• Published 1st Dec 2017
  • 8,378 Views, 2,009 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Dead Tree - Fiaura

Wandering Sunrise remembers Equestria as it once was: a land of harmony, broken by strife. She was sealed in a Stable-Tec stasis pod the day the Megaspells hit... and she wakes up in a pool of water, surrounded by strangers.

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Comments ( 56 )

nicely done and that is a cute foal pic!

Wonder making, yes?

If I can muddle through Covid, so can you. Not easy. Approaching 2 year point.

You do good work. Don't let anyone say anything else.

Nothing to report, and that's a good thing. Good chapter....and now...what do you do with a red pegasus? Well you know what they say about RED ponies. Chew on that......

Glad you are still reading :) and appreciate the double check.

Wonder making?

Thank you for the confidence.

I shall share this with Happy Penguin


The first DJ pon 3 was mare but the magical voice made the post-war wastelanders think she was a stallion too help hide Homage's identity, if sunrise new of her and her music before the war i would think know she was a she

If everyone, even Celestia, knew the voice as a stallion; how would she know differently?

Hello there, it is nice to meet you, I am glad you are enjoying things. I have been a bit neglectful and should catch up on things shouldn't I?

is this about the boxes that basically turn a pony into ermac from mortal kombat or rampage from project horizions? (a bunch of souls in a single body)

Could not get through the first two paragraphs. I know those are like 6 years old, but you really should have had an editor even back then or run it by others. The second paragraph alone is just... garbage between the contradictory statement of "stale, yet fresh" and saying the air kept the body just warm enough to not freeze makes 0 sense.

Pink is intentionally covering up parts or being an unreliable narrator. Much as an Elf will not outright Lie but will speak in half-truths.

The Flashbacks are going to become out of order because you're going to see what happens to a mind that stops remembering things in order but rather by trigger events or random neural input that causes a flash to a thing that she did not remember until that moment.

I will try to work out all these answers I've been missing tomorrow, apologies, I have been busy with new novel and other projects for some time.

You're commenting on Chapter 62 but I feel like this belongs somewhere else?

Chapters 1-6 were rewritten about 7 times, 6 for publication here, and one more for when we finally went to print. So while this is more like a public beta test version, the written novel is the finalized version; much of the roughness you are seeing in chapters 1-4 so far was changed for publication as we rewrote them again before release and then did a continuity check afterward before going to print.

We are playing a actual Fallout: Equestria RPG game, and a single critical hit to the head can be fatal.

It allows me the writer to fill in the blanks early on before we are willing to completely separate the written story from the tabletop game. There will be a point where the Tabletop game becomes more "Guidelines" than actual story information and then it becomes more a muse's suggestion than guidelines.

She blames herself for not having the courage to go with Alguacil's gut feeling and now she has a gut feeling and believes that cowering from it is the wrong decision here.

She also blames Alguacil more so in a subconscious way for letting Buddy go off alone.

I actually have PTSD so diving into those memories of childhood abuse and being a soldier overseas made this easy to write and hard to swallow if you can understand and the point was to make people do exactly what you believed you were doing.

You are reading the story for the sake of it but something else is there.
My editor and I sat through this over and over again rewriting 1-6 about 7 times total before we published the hard copy novel.
yes currently you will still find spelling and grammar errors on fim but that last time, the 7th time, we did a lot of extra work and editing for the novel, even stopping and reading it out loud together.

I never corrected it here, to show where I had come from.
You're still gonna see those for a bit.

however, we also knew that part of those rewrites was working to make a person care for characters unconsciously rather than actively and then wait until a moment of great pain or emotional anguish, in this case Sunrise's torture, for them to stop and look deeper as to why they kept reading.

You are doing that, you are not the first, won't be the last, this isn't the first time I've even written a comment like this, I don't copy+paste but write them individually. But yes, I see the lights turning on it and it is fascinating even at this hour of 1am to me to keep reading to see where you went with it.

Her Tail is possessed by Pink but you were right except the creature controlling it.

Imagine if you will the way we push things out of our minds, especially dreams and bad memories.

We have goldfish brains all of us, to some degree, and here what you are seeing is the result of someone willfully trying to push past what happened in the past to focus on the here and now. As quickly as a traumatized brain sees a vision of their best friend mulched by a mortar, you can be laughing and telling a joke about how an outfit looks on a person walking past.
PTSD is a strange problem and all minds see through it different. You are seeing a little of how my mind deals with the nightmares, within an hour the nightmare is forgotten, no matter how much I feel like I have been punched or run over when I wake.

How do you remember a person who you had an argument with not 5 mintues ago?
Do you remember the core of the argument or what they did afterward more?

I do not have the real answer for you here, as I was never given that answer, and the person who might possess it I have lost contact with. So it is plot thread I cannot fill out.

I am sorry for this failing.

I don't think I've ever replied to you, I've been so busy with my other projects, how are you liking things?

I did serve in the military as an 11-B so it helps to have been shot at repeatedly to know what it's like to do combat and translating the dice made it rather interesting. Some of the translation is fudged or changed because of making sense. But yes, the fight scenes are designed to really imply; no one is safe.

Good! We hit the right feeling; also to remind you that this version you are reading isn't the fully edited version that is the printed books. Though when you are writing something with at this point, hundreds of thousands of words you will miss a thing here or there.

Good! You are someone who is giving real informative and perspective that I would have sought years ago when I originally wrote this. Gives me a bit more confidence to write the new original work.

I have a bad habit of forcing myself through some books I don't enjoy as much only for the sake of being able to say that I finished them. This forcing makes me hate the book the more I do it. I don't like dropping out of books. "But they have a lot of views and likes, so they must be good," I say to myself. I try to treat them like the highest tier art, and when they don't meet the requirements, I start to get frustrated.

Here, I took the little breaks throughout that last chapter because I don't want a repeat. I don't want to force myself. I don't know what drives me to not abandon a read.

For the past few years I've rarely felt any of the content that comes out around me is of quality. I am talking about any media. The last piece of art that I truthy felt was good was Puss in Boots 2. No games, no nothing feels filling anymore.

Back on topic. I know how fics evolve over time. I cling to hope that they story improves as the writer gets more experience. The books I forced myself through weren't bad. They probably were better than some of the other that Ii liked.

I didn't like FoE:Heroes. I don't like FoE:Heroes. I had expectations for a book that was part of the main five, it didn't meet them. I hold FoE:PH and FoE:MNS on such high pedestals that I don't think anything ever will come close to them. Anytime I consume content I think to myself how much more fun it would be to reread horizons, but the thing is that I don't want to be that person that keeps rereading the same books over and over again. There is so much amazing writing on this site. I have to give people a chance. Try out new things. Some people have amazing ideas, and head-canons. Heck, you're one of them. I've praised the memory dreams Wandering has been having over and over again. It is probably the best single idea I have seen in writing.

I kind of feel like pouring my life in here, but don't want this to be too long nor do I want to fill your comment section with garbage. This was on topic, barely, nothing productive, nothing a third party can take away from.

Oddly, I hold FoE: PH on an incredibly low standard, the writing to me got worse as it went; not better to the point I simply decided to not finish it.

Ultimately Dead Tree evolved and become more than I wanted it to and then it became something I doubt I have the skill to bring to it's full fruition. More so that it simply has run it's course and run out of time I can devote to it.

I have had to move on and write an original novel that I can keep the roof over my head and lights on with instead. If things go well, I will come back and finish it.

Though I can see that your expectations are, strange to say the least. If I went into stories expecting something as good as everything else I had read; I would always consider them bad.

Even things set in the same universe, I decide to read what is there; not what could have or should have been because if I don't; I won't enjoy it. I feel like perhaps, if you are lucky you will learn this trick one day.

I also do not mean to be that one to correct you but the 5 have become 7.

PH, PE, Heroes, DT, MNS, GoC, and BD

This is one of them. I am sorry it doesn't seem to meet an impossible standard that seems to be a complete contradiction upon the scale to me. But we all have our opinions.
I hate PH but love MNS.

I guess I am that insane, huh? Didn't realize it was that bad, how stupid I sounded. But it's the truth, at least for now.

Also, can you expand the abbreviations of GoC and BD?

According to the Wiki:
Guise of Chaos (Raider who wants redemption) and Better Days (Mandalorian in FoE before the Mandalorian was ever a twinkle in a Disney executive's eye)

I did not say you were insane, we all are insane; there is the difference. We are all crazy, some of us just need to express it more than others.

No worries, had listened to the audio reads on YouTube, so this was my first time actively reading the story... it's all good

Next audio piece comes out tomorrow ;)

The Book Covers are here, I'm planning to restock a small amount for Ciderfest but I don't know if I'll ever be able to finish the 4th and final book due to finances.


Yes I know it's my shop but that was the easiest way to show you.

I a, genuinely curious, what are the lyrics for daunting future

I will do you one better: Song

Just who I am mate. Deal with it.
And also “hug”. Thank you for all of the laughs and an amazing story.

It is beyond appreciated.

No problem mate
An honestly, other than Falling Shadows, this Is my favorite Fallout Equestria book

Glade I could provide that, I am sorry I haven't been able to finish it; money has become the problem.

Honestly I may be a little disappointed but I understand.

Nah, just had a case of lazy.

If I can take the first point literally 'starting in an unfamiliar location', then I predict the third book taking place in Stalliongrad. That sounds hype. For some reason I really want to see the ruined city and Stable 43. Now that I think about it, the book started in a stable. Perhaps that was Stable 42, maybe it was used as an extension of Stable 43 for storage or deployment of 'subjects'.

Good to hear that we will be changing more. This definitely sounds better than having an impossibly long 3'rd arc.

That would be if I ever get the money to finish the 4th and final book.

As it stands, I simply don't have the funds to pay my editors much less my artists or to do the final book as a book.

So I'm trying to make a Original Series that I can keep the money for in order to finish this passion project.

I'm not sure you want to hear more but yes, the ending is Written, it's inside of Stable 43 and they do go to the ruins of Stalliongrad.

I was addressing Fiaura with this comment. I'm sorry if you got the impression that I was accusing you. I edited it, so it might be a little clearer now.

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