• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,993 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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Ever woke up to an annoying alarm clock? It has the most annoying buzz ever? It makes you want to smack the closest thing to you and kill the sun? You know what I’m talking about? Good. Cuz that’s not what happened this morning. Or night actually. I woke up to screaming. Not the ‘Oh god I forgot the cake in the oven!’ Screaming. Not the ‘Oh god my kitchens on fire!’ Screaming. It was the ‘OH GOD!!! I’M BEING EATIN ALIVE!!!’ Screaming.

“What in the blazes!?” I heard Starswirl upstairs. I tried to get up, only to be held down by a quickly waking Luna.

“What’s happening!?”She cowered into me and I wrapped my wings around her.

“Starswirl!! Come look quickly!!” Tia shouted. I heard rapid footsteps as more screams seeped in from outside. Presumably Tia and Swirl where looking out a window.

“Great Discord!! Not again!!” Swirl exclaimed. What again!? What’s happening!? I rolled over a dumped Luna on the floor. Then, as an apology, I levitated her and put her on my back. I ran upstairs to where I heard Tia and Swirl. “Not here.” I heard Swirl say from a room to the side. I busted through the door and ran up to the window, standing beside them. “We’re not ready!” What I saw outside was chaos. Ponies running everywhere, knocking each other down, lying dead in the streets. What did this!? What are they running from!? My question was answered promptly.

A huge feline beast walked around the corner onto our street. In held a pony in its jaws, or it did, until it bit clean through it and the two halves fell to the street leaking blood. I pulled Luna into my side and covered her with a wing, not wanting her to see. I was to late though judging by the sobbing coming from under the feathers. It darted forward, almost to fast to see, and grabbed another pony. Shadows seemed to leak out it’s mouth, eyes, and even skin. We were all broken out of shock when it looked right at us. Then suddenly, it was gone....until the door below us crashed in and something pounded up the stairs. Starswirl quickly lit his horn and with a flash teleported us out. Except only him and Tia teleported. Not even thinking , I wrapped Luna in my wings and pressed up on the wall. The beast barged in right as my feathers changed to look like the wall. The only thing not cloaked was my eyes and talons. Come on! Shut your eyes!! I yelled at my self. Luna had quieted down, likely knowing it was in the room. But if it saw my eyes it would surely see us. Ever tried shutting your eyes with a monster hunting you? It’s not easy. Shut! Your! EYES!! I finally did it. And I was terrified. I couldn’t see where the creature was, but I could hear him walking. And walking. And then it stopped. And I waited. When nothing happened I released a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding.

“KEEEEEEEEAR!!!” That breath quickly turned into a shriek as it bit into my wing and tore it off. I had never felt such pain. “KEEEEEAR!!!” I shrieked once more in agony. I threw my talons forward and scratched across its face. Thinking quickly, I ran to the window and threw Luna through it before the creature dragged me back. “CAAAAAAA-ACK” My angry caw turned into a choke as the creature sank his fangs into my throat. I used my talons to scratch him every where I could reach, leaving trails of frost bitten flesh all over his front half. My one wing beat uselessly against his face trying vainly to loosen his hold. My scratches started to slow and weaken, and my wing stopped flapping. My body just started twitching in a final effort to get away. As my thoughts slowed to a stop, I thought one last thing. At least I did something worth doing before I died.


Tia and I ran back to the house at full tilt. I don’t know why, but the spell didn’t work. Sure it was experimental, but I had tested it many times. It should have worked!! We both ran faster when we heard Nightwing shriek in pain. As we neared the house the window exploded and Luna hit the ground with a dull thump. “Luna!!” Tia screamed beside me. She ran ahead to her sister while I ran into the house. Dont you dare die!! I raced up the steps as I heard a crow call suddenly stopped by choking. I blew the door off it’s hinges just in time to see his body twitch a few final times. Just in time for the creature to glare at me with it’s one good eye left and it’s blackened front half. Just in time for my anger to boil over and charge a bolt of magic the size of my head.

“SKRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” The monster cried when the bolt hit it. As it lay stunned I ran back outside. I grabbed the sisters and ran. I picked up every pony we came across and continued to the edge of town. By the time we got there I had six other ponies in my magic. And the beast was the only thing in our way. It appeared as if out of air, blood still on it’s muzzle, and a few familiar feathers stuck in it's fur. It let out a deep growl as it advanced on us. I looked desperately to the right. Then the left. There was no way out. The ponies in my grasp sobbed as they accepted their fate. The sisters had forlorn looks on their faces. The monster had a savage glee in his eye. And I....I said no more. Lets try this again. I charged up as much energy as I could into my horn. Time seemed to slow. The monster almost hovered, mid leap, as I released the magic. And the creature landed on nothing. We were gone.

Author's Note:

Ha ha ha!! Nobody expected that did they? I will say this, Night has ONE power that phoenixes do. Also, I need names, races, and cutie marks for six random ponies. Most of them earth ponies please. Maybe a pegasus and a unicorn. And I need at least, ONE, teenage stallion. One. For reasons I shall not reveal. Also, how was this chapter? Tell me why you hated or liked it.