• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Visiting the Villa

It didn't take Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora long to return to Sunrise Spring, where they walked out of the portal to Sheila's realm and walked away from the structure for a moment, allowing them to look at the only portals that were active, the ones that lead to Sunny Villa and Cloud Spires, even though they knew that the remaining portals in this land would reactivate once they recovered enough eggs. They did pause for a moment, just to think about what they were seeing as they came to a decision regarding their next destination, though that allowed Spike to double check the gems that they recovered so far and, once that was done, he made sure to write down everything that Elora had seen in Sheila's realm, getting down some of the basica details and descriptions of the enemies, mostly for the other dragons when they eventually read about this new adventure. Ember was more happy that Elora was able to actually recover some eggs, as none of them had any idea that some of them would have been hidden in Sheila's realm and that they would need their new ally to recover them, but that informed all of them that if there were any other prisoners like the kangaroo, in the other homeworlds that they would be visiting at some point in the future, they would have to make sure to do the same thing, help them out and recover the eggs that rested in their realms.

"So, which realm are we going to take on next?" Elora asked, because she was curious as to what Spyro was going to pick next, due to the fact that he was the leader and both Spike and Ember were used to following his suggestions on which ones they should be tackling, and she could tell that his siblings were interested in which realm he was going to chose, even if there were only two realms to pick from right now.

"Sunny Villa," Spyro replied, where he beckoned to the area that the portal in question happened to be located in, as it was near the very first egg they had recovered since arriving in the Forgotten Realms, before glancing at the area that the other portal was located in and the path that was just beyond it, mostly to look at the inactive portal they had found as they explored the homeworld, "we can tackle Cloud Spires once we're done helping the residents of this realm out, and by that point I think we will have recovered enough eggs to return power to one of the other two portals, meaning we can help those guys out as well. We'll also have to ask someone about the hot air balloon that is resting in that castle, since I'm not sure why that's there in the first place, but we can do that later, once someone actually goes to check it out."

"Well then, let's get moving." Ember remarked, to which she started walking over to the portal that her brother had picked out, as she didn't like the idea of remaining in one place for too long, especially with all of the eggs that were still out there, waiting to be rescued from those that had stolen them, and she knew her siblings felt the same way, hence the reason Spyro, Spike, and Elora looked at the portal as well.

The group nodded and quickly headed through the portal that would take them to Sunny Villa, as they were curious as to what they were going to find on the other side, and it wasn't long before they appeared in the starting area for the realm they had picked out, where they found themselves in what appeared to be a square area that might be a side area of the main realm. As it turned out the area that was in front of them seemed to be part of a village or town, based on the somewhat tall buildings that were off in the distance, and there happened to be marble pillars in the area they were in as well, complete with wooden beams built into the walls and, interestingly enough, stones that were laid out in a tile pattern, serving as the flooring beneath them. That was when Spyro, Spike, and Ember got their first look at the Rhynocs that Elora had told them about, or the ones that she had seen back in Sheila's realm anyway, and these ones were pretty much the same as the ones Elora had fought, only they were dressed as warriors and not mountaineers, but they didn't seem very threatening, reminding them of the Gnorcs they fought at the start of their first adventure. The other thing that they got to see was one of the residents of Sunny Villa, who happened to be a male lion that walked on two legs and seemed to be wearing a white toga, or at least that was what Ember assumed he was wearing, and he seemed somewhat worried about what was going on at the moment, meaning if they talked to him he would tell them what they needed to know.

The siblings glanced at each other and nodded, as it was time for them to follow the pattern that they had established back in Avalar, talk to the first resident of the realm they were visiting and learn what needed to be done to help them out, as this time they were sure this would net them an egg, before approaching the Lion in question, where Elora walked with them as she recalled the pattern she was seeing for the first time.

"Excuse me, is something wrong?" Spyro asked, even though he knew that it was a stupid question to ask, as he, his siblings, and Elora could see the Rhynocs that were waiting near the decent sized opening that would allow them to leave the starting area for this realm and tackle everything that this realm had to throw at them, but that didn't stop him from asking the question, since there could be more problems than they were aware of.

"Yes, hordes of ferocious Rhynocs have overrun our town," the Lion replied, where the group glanced at each other for a moment, as they were sure he was exaggerating about the number of enemies that were in this realm, mostly due to the fact that there didn't seem to be that many wandering around the area they were in, but they weren't about to call him a liar as they listened to what else he had to tell them, "oh, and they've kidnapped our Mayor, who has spoken out against the Sorceress a number of times... I guess this is her way of punishing those that stand against her and her rule, not that she's making friends by doing things this way."

"Don't worry, we'll do something about this." Ember stated, because based on what she was seeing the Rhynocs that were in front of them might be cowards, just like some of the first Gnorcs they had encountered, so all they needed to do was take them out so they could turn their attention to the more important part of why they were here, finding the stolen eggs and returning them to the Dragon Realms.

The first thing the group did was clear out the square area they had appeared in, as there happened to be a pair of straw baskets for them to break and a few gems for them to pick up, though it wasn't long before they collected all of that and headed for the rest of the realm, where they noticed that the pair of Rhynocs freaked out and ran away from them, as if they were terrified of dragons or were preparing an ambush for them. As it turned out Ember just charged one that was heading to the right and smashed through the small shield that her foe was trying to hide behind, where she knocked the Soldier Rhynoc, as she knew Spike would call them that, into the pillar and reduced him to a gem, confirming what Elora had told them earlier, not any of them had doubted her words when she told them about what she saw. She glanced over to the area that the other Soldier Rhynoc was in and watched as Spyro did what she did to his target, also getting a gem out of it, before they turned to look at Spike, who was studying the magic that might be on the gems while they did that, showing them that he was trying to figure out if the Sorceress was using the same spell that Gnasty Gnorc used, or if these were real beings that they were taking out, instead of fakes.

While they did that Elora made sure to pick up a few gems that were near them, even though she did spot another foe who was standing on the other side of the river that seemed to be moving through the area that they were in, and she did find that it was one of the Soldier Rhynocs, but for now she left it alone and returned to the siblings, where she put the gems inside the bag and waited to see what Spike had to say on the matter.

"Its the same spell... the Sorceress is using gems as soldiers for her army." Spike stated, where he slipped the pair of gems he had been studying back into the bag as soon as he said that, showing his siblings and Elora that he didn't need to look at them anymore, before he thought about the information he had just discovered and what he had learned after the first adventure they had been on, "That means the spell to turn gems into soldiers was originally one of the Transmutation spells that the ancient dragons created, for what purpose I don't know, and the Sorceress, having access to whatever we left behind when we were 'banished', found the spell and has been using it to her benefit since she started ruling over the Forgotten Realms... I'm not sure how Gnasty Gnorc got his hands on the spell, but its rather interesting to see that two of our foes had access to the same spell and used it in the same manner."

"Can you reverse it?" Elora asked, mostly because if Spike could cast such a spell, and target all of the Rhynocs that were scattered throughout the Forgotten Realms, they might be able to reduce the number of enemies that they had to fight as they recovered the stolen eggs and restored order to all of the realms they would be going through, though at the same time Spyro and Ember raised their eyebrows, showing that neither of them had considered asking Spike this when their first adventure started.

"No, only the one who casts the spell can reverse it... its just the way this particular spell works." Spike replied, but he continued to think about it for a moment, as he had to admit that turning all of their enemies back into gems would make things much easier for them, since they were more interested in the stolen eggs than anything else, but he knew what the answer was and knew that Elora and his siblings wouldn't like it, "Of course that's to reverse it, as we're more than able to break the spell by taking down the soldiers the Sorceress created... but, even if I was able to do something like that, there's a number of things I would need to do, like visit each realm and gather the locations of the focal points, to list a few things off the top of my head..."

"So, since we're already heading to the realms to take out our enemies and recover the eggs, there's no point in doing all of that hard work?" Ember inquired, which was just fine with her, she wanted to tear her way through the forces that the Sorceress sent at them, just to show their foe that it was a mistake to steal from them, though it didn't take Spike long to nod his head in agreement, showing that she was right in her thoughts, even if Elora's way would have been the much safer route this time around.

"Oh well, it was worth asking and seeing if such a thing was possible." Elora said, because Spike was the master when it came to understanding magic, especially after seeing what he was capable of when he got serious, so if he said that it was impossible to do something, like what she had suggested, there was really nothing she could do but acknowledge his comment and move on with their quest.

Once the conversation was over, and Spike made sure everything was put away, they moved from where they were standing and jumped over the small river that cut through the part of the town they had started in, where Elora tripped the Soldier Rhynoc that was near them and punched him in the face, besting him in seconds as the siblings smashed the various straw baskets that were around the area and picked up all the gems that were on the ground. From there the four of them jumped back over to the area the first pair of Soldier Rhynocs were in and discovered that there was an area off to the left of the opening they had walked through a few moments ago, where a Lion was running between two enemies that seemed interested in catching him. Ember, seeing that, hardened her tail and jumped into the air, where she spun around and struck her target in the chest with a attack, crushing the armor the Soldier Rhynoc was wearing over his chest, while at the same time Spyro charged into the other one and crushed him into the wall, allowing them to drop the pair of enemies and allowed the Lion to finally come to a stop. While they did that Ember and Elora picked up the gems that were in the area they had discovered and kept an eye open for any additional enemies that might be coming after them, since it was possible that these enemies were only luring them into a false sense of security while the bigger and more tougher foes were getting ready to hit them while they were distracted.

The moment they were sure that there were no more enemies coming their way, to attack them while they were in the middle of making sure the Lion was okay, Spyro nodded his head and revealed that nothing was coming at them, and, more importantly, that they were in the clear for a few moments, where Elora walked over to the Lion and made sure he was okay from what he had been doing, which had been running between the two Soldier Rhynocs.

"Are you alright?" Elora asked, as she wanted to make sure none of the residents of this realm had been hurt by the forces that the Sorceress sent to this town, especially since she and the siblings knew that the Lions hadn't done anything wrong, even if some would see the Mayor standing up to the Sorceress to be the problem, making her wonder what was going on in the Forgotten Realms.

"Yes, I'm fine." the Lion replied, where he huffed for a few moments, showing that he was exhausted from having to run between the two Soldier Rhynocs and, more importantly, that none of the residents of this realm were fighters, which meant that the others had to be in the same amount of danger, even if these foes didn't seem to be all that aggressive when they faced the siblings, "I... would have had them in time... I was just... um... lowering their defenses by running between them over and over again."

The siblings decided not to chuckle at that as Elora finished making sure that the Lion was just fine, mostly since he appeared to believe what he said, to a degree anyway, and once they were ready to go they made sure that the rest of the gems in the area they were in was picked up, even if there was an iron barred door blocking one of the paths they could take, so they headed over to the wooden steps and resumed moving through the town. There happened to be a Soldier Rhynoc running down the ramp part of the wooden steps, one that didn't seem to be paying attention to who was in front of him, so Elora tripped him and Spike, instead of wasting his magic, simply loosed a bit of fire to take him out, where all three of their dragonflies picked up the gems that they walked by as they entered the next part of the town. It was in that moment that the group discovered another foe, a much taller Rhynoc that happened to be carrying a large chicken leg as a club, making it a Club Rhynoc in their eyes, with two of the smaller Soldier Rhynocs waiting nearby, all of them appearing to be eager for something to happen. As such the siblings decided to greet their foes and rushed at them, where Ember took a few seconds to harden her body and took the blow that was coming her way from the Club Rhynoc, surprising it in the process, before she jumped into the air and lashed out with her tail, crushing the chest armor of her target and taking him down, while at the same time Elora punched one of the Soldier Rhynocs in the face, so Spike could finish him off with a bit of fire, while Spyro simply charged his into the ground.

As soon as those enemies were taken care of the group started to collect the gems that were around them and the couple of buildings that they were near, following the path that wrapped around the main tower that was in this area, and they made sure to take out the couple of Club Rhynocs and the lone Soldier Rhynoc that were in their way, while making sure to break all of the straw baskets that they found. While they did that Spike spotted another set of wooden steps that would allow them to access both an area where some gems were located, which Elora decided to take, and a set of roofs that, based on what he saw, would give them access to a higher area that might contain another portal, something that interested him more than he was willing to admit. Of course the other thing of interest was the dragon egg that was just resting on one of the steps, so while he quickly used his Teleportation Breath on it, like he did to all of the others they had found so far, Spyro moved by him and flamed the Club Rhynoc that was on the next step that was just his brother, where he found the foe had just ignored their arrival and he took it out to make sure it didn't try anything funny. With the egg sent back to the Dragon Realms, the Rhynoc taken care of, and the gems collected, the group moved forward, but what that meant was jumping over to one of the nearby roofs and had their dragonflies gather the gems that were on top of it, before turning around and making their way to another roof so they could jump into the interior of the tower, where they found a whirlwind that took them to a higher level.

From that level they could see that there was a little area off in the distance, just above the starting area of the realm that they had appeared in, that happened to contain another egg, to which Spike glided over to small area they had just found, which had a stream coming from it, and he made sure to smash the straw baskets that were around the egg after he sent it back home. With that area cleared he glided back down to the first area they had walked through and quickly made his way back to where his siblings and Elora were waiting for him, which was the top of the tower, where a few more gems were waiting for the dragonflies to pick them up, and that allowed them to jump down to an area that contained another portal, one that had a sign in front of it. The sign, as it turned out, had Sheila's face on it, meaning that it would have likely been closed if they had come here without freeing her from her prison, so it was a good thing they had made sure to stop Moneybags and let Sheila go, but for now they picked up the gem that was in front of it and jumped down to the path that would take them to where the exit portal for this realm was located. All four of them knew that they could have gone through the portal, to talk with Sheila and see what sort of trouble she was going to be dealing with in this realm, but it was better that they reach the end of the realm and make sure the inhabitants were safe and sound, before even thinking about heading through another portal to another part of the realm.

What they discovered was that there were a few enemies in front of them, as there were two Soldier Rhynocs that cowered as soon as they spotted the group and a Club Rhynoc that grinned as he raised his club into the air, to which the siblings simply moved forward and engaged them, leaving Elora to pick up a few gems in the process, where she watched as Ember blocked the incoming attack from the larger foe and flamed him into the ground, while her brothers flamed both of the Soldier Rhynocs before they had a chance to run away. From there they approached an area that a large chicken happened to be wandering around in, as it was just as tall as one of the Club Rhynocs they had encountered, and just as they considered how tall the beast was a weaponless Club Rhynoc stepped out and chased the chicken off behind one of the corners, only for them to hear the sound of the chicken being taken out by the foe in question. After a few seconds the group moved forward and dropped down into a lowered area for a moment, where some gems and a straw basket rested, which the four of them collected before returning to the path that would take them to the exit portal and found that one of the Soldier Rhynocs were trying to block the way, something that prompted Elora to lash out with a kick to their foe's jaw and knocked him to the ground, only to be replaced by a gem. From there they continued forward and found another pair of straw baskets that were broken instantly, though Spyro charged down into the fountain area that was in front of them and slammed into the Soldier Rhynoc that was chasing a Lion around the fountain, allowing the Lion to stop once his pursuer was taken down and was given some time to catch his breath.

From there they collected all of the gems that were in the area near the fountain, and smashed a few straw baskets in the process, before locating the Club Rhynoc in a matter of seconds, who was now armed with a weapon this time, but as it raised its new club into the air Spike launched Ember into the air and Elora watched as she collided with her target and stuck his chest, taking him out in seconds, opening two pairs of iron doors, meaning that they had succeeded in stopping what was going on to this town and, at the same time, found the Mayor near the exit portal.

"Ah, thank you for saving our town from the Sorceress' Rhynocs. As Mayor, I shall reward you with one of our realm's famous chicken eggs!" the Mayor said, though as the siblings and Elora started to open their mouths, to tell him that there was no need for such a thing, mostly due to the fact that they were only doing what was right, the Mayor produced one of the stolen dragon eggs and placed it in front of them, before heading through the exit portal, which was odd since they thought he would have made sure his town was truly safe from the attackers.

"Okay, maybe he knows something about the hot air balloon and went to tend to it." Spyro commented, because that was the only thing that remotely came to mind when he considered what was going on right now, though even as he said that Spike looked at the egg and quickly sent it back to the Dragon Realms, before all four of them spotted another area off to their left, one that seemed to be connected to a passage of some kind.

As it turned out the stone steps they discovered were connected to a passage that took them right to where another portal rested, something that interested all four of them since they weren't used to this, but first they picked up all of the gems that were around them, including the straw basket that was along the way, before they passed through the portal... only to end up in a large training area of some kind that had high areas and low areas, before they spotted Hunter nearby, who was dressed in his skateboard attire and had his board in one hand.

"Oh, hey guys, check out what I found." Hunter remarked, where he waved a hand and beckoned to the area that was out in front of them, showing them that he was excited about what he had uncovered and that he was eager to test out his skills for a moment, before an idea came to mind as he glanced at them again, "Hey, you guys want to take a break and test out your skateboarding skills?"

"Hunter, we've barely done anything since our arrival in the Forgotten Realms, so its too early for us to even consider taking a break." Spike stated, because while he knew that Hunter liked to show off his skills whenever he got the chance, as that hadn't changed since the day they met him and the others, he had been hoping that their friend would realize that there were more important things that needed to be done and that skateboarding wasn't one of them, especially since none of them had the skills that he possessed.

"Well, I know this place has some gems for you to collect, if you're willing to use a board to get them," Hunter said, as if that would make the siblings stop what they were doing and just go along with what he was suggesting that they should do, before he considered something else that he had seen earlier, while at the same time Elora spotted a couple of red lizards hanging around various parts of the area, especially a few using balloons to be up in the air, "Also, I might have seen an egg or two in this area, when I first walked through the portal, but I can't be sure if that's what I saw or not, but I am sure that the lizards of this arena are linked to the eggs."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember glanced at each other as Elora brought her palm to her face, as they weren't surprised that Hunter couldn't be sure about the eggs or not, rather they were surprised that he wasn't trying to find them on his own, if he thought there might be some in this area, but, in the end, the siblings decided to humor Hunter and jumped down onto the area that was in front of them and let it form three skateboards for them, to which they headed out to see if they could find the eggs Hunter had seen.

"Hunter, did you actually see an egg in this area, or are you just messing with them?" Elora asked, because she wasn't going to get on a skateboard and head around the arena that they were in, like the siblings were doing since she had the feeling that their friend seen things, but she figured she might as well ask him while they waited for the siblings to finish scouting out the rest of the area and seeing if there was anything interesting here.

"I'm pretty sure there's an egg in this gladiator arena, in addition to all the gems that I mentioned," Hunter replied, as he knew that lying to the siblings was a terrible idea, especially with how angry Ember could get when someone annoyed her in some manner, though he was pleased that the siblings were willing to try the skateboards out and maybe even relax a little, before they fought someone else, "but when I found this place I thought it would be a good idea to use it to calm the three of them down, before they did something they might regret."

Elora shook her head when she heard that, as she knew that Spyro, Spike, and Ember were exploring the area to find the missing dragon eggs and the gems, instead of focusing on any sort of relaxing like Hunter seemed to think, but even as she thought about that she noticed that Ember kept messing up her various attempts to get back on the board, instead of walking onto one of the platforms that would give her another one. Eventually, after failing to get back onto the board she had been using, Ember growled and hardened her tail, something that was proceeded by her smashing the object that was in front of her to pieces, showing Elora that she definitely wasn't having fun at the moment, no doubt because all of her focus was on the eggs and who stole them. Spike seemed to be fairing much better, which made sense due to the fact that he was generally the calmest and most levelheaded of them, and he did seem to be able to do a few tricks, but even as Hunter seemed to be getting ready to comment on what they were seeing Spike hopped off his board and lifted it with his magic for a few seconds, which was the moment that Elora chuckled, as it was just like Spike to study whatever type of magic he found, as long as it was an unknown spell. Hunter, on the other hand, shook his head as he watched this, as he was expecting them to do something different than what they were doing at the moment, and Spyro was the only one that seemed to be sticking to the skateboard, as he was moving around the area they were in, smashing baskets and letting Sparx collect the gems that he went by, while at the same time hunting down the red lizards that Hunter had mentioned to him and his siblings a few minutes ago.

It wasn't long before Spyro managed to tag all of the red lizards that were in the area, of which there were fifteen by his count, and came to a stop once he had done that, where some of the lizards rushed out and brought him the egg that they had found earlier, showing him that they were excited by his skills with the skateboard or something, before heading into their homes, giving Spike a chance to teleport the egg back to the Dragon Realms.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that to happen," Hunter remarked, though at the same time this told him that he was right when he mentioned that there could have been an egg in this arena, before they noticed that some of the lizards came out of the barrow that they lived in and took up positions around the course again, causing him to raise an eyebrow as he realized what they were doing, "and it seems that they're issuing you a challenge, maybe to track them down in a specific amount of time or something... maybe they have another egg and they're just having some fun?"

"Yeah, they have another egg... be right back." Spyro said, where he jumped onto his skateboard once more and left the area that his siblings were in, showing them, Hunter, and Elora that he was willing to rise to the challenge and see if he could get his claws on the other dragon egg that was in this area, while at the same time displaying that he wasn't going to use his power on creatures that were weaker than him, since he knew that Hunter was thinking something like that as he headed back out into the arena.

Spike, Ember, Elora, and Hunter watched as Spyro moved around the arena with a level of skill that was lower than what Hunter was capable of doing when he was on a skateboard, but, at the same time, his form allowed him to do things that the cheetah was unable to do and his speed was much better as well, which resulted in him moving around the arena like someone who was experienced in this sort of thing. Spyro avoided the various training dummies that had been set up around the area, following the red lizards that were around the arena, and made sure to make each and every one of the jumps that needed to be made, while not even having to waste any time on breaking the straw baskets or collecting the gems they had seen in this area. Spike and Ember were happy to see that Spyro was having a good time, even though they needed to be focused on the task of finding the eggs that had been stolen, but at the very least he was doing this because of an egg and not because he wanted to have fun when they should be working to stop the Sorceress, and it wasn't long before Spyro found the fifteenth lizard and returned to where the group was standing. Once he returned to the area that was near the portal back to the town, which everyone was standing near, he climbed off the board as another lizard came over to them and gave them the other egg that had been hidden in this arena, where Spike took a moment to use his Teleportation Breath to send it back home.

"Well, it seems there were two eggs in this area," Hunter remarked, though at the same time he picked up his board for a moment and looked at the siblings, where he rubbed the back of his head for a second as they turned and looked at him, while at the same time Elora glanced at him as well, as she was interested in what he had to say, "before I get back to the hunt for the missing eggs, and join you guys in one of the other realms, I'm going to practice my skills in this area and see how I measure to what you were able to do."

The siblings wished Hunter well, even if they felt that he could be putting more effort into hunting for the missing eggs that they were here to find, before Elora joined them as they walked through the portal that would take them back to the town, though when they arrived near the area the Mayor had been imprisoned in they turned away from the portal and made their way back to the tower that would take them to where Sheila might be waiting. With all of the enemies taken care of, and all the gems collected, it didn't take them all that long to return to the tower and glide over to where the portal was located, or jump in Elora's case, to which they walked through the portal and headed to wherever it was going to take them, as this time the siblings wanted to help Sheila out.

"Oh, hey guys," Sheila said, where they found her in a chamber that looked like the one they had found her in when they walked through the portal to her realm, the halfway point as it turned out, but this chamber was modeled after the town that they had assisted, "I got word that some Rhynocs were running around this town and one of their important towers, so I was going to take the fight to them and make them regret coming here. You're more than welcome to join me, if that's what you want."

The group nodded their heads and followed her through the portal that was behind her, where they found that they were in a small passage that would allow them to enter the world in front of them, but as they noticed a Lion standing in front of them, staring at the top of the tower that Sheila was here to clear out, the group found sound that would prevent them from moving forward, there was a drop in front of them. There were a few ledges along the side of the wall, which Elora would be able to climb with her own power and the power of her armor, to which she and Sheila stepped forward as Spyro, Spike, and Ember waited near the portal that would allow them to head back to the town, giving them a chance to listen as the Lion informed them that the love of his life had been kidnapped by Rhynocs and that she was being held at the top of the tower. That was all the pair needed to hear, as they quickly jumped down onto the ledge that happened to be below them, giving them a chance to pick up a gem or two, before they jumped down onto the path that was in front of them, where Elora rushed at the closest Soldier Rhynoc and punched him in the face, while at the same time Sheila made sure to deliver a powerful kick to the second foe, taking them both down in seconds. From there they found a side area to their right that allowed Sheila to jump up to an area with a circular chest in it, which she smashed to pieces as Talon, who had joined them, collected the gems they walked by, before she returned to Elora and they moved forward, even if that meant jumping up to the ledge that was in their way, allowing them to tackle a Spear Rhynoc, which was basically a Soldier Rhynoc that was carrying a spear.

Elora gripped the handle of the spear and tore it from their foe's hands, allowing Sheila to take him down, before she discarded the spear and they moved forward once more, allowing Talon to pick up gems as they quickly found a second Spear Rhynoc, who was ignoring the direction that they were coming from, something that let Sheila kick his rear and sent him over the edge, while Elora jumped up to the passage that was above them and found a third one in her way, only for her to sidestep the incoming attack and take her foe down with a kick to the chest. At the end of the passage she found an area with four metallic vases and a circular metallic chest, where Sheila joined her and smashed the chest, leaving the four vases to her, and once all of the gems were collected they jumped up to the ledge that allowed them to return to the short passage and continued to move towards the tower that was their main destination. From there the two of them dealt with a Spear Rhynoc, by Elora taking his weapon and Sheila kicking him, before they used a pair of ledges to get up to the next passage, where two more Spear Rhynocs were waiting for enemies to come at them, only for the pair to take them down as quickly as the previous ones had fallen, allowing them to reach the base of the tower, and take out one more foe while they touched the ground. Elora made sure that Talon was fine and that he was able to pick up all of the gems that they had walked by, including the one that dropped from a straw basket, though once that was done she and Sheila started to use the stone sections that were connected to the side of the tower to ascend to a point where they could enter the inside, all so they could get to a higher level.

There were only six more Spear Rhynocs that stood in their way, in groups of one, two, and three, so it was easy for them to take out the foes that stood in their way and collect the gems that were along the way, before eventually coming to a stop as they reached the top of the tower, where a pink Lion, clearly female based on the longer hair and the fact that she was staring at her nails, and she informed them that she had a restraining order on Marco, telling them that he was more of a stalker, but she did hand over an egg that she had found earlier. It was clearly an offer, to tell Marco about the order and to get him to stop following her, to which Sheila agreed instantly, because based on what little she had seen of the siblings so far, and what she had heard, it was possible that Marco would believe the siblings and Elora, meaning the female Lion wouldn't have to worry about him ever again. Elora shared that though and said nothing as she took the egg, as she knew that Ember would be glad that another one had been found, before Sheila found the rest of the gems that were in the area and let Talon collect them, and once all of them were picked up she and Elora retraced their steps so they could rejoin the siblings. It took the pair a few moments to return to the siblings and Marco, where the Lion was sad to hear that the love of his life didn't want to be with him, surprising Elora by the fact that it only took them to say that to him, instead of the siblings saying anything, but he seemed willing to accept it somehow, leaving them to whatever they were going to do next.

Spike took a moment to send the egg back to the Dragon Realms, so it could join the other eggs they had recovered so far, before they headed through the portal as well and started to make their way back to the exit portal for this realm, as there were other realms for them to search and help out, and soon they would figure out why the Sorceress would go through all of this effort to restore magic to her land, and if there was any other reasons that they hadn't discovered since they started this adventure.

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