• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Interlude: The Archives

With the treasury cleared out of all the gems that had been deposited in the realm, and the Sorceress defeated for a second time and punished for her crimes against everyone, Spyro, Spike, Ember, Elora, and Bianca left the arena they had found her in and headed for the portal that would take them back to Midnight Mountain, as they had two hatchlings to deliver before they did anything else. Hunter joined them not a few moments into their walk, mostly due to the fact that he had finished using the skateboard course, for a time anyway, and that he wanted to check in with them, though it didn't take him all that long to spot the hatchlings and realize that they had found the last egg that they had been looking for, even though it had hatched shortly after they had found it. As such he didn't say much as they returned to Midnight Mountain and four their way back to the area that the portal to the Dragon Realms was resting in, as the Professor made sure that a more stable one for them to use, or at last that was their assumption based on what they had seen in the past, before taking that portal so they could head back to their own homeworld, since this adventure was finally at an end. This time around the siblings were happy to be back, as they were now used to going out on their quests to save the lands from some sort of evil and finding certain things that were either needed for the quest, like the Talismans from Avalar, or recovering stolen items, like the eggs the Sorceress was after, and each of them were looking forward to the break that would be coming up soon so they could relax and enjoy themselves, before getting back to their training.

When they returned to the Artisans homeworld, however, they found that they weren't the only ones that had arrived from the Forgotten Realms, an area that they needed to find the original name of since they weren't 'forgotten' anymore, as it was rather easy to spot Sheila, Sgt. Byrd, Bentley, and Agent 9 standing near the area that the Professor was in, and all of them seemed surprised by just how peaceful this island truly was.

"This is where you guys live?" Sheila asked, speaking the moment the siblings and the rest of their group returned from their little expedition to find the last couple of eggs, though her tone suggested that she was amazed by what she was seeing at the moment, especially since none of them had been told what to expect when they stepped through the portal that had brought them to this island, "Its beautiful. I can see why Hunter spoke so highly of it, after we fought off the Rhynoc army the Sorceress had made to conquer our lands... I wouldn't mind spending some time here, relaxing and taking in the peace that is in the air."

"I'm sure Nestor and the others would be fine with that, once everything settles down," Spyro replied, because he had the feeling that the Leader of their homeworld would be more than willing to allow their new friends to visit the Dragon Realms, especially after everything they had done to help them recover the stolen eggs, including the fact that they had pardoned Bianca for her earlier actions and knew that she wasn't to blame for the deeds she committed, before he took a moment to consider something, "Oh, by the way, when you guys get back to Midnight Mountain you'll find a crystalline statue resting on one of the bridges, one that happens to look a lot like Moneybags, so just know that it actually is the greedy bear in question, as Spike used the scepter we recovered from Gnasty Gnorc to punish him... and the Sorceress as well, for that matter."

"WHAT?! You mean she's alive?!" Agent 9 declared, where it looked like he was priming his blaster as he considered what he was going to do the next time he saw the Sorceress, especially after everything she had done to the lands that he and the others called home, while at the same time the other heroes were a little surprised by that information, since they were sure the Sorceress had been slain in the first battle the siblings had with her.

"And punished for her crimes, contained in a crystalline statue as well, located in the treasury that we needed a good number of gems and eggs to get into," Ember said, though even as she said that Elora and Hunter noticed that Nestor was walking over to them and made sure to hand over the hatchlings that they had been carrying for the siblings, where the twins seemed to smile as they were taken by the Leader that approached them, even though they had no idea what was going on at the moment.

"It seems like it was a good idea on your part, Spike, to take the Scepter of Crystallization with you," Cosmos stated, as he and Argus, at the very least, joined Nester as they approached the group and noticed that they had come back with two hatchlings, meaning one of the last couple of eggs had hatched shortly after the siblings had recovered it, though even as he said that Spike dug into his satchel and withdrew the scepter, making sure it was back in Cosmos' hands, where they watched as it grew a little to match the user, the most interesting enchantment the scepter had.

"Yeah, it came in handy when we returned to Midnight Mountain," Spike replied, though at the same time the group moved down into the area that the other Artisans dragons, along with a number of individuals from the other clans and the other Leaders, happened to be sitting at the moment as they tended to the hatchlings and determined which of the six lands they belonged to, before he glanced at their new friends for a moment, "Oh, before I forget, be careful when you get around to moving the statues of Moneybags and the Sorceress, because if anyone from Avalar were to touch Moneybags' crystal, like Agent 9 for instance, it would free him from his well deserved prison, while if anyone from the Forgotten Realms were to touch the Sorceress' statue the same thing would happen."

"Noted. Maybe we can ask our new friends to assist us," Sgt. Byrd remarked, where he glanced at Elora and Hunter as he said that, revealing that he was talking about the Sorceress' statue and that he knew a few people from Avalar would be able to do the deed, while he and the others from the rediscovered islands would be able to do the same thing for the statue of Moneybags, though at the same time he and the other heroes weren't shocked by the fact that the greedy bear had been punished by the siblings and were fine with his punishment.

"With the Sorceress defeated, and the lands she ruled over have been liberated, I wonder what sort of knowledge we will find in her libraries." Argus commented, because while the libraries of Dark Hollow were extensive and well preserved, and there were a number of tomes and scrolls on the subject of the Forgotten Realms, all of which Spike had read at one point in the past, he was eager to see what the libraries of their former home had, provided the Sorceress didn't burn or destroy everything from before her rule, like some rulers did.

"I don't know, but I'm more eager to find Malefor's Archives," Spike replied, though as his comment caused Cosmos, Argus, and Nestor to raise their eyebrows, as they all knew the stories that mentioned the first purple dragon having his own private collection of tomes, scrolls, and everything else he deemed to be of importance, he reached into his satchel and carefully withdrew the crystalline key that he had recovered from the Sorceress, during their first battle when he and his siblings unlocked the power to use the Aether, "The Sorceress had the key to the first purple dragon's Archives, which we claimed during our first battle with her, and it wasn't until we entered the treasury that we discovered where she might have hidden it, or at least I figured out where it might be located, since Spyro and Ember were more focused on tracking down the Thieves that were running around the treasury."

Spike noticed that Cosmos and Argus, at the very least, were stunned by the information that he was giving them, as Malefor's archives were considered one of the lost dragon treasures, of which there were only a few things they called by that term, before Argus recovered and ran off to find the rest of the scholars, declaring that it was time to recover a piece of their history. Spyro and Ember weren't surprised by what they were seeing, as Spike was basically a representation of the scholars of Dark Hollow, so if he said he was eager to head back to the treasury and see what there was to see in the area he thought the Archives were in that meant the others would be the same way and would come running once they knew what he was going to be doing. At the same time, however, the group noticed that Spike made sure they knew just how important the structure in question was, as he spoke of it like it was an important place, like how they would label one of the realms and islands, while the Sorceress clearly thought nothing of it and mostly labeled it as an unimportant place just to piss them off, even if such a thing meant nothing to the majority of them. Of course they would have preferred to stay in the Artisans homeworld and relax, especially after having to fight the Sorceress for a second time, but they knew their brother would have pestered them to come with him, since this was the Archives that belonged to the first purple dragon and there was no telling what might be in there, so Spyro and Ember just decided to go with it, while Elora and Bianca were coming to see share the experience with them, though Hunter seemed torn about the decision for a moment or two before he decided to join them, even though Sheila and the others declined, due to the fact that they were going to be preparing a celebration, one that marked their liberation from the Sorceress' rule.

When Argus and the others returned to where the siblings were standing Spike lead them, Nester, Cosmos, and the rest of their now enlarged group back through the portal that was behind them, crossed the ancient battlefield once more, and returned to Midnight Mountain, where they made their way towards the tower that contained the portal that would allow them to access the treasury.

"I must say, this is a rather interesting place," Cosmos commented, speaking the moment they arrived in the final area the siblings and their friends had cleared out, taking in the sights of the treasury as everyone walked through the opening that was in front of them, allowing all of the dragons to see what Spyro and the others had seen when they came through here only an hour ago, before he focused on the task they had set for themselves, "Spike, where did you say you felt the presence of the Archives?"

Spike, instead of responding with a verbal answer, headed out and retraced his steps towards the area that he had seen the shimmer in earlier, when he and the others were flying around the realm as they hunted down the sheep saucers that the Thieves had brought with them, before eventually coming to a stop near the area that the bridge to the tower that contained the Combination Powerup Gate rested in. It was near that small bit of lava that Cosmos and the scholars, the latter having a basic understanding of magic so they could protect their own archives from disaster, noticed the shimmer that Spike had seen earlier, though now that he didn't have to worry about any Thieves, missing eggs, or having to fight an old foe, like he did the last they were here, Spike pulled out the key and focused his magic for a moment. What he was doing was preparing a revealing spell, one that would cause the shimmer to disappear and reveal the structure that the Sorceress had tried to hide, since he was sure that Malefor didn't have the time to hide it when the rest of the dragons had been banished from these lands and he disappeared shortly after they did. One thing he felt while doing that was that all of the stolen magic was leaving the treasury, no doubt returning to the lands that it had been stolen from, before instead of worrying about that he focused on his spell as he and the others watched as the shimmer started to disappear before their very eyes, revealing the structure that the Sorceress had hidden, no doubt because of the fact that it reminded her of the first purple dragon and her defeat. The Archives seemed to be a large circular building, as the siblings determined that it had to be more round than the arenas they had fought the Sorceress in, and it seemed to be at least two stories tall, but whether there were two floors or not remained to be seen, as that was something they could figure out when they went inside the structure, while they also noticed that it was made out of light gray stones that were neatly stacked, almost like an Artisans dragon had made it, and that there was some magic keeping it from being destroyed.

The walls weren't the only thing that the group could see at the moment, as there was a well crafted stone bridge, that was made from the same material as the Archives itself, that connected to the area they were standing on, there was a metal door, either iron or steel, that was definitely enchanted to resist being destroyed, and two statues that were on the left and right sides of the door, which were tall stone dragons that were dressed in armor, like they were the ones that could be the original Peace Keepers.

"The Archives... they do exist!" Oswin remarked, as all of the scholars knew the description of the area, thanks to what was in their scrolls and tomes from a thousand years ago, but most of them had been under the impression that it was a myth or a legend that was meant to encourage them to keep searching, so it see it with his own eyes, just like all of the other scholars were doing, left them without much to say and left looks of surprise on their faces.

Once the spell was complete, and the Archives were resting in front of them in all its glory, Spike walked over to the bridge and started to make his way towards the metal door, giving him a chance to admire the work that went into making what many would assume was a simple bridge, even though he did spot some indents that housed small crystals that lit the way to where the door happened to be resting. A few seconds later Spyro, Ember, and the rest of their group started to walk along the bridge as well, where it didn't take them very long to reach the area that Spike had stopped in, though that was when Cosmos and Nestor stepped forward to push open the door that was in front of them, as it was actually one of the doors that split in half when they were opened, allowing them to enter the Archives. As they stepped into the ancient structure a number of torches and lights were turned on at the same time, where Spike and Cosmos knew they had been enchanted to turn on when someone entered the Archives and were no doubt enchanted to turn off whenever that someone, or group of someones in their case, left the structure, though their jaws nearly dropped when they saw what was in front of them. The area that they were staring at was a massive library that was filled with rows and rows of books, magical tomes, and scrolls, where the group discovered that there were two additional stories to the floor that they were currently standing on, filled to the brim with knowledge that no dragon had laid eyes on for a thousand years, which nearly caused one of the scholars to faint by what they were seeing, but the others stopped that from happening before they spread out to see what else was in the Archives.

While Spyro, Ember, and Hunter just looked around, mostly to see if they spotted anything out of the ordinary that might be of significance and warrant any of the scholars to look at it, Elora and Bianca joined the scholars as they carefully picked up scrolls and tomes, finding that none of them looked like they were going to fall apart, where Argus reminded Elora that dragons took great pride in keeping their past intact, hence all the enchantments that went into making sure the Dark Hollow libraries didn't fall apart. Argus also remarked that whoever had made all the enchantments on the Archives, both the structure and the contents within it, had to be incredibly powerful, meaning it was either Malefor himself who created what they were seeing, which would throw many of the scholars into a coma if they knew they were touching something the first purple dragon created, or they were created by the Head Librarian who aided the legendary dragon, before the banishment spell was cast anyway. Sadly there was no way for them to tell who created everything, so for now all they could do was marvel at the treasure trove of knowledge that they were rediscovering and make sure all of this was made known to the Dragon Realms, as there were scholars and magic users that would love to see what they had found thanks to Spike and the others recovering the key to the Archives. Bianca was simply amazed by everything that was in the Archives, as she had no idea that the Sorceress was even hoarding all of this knowledge in the first place, and had to take a moment to wonder just what they might find if they spent some time going over the shelves and checked the names on all of the tomes and scrolls, something the scholars, Cosmos, and Spike would be doing for some time. There were also the second and third floors that needed to be explored at some point, where more tomes and scrolls were located, but for now the group remained on the first floor, taking in the sheer amount of items for them to look at, even if some of them might be bored of what they were seeing.

As the group explored the Archives, however, Spike came to a stop when he found a part of the wall that was opposite of the entrance that was bare, like there had been another opening at one point, before discovering what appeared to be a slot for a key, to which he pulled out the key he and his siblings had recovered from the Sorceress earlier and slipped it into the small opening. At first nothing happened, which would generally be something that caused anyone else to pull the key out and give up on what they were trying to do, but Spike knew that keys were meant to be turned and that was what he did, he used his magic to turn the key until he heard a clicking sound, which was the moment he let go of the key as he noticed something, purple runes were appearing on the once bare wall. It wasn't magically hidden instructions on what to do next or anything, rather it looked like the opening had been sealed by powerful magic and that the locks could only be broken by a dragon wielding the key, which gave them another reason as to why the Sorceress was so bent on taking out the dragons and using their energy to empower herself, she was likely trying to get inside whatever was on the other side of the opening so she could use whatever was in the next chamber to take down whoever opposed her. That was when all of the runes disappeared and a ball of magic appeared in the center of the opening, where the stone faded away and left a hole that lead into the next room, though as the others started to notice what he was doing Spike stepped into the next area and the ball of magic moved diagonally downwards a little, like it was following some stairs or a ramp, before it broke into two smaller spheres that went in two separate directions. Of course none of them were ready for what the spheres did next, as the energy contained in both of them ignited all of the lights that were in the next chamber, revealing a rather massive chamber that was nearly the same size as one of the main hub areas of one of the homeworlds back in the Dragon Realms, and there were more rooms around the perimeter of the larger room that were like the Archives that they had been in moments ago.

What really caught their attention were all the items that were scattered around the massive chamber, as there were statues made of gold, silver, and other metals, weapons and armor that looked old while still being in good shape, magical items that the dragons had long since considered to be lost forever, a few piles of treasure, and who knew what else, as it was easy to count eleven more rooms that were like the Archives they had been in earlier.

"Wow, what is all of this?" Hunter asked, because based on what he knew there was no reason for Malefor to have all of this stuff, especially since some of it looked rather important and should be with the races of the various lands that the siblings had assisted over the course of their latest adventure, while at the same time he could see that all of the dragons were surprised by what they were seeing.

"The stories were true... it really does exist," Spike replied, where he and the other scholars glanced around the rather massive chamber and considered everything they had read when it came to Malefor's Archives, though there was only one location, across all of the tomes and scrolls that the dragons had access to, that this could possibly be, though now he was starting to see why it was so hard to prove this place existed in the first place, as it was well hidden behind something else and had a very special lock and key that opened the way, "This isn't just Malefor's Archives... oh no, the Archives were only part of something far greater and much grander... this is the Arcanaeum!"

"Okay, you've lost me again." Bianca said, mostly due to the fact that everything she knew about magic was flying right out the window as she spent more time with Spyro, Spike, and Ember, though it was also due to the fact that the Sorceress made sure that most of what they knew about the time the dragons ruled these lands was sealed away or not talked about at all, especially now that she knew the reason why her former mentor did all of that, but she was still lost whenever Spike and the others brought up Malefor and what he did.

"The Arcanaeum is, according to legend, the place where Malefor did all of his private training, so others didn't learn any dangerous secrets, and served as a vault," Argus stated, though even as he said that he pulled off his glasses, took a moment to clean them of any dust that might be on them, and then put them back off, as if he had been worried that he was seeing things and this proved to him that they were actually seeing what he was talking about, "supposedly he would use this as a place to store all of the important and dangerous magical artifacts of these lands, in the times where the four homeworlds and their realms were under attack, that way none of our enemies could gain a weapon of power and use it against us, or against Malefor, since many foes did try to take him down over the years, with the Sorceress being the last one we knew about. Just think, all of these artifacts and relics have been sitting in this hidden vault, protected from the likes of the Sorceress, waiting to be returned to their rightful owners, and that's only the surface of the Arcanaeum, as the stories tell that there is so much more to this place than what we're seeing at the moment... who knows what knowledge we might discover while we're here!"

As Spyro, Ember, and Hunter joined the group in looking around the massive structure they had discovered, which was far larger than the outside lead them to believe, Spike noted several interesting items that were scattered around the area, the first being shimmering scales that had been woven into a suit of armor and almost looked like moonlight that had been reflected, making him think they were from the Midnight Serpent, while there was a fiery crown that was too large for a dragon to wear, meaning it was the Firelord's crown, a floating staff that had a chilly aura coming from it, which had to be from the story about the Yeti of the North, and so on. There were plaques that revealed the names of every item that they could see, like the Scepter of Felinia, no doubt handed over for safe keeping, the Jewels of the Sea, which likely came from Lost Fleet, what appeared to be a harpoon that clearly had magic dancing around it, though that explained why it was called Whalebane and was likely the weapon that dealt the killing blow to the Dread Whale, and so on, making him and the others simply amazed by what they were seeing. That was when he found that the side room he was walking by was rather bare, making him curious as to what might be in it, before he found a number of smooth crystalline spheres resting on top of some pedestals, each with a name that revealed exactly what he had discovered, these were Farseeing Stones, spherical objects that allowed individuals to converse over great distances and, depending on one's skill according to legend, about to see an area in question and let the one using it observe something that might be happening, but the knowledge to craft and use them had been lost a thousand years ago, no doubt housed inside the Arcanaeum so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. There were eight stones present, with names to areas that he would need to check the Archives for, but it was the ninth pedestal that caught his attention, as the Farseeing Stone that was supposed to be above it was missing and he knew the Sorceress didn't have it at all, otherwise they would have found it, so it was possible that Malefor had taken it before the banishment spell had gone into effect, and the interesting part was that it bared the name of 'Warfang' for some reason.

Before he even had a chance to process that information Elora called him over and he got a chance to see Cosmos tap a crystal that was in the center of the massive chamber, embedded in the ground for some reason, before a magical orb appeared above the gemstone, one that looked an awful lot like the planet that had been on the Professor's screens when they helped Agent 9 clear out the lab, meaning that this was a magical globe of their entire world, and there were even names for the landmasses that appeared all over it.

"It seems like Malefor and the rest of the dragons might have been mapping the world," Cosmos commented, though he certainly wasn't expecting to find something like this, as it revealed landmasses they never knew of before, while also showing the Dragon Realms, Avalar, a few other landmasses that they would have to search the Archives to learn about, and finally the one that the siblings had rescued from the Sorceress, "this could give us an idea of where the rest of the dragons went a thousand years ago, as not everyone landed in what became our new home, though I'm sure it will take a few years to truly go over everything they were working on before the Sorceress attacked."

"Interesting... according to this globe, the Forgotten Realms used to be called 'Avilion'," Argus added, as he took a few moments to see what the sphere had to say and he had to admit that he was interested by all the landmasses that they were seeing right now, mostly due to the fact that most of the would be new areas for them to explore at some point in the future, once they figure out how to get to each of them without opening portals everywhere, to which he glanced over to Bianca for a few seconds, "So, in addition to everything else you've heard so far, the Sorceress also erased all mentions of what you home used to be called, probably to make everyone dislike dragons and obey her rule, though I'm not totally sure how she aimed to accomplish that since she had to give the order to erase the name herself."

"Oh, at this point I'm not even surprised by what I'm hearing," Bianca replied, because she had gotten used to the fact that her former mentor was evil to the core and that nothing she did was for the betterment of her home or the various realms, which she had spent a number of years trying to help out, and this was nothing new, though now she had a rather important piece of information to tell Sheila and the others, once they were done exploring everything that the scholars wanted to check out before they decided to go home.

"Still, all of this is fascinating," Nestor said, though while he wasn't a scholar like Argus and the others, since his calling was more along the lines of carpentry and using his hammer on wooden structures, even if he could help others with the stone and metal structures they built around the Artisans homeworld, he was fascinated by all of the information they could gain from studying the Arcanaeum and its contents.

"Hey guys, you might want to check this out," Hunter stated, as he had moved out the moment he had seen what the crystal had done, even though it was interesting to see that Spike's theory about the dragons calling Avalar home for some time to be somewhat accurate, since they had Avalar on the map, and he had found a rather interesting room that he was sure the dragons would be interested in seeing, even if all of the outer rooms had to be that way, "there's a staff of some kind, which is floating in the middle of this room, along with a number of other weapons and bits of armor."

Spyro, Cosmos, and Argus were the first ones to reach the room that Hunter was looking at, where they stopped the moment they laid eyes on the room their friend had looked at, where they found a number of metallic armor pieces that were either made out of silver, steel, or the more rare truesilver, a metal that was somewhat resistant to magic, though it was in that moment they paused as they saw the staff Hunter had found, as it was roughly the size of Cosmos' staff, only there was a purple gem attached to the top and it had a magical ring of runes dancing around it, along with a smaller gem on the opposite end of the weapon, while the shaft itself had a golden coloration to it.

"Wha... What is that?" Bianca asked, as while she knew what a staff looked like, due to some of the tomes and scrolls she had read over the years depicting weapons such as this, she wasn't expecting to discover something like this while all of them were in the Arcanaeum, mostly due to the fact that it could have been discovered when the dragons came back to check out the rest of the ancient vault and to see what else it had to offer them.

"...Akilesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian..." Spike replied, because this was an artifact of power he wasn't expecting to find when they discovered the true nature of the Archives, mostly due to the fact that many of the stories that depicted Malefor had him wielding this very staff against his enemies and the dangers that these lands faced, meaning he had used his own incredible power and the power of this weapon in battle, so it was odd to see it here, since he would have thought the legendary dragon would have taken it with him when he fought the Sorceress, before he raised his wings to stop both Hunter and Bianca from approaching it, "Don't. There's no telling what sort of traps or enchantments Malefor might have placed in this room, before he sealed the Arcanaeum a thousand years ago, and I'd rather not trip one of them while we're here, as we could damage the structure and the rest of the artifacts in the process."

"Still, to think that we would discover Akilesh as well..." Cosmos said, his tone revealing that he was shocked by what Hunter had brought them to, though at the same time he knew the stories of this weapon and the considerable power that it contained, something that only a true master of magic could ever hope to wield without crumbling before the staff's magical might, so it was a good thing Spike had stopped their friends from touching the ancient staff, before he glanced out at the remaining rooms they hadn't explored yet, wondering what they contained.

"I think we have seen more than enough for one day." Argus stated, though the reason he wanted to leave wasn't due to the fact that he was tired of everything they were discovering as they explored what the Arcanaeum had to offer, rather all of this was exciting and it made him want to spend the next week to a month doing nothing but seeing what this entire structure had to offer him and the rest of the scholars, rather it was due to the fact that this discovery was Spike's and the dragon in question needed a day or two off, to relax from this adventure, before they delved into the secrets of Malefor's Arcanaeum and figured out what else might have been hidden from the Sorceress.

"As much as I want to spend the next month doing nothing but sifting through this place, and delivering the artifacts to their respective owners, I think some rest is in order," Spike said, though he had to prevent himself from yawning while he said that, because battling the Sorceress twice, stealing her own attack from her, and using the Aether for a brief period of time had left him feeling tired and it had been the excitement of visiting the Archives, before discovering that it was the legendary Arcanaeum, that had kept him going, only now it was fading and he was starting to feel tired, something that his siblings had to be feeling as well.

Spyro and Ember stopped themselves from yawning as well, showing that they were somewhat tired as well, which did make sense given everything they had been through, to which Nestor called for all of them to return to the Dragon Realms and get some rest, since Cosmos and the scholars needed to get back to the hatchlings, where they started to leave the Arcanaeum and head back for their home lands, as they would be back in the future, to see what other secrets and knowledge the structure had to offer them.

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