• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,988 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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BANG BANG BANG. What the heck!? I shot up in the bed and looked at the door.

“Night! If you don’t open up right this second imma gunna bust the door down and pluck you bare!!” Heavy yelled through the door. What? I looked out the window to see it was still night time. Midnight judging by the moons position. Alright. Let’s get this over with. I was almost asleep. I walked over to the door and opened it with an unamused look on my face. “Look at this!! Isn’t it magnificent!!” He shoved a blue silver sword into my face. I looked at the weapon unamused and then pointed out the window.

“Chirp.” I glared at Heavy.

“Pssshh, who needs sleep when there’s forging to be done!? Especially with metal such as this!”

“Shut up you idiot!! We’re trying to sleep here!!!” Someone yelled from down the hall.

“What is going on!?” Misty groaned from the roof. We looked up to see her looking over the edge of her cloud bed. “Can’t you two be quiet!?” With that she rolled over and attempted to go back to sleep. Heavy had the decency to look sorry for a second before he turned serious again.

“After I forged a sword I decided to conduct an investigation as to identify tha properties of the metal.”


“Hah!! Take that ya scurvy dogs!!” Heavy sliced a block of wood with the sword, shattering it into frozen pieces. “Avast maties!! Take arms against these pirates!!” Another block of wood fell. “Hahah!!! Take that you dastardly fiends!!” One more block of wood. “Hahaha!! Hahahahahaaaa!!!” Heavy stood in the middle of fifty broken wood blocks. All murdered in cold blood.


“Anyways, after ah pla- TESTED the sword I didn’t have much else to do. So I started thinking about how hungry I was, which led to carrots. And that led to radishes, which led to the pretty mare that owns the fruit stand in the market.” I stared at Heavy. “Anyways, I was thinking about that mare, and THIS happened.” He held up the sword for me to see.

After a moment of nothing happening I was about to send him away. Until the surface of the blade shimmered. Once it cleared, it showed a mare sleeping in a bed somewhere. What!? That’s amazing!!..... Can I do that? Wait a minute. I gave Heavy a disapproving glare. “What!? I didn’t see anything I didn’t want to see!” That was literally the least reassuring thing I’ve ever heard anyone ever say. Shaking my head at him I looked stretched out one of my wings and looked at it. Maybe... I concentrated on what I wanted to see, and after a moment an image of a sleeping Luna appeared on my wing. Oh that is amazing.

“Chirp!” I excitedly showed him my wing.

“Really? Of all the things you could scry, you chose tha little filly next door? Bah, your no fun.” Another glare went Heavy’s direction. “Welp, I’m gunna go back ta playi-testing the sword at my shop. See ya around.” With that he walked out and I shut the door behind him. While that could have waited till morning, I was glad he decided to show me now. Now I have something to do tonight. Apparently, space hawks didn’t sleep often. Which left me to stay awake all night. While I would have loved to be able to do that at home, I didn’t have internet here. So I had nothing to entertain myself with.

“Is he gone?” Misty looked over her cloud.


“Good. At least your quiet.” Misty rolled back over, and soon light snores filled the room. Well, let’s see what I can do. With that, I started trying to scry on everything I could think of. I was met with much disappointment when I couldn’t scry home. Dang it! I tried scry the sisters and they came into view on my wing, along with Starswirl. I even tried scrying some timberwolves. When nothing appeared I got confused. Maybe I need to be more specific?

This time I looked for the closest timberwolf. Imagine my surprise when a wolf appeared on my wing....right outside of town. I jumped up, ready for to run out the door. But I stopped when several arrows hit it and it fell apart. In the distance a few ponies cheered on the border of the town. Wow, good shot. Then I got an idea. What if I looked for the shadow creature? I got a little excited as I started to concentrate. After a moment of nothing happening I tried harder. Slowly but surely, an image came onto my wing. WHAT THE-!!! I froze as I saw the monster looking right at me. It walked closer to me. And closer. It sniffed at me as it stood right on the other side of my wing. Slowly the image on my wing dripped down my feathers and onto the floor. There the drops pooled together until they made a puddle showing the creature. It seemed to smile sinisterly before it slowly reached forward.

“KEEEEEEAR!!!!” I shrieked when it’s paw started to come through the puddle. I heard fumbling around from the rooms across the hall, but I knew they wouldn’t get here in time. I tried to close the portal by ending the scry. But it wouldnt respond. I tried harder and harder. By now the creature had got all of one front leg in. Right as it tried to slash forward at me, a lot of things happened. The door burst open as the paw flew at me. Misty finally got up and saw what was happening. And I managed to close the portal.

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEeeeee!!!!” The sound came from impossibly far away, yet seemed as clear as day. Everyone was froze as we stared at where a single black paw lay.

“What in the world is going on!?” Starswirl asked angrily. Not that I could blame him.

“It’s ok, it’s ok. It’s not here. It’s not really here.” Misty sat in the corner whimpering to herself. The sisters were behind Star, looking terrified. And I was in the middle of the room next to the paw. What did I do? I asked myself as I stared at the disembodied limb. I have a bad feeling about this. I quoted.