• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,992 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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Time Passes

One Year And Three Months Later

The city had changed a lot in just a year and a quarter. Equestria was a actual country now, instead of just a large city. The territory of the sisters had expanded greatly. Overia had joined with us soon after their leader and army fell. The citizens almost seemed happy that Over was gone. Of course, the name had to be changed. It was now aptly named Las Pegasus due to the high number of Pegasi living there. Starswirl and the sisters couldn’t figure out why I had laughed for hours at the name. Not that I could blame them. Hah! It’s still funny. I thought as I flew over Las Pegasus. I was high in the sky, circling above Luna and her entourage.

Our territory now extended north out of the forest. All the way to what I assumed would be the future city of canterlot. And yes, the mountain was huge. I had flew to the top for fun one night, and the view was amazing. To the west and east were now ours as well. Small towns had begun to form outside the forest. Poor Celestia had been busy with paperwork, electing mayors, and establishing city lines.

Speaking of change, Luna was now a legal adult at the age of five. I remembered that horses matured faster on earth, but I never thought it would apply to magical ponies. Especially ponies that could live up to one hundred and eighty years! Swirl had a fun time telling me that. Especially when I had a coughing fit over it. Anyway, regardless of how fast ponies matured, the fact was that Luna was a desirable young mare. Which meant I had a new duty to attend to. Speaking of which.... A stallion was approaching Luna’s carriage with a small smile on his face. He seemed to think he had gone unnoticed so far, but I could see the small smirk on Silver’s face. Time to start operation, protect/embarrass little sister. GO!

I dropped from the sky at a ridiculous speed. When I was a mere twenty feet in the air I threw out my wings and started flapping to slow down. Yet even as waves of air hit the ground the stallion didn’t notice me. THUMP! I landed on the ground behind the stallion, finally getting his attention. His light blue coat started shaking as he slowly turned around. I leaned in so his forehead was pressed against mine when he completely turned his head around. His ears pressed against his head and his eyes went wide as I stared into his soul. “Chirp.”

“AAAAAAAAH!” He let out a not so manly scream and bolted.

“Hur hur hur hur!” I laughed as I walked over to Luna’s carriage.

“Greetings Captain Night.” Luna said in a very unamused way. She had been a little grumpy with me since I started scaring off all the ponies looking to approach her. Well, not all the ponies. Just the young males.

‘Lighten up Luna! You’ll thank me for this years from now....maybe.’ I laughed at her straight face. I even saw Black crack a smile from behind the carriage. And Lotus was trying to refrain from dying on the left side, beside me. I could almost see the tears of laughter in her eyes. Oh wait. I can see them.

“Night, please don’t be so...overbearing. I am an adult now, and I may date somepony if I so wish.” Luna let out a humph as she turned away from me. “Besides, I am not the only one ‘drowning in stallions’ as you put it. Tia has more approach her than I do. And you don’t protect her from them!” She glared at me.

‘Your sister can shoot laser beams from her forehead. I think she’ll be ok.’

“I can too!” Luna shouted at me. I simply sighed.

‘Luna, Tia is much older than you. She has more experience with this type of thing than you do, so she needs less protection than someone your age. I’m sure that some of the stallions approaching you are nice ponies. But some aren’t, and some may think that they are in love with you! But have any of them actually met you?’ I looked at her intently, making sure I had her attention. ‘And even if they did meet you, they are young. Many of them have more hormones than stars in the sky! So they may honestly think that they love you, when really they’re just physically attracted.’ Luna looked down at this. She had been feeling bad recently as all the other mares her age had colt friends.

“I suppose you are right brother. I just see everyone else my age has a mare friend or colt friend and...I suppose I feel a little left out.”

‘I understand. But you know what? All these young relationships? They don’t last long. They may last for a few months, maybe even a year! But they rushed into their partnership. Sometimes they don’t really love one another, so they split up.‘ I lifted her chin up with a wing. When she looked at me I smiled for her. ‘All I’m saying is to give it time. You just turned five not long ago. You have plenty of time!’ I looked around in a conspiratorial manner. Then I put a wing on the other side of my beak as if to block other ponies from overhearing. ‘Besides, you want to know the real reason I protect you more the Celestia? You my favorite sister.’ I joked with her. She knew I was joking, that I loved them the same. But she still smiled.

“Thank you Night. You always know how to make me feel better.”

“We’re here!” Moon shouted from the front. I looked up to see we had arrived at a rather large hotel. “I’ll go in to make sure they have your reservation your majesty.” Moon Beam ran into the hotel to make sure the rooms were in order. I took up her position at the front of the cart as we waited for her to return. A few moments later she came back out. “Ok! The rooms are ready!” Moon said in a chipper voice. Black and Silver moved to the left of the carriage as Lotus opened the door for Luna to step out.

“Thank you Lotus.” Luna thanked as she stepped down onto the ground. I had to push back a small crowd of ponies as Black and Silver lead Luna into the Hotel. Lotus and Moon helped me make sure no ponies snuck in to pester Luna. When they got in and were ready to close the door we followed into the building. The lobby was fairly simple. Wood floors and lighter wood walls, with a small desk in the center of the back wall with a nervous mare behind it.

“Come with me please your majesty. I have the keys already.” Moon lead the way to the stairs. I approached last and gave the stairs a critical eye. Stairs. My old enemy. I carefully walked up the stairs behind the others. Our rooms were on the top floor, so we took three flights of stairs. Once at the top floor we walked down the hallway to door numbers three twelve and three thirteen.

‘Ok! Silver, you and Lotus take first shift. Black, you and Moon rest up for second shift.’ They nodded and checked room three thirteen before Luna entered. After making sure it was safe they allowed Luna in. Silver and Lotus took up positions guarding the door while Black and Moon went into room three twelve to rest until night fall. After I looked around the hall one more time I went down the stairs to exit the building. We were here on a scouting mission. Luna wanted to come with the scouters since she had recently reached adulthood. We were scouting a large bay to the east of Las Pegasus. I had made the suggestion to the sisters that we establish some ports for moving materials. I hoped that this would lead to the discovery of the rest of the world. I knew that griffons and dragons were somewhere. And come on! Who doesn't want to meet a dragon!? Granted, being immortal does make it less scary. But still, dragons!

As I exited the building I approached an inconspicuous pony standing at the the corner of two streets nearby. He appeared to be standing there reading a newspaper, but I knew better. I gave a nod to the disguised changeling as I walked past. The Shadow hive, as the Queen, Lytra, informed us was the name, had been very helpful with surveillance and scouting. I walked back to the carriage and lightly wrapped the straps around my chest to start pulling the carriage around the corner of the hotel. When I got around to the back I parked it out of the way near the back exit. Next I took to the skies to the other side of town. I had to do a patrol through the woods, some ponies said had something about a flying lion. Others said something about a giant four legged bird. Personally I hoped I was right about what it was. A griffin. If a griffin resided in the woods nearby, well, that would change a lot.

Once I landed on the edge of town four guards approached me. All were solar pegasi guards, most of the lunar guards were sleeping. “Captain! Reporting for duty!” All of the guards saluted me.

‘Are all of you prepared?’ They all nodded. Each had a small bag of supplies on them. I decided to travel light, only bringing my armor and blades. ‘Alright, let’s move.’ I took to the sky as they followed me to the woods near by. We glided over several times before descending in a clearing. ‘Ok. Set up a small camp. Nothing big, just something for two days.’ I looked over them as they started making a small camp. We should be done in two days. I looked up at the sky and spread my wings. I might as well get started. I pushed my wings down and left a cloud of dust as I took off.

I could see for miles over the flat land. Most of it was plains with a few forests scattered here and there. In the very far distance I could see the edge of what was called the Badlands. A massive desert. Queen Lytra lived far into the endless desert. I would have to visit one day, if only to see the hive. The hive in the show looked amazing! Focus! I yelled at myself as I flew over the forest below me. I scanned it with sharp eyes, looking for even the slightest of disturbances.

A fox here. A bluejay there. A rabbit waaay over there. Mmmm. Rabbit. I looked up to see the sun was in the middle of the sky. Well, I suppose a lunch break wouldn’t hurt. I turned to the rabbit. He didn’t even realize I was there as I stalked him from high above. When I was just above him I folded my wings and dropped. The wind whistled past my ears as I fell, gaining speed faster and faster. Then when I fell below the tree line I opened my wings and shot forwards at the rabbit. It didn’t even know what hit it as I slammed into it’s small body. The rabbit died instantly from the impact. I flew up again and looked for a river or stream. Quickly locating one I turned to land beside it.

I landed with a thud beside the river bank. I quickly bit into the delicious rabbit. Yeeeees! Rabbit was turning out to be my favorite food. I had tried squirrel, mole, fish, and even a few small birds. But nothing topped a rabbit. Of course I had to wonder when animals started getting smarter. So far I hadn’t seen any show more intelligence than on earth. Aside from a few exceptions anyways. Like dogs. There were a few wild dogs that showed above average intelligence. I didn’t think I could ever eat a dog though. Soon the rabbit was nothing but a pile of bones on the ground. I walked into the cold water and rinsed off my beach and claws.

As I was washing, something caught my attention. A SWOOSH went behind me and I paused for a moment before continuing my washing. I pretended to not be concerned as I splashed in the water. Whatever it is, it’s trying to be sneaky. I’ll play along. I stepped out of the water and onto the bank. As gave myself a shake before walking like I was about to take off. I almost smiled as I felt the blade press against my neck.

“Move, And you die.” A femal voice said from behind me. “I’m not sure what kind of strange griffin you are, but your are going to do exactly as I say.”

‘Of course.’ I wrote on my shoulder so she could see it. I felt her grip loosen for a second before it retightened.

“Can you speak?”

‘Nnnnope.’ She sighed behind me.

“Wonderful. This makes it all the harder. Still, you will suffice.” Several branches snapped as two more griffins descended from the sky.

“Halt! In the name of the prince!” The left one yelled. Now this is getting interesting! “We have come to return you to your rightful place beside his majesty! Come with us willingly or you will be punished!” Both were armed with crossbows.

The female behind me nearly choked me as her grip tightened even more. “Give me a feather, or I’ll slit your throat!” She whisper yelled into my ear. I saw my soldiers in the woods. I used my wing tip to tell them to wait.

‘Yes, because I can move so well right now.’ She growled before discreetly reaching behind me and ripping out one of my tail feathers. What is it with this world and yanking feathers?

“Sorry fellas!” She slipped my feather into her wing behind my back. “You’ll just have to return empty handed!” She stepped away from me and showed them her wing with my feather. “After all, the prince cant marry a hen that’s already married, can he?” Very clever. I smiled internally at the dumbfounded looks on the two male griffins. Suddenly the right one threw down his crossbow.

“Clipped!” He shouted. Was that a griffin curse word? “Half ways around the world and she’s already married!?” He took off and started flying off. “Ain’t no money worth this trouble!” He broke through the trees and disappeared. The left griffin sighed and looked back at us with a glare.

“You better watch your backs. The future king will not be happy about this.” He picked up his friend’s weapons and shot into the sky. When he disappeared the griffin behind me let me go and turned me around.

“Well! I must apologize for my holding you hostage. But it seems I must be on my way! Later!” She tried to take off and run, but a single wing motion from me had her tackled by two pegasi. They swiftly held her on the ground as the other two approached my side.

‘Bind her wings. We return to town after this.’ The two beside me rushed forward and tied her wings down with a piece of rope.

“You can’t do this! Let me go!” The griffin screeched on the ground.

“KKKKEEEEEEAAAAARR!!” She quieted down after that. The guards lifted her up and turned her to face me. ‘You have assaulted a captain of the Lunar guard. You will be detained until further notice. Resistance is futile.’

The griffin sat in her cell, tapping the stones and making a soft clicking sound. She hadn’t talked since we brought her back. Luna walked into the small jail and stepped up to the door of the cell. “Night. I see you have captured the creature the peasants were worried about. What is it?” She looked at me in curiosity.

She is a griffin.’ I laughed al little. ‘She has refused to talk since we arrested her.’

“And why did you arrest her?” Luna asked as I wlked up beside her.

‘Oh you know, she held a knife to my throat and threatened to kill me. Business as usual.’

“If anyone else said that I would be worried.” Luna turned around to leave the building. “Very well. I shall leave you to question the prisoner. I must join the scouts.”

‘See ya later Princess.’ The griffin actually reacted as I said goodbye to Luna.

“Wait!? That was a Princess!?” She started to hyperventilate. “I attacked the captain of the Princess’s guard!? What is she gunna do to me!? What’s the Queen gunna do to me!?” I laughed as she panicked in the cell.

‘There is no queen. The princesses are the queens.’ I chuckled as she just panicked more. ‘Relax! If you just answer some questions I’ll let you go.’ She calmed down a little at that.

“You’ll....let me go? Why?” She stared at me in confusion.

‘It’s simple really. I don’t need a prisoner, you held me hostage to protect yourself, and if you killed me I would have just hunted you down later.’


‘I don’t stay dead for long.’ She just lowered her head into her claws and shook her head.

“Life was so simple before this. I hunted animals for meat. I sold the meat. I made money. Then that stupid prince came and decided he wanted to marry me.” She looked up at the ceiling. “Why can’t life stay simple?”

“Hur hur hur!” I laughed. She glared at me as I wiped a nonexistent tear from my face. ‘So you get to get married to a prince? What’s so bad about that?’

“What’s so bad is that I’ll have to go live in the castle! I’ll never go hunting again, never do anything fun, have lots of kids for someone I don’t even love!” She angrily punched the wall beside her. “That’s what’s wrong!”

‘Hmm. Well, how about this. You answer my questions and I’ll let you go. Then you can fly as far away as you want.’ She looked up at me with a small smile.

“I think I’d like that. Thanks.”

‘Ok, first question. What is you name?’

“Golden Huntress.” I wrote her name down on the paper work that was levitating in front of me.

‘How did you get here? To this land I mean.’

“I snuck onto a trade ship when I was running from the prince. When it passed close to the land I jumped off. Griffins never come here, so I thought I would be safe. Obviously not.” She leaned on the wall and sat on the floor.

‘Why do griffins never come here?’

“Because this land is unknown. We simply haven’t explored it. We prefer the high mountains, and this land has few of those. All of our cities are on mountain peaks.” She looked at me. “Don’t you come from the griffin lands?” She looked confused.

‘If provided with a ship, could you point the way to the griffin lands?’ I ignored her question.

“No way! I’m not going back!” She growled as she approached the cell door.

‘I wouldn’t make you. But if you were given a compass would you be able to point in the direction?’ I looked up from the paper.

“Of course! Any griffin worth their salt could point back home!” She stated proudly.

‘Worth their salt? Are a lot of griffin sailors?’ She laughed.

“No. But my parents were. And my grandparents. And so on.” She looked longingly up towards the sky. “I guess that’s were I got my sense of adventure from.” She frowned as she looked back to the cell she was in.

‘Ok!’ I wrote down the last of the information. I walked over to the cell door. ‘A deal is a deal! Your free to go.’ I unlocked the door and swung it open. ‘Oh, one more thing.’ I handed her a compass. ‘Could you point toward griffin land?’

“Griffin land? Hah! Sure thing. I didn’t think you would actually let me out.” She took the compass and pointed straight east. “Head that way and you’ll hit the coast soon enough. It’s not that long by boat, maybe a week.” She looked at me again. “And, thanks. I guess I owe you one.” With that she walked out the door. I stood there for a few minutes, thinking. Something tells me we’ll see each other again.

Author's Note:

Credit for hive name goes to Gargon94. So, how was it? First griffins!!