• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,994 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

  • ...

The Nightmare

My vision returned slowly and me head ached. I stumbled to me feet and held a hand to my head. Hand? Why am I confused about having a hand? I shook my head to try and clear it, but that just made the problem worse. I fell into a tree and leaned on it for support. I could hear a crackling sound, not unlike fire. I looked toward the sound and saw a blazing forest behind me.

My head pain suddenly forgotten I ran from the fire, only to go back instead of forward. The faster I ran, the faster I went back. I grabbed tree limbs and bushes to try and keep myself from burning. But the fire won in the end and I was dragged into the inferno.

I coughed as smoke filled my lungs with the scent of burning pine. A tree groaned and fell over not far from me. Through it all I felt something pulling my attention behind me. My head began to turn of it’s own will, and in the middle of the inferno I saw a car.

“WAKE UP!!!” I was startled awake by a very upset gray blob. The gray blob is talking? It must be Monday. My irrational mind slapped a sentence together as my head fell back again. “No!” A sharp pain on my face jerked me awake. I looked up at Starswirl while I held my face with a wing. Did you just slap me?. My eyes must have asked the same question because he stated very plainly his answer. “Yes, I just slapped you.” Ok, now that that’s cleared up. Fire flashed in my mind. Huh..... I must have froze up again becuase Starswirl started shaking me with his magic. “Stay with me Night! You’ve been hit by the Elements, who knows what damage you could have suffered!?” I just stared blankly at him. I grabbed a piece of paper from a nearby desk. Oh look. We’re in a building. I yanked out a feather without a second thought, or flinch, and grabbed an ink bottle from the same desk. I simply wrote ‘I’m fine’. I then dropped the parchment and stared at the wall.

My family is gone. I was...I didn’t even think about them!! My mind degraded further into a state of panic. One moment I’m not even aware of them, and the next they're just gone! I think Starswirl was shaking me, but I didn’t care. I layed back down and started to drift away. What am I gunna do? With that last thought my mind surrendered to sleep.

I was again rudely awoken. This time however it wasn’t by a slap. It was by the sobbing of a tiny blue horse. Luna was nestled into my wing as she cried her eyes out. The room smelled faintly of flowers and I spotted a vase of flowers on the bedside table. As well as a sleeping Celestia on a cushion in the corner. Luna, though she was half asleep, seemed to be deeply distressed. Her half closed eyes were full of tears. Oh Luna, don’t cry. I raised a wing a gently rubbed her with it. Im fine. Don’t worry. Luna’s eyes finally closed as she drifted off into sleep. Shortly after a small smile graced her lips.

As I lie down I started to think. What am I going to do now? If Harmony is telling the truth I’m going to live for all eternity. I should have died in the crash, not live forever without my family. I had to fight tears. What am I without a family? I’ve always depended on them. And I’ve always been there for them. Through the good and the bad. I thought about my mom and dad. And my brother. I can’t do this! Not forever without them! I considered ending it there. I could simply fly up high and close my wings. But something stopped me. You and yours will have to support each other. Harmony’s words echoed through my head. Am I truly alone?

I looked down at Luna, then at Celestia in the corner. I smiled a little as Celestia drooled on the pillow. Maybe....Maybe I do have a family. It’s not my biological one, and I will miss mine. But I can’t leave these ponies. They’ve helped me, and I’ve helped them. And I plan to keep doing so. I snuggled close to Luna and lay in the bed, careful not to disturb either sister. Yes, I’m not truly alone.

I woke to a bright light beside my head. I slowly opened my eyes to investigate the source. To my surprise it was from a unicorn horn. Or alicorn horn to be more precise. Celestia was standing on the balcony my room apparently had, and her horn was lit very brightly. Beside her Luna was standing, her horn a cool blue instead of the burning yellow of her sisters. The light outside the window seemed to change rapidly, so I stood up and walked behind them to watch what I couldn’t believe was happening. From over the hills was the sun rapidly rose to push back the night, while the night retreated to the far side of the horizon. The moon sank below the sky to rest for the day as the sun took its place high in the sky.

“Night! Your awake!” Luna exclaimed all of a sudden. “I’m so happy you’re finally up!! It’s been forever!”

“It has been quite some time friend.” Celestia softly said. “A few weeks in fact.” Weeks? “Starswirl said that you had magic in your mind from the Elements. He said it seemed memories had been unlocked in your mind.” She paused to look at me. I flinched as I thought back to the car. Thankfully the pain was old, even though It seemed I just got the memories back. That combined with my realization the previous night caused the pain to fade to a low dull. It would hurt for a long time. But it was bearable.

‘He is right.’ I wrote and showed it to the sisters. ‘I remember my time before I met with you all. The good and the bad.’ I paused before I continued writing. ‘I remember the loss of my family. But the pain is less now, so do not worry too much. Besides, i believe I may have found a new family.’ I smiled at them and showed them what I wrote. Celestia sniffled before hugging me and whispering in my ear.

“Oh Night. I’m sorry to hear about your loss. And I would be honored if you considered us family.”

“Yeah!!” Luna shouted. “I’ve always wanted another brother or sister to help me beat Tia in magic games!” I laughed as Luna showed how innocent and young she was. ‘So, what have I missed?’ I asked. “We have our own town now!” Luna yelled. What!? I choked on spit from her statement. COUGH COUGH!! I pounded on my chest with a wing.

“Haha! So easily defeated Nightwing, are you?” Celestia laughed. “Starswirl would have loved to see that.” She giggled a little more before continuing. “Luna is correct, we do have our own town, small though it may be.” ‘How did that happen!?’ I shouted on the paper. “Well you see-“

Heavy Set

Heavy Set was no fool. He knew that the bird he was business partners with wouldn’t stay in his town much longer. Once they defeated this beast they were after they would leave for somewhere. But from hearsay and gossip at the local tavern, he deduced they didn’t really have a home to go back to. But he had heard mention of a crystal tree. And he was going to make sure that they had a home to go back to. So he could get his feathers of course. No other reason.

So heavy made his way to where he had an old....friend, who would know where this tree was. He was an explorer type. Always sticking his nose in places it was likely to get cut off. Heavy Set arrived at the house he was looking for and promptly spun around and bucked the door open.

“Danger Seeker! Where are yah?!” Heavy yelled into the building.

“Ah!” Someone screamed in the back. “Heavy! Such a....pleasant surprise!” A pony nervously chuckled as he came into the front of his home. He was a brown pegasus with a black and gray mane.

“Yeah yeah, listen I need a, favor!” Heavy said with a smile.

“Lo-look Heavy, I already paid you back okay? You don’t need to do this.”

“Oh but I do. Yah see I’m looking for a certain crystal tree. And I’m sure you know of it.” Heavy’s smile vanished. “Now spill the beans.”

“Look heavy, I just can’t unless you have money. I log special locations for records, and you can’t know where they are unless you pay. And I don’t owe you anything anymore. So you can’t make me!” Danger looked at him with a defiant glare.

“Oh really?” Heavy started to smirk. “Well then, I suppose yer right. I can’t do nothin.” Heavy turned to leave and Danger calmed down and gave a slightly confused smile.

“Good! Well, um, see you later I guess?” Danger just wanted Heavy to leave.

“Sure sure. But um.” Heavy’s smirk grew to epic proportions. “Apparently I won’t be able to make that next shipment of reinforced quills to you. My backs been hurting you see.” Danger’s smile immediately dropped.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh I would. I know how much you need those quills for all the notes you take. Unless of course, you want to pluck yourself bare.”

“Now, li-listen Heavy. Let’s not go crazy here.” But Heavy was already walking out. “Wait! Heavy don’t do this! Please!!” Danger ran after him. “Please stop! Don’t do-I’ll do anything! Anything!”

“Anything? Even tell me the location of a certain tree?” Danger has to think for a moment. Was it worth it? Yes. Yes it was. He need to take those notes. Needed to.

“Yes! Yes I’ll tell you!” Danger shouted. Heavy just smirked.


“So Heavy Set got the towns ponies inspired to build this town for us, and establish us as the rulers of the area.....apparently.” Celestia finished recounting to Nightwing. What? Just....what? I just sat down for a moment. “Oh! And one more thing!” Celestia looked at the door. “Sliver Wing! Please come in!” We all looked at the door as nothing happened. Celestia sighed and looked at the ground. “Luna? Could you-?” Celestia pointed at the door. What now?

“Silver Wing! Could you come here!? I want you to meet my other friend! I think you’ll like him!” Luna called to the door. It immediately opened to show the Batpony that helped kill the beast.

“You called your majesty?” Silver asked as she stepped into the room. Celestia just huffed while Luna laughed. I, on the other hand, was immediately on my feet. Oh. My. God.

I lunged at her and her eyes widened as she tried to draw her wing blades to defend herself. Alas I was to fast for her. Celestia gasped as I tackled Silver to the ground while Luna just watched which a smile on her face.

You. Are! ADORABLE!!! “EEEEEEE!” Was the sound that came from my beak as my feathers gained a light blue tint. I ensnared the pony in my wings and squeezed her close to me as I rubbed my face on her head.

“Ah! Call off your pet! Please your majesty!” Silver pleaded with Luna. Luna however.....well she was no help.

“Hahaha!! Night likes you!!” Even Celestia was smirking.

“Please you majesty! Call off your pet!”

“Haha! Night isn’t a pet! He’s just as intelligent as you or me. And apparently he likes you!” Celestia laughed. ‘She adorable!’ I wrote on the paper. ‘Can we keep her!?’

“Well, her people are living in the caves nearby now. They have apparently devoted themselves to Luna.” Celestia explained to me. A whole cave of adorable Bat ponies!? Somewhere a small green alien felt a disturbance in the force.

Author's Note:

How was this chapter? Broke the 2000 word limit!!