• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Facing Gulp

With Spyro, Spike, and Ember gathering the last of the Talismans they needed to get inside the castle's dungeon, so they could face their foe at long last, the first thing they did upon returning to Autumn Plains' castle was head back towards the outside area that the first four portals were resting in, as it was time for them to tackle the pair of Speedways that were in this homeworld. They knew that Elora would want them to face Ripto and Gulp first, since they were the more pressing issue at the moment, but it wouldn't take them long to clear out the pair of Speedways and gather everything that was there, be it gems and the lone Orb that was hiding somewhere in that area, so they would have to keep their eyes open once they started flying around the realms they would be visiting first. The only realms they were annoyed by were Breeze Harbor and Zephyr, the only ones that they couldn't help to the best of their ability thanks to the ongoing war that was happening between the two races, which was the reason they were focusing on taking down Ripto first, so they could return to those two realms and put an end to their war. Thinking about that reminded them about Moneybags and all three of them were glad that the bear was nowhere to be seen as they headed outside, allowing them to glide down to the area that they had started in when Elora brought them to this realm, before heading over to the hidden tunnel that the first Speedway portal was located in.

It didn't take them long to use the whirlwind to get up to the tunnel in question and pass through the portal that was in front of them, but when they appeared on the other side of the Metro Speedway portal they found that this realm was made of metallic buildings that seemed to have been built on some islands, and some even came with raised bridges that could be lowered to connect two locations together. What they did was fly forward and follow the white pigeons that happened to be sitting on what appeared to be the levers that controlled the bridges, or at least that was what one or two of them might be linked to, but that didn't stop the siblings from flaming the couple of birds that seemed to be the start of the path they had to follow, though Spike was keeping his eyes open for the other things they needed to take out. It didn't take long for the path to bring them to an area where three metal towers stood, where the siblings separated from each other and focused on taking out one of the towers apiece, allowing each of them to take out one of the three remaining pigeons and, at the same time, some bungee jumpers that wanted to mess with the siblings. With the three of them working together it took them a few moments to clear out the area of targets, which also completed two of the four things they would need to take out to clear out a Speedway, though the next thing they did was fly up to the top area and found a walkway of some kind, one that had a metallic gate for them to charge through. As it turned out charging through the gate broke it, just like the arches back in the Flight Realms they used to fly around for practice, though that, in turn, lead them to an area with eight guys that had signs that were intended to slow people down, so while Spike focused on them both Spyro and Ember focused on following the metallic gates that were around the realm.

Spike took a few moments to take out the various workers that were holding the slow signs, even if he was aiming at the signs themselves and not the people holding them, but once he was done with his objective he flew over to part of a building and landed on it, where he could go over the gems he had collected as he waited for Spyro and Ember to join him with the gems they had collected.

"So, is the count four hundred?" Spyro asked, showing Spike that he and Ember had finished their task not even a few seconds after Spike had finished taking out the rest of the workers, where a number of gems were added to what he was counting, which signified that they had also finished their part of the Speedway, even though he and Ember were glad to have done something so simple this time around.

"Yep, just like the Ocean Speedway." Spike replied, as it didn't take him long to determine how many gems had been in this realm and how many they had managed to recover during their time here, especially since their dragonflies made sure to inform them that all of the gems in this realm had been collected, before he stored them inside the bag that he had inside his satchel, the one that was the new Bag of Holding, since he didn't want to leave it laying where a certain bear might get his hands on it, "Now that we have the gems, however, its time to see if we can't find the person that has the Orb in this realm, so we can complete whatever strange mission they want us to take on, especially when we consider what we did in the other Speedway."

Spyro and Ember nodded their heads in agreement as they took to the air once more and started to search the rest of the realm for any signs of the person that held the Orb they knew was in this area, with Spike following after them once he was done putting the gems away, though it did take them some time to locate the person in question, a humanoid being that was wearing a green suit and a nice hat, mostly because he was hidden behind one of the few waterfalls that they had flown by, making them a little curious as to why he would do something like this.

"Ah, its good to see the three of you," the figure said, seeming happy to have some help at long last, even though his realm wasn't really under assault from Ripto and the various enemies that were bothering the other lands that the siblings had visited so far, but they remained silent as they waited for the Mayor, as that was what he had to be based on the posters that were around them, had to tell them, "we've, ugh, been having a bit of a crime problem lately, one that I think you guys might be able to help me with. You see, there's a band of cat burglars that have been raiding my re-election funds by scaling the walls of the various buildings that make up my home, and they have stolen everything that's inside my safe, so I need you to help take them out and recover what was stolen... and by that I mean you'll be following Hunter as he knocks each burglar off the walls of the structures, so you need to collect the stolen loot."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember headed outside after agreeing to help the Mayor out, though as they took to the air it took them only a few seconds to spot Hunter flying through the air, where they followed after him and found that he happened to be wearing the same jetpack that he had used back in Ocean Speedway, though this time he came equipped with a small cannon of some kind. As such the siblings followed him as he flew around the area and followed a very specific path, where he blasted the cat burglars, cats in the shape like Elora and Hunter that happened to be wearing jumpsuits over their bodies, and when one of them was struck they were blown off the building they were climbing and also dropped the bag of loot that was in their hands. The thing that the siblings found to be interesting was that the bags had the gem icon that was on Moneybags' bag, the one that he carried with him at all times to be exact, making them wonder if the bear might be in on this operation or something, especially considering his involvement in the ongoing war between Zephyr and Breeze Harbor, but they shelved the thought for now as they followed Hunter. Between the three of them it was easy to collect the twelve bags of gems that had been stolen by the cat burglars, since none of them even got close to the water that was below them, and once they reached the end of the path that Hunter was following he thanked them for the help and headed off to do something else, even though they knew he would be in the next Speedway that they would be heading towards once they had the Orb from this realm.

The Mayor was beyond pleased with what they were able to do and handed over the Orb once he had all of the bags that had been stolen from him, to which Spike slipped it inside the Guidebook and put it with the others, before he and his siblings headed for the edge of the Speedway, which would take them back to the castle so they could head to the area that the other Speedway was located in.

It didn't take the siblings very long to disappear from the area that Metro Speedway was located in and return to the castle of Autumn Plains, though once they were back inside the tunnel they headed outside and made their way back to the ladder that would allow them to head inside the castle, as the other portal they were going to use was near the area that the door to the dungeon was located in. The siblings quickly made their way over to the area that the portal was in and then glided over to the small island that was their destination, where they stared at the portal for Icy Speedway for a few seconds before passing through it, as it was time for them to see what the other realm had in store for them and what they would need to do to gain the scattered gems and the Orb. What they found on the other side of the portal was a large snowy area that had a decent sized building in the middle of the island, something that looked like one of the structures that the Ice Builders would have built, and sure enough they found some of the beings in question riding vehicles around part of the ground and some using some contraptions to fly in the air, though they seemed to be making a few rude gestures in their direction. As such the first thing they did was split up and let Ember charge through the vehicles that were on the ground, while Spyro and Spike took out the gliders that were up in the air, so it wasn't long before they took out all eight of each type of targets, making sure only to hit the vehicles and gliders and not the Ice Builders that were using them at the moment. Of course it was in that moment that they discovered that there were three other targets for them to take out, the other three that were part of what they needed to take out to get the gems, and those were more arches, some skaters that looked like the Bone Builders with dance clothing, and ice serpents that were hanging out in the water that were around the island.

Instead of sticking together for this, and taking more time than what they needed, the siblings decided to split up and tackle the area from three different directions, as in Spyro and Spike cleared out the outer reaches of the island, where a number of the skaters and ice serpents were hanging out, while Ember headed through the building and cleared up the area that was near it, eventually allowing them to land on top of the building a few moments later.

"You know, its nice to relax before we face Ripto, or Gulp to be exact, since our main target will likely send his other dinosaur to do battle with us," Spyro remarked, though he knew that Spike was going to be busy for a few seconds, just to make sure that they had all the gems that had been scattered throughout the Speedway, before they got up and started their search for the person that held the Orb they were looking for.

"We can relax once Ripto is taken care of, and the war between Zephyr and Breeze Harbor is stopped," Ember said, as that was what she was focused on at the moment, taking care of the foe they had been called in to defeat and then bring an end to the pointless conflict that was happening between two of the realms, something that all of them agreed on after their visit to the realms in question.

"Well, we've recovered the same amount of gems from this Speedway, four hundred to be exact," Spike spoke up, as he didn't want to think about the war that they were going to have to try and stop, which might be easier now that there was no airship involved, but he focused on putting the gems the gems away and stared out at the rest of the island, as he had a feeling he knew where the person they were looking for was located, "and I do believe that the person who has the Orb we're looking for is inside that igloo over there."

Spyro and Ember glanced at the igloo in question and decided that it was a good place for someone to hide, to which the three of them took to the air and flew over to where the small structure was located, though when they landed Ember charged into it and smashed it to pieces, where they discovered that Hunter, who was now wearing a scarf and a beanie on his head, was the one hiding inside the igloo, and he happened to have his own vehicle, much like the ones the Ice Builders had been using, resting behind him.

"Wow, you guys took care of the Speedway's challenge like it was nothing, which means that you might be ready for a much harder challenge!" Hunter said, where he tapped the side of his vehicle for a moment and made sure the siblings looked at it for a few seconds, even though they were more interested in what he was doing here, since they were sure he hadn't left Metro Speedway by the time they departed from the area, "How about you try paragliding for a change? All one of you have to do is fly through the rings as I pull you with my snowmobile."

"Sure, I'll take your challenge." Spyro stated, where he walked over to where the item in question was resting and let Hunter do what he needed to do, so he could be hooked up to it for a time, while both Spike and Ember backed off so they could watch what happened next, even though he was planning on showing Hunter just how skilled he was with a sport that he had never tried before.

Spike and Ember watched as Hunter climbed onto the snowmobile and drove off, lifting the paraglider and Spyro into the air, though as their brother started to weave around the area, to get a feel for what they would be doing, Spike had to consider something that had been bothering him since he and his siblings left Hunter in one realm, only to find him in the next one they picked out, even though he never used the portals to get from place to place. As Spyro and Hunter moved to start down the path that the rings were down, to see just how skilled Spyro was at this sort of thing, Spike thought about how their friend could have gone from collecting monkeys in Scorch, to taking said monkeys back to the realm that the zoo was located in, to learning that the Professor wanted a pair of golden shoes for one of his experiments, before arriving in Fracture Hills before he and his siblings arrived, all without using the portals to do so. When he thought about it he knew that it didn't make much sense, as there was no way for Hunter to be everywhere at once, not without him for his siblings spotting him during their trek through the castle and the various realms, but he eventually returned to the key piece of information that Hunter had given them, and that was that he was gathering items for the Professor's experiments. In that moment he realized that their friend had to be testing something for the Professor, some sort of personal teleportation device that allowed him to go from one realm to the next, without having to use any of the portals to do so, and that would explain how he was able to get from Scorch to Fracture Hills so quickly, especially since he and his siblings never saw him use any of the portals to move between Autumn Plains and those realms.

By the time he came to that conclusion, and determined that it had to be the right answer since there was no other way to explain how Hunter was able to move from one realm to another without using the portals, he was able to watch as Spyro flew through what appeared to be the final ring of the set that he was following, causing Hunter to bring him back to where he and Ember were waiting, even though they glided back to where the igloo had been located.

"I guess I need to find something else to do with you guys, as you're even better than me at this." Hunter said, though once he unhooked Spyro from the paraglider he turned towards the back part of his snowmobile and picked something up, the Orb they were looking for to be exact, before he handed it over to Spike, who gladly accepted it and put it inside the Guidebook, "Though with all of Autumn Plains' realms taken care of, and the Speedways finished off, I guess that means you guys will be facing Ripto at long last?"

"That's the plan." Spike replied, where Spyro and Ember nodded their heads, to confirm that they would be heading to the dungeon next, to see if they could put an end to Ripto and his plans, before he came to the decision that he might as well ask Hunter about the idea that he came up with, to explain how he could move from one realm to another without even using the portals, "So, Hunter, how's the Professor's project coming along? You know, the one that he's been having you test for him, that allows one to move from one realm to another without having to use any of the portals that are scattered throughout the homeworlds?"

"I should have known you would figure out what's going on, Spike." Hunter replied, where he shifted the fur that was on the upper part of his right arm, almost to where his shoulder was located, and revealed a metallic band that seemed to have no lights on it, none that they could see at the moment, but Spike was sure it was working at the moment, "This thing is supposed to let me move from one realm to another by simply thinking about it, so if I wanted to go to Zephyr, or say Scorch, than all I have to do is think about my destination..."

In that moment Hunter disappeared before their eyes, leaving an empty space in front of the siblings, one that Spyro confirmed was empty when he swung his claws through the area for a moment, and when they returned to just standing where they had been when their friend disappeared the air shimmered for a moment before Hunter reappeared in front of them, looking the exact same as he had been a few moments ago, only with some sand on his hat.

"...and I can teleport there in a matter of seconds." Hunter finished, though once he was done explaining what he was doing, thanks to Spike figuring things out on his own, he sighed and got rid of the sand that had gotten on his hat, before he focused on the siblings once more and what he was going to tell them, "The Professor still hasn't worked out all the kinks in the programming, since there are times where I'll land on my back or with my head in either the sand or the snow, but once this technology is completed we can outfit our guards with something that will allow them to deal with problems at a much faster rate. I know the Professor has some technical name for this device, but I really don't have a normal name for it, I could never come up with one, though I'm not surprised that you figured out I was using something to get from one realm to another."

"So, I have to ask, but can we test it out?" Spyro asked, because while he knew they were supposed to be heading to the dungeon, to deal with Ripto and Gulp, he was a little interested in something that would allow them to instantly move from one realm to another, even if that didn't matter to them since they were nearly done with their adventure, rather he was only asking because he knew Spike would want to give it a test run at some point.

"Sorry, but the Professor told me that its coded so only I can use it, whatever that means." Hunter replied, though he already knew that some of them would want to test this out and help the Professor complete his research on the device he had shown them, meaning that they might actually stay awhile, once Ripto was defeated, and help him do whatever he needed to get the device working.

Spyro, Spike, and Ember glanced at each other for a moment, where they decided that it was best if they let Hunter return to whatever the Professor wanted him to do, leaving them to return to the castle, which was the moment they bid their friend farewell and headed for the edge of the realm, eventually causing them to disappear and then reappear on the small island, allowing them to return to where the dungeon's door was located.

"You guys are amazing!" Elora said, where she turned to face the siblings the moment she heard them walking down the steps that would bring them to the area that she happened to be standing in, though as that happened she could feel all fourteen Talismans inside the Guidebook, informing her that they had completed the task that would allow them to unlock the door she was standing near, "Now that you guys have all fourteen of Avalar's Talismans, you can break the seal that Ripto put on the door and descend into the dungeon, where he and Gulp are no doubt waiting for your arrival... are you ready to face them?"

"You bet we are." Spyro stated, showing Elora that the three of them were ready for Gulp and whatever Ripto had in store for them once they beat his dinosaur, because they knew that it was time for his rampage to come to an end, before they captured Ripto and decided what to do with him, though he was sure their new friends had a few ideas in that regard, which he would be looking forward to seeing once their foe was beaten.

"Good, than head down there and beat them up!" Elora replied, where the door to the dungeon opened, thanks to the power of the Talismans inside the Guidebook, before she thought about something else that might be useful during the fight that was about to go down, something that she would need to tell them before they moved, "Also, I'm bringing in a few of the trained pterodactyls that I've been working with, ones from Skelos Badlands that aren't like the ones you might have encountered earlier, so they'll be dropping useful items for you three to use during the battle with Gulp. Just thought I would warn you guys about that, before you went down there."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember nodded their heads before they jumped into the hole that was the entrance of the dungeon, where they glided down into the arena that they would be facing their next foe in, though it wasn't long before they found that the area they would be fighting in seemed to be more of an overlook than a dungeon, one that had lava around the platform Ripto and Gulp were in, and there happened to be a throne made of gold and gems near the edge of the outer part of the area, though right now their focus was on Ripto and the fact that he had caught Zoe.

"Gulp, we've finally made Avalar ours, and that means you've earned a special reward." Ripto said, revealing that he had no idea that the siblings were gliding down to his location, as he simply pulled Zoe out and held her up so Gulp could see her, though it was in that moment that Spyro, Spike, and Ember landed right behind him, causing Gulp to tear his focus away from Zoe for a moment, something that Ripto noticed, "What is it, Gulp? You want the fairy? I hope you enjoy your special snack, and there might be more where that ca..."

In that instant, before Ripto could finish his statement, Ember rushed in front of him and spun around, smacking him in the stomach with her tail, forcing him to release Zoe as he rolled backwards, which was followed by her brothers knocking him up into the air when he reached where they were standing, sending him sailing onto the throne that seemed to be overlooking the entire area.

"You dragons are really getting on my nerves!" Ripto stated, where he picked himself off the face of the throne and turned around to face them, where the siblings could tell that he was absolutely furious with them at the moment, before he focused on Gulp for a few seconds and seemed to have a good idea on how to get rid of them, "Gulp! Its lunchtime! Get rid of these bothersome pests!"

Gulp, as the siblings discovered, now had a pair of what looked like energy cannons on his back, but what he did when the fight started was charge after one of them, which made it really easy for them to dodge the first attack since all they had to do was split up and force him to pick whoever he wanted to crush, as the end of his charge was followed by him making an attempt to crush one of them into the arena's floor. At first he seemed to be going after Spyro, figuring that sense he appeared to be the leader that he was the first one that needed to be taken out, though it wasn't long before he missed his attack and failed to crush his target into the floor, which seemed to make Ripto mad and let the siblings see that Gulp, despite the fact that he appeared to have little intelligence, was worried about something, so he switched who he was targeting and went after Spike. What Ripto soon discovered was that Spike was using his magic in this fight, just like what had happened in the battle against Crush, but instead of hitting Gulp with Arcane Missiles, or any other spell, he was mostly using small barrier spells that shattered once their foe hit them, and the reason behind this was because every time he hit one of the magical constructs he stopped for a few seconds, allowing Spike to pull back even more. After a few moments of that Gulp changed targets and started to rush after Ember this time, where Ripto stared at the battle in shock as she used her Peace Keeper training to its full potential, not backing down as she used the hardening technique that was becoming one of her favorite skills, though while she couldn't actually hurt Gulp at the moment this skill allowed her to take no damage, even if she rolled out of the way to avoid his crushing attack.

When the siblings managed to get him back into the center of the arena a few pterodactyls flew in and dropped a few eggs around the area, which revealed a number of metallic barrels that contained explosives inside them, which was the reason why each of them charged into their own barrel and sent them flying into Gulp, where they exploded and caused the dinosaur to roar in annoyance, before he raised his cannons to they were pointing at the ceiling. In that moment he loosed a number of electric spheres into the air, like he had no specific target in mind, and they rained down upon the entire arena, though Spyro and Ember were smart enough to charge over to Spike's location the moment the cannons were even raised, as the spell he used was actually the Reflection spell, where the combined charge of the spheres went back to Gulp and shocked him for a few seconds. Sure, the spell wasn't enough to actually bring him down or hurt him all that much, but it did weaken Gulp a tiny bit and that was what mattered at the end of the day, though once he was done firing at them Spike lowered the barrier and he separated from his siblings, as it appeared that their foe was going to do what he did when the battle first started, take turns chasing one of them down until each of them got a chance to be his target for a time. Sadly, much to Ripto's annoyance, the same thing ends up repeating itself over the course of the next minute or so, with Gulp trying, in vain, to catch one of them and then give up so he could chase another one, at which the siblings found that trying to make him tired might not work enough, as he seemed to have a lot of energy and missing one of them seemed to be enough to keep him going for a time, to make up for his mistakes.

This time around, when the pterodactyls flew into the area, the eggs they dropped dispensed rather large bombs for them to use, where the siblings made sure they were standing near one apiece and then flamed them, which seemed to be enough to send them flying at Gulp, who was in the center of the platform and appeared to not care about them, which was when they exploded in his face and dealt some more damage to him, not that he was showing any signs of slowing down in the slightest.

What was interesting was that after he got shocked by Spike's second Reflection spell, to counter the second volley of electric spheres, Gulp actually seemed to get a little faster in how he moved, even though he still missed them quite a bit when he charged at one of them, but the siblings weren't complaining as they continued to move around the arena and do what they had been doing so far, as it seemed to be working. Gulp resumed chasing one of them once the electric spheres failed to reach their targets, where Spyro, Spike, and Ember resumed keeping their distance from their foe and made sure they were just out of reach every time he got close to one of them, leaving him to collide with the floor and not hurt any of them, much to Ripto's annoyance. It didn't take the pterodactyls long to fly back into the arena and drop some more eggs for the siblings to use, where they discovered that this time around they were being given missiles that were like the ones they used to blow open the circular metallic chests, to which the three of them separated from each other and focused on Gulp for a few seconds, blasting him with their new weapons in unison, causing him to roar in annoyance as he raised his cannons towards the sky. Spike simply stood still as his siblings joined him, where Gulp fired his attack into the air and all of them struck the barrier that he had summoned the moment Spyro and Ember were beside him, even though it did last a bit longer than it normally did, before he loosed the charge at Gulp and shocked him again, knowing that they were ever so slowly weakening their foe and would eventually cause him to admit defeat, or knock him out instead.

"Gulp, what are you doing?!" Ripto loudly remarked, the annoyance filling his voice as he spoke, showing the siblings and his minion that he was displeased by what was happening at the moment, though at the same time Spike was of the opinion that their main foe felt they were cheating or something, based on what he said when Crush was taken out some time ago, "Just crush them flat and stop messing around!"

Spyro, Spike, and Ember found that Gulp seemed to increase his speed even more, though it wasn't by much since the siblings were able to avoid his charges with ease, though in addition to all that he tried to stomp on the floor that they were fighting on, like he was trying to knock them into the air and make things easier for him to take them out, but his tactic just knocked them into the air and let them glide elsewhere. As Spike predicted it was only a matter of time until the pterodactyls returned to the arena that they were fighting in and dropped a few more eggs for them to use in the battle against Gulp, though this time he found that the weapons were random, as this time they got two barrels and a missile, but that didn't stop them from using the items to their advantage as they continued to wear down Gulp. Spyro and Ember also made sure to stop near their brother when Gulp recovered from the three explosives colliding with him and then raised his cannons into the air, where Spike just used his Reflection spell to stop the cluster of attacks and then sent the charge back at their foe, starting the entire process all over again, only this time he noticed that the large dinosaur was getting even faster as time moved on, no doubt to appease Ripto in some manner. Based on his observations it didn't look like they were really doing anything to Gulp, or he was used to pain and was focusing on them, but he was definitely getting faster after every instance of them blasting him and him being hit by his own attack, meaning that it was only a matter of time until he overwhelmed all three of them and actually did some damage to them.

In that moment Spike came to a decision and waited to speak his mind as they continued to avoid Gulp's charges at them, though once the pterodactyls came into the arena he was ready for what was going to happen next, because once he and his siblings blasted Gulp again he raised the cannons on his back and Spike raised the Reflection spell again, but this time he braced himself and kept the charge stable for a few more moments.

"Ember, open my satchel and take one of the berries that I picked up from Shady Oasis." Spike said, making sure to keep the charge in one area, as it appeared that Gulp wanted to keep blasting them and that, in turn, just empowered his Reflection spell even more, where he found both of his siblings seemed confused for a few seconds, even though Ember moved to do what he was suggesting.

It took Ember only a few seconds to find the container that the berries were in and discovered that Spike had picked up five of them after discovering what they were capable of, though she carefully took one out and closed the lid, which was returned to Spike's satchel, before she sighed for a moment and popped the berry into her mouth, finding that it did taste like a cheery as she chewed on it and then swallowed it. For a moment nothing seemed to happen, but that was when she found her body growing in size, to the point where she was half as tall as Gulp was, something that required her brother to enlarge his barrier for a moment, though once she was done growing Spike loosed the Reflection spell to shock Gulp and then dropped the spell as he and Spyro moved to the side. Ember rushed at her foe the moment the spell had been dropped, where her scales shimmered as they hardened, just like she was used to using since the battle with Crush, before she rammed into Gulp and the two butted heads with each other, showing that the pair were in a stalemate with each other as they attempted to push their opponent backwards. Spyro, on the other claw, stood there with a look of shock on his face as his sister challenged Gulp, while Spike stood back and wrote down his observations, as now he knew that they could use the other berries in the future, before watching as Ember pushed forward and actually started to force Gulp backwards. Sure, it was a tiny step at first, but that was only the beginning of something great as Ember, protected by both her hardening skill and the invulnerability that the berry gave her, while being empowered by both of those things as well, started to force her foe backwards, heading towards the throne that Ripto was sitting on, who seemed shocked by what was going on.

Gulp, finding that he was being pushed back, tried to blast Ember with the cannons that were on his back, where the electric spheres did nothing to her, much to his shock and surprise, though that was followed by something amazing, as Ember raised her front legs and grabbed onto Gulp's body, to the best of her current ability, and then pulled on him with all her might, where Gulp found himself being heaved into the air for a moment. Once that had happened Ember turned around and slammed her foe down into the center of the arena, with his head facing the direction that Ripto was in, and the force of that blow ended up sending cracks all over the floor that was around them, while at the same time knocking Gulp out in the process. At the same time, before any of them could react, the cannons that were on Gulp's back loosed the charge that the dinosaur had been preparing, even if it wouldn't work on Ember, and the spheres hit the area that was in front of Ripto's throne, where Spyro, Spike, and Ember watched as the large seat fell backwards and took Ripto with it, something that their foe clearly wasn't expecting based on the surprised look on his face. The moment that was over, and nothing else happened, Ember released her hardening skill and shrunk back to her normal size, where she shook her head for a few seconds, as if to get rid of any lingering bits of the berry's power, before Spike pulled out the Guidebook and let the magic inside it flare for a moment, no doubt taking away Ripto's flags that had been flying on the outside of Autumn Plains' castle and restored it to what it had been before their foe came to this homeworld.

"Awesome! We knocked out Gulp and saved Autumn Plains!" Spyro remarked, as he was happy that they were able to face and defeat the second dinosaur that Ripto had under his thumb, because now that Crush and Gulp had been taken down Ripto had no minions to fall back on, so if he caused trouble again it would be them against him, and he could see that both Spike and Ember were pleased with themselves as well.

"And, with the magic of the Guidebook, the castle is back to normal." a voice said, where the siblings turned to the side and watched as Elora walked over to where they were standing, though before Spyro or Ember even got a chance to ask how she had gotten down here Spike stopped them, as there just so happened to be a pterodactyl nearby that had what looked like a saddle that had leg straps on it, ones that matched Elora's legs to be exact, so it was easy for him to tell how she had gotten down here, "Plus, thanks to your presence in Avalar, most of the residents are starting to get along once more... with a few exceptions. Listen, I know its not much, but since you guys have done so much for Avalar I was thinking that maybe you could enjoy a few days in Sunny Beach, to make up for the vacation that we interrupted."

"That sounds nice, it really does, but there's a few more things we have to do before we can rest," Ember remarked, as she was referring to the war that was going on between Zephyr and Breeze Harbor, along with the fact that there had to be a number of criminals, as in the ones that Ripto let out of their cells to cause chaos, that needed to be returned to their cells at some point, "Now that Ripto is separated from Crush and Gulp, and he no longer has access to any of the magical artifacts that could empower him, you and Hunter can capture him the next time he shows himself."

"But, on the off chance that he comes back with more firepower, just have Hunter tell us what's going on," Spike said, referring to the teleportation device that the cheetah had showed them earlier, when he confronted him about being able to move from one place to another, before he glanced to Elora for a second, who seemed surprised that they weren't going to take a break from being heroes, "Don't worry, we'll relax once we're sure that Avalar is safe and that each of the various realms have been returned to what they were like before Ripto showed up."

Elora smiled at them when he said that, as she could tell that Spyro and Ember agreed with him, before bidding them farewell for a time and then climbed onto the back of the pterodactyl that she had used to reach the area the siblings were standing in, where she strapped herself in and took off, leaving them to depart from the overlook and head to one of the other realms to see what sort of work needed to be done to restore them to their previous states.

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