• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,947 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

  • ...


Third Person POV

In a clearing far away, a loud POP and a flash of light lit up the forest. Nine ponies appeared out of thin air, and a bearded one collapsed from exhaustion. “Starswirl!!” Tia shouted and ran to check on him.

“I’m fine.” He grumbled. “Go check on your sister.” He pointed to the sobbing Luna.

“Where are we!?”

“What happened!?”

“Bronze!! Where are you!?” Starswirl grimaced at the shouting from the other ponies.

“Be quiet!” He shouted. The other ponies fell silent, the only sound sniffling from a few of them. “We need to start moving. I don’t know where we are, and some of you are bleeding. That’s a guarantee we’ll see some timberwolves.”

“You did this!” A earth pony stallion came up to Starswirl, A larger earth pony mare right behind him.

“Did what? Slaughter the town or save you all? Because I know I didn’t do the first one!” Swirl yelled at him.

“Forgive my brother.” The large earth pony mare said. She was huge in every sense of the word. “He can be a bit careless with his temper. The names Stone Slab! This is my brother Bullseye.” Starswirl could clearly see the resemblance. Stone Slab had a brown coat and a gray mane. While Bullseye had a dark grey coat and a brown mane. Stone’s cutie mark was a wagon with a slab of stone in it. Bullseye’s was a target with spears crossed over it.

“Just make keep your anger in check and we should be fine around each other.” Starswirl glared at Bullseye. He turned to address the sisters but stopped when an aching pain ran through his horn. He grimaced and clutched his head until somepony ran up to his side.

“Relax. You just used a lot of magic at one time. Does anyone here know pain numbing spells?” The mare pressed into Swirl’s side asked.

“I do!” A unicorn stallion ran up to Starswirl and lit his horn. His coat was a light blue and his mane a deep purple. He had a aloe plant as a cutie mark. Almost instantly the pain faded.

“Thank you...” Swirl trailed off

“Healing Touch! At your service!” The unicorn announced.

“I’m Lavender Kettle.” The mare told swirl in a gentle voice. The mare had a dark pink coat and a green and blue striped mane. Her mark was a Kettle with a piece of lavender sticking through the top.

“Well thank you both. I’m afraid further introductions will have to wait however, we need to start moving.” As if to illustrate Starswirl’s point, a loud howl echoed in the distance from far away. “Healing! Get to the front and help me light up the area so we can see. We don’t need any broken legs from tripping on tree roots.”

An hour later and the sky was just starting to lighten. Swirl fell towards the back of the line, pulling the sisters with him. Once they were behind everyone else he whispered to them. “I need to remove the illusion. We are defenseless out here and it would be better to have powerful magic late than never.”

“Are you sure Starswirl?” Tia looked nervously ahead to make sure no one heard them. “We’ve spent so much time hiding. Is it really safe to do this?”

“Yeah. You said ponies might hurt us.” Luna looked more sad than scared. The loss of Nightwing clearly affecting her.

“I know what I said. But that’s not a guarantee. It’s just a small chance. A chance I wasn’t willing to take before, but now I have no choice. I just want your permission. The decision is up to you two.” Swirl explained to them. Luna and Celestia looked at each other and nodded.

“Alright Starswirl. Let’s do it. The sooner the better. We may not have much time before timberwolves show up.” Celestia spoke for both of them. Starswirl looked down in grim acceptance. He was hoping for some way out of this situation.

“Ok, Put this on Celestia.” He pulled her cloak out of the saddle bags he grabbed from the house. Handing it to her he looked to Luna. “What to do.....aha!” He used his magic to style her mane in such a way that it would cover her horn when it reappeared. “Ok, are you both ready?” The sisters nodded and Starswirl’s horn began to glow. With a low POP the disguises fell.

“What was that!?” A pony asked from the middle of the group. Starswirl hadn’t met him yet. He was a unicorn with a gray coat and a silver mane. His mark was a anvil.

“Nothing.” Swirl assured. “Just some accidental magic. My horns still a little sore.”

“Hmm.” A mare up front with Healing Touch looked suspiciously at Starswirl. She had a light gray coat and a dark blue mane. After staring for a minute she turned around and continued walking with Healing. A few minutes later she had ended up at the back beside Swirl. “Your a terrible liar mage....I’m misty. The gray Stallion up there is Silver Anvil.” With that she flew up to the front of the group again.

After a moment of silence Luna spoke. “I like her!”

Several hours later found the group still walking through the woods. Several times Misty had flown up to look around, but she had spotted no nearby towns. Apparently she was a guard at the village. Her mark was two silver wing blades crossed over each other. She still wore silver wing blades, though it had been hard to see at night. One was snapped off half way down the length of it.

They were all sitting down for a short break at the moment. Lavender had spotted some herbs and was stuffing them in her mane due to a lack of saddle bags. She looked quite comical with leaves sticking out of her hair. Though it looked as if she did this often as hardly any fell out.

It was during this quiet time that the snapping twigs really stood out. Everyone perked up and looked towards the sound. Low growls filled the air as six pairs of green eyes appeared. “Starswirl.” Tia whispered. “Is there anyway to speed up our magic recovery?”

“No. Try to access it all you can, but unless alicorns are different you shouldn’t be able to do anything more than simple levitation at this point. And even that is being generous.” Swirl explained grimly. The ponies huddled together in the middle of the clearing as the wolves surrounded them.

“I don’t know if I can fight these guys.” Misty said. “I’m feeling pretty weak from last night.” The others nodded in agreement.

“Well, no choice but to fight. Eh Brother?” Stone Slab asked her brother.

“If I had my spear I might stand a chance.” He said in a deep voice. With that the wolves lept in action. One lept at the earth pony siblings and was quickly kicked away. It merely stood again and growled. One more jumped into the air at Misty, but it to was swatted away. Tia bucked a wolf away from Luna and covered her protectively. It seemed to be going good until Tia got distracted by a wolf lunging at Starswirl. She went to help only for Swirl to launch it away via magic. Unfortunately she left her sister exposed.

“Aaaah!” Luna shrieked. Celestia spun and around and looked in horror.

NOOO!!!” Tia luanched the wolf through a tree and far into the woods right before it grabbed Luna. The other ponies looked at her in shock.

“How did you-?” Misty was interrupted by a wolf grabbing her leg and dragging her down. “Aaah!” She hit the ground hard. The wolves jaws went to close around her neck. And suddenly it was gone. “What the-!?” The wolves looked around in confusion. Until a blue streak took another off into the woods. And another. The fourth simply exploded into frozen splinters. And the fifth almost escaped to the woods. Almost. A blue streak dragged it into the air quickly, and then the clearing was silent. Until the wolf fell back down, dead. It’s body splintered as it impacted the ground, and it’s dead head rolled over to Lavender, dead eyes staring strait into hers.

“Aah!” She lept behind Healing Touch, who flinched at her loud scream. They all looked around the clearing, confused as to what just happened. Until a giant hawk landed in the middle of the clearing.

“Oh buck!!” Misty charged at the hawk, only to get slammed into the ground by Starswirl.

“Nightwing!! Your alive!!” Luna ran up to the huge bird and hugged him, much to the horror of everyone present. Then their confusion as it didn’t eat her.

“Oooooow.” The hawk looked from Misty to Starswirl and facewinged.

Five Minutes Ago

Night Wing

Dying sucked. Especially when you where killed by something with teeth. It was slightly less sucky when you exploded back to life in a flurry of snow that froze the surrounding area. But it still sucked. A lot.

OH MY GOD!!! I freaked out in my head. I JUST DIED!!! AND CAME BACK TO LIFE!! And I’m lost again!!! Crap. I quickly checked my self over. Making sure my wing was still there. I shivered at the thought of losing it forever. That is until I heard yelling and wood impacting wood. Then a dead timberwolf flew out of the woods and shattered on the tree next to me. I stared wide eyed at the dented tree next to my head.

Shaking slightly, I took flight. Quickly locating the source of commotion, and seeing Tia huddled protectively over Luna, I put two and two together. She is never living this one down.


I leave for two seconds. And this happens. I looked at the ragtag group of ponies and realized this was all that Starswirl managed to grab. I turned to look at Swirl and pointed at the undisguised sisters, injured ponies, and dead timberwolves. “Chirp?” I tilted my head.

“Oh hush.” He looked genuinely happy to see me. “Like you could could have done better.” Then he actually ran up and hugged me. Ooook then. I awkwardly payed him on the back with a wing. “We thought you were dead! You should have run damn it!!” He pulled back and glared at me. Oh come on! I panicked!

“Um. What’s going on?” A light blue stallion asked, clearly confused.

Author's Note:

Slowly making my way to 2k words. So, how did I do with pony introductions?

kafyui: Lavender Kettle.
goldenboss: Silver Anvil
Themexininja: Bullseye
wildarms: Stone Slab
Rejectedpony: Healing Touch (So sorry, I forgot to add this one when I published the chapter.)

So how was this chapter? We’re going to have calm for a few chapters now. Hopefully.