• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,988 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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Author's Note:

Oh, I forgot to before, time skip ahead! This is mainly just a small slice of life chapter. Tell me how it was! Comments feed me!

Nine Months Later

Night Wing

I walked down the dock beside Luna as she leaned against me for support. “Thank you Night. I’m sorry I’m being such a burden on you and Tia.”

‘Oh Luna, you will never be a burden.’ I chuckled as I helped her up the ramp and into the large ship. ‘Easy now.’ I helped her onto the deck of the ship and started walking us to the rooms.

“Oh, I know. I just feel useless and.....” A few tears started trailing down her face.

‘Oh Luna. It’s ok. Shhhh.’ I hugged her close as I opened the door to her room. It was simple, just a bed and a small vanity. I picked her up in my levitation, being careful to avoid her stomach, and laid her down gently on the large bed. ‘No one thinks you’re a burden. If anything I’m happier that I get to take more care of you.’ I lay down beside her and hugged her in my wings. ‘You’ll always be my little sister.’ I looked down at her swollen stomach. ‘And soon I’ll have a little niece or nephew to spoil.’ Luna smiled at me.

“Night, we are ready to set sail.” Silver Wing stuck her head in the door. “The others are already on the ship and ready to go.”

‘Wonderful, tell the captain to set sail whenever he is ready.’ Silver retreated from the room, and I heard her walk away quickly. I unwrapped myself from Luna and stood up. ‘I’ll be back to check on you soon. I’m just going to oversee the boat launch.’ I left Luna with a smile on her face as she slowly rubbed her swollen stomach with a hoof. My face was split with a grin as I came onto the deck. The sun was high, with just a few clouds in the sky. A few birds circled high in the air, and pegasi were flying everywhere. The now huge docks outside Las Pegasus were busy as usual. Ships coming and going to Griffinstone, the capital of the griffin kingdom.

A few smaller ship were exploratory vessels, going out in search of new places, and maybe a few riches. I had rode along with one or two crews. We had found some interesting locations, one of which I asked they keep secret. I may have quietly bought the land with money from the royal treasury. Celestia had told me I was their brother, and technically ‘Prince’ Night Wing, so I had access to the treasury. I hadn’t ever used it until then. I was planning on building a house there and gifting it to the sisters as a small vacation home.

I nodded to the captain and he yelled for the sails to be lowered. As the sails unfurled the ship slowly accelerated from the dock and we began to rock more in the waves. The bright blue equestrian sails shone in the sun, and the Equestrian flag waved in the breeze. The flag was dark blue with the sun on one side and the moon on the other.

I looked over to see Black Iron flying around the ship with Moon and Lotus. I nodded to them as I went back to check on Luna. When I entered the room I didn’t see her on the bed. Worry started to creep in until I heard a familiar sound. A sigh escaped me as I entered the bathroom. I sat beside Luna as she emptied her stomach into the toilet.

The cliffs of the griffin empire loomed over our ship as we traveled down the coast. The port was in sight, busy as ever. Ships entered and left constantly, bringing food and supplies in and out. Now that griffins had started moving to Equestria the ships had started bringing meat across the sea. The unicorns helped enchant the crates so the food wouldn’t rot. Pegasi and griffins worked together to manage weather over the cities, and a few ponies even helped griffins hunt. Some magical creatures had rare parts useful for many things. Like shinewings, the evil crystal butterflies. The wings were used for starting fires, and weak heat enchantments on some tools.

As our ship drew closer to port several large ships pulled alongside us to escort us in. “Night! Good to see you again! How’s my sister!?” Crimson Claw yelled to me as he flew from one of the ships.

‘She is as well as she can be.’ I chuckled. ‘She was busy vomiting a few hours ago, so she is quite exhausted.’

“Yes, our hens go through the same thing.” He smiled at me as our ships entered to port. The other ships split off as we moved to dock. “How goes Equestria?”

‘It goes well. We have had little crime, and most are happy about the marriage and results of such.’ I frowned a little. ‘We have had a few who are unhappy. But they haven’t done anything yet.’ Crimson frowned at that.

“Yes, we have had the same here. Most are happy or don’t care. Some however....well, someone had to burn down the church.” A smile split his face once more. “But enough of that! My brother is ecstatic about your and Luna’s arrival. He wishes Celestia could have come as well, but understands someone needs to run the country.”

‘I offered to stay for Celestia. She got a good laugh out of it.’ I smirked.

“Ha! A good guard captain you are Night. But I don’t believe leadership of a country is for you or me.”

‘Your probably right.’ Our ship rocked lightly as it stopped by the dock and the anchor was dropped. ‘It seems we have arrived. See you at lunch?’

“Of course.” Crimson took to the air and glided to the castle. I walked back into the ship to retrieve Luna. I would have used a portal, but I was nervous using strong magic around a pregnant mare. I may come back to life after having my neck blown apart, but I didn’t think Luna would. I hope she has a baby that can use magic. I’ll enjoy teaching him to steal cookies using portals. I entered Luna’s room to find her laying on the bed with a sick look on her face.

‘How are you feeling Luna?’ I looked at her with pity as I stood beside the bed.

“Don’t start with me Night! You know I don’t feel good!” She snapped at me. I just rolled my eyes. “And don’t give me your pity!” Ah, the joys of a pregnant female.

I lifted her in my magic as we walked up to the deck. “What are you looking at?” Luna asked crossly to a random crew member as we walked through the hallway.

“N-nothing Princess!” The mare stuttered. I just rolled my eyes once again as Luna folded her hooves in an angry way.

“Exactly! Walk away!”” The princess yelled as we walked further down the hall and the mare just stood there with a confused look on her face. Luna was like that most of the way to the castle. I put her down once we reached the deck because she said, and I quote, ‘Me carrying her made ponies think she was weak, and start plotting to overthrow her.’ It was a long walk from the docks.

“Watch were your going!” Luna yelled at a griffin three feet away from her.

‘I’m so sorry.’ I apologized to the poor guy as we walked away.

“Don’t tell him sorry! He almost tripped me!” I flinched as my ear was assaulted by her voice. Then the second half of the trip began, and her mood did a complete flip.

‘Shhh, it’s ok.’ I hugged Luna as she sobbed. Most of the griffins along the road had uncomfortable looks, while a few older ones knew what was going on.

“No it’s not Night! I’m such a horrible pony!” She sobbed into my shoulder. “I’m yelling at everyone for nothing! I don’t deserve to have you comforting me.” I just hugged her tighter as we approached the castle doors. I almost feel bad for Midnight. Almost.

“Luna!” Midnight met us at the main entrance. “How are y-“

“Don’t ‘Luna’ me!” Luna glared at him. “You did this to me!”

“Wha-“ Midnight has a confused look. Luna started tearing up once more.

“I’m so sooorry!!” Luna cryed as she ran past Midnight.

“Uh..” The confused look on his face made me sigh.

‘She has been like this for the past month. It’s just hormones from her being pregnant.’ We started walking to the lunch room where Luna ran to. ‘Just be careful what you say, and don’t take anything she says to heart. She doesn’t mean anything bad, she just can’t control her emotions right now.’

“I see. Thank you for warning me. This is the first time I have had to experience this.” He looked down at the floor. “I apologize for not being there when she started acting like this. I have been busy trying to clear up everything so I can be with her when the baby is born, and after.”

‘I know, and we don’t blame you. If anything I blame politics.’ I rubbed my temples wing my wings. ‘Oh how I long for the time when I didn’t have paperwork to fill out for every. Single. Thing.’

“Haha, so do I.” He frowned at that. “And now I have the problem of finding a place to take Luna on vacation.”

‘Don’t worry. I have you covered there.’ I smirked. ‘Found an amazing spot a decent ways away from civilization. I bought it up and was planning on giving it to the sisters, and you of course. Consider it a wedding gift.’

“Thank you Night. How can I pay you back?”

‘By staying with Luna forever. And being a good husband and father. That’s all I ask of you.’ Midnight stopped and hugged me.

“I will Night. I promise.” I hugged him back for a second before he pulled back. “Now let us go eat lunch. I already have your rooms prepared for you all.