• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,988 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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The ponies of the town gathered around our group below as more and more of the town heard about what was happening. Luna hid behind Celestia, who had a worried look on her face, and Starswirl made a flickering dome around them. He had a terrified look on his face as the crowd pressed closer. And with the shield up he couldn’t teleport out. “BE QUIEEEEEET!!” Shouted Bullseye from below. I watched from above, ready to dive in at a moments notice. Though I had a feeling the town ponies wouldn't hurt them. “Now ah know your all excited!” Bullseye continued. “But we’ve been through a rough spot recently! So we wouldn’t mind if you would all kindly back off for a while! Just long enough for us to get some rest at an inn!”

“You can stay at my inn for free!!”

“I’ll pay you to stay at my inn!!!” The ponies all began offering free accommodations to the group, excitedly pestering them. With a grimace Starswirl’s shield fell down. The ponies began to press closer and Luna got a scared look on her face. Stone Slab and Bullseye got worried looks, along with the rest of the ones not being mobbed. As the crowd grew a little too close a few tears came to Luna’s eyes. Thats enough of that.

“KEEEEEEEEAR!” I dropped like a bullet, opening my wings at the last moment, and landed with a wave of air beside the sisters. “CAAAAW!!” I spread my wings around them and glared at the ponies.

“Oh yeah! He’s with us to!!” Bullseye said, looking relieved. The locals looked between me, the sisters under my wings, and Starswirl. Swirl let out a tired sigh.

“We’ll stay with whoever will take us.” Swirl announced. All the hooves raised into the air. “All, of us.” Most of the hooves went down. Most ponies didn’t have the space for that many guest. “Including him.” Swirl pointed at me. At this only one hoof remained. Yes yes, let’s all exile the giant hawk. I thought wryly. I was a little insulted, but not enough to care. Swirl went up to the pony with their hoof up. The crowd parted as he walked through it, a couple even bowed. “What’s your name?” He asked the mare.

“Tidy house!” She practically yelled. She slapped her hooves over her mouth. “Sorry. I’m just excited.” Starswirl had a look of irritation and slight relief as he looked around at the crowd.

“Yes, well. We have had a.....long trip. Could you please take us to where we can rest? We can discuss payment letter.” Swirl told the mare. She paled slightly at the mention of payment, but nodded and started walking through the town excitedly. The crowd parted to let us through, though I saw one or two cautious looks sent my way. The crowd around us murmured quietly as we passed and it slowly began to disperse. By the time we reached the little two story building, we only had a few ponies still following us. And they left when we went through the doors. I was holding Luna under my wing while Celestia stuck close to Starswirl. Everyone except for Tidy seemed to relax when we got inside.

“That was....interesting.” Misty looked around the main room. She went to land but winced when her foot touched the ground. “Hey uh, Tidy.” She looked over at the earth pony. “Would you happen to know where I could find a doctor? My leg is pretty messed up.” Tidy gasped when she saw her leg.

“Oh, you poor thing! What happened?” She ran up to Misty and started cradling her leg. Much to Misty’s discomfort.

“Uh, Timberwolf. Sooooooo where is the doctor?” She forcefully pulled her leg out of Tidy’s grip.

“Just down the road, it’s the building with the scalpel on the sign.”

“Thanks, and uh. Would you know where the blacksmith is too?” Misty asked.

“At the end of the same road.” With that, Misty flew out the door and went to get her leg healed. Now, if you will all follow me, I will show you to your rooms!” She happily pranced down a hallway forcing us to hurry after her. She stopped in front of a door near the end of the hallway. “You two love birds can stay here.” She pointed at Bullseye and Stone Slab.

“What!? No, we’re not-!” Stone Slab started, while Bullseye just made a fish impression. Tidy moved to the door right across from it.

“You and your daughters are welcome to this room!” She told Starswirl.

“Thank you. We appreciate this very much.” Swirl thanked her. The sisters smiled at her as well before they went into the room to rest. The mare looks at me nervously and led me to the last room.

“The only room big enough left is this one.” She stood by the plain white door. I reached out a talon to open it, but I stopped when she flinched. Instead I tried to use my telekinesis to open it. After a moment of concentration a black aura appeared around the handle. Giving it a twist, the door swung inwards to reveal a standard hotel room....for this time period. No plumbing and all that. Still had a bathroom, sink, and bedroom/living room. The mare looked around the hall for a minute before looking back at me. “Did you open the door?”

“Chirp.” I nodded my head. Her eyes got a little wider for a moment before she remembered something.

“Oh! Right. You’ll have to share this room with that pegasus from earlier. This is the only room I have left at the moment. Some ponies came into town yesterday and are using the other rooms.” Yay.... I didn’t really mind. I would most likely be gone for a few hours anyway. I was getting hungry.

“Chirp!” I bowed my head at her in thanks. She quickly, and excitedly, walked away to the front desk. I looked at the room then shook my head and closed the door. I would rest later. I wasn’t really tired. I went down the hall and to the front room. Nodding to Tidy on the way out, I opened the front door and took off into the sky. Soaring away from the town was hard to do without attracting attention. Ponies below looked up as I flew by. I focused for a moment and my feathers appeared to burst into fire. I smirked as I heard several gasp from below. I am fire. I am death. I joked with myself.

Soon enough the town disappeared and was replaced by forest. Keeping an eye out, I searched for anything to eat. It’s been awhile since I last ate. Or slept. Pondering over my situation, I spotted something small moving through the woods below. I looked closer to see a white bunny running through the woods. I swooped down towards him as quietly as I could. Which was apparently pretty quiet. “KEEEEEEAAR!!!” I cried as I sunk my talons into it, blackening the flesh with frostbite. Sinking my beak into the dead animal was like a knife through hot butter. It tasted just as good as the last rabbit I ate. Some part of me was a little disturbed by eating raw rabbits. But it was quickly shoved aside. The red meat tasted amazing and I made short work of it. Leaving the pile on bones where they were for some animal to find, I took off. I flew back towards town until I noticed I had some blood on my beak. Diving down into a passing river quickly solved that problem. I resumed my journey back to the inn and spotted Misty going through town. She was heading to a building that was spewing smoke from a large chimney. Must be the blacksmith. I’d like to see that actually. Deciding to take a small detour, I headed down to meet up with Misty. She jumped a little as I landed beside her.

“Jeez! Fly a little louder would you? I’m gunna have a heart attack.” Misty scolded me. I smiled and just pointed at her leg. “Oh yeah, the doctor fixed it up! Good as new! The unicorns have one thing going for them, and that’s magic. It has its uses.”

“Chirp?” I pointed at the blacksmith.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind some company. I’m just going to get my blades repaired.” She opens her wing and showed her broken wing blades underneath. “Yeah, they took a beating. But they’ve been with me forever. So I’m not getting new ones till I destroy these.” She smiled at the blades. She must really like those blades.

We walked up to the entrance of the blacksmith. Loud bangs and clangs came from inside. The banging was followed by a loud hissing. Like water getting put on a fire. Misty knocked on the door and a voice yelled out. “Just a minute! I’ll be right there.” A moment later a large earth pony opened the door. He narrowed his eyes at Misty, and narrowed them even more when he saw me. “What do you want?”

“Well you see. I was hoping to get my wingblades fixed-.”


“What?” Misty got an angry look on her face.

“I said no. I ain’t fixing no blades for a pegasi and her weird pet. Now get going.” He said before slamming the door. PET!? Oh come on! Where has this guy been the last few hours? I walked up to the door, raised a talon and beat the door half to death. The same earth pony opened the door. “Now I’ve done said no!! Take your business else where!” I glared at him and levitated the wings blades over to me. “No.” He looked at Misty. “Now get your freaky bird away from here. Before I call the guard.”

“Oh come on!!” Misty was furious. “At least let us talk!!”

“I’m not fixing anything for a pegasus. Not ever.” The earth pony stated. Misty got a contemplative look on her face.

“What if we just used your forge? You wouldn’t have to do anything.” Misty asked. The earth pony thought about it.

“I don’t see why not. Good luck finding someone to work it though. I’m the only pony in town who knows how.” He smirked. “Now go on! Unless you find someone to work the forge your not allowed in here!” He promptly slammed the door.

“Great. How are we going to find someone to work the forge.” Misty looked around irritated.

“Chirp.” I pointed towards the inn. From what I remembered Silver Anvil was a blacksmith.

“Your right! Silver! I’m sorry for all the times I called you a feather brain in my head!” She took off towards the hotel. Im not sure whether to be insulted or not.

An hour later saw us knocking at the door again. “Now Look here. I said don’t come back till you found a smith!”

“We did! This here is Silver Anvil. He was a smith back at my town!” Misty introduced Silver. Silver waved shyly at the big stallion.

“All right, fine. I suppose a deals a deal.” He visibly deflated. “It’d probably be quicker to just let you get it over with. Darn stubborn pegasi.” He moved aside and let us into the building. “But if you leave a mess, or break my tools, I’m billing you! With that he walked off to sit and grumble behind the main counter. We continued into the back of the shop where the big forge was.

“Here’s my blades Silver. Take care of them.” Misty gave her wing blades to Silver. A smile came onto his face as he took them in his magic. At the same time, half the tools lit up with his magic and the forge burst to life. He stuck the blades into the fire for awhile before pulling them out red hot. Tools began to fly around the room as he looked through them and chose which ones he would need. Something tells me this is going to be interesting.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter took so long. I was sick, and distracted. Also, can anyone give more bird noises than cow, Chirp, and KEEEEEAR. It gets a little old. I would prefer predatory bird noises. Was the chapter good?