• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,992 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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The crowd screamed as Celestia stared at the ax buried in her shield. Even Celestia seemed surprised at how close the ax was to her face. It had stopped only a few inches away, with most of one side being completely inside the shield. "Luna! Stop this madness at once!" Celestia dropped her shield as the crowd started to calm down. The battle ax hit the wood stage and sunk in the boards with a smooth SHING.

"Move sister. This cur took everything from me! Now step aside while I take his life." Luna picked up her ax once more.

"You're scaring ponies, Luna!" The crowd had once more began screaming. I hovered above Luna, waiting to see if I needed to intervene. "What are you doing?! Having a public execution like this! Have you gone mad?!" Celestia had to raise a shield once more as Luna swung the ax at her.

"He needs to be punished! Would you rather I let him go free!?" Luna pulled back her ax and hit the shield around Celestia and the assassin again. "I thought he had escaped once! I had to search through every dream in the city to find him, and I won't let him escape this time!" I flinched back at that, memories of the nightmares from the previous night coming back to me. The crowd also reacted as they heard this, some running and locking themselves in nearby buildings.

Celestia's shield pulsed as it blocked another swing of the ax. Ok, that's enough of the ax swinging. I swooped down and grabbed the ax in my talons. I felt a mild resistance as I pulled it away, but I seemed to have surprised Luna enough to make her release it. I grabbed it in my telekinesis as I landed beside Celestia. I glanced at the assassin for a moment and I clenched my claws in anger. Shaking my head, I turned back to Luna.

'Luna, he didn't take everything from you. You still have your daughter to take care of.' I glanced at Celestia's slightly cracked shield. ‘You’re acting irrationally. Now come back into the castle, and I will take care of this pony.’ I glared at the dazed pony being held by a blue aura. ‘Trust me. He won’t escape this time.’ Luna looked unsure for a moment before huffing.

“Very well. But if I find out he escaped, I will hold you responsible Captain Night Wing.” Luna’s face turned serious as she stalked in the entrance to the castle. Ouch. I’ve gone from brother, to Captain. My head shook in disappointment as the assassin hit the ground with a thud. Apparently Luna didn’t want to hold him anymore. The now unconscious pony floated up in my magic and I carried him into the castle. Celestia fell in step beside me.

‘Are you ok Celestia?’ My eyes checked her for any wounds.

“I’m fine. Physically anyways. I’m worried about Luna though. I understand her anger, but she has to control it better than this. I’m afraid she will lose control and hurt someone.” We heard a quiet crying as we approached a meeting room. “It seems Luna has met up with Midnight’s family. You take this cretin to the prison while I comfort them.” Celestia split off from my path and entered the side room. I saw Luna hugging some of Midnight’s family as they cried together. Even Saphire seemed to be effected by the mood. Her normally happy expression was gone as she rested in her crib.

The empty halls echoed the clicking of my claws on the marble flooring, and soon another set joined mine. I looked to the side as Crimson Claw walked with me. Neither of us said anything as we descended into the currently empty prison. The few torches provided little light under the castle, and I had to fight from slipping on the damp stone stairs. The first few cells got passed up as we went further in. When we had reached the last cell I casually tossed him in and slammed the door. Crimson and I both stood there for awhile and just stared at the pony laying in the floor.

“He was young.” Crimson stated quietly. It wasn’t sad or angry. Just a statement. “I know you didn’t want this to happen Night. And I know the same of Celestia and Luna.” He turned to look at me as a groan came from the cell. “But it happened. My brother is dead and now I am king. For the safety of my people, I am cutting off the major trades. Griffins will still be allowed to come and go, but I don’t want many in Equestria right now.” He looked back into the cell as the pony stood up slowly. “I can’t risk anymore being killed. Maybe in a few years, we can talk about reaffirming our alliance and trades. But not right now.” Crimson reaches into the cell and grabbed the prisoner’s neck with his claw. He had a conflicted look in his eyes as the pony choked, before he pulled the pony into the bars with a CLANG. The pony fell back in an unconscious heap. “He’s yours to punish.” Crimson turned and walked away while I just stared at the pony, thinking deeply.

“Chirp.” I grabbed Crimson’s attention before he left. ‘How were you so sure none of us had any ill will toward Midnight? I know I acted pretty angry around him when he first started dating Luna.’ Crimson simply looked at me for a moment before answering.

“You're not the only one with bugs planted everywhere. Though, if you didn’t realize that, then yours aren’t working.” Crimson turned back around and left the room. I thought of the implications of what he said, and my talons curled up in anger. Lytra should have known about this. Her job was to sneak around and find these kinds of things. It seemed I had a Queen to hunt down.

Author's Note:

This was a short chapter, just to help set the stage for future events. Sorry for how short it is, but my brain isn’t working and this is the best I could write at the moment.

Also, This story has a Discord now!