• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,988 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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“Ow!” I flinched as my handmaiden pulled a little too hard on my mane.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Luna!” She backed away with a frown on her face. “I’m just trying to get your mane perfect for your big day!” Her frown disappeared as a smile forced itself onto her lips. “Good news though!” I perked up. “I’m done with your mane!” I watched Lily gain a contemplating look behind me. She looked at me in the mirror. “This tail is awful, May I fix it for you?”

I didn’t like my tail being messed with, but... “Fine, if it must be done.” I frowned into the glass. “Just make it quick please.”

“Of course, I know how you are about your tail.” Lily began to work tirelessly on the long blue hair. I just sighed and smiled as I thought of the day ahead. Exactly one week ago Midnight had proposed to me. Today was the day we were getting married. And I couldn’t be happier.


“Ow!” I flinched as my servant pulled my wing too hard.

“Sorry, that feather was being stubborn.” He yanked on another feather roughly. “That one too.” He smiled sheepishly.

“Oh crimson, be glad you are my friend. Or else I would crack your beak right now.” I huffed as I looked in the mirror. “So, how do I look?” Crimson Claw circled slowly around me.

“Well, I wouldn’t marry you.” He smirked at me. “But I think the reason why is obvious.”

“I could strangle you sometimes.” I laughed loudly.

“So, today is the day huh? The mighty Midnight is getting married!” He nudged my shoulder. “Just don’t forget about ole me okay?” A few tears formed in his eyes. He slowly walked up to me and hugged me tightly. “I can’t believe you're finally growing up!” He sobbed into my shoulder. I hugged my older brother as I laughed.

“Look at this! Guards, get in here! The Crimson Claw is crying!” I called out jokingly. I patted my brother’s back as he cried on me. “You’re getting snot in my feathers you know.”

He quickly pulled off me as he sniffled. “Sorry.” He sniffed loud as he regained his composure. “I..I’m good now.” He wiped the tears off my shoulder with a towel. “Let’s finish you’re hair. You’ve always had a messy head. Compared to me anyways.” He smirked as I groaned.

Night Wing

‘No no no!’ I stalked through the main hall in the castle. ‘I want you there and you there!’ I glared as the two guards fumbled with their spears. I turned around as they assumed their positions. I saw the guards behind me had already became disorganized again. “CAAAAW!!” I shouted out in frustration. As the guards all stared at me, I grabbed them all in my magic and moved them where I wanted them. ‘STAY’ I glared at every one of them. They all stiffened as I walked by them toward the door.

I turned around when I reached the door and observed my work. I smiled as I saw the neat rows of guards along the walls. Finally. I looked to the rafters to see how Silver was doing. My smile grew bigger when I saw all the hidden Thestrals on the ceiling. My eyes met with Silver’s and we both nodded at each other. Then, the shadows grew dark in the rafters and they were no longer visible.

“I see you are doing well with managing guards!” A very old voice called from behind me. I turned to see Swirl walk in slowly. “Ack! Stupid marble flooring is hard on my hips.” He glared at the floor is disdain. “You would think the young ones could build things that considered old ponies.” I just laughed as Swirl fussed about the flooring of all things.

‘And how are you old friend?’ I smirked ‘emphasis on the old’ he moved his glare from the floor to me.

“Ah, you are just lucky I can still see well enough to read your wings!” He hobbled over to one of the cushions on the floor. Instead of pews or chairs, the ponies had long cushions. They were placed the same way pews would be placed, but they had no backs, and the ones in the back were on a slightly raised platform. “Much better.” He sighed as he sat on the soft seat. “At least they did one thing right.“

‘So, what have you been busy with these past few months?’ I asked Swirl. His health had slowly decreased over the months since our incident. Nevertheless he acted as though he was still young, going on adventures and exploring the world and magic.

“Oh, this and that. Had a very interesting time down south in the hive. Studied some changeling spells. Did you know they have spells to make short range portals?” Swirl had a familiar sparkle in his eyes.

‘Oh, I had a few hints about it.’ Thank you MLP. Swirl just shook his head.

“One day Night, I will figure out how you know the things you do.” He rubbed at his eyes tiredly. “But, that will be a later day. I did not do many exciting things on this trip. Besides visiting the hive of course. That and some ridiculous rumors of flying lizards.” He laughed as he stood up. “Honestly, the ridiculous things ponies conceive sometimes. Well, I will be off Night. I need to catch up on some sleep before the wedding.” He walked out the door while I stood there smiling like an idiot.

“You ok sir?” A guard asked me from the corner.

‘Yes yes, just thinking about things to come.’ I distractedly replied. Here, there be dragons. I chuckled to myself as I left the main hall.

We had increased the number of guards in the castle for the wedding. By a lot. As in, nobody was off duty that day. Off course, this being a royal wedding, everyone was coming. There were nobles watching through the windows just on the practice day. Plus, many griffins were coming as well. Mainly the family of Midnight, as well as the griffin nobles. They complained about not having the marriage in their country, but then someone burned down the wedding building. They stopped complaining soon after. I believe Queen Lytra is coming as well. Though I’m sure no one will see her. The Queen had a way of hiding from everyone. Personally, I called hacks. I even had a hard time scrying her while she was in disguise.

As I walked out the front entrance, I could see the crowd pressing against the gates. Of course, most of those ponies would not get inside for the wedding. We had a list of specific ponies that were allowed entrance into the castle. Mainly nobles, with a few friends of ours. Stone Slab, Bullseye, Healing and Lavender, maybe Misty, and Celestia made sure Silver Anvil was coming. She was smitten with him. Smitten? I must be getting effected by the archaic nature of this place. Next I’ll be saying thee and thou. No one actually said thee and thou, so I don’t know why Luna said them in the show. Of course, what are the chances everything will be exactly the same?

I launched up into the air to do one last scan of the city before the wedding. I hope everything goes well today.

Rich Soil

I gasped for breath as I appeared in my mansion. Black smoke swirled around my hooves while I stepped forward and collapsed on the large bed I had. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing!” I jumped up and angrily threw my bed against the wall and smashed it with my magic. I looked down at my glowing black and purple hooves and smiled. “This dark magic stuff is amazing, now I know why unicorns are so stuck up. They feel powerful.” I let out a dark chuckle. “And they say this stuff is bad for you. Psshh, just some crap the unicorns made up to keep us lower than them.”

I snarled and crushed the bed frame into nothing dust. Then I took a deep breath and called for the maid. “Mint! Come clean my room! And order a new bed while you do so!” I walked to my office and I heard Mint trotting to my room. I needed something to help me dig up information on the marriage between Princess Luna and the griffin, so I turned to an old friend who had many old artifacts. One was an ancient book that held magic all races could use. Magic that was banned and deemed too dangerous. Obviously the ponies that have been corrupted by dark magic didn't realize what they were doing. This is easy to control.

The paper covered walls of my office came into view when I opened the door. I slipped through the door and closed it quickly behind me. Papers cluttered the walls and chalk lines connected them all. The papers were different documents that included everything the ponies had done with the griffins. The desk chair creaked as I slumped in it and stared at the wall. As I sat there my new friend appeared beside me. A shadowy pony with glowing green eyes walked up behind me and whispered in my ear.

“Keep looking friend, there is something driving the Princess to do these things. You just need to look deeper.”

“Of course, your right. I shouldn’t give up.” Why would I give up? The answer was there’s somewhere. Why would my friend lie to me? “We just need to look deeper.”

“Perhaps a spell would help? Maybe they hid something in the papersssssss.” The shadow hissed into my ear.

“Yes, another spell should help us.” I pulled out the old book my old friend had given me. A shame I had to kill him. But my new friend said he would stop us if he found out what we were doing. It had to be done. Somehow I knew the shadow smiled behind me as I opened the book. “We will stop this. We must.” I have this under control....

Night Wing

Ponies poured into the main hall, all trying to get a good seat. Of course, the best seats were reserved for special guests. The very front rows were occupied by family and close friends. I took the liberty of marking Queens Lytra’s seat with her name. She gave me a glare for that.

The nobles had to settle for the rest of the seats, which were limited. We managed to get most of the less irritating nobles a seat, but just barely. The doors shut with a loud boom as the last ponies made their way in and a hush fell over the room. The pianist started playing a happy tune and two side doors opened on opposite sides of the stage. From the left emerged Midnight and his brother Crimson Claw. Crimson was a dark red griffin, and he proudly walked behind Midnight with his head held high. They stopped in the middle with Crimson just behind Midnight. Midnight was wearing a long white fur cape, with black satin lining the inside. I have to be honest, I really want that cape. He also wore an old looking iron chest piece.

Gasps filled the room as Luna walked from the right door. She wore a long beautiful dress. I had a small part in making it. The part around her body was black with glitter here and there. The black slowly faded into space itself as it trailed behind her. I donated a good few feathers to make the train of the dress. She wore an obsidian breastplate over the front of her dress to honor the griffin tradition of wearing a piece of armor for all formal ceremonies. Oh god, I think I may cry.

I was sitting in the front row beside Lytra. She gave me an annoyed look as I blew my beak beside her. “Would you be quiet? I’m trying to feast on love here.” She whispered at me. I just smiled at her.

‘You know you can ask me for a hug whenever you want.’

“Ugh.” She turned to watch the ceremony as I snickered. I glanced at the ceiling to check up on Silver. She nodded that everything was ok so far. Satisfied that nothing needed my attention, I focused back on the wedding.

“Do you take this mare to be you’re wife, in sickness and health, burden and joy, conflict and peace?” Celestia asked Midnight.

“I do.”

“And do you, Luna, take this griffin to be your husband, in sickness and health, burden and joy, conflict and peace?”

“I do.”

“Does anyone object?” Celestia looked over the crowd. After a moment of silence she continued. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Ever seen a bird kiss a horse? It looks strange, but it’s probably easier with flexible beaks.

“Aaaaah yes. Such strong love. Those two love each other very much.” Lytra sighed beside me. “Unfortunately I must leave. My hive needs me, many things need to be done. I wish you good fortune Night.”

‘Goodbye Lytra. Have a safe trip back.’ As she walked away I turned to watch Luna throw the bouquet of flowers. As all the mares gathered in a group to catch it, a golden glow grabbed it and dragged it to the back. It stopped in front of Celestia as she grinned in Silver Anvil’s direction. He blushed as Celestia walked up to him with the flowers. I just shook my head. Celestia, you dirty cheater. I had a small smile on my face as Luna and Midnight kissed once more. Im glad everything turned out well.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long, i just wasn’t sure how to end it. In the end I decided to end it here and save the death for another chapter......I mean happiness! Yes, happiness not death.