• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Info by the Lake

Just like what happened when they left the arena that the first creature had been waiting to ambush them in, which had been the area that Sheila had helped them out in by hitting their foe into the lava, the group rested for another half an hour as they waited for the whirligig to arrive in Evening Lake, the third homeworld of the Forgotten Realms and bringing them even closer to the Sorceress. The four of them knew that the moment they landed at their destination they would explore the area, recovering the stolen eggs that were around whatever structure served as the main one for the land, just like how Sunrise Spring had a castle and Midday Gardens had the keep, even though Spike thought that it might be another castle, just because of how popular they had been in the Dragon Realms. It wasn't a hard assumption to make, due to the fact that the dragons once called these lands home and built similar structures back in the lands that they now called home, so his siblings and Elora nodded their heads as he informed them of why he came to that understanding, indicating that they believed what he was suggesting. Other than that the group returned to what they had been doing as they flew to the area that the arena had been in, as in Spyro took the time to watch the area go by, Ember continued to take her nap so she could recover her energy, Spike turned the pages of the Guidebook once more, and Elora smiled as she looked at the land that was passing them by.

When they finally got close to the area that the homeworld was in, however, the group stopped what they were doing and made sure to wake up Ember, where the four of them glanced at the island that was in front of them and found that the land they would be exploring was in the middle of a circular lake, one that had hills all over it and happened to have stone walls here and there, like what they saw back in the previous two lands they had assisted, before spotting a castle that did appear to be the central point of the lake. There were a few stone towers around the area, whether they held a portal to one of the other realms or just contained some gems didn't matter, as they would explore the entire area once they landed, but from what they could tell the area was in good condition and that there didn't seem to be many areas for them to really explore, though as they got closer they found out something interesting. It seemed like there were a couple of portals underwater, complete with a shipwreck of some kind and a whale that was just swimming around, which was something none of them were expecting to see in the homeworld, as a realm would have made sense, but that just meant that this place was going to be far different than the lands they had assisted so far. All in all this island appeared to be in good condition, just like the last two areas the group had passed through, and they were eager to see what sort of realms they would be assisting, by reading the names of the portals in question and, more importantly, finding the portal that had a cage in front of it, as there was an ally here they needed to rescue from Moneybags.

Interestingly enough the whirligig landed outside any of the structures that were in this land, and one even had an opening that would have allowed something to land inside it, though Spike made sure that everyone had everything that belonged to him, and he made sure to have his satchel and Bag of Holding back where they belonged, before the four of them climbed out of the device, where the device just sat on the ground, clearing waiting for the group to climb back onto it and use it to get to one of the other two homeworlds.

"So this is Evening Lake," Elora commented, where she took a moment to enjoy the air and what they were seeing, as this land was rather interesting with the fact that there were a couple of portals underwater and everything else they had seen from far above the castle, before a smile appeared on her face as she glanced at the siblings, who seemed eager to continue their adventure, "its rather beautiful."

"Indeed it is, but we should get moving." Spyro said, because while he knew that most of them would want to stand around for a few moments and take in the sights, which would give Spike some time to take some notes on everything that they were seeing right now, there were eggs to collect, gems to pick up, and an ally to save before they went into any of the other realms and assisted them.

As he started to move, however, Spike held a claw out and stopped him from walking forward, where he glanced into the air for a moment as a rainbow stream moved through the air, a familiar sight to them now since they had seen one person use it to teleport between the homeworlds, before it struck the ground in front of them and Bianca appeared a few steps in front of them, though she held up a hand before they even said anything.

"Look, I already know from experience that trying to warn you about the dangers that are waiting for you, or trying to scare you off, isn't going to work, so I'll skip all that." Bianca said, where the group raised their eyebrows for a moment, as her tone suggested that she must have learned something since the last time they had seen her and, despite what she just said, she did want to warn them about whatever she had learned so they didn't get caught off guard, or at the very least that was what Elora was thinking at the moment, "I tried to reason with the Sorceress earlier, to convince her that we were wrong to steal the eggs like we did, since we could have just asked for your assistance in the matter, and she didn't want to hear anything that I had to say, but just after I left the room I overheard her telling one of her guards about a trap that she was planning on putting somewhere in this homeworld. Now, I have no idea where this trap might be, and I really don't want to think about what the Sorceress might do if she manages to capture one of you, but I wanted to warn you about the trap, even though I know that you guys will be more concerned about the eggs than your own well-beings, despite the fact that none of you have actually been hurt so far, so at least tell Hunter about the trap."

"Don't worry, we'll be sure to tell Hunter the news the next time we see him," Elora replied, though she did have to wonder what sort of trap the Sorceress could have set for them, even if Bianca couldn't tell them anything about what it was or where it might be located, but just thinking about that made her wonder if they might have convinced Bianca that they had been telling the truth earlier.

"I figured that since you guys did save my life earlier, not to mention giving me an alternate method to restoring the magic to the realms everyone else lives in, this was the least I could do." Bianca added, but even as she said that she took a moment to reach into her right sleeve with her left hand for a few seconds, like she was looking for something specific that she wanted to share with them, before a light smile appeared on her face as she withdrew a scroll from her sleeve and handed it over to Spike, "I also wanted to give you guys this, a map that the Sorceress created after her soldiers told her where they hid all the eggs, once we returned from taking them, which should hold the locations of the remaining eggs that you haven't recovered yet."

"That will let us save some time, since we'll know where to go," Ember said, though that did bring a light smile to her face for a moment, because with that map in their claws, or Spike's claws as it were, they would be able to locate the eggs much faster, to some extent anyway, before she considered something Bianca had told them earlier, at the very beginning of their quest to recover the eggs, "Didn't you say that you were the one that hid all of the eggs?"

"I did say that, but it was mostly to get you guys to flee before the Sorceress knew you guys had come here," Bianca replied, informing them that the lie she had told them at the beginning of their quest was for their own good, hence the reason that she gestured to her own attire for a moment, like she was trying to paint a picture in their minds so they would understand what she was trying to say, "I thought that if you came across a magic user like me, who could appear and disappear with a single spell, while at the same time spouting some nonsense about hiding the eggs so well that you would have never been able to find them, you would have fled back to the Dragon Realms and left us alone... but now I see that we were wrong to steal the eggs in the first place and will do everything in my power to make it up to you, and these are the first steps down that path."

"You're doing the right thing by helping us out." Spyro said, and that was the truth of the matter, because from what he and the others had seen and heard Bianca was a shining star of hope to the residents of the Forgotten Realms, even if they were surprised by the fact that she was the Sorceress' apprentice, but at the very least everyone they had helped out seemed to know that she wasn't the enemy, rather they knew she was on their side and was working to return these lands to what they had been so many years ago.

"I know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm heading back to Midnight Mountain so I can speak with the Sorceress and try to convince her to stop what she's doing," Bianca stated, though even as she readied her magic she could tell that the group was a little worried for her safety, especially when it was clear that she might be siding with the four of them and not with her own mentor, but she kept the smile on her face as she readied herself, "I know, it might be a waste of time, but I would like to make one more attempt before you guys reach her, and even if that fails I might be able to learn something else that could help you guys out."

Before Spyro and the others could say anything Bianca took off in the same stream of rainbow energy that she used when she was traveling between homeworlds, meaning that she was heading to the final land of the Forgotten Realms, a land called Midnight Mountain according to her, but even though she had left them Spike took a moment to look at the map that she provided them with and looked for the section that was related to where they were, allowing the others to start gathering gems once more. The first thing they did was have Ember smash a pair of metallic vases that were resting right behind them, exactly right behind the whirligig, and that included picking up the gems that fell, before they looked out at the rest of the realm and considered what they were going to do first, in terms of which direction the four of them wanted to move in, which was when Spike reapplied the Water Safety spell to Elora, due to the water they would have to swim through at some point. After that the group turned towards the tower that was to their right, the one that they all thought the whirligig would have landed in due to the opening that was at the top of the structure, and picked up the pair of gems that lead inside, which brought them to something that they had never seen before, an oval shaped vehicle that had pointed tips and was standing upright, while possessing what appeared to be four legs of some kind that held the rest of the object in place, though currently it didn't appear that there was a way to get into it. The only reason they even had the idea that someone might be able to get inside it, even if it seemed large enough for multiple beings to be inside it, was due to the circular windows that had been installed in the sides of the oval, two of them to be exact, but since there wasn't anything else in the area the group headed back outside and continued exploring the new homeworld.

From there they walked along the edge of the lake and smashed a few metallic vases that were in the way, where all of them made sure to pick up the gems that were freed in the process, before quickly reaching the end of the ground that they could walk on, to which they glided over to the upper part of a portal's structure, one that happened to be under the water, to pick up a lone gem. After that there was little for them to do but jump into the water, so that is what the siblings did and Elora joined them not a few seconds later, after making sure that she was in the base form of her armor and not using something like the Spring Jump Form, though once she was done checking her armor out she joined the siblings and dived under the water, enjoying being able to swim like they did. It was in that moment that Spike noted that the portal the four of them had been standing on the roof of lead to a realm called Frozen Altars, meaning it had to be cold there and that he might need to bust out the Heat Aura spell when they got there, but for now they turned to the right and swam into the other part of the lake, where the whale, which apparently had some swimming attire on, the shorts, happened to be located at the moment. With that information gathered they turned their attention to the wrecked pirate ship design of the next portal, one that lead to a realm called Lost Fleet, while off to the right rested another portal, where this one was attached to a smaller tower and lead to Charmed Ridge, though the bridge that connected it to the main castle did seem to have the Speedway portal, which would take them to Honey Speedway, which seemed interesting. There were some caves that no doubt lead to the other portals, to the other realms that they wold be assisting in the near future, though as they started to move they were interrupted by the whale swimming into the area that they were in, causing it to open its mouth for a moment as it neared them.

Spike, seeing the egg that was inside the large creature's mouth, swam forward for a few seconds and grabbed onto it, before retreating as quickly as he could, which was why he headed back for the surface so he could make sure the egg was just fine, especially since it had been trapped inside a whale the entire time, something that he was absolutely sure one of the Rhynocs had done after the Sorceress had told them to hide the stolen eggs.

"I'm surprised one of the Rhynocs hid an egg inside that whale's mouth," Elora commented, where Spyro and Ember nodded their heads in agreement, due to the fact that none of them had seen that coming when they dived into the water a few moments ago, but at the very least Spike was able to rescue the egg from the area it had been resting in so he could check it out and then send it back to the Dragon Realms.

"According to the scroll, it was labeled as 'thrown into water of Evening Lake'," Spike replied, showing them that what Bianca had given them had hints as to where all of the eggs were located, or sometimes even direct instructions as to the where the eggs happened to be resting, before he used his Teleportation Breath on the egg, to send it off, "I guess the Rhynoc that carried that egg didn't stop to consider the fact that the whale might accidentally eat it and, based on what I have seen so far, I'm almost convinced that the Rhynocs aren't as intelligent as the Gnorcs were."

Spyro and Ember glanced at each other for a few moments, as there had been some odd Gnorcs when they went on their first quest to save the day, but at the same time they had to agree with what their brother was saying, that the foes they were currently going up against didn't seem that bright and made the Gnorcs look good, while Elora just stood there and waited for them to get moving, as she had no knowledge on how the beings in question acted and would have to take Spike's word for it. Once he was done with the egg the four of them dived back into the water and started to scout out the rest of the lake that was part of this homeworld's name, where they started smashing the green glass vases that were in the water and picked up the loose gems that happened to be around the area, both the ones that had been resting there before their arrival and the ones they freed. Ember, seeing some cracks in the side of one of the towers, again underwater like most of the things they had seen so far in this land, slammed her hardened tail into the weakened wall and smashed it open, revealing a chamber that had a couple of glass vases, a few loose gems and, more importantly, another egg that had been hidden in this land, so she grabbed it and hauled it back to the area that Spike had put the first one in, though once that was done she returned to the chamber and picked up the gems she had left behind.

When Ember rejoined the group they headed down one of the caves and found another portal, this one looking like one of the stone fortifications that was around the castle, but that allowed them to discover the location of the portal that would take them to the Fireworks Factory, another odd name for a realm since the residents could have picked anything else, though none of them decided to question the name that was on the portal and picked up the gems that were near it, along with smashing a few glass vases. Once that was done they headed back to the area that the Speedway portal was in and found a passage that allowed them to circle back to where the portal to Frozen Altars rested, allowing them to break more glass vases in the process before they reached the portal in question, to which they jumped out of the water for a few moments and looked around the rest of the area that they were in. It was in that moment that Elora pointed out the ladder that was attached to the side of a tower and happened to head up to the top, or at least to a chamber that was far above where they were standing, to which the four of them headed through the water for a moment and then started to climb up the ladder, where Spyro started climbing up it first as Spike, Ember, and Elora followed after him. The chamber in question happened to be the same size as the area Ember found the egg in a few moments ago, where they smashed a few metallic vases, picked up all the gems that were laying on the ground, and then paused for a moment as they found another sign from Zoe, reminding the group that once they found the yeti that was being held by Moneybags in this land, and freed them, they needed to head back to Midday Gardens and finish it off, since they left a section of Bamboo Terrace behind and there was Zoe's sign in that land as well.

With that in mind the group turned to leave the chamber and then paused for a moment as they spotted an opening in the structure that was above the water, close to where the portal to Frozen Altars was located, so Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora glided over to it, even if Elora had to switch forms for a moment, to which they found a lone egg up there, where the siblings let Elora pick it up and jump down to where the other egg was resting, as the group determined that they could afford to put the eggs in one place before sending them all to the Dragon Realms.

As they did that Ember spotted another area that rested above the water and might hold an egg, something that the group was quick to agree with, mostly because there were flames pouring out of some devices and the scroll Bianca gave them mentioned something like that, to which they swam over the surface of the lake and reached the other patch of land that they had spotted, before they smashed some metallic vases and climbed some stone steps to reach a Powerup Gate, or, to be more precise, an Invincibility Gate. Spyro passed through it for a moment, taking on the appearance that came with this gate, the more molten appearance that allowed him to swim through lava like his siblings did, where he jumped over to the ledge that was in front of him and then jumped to the area the egg was resting on, where the Invincibility power allowed him to take no damage from the flame spitters that were in the wall to their left. Spike and Ember, on the other claw, really didn't care about the powerup and only used it to get over to where their bother was standing, as doing that allowed them to take no damage from the devices that were designed to hurt one of them, before the three of them turned and looked over at Elora, who was standing beside the gate. It was clear why she was hesitating, mostly because she had no idea if her armor would allow her to use this specific powerup, even if it was one of the gates that didn't have a combat ability, before she braced herself and stepped forward, where she passed through the Invincibility Gate and came to a stop for a moment, but when she glanced at herself she found that, somehow, she did acqure the power of the gate she had walked through, even if it was odd for her to have a molten appearance to her entire body.

Elora then jumped over to the ledge that was in front of her, where she didn't take damage from the flames, and then jumped over to where the siblings were standing, allowing her to smile for a moment as the ability faded and her body quickly returned to normal, showing them that the gate in question had a rather quick timer on how long the powerup lasted, not that such a thing really mattered in the grand scheme of things.

"I had no idea you could do something like that," Spyro said, as he and his siblings knew that Elora's armor had been created for her and was designed to work with some of the Powerup Gates that were scattered around Avalar, something that made sense due to the fact that those structures had been made by the dragons that once visited her home after they were banished from the lands that they were exploring at the moment.

"The Professor said that I was able to use the gates that weren't associated with combat abilities, but even then I had no idea I could use the Invincibility Gates." Elora replied, though at the same time she looked at her arms and the rest of her body for a moment, as she had been caught off guard by the fact that she had taken on a similar molten appearance to what the siblings used when they walked through the gate, but that was when a smile appeared on her face, "Though its good to know that I can use those gates as well, because that might make some of the upcoming realms easier for us and, more importantly, I won't get left behind if a passage can only be accessed by this powerup."

The siblings nodded for a moment, as they had to agree that discovering this fact meant Elora would be able to join them in the future, without having to worry about being left behind, even if one of them might stay back with her to help her find a way to rejoin the group, before they glanced out at the area they were in and found that if they jumped and glided to their left they would be able to land on another patch of land. As such that was what the group did, even if Elora carried the egg that had been found at the end of the short path that the Invincibility Gate had allowed them to access, so it didn't take them long to land on the area they had spotted and start to look around it for gems and vases, while looking out for the remaining eggs that they were more interested in. That was when they found a bullseye chest in front of another ladder that was on the side of a tower, to which Ember jumped into the air and smashed it with a Headbash, just like they did whenever they found one of these during their travels, allowing their dragonflies to pick up the gems that she ended up freeing from the chest that she smashed open, which was when they turned their attention to the ladder and the area that it would lead them up to. The ladder brought them to the top of the tower that the vessel they had seen earlier was in, the one that was resting where they thought the whirligig would have rested when they first arrived in this land, to which they picked up the gems that were on the floor, while avoiding the hole that the vessel would move through when it was time to use it, while also determining that this was a chamber of some kind between the room they had been in earlier and the actual top of the tower, before spotting a walkway nearby.

The walkway in question allowed them to find yet another egg, which was good since these were what the group were really looking for, to which Spike quickly checked it out and determined that it was good to go, to which Elora picked it up and they all glided back down to where the other two eggs were resting, to which Elora put them down and let Spike go over them one more time before sending all four of them back to the Dragon Realms, before pulling out the scroll to look at it for a couple of seconds.

"Well, according to the information we were given, that's all of the eggs that were in this land," Spike said, where he rolled up the scroll and tucked it away once more, to which he took a moment to think about something as everyone took a few seconds to look at the rest of the area they were in, especially since they knew they had missed something, "I'm sure that we got most of the gems that were scattered around this homeworld, but its hard to imagine that we might have missed the area that Moneybags would be standing in, no doubt with the hero that the Sorceress captured and locked away some time ago."

"They have to be here somewhere," Ember remarked, as it didn't make sense for there to be one homeworld that had no hero, like how Sunrise Spring had Sheila and Midday Gardens had Sgt. Byrd, but even as she looked out at the parts of the land that they could see at the moment she didn't see anything that might lead them to where the bear and the caged hero would be resting, meaning that they must have missed something at some point.

"Wait, I just felt something." Spike stated, where he glanced around the area for a moment, as if he was looking for the zone that Moneybags was hiding in, causing the group to pause what they were doing as he said that, clearly eager to see if he might have seen something with his power or had used his magic to locate something, before he got up and stared at the water that was in front of them, "Come on, I think I know where they are."

Spyro and Ember jumped into the water the moment Spike did, and where followed by Elora a few seconds later, to which the four of them dived back down to the area that the portal to Frozen Altars was located in and found a side path that they must have missed earlier, where Spike swam forward and let Ember smash the glass vases that were in the way, only to swim upwards and jump out of the water a few seconds later, revealing a chamber they had missed... where they found Moneybags standing next to a tall cage that contained a white furred creature that had blue grey skin, with a pair of purple horns and, interestingly enough, a club made of ice.

"Heh heh, the Sorceress has a real prize on her hands this time around," Moneybags commented, clearly speaking to the group as they jumped out of the water and landed on the floor that Spike had found, while at the same time Ember took a few moments to smash a few metallic vases before coming to a stop near the rest of the group as they stared at the bear as they listened to the newest scheme he had for them, "It took two dozen Rhynocs to bring down and capture this dimwitted yeti, so the lot of you had better believe that he's not getting out cheap, not with all the damage that he caused before he was brought down."

"Moneybags, you're right about one thing, he's not getting out for a low amount of gems," Elora said, though as she said that Spike gathered his magic for a moment and latched onto the magic that was keeping the cage together, where all of them watched as he broke apart the magic that kept the cage together and freed the yeti from the cell that he had been forced into earlier, "he's getting out for free!"

"Ah, the first rejuvenating breath of freedom," the yeti stated, where he took a few moments to actually stretch now that he was freed from the cell that he had been trapped in since he and the other heroes had been captured by the being they had been trying to bring down, before he glanced at the group for a moment, where the group were able to figure out his gender based on his voice, even if that was when he knelt to them for a few seconds, "with the humility of a wounded sparrow, I genuflect to my noble deliverers."

"Don't worry, its no big deal." Spike replied, while at the same time the rest of the group nodded their heads to show that they agreed with what he was saying at the moment, though they did find that the yeti was far more intelligent than what Moneybags made him out to be, even though Spike was thinking about the fact that he could break the cage on the fourth and final hero that they would encounter in Midnight Mountain.

"Also, I would have let you out anyway," Moneybags said, almost as if he was trying to save face with the yeti and have him see him as someone who was only doing as he was told, like he had freed him once the Sorceress was looking the other way on the matter, while at the same time the group glared at the bear, as they couldn't believe that he was even trying this sort of thing, and the yeti seemed to agree with them as he glared at Moneybags.

"Why you brazenly avaricious, duplicitous, larcenous ursine!" the yeti declared, which was the moment that he raised a hand and grabbed Moneybags by the collar of his suit, something that allowed him to pull the bear close to him and use his ice club on him, allowing the group to witness as he clubbed Moneybags twice with the weapon, showing that he was able to wield it rather well, before he stopped and glanced at the group, "One more, perhaps?"

"At the very least!" Ember remarked, because none of them liked Moneybags and this was part of his punishment for everything he had done since they found out the sort of crimes that he committed, especially the war between the two realms back in Avalar, and it wasn't long before Spyro, Spike, and Elora nodded their heads in agreement, to show that they agreed with what she had said.

In that moment the yeti let go of Moneybags and slammed his club into the bear's chest, sending him flying into the wall that was right behind him, basically leaving the bear in a dazed state for the foreseeable future, but the reason they were leaving the bear alone was because they would arrest him once they recovered all the stolen eggs and put a stop to the Sorceress' plans, whatever those were.

"Pleased to afford me the sublime honor of enjoying your visitation in the nearest future." the yeti said, showing that he was pleased with what the group had done for them and that he was eager to have them visit the realm that he called home at some point, or at least that was what they gathered from what he had said, even if he had done so in the way that he was used to doing, "Oh, and I am called Bentley."

"Its nice to meet you, I'm Spyro," Spyro replied, though at the same time he gestured to the others for a few seconds so Bentley had an idea as to which name belonged to which of them, showing that he was definitely smarter than what the Sorceress and Moneybags were leading people to believe with their lies, "this is Spike, Ember, and Elora."

Bentley bowed his head for a moment, showing that he understood what they were saying, before he turned around and headed through the portal that was right behind him, heading back to his realm while leaving the group to their own devices for a few moments, because they didn't need to head back to the whirligig, as in the next few moments they were going to head through the portal that was in front of them and assist Bentley in whatever was wrong with his homeworld, so they could clear out Midday Gardens and then start helping the residents of Evening Lake.

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