• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,992 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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The Question

Night Wing

The doors flew open under a layer of black energy, allowing Midnight to enter the large castle entrance. He, along with his guards, walked in proudly. “Greeting Night Wing! How have you fared this past week?”

‘Good, and you?’ We met in the middle of the room and stopped in front of the other. Midnight was wearing an expensive looking black silk cape, with red trim. ‘I see you have a fancy new outfit.’

“Of course! This occasion is momentous!” Midnights eyes flickered over to my left and I turned to see Luna enter the room. She was wearing a dress I hadn’t seen before, black with small amounts of glitter that resembled stars. It trailed the floor slightly as she walked up to the young prince.

“I’m so happy you’re finally here!” She exclaimed loudly while hugging Midnight.

‘Ok ok!’ I jumped between them and forced them apart. This had the strange side effect of making everyone look at me strangely. ‘We....need to go eat dinner. The cooks have worked hard on the meal and I haven’t eaten all day.’ I spun around and headed toward the dining room. Midnight and Luna quickly followed, though I made sure to position myself between him and her on the way there. Celestia joined us halfway to our destination, a large smile on her face.

“Ah Prince Midnight! So you have arrived at last! Luna has been very excited for your arrival in the castle.” Luna blushed slightly at her sisters comment. “How is your kingdom doing?”

“It is well, and I see yours is growing steadily. You must be proud.” He smiled at Celestia as I opened the dining room doors ahead of us. I sat beside Luna where I usually do, and Celestia across from her. As we settled into our seats I realized something. Midnight would be sitting across from me for the whole of dinner. Wonderful. He sat down across from me, entirely too happy, and the chefs brought out silver platters with lids covering the food. Celestia and Luna’s were opened to reveal salads as usual. Mine revealed a steaming piece of manticore, and Midnights was something I ordered specially for him. He opened his lid to show a large turkey on the plate in front of him. I saw Celestia give me a hidden glare from across the table. I snickered to myself as she sat there, not moving. Too far away for you to kick me this time. Then I felt a large metal plate slam into my leg. I suppressed a grimace as I noticed her glare turn into a smug grin. Oh you are so getting it later.

“What a fine meal.” Midnight ripped off a leg of the turkey and shoved it in his beak. “Tell your chefs their cooking is marvelous!” He complemented after swallowing. How dense is he...... I resisted the urge to slam my head on the table.

After eating we went to the ball room that had been decorated for the princes arrival. A few nobles were already here and there, a few dancing to the violins playing in the corner. “May I?” Midnight bowed before Luna and extended his claw to her.

“Of course.” She giggled. She grabbed his claw and they walked off into the small crowd, spinning into a slow dance. I think I scraped a few grooves in the marble floor.

“Now Night, calm down.” Celestia leaned up against me. “You seem so disturbed by Luna changing like she is. It’s just a part of growing up. And she seems intent on growing up with him.” She spoke softly, so no one around would hear.

‘I know, but I don’t have to like it.’ She frowned as I took off and landed in the rafters, watching over everyone in the room. Suddenly a commotion started in the middle of the room. My claws dug into the wooden rafters as Midnight kneeled before Luna. He pulled out an obsidian box with diamonds around the lid. I heard him clearly, even across the room.

“Luna. Will you marry me.” Luna looked between the ring and his face, tears in her eyes.

“Yes.” She knocked him onto the ground as she hugged him. “Yes!” She happily shouted.

The rafters turned icy under me as they stood once more and began dancing. The nobles all gave them room as they danced in a circle, Luna’s head leaned on his shoulder, growing warmer with every circle they completed. And with every circle I felt my little Luna slipping away. Thats why I'm angry. The ice thawed as I realized this. I don’t want to lose her. But I can’t keep her forever. I looked closely at Luna’s face. She was so happy, tears were in her eyes and a smile on her face. She had finally found love after waiting for so long.

I saw the same when I looked at Midnight’s face. He looked just as happy. He leaned his head over on top of Luna’s as they danced, and closed his eyes with a smile. I can’t hide her away forever. You have my best wishes. I flew out the nearest window and went to the forest to clear my head. My guards could handle it from this point on. I needed to clear my head, get some fresh air. Maybe kill something big.....really big. Well there is the hydra that’s been causing problems near that small border town. I adjusted my course slightly and headed to my new hunting grounds.

Rich Soil

I stood off to the side of the party, I couldn’t partake in this mess. I had worked long and hard for my position as a noble, farming and providing food for my fellow ponies. Over time I had stored away enough money to get a seat in the farming counsel, even though some didn’t agree with it. From there I worked my way up to being a noble. It was bad enough I had to share my noble status with stuckup unicorns and headstrong Pegasi. And now? Now a Griffin was marrying one of the Princesses! This was a reason to riot! Not party! Yet everypony else seemed content to dance away the problem at hand. It was bad enough she had a mutant bird as a captain of the guard. Now she was marrying one?

This is ridiculous. The princess would never marry such a distasteful species. Unless..... That was it, he must have been threatening the kingdom into marriage! All I had to do was expose this threat to the public, then the princess would be free again. You won’t get away with this. I know what you’re doing. I smirked as I walked into the shadows. I had plans to make.

Night Wing

“KEEEAR!!” My shriek cut through the air as I dove at the third head of the hydra. The other two were currently tied in a knot and laying on the ground. The head bit at me as I flew past and I swerved to avoid the large teeth. Racing down its neck, just over the surface, I let down my claws.


The hydra bellowed as It’s neck split open. Acidic green blood poured down onto the earth, sizzling as it mixed with the mud. As I turned around, the flesh began to close up. I don’t think so buddy. “CAAAW!” I dove in and lit my claws with blue fire as they sunk into it’s neck. This fire didn’t burn it, it froze the flesh.

“RAAAAAEEEEEEEEEE!!” It thrashed it’s necks as the one I was on became stiffer and stiffer. “REEEEeeeee!!” The Head I was on gave one last cry before falling limp and silent. The only thing holding it up was the frozen neck. I quickly solved this by sending a pulse of magic through my feet and shattering the neck. The rock hard flesh fell onto the other two heads and crushed them. The muscles below me spasmed repeatedly before relaxing in death.

I tiredly lay down on top of the massive beast, taking a bite of the meat to regain some strength. The sun was just starting to rise above the horizon, and birds were starting to sing in the distance. I should probably head back. I looked down at the dead hydra beneath me, then in the direction of the castle. I lay down and relaxed as I took another bite from the flesh I was laying on.

Author's Note:

So, Luna has found love, and some ponies don’t like that. Can’t please everyone I suppose. How was it? Things are getting to the exciting point, I know there hasn’t been much action in the past few chapters. We are getting there. Also, I realize my chapters have been short. I am trying to fix that. This one is a little longer, I’m working my way back up to 2k!