• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,988 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

  • ...


I woke up in the area where Twilight got alicorned. You know, the expanse of stars with the invisible floor. “So. You’ve finally done it.” A voice whispered all around me. “Thank you for destroying the darkness.”

“Who are you? Wait, I can talk! Yes! I’ve had so much I’ve wanted to say!” I shouted with joy.

“I am Harmony, I am glad to finally meet you face to face.” The voice whispered in return. “I am sorry about the circumstances surrounding your arrival. I truly am.”

“What do you mean? What circumstances?”

“Ah yesss, I almost forgot.” A thin thread light emerged in front of me and touched my head. Rememberrrr.

I stood before a burning wreck on the road. The firemen had just arrived to put out the fire. The whole area was lit up in an orange glow that fought against the dark of night. So that’s it then. Their gone. My whole family had been in the car. I couldn’t seem to feel anything but numbness as the car burned in front of me. The hot metal hissed as the fire hoses try to put out the inferno.

A police officer came over to me with a sad look on his face, “I am so sorry for your loss. Would you like to stay and watch them get pulled out?” I didn’t think I could stand to see that. I simply shook my head. “Come on, I’ll get someone to drive you home sir.” He took me over to a police car with a women sitting in the driver seat. “This is Monica. Just tell her where you live and she’ll get you there ok?” I just nodded and slipped into the back of the car.

“What’s your address sir?” Monica asked sadly.

“4578 Maple Road.” I replied, barely above a whisper.

“You got it.”

I had been a week since the wreck. Every time I walked through the house I winced at the lack of people. I need to get out of this house. Maybe go on vacation? I’m off of work for a month, I might as well. Just as I went to look up vacation places on my PC, a knock came from the door. “Who could that be?” I cocked an eyebrow and made my way to the door. “Hello?” I opened the door to see a women standing there. A surprisingly tall women. I was six foot three and she stood even with me. She had pale skin and shiny blue hair. It almost looked transparent.

“Hello! My name is Harmony! Nice to see you today! Our company was simply offering these vacation slips to anyone we could find at home. We’re trying to get our name out there.” She handed me a slip of paper. “In this brochure you will find several very popular locations for a vacation. And all for a low price!” She smiled brightly. “I’ll just leave this brochure with you. If you want to choose a spot simply call the number on the back of the paper.” Which that she walked away.

“Well, that was convenient.” I stated after I shut the door. I went and sat on the couch while I read through the locations. And they were really cheap. “Twenty bucks for an island getaway? These prices are ridiculously cheap.”

After two days of holding myself back I had finally had enough. “I’m calling now!” I yelled at my hand as it refused to grab the phone. “Fine! Be that way!” I through my self forward onto the coffee table so I could grab the phone. I emerged victorious from the splintered remains of cheap furniture. I swiftly dialed the number and waited for someone to answer.

“Hello?” Someone answered the phone.

“Yes, I got your vacation brochure and I wanted to ask about it.”

“Which location would you like to ask about?” Her voice sounded familiar.

“The uh.” I picked up the brochure. “The magical forest getaway.” It seemed nice.

“Very nice choice! Are you sure that’s where you want to go?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Wonderful! I’ll send you right away!” What?

“What do you mean-“ Darkness......

My head jerked back as I remembered things I had forgotten. It felt like a punch to the gut. “I am sorry for the removal of your memories, but I need you to be undistracted while the Darkness still roamed. Alas, the memories are not all I altered. I made a few permanent changes to your mind to better inhabit a different body.”

“Wha...” I had no words. This thing messed with my brain!?

“I also removed some of your....softer nature. I don’t wont you to starve because you feel bad when you kill animals.”


“Oh don’t worry. I didn’t remove your remorse of killing things. Just unintelligent animals. And only for food. You won’t enjoy killing now, if that’s what your worried about.” Harmony whispered at me.

“Yes, I am worried about it! What else did you change!?” Its like a horror SciFi show, but real!

“Nothing besides your body.” The lights seemed to grow bright for a moment. “It’s a fine creature I created. Alas, such a creature as you does not exist naturally. You are the only one of your kind, thus I granted you immortality. As I have now done with the heavenly sisters. Beware young one, this is both a blessing and a curse. You and yours will need to support each other.”

“Why me?” I was genuinely curious.

“I needed someone with knowledge of this world. And I needed someone who would help.” She seemed to pause for a moment. “And I needed someone not attached to the world they lived in. I would never separate family or friends unwillingly. You weren’t my first choice, there were others. But they were all too attached to their life. They didn’t want to leave, not truly.”

“And I wasn’t!? How do you know!?”

“I looked into your mind. So much sadness, so many memories of a life you couldn’t have anymore. You wanted to get away from the world. Start a new life far away. So I fulfilled your wishes, I gave you a new start. I hope you make the best of it.” The voice seemed to smile. The lights began to fade around us.

“Now wake young one. You are missed.” Harmony whispered before I fell into darkness.

Author's Note:

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