• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Glimmer

The first thing that Spyro, Spike, and Ember did, after watching the people that called them to this land disappear as they chased Ripto and his dinosaur minions, was look at the area around them so they had a better idea as to what they were dealing with and what sort of enemies might be in their way, though the first thing Spike did was open the guidebook so he could see what it had for them. Their first observations of the realm they had suddenly appeared in remained true, as it appeared that they were in some sort of valley, one that looked like someone or a group of someones had been busy digging into the ground for whatever valuables they could find, which seemed to be true since there was a large blue gemstone off in the distance, resting in front of a dry brown colored structure. The interesting part about the structures that were in this area, both the ones that stood alone and those that resembled towers, which weren't like the ones back home, had light purple gems that were surrounded by gold inlay, meaning they were purely for design and nothing else, but it was nice to see that the people of this land could provide for themselves. The other thing they noticed was that there were some wooden beams attached to the wall behind them, where the portal they had flown out of had been located, and the rocks they were connected to were arranged more in the form of steps, meaning that they would have to carefully look around the realms and make sure they didn't miss anything.

As the siblings focused on leaving the area, so they could finally explore the rest of the realm they had appeared in, they spotted a brown skinned kangaroo rat, who was about their height, carefully walk around part of the tower that was on the upper platform in front of them, to their right to be exact, and jumped down into the area they were in, though the siblings suspected that he was in need of assistance.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, welcome to Glimmer." the kangaroo rat said, his tone revealing that he must have encountered the people that had called the siblings to this land, as they were chasing after Ripto and his minions, hence the reason that he knew their names, despite the fact that none of them had talked to him since their arrival, and they could see that he had a miner's helmet on his head, which interested them a little, "I'd like to help you get to the portal to Summer Forest, so you can meet up with Elora and the others, but unfortunately a mob of lizards just showed up, just as Ripto and his goons were leaving, and they're starting to steal all of the Gems that we've been freeing from the ground. Can you stop them for us?"

"Of course we can." Spyro remarked, because from what he could tell the blue scaled lizards that were in the area in front of them, carrying large pickaxes over their right shoulders, didn't seem all that tough, and with his siblings by his side he knew that it would be rather easy to clear this realm of enemies and return it to normal, before a thought came to him as he remembered their first adventure, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a spare sack on hand, one that we can borrow while we're helping the people that called us to this land?"

"Yeah, I've got one you can use." the kangaroo rat replied, where he hopped off to the area that the sack was likely resting in, which didn't seem to be too far away from where they had arrived in, and came back a few moments later, where he set the sack on the ground and looked at them, though the look in his face informed them that he was curious about something, "Why do you guys need a sack?"

"You'll see." Ember answered, to which she and Spyro moved to the side for a moment as Spike focused on the sack for a moment or two, just like he had done at the start of their previous adventure, because they both knew that whatever magic or power had brought them here was going to interfere with their Bag of Holding that was back in the Artisans homeworld, so since they might be collecting gems in this new land they needed a place to store them.

Spike focused his magic for a moment and channeled it into the sack, where the strands made sure that all of their dragonflies were connected to what he was doing, though once he was done he nodded his head, to which Spyro jumped up the steps behind them and had Sparx tap the three red gems and the two green gems he found, including two purple gems that were in straw baskets that were up at the top of the path he had followed, where he, Ember, and the kangaroo rat watched as the gems bounced into the air and appeared in the sack on their own.

"Since we're going to help take out Ripto, and collect the gems that he's scattered across the land, we need a place to safely store them, and a Bag of Holding is the best option," Spike explained, where he noticed that the kangaroo rat was impressed by what he had seen, meaning that magic was either rare in this land or they didn't use magic in this manner, but he was more than willing to reveal what was going on at the moment, though once they got back home he'd have to reconnect their dragonflies to the original sack he had enchanted, before he attached the sack to his satchel, as he would make sure to put it somewhere safe, once they were done helping these guys out.

"Fascinating. I've never seen someone do that before." the kangaroo rat said, as he was definitely impressed by what he had seen, especially since the gems had suddenly appeared in the sack with a little amount of effort, and that told him that the siblings were definitely the best chance to save Avalar, even if he didn't know anything else about them and the abilities that they had, before he moved out of the way so they could move forward.

Spyro, Spike, and Ember climbed up into the area that was in front of them and stared at the pair of lizards that were carrying pickaxes, as they were curious if they were aggressive or if they were runners, and the moment they approached them the lizards fled from where they had been standing, showing the siblings that they were either scared of creatures that weren't like them or they were trying to lure them into a false sense of security, but, when Ember charged into the one that was the closest to them, no gem fell to the ground, rather a small white sphere left their body and rushed off into the distance, causing them to wonder what was going on.

"Spike, do you have any idea what that was?" Ember inquired, because the only one of them that might have any idea as to what that was had to be their brother, be it due to his own knowledge or his own thoughts on the matter, but both she and Spyro paused for a moment while they waited for Spike to answer the question, only for him to pull out the book they had been given and opened it.

"Hm, give me a moment," Spike replied, as he suspected that the guidebook had to have some idea as to what that sphere was and what it could be used for, or if they wouldn't have to worry about it at all, before he found a passage that might be exactly what he was looking for, "According to this guidebook, that was a Spirit Particle, and they're released from enemies that are defeated in each realm, where they'll fly to something called a Powerup Gate, something that we'll no doubt encounter as we explore the realms that rest all around Avalar... and no, we aren't permanently killing the lizards and the other enemies, as it seems that the Spirit Particles, after a certain amount of time, will separate from the gate and be reborn as something else in due time."

"That's interesting." Spyro said, though at the same time he understood that the Spirit Particle they had freed wasn't dangerous to them or the residents of this realm, so they could release a few more and maybe find the Powerup Gate that they were heading to, as it would be interesting to see what sort of power it gave them, before they focused on exploring the rest of Glimmer.

The first thing they did was rather simple, as Spyro charged into the other lizard, an indigo lizard according to what the guidebook said, and released another Spirit Particle as the lizard hit the ground, allowing them to explore the area that was around them and see what else they could find. Ember headed to the right and found a straw basket hidden behind one of the towers, just like Spyro did behind the other tower, before they gathered the gems that were in front of them and were behind the large blue gemstone that was stuck in the ground, where the siblings headed to the right and kept an eye open for anything else they could collect and the other foes they had to take down for the Gemcutters. That was the moment that Spike found out the name of the kangaroo rats that called this land home, as it appeared that the people of Avalar referred to the residents of Glimmer as Gemcutters, which made sense due to them being miners and the fact that they dug out all the gems that appeared to be the main economy for the land, something that Ripto had disrupted during his time in this land, giving them another reason to recover all the gems that they could find, so they could return them to their rightful owners once this adventure reached it's end. As Spike read all that, and told his siblings about it, Spyro and Ember found two more straw baskets near some stone steps that would take them down to a mine shaft and a path that wrapped around to the left side of this area, but what interested them was the large brown scaled lizard that was holding a large hammer in one hand, where the guidebook referred to it as a brown lizard, causing Spike to roll his eyes at the name, as he would have called it a hammer lizard or something slightly cooler.

Spyro picked up the gems that were laying on the ground as Ember rushed forward and rolled out of the way so she could dodge the hammer as the lizard brought it down where she had been seconds ago, where a confused look appeared on it's face as she flamed it, causing it to fall and release another Spirit Particle into the air, before the three of them resumed exploring the area around them. After picking up the gems that were laying around the circular building that was in front of where they had suddenly appeared, and finding a few more large gems that were resting half in the ground like the large blue one, Ember jumped up into the building and found four straw baskets resting inside it, along with one of the indigo lizards, so Spike loosed a quick flame to take him out. While they were doing that, and cleaned up this part of the realm, Spyro jumped over to the stone that was near one of the openings of the building and picked up the pair of gems that were laying on it, before jumping to the next stone and repeated the motions, only to rejoin his siblings as they made their way over to the passage that would take them back to the tunnel entrance. In that area they found five more straw baskets, a few scattered gems on the ground, and three more scared indigo lizards, so the siblings made sure to take out Ripto's minions and collected all of the gems that were in that area, before heading over to the tunnel that they knew would take them to where the portal to the rest of Avalar rested.

When they reached the tunnel that would allow them to access another part of this realm, and bring them closer to the portal they were looking for, they found the fairy that was hanging with the others floating in the opening, no doubt waiting for all three of them to arrive and smiled when they came to a stop in front of her, as they were interested in what she had to tell them.

"Hi guys. My name is Zoe, and I'm one of Elora's friends," the fairy said, though the siblings were happy to know what her name was, as it would be awkward for them to keep calling her by her race the entire time they were here, especially since they were sure she would be assisting the three of them in some manner, "she's asked me to keep track of your progress and to use my magic to move you to a safe area, if you three ever find yourselves overwhelmed by Ripto's minions, something she hopes never happens."

"It's nice to know that someone has our back, in case Ripto's minions prove to be more than what we're expecting them to be," Spyro remarked, because based on what they had seen he had to assume that the two dinosaurs were the bigger threat to them and their quest to take down Ripto, especially since their target was missing the scepter that he had been carrying for a period of time.

Zoe nodded her head in agreement and moved out of their way, allowing Spyro to flame the indigo lizard that was a few steps behind where she had been resting, while at the same time Spike picked up the gems that were on the ground and Ember smashed the straw baskets as they moved towards the other side of the tunnel, before they reached the end of the tunnel and discovered a large cavern they would have to cross to help the Gemcutters out. There were a number of gems that were in the process of being removed from the ground, or would have been if it wasn't for the lizards that were interrupting the Gemcutters, where some of them were glowing, and there were a few tall rocks that meant that exploring would be quite hard, since they were out of their reach. Another thing the siblings noticed was the fact that there were a few special lamps connected to the ceiling, with what looked like special gems attached to the ends of them, meaning they had to give off a very special glow for the kangaroo rats to keep them around and not add them to the economy, before Spike noticed an interesting gem resting in the middle of the ceiling, no doubt what the lamps were connected to, which only made him wonder why it was turned off. Off on their right, passed one of the glowing green crystals, was some metal poles that formed a ladder that would take someone up to the level above them, where it appeared two prongs, almost like two sides that weren't connected to each other, happened to rest, but it was hard for them to see it and it appeared that it would be hard for them to get up there, so they focused on the area in front of them and knocked out the indigo lizard that was near the end of the tunnel, and picked up the gems, before finding a roadblock.

There was an area that looked like a bridge was supposed to connect the two sides of the cavern together, something that would allow the Gemcutters to move things from one place to another, and standing near it was a brown skinned bear that was standing like the people that had called them to this land, though at the same time he was wearing the suit of an upper-class individual, and came complete with a monocle, while he was holding a sack with the image of a green gem sown into the front of it.

"Ah, you must be the three dragons that Elora and the others were excited about," the bear said, showing the siblings that he already knew who they were, information that was gained from the people that were responsible for bringing them to Avalar in the first place, and that he had been interested in meeting them, though at the same time they had the feeling that his interest wasn't like what the Gemcutters and the others had, "Well, dragons or not, I'm afraid that there is a small fee you'll have to pay to use the bridge, and the best part is that this a one time payment, so you'll be able to cross as much as you like in the future. It'll cost you one hundred gems to use the bridge."

"Look, bear, we're helping Elora and the others stop Ripto, and we really don't like people getting in our way, as the last foe we faced had commanders to stop us and we took them down." Ember remarked, stopping both of her brothers for a few seconds, as they were interested in seeing what she was going to do next, especially since they were considering giving him the gems and moving on with their quest, and the bear raised his eyebrow for a moment as he faced her, as if this was the first time someone refused to meet his prices and pay him the gems he asked for, "How about you back off and let us cross this bridge, for free to be exact, and we won't beat you and torch you within an inch of your miserable life, you money grubbing cretin!"

The bear growled for a moment as he reached for Ember, but instead of waiting for him to do anything Ember moved out of the way and spun around as she jumped into the air, where she smacked him in the face with her tail and knocked him to the ground, only to land near him and made sure she was in front of him, with her talons and flames at the ready, to show him that she wasn't messing around.

"Very well... I can see you aren't joking." the bear said, where he let go of the bag for a few seconds and waved his left hand at the bridge for a moment, to which the siblings watched as the bridge extended and the two halves became one complete structure, causing Ember to get off of him and let him get up, though all he did was pick up his sack and dust off his clothing, before glancing back at them, "Yes, this was a scam for new arrivals, and you figured it out rather easily, so I'll withdraw and focus on doing something else... but this isn't the last you have seen of me, Moneybags, as I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again in the future."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember watched as the bear, Moneybags, walked over the bridge that he had extended for them, and noticed that he wasn't bothered by the lizards that were on the other side, before he disappeared and left the realm that they had found themselves in, allowing the siblings to sigh as they focused on what had just happened and what they were going to do now that the bridge was open.

"Ember, are you okay?" Spyro asked, because at the start of their first adventure Ember had been annoyed by what Gnasty Gnorc had done to the rest of the dragons and now, and the start of what was their second adventure, she went and snapped at one of the residents of the land they had been brought to, something that worried him since that might color the opinions of Elora and her friends, "You didn't have to snap at him like that."

"Yes, I did. I suspected he was lying to us and he proved me right," Ember replied, as she had the feeling that the bear wasn't telling the truth and she was happy to see that her feelings were right on the matter, even if she was just a tad bit surprised by how easily Moneybags had been intimidated and the fact that he might know magic, especially with how he had returned the bridge to it's original state, before she glanced at the area below the bridge, "We've only been in Avalar for ten to fifteen minutes, and in that time we've been attacked by the local villain and a bear tried to shake us down for the gems that we picked up from where they were resting, on the ground and in some baskets, so I wasn't about to let him scam us and waste our time."

"Well, Moneybags said we'd likely see him again in the future, so you frightening him might work in our favor, or it might come back to bite us... we shall see." Spike added, showing that he understood both Spyro and Ember's points of view on the matter, but at the same time he was more interested in exploring the rest of Glimmer and seeing if there was anything else they needed to do before they followed after Elora and her friends, "Come on, let's finish exploring the realm of the Gemcutters and help them out, and then we'll find the portal that will take us to Summer Forest, where we should be able to learn more about Ripto and his plans, and what we need to do to stop him in his tracks."

Spyro and Ember nodded their heads in agreement as they headed to the right and descended into the area that was below the bridge, where they found a couple of gems scattered around the area and two of the brown lizards hanging out near some crystals, so the siblings separated and took them down with a quick flame, before gathering the gems that were on the ground and inside the pair of straw baskets. Once that was done they turned around and headed back to where the stone steps were that allowed them to get down here in the first place, allowing them to return to where the tunnel entrance was located and started to walk across the bridge, where an indigo lizard spotted them and fled before they could even reach him, leaving a brown lizard standing between them and another passage. It didn't take them long to flame the brown lizard and knock him to the ground, just like the others they had seen so far, and collected the gems that were both laying on the ground and were resting in the pair of straw baskets, but once that was done the siblings climbed up the steps that were in front of them and walked through the new passage that the indigo lizard had run through. They found a decent sized chamber at the end of the short passage, along with a pair of gems that they picked up along the way, before discovering that the indigo lizard that had run away from them was now standing at the end of the very short passage and was standing in front of where one of the Gemcutters was waiting, but since he cowered before them all they did was flame him and jumped down into the area in front of them.

The Gemcutter in question waited for a few seconds, allowing them to pick up the couple of gems that were laying on the floor, and inside the lone straw basket, before the siblings gathered in front of him, as they suspected that he had something to tell them before they continued helping the residents of this realm out, because there was another area to the realm that was just outside the building they were currently standing in.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, thanks for helping us fight off the lizards." the Gemcutter said, his tone revealing that he was happy that they had been called to this realm by Elora and the others, especially since Ripto's minions had been bothering them for a time, before he called upon what little magic he had and Spike stared at the area between them, "Please, take this Talisman of Glimmer as a sign of our gratitude."

Spike watched as the magic gathered for a few seconds, as the Gemcutter was in the middle of calling something to where they were standing, before a golden pickaxe appeared in the air between them, one that he could instantly tell was incredibly magical, though that caused him to pull out the guidebook they had been given and found the pages that talked about Glimmer, or the page that was entirely empty, where the pickaxe disappeared and reappeared seconds later inside the book, much to the surprise of his siblings.

"I see. The guidebook is like a little storage area of sorts, allowing us to store the Talismans without actually having to carry them from realm to realm," Spike commented, as he had been curious if the guidebook had any magical properties and was pleased to see that it actually did serve some secondary purpose, instead of just giving them information on the various realms they would be visiting in the future, though he suspected that there was more to the storage magic than what they were seeing at the moment, meaning there might be something else the book could take into it and they just had to find it.

"If you say so. Personally, I never understood why that guidebook was so important," the Gemcutter stated, though at the same time that didn't seem to annoy him, as he was more interested in digging for gems and adding them to Avalar's economy, before a stone arch, that looked identical to the portal the siblings had come out of earlier, pulled itself out of the ground and formed a perfect portal near them, "This magical portal will take you to Summer Forest, one of the three homeworlds that make up the entirety of Avalar, where Elora and the others are waiting for you... or at least that was what she told me when they came through here earlier."

Instead of heading through the portal, and heading to where Elora told them they would likely meet up again, Spyro, Spike, and Ember jumped back up to where the entrance to this area was and found another passage that allowed them to head outside, where they found a couple of buildings that matched the other buildings they had seen so far, along with a larger building that had a decent sized gem at the top of it, before noticing the couple of lizards that were hanging out and, more importantly, one of the Powerup Gates Spike had read about earlier. The first thing they did was pick up the gems that were laying on the ground as they followed the indigo lizard that was running away from them, before flaming him and then dodging the hammer of the brown lizard that was standing near another structure, one that seemed more like a walkway of sorts, even though it wasn't connected to anything. Once those two foes had been taken care of the siblings separated from each other and explored the rest of the area that they were in, where they picked up all the gems that were laying on the ground and made sure to break the straw baskets that were scattered around the area as well, only to regroup near the Powerup Gate that one of the Gemcutters was standing near. The interesting part about it was that there was a wing shaped icon resting between the two pillars of the gate, surrounded by magic to be exact, which told Spike that if one of them were to use it they might be granted a new power for a certain amount of time, maybe some sort of flight power that would help them explore the area they were in, but he decided to talk with the Gemcutter first, just in case there was something he needed them to do with this particular gate.

"Great, you guys managed to reactivate the Superfly Powerup," the Gemcutter stated, informing the siblings that the Powerup Gates had names that revealed what sort of abilities they gave those that used them, meaning that the gates that had the wing icon, like the one that was in front of them, were referred to as the Superfly Powerup, meaning that they had to keep their eyes open for the other gates and the powers they could gain from them, "with it one of you can fly around this area and restart our gem lamps, which will cause the big lamp in the middle to light up as well, though you'll only be able to use this power for a couple of seconds."

Spyro stepped onto the platform that the gate was on and moved through it, where he took off almost instantly and found that he could fly around the area like this was a Flight Realm from the Dragon Realms, to which he spun around for a moment and focused on what the Gemcutter had asked them to do, which was fly around the area and light the lamps that had been turned off, how he had no idea, though he was sure the lizards or Ripto were to blame. What he did was fly around the area and get a good look at everything from the highest point he was allowed to fly at, which was the same height as the white gem at the top of the tallest building, the one that all of the gem lamps connected to, and he spotted a few gems laying near one of the buildings, at a higher point than what he and his siblings were used to seeing, and a few straw baskets resting around the area in a similar fashion. None of the gems or baskets were in hard to reach areas, which was a good thing, and from what he could tell using the hover technique would work, and so would landing and clearing out the areas himself, but instead of doing that he quickly returned to where the platform was located and informed Spike and Ember of what he had seen, allowing them to head off to the areas in question so they could recover the gems that had been scattered earlier. As they did that, and before the Gemcutter could get annoyed that none of them were trying to relight the gem lamps, Spyro took to the air once more by using the Superfly Powerup, where he breathed fire on the blue, orange, yellow, green, and purple gemstones that formed a near perfect circle, before bringing the circle to a close by doing the same to the red one that was right behind the platform, allowing him to land at the same time as his siblings returning with the gems that he had pointed out to them.

In that moment the siblings watched as all six of the gem lamps that Spyro had breathed fire on glowed brightly for a few seconds, which was no doubt part of whatever was going on, before they focused beams of light, all colored like the gems that they came from, and struck the white gemstone, which let off a pleasant white glow that appeared to be what the Gemcutter was looking for, if the smile on his face was any indication.

"Thanks a lot for helping me relight the lamps," the Gemcutter said, his tone revealing that likely would have taken him a great deal of time and effort to get all six of the lamps working again, time that he would rather be spending on his own interests, which may or may not be digging for more gems and pulling them out of the ground, before he moved to the side of the platform and dug into a bag that he kept near him, only to produce a green orb with two golden rings wrapped around it, both going in different directions, "A fairy gave this to me earlier, while I was taking a break from all the hard work I was doing, but, to be perfectly honest with you guys, I'm not a fan of Orbs, rather I'm more interested in gems and the shine they give off, so you guys can have it as your reward for helping me out."

Spyro and Ember glanced at each other for a moment, as they were curious as to why a fairy would have something like this and why that fairy would suddenly give it to a random person like this, but they had the feeling that they would find out the truth at some point, while at the same time Spike reopened the guidebook and watched as the Orb vanished as well, only to reappear as a small icon on the page opposite of the page that contained the Talisman. Based on what he could tell the guidebook was going to keep the more important items they discovered safe for them, meaning that he and his siblings wouldn't have to haul around however many Talismans and Orbs there were in this land, and it would give them an idea as to how many the fairies had left in each realm, if what he was feeling was any indication, but he'd have to check the book later, after meeting up with Elora again, to know for sure. In fact, since they couldn't climb the ladder to get up to the other Powerup Gate they had spotted, back in the main cave, he was sure that he and his siblings were going to have to come back here at some point and finish helping the Gemcutters out, so it wasn't hard for them to decide that it was time for them to leave the realm and head to Summer Forest. What ended up stopping them, however, was the fact that there was another Gemcutter hanging out in a cave near the platform that they had been on a few moments ago, though this time it appeared that the kangaroo rat in question was trying to hit what appeared to be a red lizard that was much smaller than the other two types they had seen so far, so they decided to see what the problem was and if they could do anything to assist him, before heading to their next destination.

In fact they had enough time to watch the Gemcutter throw another rock at the red lizard, who dodged the rather sad throw and taunted him by shaking his tail at him, which was where the siblings watched as the Gemcutter sighed as they climbed up to where he was standing, as it sure seemed like he needed help with something.

"What seems to be the problem?" Ember asked, as she knew that there had to be a reason for why the Gemcutter was trying to hit the lizard, especially since the other lizards had been harassing the rest of his clan from the moment they set out to explore Glimmer and figure out what they could do to help the people of this realm, and she was sure that he would jump at the chance to have them help him out.

"Oh, this little lizard is part of a small group of lizards that have eaten my entire crop of gems, and I'm in the middle of trying to deal with them, even though I'm failing." the Gemcutter replied, though at the same time he glanced at the three of them for a moment and then switched his gaze back to the lizard that was taunting him, no doubt thinking about what was going on with his home at the moment, before an idea came to him, based on the slight smile that graced his face a few seconds later, "Maybe you guys can try hitting them for me?"

The siblings had no idea if this was related to Ripto and his plans or if the Gemcutter was having bad luck, but, since they had been called to Avalar to help the residents out, by taking out the one that was disrupting the peace that they had been enjoying, they figured that they might as well help the guy out, especially since Spike was curious if he had an Orb that they could add to their small collection, as he had the feeling they were important, even if they had no idea what sort of purpose the Orbs served. The Gemcutter pulled out a rock and let them take it, where Ember grabbed it and recalled what Titan and Trondo had taught them at the beginning of their new training session, to which she focused on her target, who moved for a second or two, before she loosed the rock like they did during their practice sessions with the spitting technique, where she hit the lizard in the side of the head and knocked him to the ground, much to the joy of the Gemcutter they were helping out. As such he asked them to follow him to the next location that the red lizards had raided, but as Spike and Ember followed after him, to see where the second lizard was located, Spyro gathered the gems that were in the small cave, including the one that the first red lizard had been near by using the hover technique, before he followed after his siblings. As it turned out the second and third lizards were on the raised area that Spyro had seen some gems and straw baskets on earlier, when he was flying around the area, so while he knocked out the second one Spike did the same thing with the third, taking both of them out at the same time, something that made their new friend much happier than he already was.

The fourth red lizard was hanging on top of one of the rock pillars in the central cavern, but with no room to run away it was rather easy to take him out as well, allowing the siblings to focus on the remaining two lizards that the Gemcutter wanted them to take out, where one was hanging out near where they first arrived in this realm and the other was on top of the first large structure they had seen, though those areas were well within their reach and the siblings were more than able to take both of them out.

"Wow, you guys are unbelievable! You saved the rest of my crops from those lizards!" the Gemcutter said, showing that he was happy for what the siblings were able to do, even though spitting rocks at these red lizards was nothing after all the training they went through a year ago, in order to perfect this technique, before he reached into the sack he had been carrying with him, where the rocks the siblings had used had come from, "Here, I want you guys to have this Orb as thanks for helping me out. Some girl with wings dropped it off with my rocks yesterday and I've been trying to get rid of it ever since, and since Kanga gave you one for helping him I figured I'd do the same thing."

The siblings were happy to have a second Orb for their collection, even if they weren't sure what they were supposed to do with the Orbs they were apparently collecting, but they did know that the people that called them to this land would have some explanation as to why they needed these items, so they happily accepted the Orb and left the Gemcutter to his business as they headed back to where the portal to Summer Forest rested, as it was time to join their new friends and see what else they needed to do to save this land from their new foe.

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