• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Lab Cleanup

With Midnight Mountain cleared of eggs and gems, even if they were missing one of the eggs for some reason, the group headed towards the portal that would take them to the realm that Agent 9 had been living in since he found himself in the Forgotten Realms, as it was time for them to help him out and then backtrack to Evening Lake to take care of the stuff that they left behind, just like what happened when they rescued and assisted Sgt. Byrd and Bentley. When they passed through the portal in question they found themselves in the square chamber that linked Agent 9's realm to the rest of the lands, just like what they had seen when they were helping the others out, only this one had some additional lights that were more advanced than what they had seen so far, but that wasn't what they were focused on. As the group suspected Agent 9 was standing near one of the walls, looking over a map as he seemed to fiddle with his blaster, like he was imagining shooting at all of the Rhynocs that were in the realms in question, and for now he hadn't noticed them, another thing that was common when they entered these areas, to which the group approached him so they could see what his realm looked like and if it was possible for them to assist him. They knew there was a chance that Agent 9's realm could be like Sheila and Sgt. Byrd's, where Elora was the only one that would be able to assist them thanks to her jumping abilities and her armor, but after seeing Bentley's realm they were thinking that Agent 9's would be the same way as their yeti friend's, though they would know soon enough.

"Oh, hey guys, I didn't see you walk in," Agent 9 said, though at the same time he seemed to finish what he was doing at the moment and picked up his blaster for real this time, to which he walked over to where they were standing and focused on the four of them for a moment, before jerking his head towards the portal that was behind him, "Let me tell you, never spend a week in a cage, because, thanks to the scanner that the Professor installed in her for me, I can tell that the island that has been my home for the last three years is now infested with Rhynocs and that I'm going to be busy clearing them out so the Professor can continue his work."

"Well, then let us help you out," Spyro replied, because based on what they had seen so far, from the other realms the four of them had visited since they arrived in the Forgotten Realms, there were Rhynocs in every realm and they had taken out a fair number of them on their own, so it wouldn't be too much for them to do the same thing again, "we'll take care of the Rhynocs, rescue any eggs they might have brought to the lab, and let the Professor move in once the area has been cleared of the Sorceress' minions."

Agent 9 considered that for a moment, clearly thinking about what he had heard while he was in his cage and what he knew the Rhynocs were capable of, before he beckoned for them to join him as he headed through the portal, which was shortly followed by the group discovering that the realm that Agent 9 lived in was definitely an island that had a few of the more modern security features added to it, like an electric fence at least, before finding the Professor standing nearby, as the portal leading to this place was on a platform that had some smaller platforms in front of it.

"Ah, Agent 9, welcome back... and good, you've already met Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora. Thanks for rescuing him from the Sorceress," the Professor said, where part of what he said was addressed to Agent 9 and part of it was addressed to the group as a whole, showing that he was happy that they had found each other and that they had already joined up to face their enemies, though that was when he focused on the task at hand, "though I'm afraid that I have bad news, the Rhynocs have taken over the entire island and they're in the process of tampering with my equipment... and before you even ask, I think the Sorceress teleported them past my security measures."

"Don't worry, we'll take care of them," Elora stated, where the siblings and Agent 9 nodded their heads in agreement, showing that they wanted to take care of the Rhynocs that had invaded this realm and restore it to normal, though it was easy to see that the Professor had nothing else to say to them and beckoned for the five of them to move on, to which the group jumped over the platforms and headed to the island in question.

What they discovered, after jumping over the pair of platforms and landing on the metal walkway that was resting on the beach that was in front of them, were seven wooden targets that were resting around the area between them and the first electric fence that was currently in their way, though there were some palm trees as well, not to mention some gems for the group to pick up. Agent 9 stood on the walkway for a few seconds and started to fire at the wooden targets that were in front of them, striking all seven of his training targets in rapid succession, though while he did that the siblings and Elora watched as a Rhynoc, having blue skin and wearing a red uniform, pulled out a blaster while it was hiding behind one of the targets, only for their friend to blast it as well, taking down an enemy before they could even get close to take it down, even if Spike was long ranged like their new friend was. Spike decided that the new type of Rhynocs would be called Blaster Rhynocs, as he figured that 'Laser Rhynocs' wouldn't make much sense due to the weapons that their current foes were using, though once the first enemy was taken out the group split up and started collecting the gems that happened to be resting on the beach. That meant smashing some straw baskets, just picking the gems up off the ground, or Ember using her hardened tail to smash a circular metallic chest that was resting in a cave that was to the right, just before the first electric fence, where she found more straw baskets, three to be exact, that were smashed and the gems were added to the collection, before they approached the electric fence at long last.

Once the five of them were in front of the obstacle the Professor shifted from the area that he was in and appeared near them, where he informed the group that they would have to be careful, since the Rhynocs had tampered with one of his inventions and modified it to be like the boxes from Fireworks Factory, meaning it was providing an endless stream of enemies for them to fight, and that the only way to stop it was to hit the red panic button that was resting near the door in question. Once they had been given that piece of information, and nodded their heads to show that they understood what he was telling them, the Professor lowered the electric fence and allowed them to enter the next part of the island, where the group moved forward and found that three Blaster Rhynocs emerged from the passage that they had been warned about, and all three of them were using the wooden targets as shields to protect them. Agent 9, while being a tad bit eager when he laid eyes on the Rhynocs, focused on firing at the red button and silenced the machine that would have allowed their enemies to bring reinforcements into the area, though while he did that Spyro rushed forward and charged into one of the Rhynocs, Ember used her hardened tail to smash the second into the ground, and Spike purposely struck the last one in the shield to take away its defenses so Elora could kick it into the wall. With the first batch of foes taken care of the group quickly swept the area for gems, as there were no straw baskets or metallic vases in the area, even though it was clear that Agent 9 had been caught off guard by how well the four of them worked as a team, taking down enemies with little to no communication needed, and he was totally caught by surprise when he watched Elora in action, something that caused her to chuckle for a moment as they moved forward, and Agent 9 also shot a vase out of the air to pick up a gem that had been inside it.

Four more Blaster Rhynocs stood between them and the next doorway that housed whatever machine they were in the middle of using, not that such a thing matter when Agent 9 blasted the red button that silenced it, before firing at one of the Rhynocs that were trying to protect themselves with a wooden shield, where his blaster tore the shield apart and knocked his target into the wall, opening the way for the group to attack their enemies and knock them around the area as well, allowing them to move forward with ease.

Once the side area had been cleared out, of both enemies and gems, the group found the doorway, which was resting near the second opening the Rhynocs had been trying to use to secure the area, and entered the first chamber of the lab that had been built on this island, where they found that the Professor had teleported into the area once the way had been cleared and was already facing the terminal that was in front of him. There was a couple of main screens in the area that caught the attention of Spike, because it looked like their friend was in the middle of studying the rest of the world and the magical energies that seemed to be connected to it, or at the very least the natural energies that they were able to harness with the right machines and conditions. What really interested Spike was that there was a rainbow colored dot on the screen that held the world, one that seemed to be positioned above what he assumed had to be the Dragon Realms, making him wonder what the Professor might have discovered and what he might be in the middle of researching, hence the reason that he and the others focused on seeing if he needed any help before they cleared the chamber of any straw baskets or metallic vases. Not a few seconds later the Professor noticed them and asked if they would help him out, as the terminal that he was working with indicated that there were a couple of Rhynocs hiding behind the consoles that were in front of the screens, to which Agent 9 stood in the middle of the chamber and the part he was on rose a little, forming a new platform that allowed him to shoot at the enemies he had been informed about, where the group watched as six foolish Blaster Rhynocs poked their heads out of where they were hiding and were blasted by Agent 9.

"Well done, you've cleared them out," the Professor commented, as now his terminal was revealing that there were no more Rhynocs in the chamber that they were standing in, to which he gestured to the opening that would allow the group to move through the rest of the island, not to mention the rest of the lab that he had built so he could do his research on the Forgotten Realms, "I have a feeling the Rhynocs haven't been kind to the machine room, given that they have had a week to do whatever they wanted with the place."

"Don't worry, we'll handle them!" Ember remarked, because that was the truth of the matter, the five of them were going to find all of the Rhynocs that were on the island and deal with them, not to mention whatever else they might have brought with them or done to the lab, while at the same time the rest of the group nodded their heads to show that they were in agreement, not that the Professor really needed to see such a thing since he knew that the siblings and Elora would be able to keep up with Agent 9.

The Professor nodded his head and teleported to the next chamber that they would be exploring, where the group had to assume that he was using the same gadget that he gave Hunter back in Avalar, which had been how he was able to move from realm to realm despite the speed they used to do so, though the group quickly cleared out the area of any odd gems or straw baskets before using the steps that had risen when Agent 9 went to blast the Rhynocs, before they found the electric door that lead to the machine room. As they joined the Professor it was easy to see that some birds had been allowed to invade the room in question, no doubt either through the opening that was on the other side of the room or through a hole that hadn't been there the last time he and Agent 9 had been in the lab, though he did ask them to take care of the birds, since they weren't supposed to be in here and would need to be removed before the area was cleaned up so he could continue his research. The moment he stopped explaining what he needed done the group joined into the larger chamber and started hunting down the birds that were in the area, though it was, unfortunately, rather easy for them to do that, as only two of the six birds were even flying around the air and proved to be Agent 9's targets, leaving the other four for the siblings and Elora, who found their way up to the couple of nests that were in the room and knocked out the birds that were resting above the machines. While the group did that they smashed the straw baskets that were in the room, and picked up all of the gems that were laying around the area, though it wasn't long before they cleared out the entire room and regrouped near the Professor, where he revealed that he had found a dragon egg while the five of them were doing that and made sure that Spike was able to send it back to the Dragon Realms.

Once Spike sent the egg back home, and saved another one from the Sorceress, the Professor turned on the machine that was in this room, a gravitonometric generator, a machine that he didn't feeling like explaining at the moment since all of them were focused on clearing out the rest of the lab and recovering the rest of the eggs, before twelve more blue birds flew out of the machine in question and circled around the room they were in. As such the five of them spent the next few moments clearing out the rest of the birds, some of them being taken out by Agent 9 firing a blast at his targets, Spike using his magic to use the Wind Shuriken to hit a few, and Elora using her jumping ability to get up into the air, at least to a certain height, to kick a few birds out of the air, leaving Spyro and Ember to charge into the ones that landed on the floor and knock them out. It didn't take them long to clear out the birds that were flying around the room, where they found that nothing else was waiting to attack the five of them, to which the Professor quickly declared that the machine room was now cleared of enemies and that it was time for the group to follow them outside as he lowered the electric fence that had been blocking the way out, where they discovered that he actually walked through the opening and headed outside, to which they discovered a large mechanical device that looked like a chest of some kind, with a circular opening that had a red spherical item resting in front of it.

"Since you're gearing up for the final battle, I decided to create some new bombs that have a lower blast radius, as now it should be whoever they hit should be taken out, that, by my calculations, should be rather effective against enemies that are wearing armor." the Professor explained, revealing what the red object was, something that none of the group would have expected when they considered the item in question, though at the same time they said nothing as they let him continue with what he had to say, mostly to learn as much as they could before moving forward, "Before I start giving them to the troops, and getting them ready for the big battle, could you test them out and make sure that they work? I don't want to give your forces any defective equipment."

The siblings and Elora, still a little caught off guard by the fact that they were the leaders of the forces that would be fighting the Rhynocs when the Sorceress was challenged, even if they wouldn't be there since they were the only ones that could face their true foe, nodded their heads as they watched Agent 9 pick up one of the bombs that rested on the ground and glanced to the area on their right, where the group found three Rhynocs wearing area, making them Armored Blaster Rhynocs. The siblings and Elora waited for Agent 9 to hurl the bomb through the air, where it struck one of the Rhynocs in the chest and detonated instantly, tearing through the armor like it was nothing and knocked his target to the ground, an event that shocked both of its companions, opening the way for Elora to kick one of the others in the face while Ember just smashed her way through the second's armor, showing that they didn't need to use bombs at all. Once those enemies had been taken care of Agent 9 threw another bomb at the circular metallic chest that was on a ledge above them, blowing it apart as well and allowing Elora to pick up the gems so they could be added to the collection, before the electric fence that was behind where the Armored Blaster Rhynocs disappeared and revealed four more of them blocking the area that the exit portal was located in. It was in that moment that Agent 9 understood just how strong Spike's magic was as the dragon blasted one of the Rhynocs in the chest with an Arcane Missile, knocking it to the ground, leaving Ember to smash the next one with her entire body while Spyro and Elora rushed around the other two so that they would blast each other, which worked like a charm, oddly enough.

Once all of their enemies had been take care of, and the group made sure to pick up all of the gems that were on the ground and smashed the straw baskets that were around the area that the machine had been located in, the five of them approached the area that the last four Rhynocs had been guarding and found that the Professor had teleported over to the area in question, revealing the exit portal.

"Thank you for saving the laboratory and my machines," the Professor said, though at the same time he placed one more egg in front of them, showing that he must have found it while they were clearing out the Rhynocs that had been guarding the area in question, before the nearby portal came to life before their eyes, "I found this egg a few moments ago, while you were clearing out the Rhynocs that were guarding this area, and, based on my calculations, there might be one more somewhere nearby, so you might as well grab it as well."

The group nodded their heads and resumed looking around the rest of the island, where Ember smashed one of the circular metallic chests and claimed the gems that had been inside it, before they headed back to where the dispenser was resting and approached the other electric fence they had spotted earlier, where it wasn't hard for them to spot a machine that was definitely a generator on the other side of the fence, to which Agent 9 retrieved another bomb and tossed it over the top of the fence, weakening the fence and lowering the field so they could see the last part of the island. What they found on the other side were a couple of straw baskets, a circular metallic chest that Ember smashed with her hardened tail, and a beach area that had a few Rhynocs on small speedboats driving around a nearby area, and it appeared that one of them might have the other egg for them to acquire. As such the five of them stood near the edge of the area and let Agent 9 blast the Rhynocs that were driving around the area, where the siblings and Elora watched as he knocked out all of the speedboats that were in the area in front of them, while the last one that their new friend hit started to drive out of control before colliding with the edge of the area that they were standing on, sending the egg flying into the area that they were in, allowing Spike to make sure the egg was just fine before sending it off to the Dragon Realms. With that done, and they had all three of the eggs that were in the realm of their newest ally, the group followed Agent 9 as they made sure all of the gems that were in this realm were picked up, even though they had to shoot three more vases out of the sky to get the rest of the gems, totally clearing the realm out.

With that done, however, the group headed for the exit portal so they could return to Midnight Mountain, as it was time for them to clear out the remaining realms and then challenge the Sorceress, to save the Forgotten Realms from the evil that their foe was committing, but as they approached the exit portal the Professor stopped them for a few seconds, which interested them since they thought that he had told them everything of importance.

"Elora, I finished work on the Mark III," the Professor said, though while Agent 9 had no idea what his mentor was talking about, since this was the first time he had heard that term in the time that he had been working with him, Elora knew the term as she glanced down at her own armor for a moment, informing the siblings of what he was referring to, and that was followed by a second portal appearing nearby, "its back in my lab, in Avalar, since I didn't want the Rhynocs to find it and ruin it before I had a chance to deliver it to you... if you want it, anyway."

It wasn't hard for Elora to agree to what the Professor was saying, where the siblings and Agent 9 followed the pair through the portal that had sprung up, where they quickly appeared in what appeared to be a mirror imagine of the lab that they had just cleared out, only this one was much nicer looking than the one that they had been in a few moments ago, though they remained silent as they followed Elora and the Professor. It didn't take them long to reach a chamber that was similar to the one that the screens had been in, where they found out what the Professor had been working on for some time, at least in the Forgotten Realms, though when everyone entered the chamber the siblings and Agent 9 stood back and watched what was going on, since they were interested in what the pair was doing. Elora walked into one of the side areas for a moment, where the group didn't see what she was doing, before she eventually returned to where the others were waiting, only now she was wearing a light green bodysuit that was similar to what people wore when they went swimming underwater, like what Hunter used back during their trek through Avalar. The siblings were surprised that she had switched out her armor for something that didn't look like armor at all, since she was more interested in helping them out, but that was when she smiled for a moment and came to a stop in the middle of the chamber, which was when the three of them and Agent 9 watched as the floor around her opened up and revealed a number of mechanical arms and other pieces that came from the Professor's workshop, and even the ceiling opened up a little as well, revealing that whatever was going on had to be interesting.

It wasn't long before they realized what was going on, as the immediate area that was right in front of Elora had what appeared to be metallic shoes, or at least the bottom part of one, which she stepped onto a few seconds later and waited as more arms moved into the area she was standing in, where the rest of the hoof part of the armor moved out of the area that they were resting in and latched onto the part of her armor that she was standing on, locking into place while she stood still. As the leggings part of her new armor was put on, and was locked into place, the siblings watched as the upper part of her legs were covered as well, which connected with the body section of armor that was attached to her back not a few seconds later, though as that happened Elora raised her hands and gripped the inside of the gauntlets that were offered to her, where bits of metal moved out from where they had been resting. The siblings watched as the rest of her chest was covered in the new armor, allowing the arm sections to connect to the center of the armor within seconds, leaving Elora standing there with what appeared to be a full body suit of armor, just like what she had been wearing a few moments earlier, before a helmet was placed around her head, even though she had to move her hair to avoid it being caught by the metal, though it made her look like a metallic faun of some kind. Once that was done, and the arms moved back into the areas that they had been in moments ago, and the room returned to normal, Elora walked around like she had done before her new armor had been put on, though as she walked around the group was able to see that most of the armor was purple colored and had green coloring on the undersides of the arms and legs, and that included most of the face plate of her new armor.

Once that was done, and the room returned to normal, Elora turned towards the group and quickly tapped the side of her helmet for a moment, where it came undone and let them see her face again, though Agent 9 was totally caught off guard by what he was seeing at the moment, while the siblings were happy to see that she liked the new armor, even if it seemed that all this one did was boost her defense, to keep her safe while they were beating up their enemies.

"Its a little heavier, due to the additional armor pieces that we added, but I like it," Elora remarked, where she said that to the Professor, since he was the one that had put in the time and energy to make this suit of armor for her, before she turned around and joined the group, where she found that Agent 9 was totally stunned by what he had seen, while Spyro, Spike, and Ember were interested in the armor, "Come on, I'll tell you guys about the changes that were made to my armor on our way back to Evening Lake, so we can wrap things up and focus on Midnight Mountain."

The siblings nodded their heads and bid the Professor farewell for now, since they were sure that they would see him again at some point in the future, hopefully before the big fight with the Sorceress, before the three of them and Elora headed through the portal that had brought them to Avalar, so they could return to the Forgotten Realms and then use the exit portal and head back to Midnight Mountain. Since all of the enemies had been cleared out it was rather easy for them to do that, so they were able to return to the final homeworld without much delay, which allowed the group to head back to the keep that contained the rocket that had brought them to this land in the first place and entered the sitting area once more, before Spike put in the command for the rocket to lift off and take them back to Evening Lake. Once they were in the air Elora told them that the Mark III armor, or the third in the series when Ember tilted her head a little, was basically an improvement over the previous armor she had been wearing, the Mark II as she and the Professor called it, and this one had none of the flaws that the old set possessed, like the flawed heating system that was exposed back in Icy Peak, as the Professor found out about the problem after they had started this adventure and decided to add it to the next version of the armor, since he had no idea when the two of them would be in the same area again. Some combat features had been added as well, as while she was changing into the attire that the armor was on top of, to protect herself from all the metal she was wearing, the Professor had given her an idea of what she might expect in the future, but she didn't want to spoil the surprise for the siblings, even if she was sure that they would find out soon enough.

As such the siblings focused on what they would be doing soon, clearing out the rest of Fireworks Factory and then letting the dragonflies clear out the area that Zoe had found for them in Evening Lake, before returning to the final land to get ready for the big battle with the Sorceress, since they knew that she was waiting for them to arrive so she could bring them down, or attempt to at the very least.

It took them forty-five minutes to return to Evening Lake, which made sense due to the fact that they didn't have to stop for an ambush or something, though once they landed in the tower that the rocket had been built in the group climbed out and made their way into the water, all so each of them could swim over to the area the portal they were looking for was located in. As such it only took them a minute or two to find the portal for Fireworks Factory and pass through it, only to appear in the starting area of the realm that they were returning to, where they discovered that all of the enemies were still taken out and that there was no one for them to beat up, something that allowed all four of them to head over to the nearby cannon so it would launch them up to where the exit portal was located. Elora, of course, refrained from doing that and simply jumped up to the platform in question, allowing the siblings to take turns firing themselves up to where she was now standing, and once that was done they headed over to the hole in the ground that would allow them to drop down into the area that one of Agent 9's portals was located in, though they were hoping that he had recovered from what he had seen earlier, which was the awesomeness of Elora's new armor being put together over her body. Fortunately their friend was there ahead of them, which made sense due to the fact that they had taken the long way to reach this point, and he actually appeared to be waiting for them to arrive, no doubt either having been told what was going on by one of their other friends or just by guessing what would happen.

As it turned out he was here to help Handel retrieve the rest of the rocket plans that the Professor had made, which meant that Greta hadn't completed the mission on her own, though since they were there to help him out the five of them walked through the portal that had been resting behind Agent 9 and entered the area that they would be moving through, where Handel seemed to be waiting for them and asked if they could clear out all the Ninja Rhynocs for him. Without even wasting a second Agent 9 was already on the move, entering the room that was in front of them and blasting at the foes that were inside it, but he wasn't alone as Spike used his Wind Shuriken to deal with some of their enemies while Elora showed off one of the new tricks that she had, as all she had to do was point the palm of one of her hands at her target and she found fire a blast at them, like a blaster had been built into her hands. With the three of them standing at the front of the pack it wasn't hard for them to clear out the first room and move into the second one, though that allowed Spyro and Ember to rush around the rooms they moved into and smashed the Rhynoc Boxes that were scattered around the structure that they were moving through, which also let them focus on picking up all of the gems as the others made sure to knock down all of the enemies that were coming towards their location. With the five of them acting like that it didn't take them all that long to blast and beat their way through the building that the rooms were in, where at the end of the line they found a dragon egg that Elora picked up, though as that happened Handel cried as something caught him, to which the group turned around and made their way back to the starting point of this area... even if that meant they had to blast a whole new group of Ninja Rhynoc that happened to get in their way, as if they didn't learn their lesson after seeing how badly the first batch had been wiped out.

In the end, however, the group was able to make it back to the beginning of the area without taking any damage at all, and they saved Handel from the Bomber Rhynoc that seemed to be the leader of the entire pack, where the little boy took a moment to thank them and handed over the other egg that he had found, before moving onto looking for the plans that he was here to steal back, even if the group felt that he might have missed part of the briefing that he and Greta got, which was when Spike sent both eggs back home and they left for their final destination.

With Fireworks Factory totally cleared out, and the dragonflies confirmed their thoughts on the matter, it didn't take the group that long to return to Evening Lake and look for the sign they had seen earlier, which happened to be at the top of the ladder near the passage that lead to Bentley's portal, where it was easy to see Zoe waiting for them, as Princess Ami showed her a place called Starfish Reef and said there was an egg there. Not even a few seconds later Sparx, Talon, and Cinder followed after her, leaving the siblings and Elora to rest and wait for their eventual return, allowing Spyro to stare out at the area that was around them, Ember to sit down and actually get a few moments of rest before the dragonflies returned with the egg and gems that they would find, Spyro made sure to write down everything that had happened since the last time he opened the journal, and Elora looked over her armor, to be sure nothing was wrong. None of them were in the mood to think about what the Sorceress might be planning at that very moment, since her plan was to kill all of the hatchlings, but they did know that they were going to bring her down when they finally decided to breach her stronghold and attack her, once the rest of the realms had been cleared out. Of course that thought process was eventually put on hold as the dragonflies returned not a few minutes later, where the group learned that they came back with another two hundred gems and another dragon egg, one that was sent home as soon as it was returned to them, before Zoe even told them that all three of the dragonflies were now stronger, meaning they could withstand one additional hit for the dragons that they were paired with, even if that might not matter since none of the siblings took damage these days.

Once that was done, and they were positive that everything in Evening Lake had been claimed, the group returned to the rocket and blasted off for Midnight Mountain once more, so they could turn their attention to the last couple of realms that they had to visit, not to mention the eggs and gems that they contained, before focusing on ending the Sorceress' reign over the Forgotten Realms.

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