• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Hummingbirds and Tikis

"I wonder what Sgt. Byrd's realm is like." Elora commented, as she was a little curious as to what she and the siblings might discover in the home realm of their new ally, even if Spike could simply open the Guidebook and tell them what could be there, something that he wasn't doing since he had opened the book during the flight to Midday Gardens, and it wasn't hard to see that Spyro, Spike, and Ember were eager to discover what was in Sgt. Byrd's realm.

"Its probably under attack, just like Sheila's was when we freed her and went to aid her," Spyro replied, as he had been thinking about the realm since the moment they freed the penguin from his cell, and he had blasted Moneybags for what he had done to him, and he had determined that whatever was happening to the realm they were heading to had to be a little similar to what happened to Sheila's realm, "meaning that we'll have to find a way to aid Sgt. Byrd in clearing out the forces that are attacking his home, collecting the gems that are scattered around the area, and finding whatever eggs might have been hidden in his realm."

"Personally, I'm just hoping that we can actually help him out, instead of sitting on the sidelines," Ember remarked, as that had been rather annoying when they went to assist Sheila in clearing out the couple of Rhynocs that were plaguing her realm, only for the three of them to stay back near the portal back to Sunrise Spring as Elora went out to help their first new ally in cleaning up the mess her realm was in, something that she hoped wasn't repeated again.

Spike added nothing to what his siblings were saying, because he understood what they were saying and had to agree with what they had said, even if they would be allowed to rest a little more if they couldn't follow after Sgt. Byrd, so they focused on the portal they were heading to, in the middle of the temple, and passed through it... where not a few seconds later they found themselves in a square chamber that reminded them of what they had seen when they headed into the portal to Sheila's realm, only Sgt. Byrd's had maps of the various homeworlds and realms, along with some missiles that must have replaced the ones that he had spent to blast Moneybags.

"Oh, hello again, I was not expecting you guys to follow me so soon," Sgt. Byrd said, showing that he had been of the mindset that the group would have gone and done something else, instead of heading into the portal that lead to this chamber and his realm, before he focused on what he was doing at the moment as he finished his preparations and made sure his equipment was ready to go, "anyway, I have to return to my realm and assess the damage that's been done since I was captured, as I have the feeling that the Sorceress might have attacked the base while I was gone. I would like to get back to training the Hummingbirds, so they could be in peak physical condition for the inevitable war with the Sorceress, but I have the feeling that I'll be busy blowing up Rhynocs and making sure the realm is safe from future incursions, before I can get back to that."

"Well, maybe we can help you and the Hummingbirds out." Elora commented, because it sounded like what they had seen in Sheila's realm was happening to the land that Sgt. Byrd called home, that the Rhynocs were here and their new ally might need some assistance in taking them out, hence the reason that she was offering their assistance to him and the rest of the residents of his realm, something that Spyro nodded his head to, showing Sgt. Byrd that they were here to help him out with his problems.

"Hm, some backup would be great, since I have no info on how many Rhynocs are in my realm," Sgt. Byrd said, where his tone revealed that he was thinking about what Elora had told him, along with the fact that the siblings seemed to be in agreement to what she had said, before he came to a decision on the matter and turned to look at them again, as he had turned away for a moment, "Very well, I shall accept your offer of assistance and suggest that we move forward now... and apologize for not having any gear for dragons or Fauns."

The siblings and Elora took a moment to assure Sgt. Byrd that it was fine, as most of them didn't need gear and would show him why that was the case, before they headed through the portal that was behind their new ally and discovered what the rest of the realm looked like, as they seemed to be in an enclosed space that had a few glass walls that would prevent them from moving forward, with stone walls around them, and the base, as they discovered by looking through the glass, seemed to be resting in a chasm or canyon of some kind. Flying in the area that was right in front of them was a Hummingbird that had light blue feathers on their chest, blue tail feathers, with a pink belly, yellow talons, and a yellow beak, and came complete with a military hat of some kind, not like what Sgt. Byrd was wearing. From what they could see there were a few openings for them to walk through, to explore and look for the gems and eggs, but at the same time it seemed like they might be able to actually assist Sgt. Byrd this time, instead of staying back like they did when they went to assist Sheila in making sure her realm was safe and sound. Another thing they knew was the fact that there were a few types of Rhynocs in this world, enemies that would be trying to take down Sgt. Byrd and his allies, but for the moment they remained silent as they waited to see what their new friend did, which was when they watched as Sgt. Byrd walked up to the Hummingbird that was in front of them.

"Cpl. Gabrielle, its good to see you again." Sgt. Byrd stated, because it had been a few days since he had seen her, or any of the Hummingbirds for that matter, as the last time he had spoken to any of them was right before the mission to blow up the weapons the Sorceress had been building, a mission that had resulted in him being imprisoned in that cell until his new friends came to save him, before he focused on the task at hand, "What's the situation?"

"Sir, the situation is this," the Hummingbird, Cpl. Gabrielle, responded, speaking with an accent that was a little unlike what the group had heard in the past, though since she didn't have arms, due to her wings being her arms, there was no salute, like what Sgt. Byrd had done when he talked to Spyro after being released from his cell, before they focused on what she had to tell their new friend, "yesterday, at 1845 hours, a force of Rhynocs invaded the base. We defended the base as best as we could, sir, but without your leadership we were unable to put up an effective resistance, and by 1900 hours the rest of the squad was captured... and the Rhynocs had complete control of the base."

"Okay, so take down the Rhynocs and rescue the rest of the Hummingbirds," Spyro commented, showing that he and the rest of the group understood what the pair had been talking about, which was followed by Sgt. Byrd and Cpl. Gabrielle nodding their heads to confirm that he was correct, which was great since it meant that they didn't have to waste time on trying to figure out what had been said, before Cpl. Gabrielle flew off to do something else while they took the fight to the enemies that were in the base.

The first thing the group did was locate a number of gems that were resting on the ground that was around them, and three straw baskets that happened to be near them and were smashed instantly, before they turned towards the passage they had seen and found an interesting sight, a Rhynoc that was wearing gardening gear and was carrying a flowerpot in his right hand, something that was totally strange when they considered the realm they were in. Even the foe that was in front of them, a Gardener Rhynoc as Spike was going to call it, seemed surprised to see them and clearly had no idea what it was supposed to do, meaning that the Sorceress might have staffed the overrun base with nobodies just to slow Sgt. Byrd down, in the off chance that he was freed from his cell, meaning the siblings and Elora would have to be careful when dealing with their main foe when they finally reached her. Elora, taking the chance that was given to them, rushed behind their foe and kicked him in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground and leaving a gem behind in a matter of seconds, leaving Sgt. Byrd to stare at the area for a moment before he opened the birdcage cell that was attached to the wall in front of them, freeing the Hummingbird that was trapped inside it and allowing her to flee to where Cpl. Gabrielle was waiting. It was in that moment that they discovered something that would stall their progress, as there was no path for the siblings to take and they took a second to walk out of the area the first trapped Hummingbird had been located in, where Spike found an opening that was far above them, out of range for him and his siblings to do anything.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me... again?!" Ember remarked, as this was the one thing that they could do without at the moment, because she knew that Spyro was interested in taking down the enemies that were attacking Sgt. Byrd's home and Spike wanted notes on everything that was here, to let the other dragons know what they had seen while they were recovering the stolen dragon eggs.

"What's wrong? Surely you can fly up there." Sgt. Byrd said, showing the group that he was drawing on the knowledge that everyone in the Forgotten Realms knew, even though it had been a thousand years since any of them had even seen a dragon, and that he was curious as to why Ember looked annoyed about the distance that rested between where they were standing and where the opening was located.

"You're confusing us with adult dragons, who are free to fly wherever they want and don't need the aid of a Powerup Gate or the help of a Flight Realm," Spike replied, though she shared Ember's annoyance, because he really wanted to see the rest of the realm so he could both help Sgt. Byrd out and complete his notes on the area that the base was located in, and this time it was looking like Elora would be stuck down here with them, but even then he had to wonder if she might have something in her armor to get her up there, "Spyro, Ember, and I are young dragons, twelve years old to be exact, so we're unable to actually fly without the assistance of those two items, so we can't just jump up there and see what else the realm has to offer, and while I could teleport us up there I would have to expend a great deal of magical power before we finished off the attackers, it would leave me exhausted and of no use to anyone for a time."

"And I'm a Faun, though while I can jump pretty high on my own, well, this is beyond me... which is the reason why I had the Professor help me out," Elora stated, where she raised her arms for a moment and tapped one of the buttons that she hadn't shown the siblings yet, to which they watched as small openings appeared in the lower part of the armor and metal moved out to wrap around her legs, though once that was done, and her armor returned to normal with some new leggings, which had three green arrow tips pointed towards the sky.

She gave Spyro, Spike, and Ember a moment to take in what she was showing them, since she wasn't explaining what the new part of the armor was supposed to even do, before she shifted her stance and made it look like she was getting ready to jump, which was the moment that she leaped into the air like she had used the Spring Jump Powerup and landed in the passage that they needed to use to move forward, followed by a grin appearing on her face as she quickly slipped back down to where the siblings were waiting.

"This is my Spring Jump Mode, a mode that allows me to utilize the Spring Jump Powerup without having to actually use the gate in question," Elora finished, making sure to let the siblings and Sgt. Byrd know that she was following up on the statement that she had started a few moments ago, before she glanced down at her legs and found that nothing was wrong with her body or the power that she used, "it is, however, the only powerup that the Professor was able to add to my armor, in addition to what you have seen so far, so I should be able to follow Sgt. Byrd through the base and help him take down the Rhynocs that are scattered around the realm."

Spike grinned for a moment, as this was interesting to see and he wanted to know more about it for his notes on what happened during their adventure in the Forgotten Realms, before Spyro and Ember sat down nearby as Talon flew over to where Elora was standing, showing that the siblings knew there was nothing they could do and that Spike was entrusting his dragonfly to her again, to which she nodded and jumped back up to the opening as Sgt. Byrd joined her. In the first part of the passage they found Cpl. Gabrielle floating near an opening that lead to one of the Gardener Rhynocs, who was guarding a wooden door that Elora quickly discovered hadn't been set up by Sgt. Byrd or the Hummingbirds, to which she stood to the side and picked up some gems as her new friend blew apart the door, allowing them to progress deeper into the base. From there they entered a room that had a lowered floor and another opening, to which Elora jumped down and landed on the ground, where she found one of the Gardener Rhynocs and kicked him in the face, opening the way for Sgt. Byrd to blast a Rhynoc that had a yellow shirt on and some wings, these ones looking more realistic than the ones she and the siblings had seen in Cloud Spires, not that such a thing mattered since it fell in a matter of seconds. The reason it fell was due to Sgt. Byrd blasting it in the face before it could use its flyswatter on either of them, even though both of them were still a good distance away from their foe, allowing Elora to collect the gems that were on the ground in peace, and the one that was blown out of the air by Sgt. Byrd blasting the balloon it's glass vase was attached to, even if she had to leave a circular metallic chest behind for now.

On the other side of the opening that the Swatter Rhynoc had been flying in, a name Elora was sure Spike would agree with once she told him about it, the pair discovered another Gardener Rhynoc that threw a pot at them, clearly trying to hit one of them in the process, though the pair were able to dodge the attack before Sgt. Byrd blasted him in the face, letting Elora pick up the gems around them as he blew apart the wooden door that was above them and flew through it, which was quickly followed by Elora jumping up to join him... before they came to a stop at the next area's opening, where it was easy to tell it was a cavern this time around, as Cpl. Gabrielle caught up with them.

"Sir, I have news!" Cpl. Gabrielle stated, causing the pair to turn towards her for a moment, even though Elora could tell that she wasn't being mentioned due to the fact that she wasn't part of the military group that Sgt. Byrd was the leader of, before she dropped one of the dragon eggs on the ground in front of them, "I've captured the enemy rations, however small it is. They won't be able to march far on empty stomachs."

Elora wanted to tell Cpl. Gabrielle that the Rhynocs that were invading this realm didn't need to eat like normal beings did, because they were creations made from gems, something that Spike had told her when she asked about it, but in the end she decided to just accept the stolen egg and quickly returned to where the siblings were sitting so she could drop it off, which she did in a matter of seconds and retraced her steps to where Sgt. Byrd was located, knowing that the siblings would check the egg out and wait till they were done exploring the realm to send it back home. Once she came to a stop by Sgt. Byrd they learned something interesting from Cpl. Gabrielle, as the Rhynocs that were in control of the next part of the base, the cave that was in front of them, had installed a metallic door that needed some pressure plates triggered so they could move forward, and, as it just so happened, there was one of the weights to their left. From what Elora could see there was one Swatter Rhynoc and two Gardener Rhynocs in the cave that they were heading down into, which seemed to have some lava inside it, but she made sure to keep her eyes open for any additional enemies that might be hiding at the moment as she and Sgt. Byrd headed into the area in front of them. While Sgt. Byrd blasted the flying Swatter Rhynoc out of the air, and Cpl. Gabrielle flew into the middle of the cave and floated at the top of the stone pillar, Elora glided down to the ground that one of the Gardener Rhynocs were standing in, and to do that she switched to her wings for a moment to get down there, before she dodged the flowerpot that was being thrown her way and then delivered an uppercut to her target, clearing another foe from their path.

Once she took that foe down she watched as Sgt. Byrd blasted the other Gardener Rhynoc into the wall and then did the same for a Swatter Rhynoc that was flying through the air, one that they hadn't seen earlier, but it wasn't long before all of their enemies had been cleared out and they were allowed to find the next caged Hummingbird that was hanging above the lava. A few moments later, once he had freed another member of his squad, Elora watched as Sgt. Byrd flew back up to where the weight was resting, the one that Cpl. Gabrielle had pointed out to them, and landed on top of it for a few seconds, which was when he picked up the weight with his feet, something that was rather interesting to see, before he flew down into the area that she was in and dropped the item he was carrying on one of the pressure plates. After that was done Elora found that the other one had been on a platform that one of the Gardener Rhynocs had been standing on earlier, where Sgt. Byrd flew over to it and picked it up as well, only to deliver it to the plates that were near the metallic door that was standing between them and the next area they needed to head through. Once that was done they watched as the door opened and revealed the cavern that they would have to traverse next, so the first thing they did was pick up the rest of the gems that happened to be resting around the cave that they had cleared out, and the moment that was done they headed into the next area, discovering that a new enemy, Rhynocs that were wearing what could be the gear of a firefighter, minus the helmet, and were trying to spit plungers out at them.

Elora took a moment to consider what she was seeing, because it seemed like they would be called Spitting Rhynocs if she followed the naming scheme that Spike had come up with over the course of his adventures, and the first one fell to one of Sgt. Byrd's missiles, to which she dropped down into the lower part of the area and kicked one of the two enemies that was in front of her. After that she dodged the plunger that was being sent her way, by the other foe that was in the area she was in, and then uppercut it in a matter of seconds, allowing her to drop two gems to the ground as she turned to see the other Spitting Rhynoc, the fourth and final one in this cavern, be blasted into the wall by another missile, which cleared out the area for now. From there Elora glanced at the ceiling of the area and found two Swatter Rhynoc and two of the tied up glass vases, to which she stood to the side and watched as Sgt. Byrd flew up towards the ceiling, where he proceeded to blast both of his new targets and take out the balloons that the vases were tied to, allowing Elora to pick up all the gems that fell to the ground, before discovering that the cave was cleared out of gems and enemies. Once that was done they headed for the opening that would lead them outside and found that there was a straw basket in their way, one that Elora smashed to get the gem inside it, before they headed outside and found Cpl. Gabrielle waiting for them, where she reminded Sgt. Byrd of the other type of missiles that he had access to, ones that he had to find in an area to use them and packed a bigger punch than the ones he was currently using.

Instead of picking the one that was near them up, even though Cpl. Gabrielle was reminding him about that skill, they headed down into the area that was right below where they were standing and found two of the Spitting Rhynocs standing in their way, where Elora jumped down into the area that was in front of the first one and kicked him in the chest, but this time she used the power of her Spring Jump Mode to knock him back into the second one, taking them both of them out in seconds. She was pleased to see that her attack had worked out quite well, especially since it took out two enemies at the same time, before finding a side passage that revealed two more Spitting Rhynocs, one on their lowered level and one up on a higher platform, and a Gardener Rhynoc waiting for them, to which Sgt. Byrd flew up into the air and blasted the highest foe in the face, allowing Elora to rush forward and dodge the pair of incoming attacks, the plunger and a flowerpot as it turned out, before kicking the Spitting Rhynoc in the face before landing and uppercutting the Gardener Rhynoc. That allowed her to clear out the area that she was in and start picking up all the gems that were scattered around the area she was in, minus the circular metallic chest that was nearby, while at the same time Sgt. Byrd flew up into the air and freed another Hummingbird from her cell. Once they had done that Sgt. Byrd flew over to where one of the more powerful missiles was resting and picked it up with his feet, where he returned to the area that was able the circular metallic chest and dropped the missile on it, blowing the entire chest away in a matter of seconds, allowing Elora to collect all of the gems that he freed, before they headed out to see where the rest of the missing Hummingbirds were imprisoned, since Sgt. Byrd knew there were two more that needed to be found.

In fact one of the things they discovered was a Swatter Rhynoc that was quickly blown out of the air, before the pair moved up to the new area that Cpl. Gabrielle happened to be floating in, which was right in front of the exit portal for this realm as Elora discovered, something that rested on the other side of one of the glass windows that allowed her to see that the siblings were resting near the entrance to this realm, before watching what was going on now.

"Mission accomplished! Its good to have you back, sir!" Cpl. Gabrielle stated, her tone revealing that she was happy to have her commanding officer back, or at least that was what Elora thought at the moment, before revealing another egg that she must have found while she was retreating from the front lines, something that Elora took since it needed to be delivered to the siblings.

As such Elora and Sgt. Byrd headed back to the area that the siblings were sitting in, though the reason that Sgt. Byrd was doing that was because he carried one of the more powerful missiles with him, so while Elora delivered the second egg to Spyro, Spike, and Ember, so they could check it out, he dropped the missile on the circular metallic chest that was along the way and blew a hole in the ground. That allowed him to fly down into a passage that had a few bits of lava and a pair of Gardener Rhynocs that seemed to be guarding something, who he quickly took out as Talon, who was following him for a few seconds, picked up the gems that he floated by, before locating another Hummingbird's cage and freed her as soon as he spotted the cage, followed by picking up the nearby gems and smashed the straw basket to get what was inside it. With that done, and there was nowhere else for him to go, Sgt. Byrd turned around and flew back to where Elora was waiting, as she had remained at the top of the new hole since she wasn't sure she could have made the jump back out, despite the power of her armor, but once the two of them were back together they headed back to where the exit portal was located, all so they could see what else their enemies had in store for them. It didn't take them long to reach the area in question, where they passed Cpl. Gabrielle and started to engage the enemies that were around them, which was when Sgt. Byrd flew into the air and started blasting all the Swatter Rhynocs that might be in the caves above them as Elora took on the pair of Spitting Rhynocs and the Gardener Rhynoc that was with them. Even from the lower area that she was in, which was near a river of lava, she could see Sgt. Byrd blasting a few enemies, be they Swatter Rhynocs or a few Gardener Rhynocs, before he flew out of part of the cave and loosed another missile at the area that was above the spot that Elora was in, where he took out a Spitting Rhynoc.

Once all of those enemies were taken care of, and the pair were sure of that, Sgt. Byrd spent the next moment or two blasting all of the balloons that happened to be holding a glass vase and let Elora pick up the gems that were inside them, as well as picking up some of the powerful missiles to blow up a few circular metallic chests that happened to be around the area they were in, all so Talon could pick up all of the gems that had been inside them, before looking down at the river of lava that Elora had been near. Since it was clear that Elora couldn't do anything about this, since the wings of her armor only worked for flying around the Flight Realms, Sgt. Byrd flew through the tunnel that the river was going through and eventually came to what appeared to be the end, where he discovered the fifth and final Hummingbird cage, to which he freed her from the cage that she was trapped in. Once that was done she thanked him for the assistance and revealed that she had retrieved an egg from their enemies, which she gave to him and caused Sgt. Byrd to pick it up with his feet so he could deliver it back to where Elora was standing, who smiled as she accepted the egg and wished him luck in training the Hummingbirds for their eventual battle with the Sorceress' forces, something that he might have allies for, since she was sure that Sheila and whoever the other captured allies were would help him out. A few moments later she tapped on the glass, to get the attention of Spyro, Spike, and Ember, to which they got up and headed through the portal that was right behind them, allowing them to return to Midday Gardens, before she did the same thing with the exit portal, as she was eager to really regroup with the siblings.

The moment they were back together Elora gave Spike the last of the eggs she had helped Sgt. Byrd recover from the Rhynocs that were, allowing him to check it before sending it off to the Dragon Realms as well, but instead of heading for one of the other new realms, like one would expect, they headed back to the hot air balloon and departed from Midday Gardens for a time, as there was something in Sunrise Spring for them to wrap up.

When they returned to Sunrise Spring, which was after a forty-five minute hot air balloon ride, the group climbed out of the basket and headed for the portal to Molten Crater, as it was time to see what was on the other side of the portal that was connected to Sgt. Byrd, because now that he had been saved from his cell they could see what else the molten realm had to offer them. There was also the sign Zoe had left behind near the castle, one that made them wonder if she might have found something for them to do, but they would check that out once they wrapped up their business in the land that the Tikis called home, since they were sure it had a few more eggs and gems for them to recover, especially since all of them were here to recover all of the stolen eggs. From what they could tell the residents of the various realms were out and about at the moment, socializing with each other as they talked about what had changed since the siblings and Elora had come to the Forgotten Realms, most of them still thinking that they were here to help Bianca restore the magic to the lands that everyone called home. It was interesting to see all of that, especially since it was clear that the Sorceress wasn't thinking about the needs of her people and Bianca seemed to be picking up that slack, where the siblings filed that bit of information away for later, because it was becoming more and more obvious that Bianca wasn't the same as her mentor and that maybe, just maybe, they could try to convince her to help them, instead of standing in their way and trying to stop them from getting the rest of the dragon eggs.

In the end they pushed that thought to the side for the moment and focused on the task at hand, where it didn't take them all that long to reach the portal to Molten Crater, nor did it take them all that long for them to make their way to the location of the portal that had been closed the last time they had been in this realm, which was thanks to the shortcut they had opened near the starting area of the realm, allowing them to pass through the portal that was their destination and found Sgt. Byrd on a stone platform on the other side.

"Oh, hello again, I'm reporting to a call for assistance." Sgt. Byrd stated, not even surprised to see that they were here, in the area that he had come to, before he gestured to the section of the realm they had been trying to get into, which was a lava filled area with several openings and a number of Tiki statues that were missing their heads, indicating that he had been called in to deal with that problem, "The Tikis of Molten Crater have a problem that they can't handle on their own, so they called me in to help them out... and who knows, maybe there are a few eggs here to recover."

"Well, we'll sit here and watch, since we can't do much like last time." Spyro replied, though that was a rather annoying fact of this adventure, that there were areas that they couldn't explore and would have to sit part of the adventure out as someone else gathered the eggs that they would have found on their own, though this time Elora sat down as well, as she could tell that this place was beyond her armor as well.

Sparx, Talon, and Cinder followed after Sgt. Byrd, collecting the various gems that were on the ground and platforms that their new friend passed by, before he blasted open a wall and found an egg right behind it, one that he grabbed and delivered to the group, knowing that they would make sure the egg was safe and sound before waiting for him to find the other egg that had to be in this area. The group then watched as Sgt. Byrd flew around the area that they were in, where he blasted the birds that were flying around some of the Tikis that were just standing still, and delivered the various heads to the beings that they were supposed to be connected to, where Spike took notes on what he was seeing at the moment, as when a head was returned to one of the still Tikis the individual in question came back to life. Based on what Spike was seeing at the moment, while Sgt. Byrd flew around the area, the magic that was animating the various Tikis seemed to be contained inside the stone heads that their friend was returning to the rest of the bodies, so it really didn't matter which body they were returned to, as the Tikis might correct that error on their own once all of the heads had been returned to all of the bodies. Spyro, Ember, and Elora had different levels of interest in what Spike was saying, since part of this was about magic and two of them weren't as attuned to that as Spike was, while Elora did have some level of knowledge on the matter, even if it wasn't anything like the scholar knew, but he was just fine with that, as he was more than ready to tell his siblings and Elora all about the magic that they might discover during their adventures.

It didn't take Sgt. Byrd all that long to go out and recover the couple of heads that had been scattered around the rest of the section of the realm they were in, nor did it take him more than a few moments to help the dragonflies recover the gems that were here, before the three of them determined that all of the gems had been collected, allowing him to return and be given some thanks by the Tiki that had called on him for assistance, resulting in another egg being given to them, where Spike ensured the pair of eggs were unharmed before sending them back home.

Once that was done the siblings and Elora bid Sgt. Byrd farewell for now and headed back through the portal that was right behind them, which would take them back to the main area of Molten Crater, and then made sure to head through the exit portal so they could return to the main part of Sunrise Spring, which was followed by them heading back to the castle that the hot air balloon was in. Of course that was when they noticed the sign again and found Zoe floating near it, where she informed them that she had located an egg and that only Sparx, Talon, and Cinder would be able to reach it, and she made sure to let them know that the magic of the dragonflies would bring the egg to them, so Spike could check it out before sending it back home, to which the siblings nodded their heads as they understood what they were being told at the moment. As such the dragonflies followed Zoe to a crawdad farm, leaving the group to take a seat once more as they waited for them to come back, though Ember closed her eyes and rested for a time, as it was better than just staring at a wall or something, while Spike and Elora went over what happened in Sgt. Byrd's base, just to make sure everything was written down the way Elora had encountered them, leaving Spyro to smile as he simply waited for his partner and his siblings' partners to return. Spyro was happy that Elora and Hunter had joined them in this adventure, as they had been rather helpful in recovering the eggs, and he was interested in seeing what might happen once they returned to Midday Gardens and traveled to the other homeworlds that existed in the Forgotten Realms, along with discovering what the Sorceress might have in store for them.

After a time Spike found that two hundred more gems were added to his Bag of Holding, the one that contained all of the gems they had recovered so far, informing them that the dragonflies were doing good, and not a few seconds later Zoe returned with Sparx, Talon, Cinder, and an egg, to which Spike checked it out and found that everything was all right, before sending it back home, something that was followed by the group returning to the hot air balloon and heading off for Midday Gardens once more, as it was time to explore a brand new realm once more.

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