• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,988 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

  • ...

Marine March

Night Wing

I knocked on Greenhorn’s door loudly before pushing it open. The deer was pitifully spread across the bed, barely raising his head as I entered. “What is it?” He mumbled irritatedly. “Can’t you see I’m trying to wallow in misery here?”

‘I need your help.’ I grimaced as the words scrawled across my feathers. My cracked beak hurt from the expression, which just made me grimace more. It was painful enough just asking the deer for help.

“You need my help? Looks like miracles do exist. I thought you were some all powerful, all knowing bird! Sure didn’t seem to mind pushing me and others around to get what you wanted.” The deer glared up at me, anger evident on his face,

‘Don’t make this harder than it already is. I want your help to find what caused you deer so much trouble. The pirates.’

“Well maybe I don’t want to help you with that! You’ve done nothing but ruin my life so far, so why would I just give you what you want?” He stood up now, pushing his face into mine. My eyes narrowed and I almost shoved him back. Be nice. He just had to leave home. Both of us are mad, and I need his help. I clenched my claw, fighting the urge to lash out. Then I spun around and left the room. I would ask him again later. I needed to check on the state of the ship and make sure everyone was doing okay.

As I stepped out onto the deck a awkward quietness fell over everyone. Heads turned to look at me. Familiar faces showed worry, and strangers showed fear. I looked around before nodding and heading up to the helm. Strawberry was there, keeping the ship on course. Or keeping it straight anyways, as we didn’t have a course. ‘How are things going?’ I nodded to him and he nodded back.

“Good so far. The repairs we made on the island are holding, and we have had a steady wind.”

‘Where did you learn sailing?’

“Uh, my parents made me do sailing lessons. Nothing like this, but I know how to keep a wheel straight.” He looked over at me. “Are things...ok with you?” He winced as he said it and looked back to the ocean.

‘Well, I don’t feel the urge to feed anyone to sharks right now so......’ I attempted to joke, but it fell flat into an awkward silence. ‘Anyways.’ I cleared my throat. ‘I should have a course for you at some point in the near future.’ His ears perked up at that.

“An actual heading!? I mean, yes sir!” He snapped a salute and grinned at me. “Whenever your ready sir!” I glared at him for a second before walking away with a huff.

‘I’m feeling that urge again.’ I wrote across my back. The nervous shuffling behind me made me crack a small smile. It quickly disappeared when the crack in my beak ground against itself. This sucks.

Silver Wing

I groaned as a particularly large wave rocked the ship and shook me awake. A bad taste filled my mouth as I struggled to pull myself out of bed. My stomach rumbled with the wood of the ship and I realized I hadn’t ate in a full day. I had just been too busy. I headed down to the galley, my head still plagued with thoughts of a certain bird. Not many ponies were in the small galley, and not much food was prepared. Just some left over biscuits and water. I trudged by the counter, half asleep, and scooped up a biscuit and a mug. A quick stop at the water barrel, and I was sitting at one of the few tables. I slowly nibbled on my biscuit, ears falling as I silently wished for some fruit. The table shifting made me look up, and my ears perked up as I saw Night perch on the bench across from me. He looked down at me, the new crack in his beak drawing my attention.

‘Good evening Silver.’ My face grew hot for a second before I forced myself to regain my composure. Get a hold of yourself Silver.

“Hey Night. How are you feeling?” I smiled awkwardly as I tried to pretend nothing had happened earlier. Night looked at me for a moment before chuckling in his avian way.

‘You're bad at this Silver. We both know that not everything is ok. I want to thank you again.’ He gave a small smile before wincing and going back to a neutral expression. I winced as I saw the flash of pain across his face.

“What are you thanking me for?”

‘This.’ He pointed with a wing to the crack going down his beak. ‘You reminded me that I’m not above losing control. That I have to be more careful than others.’


‘It’s fine Silver. Don’t apologize for doing the right thing.’ SLAM! The deer, Greenhorn, walked by the table quickly and slammed a notebook down with a golden glow before walking back out of the galley angrily. I glared and stood up to scold him, when a dark glow pushed me back down. I looked back to Night questioningly. ‘Don’t, he’s been through a lot today. Besides, he gave me what I wanted.’ Night flipped around the notebook he was looking in revealing a map. ‘Now we have a heading’.

Strawberry Twist

To say I was relieved was an understatement. The sun was going down, which was nice, and we finally had a heading! I had felt a bit stupid sailing directionless. I wasn’t a sessioned sailor, so the thought of aimlessly sailing the sea indefinitely didn’t feel right to me. No one was sure where we were going, but everyone was relieved that Night seemed to be happier. An upset captain made for an upset crew. Night didn’t like for us to call him sir or Captain, but, no matter what he wanted, he would always be the Captain of the former guards. We didn’t have anyone left except ourselves. Our short time of being accepted by the other ponies was welcome, but had to end eventually. It always did. We were just too different.

Thankfully, our heading was taking us away from the volcanic lands that the flyers had spotted to the south. Batponies liked cool and dark, not sweltering and bright. It was taking us more north. Already the air was starting to get cooler, which was a relief to much of the crew. Supposedly the destination was only a few days away. But I wasn’t experienced at reading the stars, I just knew how to turn the wheel. The navigator gave me the heading, and I went that way. A smile crossed my face as I thought of what would be there. I just wanted to help people again.

Night Wing

I was lying in my bed, half asleep, when my wing started tingling. I shook myself awake and looked at it curiously. I focused on it for a second, and the background changed to show a familiar white face. ‘Celestia!’ I grinned widely. CAW! Bad idea! I cringed and covered my beak with a wing.

“Night! How are you doing!?” Celestia looked excited to see me. “I know it’s only been a few days but I just couldn’t wait any-what happened to your face!?” Crap.

‘Uh.....I fell..’ I smiled nervously at her, without the smile. So, I just looked generally nervous.

“You fell?”

‘Yes. Hard. On a hard surface.’ If I was still human I would be sweating. Thankfully I didn’t sweat anymore. That would be horrible with feathers.

“Huh.” Celestia looked at me with an expression that was completely unimpressed. “So besides falling, how have you been?”

‘Good, good!’ I was relieved to move on and gave half smile. That was all I could manage. ‘How have you been?’ I missed her just as much as she missed me. We hadn’t been apart like this in awhile.

“Just restructuring the government and stopping angry citizens from killing eachother.” She chuckled awkwardly before a frown took over her features. “Honestly, I’m not doing that well Night. Are you sure you don’t want to come back?” I visibly recoiled as I thought about going back. The images of a broken castle and dead friends flashed through my mind.

‘I’m sorry, I just can’t.’ I looked down, ashamed.

“I understand.” Celestia whispered. “I wish I could have left with you. But everypony looks up to me, and I couldn’t leave them. But anyways, how are things wherever you are? Knowing you, you have already had some grand adventure!” She put on a shallow smile. “I want to know everything about it!” Thoughts of burning pain, icy storms in a deer camp, and dying pirates filled my head.

‘It’s....been pretty boring here. We haven’t had anything exciting happen.’

“Oh...” Celestia looked disappointed. “Well, that’s not bad I guess!” She gave me a small smile. “I’m glad your doing well Night. I need to head to bed, I have a full day of court tomorrow. Good night.” Then she faded from view. I fell back onto my bed wth a thud. I’m sorry Celestia.

Author's Note:

Heya people. I’m not dead (though some of you might wish it so with these few updates) I’m sorry for not updating guys. I know it seems like I’m not, but I really am. This is not dead! I just.....am slow. This is mainly just filler, with some foreshadowing.

No proofreaders this time, so expect errors. If you find mistakes, let me know in the comments.
