• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,991 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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Griffin Prince

We had attempted to go out to sea after we got on the ship, however the griffins didn’t like that. We were now being escorted down the coast by two large ships, all armed with cannons. We couldn’t fight back because our ship would be decimated. And we couldn't carry all of the ponies on the ship. I certainly couldn’t teleport all of us, and we couldn’t swim forever. So we made our way further south until we reached a large port city. We were lead into the bay, and the ships closed off the entrance behind us. As soon as we pulled up to the docks we were boarded by a very large number of griffins in armor. One stepped up to the front with a gold crown on his head. “Ah! You must be the creatures that caused such a stir in the kings city! Let me introduce myself! My name is Prince Midnight Glory. I welcome your to our fine city as thanks for what you have done!” He bowed before us before standing upright again. Me and Luna just stared tiredly at the griffin in front of us.

“So, let me clarify this. You are happy that we made trouble for the king, and we are welcome to stay in your town?” Luna tiredly asked. “If I may, I would assume you are the prince going against the king?”

“Why yes, I am! He has ruled for far to long with an iron fist. I am freeing the lands from his rule.” He smiled at us. “You have done us a great service! Many have left the king after what you did.”

“May we perhaps be able to get a place to sleep for a few days? Then we would like to discuss things with you. Our...experiences have left us very tired.” Luna wearily explained.

“Of course! Free of charge!” He turned around to face his guards. “Guards! Take these kind beings to someplace they can lay their heads down!” The guards surrounded us and started guiding us off the ship. I looked around at all the guards around us. All of Luna’s guards were looking nervous at all the griffins. To be honest, I was nervous as well. However, I didn’t have much choice. I stayed directly behind Luna as we were led down the docks. We could only hope this meeting would go better.

“I am very glad you brave souls had traveled to our country.” The black griffin prince said. “As you know, we are having a bit of a dispute in our lands. Between the tyrant king and I.” He took a sip of his drink as me and Luna sat across from him. We were seated at a large wooden table in a huge dining room. The walls were made of stone, with large wooden rafters. The rafters had a chandelier hanging above the table, and the enormous windows showed the red sky as the sunset.

“And what do you hope to accomplish with this war?” Luna asked. “To secure power for yourself?”

“Well of course!” The prince laughed. At least he’s honest. “When I become king, I shall treat my subjects with the respect they deserve! I will lead this country to glory once more, instead of poverty!” He sighed and stared into his cup. “Alas, things have not gone at I had hoped they would. This war has lasted two years instead of a few short months. My future wife has ran away, and I fear the war may last for years more.”

My eyes widened at the wife comment. “Aaack!” I choked on my drink.

“Are you ok?” Luna asked me as the prince looked on.

‘Yes yes, I’m fine. Just choked.’ The prince laughed.

“It seems your friend cannot handle his mead!” He took a large gulp of his drink. “I can only hope Golden is ok...” Does he really love her? It seems as though he does.... “Anyways! On to happier topics! What land do you hail from?”.

“We come from the west. Our country is Equestria.” Luna explained. “We have come in search of new lands, and hopefully allies. We certainly did not expect to stumble into a war such as this.” She looked down at her drink and took a sip. “Your naval power is quite impressive. I propose an exchange.”

“What exchange would this be?” The prince asked.

“A simple exchange of knowledge. Your knowledge of ships for our knowledge of magic.” Luna looked straight at the prince.

“A tempting proposal, however, we griffins cannot use magic. As such, your knowledge would be of no use to us.” The griffin looked disappointed. “A shame really. Magic would help us greatly in this war..” He looked up at Luna and I. “However, if you and yours were able to help in this war......well, suffice to say, it would be over very quickly.”

“I’m sorry, but we cannot get involved in your war. We come seeking peace, not war.” Luna thought for a moment. “What about a trade a of weapons then? We will not get directly involved in your war, but.....maybe we could give you the blueprints to several weapons that wlll surely speed things along.”

“Very well, you have my attention.” Prince Midnight stated.

“What do you think Night? They are your designs after all.” Luna looked over to me.

‘I see nothing wrong with it. If you want to, you are welcome to give him the designs.’ Oh boy. I hope this doesn’t backfire.

“Very well! Might I have some paper Prince Midnight? I shall draw the plans at once.” Luna declared.

“You remember the designs from memory?” The prince motioned to a serpent and he ran off. “You must have a good memory concerning such things.” I could see Luna blush slightly.

“Yes, well...We must do everything we can to keep our subjects safe. And I will admit, I do have a knack for remembering battle strategies.” She blushed a little more. “However, anyone can remember something with practice. It’s nothing special.”

“Of course.” Midnight smiled. The servant ran back into the room with a stack of paper. “Ah, here are the supplies you requested.” The servant set down the paper, along with an inkwell, beside Luna. Luna promptly reached over and plucked one of my feathers. I don’t even care anymore. I’ve been desensitized to the pain of losing feathers by this point.

After just a few minutes of drawing Luna had finished the designs. “Here you are, I hope you use them wisely.” Luna warned.

“Of course.” The prince smiled. “I thank you for your help, and I hope you have a pleasant trip home.” Luna turned to leave, but paused after a second. I could see her biting her lip. She spun around to look at the prince.

“I would give you one more thing Prince Midnight.” She reached down to the sword sheathed around her waist. It was one of the few blades made of blue steel. As she unsheathed the blade, the guards around the room all drew there swords. A wave from Midnight made them sheath them once more, though they all stood stiffly. “A blade forged of Blue Steel. One of the few made. Observe.” She stabbed the end of the sword into the table, causing all the guards to jerk towards there swords. They all stopped though as it was clear she wasn’t attacking. Prince Midnight watched with wide eyes as frost spread over the wood table, coming from where the sword struck. Thin wisps of fog ran over the edge of the table, like dry ice. Luna easily pulled the sword out and put a look of concentration on her face. After a moment, Midnight appeared on the sword. “Simply think of who you want to see while holding this sword, and they shall appear.” Luna sheathed the sword once more, then unbuckled the sheath from her waist and slid it across the table. Midnight grabbed it and held it up with reverence.

“I thank you Princess Luna. May your travels bring you much fortune. I wish you safe journeys.” He appeared thoughtful for a moment. "Actually, I have something I wish to offer you as well."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait people! I really am. How was this chapter?
P.s. CommodoreDread edited this chapter!