• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,993 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

  • ...

Sea Sick

Third Person

A stunned deer watched from the trees as the strange bird’s ship turned away from the shattered remains of their enemy. As it began to approach the shore, the scout ran back into the woods shouting for Twisted Limb.

Night Wing

My eyes narrowed at the lines of deer on the forest edge. Our ship was anchored just outside of the reef, safe from the deer. The egg was safe in my room, that was the important part. The sand shifted under my feet as Silver and I approached the deer, with Greenhorn between us. Two familiar deer stood in front. One attracted my anger more than the other.

“Twisted Limb. Crooked Branch.” Greenhorn nodded to each.

‘So, that’s your name.’ I approached the one who ordered the burning of my egg. ‘I won’t forget it.’ I was face to face with him now, glaring into his eyes. I turned to look at Twisted Limb, not sure of my feelings towards him. In the end I just nodded and turned back towards the sea. ‘We brought your messenger back. Now we shall depart, and pray that we never have the displeasure of meeting with you again.’ I motioned for Silver to follow me as I took to the air, but I was stopped by Crooked.

“Wait!” He called out. I gritted my beak, wincing as the new crack flared with pain. “I owe you my thanks.” I turned back towards them and motioned for him to continue. “Though I do not agree with the creatures you associate with, I can not ignore the service you have provided us. For that, you have my thanks. Please, take Greenhorn with you. He will prove useful I am sure.”

Greenhorn gawked at him for a second before opening his mouth to retort. I flinched when Twisted Limb’s antlers lit up, but he only grabbed Greenhorn by the horns and pulled him aside. I don’t think he realized I could hear them when he started whispering.

“Listen Green, we can’t afford to leave him unsupervised. You saw what he did to those pirates. We need to make sure he doesn’t do the same to us! Just....send us updates on him. Make sure he doesn’t plan on attacking us.” Twisted Limb tried to convince Greenhorn.

“Twisted, once again, I. am. a. doctor! Not a soldier, or a messenger, or a spy! A doctor! I have a home and business here! I can’t go on some wild adventure! Send someone else.”

“You’re going, whether you like it or not Green. The only way we can be sure He won’t attack us, is if we send someone with him. And I don’t think he would accept a soldier going with him.” Twisted Limb stood tall over Greenhorn and thrust a bag I hadn’t seen into his chest. “Now go! I will watch over your things until you return.” Greenhorn glared at both of the leaders, but walked over to me anyways, resigned to his fate.

“Now!” Crooked Branch grabbed everyone’s attention. “We bid you farewell.” With that, all the deer except Greehorn leaped away into the trees with barely a sound.

“Well? Let’s go already.” Greenhorn grumbled while walking down the sandy beach. I rolled my eyes as a black aura appeared around him and spun him around.

‘Do you think we are going to walk out to the ship?’ I opened a portal beside me, showing the deck of the ship. Silver hopped through first, leaving me and Greenhorn on the beach. ‘I’m not happy about you going with us either. I would much rather you stay here. Just don’t cause any trouble, and we won’t have any issues.’ Greenhorn snorted derisively before stepping through. He stumbled for a moment at the change of scenery, but regained his footing. I stepped though behind him and let loose a sigh that attracted the attention of everyone around me. I motioned a unicorn over to me with a wave while pointing to the only deer on the ship. ‘Show him to a room please. I am going to rest.’ With that, I turned and went below deck, the wood creaking around me.

I opened my door only to find Silver waiting for me Inside. ‘Yes Silver? I’m very tired.’ She hesitated for a moment before answering.

“I...just wanted to make sure you are ok.” A grimace crosses her face. “I stepped out of line earlier.” Her eyes darted down to my beak for a split second.

‘It’s ok Silver. I’m glad you stopped me. I lost control for a moment and I needed to be stopped. But I really do need to rest now.’ She looked down and nodded at the clear dismissal. Without another word she squeezed by me and disappeared down the hall. I shut the door and flopped down on my bed face first. Then I got on it properly as a purple orb floated over to me from the nearby shelf. It slowly rotated in the air as I stared at it’s almost unmarred surface, lost in thought.

Silver Wing

I was sprawled haphazardly across my small bed. The steady rocking of the ship did nothing to ease my mind. Why do I feel like this? My head hurt and my chest had a tightness that I was unfamiliar with. I couldn’t stop thinking about Night. He was the only stable thing in my life now. He was my rock. And seeing him in that battle....it physically hurt to see him like that. He was my friend, and my friend never acted cruelly like that. He’s just stressed. Ever since Luna....things have been hard. Especially for him.

When Luna was banished, I lost my friend and ruler. Night lost his sister. I knew it would effect him and me. I just didn’t know it would hurt so bad to see Night effected. Why did it hurt so bad? We were close, yes, but we were just friends....right? I mean, we had grown closer over time. From the time we first met, to now, we had trained together. Fought together, explored together, and laughed together. Shared secrets and experiences that most others didn’t know. We risked our lives for each other many times, including recently on the island. But we weren’t, couldn’t, be close enough for me to hurt for him this much. On paper Night was still my superior and I was in his employment, and outside of that we were just friends.



I grumbled as I unpacked the bag Twisted have given me. It had some medical supplies, though not many. Some potions that enhanced healing speed, a few burn salves, and miscellaneous herbs thrown in haphazardly. I put the potions and salve containers on the shelves on the wall, then assaulted the wall viciously with the bag. “I’m a medic! Not a spy! Not an explorer, or a soldier, or some sailer!” The abused bag fell to the floor along with my body as my eyes watered. “I just want to go home. I want to heal deer, not go on crazy adventures.” The bed creaked as I hauled myself into it. The steady rocking of the ship was starting to get to me as I closed my eyes, trying to ease the nausea. “I had nausea medicine back at home....”

Night Wing

What am I even doing? I was staring into my mirror, observing the new crack on my beak. We set sail with no direction. A ship without a purpose. Just drifting through the sea until we hit land. My thoughts kept drifting back to the small deer child asking for help. It hadn’t even been a week, and I already missed being captain of the guard. I missed protecting people, and seeing smiles from those who were reassured by my presence. Why can’t I still do that? I glanced over at my blades and began to smile. My thoughts went to the pirate ships disintegrating beneath me. The sense of relief that came from sinking my claws into flesh. I knew those thoughts weren’t normal, but it was so very tempting. They’re pirates. Murders and slavers. I’m just doing the world a favor. My armor floated over and I looked at the dents lining the chest piece. Then I put it back on the floor. I had a deer to find.

Third Person

The deck of the ship was alive as ponies ran back and forth. Ropes were tied, untied, and retied somewhere else. The overall mood was nervousness. The former guards were worried for Night, and the others were worried for their safety. Nevertheless they all had a job to do. Keep the ship running smoothly until their next set of orders. The sun was beginning to set and plans were being set in motion. They were only days away from Equestria. There was still a whole world to explore.

Author's Note:

Oh. My. God. The struggle to write this chapter. It probably sucks, and I’m not going to even put it through a proofread. I’ve made you guys wait long enough. Sorry for the wait, I have had ABSOLUTELY no desire to write recently, but I powered through it finally. Let me know what you think of this short slice of life chapter.
