• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Peak and Skating

It took them another forty-five minutes to return to Midday Gardens, after the dragonflies headed to the side area that Zoe had found and returned with the egg that was apparently hidden in that area, though once they touched down in the keep of the new homeworld Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora climbed out of the hot air balloon's basket and walked right through the opening that was in front of them. There were a good number of realms to chose from, especially since all of them were brand new to the group and there was no telling what they might find on the other side of the portals, even if Spike might be able to do that with the Guidebook, something that wasn't really necessary at this point in time, since the lands of the Forgotten Realms were rather straightforward in their minds. Now that Sgt. Byrd had been helped, and his base was free of the Rhynocs that had been attacking his home, it was possible that they might see him at some point in the near future and assist him with a brand new area of one of the other realms, just like what happened when they freed Sheila from the cage she had been in and found her in Sunny Villa later on, so the group decided to wait and see when they might see their new friend again. Of course, as they walked out of the keep, Spike, Ember, and Elora paused for a moment as Spyro took a few moments to look around the bits of the homeworld that they could see right now, clearly thinking about the realms that they had seen when they cleared Midday Gardens out, before coming to a decision on what they should do next.

"Since its close to where the keep is located, we should check out Icy Peak and see what's happening on the other side of the portal," Spyro said, as it was one of the two realms that were close to where they were standing right now, while the other realm happened to be Enchanted Towers, so his plan was to head into the cave to their right and tackle whatever dangers were in the realm in question, before seeing what was on the other side of the other portal and then, when those two were taken care of, seeing what else this homeworld had to offer.

"That sounds like a plan," Spike replied, where Ember and Elora nodded their heads in agreement, showing Spyro that they were fine with the realm that he was picking out for them to tackle next, even though all of them were sure that there would be a few Rhynocs on the other side of the portal and that they would be trying to do something bad to the realm in question, something they would discover in the next few moments.

With a destination set the group turned toward the cave and headed towards the entrance, where they entered the small cavern and walked over to where the portal was resting, along with skating over the icy ground for a few seconds to reach the structure, before they passed through it and headed to Icy Peak, as it was time to see what they could do to help the residents of the realm out. A few moments later they appeared in the starting area for the realm that Spyro had picked for them to explore, where they found themselves up near the top of a mountain peak, or a few peaks as it turned out since they could see a few of them around them, that were partly covered in snow, had blue ice crystals that seemed to be growing on certain areas like a blockage of some kind, and some stone structures that looked like the painting they had seen in the keep when they first landed in Midday Gardens, especially a gondola that was connected to the area that the exit portal was in, only it wasn't working right now. That was when they found a Polar Bear nearby, one that was wearing some winter gear and was standing on a rotating cannon platform, firing at something that happened to be flying around the area they were in, where the group noticed that the target in question were some vultures that didn't seem like they should be in the realm in the first place. It wasn't hard for them to determine that the birds were more of the Sorceress' creations, no doubt allies of the Rhynocs that happened to be attacking the realm right now, meaning that if they blew them out of the air they would get some gems for their efforts, as well as take out more enemies to make the realm that much safer for the Polar Bears that called this realm home.

A few seconds later Elora shivered for a moment as she looked at her armor, where it seemed that she was messing with what had to be the heating system of her gear, since Spike had to assume that such a thing had been added to her armor in the off chance that they encountered an icy realm at some point during their adventure, but even then he could see that there seemed to be a problem with the system, since she was getting uncomfortable already, to which he walked over to her and had her return the system to normal, before applying the Heat Aura spell to all four of them, repeating what he had done in Crystal Glacier a year ago, back when they were taking down Ripto.

"Ah, that feels so much better," Elora commented, though while she was happy with what Spike had done she knew that her armor needed a few modifications, upgrades, and repairs to make sure what she just experienced didn't happen in the future, in case they encountered another realm like this, "It seems that there is a small glitch or something in the heating system that was installed in my armor, as the system suddenly upped the temperature by four or five degrees, instead of stopping at the temperature that I tried to set it to, and it was starting to make things rather uncomfortable for me, though your quick thinking and spells have fixed things, for now."

"I'm happy to be of assistance, though I'm sure that the Professor can help you out in fixing the heating system and restoring the armor to what it was supposed to be," Spike replied, knowing that the Professor could easily fix the problems that Elora had discovered with her incredibly suit of armor, because he was the one that created it for her and had to have a few ideas on how to improve it and its functions, but that would have to wait until after they finished this adventure, a fact that Elora might not like all that much.

Elora nodded her head for a moment, knowing that Spike was correct and resolved to ask the Professor about it the next time she saw him, but it wasn't worth stalling the adventure and returned her focus to the area that was in front of them at the moment, where she found that there were a few boxes that seemed to have explosions inside them, resting on the icy ground that was between them and the first ice barricade they needed to break, before they approached the Polar Bear that was getting off the cannon.

"Is something wrong?" Spyro asked, because from what he could tell the Polar Bear was upset about something right now, no doubt the ice that was blocking the way forward and the pair of vultures that were flying around the part of the realm that they were in, though at the same time his siblings and Elora looked around the area for a few seconds, just to be absolutely sure there were no enemies in this area.

"My friend Doug and I were supposed to go ice fishing today, but Rhynocs have blocked the way to our meeting area with ice barricades," the Polar Bear replied, informing them that he was having problems and that he had no idea how he was supposed to get through the area that he was currently in, something that the group was going to figure out in the near future, before he glanced at the skies for a second, "also, I was trying to hit those vultures with that cannon, but my aim isn't the best in the world and I can't hit them at all... they're rather annoying, to be perfectly honest."

Spyro raised an eyebrow to that and glanced at Spike for a second, where his brother focused on the pair of vultures that were flying in the air at the moment and gathered some of his magic as he readied himself, which was the moment he and the others watched as he loosed some Arcane Missiles up into the air and they struck down the vultures with perfect accuracy, much to the Polar Bear's surprise. As he did that Elora climbed onto the cannon and shifted it for a moment, as she had limited experience with this sort of thing, due to spending her time practicing her fighting skills, but even then she blasted the wall of ice that was blocking the way forward and made sure to blast the ice on the platform that was to the right of the icy ground, releasing a whirlwind in the process. While she did all of that Ember glanced at the boxes that were in front of the path they were going to walk through and flamed one, before giving it enough of a push to sent it sliding towards one of the other boxes, blowing two of them away in the process, giving Spyro a chance to take out the last one with a quick burst of fire, effectively clearing the area of hazards. With the couple of hazards taken care of they picked up the couple of gems that were around the starting area, which was the moment that Elora climbed off the cannon and took a moment to jump up onto the platform that she had opened, where she took a moment to tap a button and brought out her wings, since they did work with the whirlwinds, before gliding over to the lone pillar of earth that two straw baskets happened to be resting on. It didn't take her long to smash the straw baskets and free the gems that had been inside of them, where Talon flew over and picked them up for her, before she jumped into the air and glided back over to where the others were standing, so they could continue along the path that was in front of them and see what else the realm had to throw at them, especially since none of them had seen any Rhynocs yet.

As it turned out the path that would take them to the next area was a short set of stone steps, which brought them to a cavern that appeared to lead to the next area of the realm, to which the four of them kept their guards up as they moved into the and found a smaller Rhynoc that was wearing metallic armor and had a gun of some kind in his right hand, which meant it was a Shooter type of enemy, though Ember hardened her body and struck their foe down, allowing her siblings to deal with the couple of explosion crates and a few metallic vases.

Once the room was cleared out they headed towards the other opening for the cave and found that there was a slight gap between the ledge of the cave and the next area that they needed to progress through, where they found one of the taller Rhynocs that was equipped with some gear that made it look like he was a mountaineer, especially with the pickaxe he was carrying, so the four of them labeled it as a Mountaineer Rhynoc for the future, as there were likely a few more of them in this realm. Standing near the new type of Rhynoc was one of the Shooter Rhynoc, who seemed to be oblivious of the fact that enemies were even coming his way, so while Spyro dodged the incoming swing of the pickaxe, and then made sure to charge his target in the chest, Elora rushed forward and quickly kicked the ignorant Rhynoc in the back of the head, knocking him into the wall he was staring at. The moment those foes were done they picked up the couple of gems that were on the ground and smashed the straw baskets that were nearby, before ascending up the steps that were in front of them and entered a building that had an icy floor, meaning they would be skating across it to reach the other entrance that was in the structure. As they did that the group spotted two explosive crates that had rats or something on them that were in the middle of igniting the boxes, where Spike used a long ranged fireball on both of them and caused both of the boxes to detonate, wiping out the potential enemies that were in their way, while Elora noticed that there were some cracks in the ground that didn't look like they could break it open from this area. That was, however, before Ember glared at the cracks and jumped into the air, where she spun around and slammed her head head into the ice, as she was using the Headbash technique on the ground and shattered the ice in seconds, leaving a massive hole in the ground that the others stood around for a time.

As Ember and Cinder collected the gems that were under the water, which appeared to be beneath the icy ground, the rest of the group walked out and headed into the next part of the realm so they could see what else awaited them, while watching as Ember quickly swam around the water that was below the new area that they had discovered, before finding a Shooter Rhynoc to their right and Spyro charged it down. That was when Spike set fire to one of the explosion crates that were on the ice in front of them and let Elora push it towards the Mountaineer Rhynoc that was in the middle of the ice, where they watched as it touched the Rhynoc's toe and exploded, taking it down in a matter of seconds, before Spike used some fireballs to take down the other two explosive crates that were nearby. Once those enemies had been taken care of Spyro also smashed the pair of metallic vases that were behind the foe he had taken out and then they waited for a few seconds, as Ember finished clearing out the area that was below them and then swam back to the hole she had created, allowing her to climb out of the water and walk over to where they were standing, showing Elora that she wasn't affected by the cold nature of the water, no doubt due to Spike's enchantments. After that they skated across the icy ground and reached a new set of stone stairs that allowed them to walk up to the higher level and see what was waiting for them, where a Shooter Rhynoc seemed to be waiting to do something as Ember smacked him into the floor with her hardened tail, mostly to make up for swimming around the watery area for a few moments.

There were some straw baskets that were resting behind the central point of the area they had walked up to, one that was blocked by ice crystals, but as Spyro smashed them Ember found a missile that could be fired at a circular metallic chest that was off in the distance, one that they needed to glide to, before Spike located another vultures that was flying through the air, to which he blasted it out of the air as Ember ignited the missile. Elora, while they were doing that, found the cannon that would allow her to break some of the ice that was blocking the way forward and climbed up to where it was located, where she found one of the Mountaineer Rhynocs guarding it and jumped into the air as she dodged the incoming attack, allowing her to kick it in the face and take him down. From there she accessed the cannon and used it to blast open the ice that was blocking the way force, the ice that was near it to reveal a circular metallic chest, and the ice that was blocking the whirlwind that would allow the siblings to get the gems that were off in the distance, before finding one more beyond that and blew it apart as well, to clear the area out. As she climbed off the cannon, however, she found an egg that was on a ledge, where the path up to it had to be through the path that she had just opened, but before doing anything else she returned to where the siblings were standing, since they seemed to be waiting for her to stop messing with the cannon before they did anything. It was in that moment that Spike determined that they couldn't jump up to the structure that the whirlwind was on, or at least he and his siblings couldn't due to Elora having the best jump ability out of all of them, to which she nodded her head and jumped up onto structure in question, where she allowed her wings to take her up into the air and then glided over to where the missile had struck earlier.

When she landed a few seconds later she found that there was an egg over there, something that she really wasn't expecting to see in this area, but she picked it up as the dragonflies collected the gems that were around her, which was the moment that she opened her wings again and glided back to where the siblings were standing, where Spike looked at it for a few seconds and then sent it off to the Dragon Realms, before Ember rejoined them once more, as she went to break the other circular metallic chest and collect the gems that were around it.

Once that area was done they headed through the passage that Elora had opened, by breaking the pair of ice walls that had been blocking the way and discovered two Shooter Rhynocs that were guarding the other side of the passage, but such a thing meant nothing to them as Spyro rushed towards the first one and charged him into the wall while Elora took a moment to attack the other from the side, this time punching him in the face to deal with him. While they did that Ember smashed a metallic chest to their left as Spike picked up the gems that were to their right, allowing them to claim all of the gems that were in the middle of the passage, before the area was cleared and the four of them regrouped at the other side of the passage so they could advance into the next part of the realm. From there they found another Shooter Rhynoc standing guard over a patch of ground that was covered in ice, one that had a Mountaineer Rynnoc in the middle of it and was surrounded by three more of the explosive crates, so what they ended up doing was Ember smashed the lone foe in front of them into the ground as Spike used his magic to throw a few fireballs into the area in front of them, all to set fire to the explosive crates and remove them, which also took down the other foe as all of them detonated. The instant the area was cleared of enemies Spyro spotted a side set of stone steps that seemed to be leading back to the area that the other egg was in, to which he jumped over to them as Elora and his siblings picked up the gems that had been laying around the Mountaineer Rhynoc, even though he did have to collect a few gems of his own and take down a Shooter Rhynoc that was guarding the egg.

With the egg claimed he glided back down to the part of the realm they had been in a few moments ago and walked through the passage that lead him back to where his siblings were waiting, where he placed the egg down on the ground and let Spike make sure there was nothing wrong with it, before sending it back home as well, even though they were a tad bit happy to see that they were recovering the eggs at a decent pace.

From there they turned to the left and started to climb up the stone steps that were over there, which allowed them to reach another part of the realm that was being guarded by a pair of Shooter Rhynocs and had path that lead to where another cannon was located, something that made sense due to the fact that the way forward, possibly to where the exit portal was located, was blocked by a wall of ice and there was another wall nearby, so they focused on the task at claw and stared at the enemies in front of them. Elora rushed forward and caused both of the Shooter Rhynocs to turn and follow her for a few moments, where she dodged the incoming attacks and spun around to kick the first foe in the side of his head, sending him flying into the wall and taking him out, which opened the way for Spyro to charge the other one down a few seconds later. Once the two foes were taken care of they smashed a pair of metallic vases and picked up the rest of the gems that were in the area around them, before climbing up the stone steps that lead the way to where the cannon was resting, where a Mountaineer Rhynoc seemed to be waiting for someone to try and use the weapon, but as he raised his pickaxe Spike simply blasted him in the chest and knocked him to the ground. With that done Elora took a few seconds to climb onto the weapon and took in the targets she needed to take out, the one that was blocking the way forward, the side one they had seen, and some ice that was covering a platform that could be accessed by a glide, giving her three targets to hit.

As she blasted the three walls of ice, and knocked all of them down, she took a moment to blast the four explosive crates that were in front of the path that would lead them to the area the exit portal was in, since Spike was in the middle of using his magic to blast a pair of vultures out of the air, as they were guarding the platform that was within gliding distance of where they were standing. Once she was done with the cannon she climbed off of it and watched as Spyro glided over to the whirlwind platform that she had opened up and used that to glide over to the lone platform that was off in the distance, where a bullseye chest was located, one that he smashed with the Headbash technique, before jumping into the air and gliding back to the area that was just below where she, Spike, and Ember were standing, as in the last area that they had cleared out. When he rejoined them they jumped over to the path of ground that was in front of the forward path and started to pick up the gems that were on the ground, including smashing three straw baskets to get the couple of gems that were inside them, before they walked into the opening that Elora had created and found that it lead into yet another structure that seemed to be made in the style that the Polar Bears used for their entire realm. In front of them stood two more Shooter Rhynocs, who primed their weapons the moment they noticed the group was coming, but that meant nothing to the group as Ember rushed forward and smashed both of them were taken out, as one got charged into a wall and the other was smashed into the ground, allowing Cinder to claim the gems they left behind.

From there they walked forward and found another Polar Bear standing near the edge of the walkway that was right outside the building they had been in, which was where the exit portal, not to mention the gondola that connected back to the starting area of the realm, happened to be resting, to which they approached the Polar Bear, as they were curious as to what he might tell them before the exit portal turned back on.

"I'm glad that you guys took out the Rhynocs, as they would have made fishing impossible, so here, you can have this egg I was planning on using as a fishing lure," the Polar Bear said, where he withdrew the egg in question and placed it on the ground in front of them, even if Ember was a tad bit annoyed by the fact that he was planning on using the egg to try and catch some fish, while Spike made sure there was nothing wrong with the egg before he sent it back home, before the Polar Bear seemed to think about something he had seen earlier, "You know, I only placed the first ice block in Bob's way so he didn't beat me to the fishing hole, as I didn't have enough time to cover the entire path he would be taking, but I guess that was more than enough to convince the Rhynocs to do the same thing... note to self, never try something like that in the future, when the Sorceress' forces are nearby."

Spyro glanced at his siblings and Elora for a moment, as they were a little surprised by the fact that the Polar Bear, who had to be Doug, admitted that he was the one that put up one of the ice walls they had blasted down, but they said nothing to that as the exit portal turned back on and the person they were talking to headed through it, causing them to wonder what the residents of Midday Gardens might be doing this time around, since they didn't need help with the hot air balloon, like what happened in Sunrise Spring earlier. With that taken care of the group headed back into the building that was behind them, as it was time to find the side portals that lead to the other sections of the realm, before pausing for a moment as they found another cannon for them to use, where Elora climbed onto it and blasted some ice off of the platform that was near where they were standing, while at the same time Spike found a few more vultures flying around the air and took them down as well, just like he had done in the past. From there they glided over to the platform one at a time, allowing the freed whirlwind to pull them higher into the air and let them glide down to a path that was on the side of the first building they had walked through earlier, the one that had the hole in the icy floor thanks to Ember breaking it with a Headbash, and they even found an opening that allowed them to look into the area, even if it was totally worthless to them at the moment. After that they picked up a few gems that were in front of them and smashed the pair of straw baskets that were at the end of the path, before gliding over the gap that was between them and the next area, only to pick up a few more gems and smash a few more straw baskets, before stopping as they located the whirlwind platform that Elora had jumped on to glide over to where an egg and some gems had been resting.

Since they had already cleared this area out, and there was nothing for them to do now that they had claimed the gems that had been over there, they jumped back down into the area that was below them and returned to the area that the exit portal was located in, before stopping before the building that lead to the exit portal and glided over to the other passage Elora had opened earlier, finding a few gems and, more importantly, Moneybags.

"Ah, Spyro, Spike, Ember, Elora, its good to see you all again, and this time I have something you might be interested in, and I don't mean criminals," Moneybags stated, referring to the fact that the Sorceress seemed to be branding some of the residents of the Forgotten Realms as criminals for trying to protect their home realms or taking out the weapons that she was in the middle of creating, before he focused on what he was talking about and held out a couple of tickets, which seemed to be connected to the closed door that was further down the passage they had jumped to, "Behind that door is the single greatest show on this world, ice dancing, and I happen to have some seasonal tickets for you to purchase, so you can enjoy the performance and relax for once... I just need a small fee before I hand them over to you."

"May I see them?" Elora asked, as while she knew that the siblings would be more than willing to pay for tickets to a show like this, since one of the eggs might very well be behind the door, and that was if the individual wasn't Moneybags, she was going to investigate something before any of them did anything, where she could see that Spike was interested in what she was planning at the moment.

"Sure, I don't see why not." Moneybags remarked, where he handed over the tickets as soon as he said that, allowing Elora to hold them for a couple of moments and see if her thoughts were correct on the matter, while at the same time he seemed rather happy with what he was doing at the moment, "You know, I heard that there might be an egg being offered as part of the first place prize, so it might be in your best interests to help one of the contestants out during the routine or something, as I'm sure that none of them are remotely eager to take an egg home with them, though I hope you take a moment to appreciate what I'm doing for you."

"These are fake." Elora stated, as she had been studying the tickets for a moment and realized that they were nearly the exact same as what she had seen back in Avalar, when the siblings brought the forgery of his 'rule' to her attention in Autumn Plains, before she gripped the tickets and tore them to pieces in front of Moneybags' face, while Spyro, Spike, and Ember glared at the bear, "Moneybags, you really should have been more careful with them, especially since I'm the one that realized you created a near official looking slip of paper for one of the Speedways back in Autumn Plains, the brilliant forgery that my friends brought to my attention when you gave it to them, which was a mistake when you consider all that they were able to do for the residents of Avalar... also, for trying to swindle us, you really deserve this."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember circled around to Moneybags' back and had him approach the edge of the area, where he did seem annoyed by what was going on right now, before he turned around and faced Elora, who delivered an uppercut to his chin and then kicked him in the chest, sending him off the edge of the area and caused him to hit the ground, where he rested for a moment. Once that was done they turned around and watched as the door opened before their eyes, as Spike was the one to open it after seeing what the bear had done whenever he was opening the way forward, to which the four of them walked through the portal so they could see what the section Moneybags had been trying to force them to buy their way into, especially since he claimed an egg was in here. What they found on the other side was a chamber of some kind that definitely seemed to be an ice ring of some kind, with a few openings that reminded them of what they saw in Colossus, as in the area the hockey players came out of, meaning they might have to deal with some annoying hockey players to help someone, before they focused on the more important person in the area. There was a female Polar Bear in the middle of the ice ring, who happened to be wearing a pink dress and a pink bow in her air, along with some white gloves and some skates to allow her to perform whatever routine she was going to perform, though she did seem to be annoyed about something, to which the group approached her.

"Oh, hello, its nice to see more came to watch the performance tonight," the Polar Bear said, where despite the look that was on her face her tone revealed that she was excited by what was going on right now, even though the group knew it was still a few hours before night truly arrived, meaning that this had to be more of a practice session or something, only for her to focus on them, "I'm trying to do a little more practice for my routine, but every time I start the movements the hockey players come out into the ring and smack me with their sticks, forcing me to wait for them to back off before having to restart the entire process all over again... I wish I had someone to help me out."

The siblings and Elora glanced at each other for a moment and quickly rushed to her aid, where Spyro focused on the door that was behind the Polar Bear, Ember focused on the pair to the left of the entrance, and Spike and Elora turned to look at the one of the right, to which they stood guard as the Polar Bear started to spin around and skate in the area that was between the four of them. Every now and then the doors opened and some of the hockey players, Rhynocs to be exact, not that the group was really expecting the hockey players to be anything else, skating out and raised their sticks to smack them into the ground, where Spyro flamed his foes, Ember whacked hers with her hardened tail, Spike blasted his with some Arcane Missiles, and Elora either punched or kicked hers in the chest. While they did that the Polar Bear spent her time practicing the routine that she would be performing later on, when the actual performance between her and the other contestants happened, where she seemed to realize that she could do her practice without being bothered and put all of her energy into what she was doing at the moment with a smile on her face, showing that she was happy to have the four of them there to defend her while she did her practice. Another thing they discovered was the fact that there were a few practice judges watching what was going on at the moment, making the siblings wonder why they hadn't tried to stop the Rhynocs earlier, but decided to pay it no mind as they took down the hockey players and cleared the area a few more times so the Polar Bear could practice her routine.

Eventually she came to a stop and the judges started throwing roses down into the area, no doubt to make her feel good for all the practice that had been put into mastering the routine, though Spike did notice an egg being thrown, one of the stolen ones they were looking for, and grabbed it with his magic, making sure to check it out on the ground as Spyro and Ember made sure the Polar Bear was happy with the results. Once she confirmed that she was happy with what they had done, and wanted them to have the egg, Spike sent it back home and they headed for the portal that would take them back to the main part of the realm, leaving the Polar Bear to celebrate her victory, as it was time for them to hunt down the other side area and see what they needed to do to recover the eggs that were there. As such the four of them headed for the exit portal and found a side path to their right, one that lead down to a new area that they hadn't explored earlier, so they picked up the gems that were on the stone steps they found and followed it down to a cave, one that had a portal that was what they were looking for, which was why they headed through it. The area it brought them to seemed to be a number of tracks that reminded them of what they had seen back in Molten Crater, the speed tracks that the egg thieves had been using to run from whoever was chasing them, and it only took them a few moments to find a yellow robed one on the track with a red robed one hanging on a piece of earth, waiting for the first to be taken out. Based on what he could see at the moment Spike was able to determine that there were multiple routes for someone to take and that meant that Ember would have to be careful as she charged after her targets, even though that was all he got to say before his sister rushed forward and focused on her target.

Spyro, Spike, and Elora waited for a few moments as the yellow robed egg thief eventually returned to where the start of the area, as there was a side area that they were sitting on, before Ember stopped and informed them of a side path she had smashed into earlier, but since she was chasing the thief she didn't bother herself with claiming any of the gems that were in that area. As such Spike followed after her for a moment and found the side cave that she was referring to, where he found a circular metallic chest that Ember smashed with her hardened tail so he could get the gems, all so she could continue after the thief, to which Talon picked up all the gems that were near Spike and cleared the area out, which let him head back to where the others were sitting. While he did that he found another side path that had a few gems in it, which brought him to a whirlwind tunnel that put him high up in the air and allowed him to glide to an area that three straw baskets were resting on, so he flew over there and smashed them open to get the gems that were inside it, before gliding back down to where the others were resting. Once he landed the three of them waited as Ember charged around the area and eventually smashed into the back of the first thief, causing him to drop the egg that she delivered to Spike, so he could check it out, before glaring at the red one and went off as it started running, allowing the others to simply watch the pair as they moved around the rest of the tracks, since the yellow one had a specific path and the red seemed to be using another one at the moment.

It wasn't long before Ember smashed the other thief into the ground and claimed the egg it was holding, to which she brought it back to Spike and watched as he made sure both of them were just fine, before sending them back home so they could be added to the eggs they had recovered so far, and when that was done they turned around and headed back to the main part of the realm, which was when they headed towards the exit portal so they could leave this realm and pick the next one that they wanted to deal with.

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