• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,992 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

  • ...

True Love

Three Months Later

I opened the door that morning expecting to have a cheerful happy day. I forgot I lived with two young Princesses. As I stepped out of my room and into the hall, the door slammed into my face. I staggered back as I heard the sound of giggling pass my door and continue down the hall. I steadied myself just in time to see a blue leg disappear around the corner. Oh boy. Do I even want to know? I shook my head and followed the leg around the corner. Every time I turned a corner I would see a leg disappear down another hall. I followed it all the way to the throne room, where a happy Luna was prancing in place.

“Oh I'm so excited Celestia! He’ll be here any minute!” Luna happily shouted. He? I instantly lost what good mood I had left.

“Caw!” I called out just as Celestia opened her mouth. ‘And who is this he you speak of?’ I narrowed my eyes at Luna, which she either didn’t notice or ignored.

“Welllllll!” She giggled....Luna never giggles. That’s Celestia's job. I was liking this he less and less by the minute. “You’ve met him before!” She smiled at me. I looked back at her with narrowed eyes. A guard dropped his spear on the other side of the room. We all looked at him as he tried to grab it. Every time he reached to grab it he just kicked it farther away. I would have laughed had the situation been any different.

When he finally grabbed it he ran back to his post with a blush in his face. He tried to act like nothing happened, but when he saw all of us looking he looked down at the floor in shame. I looked back to Luna only to find her gone. So I looked at Celestia instead. ‘Who is this ‘he’ Luna speaks of?’ I asked her. She just sighed and shook her head at me.

“You have to let her love Night. You can’t protect her forever.” She looked towards the door as a trumpet sounded outside. “Besides, ’he’ is already here. Please try to behave Night. This is important to Luna.” She looked down at me as the doors started to open. “Besides, you may like him once you get to know him.”

I turned around to see who had entered and my jaw dropped.

This is the most awkward breakfast I have ever had. Luna was sitting across from me as usual. Celestia was at the head of the table and Luna was to her left. Prince Midnight Glory sat to Luna’s left. Luna and Midnight were talking to each other about events in his kingdom and ours, Celestia was eating a salad, and I was eating a cooked chicken. The bone in the chicken leg snapped as I watched Midnight lean over and kiss Luna on the cheek. Said bone was pulverized when Luna blushed and giggled in response.

Celestia was calmly eating her salad, but I saw her glance at me when the bone snapped. ‘I don’t like him.’ I wrote so only she could see it. She hid a small smile as she continued eating. The guards, both pony and griffin, noticed me glaring at Midnight. He had brought his own guards of course, he was royalty as well. Although, if what I was hearing him tell Luna was correct, he was technically a king now. He had just finished the campaign against the former king a month ago.

The pony guards were nervously looking between me, the ice slowly overtaking my chair, and the griffin guards. The griffin guards were just glaring at me, daring me to do something to Midnight. I was tempted to take that dare.

“So! Night Wing! How has the world treated you since we last met?” Everyone except Celestia and Luna jumped as Midnight spoke to me. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

‘I have been well. And you?’ I curtly responded.

“I have been well. My kingdom is progressing nicely, though we have had to deal with a few small rebellions. They were, as I said, small and easy to deal with. Thankfully no injuries were obtained and all the conflicts were resolved peacefully.” He paused to look closely at me. “But, surely you have had something interesting happen while I was away.”

‘Not much really. A few minor scuffles with some forest animals, a stolen apple or piece of bread here and there.’ I paused to take a sip of drink. ‘I have also been hunting lately. I plucked a few careless chickens that I caught in areas they had no right to be in.’ The table jumped suddenly.

“What was that?” Midnight looked at the table.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I have developed a small muscle twitch in my leg.” Celestia looked down at her leg with a pained expression. “I fear all this running a kingdom has made me rather tense.” Midnight nodded in understanding.

“I do hope you feel better then. Perhaps take some time off?” He looked at Luna. “Luna is plenty smart enough to take over for a day or two.” He and Luna looked at each other lovingly.

“Thank you for the suggestion, I may consider it.” Celestia smiled as she continued to eat her food. I smiled as I tried to ignore the pain from Celestia kicking me. Hooves are hard.

The rest of the meal went on in relative silence, with only a few passing conversations between Midnight and Luna. I couldn’t wait for this day to be over.

I shadowed Luna and Midnight all day, making sure nothing happened between the two. All they did was walk around the town and talk to each other. Midnight bought Luna a present or two and opened doors for her. The ponies in town were not the happiest about a griffin, which they had never seen before, walking through the town. But being with a princess helped him with that. Eventually the two headed back to the castle as it turned to night. They made it back just as the sun disappeared below the horizon.

I flew up to my room and waited for them to come dow the hall. My room was in the same hall as Celestia's and Luna’s were. Soon I heard them approaching, and I listened through the door, ready to jump out if I needed to.

“Well, Midnight, This has been a wonderful day! Thank you so much for coming to visit!” Luna excitedly thanked him.

“It was no problem my sweet. I would do anything for you, you know that.” I could practically hear the love dripping of Midnight’s words. Any changelings nearby would be getting a feast if the love was real. I don’t trust him.

“My sister could take a lesson or two from you. She needs to take a vacation as well. We are not used to ruling yet, and I fear she is over stressing herself.” Luna sighed. “Enough of that though, it is time to retire for the night. My room is right here. If you wish we could stay up later and talk more.”

I tensed at that. He better not.....

“Luna-“ Midnight started. I threw open the door and opened my mouth to shriek at him. “-That would not be proper. We have only just met this year. I will not share a room with you until we are married, if we get that far.” He turned toward me and started walking down the hallway. “I will see you in the morning Luna! Have a good night!” He walked until he got to my door, where he saw me with my beak open, ready to screech. “Are you well Night?”

I simply shut my beak and nodded to him. I turned around and walked back into my room, shutting the door behind me. I heard him walk away as I went to me bed. I pulled the covers back and laid down, thinking about what had happened. “You know.” Celestia said from right beside me. “You could have just scryed them. I don't know why you were listening through the door.” The giant white horse that appeared suddenly in my bed scared me too much to be able too sleep that night.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait, people! I got distracted with stuff. How was this chapter?