• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Dangers of the Ruins

With Crystal Islands complete, as in the Gnome Wizards had been helped and all of the stolen eggs had been claimed, it only took the group a few moments to return to the main area of Midnight Mountain and appear in front of the portal that had taken them to the realm they had just assisted, even if Spike was sure that at some point in the future he and the other Magic Crafters would come back and return the realm to normal, or not. There was no telling if the natural creatures of that realm would adapt to the new look of their home or not, hence the reason that he thought about restoring it to what it had been before they learned that the couple of wizards had accidentally made the entire realm what it was when they got there and started to explore it. Spyro and the others were focused on the next realm that they were going to be assisting, though there were only three for them to choose from before they went and faced the Sorceress, as in there was Desert Ruins, Dino Mines, and Haunted Tomb, though as usual Spike and Ember waited for a few moments to see what their brother had to say on the matter, due to the fact that he was the leader and he usually had a good idea which realm they should take on next, especially when they considered what happened in the past. Even Elora was used to it at this point, despite the fact that this was the first adventure she had been on with them, which was why the three of them waited when they returned to Midnight Mountain, to see which realm Spyro ended up picking this time around, even if they would be taking them all on in the very near future.

"Personally, I feel that we should take on Desert Ruins next," Spyro said, because it seemed like they might as well clear out the realms and circle around the Sorceress' stronghold, as in hitting the one he had mentioned first, then hit Haunted Tomb, and finally clear out Dino Mines, before walking over to the area that Bianca was in and fight their foe, to free the rest of the Forgotten Realms in the process.

"That works for us," Ember remarked, as she honestly didn't care which realm they tackled next, not when all of them had eggs for her and the others to save from the Rhynocs that were guarding them, especially now that they knew what horrible plan their foe was planning for the eggs, which was still upsetting when she thought about it, though she pushed it from her mind as she started to walk away from the area that the portal to Crystal Islands was in.

Spyro and the others nodded their heads as they joined Ember, to which the four of them headed up the bridge that was in front of them and approached the helmet shaped structure that housed the portal Spyro had picked out, to which they passed through it and headed to the starting area of the next realm they would be tackling, though a few moments later, when they appeared at their destination, they stopped as they saw what was around them. It appeared that the set of ruins that dominated this realm, since it was in the name of the land and everything, was surrounded by high rocky walls which prevented anyone from leaving the area once they dropped down into this area, there were a number of stone statues that matched the structure the portal had been resting inside, and a large stone structure that had to be the main ruins. That was when they spotted some of the enemies for this realm, large scorpions that seemed to be guardians or something, though the group would find out more about them when they left the starting area and started to face the creatures in battle, allowing them to actually name them for the future, before the four of them turned their attention to the resident of this land that happened to be standing near the starting area. What they discovered was that the resident in question was a mouse, dressed in the clothing of an explorer, that stood like Bianca and all the others did, though he didn't seem to have any gear that would allow him to contend with the dangers of this realm, hence the reason the group walked over to him, as it seemed like it had something he wanted to tell them.

"Oh, hello, you must be that helpful group that I've been hearing about... Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora, right?" the mouse said, where the last part of his statement was more of a question and was directed at all four of them, even though he did beckon to each of them as he said their names, showing that descriptions of them much have been given out at some point in the past and that he recognized them rather quickly, before the group nodded their heads to show that he was right about who was who, "You know, I've been hearing a great deal about the four of you, about how you're helping the residents of the other realms, taking down the Rhynocs, and getting in the way of whatever the Sorceress has been planning, and, after coming to this realm, I was hoping that you would help me out a little. My girlfriend, Tara, went off to raid the Tomb of the Stone Golem, but I haven't see her since and I've been getting worried about her, and I would go after her, but, um, all these scorpions terrify me..."

"Okay, then we'll clear out the enemies that are in our way and find Tara," Spyro stated, because while this was a little different than what they saw in all of the other realms they had been to since arriving in the Forgotten Realms, like the castles and fortresses that the four of them had cleared out, that wasn't going to stop them from taking care of the foes the Sorceress had created, find the eggs that were hidden here, pick up the gems that were along the way, and find Tara near the area that the exit portal was in, who may or may not be cross with them since it seemed like she was a treasure hunter and might think they were trying to steal something from her.

The first thing they did was look at the brown Scorpions that were in front of them, as there were two blocking the way forward, and it didn't seem like they were in the mood to fight them, but the moment any of them tried to approach the edge of the area the pair of foes became aggressive and tried to hit all of them with the stingers of their tails, though it was Ember that they were attacking, since she had her Warrior's Armor skill and hardened her body the moment she saw the attack coming. Once she stopped the incoming attack from hitting her, and stunned the pair of Scorpions at the same time, she spun around and quickly crushed one of them into the ground with her still hardened tail, allowing Spyro to take the other one out with a charge to the side, while Spike and Elora picked up the couple of gems that were around the starting area for this realm, before regrouping near the edge of the area. It was then that they found what appeared to be a platform that, if they stood on it for a length of time, would sink into a green river of what was possible lava or poison, given the previous times they found areas like this, so instead of jumping across at the same time the four of them took turns so they could safely get across and reach the other side so they could continue exploring the area. The next area did have another head sculpture in it, which seemed to be fairly common in this realm, along with a pair of green hands that were positioned to look like places that they could jump to and walk along, meaning they had to keep their eyes open for a way up to those areas, since it might let them locate the eggs or some hidden treasure. That was when Elora spotted a much larger Scorpion that was a lighter shade than the other ones they had taken out a few moments ago, where this one looked like it might have armor over its claws and face area, natural armor and not metal like they were expecting, but that didn't stop them from labeling this foe as an Armored Scorpion, which would be what they named the rest of this type of enemy while they were in this realm.

As it turned out the Armored Scorpion was rather easy to take out, as Spike decided to hurl a large Fireball at it, so he could test what its defenses were, instead of relying on Ember to get that information like she usually did, but all that did was blast his foe to pieces and dropped a gem for their efforts, which was something that they were getting used to seeing as they explored the realms, since the Sorceress was in the mood to turn her gems into all sorts of creatures so she could harass the residents of the lands she ruled over.

With that foe taken care of the group looked around the area, finding a gem and some metallic vases near the hand that was near the left side, which were smashed within seconds of discovering them, before they headed to the other side of the area and found one of the normal Scorpions waiting for someone to come near it and bother it, though a quick blast from Elora's palm blaster took it out. From there they found a set of stone steps that looked like they had been carved out of a hill, like someone had pulled stone from a hill and then smoothed out the remainder to form a walkway, which let the group take out another Scorpion that was hanging out on one of the steps, by Ember smashing it with a side swipe from her tail, only to find a locked chest at the top of the steps. Spyro glided over to one of the hands and then headed to the second one, picking up the gem that was along the way, allowing Spike and Elora to pick up any gems on the steps that they had walked up, before Ember smashed open the locked chest and claimed the gems, once more proving that she didn't care for the Sorceress' attempts at keeping some of her treasure safe. From there they regrouped near a bridge that connected the area they were on to a raised section of stone that held a path that would allow the four of them to move further into the area surrounding the temple, only there was an enemy that looked like it was a metallic cup given life and that it was capable of spewing short bursts of hot magma on the floor it was standing on, heating the entire walkway so none of them could actually progress. Spike stood there for a few moments, debating what name to give them, as he could be simple and call them Firebreathers, or just separated it into Fire and Breathers, while feeling that Magma Cups might actually work out much better, given the nature of the enemy they had just discovered, before eventually deciding that he would call this foe a Magma Cup, as the other names really didn't fit all that well.

When the now named foe went to spew out more magma, and heat up the floor again, Spike aimed at the short bit of time between the bursts and loosed a wave of ice magic at his target, a Cone of Frost as he called it, that froze the Magma Cup where it was standing, showing that Spike's magic might actually be stronger than the magic that the Sorceress used to breath life into the stolen gems, and freezing his foe in this manner allowed Spyro to charge into it and shatter it, while at the same time leaving the gem it was made from intact.

With the way clear the group walked over the metallic walkway that was in front of them, which was held up by a few supports that usually held up bridges, before climbing up the short ladder the Magma Cup had been guarding, which was when they found one of the Armored Scorpions waiting for someone to come through this area, only for Spyro to knock it down with a quick burst of fire. As he did that Elora picked up the couple of gems that were nearby and slipped them into the bag that Spike was carrying, so they could join the rest of the collection they had amassed so far, before they spotted a second walkway that had one of the Magma Cups resting on it, only this time around they would have to glide over to the area that their foe was guarding before they could hit it. Fortunately Spike was up to the challenge, as he studied the time between the Magma Cup's attacks for a minute or two, before gliding over the moment he spotted an opening, allowing him to unleash another Cone of Frost on his target and froze it where it was standing, allowing the rest of the group to jump over to where he was standing so they could progress, while Spyro made sure to charge into the frozen foe to get the gem it dropped. From there they dropped down into an area that one of the normal Scorpions was patrolling, which was the moment that spun around in the air and kicked downward at their foe, crushing her target in a second, though while the siblings were surprised that she had an attack like that in her arsenal, due to this being the first time they had actually seen it, they weren't going to chew her out over not using it and nodded their heads as they collected the couple of gems that were in the area.

It was then that they found another pair of circular platforms that looked like they would sink into the green water that would be a common thing in this realm, this time with one of the Scorpions resting on the first one, so Spyro jumped onto the first platform and flamed the Scorpion to get it out of the way, only to find that when his platform lowered the one in front of him raised at the same time. Instead of worrying about the moving platforms and what they might reveal, for now anyway, the group carefully made their way over the platforms and came to a stop on some ground that was right below one of the portal structures that belonged to Sheila, which would be nice since they hadn't seen her since their visit to Spooky Swamp. Once they spotted the side portal the group quickly smashed the pair of metallic vases that were near them and then spotted another metallic walkway that was between them and the next part of the realm they would have to fight their way through, complete with yet another Magma Cup, so three of them stood back as Spike replicated what he had done to the previous Magma Cups they had come across so far. A few moments later the four of them were moving over the metallic walkway that their foe had been in the middle of heating up, before they jumped over to an area that had one of the Armored Scorpions guarding what appeared to be the entrance of the actual temple, though that didn't stop Ember from smashing her target with her hardened body, just to make sure it went down quickly. As the Scorpion fell the group decided not to bother with the temple's main entrance and glided over to a raised platform that would allow them to jump to an area that pair of ladders was resting in, so Elora blasted the Scorpion that was on the patch of ground they jumped to and they moved on without slowing down.

Just in front of the ladders was a bullseye chest, one that Spyro smashed as Spike, Ember, and Elora climbed up the ladders to see what else they would be dealing with in this realm, which gave them a way to glide over to where the portal to Sheila's side area was located, a way to glide over to the palm of the stone hand that rested far above the green water, and another metallic walkway that had a Magma Cup heating the area up. Ember took a moment to glide over to the palm of the hand and then glide over to an area that a bullseye chest was resting in, which she quickly smashed to pieces with a Headbash so she could get at the gems it held, though as she did that Spike focused on the Magma Cup and waited for a few seconds, only to freeze his target with a Cone of Frost, allowing Spyro to charge it and clear the walkway of foes. From there they jumped up a few stone steps and picked up a single gem along the way, which was when they discovered that this was to give them enough height so they could jump and glide over to a hidden statue arm they hadn't seen earlier, one that had a few gems and a straw basket on it, to which they did so and headed over there, making sure not to land or touch the green water, since they didn't know if it was dangerous or not, before jumping over to the patch of land that was just beyond it. That, in turn, allowed them to reach one of the eggs that had been hidden in this realm, to which Spike took a few moments to make sure it was fine before sending it off, which was when the others noticed that they could glide over to the area that Sheila's portal was in, or glide over to a cave that might house another egg, even though the outside of the cave was close to the location of Sheila's side area.

As such they glided over to that area and smashed the pair of straw baskets that were just outside the cave entrance, which was when they found a few platforms heading deeper into the cave, where Elora went first for once and glided over to the first platform, the safe one, and then did the same thing to reach the second platform, though that was where she blasted the Scorpion that was on it out of the way so she could move onto the patch of ground that an egg happened to be sitting on. Instead of taking out the Scorpion that was on the area that the egg was resting on she jumped over to where a few gems were resting, something that ended up confusing her would be foe for a few seconds, up until Spyro landed in the area behind it and flamed it, which allowed Spike to land and make sure the egg was fine before he sent it home as well, though Ember did join Elora in collecting the gems, which involved taking out another Scorpion that was in their way, only this time it was smashed by Ember's hardened tail. With the Scorpions defeated, the egg sent home, and the gems picked up the group took a few seconds to see if there was anything they might be missing, which was when Spyro found a cracked section in one part of the wall and busted through it, allowing the four of them to walk through a passage that had a few gems, including a few small jumps that let them avoid some of the green water, which was likely acid due to the few bubbles they saw this time around, before arriving at a statue arm that held the key to the chest that Ember had smashed earlier, to which the group simply glided back down to an area they had been in earlier and made their way back to the temple, as it was time to resume the search for Tara.

Just beyond the entrance they found a pair of metallic vases, which they smashed the moment they laid eyes on them, and then turned their attention to the offending individual that was in the chamber with them, Moneybags, who just so happened to be standing in front of the door that would allowing the group to explore the inside of the temple and figure out where Tara was located.

"Oh, hello again..." Moneybags said, where, once again, he seemed to be his usual self and had made sure to switch out of the attire he had been wearing when Elora blasted him earlier, though it was impressive that he even owned more than one suit, along with the fact that he had changed so quickly, especially since they had come straight here after what they did in Crystal Islands, so he didn't have all the time in the world to change, though the group was curious to see if he had changed on trying to hinder their progress or if one of them would punish him again, "I bet you guys are happy to see me this time around, because, as it just so happens, I'm the only one that knows the, um, password needed to open the door to the Tomb of the Stone Golem... but it seems to have slipped my mind for the moment..."

In that instant Spike focused his magic and the door opened before Moneybags' eyes, just like what happened when the bear tried to stop them back in Spooky Swamp and he used his magic to open that door as well, though once that was done the group stared at Moneybags, who sweated a little as he realized that he had pissed them off again, which at this point was really easy for him to do, proving the point he made in Crystal Islands.

"You're going to have to try harder than that if you want our gems, Moneybags," Spike remarked, though that was the moment that Ember lashed out and smacked the bear in the chest with her hardened tail, something that the group knew had to hurt and wasn't good for the bear's health since all of them were just punishing him for his crimes, before she left him moaning on the floor, showing that he was in pain, before a thought came to him as they started to move into the next part of the temple, "Oh, and the 'password', as you called it, was 'Gullible', wasn't it?"

The only reply Moneybags gave him was a moan that suggested that he was right, which was just fine if the bear didn't feel like talking, since that would only be adding additional layers to the hole he seemed to be digging for himself, before the group moved forward and left him behind, since they wanted to focus on what was in front of them and not worry about a greedy bear for the foreseeable future. The first part of the tomb that they were going to have to fight their way through had three of the normal Scorpions standing guard near the top of the steps that were in front of them, while at the same time there were two of the Armored variety of Scorpions hanging out in the back, clearly waiting for anyone to challenge them in battle, before allowing treasure seekers to advance to the next area of the structure. Elora blasted one of them with her palm blaster, opening the way for Spyro to flame the other two in seconds, something that allowed them to move without actually stopping for anything other than the gems that fell, before Spike focused on the enemies that were in front of the Magma Cup that was guarding the next metallic walkway that was in their way. What he did was rather simple, he cast his Cone of Frost again and this time froze three enemies where they were standing, two of them being the Armored Scorpions and the other one being the Magma Cup, though once that was done he let Spyro and Ember charge into them while Elora blasted the other one. With that done they moved to the edge of the area that they were in and came to a stop when they discovered that there was another metallic area that one of the Magma Cups was guarding, to which Spike just glided over to it and froze it so the others could smash it to pieces, allowing them to jump onto a normal walkway that would let them head outside or jump down to an area that had a Scorpion guarding a trio of ladders that headed up to the ceiling of structure.

It was rather easy for them to take care of the Scorpion, since Spyro charged it into the wall, while Spike stared at the top of the ladder for a few seconds, where he decided not to play around and just used a minor teleportation spell to get around the flaming ladders that a Magma Cup was trying to create so they wouldn't be able to move forward, only for him to freeze and break his target a few seconds later. As the Magma Cup went down Spike also spotted an Armored Scorpion that didn't last very long, not when Ember joined him a few moments later and used her hardened tail to smash it into the ground, allowing them to see what else the upper part of the structure had for them, since there had to be a portal to a side area somewhere inside the structure, before spotting a hole that seemed to head down to an area like that. Instead of heading down there right now, and seeing what was there was to see, Elora glided over to a ledge that was nearby and picked up the gem that was over there, before they regrouped near the structure's exit, as it was time to see if they could find Tara and tell her that her boyfriend had been worried about her, though that did let them find a few more gems as they headed outside. It was in that moment, as they headed outside the structure, part of the statue head that was resting nearby was shattered as a female mouse, who was far more athletic looking than the other mouse had been, emerged from the area she had been in, only coming to a stop when she saw them.

"Well, well, would you look at this, a group of would-be treasure hunters have come to raid the tomb after I spent the entire day doing all the hard work." Tara said, where the group had to assume that she was Tara, since she was the only other person in this entire realm, though her tone revealed that she wasn't amused by what she was seeing, hence the reason that the group was planning on interrupting her before she annoyed Ember, "I'll have you know that I had to flip a number of switches and push boxes to solve the puzzles that would open the way to the tomb's treasure, and yet all I was able to find was an egg!"

"Did you get help from a bear in a suit, whose holding a bag of gems?" Spyro asked, because based on what they had seen, since coming to the Forgotten Realms, Moneybags was responsible for a number of crimes against the residents of these lands, not that they were surprised by that when they considered what happened back in Avalar, though that was when Tara nodded her head for a few seconds, to which he gestured to the opening they had used to get here, "That bear is called Moneybags, and he's basically a conman that lies to whoever he's 'helping' so he can walk away with their gems, while also being responsible for a war between two realms... if anyone knows where the missing treasure is, it would be him, since it seems like something he would steal and then fool others into searching for it."

"Then I'm going to have a word with Moneybags," Tara replied, where it looked like she was angry with what she had just heard, not that the group could blame her since they knew the bear was a criminal that needed to be imprisoned at some point in the future, to which she produced the egg that she found in the 'treasure room' and placed it on the ground in front of them, like a peace offering of some kind, before focusing on the exit they had come from, "you can have the egg, as I'm going to focus on the missing treasure..."

The group said nothing as Tara left the area and headed back into the tomb, where Elora made sure to call out that Tara's boyfriend was worried about her, something the mouse may not have heard due to her annoyance with the bear that had ruined her entire day, to which Spike sent the egg back home as Spyro and Ember cleared out the gems and the lone straw basket that was in this area, something that included Elora blasting a Scorpion off a ledge so the others could get the gems and the straw basket that was up there. With the area cleared out, and the exit portal was reactivated, the group retraced their steps and headed towards the area that held the portal to Sheila's section of the realm, as it was time to see what she was up to and help her out, since they had helped her out a few times in the past, hence the reason they retraced their steps through the structure Tara had walked through. As they did that it was easy for them to spot the now enraged explorer that was chewing out Moneybags, confirming their thoughts on the matter as they headed outside, so the four of them decided not to worry about her and focused on the area that they were heading towards, where it took them a few moments to climb up the ladders so they could glide over to the portal in question. Once they landed on the area that the portal was resting in, and they were sure that there were no additional gems for them to pick up or any straw or metallic containers for them to break, they headed through the portal that was in front of them and quickly reappeared in a square shaped chamber that was very familiar to them, given each of their new friends had their own area like this and everything.

Sheila, as they were expecting, was standing near one of the walls of the chamber, clearly thinking about something as she looked at a map of what might be the area, though the sound of them entering the area that she was in seemed to be enough to snap her out of whatever thoughts she was having and caused her to turn towards them with a smile on her face, showing that she was happy to see them.

"Hey guys, haven't seen you for a while, but its good to hear that you've been taking down the Sorceress' forces and saving the people she's been attacking," Sheila said, her tone revealing that she meant what she said, though at the same time it was easy for the group to see that she was distracted by something, no doubt the fact that she would be joining the others in a full on war with the Sorceress' forces, even if the Rhynocs were just gem creations, "Look, before the big battle starts, I thought I would go on a walkabout and just relax, to take my mind off of what's going to happen when you guys challenge the Sorceress... I never thought that we would reach this point, and now that it has I need a few moments to relax before the big event."

The group understood what Sheila was talking about and decided that they might as well not bother her while she was doing this, though that didn't stop their friend from offering that they take a break and join her on her walk, since she figured they had to be stressed out as well, despite the fact none of them were all that worried about the actual battle that she was talking about, since they would be fighting the Sorceress while she and the others dealt with the Rhynocs. In the end, however, Elora offered to join her for a few minutes and they, along with Talon, walked through the portal, where the pair found that there was a Scorpion in front of them and it seemed to be guarding the way forward, to which Elora moved to the right and distracted it so Sheila could smash it with her feet, freeing a gem for Talon to pick up as they progressed through the rest of the area. From there they jumped over a small river and landed on an area that a large blue Scorpion was guarding, one that was armored and seemed to have projectiles that it fired from its tail, meaning it had to be a Blaster Scorpion, though its weakness was that it could only target one of them at a time and that lead to Elora blasting it with her palm blaster, which did enough to take it out. After that the pair traversed the moving platforms that were in front of them and found an area that had a normal Scorpion and a Blaster Scorpion, enemies that fell within seconds of the pair encountering them, before they continued to move forward, knocking down the various Scorpions that were in their way and smashing a lone straw basket that they discovered, before finding a metallic walkway with one of the Magma Cups trying to heat it.

Elora, having studied them alongside Spike, had figured out the pattern and had Sheila move the moment the opening was revealed to them, where she smashed the foe into the ground and opened the way for them to move forward, before they used another platform to cross over to where an egg was resting, one that Elora picked up and carried as they moved through the rest of this section of the realm. The first thing they had to worry about was another Magma Cup, which was rather easy to take down once Sheila noticed the pattern for herself, and that was followed by another Scorpion just below the area the Magma Cup was in, only to make them pause when they found an area that would require some high jumps to get up to, even with the platform that stopped at a certain height. Elora took a moment to switch back to her Spring Jump Form so she could join Sheila, who smashed her way through the Scorpion that was up there, before Elora fired at the Blaster Scorpion that was further along the way, allowing them to move forward without having to stop for much, even if they did have to pause for the platforms so they could get to the next patch of land. Of course that was yet another metallic walkway with a Magma Cup walking on it, so Sheila smashed it and they crossed over to another platform that brought them to an actual bit of land that they could walk on, even if that meant breaking a Scorpion so they could do so, before accessing two more platforms to reach the last gem of this area and a second egg, which was where Sheila stood near the portal that would take Elora back to the others and let her go through, insisting that she needed more time to herself after that walk, which was followed by Elora nodding her head and heading through the portal with both eggs that they had found.

Once she was back with the siblings she told them what happened and let Spike check the eggs before sending them off to the Dragon Realms, which was followed by all four of them heading back towards the tomb as they made their way to the area that the hole in the floor was in, since that was the last area for them to actually explore, though upon reaching that area, and passing through the portal, they found an underwater area that caused Spike to make sure all of them had the Water Safety spell on, before they dived into the water. It was there the group found Hunter, decked out in his scuba equipment again, with the manta ray that he had been training the last time they were in an area like this, which seemed to be an underwater ruin of some kind, and it just so happened to have Rhynocs on metal sharks, something that ignored the group as they swam to where Hunter was waiting.

"Oh, hey guys, I've been trying to train my pet manta ray, who I've decided to call Poseidon, to carry and use all sorts of underwater weapons, for any future underwater missions," Hunter said, though even as he said that he withdrew an egg and let Elora take it, showing the group that he must have discovered it earlier, before their arrival, and that he knew keeping it from them was a bad idea, especially after what happened with all the Orbs he had in Avalar, "I found that egg while we were doing some of our practices, but with all of these Rhynocs its hard to get anything done... I'd hate to bother all of you, given the quest you're on, but do you think you could help me out a little?"

Spyro, Spike, and Ember rushed out the moment he asked them if they could help him out, where Spike manipulated some of the water and crushed a few of the Rhynocs and their sharks, while at the same time Ember hardened her body so she could crash into them without being harmed, allowing Spyro to claim all of the gems that fell, which he was just fine with since he didn't have the same level of power that his siblings had, and it wasn't long before all of the Rhynocs were taken care of and the gems had been collected, to which they bid Hunter farewell, regrouped with Elora, sent the egg back home, and then headed for the exit portal to pick the next realm to assist.

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