• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,992 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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Waking Up

Author's Note:

Welcome reader! This is Nightwing, my first real story. The first few chapters are pretty bad, I won’t lie. Looking back, they are definitely amateurish. But, I like to think they get better later on. Hope you all enjoy!

As my body slowly woke up I immediately noticed something wrong. It was too dark. I always left the closet light on. And crinkly. Since when did my bed crinkle? I rolled around and moved my arm to brush the crinkly stuff from under my back. Or I tried to. I grimaced as my arm didn’t listen to me. Come on, just move I encouraged my arm. It still wouldn’t move. I groaned as I opened my eyes to see what was keeping my arm from moving. What I saw surprised me greatly.

I wasn’t in my house anymore. Ooooooooh my goooooood. I frantically whipped my head around, trying to find out where I was. It was when my head continued past the point it was supposed to for the fourth time that I noticed. And it did nothing to alleviate my panic. I carefully turned my head as far as it would go to the right. Then the left. Turns out I could turn my head all the way backwards now...and look at my not human back. My back was covered in....space? No, not space. Feathers....that look like space? I noticed something sticking out between my eyes where my nose should be. Crossing my eyes I discovered it was a beak. A pitch black hawk beak. On my face. I faced forwards and looked down. Scared to find anything else wrong, but unable to stop looking. My front was covered in space feathers as well. it looks like a window into space I though as I stared intently at my chest.

As I watched, a shooting star shot across my feathers. Too frozen with disbelief to react, I tracked the star across my body. Across my chest and down my wing. I opened my wing to watch as the trail of space dust reached the tip of my wing and came back up the underside. Wing? looking even further down my body revealed pitch black talons with wickedly sharp nails.

A pine cone landed on the leaf cover ground next to me. Startled, I took note of my surroundings. I was in a dark forest filled with giant trees. No, not giant. Normal sized. I’m just small. Moonlight shown through the canopy in silvery streams that barely lit up the ground. Yet I could see fine.

My wings ruffled in agitation. I glanced at them before looking back up into the trees. I swore I saw someth- There! A flash of green drew my attention. I narrowed my eyes at the spot I saw it. Suddenly two green dots appeared in front of me. Just floating there. What is tha-? Teeth filled my Vision as something leapt from the trees. “KEEEEEEEEEAR!!!” I shrieked in surprise. Luckily, the wooden wolf in front of me surprised me more than the sound that escaped my beak. The wooden beast snarled at me from where it landed. “Tseee!!” I tried to yell in fear. However, all I got was bird noises. The wolf lunged once more and I cowered on the ground. All I could focus on were the giant teeth headed my way. The needle sharp, saliva dripping maw coming to consume me. And coming. And coming. And.....im not dead? Hearing whimpering I looked out from under my wing. All I saw was the tail of the beast running into the woods. ‘HAH!! Yeah, get outta here!!’ Was what I tried to yell at it. Instead what came out was “KEEEEAR!!!”

As the Adrenaline left my body my head sagged. It slowly drifted down to look at my chest. “KEEEEEEAR” I shrieked yet again. Instead of space feathers I was greeted by rows upon rows upon rows of teeth fading into a dark abyss. I threw my head under my wing only to see a hateful glowing green eye. That was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

Waking up for the second time was better than the first. Firstly, it was morning. The forest was much less unsettling in the day. Secondly, I could think clearer. Any doubt of this being real was removed. And my mind was putting together pieces I didn’t even know existed. That was a Timber Wolf last night! But those aren’t real. I must be dreaming but I’m not. The only explanation is too insane to accept. Deciding to focus on something else, I tried to replicate what I did last night. Somehow I had scared off that Timberwolf. And by gosh I needed every strength I could get right now. So I walked in a random direction while staring at my wings.

Hours past as I tried to change even a single death on my wings. To be honest, it was frustrating. To the point I was seeing red. Come on!! Just change ONE feather!! ONE!!!! Some bushes nearby rustled. I immediately thought of another timberwolf lying in wait. Panic flashed through me. Dont see me!! Please! Why can’t I be something more subtle than a giant space hawk!? The bushes rustled more. And a rabbit jumped out. It looked around for a second before running off. Feeling like an idiot, I continued walking. Only to stop when I looked at my wings. They were wooden. Or they looked wooden anyways. In fact, the space theme I had going was replaced completely by tree bark. The feathers faded back to normal as I watched them intently. Once they where normal again I looked at a single feather and thought hard about the color blue. Amazingly it changed. One bright blue feather in the middle of space. All the hours of shouting magic words when the technique had been much simpler.

My stomach growled all of a sudden. And I stared in the direction the rabbit ran in. I was hungry. And as much as I hated to admit it, that rabbit looked delicious. I focused on my feathers and they all changed. Starting at the base of each feather and working up to the tips. I was wooden once again. I quickly left after the rabbit.

I saw my target. Mere feet away. I slowly crept up on it as it nibbled on grass. It didn’t notice me as I got right behind it. Once close enough I lunged forward and sank my sharp beak into the rabbits neck. It didn’t even know what hit it. I stared down at my kill before leaning down to eat it, only to stop when I noticed something odd. The rabbit had frostbite where the bite mark was. Did I do that? The skin around the bite was black, but everywhere else was fine. I hesitantly took a bite of the black spot. It was very cold, but it didn’t seem to bother me in the slightest. It tasted fine. Diving in, I gorged myself. I noticed that it didn’t turn black when I bit it anymore. Maybe it’s only when I try to hurt something?

The bushes nearby rustled and I camouflaged myself without a second thought. I stood still waiting to see what came out. There wasn’t much of the rabbit left, but I didn’t want to abandon it for nothing. To my surprise, a little.......pony came out. My heart dropped at the sight. Well. That just confirms it. I’m in equestria. What struck me as odd was the fact that this pony had a horn and wings. And was smaller than me by a good bit. How big am I? I wondered. This was obviously a filly. And it looked familiar. I just couldn’t put my....talon on it. Why did it look so famil-Woona? That was baby Luna!!