• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,994 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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We tried to walk as far as we could through the forest, but eventually we had to rest. With the ever present ‘twitchy shadows’ no one was going to sleep. But at least we could all sit down around the fire for awhile. Well, if we HAD a fire. That’s what we were currently working on. “There! That should be plenty of wood for a fire! Light it up Swirly!” Stone Slab told Starswirl.

“If you ever call me ‘Swirly’ again....I don’t know what I’ll do but you won’t like it.” Swirl tiredly spoke back. With a strained face, and a few seconds of effort, a spark jumped from Swirl’s horn and lit the pile of wood. The logs and twigs quickly caught fire and lit the area.

With the immediate area lit up our group relaxed a little. Just a little. “So, do you have any idea what those things are out there?” Healing asked Starswirl.

“Irritating.” Bullseye stated flatly.

“No, I don’t. Why do you think I would know?” Swirl asked.

“Well, you just seem well traveled. And you know some things other unicorns don’t, like that spell you saved us with.” Healing answered. “And I’m just trying to start a conversation. It would be much less stressful if we were talking.”

“Chirp!” I agreed. I was extremely stressed right now.

“Ooh Ooh! Could we play a game!?” Luna asked adorably. Meanwhile Bullseye was chucking random sticks and stones into the woods. This stopped when a stone came back out and hit him in the head.

“Hey!!” He yelled, grabbing our attention. “Your gunna pay for that!” He picked up a random object around him, which happened to be a apple, and threw it into the woods. It seemed to disintegrate as it touched the darkness. Bullseye quickly sat down and scooted away from the shadows. “Yeah! I’ll teach you that lesson later!! Just wait!”

“Hey! That looks fun!” Luna picked up a berry from a bush, and threw it into the woods. Again it disintegrated as it touched the shadows. It’s like that one Doctor Who episode. I pondered the similarities for a minute before Swirl brought me from my thoughts.

“Luna! Stop! We don’t know what’s out there. We don’t want to antagonize it.” Swirl grabbed the berries from Luna and brought them to the fire. “Besides, we can eat these for dinner.”

“Ok, fine.” Luna huffed. “I wanna play a game though.”

“What do you want to play Luna?” Celestia asked.

“I don’t know......Ooh! Maybe Night knows a game!” Luna pointed at me. Swirl hid a laugh and looked at me.

“Well Night? Do you know any games?” Swirl chuckled at me. I know lotsof games. I just don’t have anything to play them on. It would be nice if I had my PlayStation. Or IPad. Hey! Maybe I can make a game with these! I looked at my feathers. Of course I can. Magic can do anything! It probably couldn’t actually do anything. But a man bird thing can dream!

“Caw!” I announced at Swirl.

“Here! I brought parchment for a reason you know. For you to write on.” Swirl pulled some paper from his saddle bag and tossed it to me. I caught it in my magic and pulled out a feather. I looked expectantly at Swirl and he sighed before tossing me an inkwell. Thank you. ‘As a matter of fact, I do know a few games.’ Now I just needed to think of one to play on feathers. Maybe spot the difference? A jigsaw puzzle? No, I’m to tired for that right now. I haven’t had thatmuch practice. “Well? What games do giant birds play?” Swirl asked with a hint of actual curiosity. I grabbed the parchment and wrote ‘Spot the difference.’ I opened my wings and laid back. On both wings I made an identical image of an underwater scene. I put some fish in and a few old looking wrecks. But of course, each picture had a few small things different in it.

“That’s sounds fun!” Luna rushed up and stepped on my wing to get a closer look. I winced and Celestia pulled her off.

“Hmmm. This could be interesting. Let’s try to find everything Luna.” Celestia sat down by my head and looked at my wings. Luna sat down beside her And scrunched her face in concentration. “There! This picture has a small blue dish at the bottom. The other one doesn’t.”

“Wow! Your good Tia!” Luna exclaimed. I made the fish flash before it faded out of the picture. “Hmmm. There! That ship wreck has two......things. The other one only has one!”

“That’s a mast Luna. It holds the sail.” Explained Celestia. I made the extra mast flash before fading away. While Luna and Celestia played the game, I grabbed the bag Silver had given me earlier. What secrets do you hold? I opened the bag and levitated the contents out. My eyes widened at the beautiful wing blades that slipped out. Woah! They were a silvery blue color, and they looked sharp enough to split a hair. The blades were segmented where they covered the alula so it could still move, and they only went from the elbow out. “Wow! Did you make those Silver!?” Celestia turned to look at Silver, who nodded shyly. Luna was looking at her reflection in one of the blades while I put on the other one. It slid over my wing snugly and wrapped around the bones slightly so it didn’t fall off.

“Aaaah. That was fun!” Luna said as I took the other blade and put it on as well. They both fit perfectly and I looked over at Silver with a thankful look in my eyes. ‘Thank you.’ I wrote on the paper. I wonder... I concentrated on what I wanted and the blades shimmered for a second. When the shimmering stopped, the blades showed Starswirl by the fire. “Hey!! That’s Starswirl! How’d he get in there!?”

“Hmmm. So that’s what Heavy was yelling about. That is really something.” Swirl said as he looked at me from his spot by the fire. “Even more interesting is the fact I can’t feel myself being scried. Everyone working for the Unicorn University was trained in Scy detection.”

“You can’t detect it Starswirl? But your the most powerful wizard ever!” Celestia said is disbelief.

“Hah!!” Swirl laughed. “I am by no means the most powerful wizard. Nor am I close to being the most powerful. The unicorns who raised the sun and moon? Now they were powerful. And there are other unicorns not as powerful as them, but still more so than me.”

“Then how do you do all of your amazing spells!? You must be powerful to make all these new ways to use magic!”

“Because, the powerful unicorns who had high positions in the university were stupid. They saw no need to make new magic. They were powerful with the spells they had, so why make more. They saw no need for improvement.” Swirl looked into the fire. “I had the honor of working with some of the elder magicians. Nothing serious, just organizing papers, helping with formulas. I tried many times to tell them there were other ways to use magic. But I was not at their level of strength, so I knew nothing. Or so they thought. So I tried to show them a new spell I made.” Swirl looked saddened for a moment. “They got rid of me after that. So I left the unicorn capital and set out to explore the world. And make new spells along the way.”

“I’m sorry.” Celestia said.

“It is not your fault. It is mine for thinking everyone wants to learn new things.”

“Well, they weren’t smart!” Luna shouted “They lost the best wizard ever!”

“Uh, guys?” Bullseye said. “I may or may not have hit something and made it angry.” We all looked over to see the darkness slowly closing in. The camp fire stopped producing light even though it was still lit. Kind of like in the hobbit, when Gandalf gets mad in Bilbo’s house and the lights dim. Except more terrifying because it was actually happening.

“What did you do!?” Swirl yelled.

“Uuuuh. Throw a large rock at a snapping twig?” Bullseye looked guilty. “I panicked ok!?”

“I’m not comfortable with how close it is!!” Lavender yelled. Suddenly the darkness surged forward and the others all screamed. I was thrown to the ground by something and landed on my back. A dark silhouette stood over me. It seemed to open its mouth before throwing its head forward to bite my neck. Or it would have if a tendril of shadow didn’t slap it across the face.

“No!” Luna yelled as she slapped it again. “I’m not losing my friend again!” She slapped it again as it seemed to be stunned. The slap seemed to bring it back to reality and it made several high pitch squeaking sounds before it flew off, with the sound of others leaving as well. As soon as their wing beats disappeared the area around the fire lit up again like someone flipped a switch.

“What was that!?” Stone slab asked loudly. ‘I’m done with this forest.’ I wrote on the paper.

“I with you there.” Healing responded.

“I do not know. But as soon as the sun rises we are leaving.” Swirl stated. This is gunna be a long night.

Author's Note: https://m.

Watch this to clear up any confusion about where the wing blades cover. So! How was this chapter? I had to write this one down, it was killing me. Also, would anyone be interested in drawing me a picture of Nightwing diving at a timber wolf? That would be awesome!