• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,946 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

  • ...

Dark Waters

‘So why did you give him the blueprints Luna?’ I asked as I stood beside the ship’s railing. The ship the Prince had given us sailed along side us. Luckily we had enough ponies to man, or pony, both ships.

“I’m not sure Night.” Luna looked out over the ocean. “Maybe I just trusted him enough.”

“Hmmmm.” I thought aloud. ‘Bull.’

“Wha-! You- I-How dare.....!” Luna shut her mouth as she glared at me. A tinge of red slowly spread across her cheeks. “Fine!” She looked out over the sea once more. “Perhaps....I li...” she finished so softly I couldn’t hear her.

‘What was that?’ I looked at her, highly amused.

“I said! Perhaps I liked.....”

‘Still didn’t catch that.’

“I liked him! Ok!? There! I said it!” The whole ship stopped and stared at Luna’s outburst. I even saw some ponies watching from the other ship. They all shrugged after a few seconds and continued working. Luna looked down at the deck, ashamed.

‘What blueprints did you give him?’ I asked with a neutral face.

“Just the catapult. And my sword....” I hummed as I thought about what she said.

‘Very well, as your guard captain, and brother, I can only advise you be careful. You walk on a dangerous path Luna. Please be careful.’ I turned to go down into the ship.

“Your not upset at me?” Luna looked up hopefully. She looked ready to cry. I sighed and turned back around to face her.

‘Luna, your an adult now. As much as I don’t like it, I can’t stop you from falling in love.” I breathed out hard and looked at the sky. The sun was painting the clouds red as thunder heads formed behind us. We need to hurry if we want to outrun that storm.

“KEEEAAARRR!!!” I screeched to get the attention of the crew. ‘Full sails! We have a storm coming!’ The crew started rushing around the ship, soon followed by the other ship’s crew. The two large sails on our ship were raised and two of three were raised on the griffin ship. I faced Luna once more.

‘You might want to get below deck. We may hit rough seas.’ I turned away to go below deck, and once again stopped. ‘Remember Luna. No matter what happens, I will always love you and Tia.’ I stepped down the stairs to go below deck. I walked down one flight to the middle deck, then went down the hall to the last room. I couldn’t smell anything but salt here. The rough wood made clicking noises as I walked across it. The ship groaned around me as I opened the door to my room and stepped inside. What a day. I closed the door and fell onto my bed. I drifted off to sleep quickly.

“Rrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!” A faint screeching woke my from my sleep. I looked around, startled, trying to find the scource of the noise. Weird. Someone must have slid a crate across the deck. I promptly fell back asleep.

“Captain Night!! We need help!” A crew member busted into my room, waking me instantly.

‘What!? What’s wrong!?’ I swung my head back and forth, hearing the crashing waves and sound of torrential rain.

“The storm sir! It’s caught up with us!” I rushed out of my room and down the hall. My feet crashed on the steps as I opened the door to the deck. I was almost blew back by the wind and rain. I fought my way onto the deck to see Luna trying to command the crew. I smiled as she did an excellent job of giving orders. Her loud voice rang above the rain.

“Secure those ropes! You, row down that loose cargo!” Luna walked confidently across the deck. “I want pegasi keeping the mast safe from lightning! Get up there!” She paused as a massive wave washed over her. As the wave fell flat on the deck she stood strong. Her wet mane hung over her shoulders and teeth grit as she looked around with steely eyes. I started to make my way over to her when the ship rocked dangerously. What the..? I stumbled as the ship tilted once again. Then the singing started, and all hell broke loose.

“AAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHH!” A chorus of voices cried out in song. Three Hippocampi jumped over the boat and into the water on the other side. One was blue, one was yellow, and the last one was pink. Are you kidding me!? Why today of all days? Starswirl isn’t even here to banish them!

“KKEEEEAAAAARRRRR!!!” I shrieked at them. They actually paused midair to look at me. ‘Go away! Can’t you go, I don’t know, attack a whale or something!?!?’ I glared at them. Today was just not a good day. They looked at each other, then back at me. Then they dropped back into the water and kept singing. Welp, there goes the easy way of doing things. I prepared my self to defend against both the sirens and the crew. In the show they made ponies get mad or something right?

“Splash!” I looked over to my left to see ponies having a brawl. Strangely, in was mostly the stallions fighting. A mare approached me from behind, startling me as I watched the fight.


“KKKEKEEAAARRR!!” I jumped into the air. ‘What!?’ I spun around to face the mare.

“We’ve taken on too much water sir! We can’t keep up with the other ship! Any more and we’ll sink.” She ran off to try and break up the fight behind me.

“CRRRRAAACK!” I looked up just in time to dodge a mast. I looked at the siren who knocked it over as she disappeared beneath the waves once more. Ok, new plan. I quickly located Luna in the crowd. I took off just as some ponies crashed into the spot I was standing in. I flew over the crew and grabbed Luna as I flew by.

“Night! What are you doing!?” Luna shouted at me as I carried her off the ship.

‘Go! Get to safety!’ I threw her onto the griffin ship. I flew between the masts and slashed though the rope holding the third sail closed. The ship picked up speed immediately, going in the direction of Equestria. Now to deal with the pesky seahorses. I rocketed back to our ship, sitting lower in the water than recommended. As I flew back to the ship, one of the sirens jumped out of the water. I slashed the yellow creature with a blade as I flew by. She shrieked and fell back into the water. Now, I just need to banish them to the Equestria girls universe. Simple.

The sirens were targeting me now. The pink one jumped at me from below. A kick with my ankle blades sent her back into the ocean. Starswirl is to far away to assist me in this problem. The yellow one jumped past me and tried to fall on me. I strafed right and she fell past me onto the blue one trying to bite me from below. Could I teleport them? I dodged a red laser beam. Worth a try.

I landed on the wet and slippery deck and ran up to the first mare I could find. ‘You! Distract the sea monsters!’ I shoved her in the general direction of the sirens. ‘Get the others to help you!’

“Yes sir!” The unicorn ran off, shooting lasers at the siren whenever she could. Ok! Focus! I began concentrating on the sirens and where I wanted them to go. I felt the magic building up inside me, though it was slow. I was asking for a lot. A teleport spell across dimensions if I was correct. The sirens roared as they fought the ponies providing the distraction. Once I gathered the needed energy, I waited for the right moment. Luckily, it didn’t take long. All three sirens jumped out of the ocean with roars of rage. I released the magic in with a large pulse of blue light.....only for nothing to happen. Oh come o-!!

“SSSSSHHHHH POP!!!” A small hole ripped in the sky and began sucking in air. Inside the hole I could see what I guessed was earth. The equestria girls version that is. Sooo, not a teleportation spell. All around it I could see space. Maaaaaaybe I need to make it a bit closer to the planet. I concentrated and the image on the portal shifted to a street behind a building. Perfect!! The sirens tried the run away from the portal. But the suction was to strong for them to resist. I moved to portal towards them slowly.

‘Come on! Just go in the portal!!’ They finally succumbed to the great pull of the portal and fell in. ‘HAHA! I just banished a bunch of sirens!! I’ve never felt so alive!!!’ Then the adrenaline wore off.

Author's Note:

Edited by CommodoreDread
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