• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,991 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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The Letter

The next morning I woke up slowly. I didn’t really need sleep that often, but I was emotionally drained from the day before. I slid out of the bed and walked to the door. Just as my magic started turning the handle, my talon stepped on a piece of paper. Curious, I picked the letter off the floor in my telekinesis. It looked as though it had been slid under the door. I stuck my head out into the hall and looked both ways. Seeing no one, I looked back at the letter. A slight bit of concentration later and the envelope was ripped open with a burst of black magic.

I pulled the paper out and read it quickly. It seemed Prince Midnight was inviting me to his castle for a special event. It didn’t say what the event was though. Should I go? It would provide more knowledge about what kind of being he was. But, then again, it was kind of suspicious. Who slides mail under doors? Unless it’s something they don't want others to know about. I’ll deal with this later. I have a busy day.

I stepped out into the hall and started toward the barracks at the back of the castle. The barracks were attached to the castles backside so I didn’t have to go very far. The guards I passed saluted me as I walked down the hall, elegant floral arrangements placed between them. My claws made slight clicking sounds on the marble floor that delighted me to no end. I reached the back of the castle quickly enough and pushed open the door to the barracks. All the soldiers near the door shot out of their bunks and saluted me. ‘At ease.’ They sat back down and continued their card game but kept watching me just In case.

I walked up to a bunk in the back of the room, where two ponies lay sleeping. They're still asleep? Ridiculous, I told them I would need their help today. I reached out with my wings and shoved them both out of the bed.

“Ah!” One of them shouted as he hit the floor. The other one just rubbed his head as he stood up. I glared at the two day guards and wrote on my wings. ‘Get ready to go. We leave in five minutes.’ I walked away and left out the door to the outside. The floor changed to grass as I exited the building and stood by the wall, waiting for the two rookies to join me. When they walked out of the stone doorway I didn't say anything as we all ascended into the sky, they knew the basics of what we were doing.

We flew up above the city’s buildings, but stayed low enough to see what was happening on the streets. This altitude over the city was reserved for guards or other ranking officers. And of course the Princesses. Civilians had to fly at a high altitude unless it was an emergency or they got special clearance.

We zipped over the roofs of the town as we performed basic city watch duty. Our eyes watched the streets closely for anything unusual. The nervous guards behind me were relatively new, only having been guards for a month or so. I didn’t normally work with the recruits, but Bullseye had asked me to work with these two. They were his cousins and I figured I would do him a favor after what we all went through together.

“HEY! STOP! THIEF!” I snapped my head in the direction the call came from and banked that way, the two guards trailing behind me. I saw two ponies running through the streets ahead of us with the rear pony yelling at the one in front. I looked at the two recruits behind me and nodded toward the left and right roads at the intersection coming up. They saluted and flew ahead to block the roads. I changed my appearance to match the sky and raced to block the road in front of the thief. He didn’t see me as I flew over, but he did see the guards fly towards the intersection. They need to work on flying lower. I sharply turned as he turned down an alleyway and tried to disappear into the buildings. I angled my self down and shot down in front of him. I spun around to look at him, and grabbed his horn, lifting him up to eye level. My eyes widened as I saw the He was really a young mare. I dropped her as she started crying.

What are you doing young one? I noticed that wing writing was not effective when the pony you where talking to was looking down. I lifted her head up with a talon. I lifted my wing with the writing, so she could see it.

“I-I was hungry.” She stuttered as her tears started to fall quickly. “You’re not going to kill me are you?” She started sobbing on the ground.

Of course not little one. Come with me, we will get you fed. I lifted myself into the air a little and then grabbed her in my talons. I flew over the guards I sent don the street and let out a CAAAW! They started following me back to the castle, not commenting on the crying filly in my claws. As we reached the castle I motioned for them to go back to the barracks as I continued through a window near the dining hall. We flew through the large halls and landed in front of the dining room. I set her down gently and pushed open the doors. I picked her up with magic and set her down in one of the chairs at the table. I noticed how thin she looked and went to talk to the chefs.

I made my way to the kitchen and stopped the first pony I saw. You, fix a meal for the young pony in the dining room. And send a messenger to Celestia. I walked back out and sat down across from the little mare. She stared nervously at me as I stared back. I learned long ago, that even with a strangely flexible beak, my smiles could look creepy to ponies. Especially with my hawk shaped eyes. Hawks and eagles always did have angry looking eyes. Her stomach grumbled, and just in time the chef came out with a silver plate covered by a lid. He set the plate in front of the young pony and left without a word.

I grabbed the lid in my telekinesis and lifted it off. When she just stared at me with a hesitant look, I nodded toward the salad in front of her. She immediately dug into the meal and scattered leaves everywhere as her face slapped into the plate.

“Purrrrrrr” I gently let out. ‘Slow down, you can have more later if you want.’ She looked up and slowed down a little, but not much. I signaled to one of the servants by the wall. When the mare walked up to me I wrote instructions on my wing. ‘When she is done eating take her to get a bath. Don’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to. When she is clean, give her more food if she wants it.’ I stood up as the servant nodded. I looked one last time as the filly kept eating before I walked out the door. Celestia will handle that. I have business to attend to.

I had to file a report on what we did this morning, respond to Midnight’s letter, and plan a surprise for Luna in a few days. The ponies didn’t celebrate birthdays like on earth. That was fine with me, none of my family did either. They did, however, acknowledge that they were a year older. And I just wanted a reason to give Luna something. I’d give Celestia something as well, even though she wasn’t turning a year older. Celestia would turn nine is six months, and I would get her and Luna another gift. Focus, it’s already midday.

I slouched at my desk in exhaustion. Mental exhaustion. I had filed the many reports required for what had transpired this morning. I had to remove funds from the royal treasury to pay the shopkeeper for his stolen goods. Then I had to sit in on a training session for the new recruits. Then I had to plan what I was going to get Luna. And I still had to respond to the letter. You know what? The griffins have fast ships. They’re probably home by now. With that I scryed Midnight and opened a portal beside him. When I stepped out I had a sword pressed to my throat.

“Stand down!” I heard Midnight shout behind me. I turned to the guard as he sheathed his sword and glared at him. Then I turned to face the prince as he sat on his throne. “I’m sorry for the welcome Night Wing. You startled us all. Next time send a letter in advance, I would not want you to be run through by my men.” Ah yes, he doesn’t know I don’t die. Gooooooood.

‘Don’t worry yourself so much Prince. I was too tired to send a message ahead.’ I looked around at the wood and stone throne room we were in. ‘I figured I would just come as soon as I could.’

“Yes well, I wasn’t expecting a response for several more days. I suppose this means we get to hunt together sooner than expected!” He seemed genuinely happy by the revelation and motioned over a guard. “Clear my schedule tomorrow! We hunt at dawn!” He turned once more to me. “Please, follow me! I’ll show you to your room.”

He walked down from his throne and led me through a side door. “Apologies for not having the room fully ready yet. I didn’t expect you for awhile.” He walked to the end of the hallway and opened a thick oak door. “Here is where you shall stay. Sleep well my friend. Now, I must be off. I have much to do in preparation for tomorrow.”

He closed the door and quickly walked away, leaving me alone. I examined the room I was placed in. It had stone walls with small flecks of crystal in them, and oak supports along the walls. There was a large bed on the right wall, and a window with an oak desk under it. That was it, the room was mostly empty. Well, He did say it wasn’t ready yet. I laid in the bed and closed my eyes. As Midnight said. I hunt at dawn.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait people. Things will start to move faster soonish. Expect timeskips and Twu wuv in coming chapters.