash gave no response. She continued to turn away from Twilight, focusing on something else. Such as the outside where the rest of Ash's Pokemon could be found. "H-How come she's ignoring me...?"

"Ah. That happens sometimes, Twilight." Oka finally let go of Sombra. The previous ruler of the Crystal Empire looked defeated as his jaw was twitching. All he could say was 'Ow' as he hid back in Ash. "Some Pokemon can be disobedient to their trainers. Fairly common."

"Disobedient? I-I didn't do anything though." Twilight shook her head, worried that she might've messed up, resulting in Rapidash ignoring her. "Did I?"

"The stronger Pokemon are the ones that show more disobedience than others. And there's no doubt that Alpha Pokemon are the same." Oak laughed, appearing behind Rapidash. "You just have to spend some more time with Rapidash and gain her trust. That way, you two will be inseparable!" Oak patted Rapidash on the flank.

"Dash!" That got Rapidash to show some energy. A vein appeared on her forehead as the Fire-Type had then used her potent back hooves to kick Professor Oak.

"OOF!" Oak was caught off guard as the kick had launched him across his lab. Twilight gasped while Ash seemed unphased by this. It was a common occurrence for Oak to be harmed by Pokemon, no matter what. And he would always come out fine as he had hit the wall.

"P-Professor Oak! Are you okay?!" Twilight put her hands on her mouth, shocked by what she had seen. Oak sat in the corner with his clothes tattered.

"Oh, it's fine, Twilight. I'm fine. Hehehe."

"Well, good luck with Rapidash and catching those Alpha Pokemon, Twilight. I'll come and check up on you from time to time with that stuff." Ash and Pikachu were ready to depart.


"About that. I was hoping that you'd come with me to find all those Alpha Pokemon. I'm...still pretty scared to explore the rest of the Pokemon World. But if it's with you then I feel safe." She smiled, rubbing her hand. "So, Alpha Pokemon searching every time together?"

"Sure." Ash put his hand out for a high-five. Twilight replied as their hands had connected for a powerful high-five. Ash would now join Twilight in her Alpha Pokmon adventures soon.

Equestria. Canterlot. Day.

The Dazzlings along with their reunited mother had approached Canterlot. This would be Vivace's first time back in her world for so long. And her being in her siren form once more. They had arrived as Vivace was still trying to get used to her siren form now that she was back.

"Ugh..." She groaned, stretching her fins and tail. "How long has it been since I've moved in this form. These bones feel unfamiliar to me now." Vivace also almost fell over, struggling to keep her balance while floating.

"If it's hard on you, you can always use the Shift Stone, mom." Aria showed her mother the Shift Stone. Just in case she wanted to appear in her Human form despite them soon heading to the Human World.

"Oh! What would you look like as a human, mom?" Sonata was curious. Vivace herself wondered the same thing. She looked at the Shift Stone, curious about her human appearance.

"Hm. Let me see." She used her tailfin to grab the Shift Stone. After holding it, Vivace harnessed its power, thinking of her possible pony form. The stone reacted to her imagination before covering her in Rift energy. The Dazzlings squinted from this blinding light as Vivace's height was starting to alter.

A smaller shape was formed, appearing as the silhouette of a pony. However, Vivace's pony height was taller than her daughters as a unicorn horn could be seen popping out from the top. The light faded as Vivace appeared as a pony. She was around Princess Celestia's height, keeping her usual colour palette.

"Oh. So this is it?" Vivace looked at herself. "I'm impressed."

"And you're so tall..." Adagio gawked before putting on a smirk. "I mean you're an old lady so-"

"Who are you calling old, brat!" Vivace then grabbed Adagio's face, pulling it. She wasn't too fond of being called old. Even though, she was centuries old either way.

"G-G-Gah! S-Sorry! I yield!" Adagio cried out as Vivace had impressive hoof strength despite just now becoming a pony. Just as this mother and daughter interaction was going on, Celestia had shown to the scene. The first thing that caught her attention was the pony who had a similar appearance to the Dazzlings.

She looked like Adagio, Aria and Sonata combined into one but with a height that matched Celestia. Celestia then paused, putting the pieces together immediately. "You..." She spoke.

"Hm?" Vivace, still holding onto Adagio's face, swivelled her head to see the pony behind her. Upon seeing Celestia, she was reminded of a certain pony who had a familiar appearance. Mainly Sunlight. The former Queen of Equestria and the first genuine friend that Vivace ever made when they first met. And the only time they ever met was the first time. "Sunlight?! No...you look like her but..."

"And you're Vivace, aren't you?" Celestia walked up to her as Vivace finally let go of Adagio.

"My ears burn..." Adagio groaned.

"I'm not my mother, Sunlight. I'm Celestia. The pony that my mother mentioned she would name me if she ever had a child when she first met you."

"Celestia..." That name came back to Vivace. She remembered hearing that name during her conversation with a younger Sunlight. And all about their children as well.

"Wait, Vivace! Will we ever see each other again?"

"Who's to say? Perhaps in the future, our children might meet."


"I plan to have offsprings of my own one day. I assume you aim to carry out your bloodline, don't you?"

"Guilty. When I find that colt for me, I'll have a child of my own. And you're right. They might meet. But...would they be at odds at each due to what they each stand for?"

"So it finally happened," Vivace smirked. "You've met each other at last. It's nice to see you, Celestia. You do look a lot like your mother, don't you?"

"I do. Thank you, Vivace." Celestia chuckled. "I never thought I would ever see you but here we are. Good to see that you're doing well and my student and her sisters have reunited with you."

"Student?" Vivace turned as Celestia nudged her head in Adagio's direction.

"T-That's me..." Adagio raised her hoof.

"A genuine prodigy, she is. "Welcome back to our world, by the way. I was somewhat aware that you'd be else-" However, Celestia was promptly cut off once a pillar of golden light had appeared close to them. Their attention had been drawn to this pillar as it almost caught them off guard.

But emerging out of this light was the pony they mentioned earlier. The mother to Princess Celestia. Sunlight. She immediately burst out of the pillar to run over.

"Vivace! Is it really you?!" Sunlight cried out, coming to a screeching halt. Vivace now truly recognized Sunlight. She was taller than her and Celestia, surprisingly. Far more than what she was expecting. At least as a pony, Vivace as a siren was a different story. "Is it truly you?! Oh, it's been so long! I haven't seen you in-in-in centuries!"

"It's me. I recognize that voice and energy anywhere," said Vivace, smiling at the alicorn. "How have you been, old friend?" At last, now that they had seen each other once more after centuries, Vivace could proudly call her a friend.

"I've been better. Relaxing at the Ambrosial Plane is where anypony can find me, honestly. I rarely pop in to visit Equestria from time to time. "And you look better yourself, don't you?"

"Oh, I have. But these past years have been somewhat slow for me." Vivace shrugged, letting out a slight groan. She then looked over at Celestia, noticing a familiar gem on her crown. "I see you kept the crystal I gave to you all those years and made it a part of that crown. Lovely."

"Isn't it? We have so much catching up to do, Vivace. So much to say and perhaps so much to do, wouldn't you agree?" The alicorn said, going to spend some time with her friend.

"As much as I would love to do so, I'm afraid my daughters and I are focusing on something far more important. We will be visiting the Human World today. To find the rest of the sirens that had been scattered across the Human World. They're still out there and we intend to find them all."

"Every last one of them." Sonat chimed in. "We'll travel across the land, searching far and wide for every siren we can find. Or ya know, they might be in the Pokemon World too accidentally. That's probably a thing."

"What a shame..." Sunlight felt disappointed in that. But it was for an important reason. "Perhaps, when you finish with that, we can hang out afterwards. Is that a fair deal?"

"Fair enough to me." Vivace could live with that.

"Well, if you're going on such a journey, you will need some equipment. Every world, no matter where it may be is massive, isn't it?" Celestia spoke. "You'll also need human necessities. Luckily, living with the Pokemon World has helped us find those necessities. So we can get you started."

"We'll be fine. I have my fair share of experiences at the Human World." But Vivace declined it. "Although, there could be something that we may need...But what?"

"These, of course." Celestia turned around, showing a box of Poke Balls that had been brought over by the guards. Poke Balls of different varieties could be found. "Pokemon exist in that world, don't they? You'll need the right object to help you through it. The Poke Ball."

"Hm. We will gladly take them." Vivace accepted to bring the Poke Balls with her. At least, as many as they can carry. Once they had everything set, having some bags to hold their items, they approached the room where the portal to the Human World could be found.

Vivace also took some time to witness the interior of Canterlot Castle. Its splendour matched that of Samiya, the Sea Temple greatly. Eventually, she stood before the mirror portal, knowing that she would return to the world she was once banished to.

"I'm not too fond of that world...But if it means finding the others, then who cares?" said Vivace. "I return to this world at last only to head to another immediately."

"Safe travels." Sunlight gave her best luck to them all. "Come back in one piece."

"Speak to Sunset Shimmer when you can. She could give you some help possibly." Celestia sugged, nudging her student.

"I'll think about it." But Adagio wasn't too fond of Sunset Shimmer, so that possibility was in the air at the moment Without any time to waste, they then passed through the portal.

Vivace going first, Adagio second, Aria third and Sonata fourth. Sonata waved farewell once passing through. The last thing seen was her hoof. It was now just the sirens along with their Pokemon, ready to set out and find more of their species out there in the vast world.

The Human World. Twilight's home. Afternoon.

Speaking of the human world, over there at Twilight's home, the Alpha Rapidash could be seen standing outside. Right behind Twilight's home and for anyone nearby to see. They would have the chance to witness a fire horse. Certainly up there with the strangest things they've seen Pokemon appear to be.

"Okay, Rapidash. Eat up." Twilight had some food for Rapidash. Mainly berries and random Pokemon Food as she wasn't sure what food Rapidash preferred. She was also hoping to bond with Rapidash so that she could be more obedient.

"Rapidash..." Rapidash simply yawned, sitting down and deciding to take a rest under the orange glow of the afternoon sun.

"Come on..." Twilight moaned. "You won't even listen to me for food?" She was saddened that Rapidash was fully ignoring her or almost refusing to acknowledge her existence. All that trouble back at Mt Molteau seemed to amount to nothing from how things were playing out.

"Please?" Zorua went up to Rapidash, poking her hoof. "I-If it's okay with you, will you please eat the food? Twilight went through a lot of trouble to make it."

"Aw, Zorua." Twilight gushed as she placed the bowl of berries and Pokemon food on the ground. "Look at how brave you are right now."

"I was scared before but I saw Rapidash protect us when that Drapion almost hit us." said the Spiteful Fox Pokemon. "So I feel safe."

"Well, you're certainly growing, aren't you?" Twilight kneeled to face the Normal-Ghost-Type. A well-deserved head pat came through for Zorua as she enjoyed it greatly. "I'm proud of you. Alright, we'll be searching for more Alpha Pokemon from this point on. It'll take a lot of hard work and...probably a lot running and dodging. But I have some strong friends to help me with that."

"Oh. Am I strong?"

"After what you did back there...yes. Yes, you are." She giggled at Zorua's question. "Rapidash. I know you're extra strong, so, please. If you can, when the time comes, could you lend me your strength?"

"Rapidash..." It wasn't clear if Rapidash agreed to do such a thing. She just decided to doze off more than anything. That left Twilight with an unfulfilled answer, much to her chagrin. With how things were, it wouldn't be easy for Twilight and Rapidash to bond at all.

"R-Right. Well, eat up you two." She stood up, leaving the two of them to devour the Pokemon Food. Zorua got started, already having the first bite as she wasted no time chewing away. As Twilight opened her door, she couldn't help but look at the Fire Horse Pokemon with a saddened expression.

Twilight hoped that Rapidash would be her new friend. But that didn't seem to be the case. If anything, Rapidash didn't look like she wanted to be here and saw Twilight as a mild nuisance. Twilight didn't have much to say as she entered her home, closing the door. As for Rapidash, she decided to have some of the food. Her stomach growled as she hadn't eaten today after all.

But, having this food wasn't out of admiration for Twilight. Just Rapidash being peckish that was all. Inside Twilight's home, she sat on her couch, taking a deep sigh to let things sink in.

"Hah...I'm gonna need some more help than just Ash. Maybe Sunset and everyone back at Canterlot High can help?" She wondered. "Mmm...That would mess with school times, wouldn't it? What to do...What to do..." Twilight yawned afterwards, having the same idea as Rapidash. Clocking out for the day and having some time to rest.

Spike ran up to Twilight, landing on her stomach. Twilight smiled as her eyes were starting to close. Her energy was already failing her. It was inevitable for her to call it a day and sleep. Not on her bed but the couch. That was only natural for sudden burnouts. Seeing his owner sleep, Spike then did the same, getting comfortable.

Nightfall had arrived eventually in this world. But as peace filled the area and beyond, right over at the forest where the Time Leak could be found, something else was occurring with abstract interference.

The only Time Leak in this world was starting to expand. It let out a distorted sound that could only be described as otherworldly and unable to describe. The Time Leak started gaining more space. Its size was growing.

Not just that, but it had then split up. Particles from the time leak started moving across the skies, scattering in frantic directions with no set destinations. And as they spread out, two Pokemon cries came from them. But there was no one around to hear these cries.

And just like that, those particles eventually landed, forming leaks that were hidden instead of out there. There was something beyond that main and first Time Leak that was causing this. And whatever it was, those cries could lead to that answer as the journey continues.

Chapter 673 End.

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