• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Glacier Aggression

Spyro, Spike, and Ember spent about thirty additional minutes in Breeze Harbor, watching the Breezebuilders go about their business as they moved to and from the various locations of their realm, clearly trying to return to some sort of normalcy after watching their airship blow up like that, though it was clear that none of them knew exactly what happened and they were trying to pick up the pieces of their broken and ruined airship. The siblings would have found all of this amusing, but they couldn't due to the fact that the birds had been in the process of sending the airship out to bomb Zephyr, to hurt both the realm they were attacking and the Land Blubbers that called the realm home, thanks to the sudden and terrible escalation of the rivalry that had been the two races. The Breezebuilders, despite wanting to continue the war and provide their forces with additional weapons and soldiers, seemed confused on how they were going to do that at the moment, which meant that Spike's actions to blow up the airship might have ensured some sort of peace for the two races, allowing them to rest and get themselves ready for the next bout of their war, maybe giving them enough time to deal with Ripto and whatever he was planning. Once that was done, and they were sure that Avalar was safe, they could return to Autumn Plains and put an end to the war, as it was unacceptable that such a thing was going on and they wanted it gone, to force the pair of races back to their old rivalry, and maybe get rid of that entirely.

Once Spike was ready to go, as he had recovered enough of his magical power to cast spells again, he made sure that the barrier spell that had been around them, including the invisibility spell, were dispelled and stretched his wings for a few seconds, before they climbed down the ladder, jumped down to the area that the catapult was in, and then used it to get up into the air, which allowed them to glide to the platform the exit portal was on and they slipped through it.

"I'm glad that we won't have to deal with those two races for awhile," Ember commented, speaking just as she and her siblings returned to the courtyard that was outside the castle that was in Autumn Plains, where she glanced at the other portals that were in the area, especially since it was time to pick something that wasn't involved with the war that they had stalled in it's tracks, before she glanced at her siblings, "So, Spyro, which realm should we tackle next?"

"Well, I picked Zephyr and Breeze Harbor because of the war that Moneybags mentioned," Spyro admitted, just to tell his siblings why he had picked those two realms first, but, at the same time, he glanced at the other two portals that were in the area, though he was happy to see that his siblings were more than willing to follow his lead on which realm they should take on next, meaning they valued his leadership skills, before he focused on his decision, "Crystal Glacier, that's the next realm we should take on, and once that's done we can come back and take on the Skelos Badlands, before we can head inside the castle and tackle the other realms that are in there."

In that moment Spike and Ember nodded their heads as they followed Spyro into the portal, as it was time for them to visit a realm that wasn't in the middle of a terrible war between two of the races of this homeworld, though the first thing they discovered was that they appeared on a ledge that was covered in snow and seemed much colder than what they had seen so far, hence the reason Spyro shifted his scarf for a moment.

"I guess we should have been expecting this, given the name of this realm," Ember remarked, as she felt that the fact that this realm was called 'Crystal Glacier' would have told them that it was a much colder realm and the others, though in a few seconds her senses returned to normal, as if the cold had been pushed back or something, which was why she and Spyro glanced at their brother, "Spike, what did you do?"

"A heat aura spell, to keep the cold at bay," Spike replied, though he was happy that part of his training over the last year had included all of the various safety and resistance spells that the dragons had created over the years, as he was making good use of each spell he had learned, especially since this one would help them out in this realm, "We'll be good for a time, but if we fall into freezing water... well, not even the combination of spells I've cast so far will be able to help us at that point, as we would have to haul whoever was frozen somewhere safe so we could thaw them out."

"Well then, I guess it's time we get started." Spyro said, because he was happy that Spike was so quick on the draw, that he had noticed that this was a cold realm and gave them something that would keep them warm while they helped whoever the residents of this realm were, though in that moment he turned to the area that was in front of them and focused on exploring Crystal Glacier and helping the residents out, just like they had done for all of the realms they had visited so far.

The first thing that they noticed was that, in addition to the fact that they were on a cliff edge of some kind, there were three frozen beings, similar to how Elora and Hunter looked, without any fur, tails, or animal aspects, who appeared to be wearing some sort of coats that were covering the majority of their bodies, with a long bone attached to the top of their hoods, and they were wielding spears. There was a catapult that was near them, made out of a large bone of some kind, which meant that the only way they were going to get to the next area of this realm was to use the catapult, so the first thing the siblings did was breath fire on the cubes that the residents of Crystal Glacier were trapped in, melting the cubes in seconds and freeing the beings that were inside them.

"It's nice to be freed from the ice," the being said, where he stretched his arms for a moment as he shook himself off, like he was getting rid of the chill that his body had suffered, despite the coat that he was wearing, before he glanced at the siblings for a moment, which was when he seemed to focus on them and nothing else, "Oh, Spyro, Spike, Ember, I'm glad you guys are here. The Ice Wizards that are attacking our realm have imprisoned our leader, Shaman Tuk, and the Ice Builders and I tried to rescue him, resulting in all of us being imprisoned in those ice cubes, for how long I do not know. Can you guys help us out?"

"Sure. That's what we're doing for all of the realms anyway," Spyro replied, as that was the truth, the reason he and his siblings were helping the residents of the various realms was to resolve the problems that Ripto created, even if it had been to keep them busy and give him the time he needed to further his plans, and they got a Talisman and a couple of Orbs from each realm, which would help them in their quest.

"Great! Now, it's urgent that you free him as soon as possible," the Ice Builder stated, not that such a thing surprised Spyro, Spike, and Ember, as there was always something urgent about the situations that they found themselves in when they visited the realms of Avalar, which happened to be the reason why they were waiting for him to stop talking, before heading out to take down the Ice Wizards, "he has our tickets to tonight's hockey game in Colossus Valley, as it's supposed to be the Colossus team against our Cavemen cousins from Skelos Badlands!"

The siblings stared at the Ice Builder for a moment, wondering why he felt that the tickets to a hockey game were far more important than turning back the group of Ice Wizards that were attacking their realm and saving their Shaman from his prison, but they said nothing as they started moving, as it was about time for them to get started on helping the residents of this realm, even if none of them cared about the tickets in question. The first thing they did was tackle the two remaining ice cubes that were resting around the area that they were in, freeing the Ice Builders that had been trapped inside them, though one interesting thing that they discovered was that there were no gems, straw baskets, or even metallic vases in the starting area for this realm, which was rather interesting given what all of the other realms had when they first arrived in them. After that they took turns using the catapult to get across the chasm that just so happened to be between the area that they were starting in and the area that they needed to get to, where the Ice Builders assisted them by hitting the top part of the catapult with their bodies, sending the siblings flying into the air so they cold glide down to their next destination. Once the three of them were back together they started to explore the new area that they were in, which was the moment that they discovered that a large creature must have died in this realm and that it's bones had been buried by the snow, but that was also when they discovered that the Ice Wizards were pretty much wizards that had devoted themselves to a single element and became frost elementals. That was Spike's reasoning for how they looked, as they appeared to be floating above the ground and they didn't seem to have any arms, and both their robes and their bodies looked like they were made out of ice, though the Ice Wizards were highly aggressive and attacked them whenever one of them got close.

While Spike might not have all the magical power he was used to wielding, since he was still exhausted from what he did back in Breeze Harbor, he found that the more normal attacks worked just fine, as all it took to take down one of the Ice Wizards was a quick burst of flame, meaning all he and his siblings had to do was dodge the ice bolts that were coming their way, then attack their foes in turn. As the first Ice Wizard fell to Spike, and gave them all the knowledge on how they could be defeated, Spyro dealt with the three metallic vases that were behind the wizard and retrieved the gems that had been resting inside them, while Ember moved away and started to look for where the rest of the Ice Wizards were in this area, all so they could be ready for when they decided to attack them. Of course they weren't freeing the Ice Builders just yet, as that would likely piss off the Ice Wizards and make them more aggressive than what they already were, so while Spyro and Ember started to flame the rest of the Ice Wizards that were in the area Spike grabbed the gems that were on the ground, smashed any metallic vases that they walked by, and set fire to the bottles that, for some reason, had little bits of explosives on them, blowing up the bottles while leaving the gems unharmed. As soon as the last of the Ice Wizards had been taken care of, as there had been five total in this area of the realm, and the last of the gem containers had been smashed, as Spike found two straw baskets to take care of, they freed the four Ice Builders that happened to be trapped in this area, melting the ice cubes and allowing them to go free. Interestingly enough the now freed Ice Builders had a rather unique way to help them move forward, as they split into two groups and jumped at the wall that would lead them into the next part of this realm, sticking their spears into the wall and acting as steps for a few moments, allowing the siblings to jump up to the next area and move forward, before they separated themselves from the wall and went back to what they had been doing before the Ice Wizards attacked them.

As they entered the next area the siblings discovered that there were a number of gems resting around the place, as they even picked a few up as they entered the large valley they had come to, though it was also in that moment that they discovered a brand new enemy, a blue furred rabbit that was aggressive and happened to have a large spike of ice that seemed to be attached to their nose, which they used to attack whoever they wanted, which was mostly the siblings, since they appeared to ignore the Ice Wizards. Fortunately it appeared that the Horned Rabbits, the name that Spike had given them for the duration of their stay in this realm, were also vulnerable to the same flames that the Ice Wizards were weak to, meaning that all they had to do was flame their way through the realm until they found an enemy that couldn't be taken out in this manner, even though he had the feeling that Ember would whack one with her tail, just to see if she could knock one out that way. With the two enemies up here taken care of the siblings quickly smashed the metallic vases that were nearby and picked up all the gems that were on the ground, which was when they glided over to the larger piece of ground, though while they did that they found that there happened to be a green river of lava or acid, or something that seemed dangerous, that seemed to run through this area, which they were going to avoid for now, even if they were sure that it would allow them to find one of the Orbs for this realm. The next area they walked through had five of the Horned Rabbits lurking underground, waiting for them to lower their guard or something, and it didn't take long for the siblings to take them out, Spyro and Spike by flaming two of them apiece while Ember smacked the last one with her tail and sent it over the edge, right into the river that was below where they were walking, confirming that it was dangerous when she didn't see it come out at all.

The other things that they discovered were that there were two more Ice Wizards in this area, there were quite a fair number of gems resting on the ground, they spotted a few metallic vases here and there, there were two primitive houses that they couldn't enter, and there was a Powerup Gate down in the area that the river was in, though that was before they came to a stop in front of the one person they didn't want to see at the moment, Moneybags.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, it is good to see you again," Moneybags commented, though at the same time a serpent, which seemed to be made out of either ice or stone, as it was hard to tell since it was entirely covered in snow and moving like this didn't seem to loosen any of it, making Spike wonder if it was enchanted snow that acted like a bridge that had a snake's head at the end, rose up behind him and connected this area to the next one they had to get to, "As you can see, I have been hard at work repairing the bridge for you, since the Ice Wizards took it down to prevent any Ice Builders from trying to get their Shaman back, just like I have been making sure the same is true for the other realms that you three will be visiting in the near future."

In that moment none of the siblings wasted any time in lashing out at the bear, as Spike used a little of his magic to make sure Moneybags couldn't flee up the bridge as Spyro charged into him, knocking him onto his back, before Ember climbed on top of his chest and hardened her body once more, indicated by the shimmer that came when she used this skill, and slammed her tail down on her target so hard that it was going to leave a bruise, before letting out a growl as she climbed off him and faced him with her brothers.

"Yeow! That's going to hurt in the morning!" Moneybags exclaimed, where he was able to get back up onto his feet a few seconds later, though the fact that he staggered for a moment, and had to gently touch the area that Ember had hit, confirmed that he had been hit rather hard and that he would be feeling all of this for some time, before he turned and focused on them, "What was that for?! I didn't even make an attempt to force you to pay for this bridge, not like the last few times we've seen each other, and yet you attack me with no provocation on my end!"

"Oh, we don't care about you trying to buy us off by opening the way for us." Ember stated, her tone revealing that she and her brothers knew something about what Moneybags had done recently, something that all of them seemed a tad bit annoyed by, so he kept his mouth shut as Ember talked, "Rather, this is about the fact that you escalated the rivalry between the Land Blubbers of Zephyr and the Breezebuilders of Breeze Harbor, first by selling a number of weapons to the residents of Zephyr, no doubt under the lie that they could protect themselves in the future or something like that, but you then sold more weapons to the war-like birds that were their rivals, in response to them learning about all of the new weapons the poor slugs were able to get. With both races ready for total war with each other, despite they never went to war with each other in the past, you informed the leaders of the Breezebuilders as to the location of Juliet, setting them off on the warpath and they launched their attack on the Land Blubbers, giving way for the war that you mentioned to us after you opened the way to Zephyr... and we were furious when we saw what you had done, all for money!"

"I gave them the weapons they needed to protect themselves, since they didn't pay for them," Moneybags stated, as if he was trying to defend himself and what he had done, like he was trying to tell them that he wasn't responsible for the two races going to war with each other, though as he opened his mouth to say something else he paused when Ember raised her tail again, the sign for him to stop.

"More like you helped yourself to the gems that they had, for those that paid for their weapons," Spyro replied, as he was more than willing to tell Moneybags what they had learned during their visits to the realms in question, because they had discovered a number of terrible things while assisting the races of those realms, especially when they went to the harbor and discovered the airship, "and you prompted the Breezebuilders to take it a step further, because when we got there they were in the middle of preparing to launch an airship, filled with bombs that would decimate Zephyr, so they could punish the Land Blubbers for stealing Juliet. We're lucky Spike was able to destroy the airship, otherwise we would have felt guilty for assisting the Breezebuilders of Breeze Harbor, but, given how you sold weapons to both of them, I'm assuming that you sold the bombs to them as well, possibly stolen or taken from one of the other realms."

"I'm not saying anything to that," Moneybags said, where the siblings glared at him for a moment, as it appeared that he was either guilty of doing what Spyro was accusing him of doing or he wasn't guilty of that and didn't want to speak for the moment, especially since he was sure anything he said would tick them off even more than they already were, "but all I will say is that you might be blowing this out of proportion, and it's not like anyone will believe you."

"Actually, I've been writing down everything we've learned so far, taken from the mouths of those we've encountered in both of the realms," Spike added, because that was mostly true, he had written down a great deal of what the residents of Zephyr and Breeze Harbor had told them during their visits to those realms, as he had felt that Elora deserved to know what was going on in those realms, especially since she was trying to work for peace among the realms, "and all of this evidence might convince anyone we show it to that you aren't working with the best interests of Avalar in mind... in fact, if we showed this to Elora, I'm sure she would have any of the remaining guards to arrest you. However, since there are a number of realms that we haven't faced yet, we'll hold off on showing Elora what we have on you, as we're more focused on facing Ripto and stopping him... but once we're done with him, we'll turn our attention to the war between Zephyr and Breeze Harbor, and the fact that you made it all possible."

Moneybags frowned at that, as he wasn't expecting Spike to say something like that in response to what he had just told them, before he got up and departed from the area that they were in, like he was leaving the realm, to which Spike lowered the barrier and they progressed over the snake bridge that the bear had restored for them, without them even asking him to do so, as it was time for them to rescue the Shaman that lead the Ice Builders and restore order to this realm, before gathering the Orbs and leaving for the next realm. At the end of the bridge they found a short hallway that had two metallic vases, which they smashed and collected the gems that were inside them, before discovering that there were a few icicle houses that were in front of them, either for the higher ranking members of the Ice Builders or they were for the Ice Wizards, something that they didn't focus on as they flamed down the Horned Rabbit that was waiting for them, and that included a lone Ice Wizard that happened to be standing on the bridge that was to their right. In that moment they discovered the lone building that assumed was the one that the Shaman was imprisoned inside, as it had three more Ice Wizards patrolling the area, with a Horned Rabbit waiting nearby, so what they did was separate from each other and flamed their opponents down, clearing out the area of enemies for the moment. Once that was done they smashed all of the metallic vases that were in the area, collected the gems that had been inside them and on the ground, which included breaking the glass bottle that was near them, before they freed the three Ice Builders from the ice cubes that were in the area around the structure.

With the three Ice Builders freed from their prisons they climbed the nearby ramp and walked behind the rather large snowball that was up there, where Spyro, Spike, and Ember stood by the side as they watched the snowball rolled down the ramp and collided with the front of the building that was near them, essentially blowing apart the vast majority of the structure, which they weren't expecting, even if Spike felt that a boulder had been inside the snow, before they headed inside the ruined building and found a more important Ice Builder inside it, if the golden bone in his small hair and the stick with a skull on it was any indication.

"Ouch! You would think those guys could have gotten me out of here without rolling a two-ton snowball onto my head or something!" the Shaman, who had to be Shaman Tuk, said, where his tone revealed that he was half happy to be freed from his prison and that he was half annoyed by the method that the three Ice Builders had used to free him, before he focused on the siblings as he reached into the sack he was carrying, "Spyro, Spike, Ember, I want you guys to have our Talisman for helping us out... I had to trade those hockey tickets to the leader of the Ice Wizards to get it back, though I have the feeling that it will be much safer with you guys."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember watched as a spiked crystal appeared in front of them, where Spike accepted it and slipped it into the guidebook, storing it with the others they had recovered so far, though in that moment they noticed that the exit portal was nearby and, more importantly, that them acquiring the Talisman restored the power to it, allowing them to turn around and see what else they could do to help the Ice Builders out. Of course the first thing they did, as they left the ruined structure that Shaman Tuk was inside, was break the three straw baskets that were near them and collected all of the gems that were inside them, before they left the structure and sought out the people that they could help, to restore order to this realm and pick up a few Orbs in the process. As they walked away from the structure Spike noticed some cave paintings that were on some of the walls, depicting creatures that the Ice Builders had encountered over the years and what they did in response to them, before Spyro and Ember found an Ice Wizard trying to hide behind one of the more elegant ice buildings, but when they tried to leave it alone, since it didn't seem aggressive, both of them had to dodge the attack and then flame the wizard down. From there they found a few more gems laying on the ground, which also included some straw baskets they had missed, before the siblings found a bridge made of bones that took them to another part of this realm, which also allowed them to pick up some gems and break a glass bottle that happened to be on the way to the hut that was on the other side of the bridge.

What the siblings discovered was that the Ice Builder in question was another Shaman, meaning that there could be more than one of them at a time, though he seemed worried about something at the moment, as he was looking off into the area that was near where his hut was located, before he seemed to notice them coming to a stop near him, meaning he did know they were here to help people out.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, thank goodness you three have arrived, because I'm facing a terrible problem at the moment." the Shaman said, which only made them wonder what in the world he could be worried about, especially since those that had a 'terrible problem' were the residents of Zephyr, but they said nothing as they waited for him to finish what he wanted to tell them, just so they knew how to help him out, "You see, I seem to have lost my pet snow leopard, as I was busy fishing awhile ago, getting food for the two of us, and when I turned around to check on him, to tell him I would have some food in a few minutes, he was no where to be found... oh, I hope George didn't get eaten by the draclets."

"Sure, we'll go see if we can't find George." Spyro replied, as that was what the Shaman was saying, that he had lost his pet snow leopard and that he needed someone to find him and bring him home, though as he and his siblings headed out into the area that was beyond the Shaman's hut, and picked up some gems as they started their search for the missing pet, he turned to glance at Spike, "What's a draclet?"

"According to the guidebook, they're small green spider-like creatures that are considered to be pests in this realm and that they have the ability to breed quickly," Spike answered, as he had the feeling that one of his siblings was going to ask the question, though as they followed the path that the gems were leading them on, and picked them up along the way, they found an adorable snow leopard, about their height, wandering around part of the area in front of them, just out of the Shaman's sight, and he appeared to be waiting for them to assist him, "at the very least we won't have to worry about telling that Shaman that George was hurt, as he seems to be just fine... and the reason I say that is because a bite from a draclet is very painful and highly poisonous, which explains why they seem to live down near that green river we spotted earlier."

Spyro and Ember glanced at each other, as it wasn't hard to guess that one of the Ice Builders might ask them for a bit of assistance with the local draclet population, before they turned their attention to George, as he seemed to be walking around the area and was staring at the holes that had been made into the ground, which was where they could see that the ground they were walking on, in this area, was above a lake that had a large number of fish. It was clear that George was hungry and that he wouldn't return to the Shaman without having something to eat, so the siblings followed after him as he lead the way to the various fishing locations in this area, all while picking up the gems that were scattered here and there and smashed the metallic vases that they found along the way. Whenever they stopped at one of the fishing holes George prepared himself and waited for one of the siblings to flame one of the fish that occasionally jumped out of the water, and when that happened he would rush over to the fish and eat them immediately, repeating the process on all of the fishing holes they had seen in this area, all so he could eat his fill and be satisfied. Once they had visited each of the locations once, and George had gotten a fish from each one, he let them lead him right back to where the Shaman was standing, which was followed by a large smile appearing on the Shaman's face as George came to a stop near him and purred, showing him that he was alright.

"You guys found George!" the Shaman exclaimed, his tone informing them that he was incredibly happy that they had been able to find his pet snow leopard and return him to this area, instead of bringing back news that he had perished due to the draclets, before he reached into the sack he was carrying, "I'm so happy that he's safe and sound, and I promise that I'll pay more attention to him from now on, so this doesn't happen again. All I have with me at the moment is this round shiny thing that I caught while I was fishing a few days ago, you guys can have it if you want."

Spike accepted the Orb that was being offered to them, slipping it inside the guidebook with the rest of the Orbs they had picked up so far, before he and his siblings retraced their steps and headed back to the middle of Crystal Glacier, as it was time to see what the Powerup Gate would give them this time around and how they could use that power to assist the residents of this realm. It didn't take them long to return to the part of the realm that held the Powerup Gate, which was where they discovered that it was the Superfly power this time around, one that would allow them to fly around part of this realm, meaning they were likely going to have to fly around this area and torch the draclets, but before they did that Spyro made sure they stopped in front of the Ice Builder that was standing near the Powerup Gate.

"Ah, Spyro, it's good to see you and your siblings." the Shaman said, where the siblings were a little surprised that he actually said that, as most of the residents they had spoken to just called them by their names, before he beckoned to the cave entrance that was some distance behind him for a moment, "We used to give guided tours of these caves, but lately they have been infested with those creepy multiplying draclets, so we have been unable to do that for the last couple of days, and it's only a matter of time until their number grow to the point where they can take over our village. Can you guys help us take care of them?"

"We can do that." Spike replied, because he was sure that there weren't that many draclets in the area, at the moment to be exact, and knew that if all three of them worked together they would be able to tackle the challenge and wipe out the nest of draclets the Shaman was worried about, to which his siblings nodded their heads in agreement before they turned towards the Powerup Gate.

Not even a few seconds later the three of them passed through the gate and took to the air, where Spyro and Ember stayed close to the top of the cavern and Spike stayed close to the bottom, allowing them to make sure that none of the draclets escaped, as they flamed each of the spiders that they came across as they followed the cave all the way around the area that they were in, all while staying above the green river and didn't even attempt to get the gems first, as there was time to get them once they were done. It only took them a minute to circle the area and take out all eighteen draclets that were present, as Spike was counting how many they had taken out, before they did another loop just to be sure that one of them hadn't multiplied while they weren't looking, but once they were sure that all of the draclets had been taken care of, and that the village was safe, all three of them landed in front of the Shaman.

"Wow, Elora was right, you guys work fast." the Shaman said, informing the siblings of something that they already knew at this point, that all of the realms knew about them thanks to what Elora told them, before he reached into his sack and produced something that they were looking for, all with a smile on his face, "Spyro, Spike, Ember, please take this Orb as a sign of our gratitude, for saving us from a grisly fate by taking out the draclet nest for us."

The siblings accepted the Orb, allowing Spike to add it to their collection, before both Spyro and Ember took to the air with the Superfly Powerup once more and flew around the area once more, this time purposely collecting all of the gems that were laying on the ground and smashing any straw baskets or metallic vases that were in the area, and once they came back to where Spike was resting their dragonflies indicated that they had all the gems from this realm, to which they headed back towards the exit portal so they could head back to Autumn Plains.

"You know, this was a nice change of pace," Spyro commented, referring to the fact that they didn't have to stop two races while they were in the middle of a war with each other, something they were going to be annoyed about for some time, and that they were able to help another realm out with their problems, "nothing too major or annoying, just a simple adventure in a new realm with little excitement."

"Save for beating up Moneybags again." Ember added, as while she agreed with Spyro, that Crystal Glacier was rather simple in comparison to the two realms they had finished first, she was more interested in the fact that she got to beat up Moneybags again and had vented a little bit of her frustration out on him, something that she needed after all of the things that she and her siblings had learned.

"Don't worry about him, we'll deal with him once Ripto is taken care of." Spike said, as it wasn't worth worrying about Moneybags at the moment, because the bear knew that they were privy to what he had done to the Breezebuilders and the Land Blubbers, and what had almost happened to Zephyr if that airship had been allowed to leave the harbor, which meant he was going to be more careful with them in the future, even if it didn't matter in the end.

Spyro and Ember agreed with him, that one of the first things they were going to do was arrest Moneybags once they were done taking care of Ripto, and then, while Elora and Hunter dealt with him, they were going to return to the war and put an end to it, one way or another, so that peace could return to all of Avalar and restore it to what it had been like before Ripto showed up a week ago.

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