• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Hero: Into the Falls

It didn't take Spyro and the others all that long to reach the area that the Ball Gadget rested in, given the fact that they had cleared out all of the enemies the last time they had been in this area, though when they reached it the group found that the machine was working now and that the pad was ready for someone to use, to which the group glanced at each other for a moment before deciding who would try the gadget out first, something that was followed by Spyro stepping onto the pad not even a few seconds later, which caused the Ball Gadget to fully activate. What happened next was that the two arms of the machine moved forward and seemed to cover the pad that Spyro was now standing on, accompanied by the upper lid doing the same thing, though not a few seconds later Cynder and the others watched as the machine rumbled for a time and the arms eventually pulled themselves back and revealed what they had done, Spyro was standing on a pad in the middle of a glass sphere, hence the reason the machine was called the 'Ball' Gadget, and there were two circular shields, or at least that's what they assumed the discs were, even though the Professor likely had a more technical name for them and hadn't told them. Once Spyro was ready the floor below him opened and the sphere disappeared, as in it entered the pipe that had been revealed to him, meaning that he was starting whatever course would take them to Dragonfly Falls, though not a few seconds later the machine returned to normal and the group took turns trying it out, until eventually all of them were equipped with the same sphere that Spyro had been placed inside and headed down the pipe that Spyro had gone down a few moments ago, eventually appearing in a cave that Spyro was waiting inside, even if he was still contained inside the sphere he had been put inside. It was in that moment that the group determined that the Ball Gadget wouldn't take the user to the other part of the land that it was connected to, not instantly anyway, rather it would take the user to an area that would allow them to reach the part in question, so it was like running an obstacle course and clearing out a small portion of the land at the same time, which Flame and Aurora had to be okay with since this would allow them to help reclaim their lands.

As it turned out the area that was outside the cave happened to be a curved course that made the group realize that the Professor had purposely designed the Ball Gadget to work with, not to mention the fact that the glass was tough enough to smash through several wooden crates that were in the way and that the spheres had the power to snatch the gems that were freed from the ruined containers, and the spheres were capable of jumping over gaps that happened to be resting in their way, which made them impressed by what they were seeing. Interestingly enough there were a few Gnorcs in this area, tall ones that were much thinner than the majority of the other Gnorcs they had faced and happened to be carrying a sword in one of their hands, though what was more impressive was the fact that the glass spheres were able to run over the Gnorcs before they forced themselves onto the level that was above where they were rolling around, where they had to avoid some of the wooden training devices, which had been enlarged by the Gnorcs to protect this area from those that tried to get to Dragonfly Falls, but it was easy to get around them as the group moved forward. For the most part it didn't look like there were any side paths to explore, meaning it was a straight path and that there weren't any stolen eggs or Light Gems for them to collect in this area, so each of them focused on the direction that the path seemed to be heading in and focused less on worrying about the gems that they had to smash to restore order to the lands or the lighter gems that needed to be collected, since it was clear nothing was in this area for them to collect, other than the normal gems that Moneybags used to take from them. As such it didn't take them all that long to reach the other side of the course, where it was easy to see another pipe that had been installed into part of the area, identical to the pipe that brought them to this area in the first place, before Spyro moved into it and descended into the depths, which was when the rest of the group followed after him a few seconds later, as it was time for them to see what Dragonfly Falls looked like, what sort of foes would be standing in their way, and just how many stolen eggs they would be recovering, not to mention all of the Dark and Light Gems that were scattered around the realm.

From what they could tell the other side of the pipe brought them to another cave, though it took them a few moments to be released from the spheres they had been using to explore the connection area between realms, and once all of them were freed they headed up the path that was in front of the Ball Gadget and discovered that there was a Club Crocovile standing between them and a spike trap, though it didn't last all that long as Cynder smacked it backwards and let the trap it was guarding take it out, revealing it was a gem creation as well, though once the gems had been picked up they headed forward and bypassed the trap so they could see what else the new realm had to throw at them. Just beyond the area that the spike trap was resting in was a number of stone platforms for them to jump up, though at the top of the stones the group found a crack in the wall and Ember smashed it, revealing an area that had a few straw baskets, a pair of metallic chests, a bullseye chest, and some gems scattered about the small chamber, though before they got to collecting what was in front of them Bianca pointed out a golden chest that was behind them, in a small alcove, and quickly blasted the Club Crocovile that was guarding it with a Lightning Bolt. Once the foe was taken care of Spike flew over to the alcove and landed in front of the chest, where he weaved his magic through the air and unlocked the golden chest, which allowed him to claim a Light Gem for their collection, before he flew back to where the rest of the group was standing and headed down the path that was to the left of the smashed section of the wall, which just so happened to be where they found the entrance of the falls and Hunter punched the Club Crocovile that was in front of them in the face, taking it out so one of the others could worry about it, which was when they moved forward and smiled as they noticed a decent sized area that wasn't the main part of the falls, something Flame and Aurora would recognize the moment they saw it. There were a pair of straw baskets near the left side of the area, accompanied by a bullseye chest and a Club Crocovile on the level above all of them, so while Cynder dealt with the containers Amelia loosed an arrow to take her target out, revealing another wall with a crack in it, something that Spyro smashed his way through so he could reveal a passage that had a few bats inside it, not to mention the first Dark Gem of this realm, which had a few dark crystals resting behind it.

When Aurora smashed the sinister gem, and shattered it to pieces like the last ones they had found since this adventure had started, part of the ceiling in front of them collapsed, though the falling rocks were nowhere near them, and the light of the sun caused the weakened sinister vines to sink into the ground, which caused a section of the wall to fall and that, in turn, revealed an area for them to explore, one that happened to have some straw baskets, a bullseye chest, and, more importantly, a pink egg with the white flower design, to which the rest of the group smashed the containers and picked up the gems as Spike sent the egg back to the Nursery, and once that was done they turned around and headed back to the area that was outside the small tunnel the Dark Gem had been placed inside. From there they resumed following the path that they had seen a few moments ago and noticed that there were two metallic chests along the way, not to mention a bullseye chest that Flame smashed near the tunnel's entrance, though once everything was smashed they headed over to the area they had been walking towards earlier and found one of Moneybags' shop pads, where it was easy to see that the bear didn't have anything to tell them when they arrived at the pad, before they headed deeper into the more jungle like area that was around them and found a somewhat thin walkway that connected this area to what was on the other side of the area, where they found three goats standing on the other side of the walkway, who reared their heads and charged at the section of the walkway that the group was standing on. Amelia was the first one to react as she loosed an arrow into one of the goats and took it out, revealing that they were gem creations as well, before Elora punched the second one as it drew closer to them and Hunter cut into the third one at the same time, allowing the others to pick up all of the gems that had fallen on the walkway, before finding a shepherd, who was wearing a blue shirt with suspenders and brown shorts, that was shaking its staff at them, no doubt due to it being annoyed by what they had just done. Spyro and his siblings did know that some of the Shepherds didn't like them, due to the fact that dragons usually ate sheep and other animals that they tended to, so it was annoyed by the fact that they had killed the three goats that had been in front of it, even if they hadn't touched the goats, which was followed by Spike freezing the Shepherd with a burst of his Ice Breath and let Spyro, Cynder, and Ember smash it to pieces, eliminating another gem creation in the process.

While they did that Hunter noticed a cannon off to their right and jumped over to the path that would bring him to the weapon in question, which was when Amelia loosed an arrow into the chest of the Club Crocovile that was in his way and Flame flew over to a button that happened to be resting on the first stone pillar that Hunter had landed on, where he took a moment to use the Horn Dive to activate the button and something in the area moved, which turned out to be a wooden platform that rested on the left side of the area they were in, one that rested near a metallic door. Hunter was able to take control of the cannon in a matter of seconds and quickly zeroed in on where his target was resting, where he fired upon the door in question and blasted it open, revealing another hidden cavern of sorts that just so happened to have a Light Gem inside it, though behind the gem rested another crack in the wall, so while Spike claimed the gem Cynder smashed through the wall and found an area that had a large amount of gems, straw baskets, and metallic chests, an area that they cleared out in a matter of seconds before returning to the walkway the Shepherd had been on. When they reached the spot the Shepherd had been standing in they found a tunnel that had some spike traps, something that each of them were getting used to seeing at this point in time, before they reached an area that had some Gnorc Brutes in the area the tunnel brought them to, two of them based on what the group was seeing, while a Club Crocovile was patrolling the water that rested below them, where it was easy to see that one was wearing armor and the other wasn't. As such Hunter and Ameila took one of the Gnorc Brutes, where Amelia loosed an arrow and took out the one that had no armor on while Spyro took to the air and knocked off the armor the other was wearing, allowing Hunter to put it down as well, though as that went down Aurora dropped down into the area and torched the Club Crocovile that was down there, before smashing all of the straw baskets that were around the watery part of the area as she rejoined the group, something that included burning one of the Jupiter Traps into the ground, even though Spyro rejoined his siblings and the others as well, after having found and smashed a pair of metallic chests and a bullseye chest for the gems they held.

As it turned out the area that the two Gnorcs were positioned near happened to be another tunnel that actually split into two different paths, so they quickly picked the one on their left and found that there were a few Vultures flying around the open area, in the sense that any of them might lash out at the group, some stone pillars that looked like they might be close to falling apart and that they had to be careful while they were using them, some rocks that could be broken, and a Dark Gem that happened to be resting on the left side of the new area they had discovered. This time around Spike took a turn and smashed the new Dark Gem to pieces, shattering it into a number of pieces as the darkness in this area vanished and revealed that there was a waterfall near where the gem had been resting, which included a cannon that Elora flew over to and took control of not a few seconds later, where she fired upon the pair of boulders that happened to be under a second cannon in the area, one that fell down to a more accessible area and allowed Hunter to jump over to it, all so he could blow up the boulder that was blocking the main path. While they were doing that Amelia loosed a few arrows into the air and knocked out the three Vultures that were in the air, who crashed into the ground that was near yet another Club Crocovile, something that startled the creature in question, which Ember was totally fine with as she used the Fangs of Felinia to cut her target down, something that opened the way for them to check out two areas, one being a nest for the Vultures and the other appearing to be a tunnel, though it was easy for some of them to pick an area out as they picked the nest, due to the fact that a light green dragon egg with blue swirls rested in the nest, one that Spike claimed and sent back to the Nursery. From there they headed down the tunnel that was nearby and found that there were some crates, as in ones that they couldn't break without performing the Horn Dive, something they refrained from doing as Cynder took a moment to jump up to the hidden area that it seemed to be connected to, where she found an intricate golden door that she had Spike investigate, who revealed, by probing it with his magic, that the door required a large number of Light Gems for them to open, so all they could do was return to the passage they were walking down and found that the area it let them access was a large open area that had a waterfall, some moving platforms, and a large statue of a Dragon Elder, no doubt the one that they might find in this realm, just like Elder Harnell and Elder Magna in the previous two realms, but the really important part was that there was a Dark Gem out in the open for them to smash.

Elora headed over to the area that the sinister gem was resting in and smashed it to pieces, something that caused part of the left side of the wall of the cavern it was in to shatter before filling part of the cavern section with water, to which the rest of the group decided to focus on the area she had picked out and not on the rest of the area, since they were sure it would loop back to the area the statue was in, to which they dived into the water, with Bianca using a magical barrier to surround her and the other none dragons so they didn't slow everyone down, before Ember smashed through a weak part of the wall and allowed them to access another part of this realm. What they discovered was that there was a small cave on the other side of the wall, where they could jump out of the water and found that there was only a Light Gem in this area, so Spike collected it as the others headed back through the hole and headed back to the main part of this part of the realm, where they focused on taking out the Club Crocovile that was patrolling the water near the statue and one of the armorless Gnorc Brutes that was guarding some straw baskets, before they climbed up to an area that a crack in the wall rested in, this one different than the others. The reason this was different from the others was due to the fact that Zoe had placed a Sparx sign near it, something that was followed by Spyro, Spike, and Ember allowing their dragonflies to head into the section of the realm that only they could access, even though they weren't the only ones that headed into it, as Sting, Flare, and Daisy heading into the area as well, showing that even the dragonflies of Capora were interested in learning from those that had accompanied the heroic dragons and their allies, so while the dragonflies went off to see what they could find in the other area the group sat around the area they were in and simply rested, giving Spike a chance to write down everything that had happened in Dragonfly Falls so far. It only took the dragonflies a few minutes to fly through the cave that only they could access and revealed that they had found a light yellow dragon egg that had a few white spots on its shell, which meant it was the start of a brand new set of eggs, not to mention a Light Gem that Spike added to the bag that contained the other Light Gems, before their dragonflies returned to their partners and the group glided down to a tunnel that rested nearby, which seemed to be the correct path forward, given what they had seen in the other section of this area, the one that Elora had opened earlier.

There were a few bats inside the tunnel, who weren't hostile at all, not like the ones that were going after Fredneck's food in the swamp, before they were able to reach the end of it, an area that was an open water area, sort of like some of the island realms the group had assisted in the past, meaning that there might be enemies under the water, though what they did was glide over to their right and found that there was a Gnorc Brute guarding a wall that had a crack in it, which was the moment that Cynder moved first and pulled out the runeblade she was carrying, marking the first time she was going to use Penumbra in battle, to which she sliced through the armor and her foe in one swift motion and reduced it to a pile of gems. That, in turn, allowed Ember to spin forward as she smashed through the ruined portion of the wall as the others took care of the ring of straw baskets that were resting nearby, though on the other side of the wall they found another light yellow egg with white spots, something that Spike sent to the Nursery as soon as they discovered it, before someone smashed the metallic chest that was nearby and they headed outside to see what else the rest of this area had in store for them, even if they were keeping an eye open for any Dragon Elders that might be in this realm. What they did next was glide over to an area that a lone Club Crocovile was patrolling, which was when Elora kicked it into the ground and let one of the others, Spike, blast it into the wall, allowing the others to clear out a few straw baskets at the same time, though as soon as that was done, and the area was cleared out, Spike spotted a golden chest near their position and moved over to where it rested, where he used the Lockpick spell to unlock it and claimed the Light Gem that rested inside it, to which he and the others focused on the area that was in front of him, or rather the platforms that were floating on the water and the Vultures that were flying around above them. This time around Bianca focused on the Vultures as she loosed a short burst of Ice Shards into the air, striking the hostile birds out of the air with ease, allowing Spyro and the others to traverse the platforms without having to worry about enemies as they headed for the small path of land that contained another Light Gem, something they let Spike deal with while each of them stared out at the rest of the area, searching for any other foes or items that needed to be claimed, before heading over to an area that had some raised steps that seemed to be the path to another part of this realm.

What they found as they climbed the area was what appeared to be a mine shaft, or at least an abandoned one that had been converted into a tunnel of some kind, off to the left of the raised sections that formed the steps, which was where they found Zoe hanging out in the air near the structure's entrance, where the group headed over to where their friend was resting so they could see if she had found anything for them to do, as during their third adventure she had found a few areas where only their dragonflies could access, something Flame and Aurora had learned while they were waiting for the dragonflies to return from the cave.

"Hey guys, I spent some time looking through the next area and I think there's a dragon egg and a Light Gem somewhere past this structure," Zoe said, showing the group that she had taken some time to speak with the Professor and came to an understanding on what the group was looking for this time around, even if the search for the missing dragon eggs was the same as the last time she had assisted them and the Light Gems were totally new to her, before she considered what she had seen during her search through the area in question, "however, based on what I could see, I think there's either some magic in place that will prevent dragons from exploring it, no doubt Red's magic at work, or its an area that Hunter and Amelia, for example, can tackle on their own."

"Well, my sister and I can handle anything that the area has to throw at us," Hunter remarked, to which Amelia nodded her head in agreement not a few seconds later, showing that they were more than able to tackle whatever was lurking inside the section of the realm that Zoe had investigated while the group was busy making their way towards this area, which was when the pair glanced over to the others for a few seconds, Hunter gripping his blades while Amelia checked some of her arrows and her bow, "the question is this: are you willing to let us separate from the group for a time and tackle all of the challenges that the side area might have to throw at us?"

"Hunter, you don't have to ask something like that. We trust you to take out however many enemies are in an area and recover the stolen dragon egg," Spyro stated, where the others agreed with what he had said, because at this point they knew that Hunter had the makings of a great hero and Amelia, despite her late start since she had only started being a hero during the war for the fate of the world, was the same way, before they focused on the pair that were how standing in front of the structure that Zoe was floating near, "Don't worry, we'll wait here and rest while you two explore the area that's beyond this opening, and then once you're back we can see what else this place has to throw at us, before we even think about taking on Gnasty Gnorc."

The reason Spyro said that was because the way things were going in Dragonfly Falls, as they were restoring order to this realm in record time in comparison to every other realm they had visited so far, it was possible that they might go back to Dragon Village, breach the barrier that was protecting the cave that was near the Professor's lab, and then beat up Gnasty Gnorc so they could move onto the next homeworld and see what might be happening to the rest of the lands, before they found Red and put an end to whatever plans he and the Dark Master were putting in motion. Hunter and Amelia nodded their heads, as they knew Spyro had faith that they would be able to overcome everything that was in the area Zoe had told them about, before they marched into the area that was beyond the opening and kept their weapons at the ready, all while Spyro and the others scattered around the opening and the rest of the area, where they sat down and waited for their friends to emerge with whatever they found inside the area Zoe scouted. This apparently confused Flame and Aurora for a few moments, as they had to wonder why the entire group didn't just tackle whatever was waiting in the section of this realm that Hunter and Amelia were now heading through, where Cynder explained that sometimes they had to split up into smaller groups, instead of tacking an area with everyone at the same time, even though that was something she had learned from reading Spike's books on the first couple of adventures, before she joined them and their friends, so this was more like the siblings were returning to what they had done at the start of their adventures, even though there were times where facing someone as a group was the best thing for them to do. The newcomers paused for a moment before they moved to the side and simply waited for their new friends to return to where they were waiting, where they could see that Spike was writing things down and that he was making sure the dragonflies, minus Sparx who had flown after Hunter and Amelia, told him exactly what they had found in the cave they had investigated earlier, when they found the sign near the crack, joining the others who were now resting around the entrance, even though Cynder headed to part of the other walkway that a Gnorc Brute was standing on and smashed it into the ground, eliminating a foe so it didn't try to take them out while they were waiting.

It didn't take Hunter and Amelia all that long to return to where they were waiting, where they handed over an egg with a flame design and another Light Gem, where Spike sent the former back to the Nursery and placed the latter inside the bag that the others were resting in, before they headed over to where Cynder had cleared out the Gnorc Brute and jumped along the pieces of ground that were on the other side of the path they were following, which brought them to another area that had some enemies and some floating wooden platforms, including another Dark Gem for them to smash as they moved through this area. The first thing they did was locate a Club Crocovile and a Gnorc Brute guarding two parts of the area that they were moving into, where Ember stuck the armor off the Gnorc on the right side of the area and let Flame and Aurora move in with attacks that took it down in seconds, while at the same time Spike quickly blasted the Crocovile with a Fireball, clearing out the immediate area of enemies so they could smash the straw baskets and metallic chests that were around them and claim all of the gems that were inside them, not to mention break a bullseye chest as well, which had been behind the Gnorc Brute. There was one moving platform that was in the air, moving between the area that the Club Crocovile had been guarding and the area that the next Dark Gem happened to be resting in, but instead of worrying about catching the platform when it came over to the Crocovile's area Spyro just flew through the air and reached the area that it was resting on, where he spun around for a few seconds and then smashed the gem to pieces with the Horn Dive, which purged the area of the darkness that was on the ground around it and lowered a section of the wall that was just behind where the gem was resting, revealing a way forward, which came complete with a whirlwind, some straw baskets, a metallic chest, a bullseye chest, and some scattered gems. While he did that Ember flew over to part of this area and found a Light Gem to add to their collection, which was a little beyond the area that the Crocovile had been and was to the left of the path the floating platform, though once that was collected everyone regrouped where Spyro was standing, which was when some of them noticed that Spike was studying the dragon head statues that had been near the latest Dark Gem and was writing down what he was seeing, before they used the whirlwind to get up to a tunnel that was above the area the gem had been resting in and moved forward.

What they discovered was that the tunnel, while having a few spear traps in the ground for them to avoid, backtracked to part of the start of this realm and meant that they had basically gone in one big circle, though even as they figured that out they knew that it was a little odd for them to have cleared out an area this quickly and made some of them wonder what else there was to do before they headed to the cave that Gnasty Gnorc was hiding in and faced the first foe that had allied themselves with the Dark Master, which would pave the way for them to head to the next homeworld.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Aurora asked, because while she wasn't familiar with what Spyro and the other heroes had done in the past, where Flame was in the same boat as her, it was easy to see that the heroes were in the middle of thinking about what they had just done and what they were going to do next, especially when they took into consideration everything they had done since they arrived in Capora, "I don't think the Professor will open the way to the next land until we take down Gnasty Gnorc and free this island from Red and the Dark Master's grasp, but I don't think there's anything else we can do right now, not without gathering more Light Gems anyway."

"Then we'll head to the cave and take care of our target," Spyro replied, though even as he said that he noticed that Spike did have the scepter of their first foe inside his satchel, showing that he was hiding it until they needed it, in case their foe realized that they were carrying it, before he turned towards the path that would take them back to the Ball Gadget and focused on what he and the others were going to do, as his siblings, Cynder, and their friends were ready to go, something that caused both Flame and Aurora to straighten themselves for a moment, "and once Dragon Kingdom is freed from the darkness that Red and the Dark Master are trying to impose upon it, just like they're going to be imposing it on the other three lands, we'll have the professor send us to the next island and repeat what we had just done, until we've freed all of your homeworlds and have made sure that all of your enemies have been taken care of."

Flame and Aurora stood there for a moment, thinking about what the group was planning on doing, before they followed Spyro as he started to head back to the area that the Ball Gadget was resting in, as it seemed to be the only way back to the first realm of this homeworld was to use the Professor's latest invention and head back to the first platform they had found when they explored Dragon Kingdom, even though it didn't take them any time to reach the gadget in question due to the fact that all of the enemies that had been lingering in the falls had been taken out. Once they reached the gadget the group did what they did earlier, Spyro used it first and entered the section of the homeworld that connected the first realm to the realm that they had just finished dealing with, followed by everyone else following after him, though since all of the Gnorcs that had been in the side section had been dealt with it was rather easy for them to reach the area that the other pipe rested in, which allowed them to travel back to the area that rested just outside the Nursery. Not a few seconds later they walked into the structure in question and found that Nanny was happy with the fact that they had recovered so many eggs already, even if the vast majority of them were still missing, before the group headed through the entrance of the building and stared at the area that was just outside the Professor's lab, as it appeared that he had set up a brand new machine had been set up near the lab, one that looked like a teleportation pad, though for now they headed over to the cave that was covered by a dark barrier where the sinister vines shuddered for a moment and disappeared like all of the other vines they had purged so far, before the magical barrier fell shortly after that. Not only did the barrier fall and all of the sinister vines disappeared, which told Spike that they might need to smash ten Dark Gems in every homeworld, the sky cleared as the lingering darkness disappeared as well, meaning the Dark Master's influence over this land had to be gone at this point, to which they walked forward and headed into the cave that Red had sealed earlier, according to what the Professor had told them earlier, where they found a small platform that looked like someone could have been trapped inside here as well, leading the group to wonder if Red and Gnasty Gnorc had been planning on trapping either Flame or Aurora inside this place, before finding a dragon egg with a flame design resting near the platform, which Spike sent back to the Nursery, something that was followed by them heading deeper into the tunnel and discovered a stone walkway that lead to the center of the entire cavern.

Standing in the middle of the area the group was heading towards, wearing what appeared to be a steel suit of armor that covered his chest, arms, shoulders, legs, feet, and his head, in a style that sort of matched what he had been wearing the first time Spyro, Spike, and Ember had faced him, and this time he was carrying a warhammer in his right hand, one that had a massive head at the end of the shaft and it had a few metallic spikes attached to it, though his overall appearance was the exact same, not that they expected his appearance to change since the last time they fought, and it wasn't long before the entire group reached the center of the cavern, even if they had to rush over the stone walkway as it started to break up as they ran over it.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, its been a while since I last defeated you in battle!" Gnasty Gnorc stated, even though he had to take a moment to laugh about something, possibly the fact that the walkway had broken and forced the group to rush over it in a matter of seconds, but even as he did that the group glanced at each other for a moment, as it appeared that their foe had retained his simple nature and didn't have the intelligence of some of the other enemies they had faced, as he was nowhere near the level of Gaul or Morrigan.

"I think you mean that its been a while since we saw each other, as we beat you the last time we fought," Spyro replied, as he knew that there would be some time for them to talk with the foe that was in front of them, though at the same time the rest of the group spread out and made sure that everyone could see what Gnasty Gnorc was doing, because with the broken walkway the only thing they could do was beat their foe and figure out exactly what they were going to do next, even if Spike could likely reform the walkway with his magic and hold it up until they were back in the tunnel that brought them to this area, "in fact, we sealed you in a crystalline statue when we beat you."

"You did?! Really?! I don't remember that at all! Man, I guess it really has been a long time." Gnasty Gnorc said, which was where the group determined that even if their foe knew what Spyro was talking about he was likely repressing the events that Spyro had mentioned, not that it mattered since the group was planning on taking him down and using his scepter on him for a second time, since attacking a whole new set of islands was just like what happened during the first adventure the siblings had been on, so they were going to punish him in the same way they had done earlier, "Either way Red has tasked me with guarding this area and destroying whoever tries to take back this homeworld, so since you have come to this point its time for us to fight each other again, not to mention the fact that you will be defeated once more and your broken bodies will be offered to Red and his ally."

The group assumed that what Gnasty Gnorc meant by his statement was that he was going to beat all of them up and then offer their unconscious bodies to those he was following, though before any of them could really do anything he raised his warhammer into the air for a moment and brought it down onto the ground that was in front of him, where a shockwave rushed out from where he was standing within seconds of that happening, something that caused the group to jump into the air and avoid the attack, even though Spyro was the first one to react as he flew to the backside of their foe and loosed a bit of flame at his foe's backside. The reason he attacked that area, instead of focusing on the chest or maybe the parts of his arms that were exposed, was because despite all of Gnasty Gnorc's preparations he failed to make sure his rear was protected as well, something that caused him to jump up and down for a few seconds as he fanned the flames, before he regained his senses and gripped his warhammer once more, something that was followed by him slamming the head onto the ground in a slightly different manner, one that kicked up a number of whirlwinds that rushed out to where everyone was standing. Bianca stepped forward and waved her hand for a second, where her magic washed over the area they were fighting in and seized control of the whirlwinds that were heading towards her friends, but instead of allowing any of them to maintain their form she converted them into a different wind spell and swung a wave of wind magic at their foe, where it formed a pair of three claws and cut some light gashes into their foe's chest, something that surprised Gnasty Gnroc for a few seconds as he staggered backwards, where Hunter rushed forward and swung his blades for a moment, mostly to distract their foe as his blades barely did any damage to his armor, but the force of Bianca's attack and his distraction was enough to make their foe fall backwards, where Amelia jumped onto Gnasty Gnorc's chest and forced herself into the air so she could punch him in the face, mostly since his face wasn't protected, even though that also let her propel herself back into the air and put some distance between her and their foe.

That seemed to piss Gnasty Gnorc off as he picked himself up and slammed his warhammer into the ground, even though this time around he put enough power into his attacks to cause part of the ceiling to fall in the form of earthen spikes, but as that happened Spike weaved his magic through the air and shifted the spikes into something else, quickly creating a pair of Earthen Fists in the air near him before he smacked their foe in the face a few times, something that allowed Spyro and Cynder to lash out with their runeblades, this time cutting into his chest armor with ease. Of course they didn't stop at just using the blades themselves, as in they both channeled the elements of their blades into a combination attack of the Wind and Shadow elements that slammed into their foe's chest and knocked him backwards easily, where Ember used the Fangs of Felinia and switched to their dagger form as she dug into part of their foe's armor, one of the weaker parts, and ripped it off not a few seconds later, something that caused Gnasty Gnorc to growl as he huffed in anger once more, which the group was totally fine with at this point, since it meant he might made some mistakes. Of course that anger caused him to break some of the nearby parts of the wall, even though that was due to him striking the ground with his warhamer and caused four sections of the walls to collapse in seconds, revealing four metallic posts that were channeling the power of Lightning, or electricity based on what they knew their foes used in the past, where he raised his weapon and loosed a burst of yellow lightning at Spyro, who smiled for a moment as Spike and Bianca landed in front of him and used their own magic to stall the attack and redirected it into their foe's chest, causing cracks to form in the chest piece of his armor and on the arms and leg sections as well. That, of course, didn't stop Gnasty Gnorc from drawing power from the nodes that were around the chamber they were fighting in and hurl it at the group, showing that his intelligence wasn't as good as the foes from some of their past adventures, where Spike took charge of turning his magical power against him while Bianca used her Ice magic to slow down his arms and legs so the others could attack him while he was distracted by what was going on in front of him, where they dealt damage to both his armor and the rest of his body, before Flame and Aurora rushed forward and, despite their lack of experience fighting enemies, joined both Ember and Cynder in lashing out at the warhammer and knocked it out of their foe's hands.

"NO! I can't believe that you guys have defeated me again?!" Gnasty Gnorc stated, showing that he actually knew what they had been talking about earlier and that he knew that he had been defeated, which made sense due to his ruined armor, all of the scratches that were lingering on his arms and legs, and the couple of bruises that Amelia put on his face, before he growled for a moment as he noticed that his foes were now guarding his warhammer, preventing him from claiming his weapon and channeling the power of the nodes, even if the latter was totally useless in the grand scheme of things, which caused him to fall to his knees for a moment, "I guess its about time that I went back to my realm... just as soon as I take all of you would-be heroes out with me!"

In that moment Spike used his magic and pulled out the Scepter of Crystallization, something that caused Gnasty Gnorc to pause for a moment as soon as he spotted what was going on, before he loosed a burst of magic from the scepter and let it hit his target in the chest, where everyone watched as he sealed Gnasty Gnorc inside a crystalline statue for the second time in his life, and hopefully it would stay this way, before a Fairy emerged from the warhammer and thanked them for freeing her, even if she realized that they had been here to stop their foe and not rescue her, which was when she headed outside and the group did the same thing as Spike made a walkway back to the entrance of the cave. The reason they did that was because they were sure that the Professor would have the teleportation device ready and that, with Gnasty Gnorc defeated, he would be able to send them to the next homeworld with ease, so they could tackle whatever challenges it and the new realms had for them, and sure enough their friend was standing beside the device in question, where he quickly informed the group that this would allow all of them to teleport over to Lost Cities, the second homeworld of Capora, and it would drop them in the realm known as Coastal Remains, so they could resume their quest to stop Red, who was either lurking somewhere in Icy Wilderness or Volcanic Isle. Spyro and the others nodded, showing the Professor that they knew what they were going to do next, and stepped onto the platform that was in front of them, though they were told that they had to teleport over to the next homeworld one at a time, as there were a few kinks in the machine and that he was sure he would have it taken care of by the time they cleared out the next island of enemies and Dark Gems, to which they used the machine and moved forward, as it was time to see what else the enemies of Capora had in store for them.

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