• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,993 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

  • ...


Six Months Later

“-You don’t understand sister! And you never will! Just look at ho-!” The voices fade once more as I banged my head on the wall.

“How long have they been at it now?” Lotus asked as she sat upside down against the wall, her legs kicking back and forth up in the air as her head and shoulders rested on the floor. “Three and a half hours now?”

“Four.” Black Iron sat on the floor beside her, opting to sit normally. “Four hours.” He had bags under his eyes and his wings were loosely hanging from his sides.

“Your helmet hitting the wall in killing my head Night.” Moon Beam lay on the floor with her wings over her head. Apparently, she had a headache. I ignored her comment, continuing to lightly hit my helmeted head on the wall.

“Are you sure you’re alright sir?” Silver asked me for the umpteenth time.

‘Yes, I’m just.…thinking.’ I never stopped hitting my head on the wall. Something was gnawing at the back of my mind, just under the surface.

“I know your stressed out Night, but Luna and Celestia will stop arguing soon. They always do.” Lotus mumbled out.

“Be a little more sensitive Lotus, they’re his sisters.” Silver snapped back at her.

‘It’s not that. It’s something else, I just.....Gah! It’s right there in my mind! I can’t remember what it is though!’ I switched from hitting my head to pacing back and forth.

“-on’t understand!? I have the same problems as you Luna! You ju-“ Celestia’s voice broke through the nearby wall for a second.

“Ooooh, that wasn’t a good thing to say.” Iron winced as something wooden sounding shattered on the other side of the wall.

“You know, every once in a while I consider going in there to calm them down.” Lotus looked at the wall as another thump sounded in the hall. “Then something big hits the wall and I’m reminded of my own mortality.” Moon whimpered at all the banging and pulled her head further under her wings. Iron pulled his helmet over his head and tried to sleep. Lotus tossed her helmet in the air and caught it repeatedly, and Silver watched me pace up and down the hall.

‘It’s like I forgot something huge. I know it’s not good, but I’m just getting impressions and feelings of it. It feels terrifying, something to do with.....I don’t know!’ I dragged my wings down my face, trying to pull out the memory.

“-hy do I even listen to you any more! You don’t even pay attention to me! Ever! Maybe if you pulled yourself away from work to care for your family you wou-“ Luna shouted as several more things hit the wall. I was glad Sapphire was away from the city that day. She always hated when Luna and Celestia fought like that.

“Hey, who’s going to pay us if they kill each other?” Lotus asked randomly, making all of us stop and look at her. “What? It’s a basic job security question.”

“Would it kill you all to be quiet?” Moon asked, clearly in pain. Once more we fell into silence.

“-o wonder ponies don’t look up to you! You walk around town beating up stallions and come home covered in blood from killing monsters! I wouldn’t like you either if I didn’t know you!” Celestia yelled.

“Ouch. I felt that one, and she wasn’t even talking about me.” Iron commented quietly. Meanwhile, my head started to hurt. A growing pain started in the back of my head, there but not there at the same time. My eyes clenched shut as I tried to remember what was in the back of my mind. It was practically burning now, sitting just under the surface like hot coals under water.

‘Something. Something important. What is it!’ I leaned on the wall and started tapping the back of my head on the wall. This is going to kill me if I don’t remember it!

“-aybe I’ll just have to make them respect me then! If they won’t willingly love me, I’ll just have to for-” Luna yelled out, the sound dying behind the wall once more. My head was throbbing now.

‘It’s so close, right on the edge of my mind!’ I pushed harder trying to bring it just a little bit closer to the surface.

“It’s okay Night. I’m sure you’ll remember it soon.” Silver said as she moved to sit beside me. She yawned loudly and leaned back against the wall with me. I narrowed my eyes as the memory started breaking through.

‘Something about a Nightmare....’

BOOOM!! The wall blew apart behind me and Silver, throwing us across the hall and into the wall. Silver was knocked unconscious immediately but I scrambled back to my claws. Only to fall again as my head filled with things not there before. I tried to lift my head, but my eyes slowly slid shut as darkness consumed me.


I was gliding over the city, watching the streets for trouble. I had just got back from helping set up a new guard station in a new town not far away. Oh I can’t wait to get to bed. Maybe I’ll see mom before I do that, I’ll have to see if I’m too tired when I get there. My wings felt like lead, and trying to flap them was almost impossible. That is, until I saw the smoke rising from the castle. “Oh no.”

I rushed forward, pushing my wings faster. My head was already filling with bad thoughts as the smoke cloud got bigger. “Please be okay....”

Night Wing

“-ight, come on get up Night!” I heard Moon yelling in my ear. “Captain! You’re okay!” She gave me a small hug before backing off. “We have to hurry! The Princesses are trying to kill each other!” My half-awake mind heard ‘kill’ and ‘Princesses’ and snapped awake.

‘What!? What do you mean there trying to kill each other!?’ My eyes widened as I looked around, seeing the forest through the ruined walls. FWOOOOSH!! A giant gold beam cut through the roof ten feet away, collapsing the rest of the roof. I put a shield over me, Moon, and the still unconscious Silver, Lotus, and Iron. I quickly portaled Iron, Lotus, and Silver to the barracks as I took in the scene in the sky. Blue and yellow lights flashed high in the clouds, seeming to chase each other around in a deadly dance.

“What do we do!?” Moon panicked as my mind remembered things it had somehow forgotten.

‘Nightmare Moon.....’ How could I let this happen... How could I forget this!? Luna! Wha-This is all my faul-. Moon slapped me across the face.

“Ooooh I’m so getting fired for that.” She whispered to herself. “Captain! Focus, what do we do? The sisters are trying to kill each other and eventually one is going to succeed!”

‘Your right. Sorry, gather the guards and keep the local population safe. I’ll try to stop this nonsense.’ Without waiting for a response I took to the sky, rapidly gaining height. I threw up a shield to block a stray beam before continuing up. I broke through the clouds just in time to see Celestia hit Luna with a golden ball, throwing her beneath the clouds again. Celestia followed suit, and I dropped as well. I have to get to them before this gets out of hand!....More out of hand than it is anyways.

“SURRENDER SISTER!!” Celestia yelled out, brandishing her sword. My eyes were almost shut as I tried to catch up with my sisters, wind whistling by me.

“I WILL NEVER SURRENDER! YOU DIE TONIGHT!!” Luna screamed back. Through the misty clouds I could see her coat begin to take on a darker hue, and her voice started to change slightly. Luna stopped and swung her axe at Celestia only to have it blocked by her sword. They pushed against each other for a second before splitting away back into the clouds.

FWOOSH! A beam of dark blue pierced the clouds beside me as I tried to track where they were fighting. Flashes of gold lit the undersides of the clouds ahead, and I raced forward to stop my worst fears from happening. With a mighty CRACK a white body flew past me, a broken sword flying through the air with it. Oh god! I turned around to give chase just as a black blur shot past me making me spin out of control. Quickly regaining control, I saw said blur shoot a beam of pure black at Celestia. She seemed to recover just before it hit her and dodged the deadly ray. However, her wing was bent in half and the ground was coming up fast. I tried to catch up but could only watch helplessly as Celestia impacted the ground, sending up a cloud of dust. Luna followed just behind her, bellowing a war cry.

Dust and sand stung my eyes, blinding me completely. “KEEEAR!!” Letting out a short call, I began choking on the dust.

“STAY OUT OF THIS NIGHT!!” Luna shouted from somewhere to my right. There! I saw a flash of yellow amid the dust and rushed to meet it. The dust had started to settle back to the ground, exposing Luna holding Celestia down on the ground. Luna had her axe pressed to Celestia’s throat, a fang-filled grin spread across her face. “Finally, I have you. You’re going to pay for the years of pain sister.” Luna started to push down on the axe, blood leaking from Celestia’s neck as I stood there frozen. I unfroze when a gray blur hit Luna on the side, knocking her away. Luna and the blur tumbled for awhile before they stopped, Luna once more on top. Moon Beam struggled under her as Luna lifted the axe high above her head.

“Betrayed by yet another pony. What else did I expect?” Luna calmly said as she picked up Moon and tossed her beside Celestia. “Two for the price of one. That will make this much sweeter.” Luna’s grin came back and her horn started to glow. I was still frozen, watching in horror, unable to believe what was happening in front of me. Then black energy shot from her horn and time seemed to slow down. My eyes focused in on Celestia laying on the ground, blood leaking from her throat. No....

THUD! Celestia fell onto the ground beside me as my portal closed, the beam hit the ground, and I threw Luna into the forest all at the same time. The pressure wave I threw at Luna tore a line through the forest, downing trees for a good one hundred feet. Limbs creaked and cracked as Luna flew further still. But my attention was on Celestia. I spun around and pressed my wing to the wound, pumping healing magic into it. I sighed with relief as it closed up, and Celestia just sighed normally as her breathing was restored.

More trees started cracking dragging my attention back towards the woods. But my eyes stopped on the broken batpony laying in the dirt. ‘Moon!’ I ran over to Moon and checked to see if she was alive. I knew the answer before I even looked, but it still shocked me to see her chest completely still. No breath left her mouth, and the light was gone from her eyes. The huge hole in her side was obviously the cause of death, and the sad expression on her face shattered my heart.

“NIGHT WING!!” Luna screamed at me from the forest edge. “Don’t go against me! You don’t have to side with her!” She pointed at Celestia, who was just getting up. “You know ponies are afraid of you too Night! You and I can make them love us, make them respect us!”

‘Luna, don’t do this. Please just stop!’ I looked at her pleadingly. “Cooo.” I let a sad sound, trying to get to her. ‘This isn’t the way to fix things! Think about this!’

“I have thought about it! I’ve thought about it for YEARS!!” She screamed the last part. “YEARS Night! Years spent in the shadow of that hag!” She once again pointed at Celestia. Celestia was just standing there, trying to catch her breath. “Well no more. You’ll see Night! I’ll fix everything...” Then she lunged forward at Celestia.

“CAAAAW!” ‘Noo!’ I tried to block it, but something hit me in the back, severe pain shooting through me. Celestia threw up a shield at the last second, blocking the axe. And then they were gone again, lighting up the sky in a show of power. I turned my head around to see a wooden board imbedded in my back. Luna must have stabbed me with it to keep me from interfering anymore. I looked up at the sound of cracking to see one of the castle towers fall. Flashes of gold and dark blue shone from the windows of what was Starswirl’s old tower. The elements.

I knew what Celestia was going for. And I couldn’t let that happen. I tried to stand up, to crawl, anything to get me closer to stopping them. But blood loss was making my vision dark and my limbs heavy. ‘Please, don’t do this.’ My eyes widened as a bright white light began to shine in the shattered remains of the tower. ‘NOOOO!’ The stone bricks exploded outward as a rainbow pierced the heavens. I rolled over, not caring that the wooden board shoved further into me, and stared up at the moon. Slowly, craters began to appear on the surface. They took on the very familiar, but equally heartbreaking, shape of a unicorn head. Tears filled my eyes as I stared up at the moon, my vision fading completely as I bled out.

Silver Wing

I woke when I heard an explosion in the distance. “What was that!?” I shakily stood up from the bed I was on. How did I get here? I looked around the barracks, seeing Lotus and Iron laying not far away. “Iron! Get up!” I ran over to his bed and shook him. When he didn’t wake up I ran over to Lotus. “Get up Lotus!” Again, nothing happened. I backed away from the bed and ran to the doors, trying to walk straight as my vision faded in and out. “What....Oh I feel horrible.” I fought back the vomit rising in my throat and pushed open the doors. I stood frozen for a second as I took in the broken castle and the streaks of fire across the forest. What happened? Stumbling forward, I tripped over something soft. I rolled over to see a familiar face laying on the ground, motionless.

“Moon?” I crawled over to her, trying to get a reaction. “Moon, are you-“ My throat closed up when I saw the hole burned through her. “Moon!” I forced myself up just enough to fall towards her. “Oh no. No no no.” I rubbed my hoof over her face, hoping to detect any sign of life. My eyes started to drift closed as I fought off a major headache. Just before they closed, I saw a blurry figure land beside another lump on the ground not far away. It’s was a black hippogryph, one I easily recognized. “Sapphire.” I managed to whisper out before fading into unconsciousness.

Author's Note:


I'm not sure if I liked the way I ended this chapter or not. Tell me what you think in the comments. Fun fact, I was so so excited to start writing this chapter, that I almost slipped and killed myself in the shower.

Proofread by Kikataddell